HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-11, Page 3STEPS IN 'TIME-' Twenty YearS ago as the ehildrea left St, Paul's Church',,*fter,•a ••speCtial,service %wi there, t alropped.,:a button badge. This • ,week the: hadge -was finind',1*'lii,diginea.. who, removed the old wooden. SOPS; * from *Abe 'church's la main "• doorway. ,The bialge„.w0nAby..childree: through- out Commonwealth 'at that' time, bcniaMemorated. thc Corona- tion 'of George yr and4aeert carried '-the • date 1937; ' 0;7. , . PotiE',44tosstbiniclas, 'we under= stand,`' figs,, put • put, en • unOffreiel golf challenge to anyoae,.....who cani • d'aplitate recent` drive ,Seems--Roas. drove. a ball frOns the :first.. 'tee ..of, the'," Wingham course thinagh the ,front .door of the Ielith's, bier sheit,-,througn a side, veindOW,--4eyer the 1100dary fence and .out .of bounds 'into a nearby, field: The boys at the club-, house ;have awarded 'him .the ,"rtice slice" medal, of •the •month: • 0 - O.- 0 ', UP IN THE AIR-..Russell Zur- : brrigg :and, his, astistaet, seem to be. feind,,Of.'the high Spots, Not .long age, .they„.eorn pieted, ;napaini. jea M • the bnifech „Qh ti rah., whiela ,rewlired Catitiderable Climbing ,00 Mon. dayi "they Put, up saaffolding,tp the top' !s;t:,he Prunewichi fo . Strietiy'• "r; : biro"; . . hanaa:Interirried,(04'-411m!airition of "*. Co ' a:aA'at. *aerni....firials with South. .,Atik ti,n ;4 hpst of three, 'series. • Games aiCzeheduled.fcie Wednes- €1iW,ITid'',F.,0elai of this Week, the setorid,game being in ,Whigharrt.'. " NAMED .PRESIDENT-At a colt- Tharnins' on Sep-, • tember 12'and,13, Dr, G, W. Burg- .. Min, of *irk'snil Lake, son of yr. aad,Mta, W. F., BurgMan of was. elected •Pretident of the Dental, , 'of. Northern Ontario .,•' el9;GAGIE10$10,.a., and 'MeS;;Hrirry•l3rowhe Jr.,. Wingharn, iDataricK:iintibunce the engagenient- of thelf daUghter,, Doroth :'Eleanor, to 'Mr. Kenneth 'Saxton,' ten 'of- "Mr, arid Mts. Ken- neth ,Sekton,.[ Wingham, Ontario, The Wedding Will fake place on Saturday, SepteMber 28th, at 3 p.m., St; Piturs Anglican Church, Whighani. Fllb ENCIAGEIWEI4IT Mr,' and Mrs.. Richard Bennett, of Gortie announce the engage- meat of their daughter, Beryl Etelyn, to Mr.. Sydney George Siiider;aon of Mr.. and :SI'S, Milton Snider, of Matra, Marriage to ." take place on Saturday, October 5, it.a o'cloeit in St:, Stephen's Angli- can Chureh, Gerrie*, 'F1141 NOTICE A reception Will 'be held at the Royal ill on NEOnday'evening, Sept- ember i6th for .and Mrs. Gordon Boas.' (the foriner Beta *doe), Ladies. Please bring lunch. Ei)erycitie weleoine. F11*, "Coate into the Kitchell" with AI& l4S!' of CKCO-TV on 'Tuesday, September 17th, at 8,80'in the Com., 1, *unity Hall, . perrief• Sponsored by the`Gitild, bf $1, Martha (Angli- can), ,Prizes, tannissiOn 40 cents. F11* CI in the 'chair: members we; present. " garding t:tie date for the offleilg polling of the new four-room Ektt's,‘ ditioo to the school, Mr. Reid OK members Friday evening, Oe , ober L4,it csetasidfe;: the official opening ceremony, i which will be performed by May or H 10, McKinney.. After ' eerem,ony the new Section will be e, open for 'inspection by the'„public, halidebeaeinso coamni)poleutnecd de forthait dinner to be held before the opening the Pew wing . The dinner,' which ' will, be attended by the architeet; contractors, 'school board 'members and teaching staff is to be held at '9,30 in the Wiagham Legion Home, Main speaker at the. dinner Will %4 J. H. Kinkead, public school. in- spector: , 'Mr. Reid told board meinbers that