HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-04, Page 40. P FOR„„_...- 141i1AT FOR' AAL.E.--Good beef by the quarter. Killed Mide r iteenal from Dept. of Health, Yearling 'heifers. Tap quality. Lowest prices, ltayeard Ackert, Ripley phene 24r30, 1.7rrb — — WILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid Via', 6-inch4 79c; ililainch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. irth GENESEE SEM. WHEAT, grov:'n, .froin registered seed. Treated pm. Apply to Saraas H. Currie, phone 710W3, 28,4a cA.NADA's MEM' VACUUM. 'cleener, gleetrolux Sales and Service. Call Jed Reynolds, Whig - ham, phone 640.11. reb • CETCUMBiRS for sale, Various Pickling sizes,Diil ete. P1ona407. 281 GARDEN CORN suitable or can- , ing for sale, Contact Ken Dick-• son, phone Belmore 201-8, 28:4* 20 ACRES of HAY second, eotting : for sale. Apply to Harold. Dennis, phone 658J1 at Mealtime. . 5* SUFFERING.' from F,13,? 'Stands for frayea belts—we can supply a, wide range of belts and laulleYs Made to put drive late your business. We have a full tock a A and B width belts and pUlleys, also flat, rubber a drive 'belting, Stainton's , Hardware, Wingham. 28rrb 1951 'ORD 8 N TRACTOR, motor • completely rebuilt, tires good, with 2 furrow plough, guaran- teed. Huron Motors Ltd., Wing. ham. 4b HAY FOR SALE, second cut, also land for rent. Apply to Anton jacewiez, R,R. 2 WInghafia 4* )34BY CRIB (large) or sale. ' Phone 362., 51311 • , GIRL'S "Little Nugget" 3..pieee at winter outfit for sale, Grey fur trim, size 5-6. Also ladiet' winter - white coat will full back, size 14-16. Goo a as new, Phone .752. 4b SEVERAL Household Articles for sale, Including an apartment -size refrigerate; 3 -piece Chesterfield suite, a small table and rocker. Apply Box 62 Advance -Times. ' 4b LADIES' CASHMERE winter eoat for tale, beige-, Size 18, zip -id lin- : ing, freshly dry-cleaned, good as new. Apply to Box 61, Advance.- • Times.• 4b a • GURNEY hot water boiler for tale capable of 450 feet radia- • tion. Wilt work on coal, sawdust or ea, Apply to Geo. Michie, phone Brussels 17J13. 4:11* A REAL FALL bargain, moulded ',plywood boat, •built from Pace- ' maker hull, 14% feet long with 62" beam, a% 'ft. front deck, also 'eentre ani stern deck. Deck and framework are of oak, used only .2 mentha, would demonstrate with 25' ILP. inciter.' Price 22,O0; fittings extra. Apply .Aifred Sehwichten13;rg, phone 341w. FOR SALE OR BENT CABIN TRAILER "for sale or rent, wired for hydro, 20x8 feet., phone 485, 4b 6 BOOM INSTIL BRICK HOUSE, aeret 'of and, Water and lights, rent $18.00 per month. Apply ts, C, Lawrence, Gerrie. 4b , HOUSE in the village. of Tees.. Water for sale or t.ont, Modern 6 room hriek venter, house,' 4 - pieta nab, het Water, 'Oil heat- irig, Clete to theteliet -and Ceritttet Stead Attalla) pitene 62r4 TeetWater, 40 LIVESTOCK FOR., SALE 12 mit/NES' and '25 WEANLINGS for sale. Apply to Lloyd Mont. gomery, phone 74331. 28* 20 PURSORZD OXFORD EWE labg, Cohtact II1 DOlg, Melea'• worth, phone 4r6, 411* 100 Red Stitsex Red Pullets for • Cale, 6 months old. Contact Mar- ti* Edgar, Gerrie, • 4* .0013441.' i. SAA.E, WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS for salc. Light Sussex. 4-mooths old, ?bone 401W3, * 4 * Box Holders' Names 1 t ll ll Not Given Out I it,1;14 tittle* tigilnat oiir *Weil Todivoige the 61660 Okluldrees 06 any advertiser. ',using MI Adiviance-times Box Number, 1 do 606 liek ut lot ibis 5 ' noemeeeetoonieemeaneemoueeemeoeeit • VOA- RENT APARTMENT for rent, Possession. •immediately, Private 2-plece bath, Phone M. 4b FRONT APARTMENT over busi- ness block, 0 rooms and batb. room, hot and cold water, heavy duty wired, • easily heated, air conditioned. • Phone 4133. 4rrt. • THREE-ROOM APARTMENT for rept, Heated, 2••piece bath, pri- vate entrance. Possession im- xnediately. Apply to Ifttie Thorn- ton, Gerrie. • 4:111) VENAL') HELP WANTED —• TWO TRAINED Aides Wanted for new addition to hospital opening in _September. Apply, Saugeen Memorial Hospital, Southampton, Ont. , 21,28,41: GIRL TO . DO BOOKKEEPING and general accounting Work wanted. This .pesitiona will be open very shortly: 'This position offers steady employment with good pay for the right person, Apply to John Cruickshank, CKNX, WINGHAM. 413 WANTED VACANCIES no available at McKay'e Re•st Home. Pensioners welcome, Phone 103 Wingliam. 28:4* ITSED CHILD'S WAGON with racks, wanted, in good condition, Phpne 1/14, Wroxeter. 4* ONE WIRE1VIAN for Wingharri Fire Department. Please apply to S. 'Cowan, before September 30th- 4:11:18:25* LOST 134.0W•N AND WHITE MALE collie lost, 10 -months old, Any- one knowing the whereabouts aahone 500. 