HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-04, Page 9Newlyweds Honored
BELGRAVE—A eapacity crowd
gathered in the Forester's Hall on
Monday evening to honor Mr. .and
Mrs. Gordon Ross, formerly Reta
Brtioe, who' were recently married,
The evening was spent dancing
to music :of Tiffins orchestra. •
During intermission the young
couple were called to the ' front,
where Clark Johnston gave an
address and Marline Purdon pre-
sentedtthern with a purse of money,
A fitting reply 'was made by
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon-Brown and
Mary Alice,: of Beamsville spent
the week-end and holiday`With Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Graham. '
Mr. Jas. Graham, Toronto, visit-
ed 'relatives over the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs, W. C. King visited
Mr. and Mrs4 Ira McLean, Wrox-
eter,. on &friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl King, Carrel
and Doug, and Mr. and. Mrs, Frank
King spent last week atf Sauble
Beach, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Hastie,
Mr. and Mrs.' Jack . Blyth and
children and Mr. and Mrs. W.' C.
King are spending thiS week at
Sauble iBeach.
Torn Short. returned home
from Listowel Hospital on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Short and
Carrel, 'of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Short, and baby of Guelph,
were visitors at the Short home on
Miss Marie Hastie returned on
Saturday after spending two weeks
in ,Toronto, Tom Hastie, Toronto,
spent the holiday at his home.
101,04.1(E: ATTRACTION
Susan and Irene 'Jones, of London, who are staying with Mr. and, Mrs. J. E. McCallum, of Belgrave.
find this flower riiheel at 'the Belgrave Post Office, an attractive spot to eat their ice cream. ,
—Advance-Times phdto.
Mrs. Pearl Kaine
Dies at Chatham
GORRIE--:-Ethel Pearl .. Oster-
hout, widow of the elate Sam
, Keine, of Gorrie, passedetaway in
her sleep, on Thursday, August
129th at the home, of her 'brother,
the Rev. J. H. Osterhout, 182 Lorne
Ave, Chatham. c
She Was born in the 'Chatham
aistrict' where she received .,nurse's
training. After her marriage to the
late ,Sam Kaine, of Gorrie, they
resided here, except for a few years
in the West. For the past three
years she had resided with her
brother in Chatham. • .
She was a member of the Gorrie
United Chinon ea choir -member
and active in 'the women's organi-
zations. Mrs, Kaine was one of the
oldest continuous members of the
Women's Institute, secretary for
many years and district, secretary,
She was also a member of , the
L.O.B.A„ which organization con-
ducted the graveside service.'
Survivors are one son, John,
Whitby, and one grandson; four
brothers Rev. J. H. Osterhout,
Chatham; •Andrew, Dresden; Or-
ville, Detroit; Charles, Blenheim;
two sisters, Mrs. Libbie Wright
and' Mrs. Alfred Wright, both of
A service was 'held in Chatham
on Friday evening and Rev. W. J.
V. Buchanan Was' in charge of the
funeral service in the Moir funeral
home, Gerrie, at 3 p.m. on Satur-
day afternoon. Burial was in, the
family plot, Gorrie Cemetery.
,They want ... and you want a cat that's
beaufit ally built to STAY beantiful. There's
lasting quality in Chevrolet , you can See
kin the finer finish, in the trimmer tailoring
.Of the interiors, in the flawless way Chevy outs all its 'good thing's together. Worth`
having? All Canada thinks sol
, Chevy'S got the race and glimour.people
like to live With. Chevy's get the geed
, taste that never goet,but of date r it's
trade the '57 Chevrolet the runaway best
Seller everywhere in Gartatia, Untie get bet-
ter acenairnect With the sweetest, smooth-
eit Chevrolet ever beat! "
• You _'pay do little for so ;much con-
venience and ItnturY when 'you buy
thevelet, You .pay so little;, week in
and 'week out, fOr perfotatence that,
tikes a back Seat OS no one. And yeti
keep so much of the first Cost When
trade-in time rolls around; VALUE
Chivreilet hat more of it!
Get the key§ from your Chevrolet dealer
Sample the most copied ride in cars
tedayl, Here's outrigger tear snspenside
for nalled-toethe-road statiilily, famed —
Glide-Ride front suspension with Anti..
1DiVe braking control the ninitistak-
able luxury ride of the low-priced field. es
-A carthat' rides like this just 11AD to
bi the year's best seller!
.,,' , .,
0E004 .06 ikOit' CH'EVi"sliiiiitiy WAYS e ••• itti SASSY PERFORMANCE
w - It'S a Whining derribinatien-the,- the dash rind etenonly,OICheVrialegis n,....
boldly advanced polverplants,,Siiiier-spirited VirS of the Peppleit iit , '—,,
iii the world' .„ . Chovitlet petformintet makes moneysaving de, rit - .„--,,40,-...,„, q.
