HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-04, Page 804.,...'S.0$0. I ver 60 Children Win Prizei
t Children's Day Frontier Parade
A. j; ' •
Suggestions for Meats, Salads
While Peaches at Their Peak
Ktith sail Pe rott Seent to be discussing the Merits of each. judging followed the'youngaters' •big parade:to the park .on Friday
other's cotturnes as they come befordz judges, Mrs. J. Alexander, afternoon. The parade was by far the best held iTi connection with •
afra, Shannessy and Mrs. H. Burrell. The. the annual „Wild West get-tegether.
4 Lo,
Frontier Boy, Bobby Lewis, although realistically pierced by an arrow,
wasn't too :badly hurt to collect his prize for the top -boy in aFriday's
clhileiren's parade. ' Little chief with, heap big totem pole is Lawrenc a. Foxtoa, pictured as he was a11 set •to 'go to.the
park on Friday, taking part in the children's pal ade as part of the Frontier bass celebrations..
Prize-winner Julie Foxton, with her m'erra-go-Oroulid;,is avatelied ey clown oboy , uness before ; re r • ,
the start, of the children's parade on Friday. Little w awardedone'Vethe fancy:dal:4a iiiiz6h -
at the park later in the day.
oVP:C°errisliatl'h1-4:1;lol °WYWhelin4r "s' 4 4*(li':;t7it iperr+1DlijaaslyinlYs
w:::::4tihttlajoiw11),;:::::, to,,f1w,en:4Vt:ks
celebration, the tewres third.. an,
nual Om d ays or Westerp-,type
itEarlier in the afterneolkil bout
750 children dressed ,10. Frdntier
Day .00littlinezi paraded through
the town to the park" „or fancy-
(trawl fudging by MM.-414014 Por,
reli„Mi'0. W, .'P. Me0.161., MaS, Jack
A1 :We 1 c, 44 'r:IP, '11:Pr11:4;al'etlitn'Tseh, st44. Cr I k ' i: ; 7:'::::: , „
cbaltIrleana of the Frontier '•Days
committee of Lions Club members,
introduced' Mayot "Wiliam. For,
syth, of Owen Souhd, t who, in-niejtabllaYt ZebnribITgliitheWitlelliIrnrati”
best wisnda ,torathe success of .
occasion .of the People ,r 'of 0'
WS71n4gillialIntse 'al"teslaelvdistinat Ihiletllaktsi et° a,
Wirigham had become a real, neigh-
bor: Of Owen Sound and .t ., at the
people there Were keenly interested
in for this,,pari ,,,,.,,24arto
Otbet.,OfileialS.Wie4;toOk Part; in
',the, opening ceremOnige;;#67e pick
.Reevie; Presiderit Pf. the Wingh jem
71Lloeyn s ,::,Cfltrbikilt/vfigdiYliaonlr::f t..nE4, .Kc 244a.ITSIiinii-i
Rowe, ,Mip.', far Wellingtan-Huron.
Aaprograre of varied 'entertain-
giant followed the opening !Which
included music by Slim BOucher
and his'Prairie cowimys, anaiacro-
bailee by the talented Keppo' farn-
ilk::: 0,n4 of the'itnain :feateres of
the,afternoon was the naming of
the Fahritier queen who this year
was attractive Elva MacDonald.
Two other Wingharn girls, Mary
Gibbons and Marjorie Kieffer were
chosen as the Queen's, attendants,
At Fr'iday's children parade the
prize-winners 'were as foal:Nis:
I Frontier • Boy, first,. Bobby Lewis;
2nd, Paul Tiffin ,and Harold Jar-
ard, Douglas Cameron, Fron-
tier girl,. Mary Showers; Georgina
Kieffer,„ Brenda MacLennan,, Phy-
Mk"... Bradley:, Frontier ,1 , Couple,-
Maureen peyttlia . and "Kathy, Poy-
ten ; Sandia. Riley and Janet Riley;
UdrY''Eflen' Ititcliheil wine ' gtei/en
and Julie -Hilbert; Corinne and
Elaine Kieffer..
Doll, Julie g'codton, Laurie Fox-
tan, Linda. ,AitchisOn,`Bicycle, Deb-
bie Foiton. -Tricycle' a.Matiie El-
liott, 'Randy/ Fciaton; Rodhey Fur-
ness: Wagon, Eddie ROsiagichael
White,. Brenda and Relpiaallarra
soil CoVered :Wagon Teriaeztivferld-
ley. a:
Ind laps, . Barrie Conroe' Cordon
Rintoul; Bill and Ronnie 'Aieffer.
