HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-04, Page 12LIFETIME SEOPRIT'Y a Can- ada pie special contract pro-, vitiing Life In/nuance and Pen- sion Option ,all in one policy available • from age 0 to age 55; - Consult— FRANK,C; HOPPER A flower bedecked auto with a Dutch windmill was entered by Holland Gardens for: Saturday's parade. This picture of the colorfulentry was taken as the floats assembled before the procession,. .along Josephine to_the town park, —Adv,ahce-TimeS photo, iiipt4mber 4*, uto AdPntee-,T'intasi Vittr'e~ lien DQKf•TYBRQOK--The Ontario , C. Vatted Church manse„ Clinton r*,„ the ,oceaa of 41/let event on AMA logast nth, at five o'olaels, 414 nev, grant Mills united 'I.n Kehaild XvioVittle of 1/1/01 and Mrs, Olive Allen, of Chilton. The bride was attired in lkilirirMS et navy blue Preach crepe, With beige hat and matching eg7* 0,010ries. • j TI couple will reside hi Blyth., „ArAikkrna was giving the recent 1;..ride * heart-to-heart task. "Ohild. I hope your lot's goin't be easier than mine," she said. "All my. Wadded days I've carried two bur- dens; pa, and the fire. Everythne t*i:re' turned to leak at one, the ?they has gone out," t.YC.EUM Theatre Two shows each night First at 715 GOSPEL HALL EATIP‘itJ R?g,ular Pandey f!ervieee Sunday fehael *MN R00anitlli0t100 the i,,Ord 001100I Meeting at, /40 p.m, Each. WhoredaY evening 0 004.1 Prn-Yer Meeting and Bibla 0144Y Gathers . p 142 O'NS- AL, • For 89th Birthddy Mrs, J, J, Moffatt celebrated her 89th birthclnty ,on Thursday, Aug-' -7-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tomlinson and Sheila, of Streetsville spent, the week-end with her 'parents, Mr. Mrs, W. R. Hamilton. Robert Tomlinson returnee to Streetsville after spending his holidays with his grandparents. . " • Ianville Hammertoe, local photo- grapher, returned this week from Winona, ,Indiana, where he had taken a seven-day course in elec- tronic . flash photography at the Winona School of Photography. —Among the CNE visitors on . Thuraday' last were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood and family; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Scott, .and family; Mr. Douglas Aitchison and son, Larry; Mrs, Horace Aitchison; brought forth eonsiderable dis7 the TommunitY'•and expressed the. cuSsion, with the members divided opinion that every business man in on the best method of introducing the ' town should belong to, the extra shopping hours. One group group and attend its meetings. favored remaining open all 'Wed- nesday afternoons in December prior to Christmas, and the Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday evenings immediately , before the' roliday. 'The others -Were in .favor if remaining open all Friday and Saturday evenings in the month' Until Christmas, as well ,as the Monday and Tuesday evenings in Christmas week. It was - finally 'decided that all' business men , in the community' who 'are affected by the Christ- mas trade will be contacted per-, aohally and given an opportunity to Vote on the matter by ballot- Clare Cantelon volunteered to se- lect a committee and cOncluet•the vote, . , The contentious question of vvhe- tiler o,r net the stores in Wing-, ham should remain open on Fri- may or Saturday 'evenings next 'was. raised and discussed in every possible detail. Upshot of the if.',P, 1VreKibbOn suggested that the Business Association organize yeark the Opening night of the a public meeting for reaidents of Frontier' bays 'event Was did- both town and country areas, at appointing, An interesting and which a'. panel discuasioit would be 'somewhat. eitpenSive program, had held on any Matters relating to been arranged, Starring' Joan Pair.: thd problems Which are 'Mutually fax of televialon•• fame', but the interesting to the two groups, u turnout was small.' was liis plan that a panel of three r Friday 'ttr" ringed especially .for the riling- fairners and three' business men stern, saw. dezena of fine entiriCa could be refereed by P:lb earbert L - iw r epresentative, in an effOrt to art the dart of -parents,, oG COX and the agricultural demo of a great deal. 