,pendabiiity and efficiency an exciting experience.. We think yon'll "i'S*),II) ,,'yr',<,*; ri:,:P.'01
Popular ,Clft .-. , See your Chevrolet dealer i,tithotit delay, 's,1 .altA011%
e.,,yt44. like it : : .your neighbour dotal Ceine ace, price, bay Canada's 'Most live a„.....-r-i
& cievit is gryisoHoterto ...tour 11"EirrER .
tItK MOST MOON • tram& txfasts is to Mean '
, 64051,0
! We are operating only 'on ' •
Thurs., Fri. and . Sat. for - A thrill•tdtpurists ..visiting New-
the .remainder or the e6esen., 1 foundland. is a trip to the jigging
' • ' ' • ' grounds : 'Where : giant •cod are
11111111111111•1111111111111111111111111,1111111 caught.1MIIII I . ' . ,
• • .•
Walkerton O"ntarii
. . when and where you want it!
Illustrated here is the Duro
"Little Giant" 15 gallon
packaged system. Only 2.5"'„
high, 34" long fAnd 15" deep,
this complete running welter
syltem is compact enough to*
install under a kitchen sinki
The system is engineered—IA,-
true Duro style—to give meny
years of'trouble-free servien
at the most economical , Orfeits.,
We will be glad to give you a free eititnite
the cost of labour 'and materials, Phone '4ior
come Into our shop and see how really
pensive running water the DURO way e'en be.,
Wingbam Phoni 255 "
Plumbing - lietiting Air Conditioning
itormira toes reeirMet, to tleerea
An army of 'weekly newspaper
editors and publishers, wives and
families, will descand on Banff
next' Sunday as the Canadian
Weekly Newspapers Assciciation
opens its 38th annual convention,
The three-day meeting Will
centre around discussions of the Arnie Gosnell, Toronto, problems facing' the industry and , Mr. and Mrs. Claus O'Krafka are the study of, improvement in print-
visiting friends at Fort Frances ing and publishing standards.
this week. ' Round table discussions on more Kelvin Buchanan has returned than a dozen industry subjects will
from Lake Dalhousie, where he be held with representatives of the
spent the summex. Association of 'Canadian AdVertis- lVfra„ John Stewart, Misses' Jean ing Agencies and the \Audit Bureau
and Violet Stewart of Toronto of Circulation taking part,
Spent the week-end with friendS
in the community. I One of the inepor topics of dis-
.AMeng those attending the cussiop, both formal and informal,
W C.N.B. were Mr. and Mrs, Fred will concern the increasing pro-
Menke faded by weekly publishersHyrainlan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ton-Who face the demand for bigger or, Mrs, Win, Bennett and family: and better newspapers coupled Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sperling, Yvonne and Wanda; Miss jean with constantly rising costs Of la..!
Snarling, Mr, Cordon Pyke, Mr. bot,r, equipment and materials,
Jason Lambkin, Mr. and Mrs; According to William Telfer,
Cleyne Michel and Karen; ,MrS, Managing director of the CVVNA,
Archie Miller and Elaine. the Weeklies are fighting hard to
Mr, Frank Earls of London 'Visit-, held advertising and subscription
sedatt.(tVridthay.relatives on Friday and rates at their present levels, Be-,
, cause of rising costs, net profits'
The Woman's Missionary Society are, ,dangerously low in many ettSet.
Of the Carrie United Church will! tiespitc these 'clifficultieS, the
Meet at the Noire of lVfrs, T. L, Me,' weekly newspaper is groWlfig In
Innbs en Thursday, Septernbbr 5, iMportance, according to Mr. 'Tel-
at 8.15. p.m, Program cominittee, ler. Combined circulation Of Cann-
• Mrs. E. Whitfield," Mrs, J, Strong,, dirt weeklies has passed the J,Vtr
Mrs. K. Ilueston, "Edwards. trillion mark,
The first choir practice Sinee the I Among 'guests at the convention
holidays will be held on Thursday, are 20 13ritish newspaper publishers
8epterriber 5 at 8.30 ;p.m, A Special who are touring Canada and will
invitation is extended to anyone attend the eonveritinti ast represent,
who would like to join the' choir atives of the Newspaper Society of
of 'the United Olititcltp J Britain,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansley,
Shirley and Kennie and"Mrs, Geo.
Arscdtt, all of Tormito spent 'Sun-
day and Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Miller.
-:111r, and Mrs. Clair Michel of
Brampton were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel.