4* NOTICE . Anyone giving my wife credit as from this date, August 24th, does SO at their own risk. --Harold Whitehead. , 28 A:11* • AMBULANCE SERVICE •OURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing - ham, Safe, courteousService. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. 13rrb WANTED HIGHEST CASH prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. laead ,cears and horses pieked up or removed promptly. Also wanted to buy—Boar Hogs, Call eollect Bruce Marlatt, At- wood, phone 8 or 153.' trb DEADSVOCK WANTED DEADSTOCIC removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE inek 'hp on larger aninuds, reitionable collection charge for •small ani- mals. Phone collet Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Diu - ham 398. Gordon Young Limited, arrb DEAD STOCK: placed up prompt- ly in so nitary trucks. Small dharge made for anirnals tinder 506 lbs.. total. Phone collect, Wingham 501J, S4r1•1127 MISCELLANEOUS . , VOMINia.'EVENTS "MUTE TRIM) THE REST, now try the beat fOr spareribs and tanerirratit .0a Wednesday, Fri- day ed Saturday evenings, Cern- Menial Hotel, Formosa. e012/57 LEGION I3INGOS will be held in . the Council Chambers every Fri- day night. Sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion. CErrh THE NINTH ANNIVERSARY • torkey supper will be held at the, Formosa CoMmunity Hall on Tuesday., October 8th. CE, 4:11.18252b CARD OF -THANKS would like to - express my ,sin. eera thanks to all ma friends and relatives for the beautiful flowers, gifts, cards •and treats and special thaelcs to 1Vfrs, Morrey and the _nursing staff for their kindness, also Dr. W, A, lvfcRibbon.—Mrs. Alex Leaver, • •4* YAR, TELEVISION properly lesured for all risk coverage? For informatiori phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wirighave arrti STEWART A, SCOTT ' den noW saVe yott 15% on your earl or truck insurance. Yearly or siX policies are available, Special rates for tarrhers, Pot further information phorie 2931 • Witigharn, 29ttb SANITARY' SEWAGE D/SPOSAL septic tanks beaspoolt, eellart, ete,, purktped and 'cleaned, quick servide. All work guaranteed. Apply Louts Blake, phone 42t6, Brussela, 15rrb , WKISRLOO CAME Breeding Aasodlation "Where Better Hulls Are tfsetri, uror artcial ht. solnination information or set - Vied troin all breeds a cads, Plione The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at Clinton HU 24441 or MildinaY 13002 tween 7.30 and 11.30 a.m. We have all treeile *Vallable-,-ToP at loW telt" -26trla Citatia Or THANKS We wish to thank our friends, neighbors and relatives for rement. bering us with cards, letters Eirld flowers in our recent lost, also those who helped in their acts of kindness, --Lev. 'and • Velma Balser. 4b CARO OE THANKS After several years of enter- taining with • rny orchestra I am compelled to disband and wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those who patronize the dances we Played for and to the manage- ment of the -various dance halls and to my players, However I am still on call at 314 to supply a good band, --Mrs, Bertha Hendersoe. 4* '•••••• IN MEMORIAM KELLY—In fond memory of a dear son and biotite; Clifford Kelly, who passed away Septem- ber 2nd., 1956. He loved the House of God, His dearest MO to he A minister wiithin her walls In service full and free. Beautifully he lived, We who'well loved him know, Blessing with kindly hands onr • • deaa, Softening death's cruel blow, Beautifully he died— • The temple floors he trod, To pass to his reward within The altar of his Ged. ' —Ever remembered and sadly migSed by the Family, 413 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SAR.All FIELD • ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above. mentioned; late of the Town. a Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 8th day of .August, 1957, are required to 1110 proof of same with the under- signed on or befare the. 141h daY Of September A.D. 1957.. After that date the Executor will pro - teed to* distribute the estate hav- ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. • DATED Wingham this 26th day of August, AD, 1957. CRAWFORD 84- HETHERINGTON Winghean, Ontario. Solicitors tor the Executor. 