"Indian ,Prineess, .Kaien. Valet
'Bonnie Sardin and Sandra Tiffin,
Susan spry; CoWboys, PalarPleurY;
Douglas :Elliott, Brian phi* and
John. Weladrood, Cow,giris, .Linda
and Nancy Walden; Julie. Adams,
Cathleen Hanna. Indian Couple,
Irene Doubledee and Lorna Woods.
Cowboy Couple, Linda Reavie and.
Bobby Best; Debby GroSe and
Rodney Purness., • .
Special, (Bo Peep with 6 .sh,eep),
Mary poeock, as Be-Peep with
Marianne, Doo„ xevp4ey and Steve
P003A4 Khren Elliott* as the
Petaili0-Plakts First Step
In -SuccessfOrLAnd#40ing
rfl Neptune's
Fresix,Ontario grown peaches are
at their peak and homemakers
who haven't experimented with
pedchea for anything but dessert
have a great surprise in store. The
re:tap :eater Chicken-Peaches below
is a Daniell dinner. It was the first
prize, winner in a contest by the
Peach Co-operative last year and
was submitted by Mrs. Greta
lareng,lea.of Tan-Ditto
o Chicken-Pertebes•
iev'fifelteal `1"": ""
2 'Mei hutter[ineked
34;'-Oilp flour
sugar and" salt .to taste
tiesh ' Criteria grown
Pea° es. r. r
Stew' tie chicken, te en, 'separate and
place oil Set-tang dish, Make a
,sauce of the soup from, the cooked
'the following way:
Add the flour to ,the melted
butter`, 'add sugar arid salt to •taste,
add this mixture and juice from
..,-slicdrI,Veaehes,.to the soup.
iPour the sauce over •the chleken
pieces. Place sliced peaches on the
chicken' .and pour sauce over again.
Garnish with toasted bacon, nerve-
as a hot dish.
Peachy Barbecued Ribs
ib, spareribs, cut into serving-
size pieces
4 „or 5 fresh Ontario grown
.:. peaches
1 teaspoon salt
1 cap catchup
2 tablespoons. Worcestershire
la _clip minced .onian , aa- dablesPorizia ";flo
A',11.,,Resliafini prepared Mustard
.Speketraground clove's'
',Stan heating oven to 375' F.
afiedaoy.aroastieg pan, arrange ribs,
e4Y.slcie..121aa Sprinkle with .1
gresPobn :mit. Slice peaches and
s9Pc94,4> blend peach -jute*
catchup, • Worcestashire
mica onion, flour, mustard, cloves,
teaaPqon salts_ pepper. Heat to
boiling; pour over ribs. Bake about
1,,6 hours, or until fork-tender,
turning once.
Around ribs, arrange /Seethes;
bake about 4 minutes, basting with
,sauce, Makes 4 to 6 servings.
" • Sparkling Fruit Mold
1 package lime gelatin
2 cups boiling water
1 cup pineapple cubes•
4 eups sliced fresh Ontario
geoliva peaches'
lettuce or chicory
2 clusters seedless grapes or
DissolVe gelatin in boiling water
arid dial until it begins to sea Add
pineapple Arid peaches to gelatin
reserving :Some peach slices for
garnishing. PotIr into a mold and
chill' until firm. Uzimold on bed
iof chicory or lettuce and garnish
When 41041. Wean*
'ittoked,, 400 racier
Ili. ollools.with Ow,
*v es_ p A shoe Weer iii, $II1f roll
with peach slices and grapes or net
meats. (Serves 6).
A variation on this recipe is to
use only 1 cup boiling water, cool
mixture and add 1 cup ginger ale.
Use lemon or orange gelatin.
4 0 - 0 - 0
Peat% and Berry Salad.
6 fresh Ontario grown peaches
lettuce, leaves
1 qt, basket of strawberries or
carton of frozen berries (or rasp-
Peel and pit 'peaches and 'halve
them. Arrange 2 peach halves on,
lettuce for each serving.