there had, been an increase of PoPna at the public school Sine, the closing in June of this year, After the. business meetiae the board' menihers inspected the hew addition "a.,,ed'. voiced their aPpiwial of .the arehiteeture and the excel- lent workrintnshIP of the anterior fittings antvteor; An announcement was made re, AIDES GRADUATE AT HOSPITAL On Friday ten nursing assist' ants at, the Wingham General Hosi• pital dompleted their' .tea-mOnth course.. Many parents and frieada of: the assistants geadhatiag. at- tended a social rnee,tintheld'at, hospital*. with ' inatrlictor;; Mn."O Dorothy • Anderson ,and pii.al, in charge of.,the.proceedings. . Tiles completing. OR 'coarse were: ..Tean ,Tiverton; Dlxiu thintiara poinc3, Edward; Noreen'," ElltvOod,, Sarnia; Patricia Ea iMt,lValkeri m on; Coe Verheef, Clinton; Pau line Schwass, Port 'Elgin ;, Au& '8‘9eetnian .Sar- nia; Margaret' Martin "Ethel.; Mel- da 44..Thedforelve Kathleen. Mostey; *St,,Marys:,. Accepts Position Miss Patricia Carmichiel. ,dangh- ter of Mr. and Mia.' PST- michaei of Wingham, recently com- pleted a course at Westervelt Col- lege and has accepted position as medical secretary, at W,esimin- star Hospital in London. Jenkins Ed Marsh, G.eOrge'FOwIer, Wm, MeKenzie 'and Jde Bel-1;1'0(1dr. The' :floater beare'r's -Wei* ,Andy Scott, Stewart A,.'Sobtt,' Walter. Stewart' and Win.' SeeWnit, With which is "Tosigamated WilN9HAIW, 011I1,4$19,' Qorrie. Vidette Wtexeter :News EONCSDAY, .SEVrEIVOSIER 11, ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The redostrian PlaSENTATION iC pene Rally bay' services took plaee at ,,he areal 'carps . of the Salvation ' Arrey„'iatt • .week-end' •,. • , ,. • Visitars:. who i, were largely . ; re- spenSibla for, .; the 1 tecaegs , of. the, ''Vge4.7'.°41,-:' ..r. .01-MIWAcig,:;',,iPOtiglasa „I' Gilib; ht,;6yiney, -Australia; and' his 'Maori, cOmaanion, 'Muri 'Thompson, , night Hie* Ilespeler Band , of' the •UNERAt -.SATURDAY • of . • dew ' Zealand, On Saturday Salvation Army gaii'o* real ;assist- ' ' ' . , . • He was born at Seaforth 60 years ago, a son of the' late Mr. and Mrs, Addison , Illegston and came, to ;Wingham With.bia,parents at the age of;, five.,,' at, the local public 'Mid 'high Schools, he served driiing the Plitt World War, with 'tlie',Engineering. Carps. On August 28,;1923, he •Waa'rnarriecl to Minnie' Mai•sliall, .'Teeswater, Who survites.;'W. IllngSton Was employed ;atr the Western FOundry for 30 'years as a sheet metal worker, retiring iii' 1946, Always actively interested ,in the community, he had been a keen supporter of various sporting groups. He was a life member of the Wingham Branch of the Cana- dian Legion and was' secretary of the' organization for several years. Until recently he was clerk of the 'Division Court in Winghana, He was a Mernbler of the United Church, Addison Llny,d 'Hingston ;a' well- known resident *of ,thit community, died at the:Wingnarn General Hos= pital last ' ThifisdaY' after 'a - long illness.: Surviving , in addition to his wife. are a daughter, Mrs, Ross (Grace) Anderson, Wingham, and a son, Rennetli, Hingston, Regina, and eight gratidehtlitreh; three sisters and one .-brother, Mrs, Cora Haw- kins, Toronto;'' 'Mrs. Thomas .(Carrie) Cruiekthank and Mrs, Wilfred (Mary). Arthur, 'both of Winghani and Clifford Hingston, Guelph. ' • The funeral service was held at the Walker fluterat home at 2 p.m. on Saturday with' Rev. p, 3, Mac- Rae officiating. and interment was made ]it-'the'Wingham. Cemetery. Legion seri/led 'Writ held Friday evening at '9 p.in, The pallbearers Were Mel, Keating, A M2 Peehlem, Welter VanWyelt, Dick Butbrildge, Percy Harris aird Lloyd Carter. COFFEE, DIGEST-The boys in a certain main drag coffee shop *re still'rlaughing over ,tite,„craek fl adstheir incirplyCtete.a." tete. by a. casual "Peffeeaaan!? who, betWeen sips,. referred, to the boys in. the''Porner as ; .