'Of hard wok itft c over cos unioS evveveyo Y3o "b`ing about better understanding. prograth Which Waal picsonted het'Weelt town and country people, •,at, the towir .park for the kiddies, drew very few actalta. ICWas led A coittmittee Composed 6f I• by the 13-elkrave Pipe Band and the Lions 13oYs' and'Girls' fgand, - Prontict Oneett -Ova 'MacDonald was gellie,ted at the' Friday Fifter,, noon event, and in tile evening. Mr and Mrs', Walter Woods of turn- berry were'soletted as the Frontier Couple ,during the Prentier /3all ttt ettibbon, Elinor Wilkinson arid Warren Callan was named to call Till ;unpaid members iri-413 effort trr fill out the aSSOciatiocirs member- ship to its normal utiottil, 13efere the Meeting elOSed MaYor IL /11, Meginney spoke briefly on 3rd, Winghlan General Hospital. • Horse Show A, new feature at the park this year %was a horse show in which were Shown many of the fine arii-• mals which ,Irad taken part, in the parade. Judged by George Tervit and. T. A. Clinic, ;the winners were:' „ * -First in both Saddle and parade: Classes was Billy the Kid, ridden by Jim Currie of AtWood. 'Mounts from the Harold Best stables at Flosherton and those of garold Clark of Crantoif took, the, re- mainder Of the prizes. . One of the meet interesting per- tiOne of the, afternoon's program 1was the musical drills pr4)sented by the Durham. Girls' Band, whose 'Precise mationvres dreW rapt atten- tion and spontaneous applauSe frOrn the crowd of about 2,500 adults and phildren in the park. Several ether high, elaSs enter- tainment acts Were also presented natter WAs that Lee Vanceagreed to head committee which will an d,t3in cd nrcrt, under tho'3404ag of Johnny Brent Contact all husiness men 'to aster- 1' the arena 4aS,filled irr the even- taro their 1,Vishes in the matter at ,ing for the brOadeast- progratii of the end of the year, the decision of the C 1- KNX arn Dance group, to the majority to be flnt5,1 which had been added several ek • Ira a.rtitta, Dancing Polloveed the program - until midnight, , 8low ,Start AS had heerr.the base in PreVious Fruiel rioposed ••. A live lainb added a touch of origina.litY to this ,float entered. by.C. Lloyd 'and Son, Ltd., dopibting• favourite nursery ',rhymes. Among, the nursery characters on the prize winning fldat are--Sadr. and Jill, Three Men In A Till) and Little, Bo Peep. • ., —Advance-Times photo. , Frontier Days (Continued from' page one) Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept, 54-7 Dirk I3ogarde, Marius Goring I In 1;1111 Met. By Moonlight' Humour and thrills in this true !story "if how a German Genera `was kidnapped in war-tinu. Greece. 4W0.0," Tires, Wed., Sept. 9-10-11 THEATRE CLOSED :Thom, Fri., .Sit.; Sept. 12-13-14 Tames Stewart, June Allyson `.!The Stratton Story" A stirring huinan-interest drama **tont the life of Monty Strat- ton, the Chicago Whiter Sox baseball +pitcher. .Mon., Tues., Wed, Sept. 16-17-18 THEATRE CLOSED Thura., Fri., Sat., Sept. 1940-21 Marilyn Monroe, Don Murray in "BUS STOP" fedult entertainment) ,A !comedy about a naive young cowhand who falls in, love with , An entertainer in a saloon. • Moit.; Tiles, Wed., Sept 2341-25 THEATRE CLOSED Um, Fri:, Sat., Sept 26-27-28' ' :Jayne Mansfield, Dan Duryea in "THE BURGLAR" (adult entertainment) crime melodrama filled with iuspense and excitement with Jayne. Mansfield as one of the '.Fang members who falls in love • with .