Arrange several berries on each,
and garnish, with watercress, (6
Having a wiener roast? Then
don't forget to take along- your
old fashioned popcorn popper with
long handle. It's ideal for roasting
wieners because you can do several
at a time, and they, don't fall into
the fire like they do sometimes
whr a stick is used. Put the
wieners in the popper, and hold
over .the fire, shaking occasionally
until the wieners are hot and gold-
en brown.
Before the frost forms' on' the
pumpkin it's a good idea to get the
'fireplace epic and span both out-
side ariti•ineidea The fi'r'e bed, draft
'and b 4linnleY jall#61*.be4heelteti.
The amain will' better reflect the,
flickering ,,,flames if given 'a coat
of either sell-polishing, . cleaning
and polishing et paste wax. If the
fireplace is framed with woodwork,
cream wax will remove soot stains
and fingerprints, As a final touch,
wax the poker and other tools,
brass and irons arid screen fixtures.
An interesting guest at The Ad-
vance-Times office last *week was
Mary Rosa the person who is rea-
ponsilele for the women's page
column, "Neptune's Kitchen",
which appears from time to time
in this newspaper.
In real life Mary Ross Is Mar-
garet Blaney, Wiled works With the
James Lovick Advertising agency
turd is now on the promotion
tuna fish as an important adjunct
to the Canadian diet. She was a
companied by Ross Hawthorne of
the same firm and they had with.
Omen a monster 30-Pound tuna with
whicb Miss Ross Was slated to ap-
pear later in the afternacin
Matgaret Brophy'e "M'Lady° spot
over Cif.N4afirV.
The two Vesta Were obeervere
as a plastic printing plate was cu
In The AdVance-fines office,"
demonstrate the manner' in 'Which
the pietures for "Neptune's Kit,
eheri" are prepared for reptoclue-
The chief problem` for the day
was to find a place to 'dispose of
the gituit tuna after It had been
seri for deMonatration purposes
the TV she*, They Were drreet-
ed the iteXay Xutaing Horne
re 'the lish prtAdded •a good
tasty meals for the residents.
lot of lawn for a play area. And if
you plan to relax in your garden,
shrubs require less' care than flow-
ering plants, Al! these things must
be considered,. he said. Mr. Blain
suggests getting catalogues from
nurseries th help in .selecting suit-
able. plant&
Before doing the actual planting
-check on the nature of the soil. It
may need ,a good fertiliaer, said
Mr. Blain. For a new lawe it is
wise to 111.iX 20 per cent superphos-
phate into the top soil. Then use a
fertilizer such as Evergreen 6-9-0
Turf Fertilizer, This ensures a good
bed for the new lawn.
If finances are limited don't try
tea complete all the landscaping in
one year. air. .Blain suggests
spreading it over a period of two or
three years, This way the filial er-
ect is achieved iri, easy stages.
• Landscaping Jan% easy, Take
your time, make detailed plans arid
he result will be worthwhile.
A practical yet inexpensive sag-
gestion for shower gifts is plastic
bedroom accessories. Any bride will
welcome bags to keep her dresses,
blouses and snits "trousseau new"
Transparent bat boxes will pre,.
vent 'her hats from .collecting dust
on the shelf and let her see at a
glance which hat is in Which boxl
Sweater bags not only keep
sweaters clean and orderly but
ale° discourage moths. Smaller
notion bags avoid a jumble of
stOckings, gloves, scarves and han-
kies in the drawer. Shoe bags keep
shoes off the closet floor where
they can be kicked about and
scuffed even before being worn,
Polythene blanket 'covers protect.
new blankets while being stated.
With this type of shower gift i
is a good idea for the hostess to d
all the buying, each guest chipping
in on the cost. This seems to be a
near trend for bridal showers for it
avoids' duplication and matching
•things can be purchased, If 'you
find out ahead of time the elecome
tine Seherne for the new home
plastic secteScilat items tonic in
such a Variety of lovely colors they
•can lie matched with the bedroom.
When dirty, ail they need Is soap
and water to make them as good as
new. The larger garment bags are
best dunked-in the bathtub and,
hung oil the Shower curtain rod to
Them are the, things that help to
:keep drawers and cupboards 'tidy
and giVe a longer life to clothes.
Any bride will thank $cill for help-
Mg her to start bothielreaping ort
the right foot.,
For Antifries apple s have
via ed 151entY- blidaireafitittleftfilg-
torians tell us they are probably
the oldest cultivated fruit. In fact
ever since Eve% segeerahed to ftiae
first..-apple tit seems it' has beenn`
considered a very enticing fruit.