`a bunch of booth pilots flying their, inflated kites -into . a great big, wall of .ira digestion?'" Quite an early" morning mouthful. 0 - 0 - 0 , W,ermworth announced this week DOUBLE-BARRELTIME-ROes. that the duck 'Minting season wui , begin on October ath and continue until Deceritheialfth. The.lirnit. has been set at, eight. 0"." 0 "- 0' ' • Regular St -idea? services *ere held at the Citadel on Edward Street, and were under .the, direc,, lion of Eevoy G, S. NeWernia4 The visitors brought special. 'intialeiti numbers, and Muri Thompson 'yea the guest ',streaker at the morning and, evening services. • --* • Doug Gibb was the speaker at thd afternoon' rally, and he again captitated his young hearers, .by his realistic presentation of subject. *Mr. and Mrs; S. Drink. water of Torofito algb assisted musically throughput the clay; on piano and electric guitar. Honors in 'Spanish Hugh Sinnamon, son of Mr, and. Mrs. Hugh Wingitain, teacher at Stone Selia01, received word last week that he had taken first chits honors In his examina- tions in Spanish 1 and Spanish 10 hi the Six week's .sttnirrier Course, at Western University, 0 Staf f Change At Wingham Bank .rimNewman was transferred froth the .Wingham branch of •the Toronto-Derninion Bank to the bank's Elmira branch this' week. He has been a Member of. the e to Repeat. Next Year Jack Reavie, incoming president of the Lions. Club,, presided,,o.F hit fl rst Mee Ling 2tfiat' •.ceripacitY.- at. the Hotel Brunswick on• Mon-. day evening. Most Important feature 'of ' the gathering-Was a full .discussion of the annual, Ftentier, Days - event *which it sponsored' by the club and which took place at the Labor Day Week-end, Many of the members present' expressed opinion on the way in which the event has been handled in the* past and offered, suggestions 'for improvements which can. be Made to make FrOn2 Her Days more Interesting for -the public, and if possible to raise a. somewhat larger amount for ,the Lions' welfare work .tin the ccim-. munity. , • Chib treasurer -Herman Welticked and -Lion Wilbur ,Tiffin gave a re= port on the'ekodetecl financial re- sult .'of the 1957: event. Lion ,,"Dpe", Cruielashank gave, a detailed report Of the work of his committe in connection With FrOrt. tier Days ,and 'was accorded a hearty, Lions' "'roar" for the fine leadership' and vast amount of personal effort he had contributed to the erVent'tiii*year!ik chairman Of ahe?'gea.ertil,Pdriintittee. It ,was- linanimorialy." decided to stage iFrontier:Days'again in 1058, since there wax overy'evidence this year that the public is still in- terested in attending the various functionS which take" place at that time, Lion Harry 'IVIcArthur acted as. Lion Tamer during the Meeting,' assisted by Lion; Dee Miller' as tail twister: Lion jack McKibben spoke of the work of 'the Cancer Society in this area and asked the support of all. Lions in this very worth- While undertaking, He said that the annUal meeting will be held oh October 4t11,1 FIRE DESTROYS GREENOCK CAR Damage estiMated 'at nearly 0,060 was tatised when a car be- longing to Clarmice Arnold, rt.m. 1, Greeneek TOViaiship, caught fire near' the farm of Harry Adtnts, WrOXeter, on Monday. Mr, Arnold, who was travelling