Karen Michel returned with them
after 'spending a few days, in
Miss Marion Toner will teach at
Elmira again this year and Miss
jean-Zparling at Ethel.
Mr. and Mrs.- T.L. McInnes
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham at
Guelph on Sunday.
Mr, M, D. Irvin has taken a
position in n branch store of the
Schttett Furniture Co. in Mount
Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan, .Tees-
water, spent Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. T. •L. McInnes.
• Mr. Thos. Elliott spent last week
with friends at Hensel].
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Underwood
and Mr, and MIA Allan Under-
wood,. Wingham, spent the Labour
Day week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, .and Mtg. 0941t04
And Marla 40* Friday lrl, Tnrento
at the githibitinn.
Mr, end '74ra. 1.41alkw Pf °ZAP'
viinred,aver the •week,ead
with her,parents, Mr, and ;14re,,
)(inn Anderiatin
Mr- and Mrs ,coddle Wheeler vo. -ramoy, spent 'the. Yeelt,
end withi' and, -Mrs;' Herb
Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur' Edgar,
Wingharn, Visited on Stiiidif,y With
Mr. and Mrs, TLereis St.,Mehouse.
Kr, 'and lVfrsi. jpsePh Punhe •
And Martin—Grp,riby; vieited, are:
,3ttriday with Mr. and MITI, ThoMas
aiacker of Brussels.
Mr.) and IVIrs.-,,Xey White arid
family have moved'ilato (heir new,
home in Belgrave, •
Mrs. Thenitta STnith and Mr. and
'Mrs. Ralik* Mc' ,Tea OVet,
the Week-end with the former's
brother, 'John Allen and also with
Thyra 'Townsend, and, Mr; and
Mrs. Clyde-Robinson and'Clyde ;Jr.:,
in Toronto., ,
Mies .Geriende ;Madill of London
and ,TvIr, and Mrs. Alex McCriteken,
13ItieVale, visited, on Sunday with,
Mr. and, Mrs. Harry: GOD,.
• Mr. tend Mrs'. William Kelly, Mrs
Joe Morgan and Judy spent the
week-end, with Mr. and Mrs,
Kelly, at •
'Mr. 'and Mrs: Ed Hartlin aAd
Kim-of. London, and
Keith, Ander-
eon of 'St. iThemas,;, Mr. and ,,Mis
Bpi •Sehreiber and.: family of
•Streetsville . spent the .week-end
vith, Mr: and. ,Tara Earl Anderaiiii:
Mr.' and Mrs. Rosa AnderSP/:
anent re few ..days last Week iji•To
Mr:-. and .Mrs. George MiChie,
Ruth; and' Lloyd sperit...a feW. days
Nat 'Week in Milton and, Terentol •
,Misa .Inne ,Beyers,i ,ROY,61 . Oak,
,Michigan, visited recently with
Mi., and Mrs.. Carl Pincter:•
Mr. add' Mrs, 'Harold Buffet Of
dairieville,' Michigan • visited last
week' with, Mr, _and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan 'and
franalY, Ails*, Craig, • visited . last
week With her parents, Mr. and ,
Mrs. Wm., Kelly: ".
Mr. and Mrs.,' G..Mcdred visit-
ed over the week-end ,With
and Mrs. B, Willlarrison, Tcr
To 'SOrye in, Egypt '*
0.0tiftrgi—Mr.- Ind' Mrs ctrehint
#tistie visited MI SatIdaY
and Mrs Glad Edgar, Mr. and'
MrA clifford AftirItt and Panay
41JePt.a.few day* at the Sarno home.'
Vrivate Murphy, Who has been
fittatiPlid at Kingston leaves on
glePtenlber 10th with the Royal 1
Canadian Arley corks for Egypt
Where he will be stationed. ,for
Year, Mrs, MUrphy and ehildren
will, continue to reside with her`,
father, Mr, Birks Robertson, at
Members Attend ,
Achievement Day,
Iacial,RIE-,Lyveane Snarling, San-
dm Miller, ' Phyllis „rWilson, Mar-
garet ..!.tine Wilson, Joyce and Jean
Greer; Faye' Edgar and Margie
Ifaatte,,* who have completed the-
4-1.1" Garden Cititi course, attended
the, Achievement Day at )3eigravo
on Tuesday, Faye Edgar and San-
dra Miper" received County Honor
certificates, The club was asked,to
disPlay their club.'exhitilt Tees-
water Fair: 1Vlis, Gienn JOhniton,
leaderi.., Mies Donna Toner, aSSistl'-'•
ant' and Mrs,' WM. Wilson, accom-
partied* the giils to 'elgrave.