• renegade policeman. 11.110111111MEgialinli r Sanders for, reni • •at • ALEXANDER'S "HARDWARE FRESH BAKED :FOR TASTY EATING HamburgorWiener Buns REMINGTON'S I.G.A. Get Thru the Skin to Pain' itgAALL 1-1 111 New medical diSdo'VOY for ' Telleving muscular aches and pains, • ,only' $149 SiblitY-lAtii GOWN* McKibbOns —Mrs. Carman Coutts and Jaughters, Barbara and Marianne 4 Ottawa visited or a few .days est week with Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Courts. —Mr, and Mrs, Brian Groh and Kathie of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bridge and Marianne of l'oronto were week-end visitors with the ladies' mother, Mrs. Roy MacDonald. Mr, Angus MacKay of fasper, easkatchewan visited at ,he same home for a few days. —Visitors at the home of Mrs. ,Sttfpcly last week were, Mr. and Mrs. M. Allan of Auburn,' Mr. Hervey McGee, North 'Bay, Mr:and Ars. Bill Sturdy and family, of .)wen Sound, -and Mrs. Allan Mc-, vfanus and baby, of Stratford. and Mrs. W. E. Wielding .were week-end and holiday guests of relatives in St. Thomas. They were accompanied home by the 'ormer's aunt, Mrs, M, J.'Minahan, -)f St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Pattison, Cathie and Jimmy spent the h,oli- lay with friends in Galt. —Mr. and Mrs. W..A. Elliott and Uncle spent the week-end in OWen Sound with Rev. 1-1, L. and Mrs. 2arker. •- - —Mrs. W. Mitchell and grand- laughter, Susanne Mitchell,' of Carlow, spent the holiday week-end' with Mr, and Mrs. Gibson Rintoul and family, John St, --Mrs, B. H. Miller, of Detroit, returned hot& after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs, .3. G. Gannett, Mr, Gannett and family, • —Mrs. Kirby Williams of Cooks - vine itad*Miss Martha Orr of To- ronto spent a few days last week with Mr's., W. H. Haney and 'also visited with Mr, and Mrs. Stafford Bateson. Visitors with Mrs, C, Bilitchforcl over the holiday Were Lt. and Mrs. L, R. Eldridge Of Barrie; Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Eldridge and Edward, Mrs, Norma Wright and Lance and Mr. Harry Humble, all of Toronto. Golf Bridge There were five tables in, play' at the Golf. bricige 'on Thursday August 22, with winners being first, Mrs. W. J. Greer, seceru Mrs, H. V, Pym, and mystery prize, Mrs. W. Isbisterr For las' Thursday, the prize winners were: first, Mrs. W. J. Greer; second Mrs. J. W. McKibbaon and.'.tat mystery draw went to Mrs. Geo Howson Store- Hours (Continued from page one) Girls' Band would be invited, tc provide Music for the .occasian. Bert ArMatrong will head committee to call. on non-members of the /Business Association for donations toward this community wide Christmas t prornetion. The date far* Sahta Claus vial( was set for Nov. 30th, the las Saturday in the month. • Various committees were name(' to 'take charge 'of the details o' this event: Band and •,„transporta. tibn, Norman Wei-Wood, Len Craw- ford, John Pattison; bagging, E< Edighoffer and the food'store -own- ers; decorating, Warren Caller and Hugh Carmichael, December Hours The question of store hours dUr ing the month of December • New York, have just returned from a trip to the Gaspe Penin- sula, En route they, visited the ghost town as • well as the new' model town of Iroquoid, At Corn- wall a bus trip, conducted by the Ontario Hydro Commission, was taken where Work on the power houses of the St: Lavvrence Seaway Project was seen. • Master David Langridge return- ed to his home last week after Spending a holiday with his grand-- 'parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. F. Lang- ridge, near Belgrave, SERVICE EY°,_.1'``h ) Of ) 74,44:.