The fresh apPles that are available
right now are mighty enticing too
when they're. an ingredient of this
Apple Slice COffee Cake. Just a
touch of cinnainon accentuates the
tart flavor of 'apples in this coffee
cake that has a tender, -delicious
muffin-like topping, It's an excel-
lent way to include apples . .
which scientists . and doctors
consider an „ excellent, source of
Vitarains...A and C . , in, the diet
while' they are abundant.
Apple Slice Coffee- lakki
Yield - 9 squares
3 tibl'espooes'buttet or Margarin
etip lightly-packed bro;vit
edger • '
1 teaspoon ground eh-Manion
cups apple slices
1.23 cups oncesiftea all..purj)ose
or 2 cups once sifted patty float
3 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon :salt ▪ `cup graiullated augat
1 egg
'• cup milk
% cup ShartenIngt melted
Preheat oven 'tri 75(V (rdocler-
atoll+ }tot), bUtter or Margin--
Me In an faiticlatquate cake' pnn.
Combine brown sugar and clin18.
tilOo and sprinkle Over butter or
rgdrine in pan. Arrange ttpple
s In a design over brown tumor
Sift .the iiilepurriots or pastry
fiObr, baking :powder, gilt endp
"Susen'a Crab Soup" is a crab
meat-filled meal-in-a-bowl made
with caimed goosla right from your
emergency, shelf' it's a hearty'
treat, served with thick slices of
French Bsead of freahlyemade
buttered Toast for an after-the-
game or square 'dance session, or
anytime you need a mein course
that Can be made in a jiffy.
Susan's So ap
I can Canadian crab meat, drain-
ed and pieces' Separated
1. can \ eondensed MoCit Tintle
.1 can Condensed Crearn of Tom-
ate soup
I 'can coridenSed Pea soup
I can (tall) evaporated Milk.
4 tithieSpooris sherry ,
Lemon slices
Combine soups and milk, bo not
dilute with water, neat kliewly,
Stirring to blend. ° Just 45 soup
reaches the hod, add the dab Meat pieces, Ifeat through, ttemave
from heat, Stir in salt, to taste.
Add sherry. Pour into heated
hotos, thitnith with lemon glees,
Makes 6 generous Servings, Ap-
roximate cbst per 2.4e,
O iNvrrAtiONs
•Wingm, fk.
Are you in the process of land-,
seeping? If so, don't rush, into it.
This is the advice of Auray Blain,
assistant chief of the_,Montreal
botanical t Gardens.
Writing in a recent issue of
C-I-L .Mr. Blain said that careful
planning 'of landscape should come
before any planting, Even small
property can be attractively land-
scaped if you Make planning your
first step.
The first thing is to make a seale
drawing on paper of your house
and lot, suggests Mr. Blain. Try
different arrangements of plants,
lawn and 'paths, always keeping in
mind your needs. For instance, i
there .are children, want
Most children are taught simple
Mernaking arts St school. Mak-
ing yeast rolls is one creative
handicraft they can learn In theit
own borne, Even tiny lingers can
feel the dough grow smooth and
Otte as it la ''kneaded" and the.
.gluten 'is developed. It's not only
the feel of yeast dough that's sates,
ying . youngsters are faacfnated
as they watch it rise „ and the
amen of hot rolls baking is K Unt-t
Irtrznia shared by in.
4 0 4.,' , i ' .;i• ', I
iiii01. ilkVill'":1414t, bONIC, PP:IL IT!
egg until. thick and light; bleed in. Believe it or not, a boiled egg
milk and melted shortening, Make I should never be boiled, Simmering
I a well in dry ingredients and add produces tastier, better results.
aiquidatdallaiak naee, saireing-Ausa The ammo is also true of "hard-
t'4 coriti4ina.„ Tai4.',Nttdie into-pre-. Vildied', eggs.
pared iiy.n.13alie iii‘prebeated'even,
about ,35"mitinths,aStarid . pan --"oh` a
cake' rack for 2 or 3 minutes, then
turn out cake onto a large serving
dish, Serve with soft butter, , .
To restore beauty to a v‘ruished
floor,- acid a small amount of kero-
sene to the warm, soapy wash
water, Then rinse it immediately
with clear Water.