, „
1310.00.VE 7-7 The deacendante
Of the late IVO, ,and Mrs, Will Mc
drackeri organized the first annu-
al' ',reunion -An 'the .:Stratford Park
when, about 404nenibers gathered
.?ogethar on Snnday, `September "1,
The' foliervitig officers were apt'
pointed' for, the 1958. reunion: Preai-,
dent, .Mts. Alex Mcdra;ekeri, Blue-
‘iale;; 'vice • preaident; Mrs, Percy
Mcdracken, '•ListoWel;., .secretary-,
treasurer, • Mrs Jae 'McCracken,
Listowel; sporti.; committee, Mrs.
Harry, , Goll; Belgrave;" 'Kenneth',
,Netheicott, Atwood; Murray .Mc--
Crilleken, Owen Soimd,. Lorne. Mc-
Cracken, -Mrs. 'Ross Mc-
Cracken,, ".
It' was decided to 'hold the.1958
febrilert at the seine park. on the
third 'Sunday in June..' Members
Were:Present from Atwood,
towel, Belgrave; Gorrie,., I.,endon,
Owen Sound and •BitieVale. •
4111. AA!
Cutting Down
Face of -Hill
'Xi141;13lVAI4gThe steep hill on
the village street . adjoining the
Tornberry-Morris boundary is
being cut down and. the rattle of
machinery' fills the kqr. Time was
when that JO provide,d a fine
slope, :for coasting and on mann,'
light nights the bandoleigns :and
toboggans penis .sweeping dewn to
the bridge; accompanied by` Shrieks
and 'laughter,,
That was l;lefore, the days of cars,
when-hills` were no hindrance and!
traffic presented few bawds. The
reduced slope will no longer re,,'
mind one of former times and will
be a satisfaction to a few •pedes-,
Wane and many motorists.
Members of the.Gorrie Women's
Institute enjoyed a pleasant trip
to Goderich on Friday when places
of interest were visited. Tours were
conducted through the, Shaeffer
Pen Co.
Coderich Manufacturing
dumber) Co, Sifter Salt and the
new court hoese. Know Presbyter-
ian 'Church was also visited. Pic-
nic lunch, was also enjoyed at Har-
bor Park. ,
Miss Emma Irwin visited friends
last week in Wingham.
Chas. Hociey, of Toronto is visit-
ing his sister, Mrs, Robt. Dane and
Mr, Dane,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evers spent
the Week-end and holiday with. Mr.
and Mrs, Manfred Irwin,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stinson of
Detroit 'spent the., week-end in
The Rev, J. H. Kerr of London
will be fhb preacher at St. Step-
hen'S Church next Sunday.,,
Mac Hutchison, Thornhill and ,
Jack Edgar, of •Mount Forest, were
holiday yisitors at their respective
Mrs. Lorne Laird of Toronto is
spending this week with Mrs..
Tessie Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs. Spence - Breams,
Newbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Spotton, •Wingharn, were dinner
guests 'with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hyndman on Sunday.
Miss Betty Wylie 'has returned to
Toronto after spending the summer
vacation with her mother.
How many seeds does a plant
produce in a single season? The
number varies greatly with the
species, but the most prolific seed-
bearing plants are the fern • family,
sometimes producing hundreds of
millions of sp'Ores. Fungi' are even
more prolific and the badteria are
the• most remarkable of all, from
the production point of view. On
the other hand, some wild flowers
produce as few as 10,000, seeds
during a season.
'YOU don't h, 't*
be rich ,.to share:.'
qtne,da"e growth
prosperity. T.O.40)/
through InVeltA0
Mutual, YAW OW Ord
by the wide diversinesi-
tiOn formerly avOlable
()TOY to the large
investor, Per. ftin
details see Yelie
Thos. A. Jatelit
Phone 141
0 IF ,c A 14 A C if .4
pOiAp.OfficCovitourfa, oFilcgsai
Starring Jennifer Jones. in one
71vrotic17ctur,es •
Time Greats!
September •6 and
"Rocks Prettyieo,,pltab y
Geo. MOntgomery in .. •
September 9 and 10*,
Dean Martin's newest,::
hit sensation
in Tectinicelor
September it and 1i;
(Technicolor) '
Starring SPENCER tilAcy-
one of his. Greatest domedyl Hit's!
toniPlete line of perePOnlIzed
itl:tlanerY at The Advaneeaintia
rfltYIER 'tut you
.5INCE nye.. PEEN
cri 1:0L'AP: 'nth I. AIMS,
"Abandon Ship"
Tyrone Power and Lloyd Nolan
September 6 and 7
"The First Travelling
Starring Ginger Rogers, plus
"The. Rawhide •Yeais':'
with Tony Cuitis'