•44a#01- • (7442., 38J_( A -DISCOUNT given on 11-; all orders of ,Storm WIncIo*s derin4 the '• • ' MONTH OF -.SEPTE*Ell We will' e,-/11:4.' winsiourP..if • • • cAMPRELL..,4:-.00101.UIT Wingham Phone abrk A. :-are'.on:diSplaY at Edighoffers and what a:BEAUTIFUL 'SELECTION ▪ ' or ,wool with tetion or rayon and are priced,at ' E .ii " Woollens are possibly the most popular of OIL Fell Fabric", I N woollen materials. These heavy fabrics are available in: all wool I over the very attractive tweeds, plaids and 'mail shades in plain i so suitable for Skirts Suits,, luinfiers etc. You'll want to look is $L98 .$2.98 $3.50 ,„,',., $4.50 1 - — • . ei • " „a. • .0thet oopt.iim• Inondi Chforneoplffig, NOVelty Weaves, 1)siveteenk (Corduroys yOU'll thrill at .the , • beautifu': shades, So .politiler Vir - °tot th.. • .• --••1 1 • ' • '• • -4? :a av e sees cep rorn ,, • !. • • • • I! Not td tie torgotten are the many patterns hi our New Fall i . ., ,.. ii---: soilicOon of flannelettes.A lode wigettment of Plitt41'n .... i e ii- suitableler Children's Ladies' and Men's ritiainall g9 c: e i or Gowns are on display/ !Priced at . ,,,, „.„ .. . ,„.i ' ,,, ,, „, ' . I'd. i ` ).." ...., Mrs, Claire Adams; Mr, and Mrs. Barry' Wenger and son, David; Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Hetherington and family; Mrs. B. H. Miller and Mrs. R, G, `,Gannett. Mr, and Mrs. -Walter Tisdale of Kindersley, 'Sask., left for home on Wednesday after visiting with the latter's sister, Mrs. Geo, Mr, R„ H. Thompson of .E. Wawa- noshis accompanying them. . Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Lewis, have returned hcirhe after holidaying at their cottage at. Poplar Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Edighoffer spent the holiday week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cruickshank of Detroit spent the week-end in Wingham with relatives: Mrs, Allen McBurney of Rich- mond, Vincouver, visited for a few days with Mr, and M.S. Stewart .IVIcBurney, • Victoria Street. Mr. 'and' Mis, Ken• Somers and family of Midland spent Labour Day with friends at Wingham and Blyth. While here they visited with Mr. and Mrs, A. R. DuVal. Mr. David Somers, Ken's father and &rimer Wingham barber, visit- ed With his brother and sisters at Blyth. Mrs, R. Stevenson of Port Col= borne is -Visiting With friends around Winghanl. ' —Miss Rose Coventry, accomp- anied by her sister, Mrs. T. W. Malcolm and her niece, Miss Eleeda, Maleblm, of Niagara Falls, ust 29th at the home of her da.ugh: ter,i'Mrs. G. N. Underwood. , • Members of her family, grand• - children and great-grandchildren' were present for the occasion. She received lovely flowers and .cardi from relatives and her many friends, All 'joined in''wishing her many more happy years, One of the prize-winning floats was this one enteteci'by the Wingham General :Hospital', ft showed a. very realistic' blood transfusion: being .given. A. t the end of the float the FlOrenee Nightingale .pledge was' 41.spiayea it large Iettero, —AtiVe,hee-'f photo, ti —Representative— Canada Life• ' WINGHAM, ONT. . but she' set, ,,:hirn 'straight; now he knows yoU;cazget friendly seri'. .the 'time owme . , . Norman WelwoOd, drivire; 'hail. s she ors' 1913• Model T brass-bound Ford, ,acted as Chauffeur. for important personages in the 1,t1 1,1,, r,ii both, Fri day, and Saturday. In this, picture he is looking after MC Bob Secord and one of the Frontier lasses. • ., - . i the ttitinl, "Mr. and Mrs,, 3,, P. the Willie of an 'haseaietion vadat Meftibbon vVere moint4 'boa toit;t, ;", "rhe seek•Ste better the business ii to eouPit 144.40 *quo oveitki 1nitillitlittlikiciiiillilliiiiiiiiiifittillant11111101111011111101111011111'11011111 , ark I i st i DI HOFFERS . .... .7. . :