to his 'home In ,;Citeenock, said he rioticed stnelte coming from the 40h-hoard 'of the 1957 Meteor be was 'driving and tiled to get tai a garage about halt a mile away bitt had 'to abandon the :eke when tier'. atiloke became so thick he could not• see: Ho put iti a tall to the Whig:intim fire department from' rile ;home of Harry Adams, When' M'r, Arilehl. returned 'to 'his, ear he found it burning and he. was unable 'te salvage any of, his, 'belongings, 0MT IODOE:' mENES,RECER • MOW MRS.' Right W040111)41/ Brother Them. • Brown, Of ?Forest Lodge _No. 102, WroXeter,- a Past , district deputy • .rnaster, received a bar to his lorlig-service medal denoting fifty years as a past district 'de- puty grand master, at the ;lodge meting held In WrOxcter. Monday' evening. Tire presentation was .inade before a large gathering of Masons frOrn the district, by Right Worshipful Brother Peter Moffatt, of TeetWater, D.D.G,M., of the North Huron District, There are ;only three or four holders of thlt jeWel in -Ontario. Brother Albert Edward. Dustow, of Forest Lodge,, and a resident of Gerrie was also presented with an award by R, W, 13, Moffat. 'Mr. ]Dustow, who joined the Forest Lodge in June, 1957,•wat presented with lila jubilee medal 'marking 50 years as , a Mason, •• BELORAVE SCHOOL FAIR TODAY 13dg-rave's 37th .annual School Fair will -take place today (Wed- nesclay) with schools from East Wawanaeli, 'Hallett, Morris and West „WaWanosh taking part. In all, twenty-two' ,schooll,, Will be Irepre- Sented at the event. AttkaetkinS' at the fair will in- clude displays , of flowers, fruits, vegetables, grain . and, childreres project work. in the Belgrave com- munity centre, while on the out- side there will be events featuring livestock, with calf and pony races and shows as' the highlights. One of the special events during the afternoon Will be the North I-Iuren 4-H Swine Club's judging cpmpetition, which is scheduled to take place at 1,30 p,m, The coulee-, tition is ender the supervision of I the Ontario' Department of. Agri- ' culture and is sponsored locally by North: on Junier Fariners, the club leaders in charge being Chas: Coultes of 13'elgrave and Arnold Cook of R.,A, 1 Belgrave. The compel:106as of the fair in- speakcingi for children in• .grades 7 arid 8 'With six Cash prizes for the Winners and' a pub lie speaking contest" for pupliS ,grades 5 and 8 with the same ber of prizes offered; spelling con- tests; recitations and, a school parade in Which all schools will take part. There will also be a; pro- gram of sports and races inunecii- ately following the parade. ' The committee members respon- sible for the school fair are: How- ard Campbell, past president; Geo. Michie, president; Stewart Procter, sec.-treas.; J. H. Kinkead, 13.S.; Douglas H. Miles, agricultural rep- resentative for Huron County and Arthur Bolton, assistant, represent- ative. • ,3IAITLAND I.O.O.F. LODGE MEETING The regular meeting of the Mait- land I.O.O.F. 'Lodge, No. 119 will be held on September, 19 at' 8.30 p.m. Nomination and election of officers will be held,, All members are urged to attend. nab Vic LouOlean is Maple Leaf Guest , Vie Loughleart will be leasing next week td attend, tht Toronto ,Maple Leaf hockey club's training I camp at •Sudbury, ;Vie, who has been scouting for the famous club for the past five years, has been a guest ,at their training camp dur- ing the past and received an invi. tation from R. 4, Davidson, the club's chief earna, to take part In the training camp program this yseuaarb.w.l:yie leaves on Monday. for CANCER SOCIETY UNITS' :DIVIDED The 'regular monthly meeting of the Perth-Huron unit of the Can- lichen Cancer Society was held last, week' in Goclerielt with representa- tives pfesent frOin all nine branch- es-Stratford, Mitchell, Clinton, St Marys, -Goilerieh, Wingham, LIS- towel and Milverton,` John,XeKib ben, Mrs. Chris Newman and ,M155" Frances Newman attended froin: the local branch. a.„ Mr. Grimes, secretary of the On- tario division, of the Canadian Can- cer Society, was ,the guest speaker. It was, he said, the thought of division headquarters, that the un- it had done outstanding work in its four-year existenee, It was felt that if the two counties decided it was time to form ' two 'units thiS would be' a good' opportunity. Delegates, from each .county spoke and later' voted,' to form separate' In fixture Wingham will °P... mate as a eranch of the new.Hur., on unit, The 'division, will bet-rule effective at the -annual meeting of. :the sieMhiee,d' anitaato held"Ilt asteWel tin October.' unit Will have' Its. own ,.exe- ciotve, Members from each branch' in the respective counties.. 1,7he Huron unit will be -made up of branches in Wingham, ,GOderich, Exeter,. Clinton. and Sea- forth. • • • The annual meeting of the Wing.' ham braneh. will be :held in the council *Chambers at eight o'clock on Friday, October 4th. It is hop- ed that all people interested in the work of the Wingham and Dis- trict Branch of the Canadian Can- cer Society will turn out for this important meeting. The bi-monthly cancer clinic re- cently inaugurated at the Wingham General Hospital has opened for the local branch a very real and, useful service. People interested and willing to work are urgently invited to the annual meeting on October 4th. The Presbyterian Young People'd Society of the Synod of Hamilton London held their annual fall coun- cil meeting, last week-end in, St. Andrew's (Thumb; Wingham,. Two 'representatives from waih of the nine Presbyteries In the Synod met with members of the Synodi- cal executive do discuss Plans for YPUtig PeoPle's Work in the Synod. ,Discussion centred around plans for the annual fall rally which, last year, was held .in Wingham. :This year, the, fall rally will be held, on Thanksgiting week=end in Knox Presbyterian -Church, Dundas. Rev. D, Evans from Ingersoll Will be the guest speaker. • During the peat week-end, coun- cil met for three sessions and on Saturday and Sunday they enjoyed meale prepared by the Ladies' Aid: Of St; Andrew's', Wingham. Council adjourped, Sunday afternoon and the yoang People returned to their homes in Windsor, Hamilton, Lon-. Thorold, Deadas, Tiverton and 'Wingham. Mrs. Henderson Was Active Worker The 'death, of a , beloved citizen of this community, Mis.' W, j, Ben., derson, occurred at the Wingham General Hospital on Saturday afternoon, She had been ill for about four weeks, • Mrs, Henderson, who was a faithful member of St, Andrew's Presbyterian, Church, was a paSt president of the Wianen't .Misslon- ary Society and a life member of organization: ,She,.was. altaa a Past; president and life anenibercef the Wiegharns Women!:Institute,' Born at , Puslinch, Pntariao.,85" years ago,, she Wag' ',the :former, Margaret Ann 'SteWart,: daughter of the late 11/fr. and' Mrs. John Stewart, After her. 'marriage she resided with her husband on the Henderson fan-b. in IVIorHs Town=' ship, just east of Wingham ton Highway V. Surviving besides her has band are two step-sons, Thoinas, of Mer- ris and George, of Wingham, Two brothers and a sister also survive: Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, Saskatoon; Gordon Stewart, RR. 1, Galt and Hewitt Stewart, Aberfoyle, OM, Funeral service was held from the R, A. Currie & Sons feneral home at 2,30 'on, Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev.' Alexander Nimmo, DD., with intcrement. in . Wingham "Cemetery. The pallbear, ers were George Tervit, Murray Porrner ReMcien't Married 25 Yea. rs Mr, and Mrs, Norval Stirnare Welton ciiiehriated the 25th 1011%1* versary, of their marriage at their home on Sattirday When they held open house. both afternoon and evening. Mr, and Mrs, StiMore received many lovely gifts, including a chest of tilVer.' They greeted a hest of friends Wingharn, Toronto, Niagara, Tiverton and WM* ton, The bride Of )2ii years ago was formerly Nettie itOrtith, of Wing- ham, daughter of the 'late Mr, and Mrs, John *Muth, ,. ance at opert..air. and indoor ser- vices.. „ • 'ti • , nder the 'ehairManShiP of Dr., Alexander, Nimmo,prograrn,\ held, at the Wingham ; Wingha town hall, attracted 'an atfilienee of ;approxi- mately 300 people. It 'was titled' a "Christian . YoaCh Night", and started with a Western Gospel film, entitled "The Dapger Trail". As 'tills film included many scenes of wild animal life, it proved of real, interest to the 'young, •people In 'the audience. FOlimeing the film, 'EnvOy Start- ler-Newmah, commanding officer of :the -Wingham Corps, introduced the; visitors and they piloted. the remainder of the -program. Musical harmonica' on haronica" and piano accordion, were given, and a very lively presentation, of lesser known Bible story held the atten- tion of all who attended, and will not soon be forgotten. li3ANt1A lIN WAJTEtititittili A. dance Will be held in White- church Memorial Hall on Friday, Septeinber 13 trent 10 pin, with TIffin't Orchestra, Admission 50e. Public Sehbol children free. Pro!, seeds are fOr the Bantam', ball team; There,be a lunch tolinter and eVeryOne is welcome, Wingham staff' for' the past eigh. VIVONEWS INSTIVIITt ' • teen months. II The WOMen's inatitute Will meet in the tunnel!, phahthof; 'Timm. .Septernbr( ibtho at 16 tint, AlliMii1A;(416 With the program ,eonVehera, Mrs g',.Betteiibri and Mrs, 11, Aitthisott; the. fall run-image sale sponsored MOtto,, OroWth by Mrs, C. Bower; by the Ladies' Auxiliary to" Wing. talk and pictures' by Roger 'Item General ReiSpital wilt be held SehVVaSsi a skit by the Junior ICL in the Wingham AO:1101.'10g MI Sat. Aitute girls, Roll tali, A *cod. I# lliday~ ,,brditY afternoon, October Iihritese Conyoner, Mrs; Joke, A.' EVeryinte Is asked to asest, 1 t 9 h 1, Pith. project, 1.411) • ght '.Wor. Bro. Peter Moffat. D.D.pr,M., of 'Tccavyatcy pin. bar, ,,ta the ,long service Medal wo 'Bight Wor. Bro. Theinas Browe, of the Fo5est.I.O(tg,ealWro,Xeter, While watched by pro. Albert Ifl,"Dust w, who received a 00-year Thomas, service medal' at a.double -preSentation held at the Forest Ledge, 1pyroke er, on' Monday evening,, Between them the two nten, ha,ye wale:Sortie record; Of 115 Years, Mr, BrOwn became a Mayon in 1892, Mr. Dustow. in 1907. ' '; ' .-Advance-Times plieto. NINE PRESBYTERIES :REPRESENTED •AT NfilIAM MEETING "koting PeoplPs 8, M. Scott Payne and '1?invoy 0, S. Newman, of theMurl Salvation Arilly Wingharns have a word With internationally famous held the Wingham Public School SA held on 'Monday evening:V Spott geld, :chairman of the Ong • -general .'bUsiness ,meeting, Was SALVATION, ARMY ENTERTAINERS ' horripson and Doug Gibb after The t.tecossful tally cotton the IA/Ingham town, hall. on Saturdas, ,'photo,