28,4,1113 PAM) TXIANns Our recent sad kost le.aVea nn with gratefql hearts towerds neighbors and friends, their gem; forting expressiona of sympathy and tboughtfullions will always be rentenebered, Per the - betratifur floral offerings and other kind- nesses we are deeply, grateful..... -ana Mrs. Bob Sewers, 5* WILSON fiEDDES BORN Ai liElfiRAVE G. Wilson Geddes, tenter general manager of Northern. Life Atom. once Company, died suddenly EM Saturday at hie summer lame at Rondeau Park, He would have been 61 on Tuesday. Mr, Geddes was born in Bele grave; attended *Wingliam High School and the University .of Tor- onto, and went overseas in World War 1 with the 67t1, University of Toronta Battery CE., • His career in insurance began ia 1919, when he joined Northern Life in London,. A few months later he- went to Mutual Assurance Co. of Canada, in Waterloo, with' which company he became assist- ant secretary three years later, • He was appointed assistant actu- ary with Continental American Life Assurance Co., in Warning - ton, Del., the seine year, 1923, and in 1925 became actua.ry With Ont- ario Equitable Life and • Aecideht Insurance Co,, Waterloo, of whicb he became assistant general mana- ger in 1,931. - In 1932 he rhurned to London as general manager and actuary of Northern Life, from which he retired in 1953' because Of poor. health. Mr. Geddes was acti,ve in cornmunity. affairs, having been chair - main of the Middlesex Ceunty, Ad- visory Board of the Caliaitieh Nat- ional Institut& for the Blind for five years during Whieh Tweeds,: Muir Hall was erected, in London. He waS an executive of London. Cornmunity Chest, active in the Rotary club, a member of, the Actuarial Seelety of America, 'Ara- maean Institute • of' Actuaries, Chartered Institute of Secretaries, and the IVIasonie ,Lodge, He had served as president of Canadian tile Assurance Officers' Associa- tion, and -Life Insurance Institute of Canada, ' , Be was appointed Ontario Gov- ernment representative on the London Cancer Clinic in a935, He Was a member pf Fjrst And- rew's United Church. His residence was at 253, Vaetoria St., London. • His wife, the former Mary Isabel I'Vfaawell, or Wilmington; Del., sur- vives with two daughters, Mrs. K. I). (Mary) Kerr, in -Waterloo, and Mrs. rs. B. (Jean) Decker, Van- couver; ene son, John Geddes, in London; a, brother, Dr. J...Hardy Geddds, of London, and five grand- children; , Miss Anne GecIdet and 1VIrs. Geo. Rots, of Wingharna are cousiet of the'Aedeased. TINDER .AND W. VIRTUE of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court. of Ontario, in which Andrew Frieburger, -Ther- esa Eby, William T. Eby, , and Willtant Eby junior, an inf.arit under the age Of twenty-one years, by William Eby his next friend, aro Plaintiffs and ,Artnie IVIcalynn and Patricla'McGlyini are Defend- ants and ,to rile directed against the geode arid chattela, lands and tenernents of the •said ANNIE IVreaLVNN; X have seized and taken in eXeetztien all the tight, title, interett arid equity of redemption of. ANNIE McOLYNN, it and to: AN INTEREST in the eat hale of Lot 16, Concession 12 of the Township of Turnherry in the Coutity 02 Huron. On the feral therse is located a frame prime and a frame barn. ALL ef WhIch Said right, title, interest and equity of redenibtion Of the said Annie MeOlynit in the Said lancla and tenements 1 Shall offer for sale by Publie Atietion -at the said lirerniaes on At oriclaYt Septeritber Sth1 1957, at ,8:00 pan. ESA% NELSON HILL; $ilieriff, County Of Unroll, • • •.2148,4,11 Price A: Scott , •Funeral Monday •'Pao death pt j.resPObted •Teti - dont of Wingharn •occurred slid. deany at bis home an cl ay,' with the passing of Price Alex- ander Scott, Mr, Scott was in his 80th year,/ ' Born in Culross Township, he was a, son of the lete Mr, and Mrs, ;John Scott, He received his early eduention at the Teeawater School and. In 1914 virus married to Evelyn Warigh of 01.11rosS, Who. Passed away in 1924. After their marriage they spent soine years on a fruit farm in British Columbia, hiter returning to Ontario, where Mr. Scott enter.' • ed the carpenter's brAde at White: church, He retired to Wingharn itt 1948. He is survived by one daughter, 'Mrs, Lev, (Velma) 33alser, two grandebilaren of Winghama two brothers, George Scott of Montreal and Robert Scott of Teeswater... • Mr. Scott wa a ineniller of the Presbyterian Church and the Canadian Order of Foresters. Funeral service was conducted at the S. j..Walkor •funeral home at 2 pan. on Monday by Rev. Alex- ander Nimrno, D,D., and interment was made in the Teeswater Ceme- tery, The pallbearers were W. T Cruickshank, Robert Mownray, Howard Fuller, Beth Gaunt, John Craig' and Victor Emerson. Wm. J. Sheffield Funeral it fiVVingham The funeral Of it former resident of Wingham took place here oe Wednesday afternoon, when Wil- liam .1. Sheffield, was buried at the Whigham Cemetery.- 14e passed away at St, Catharines an Monday. Mr. Sheffield,Wat ban irt Wing. ham, a son of the late Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Sheffield. His father Was a welI-Iteown building eon- tractOr hem. After attending public' school at Lowet Wingharo and in Winghean, deceased'moved to ()wen &mud about •50 years ago. His parents were regular visitors with Mrs, Margaret McLean, Catharine $t., every turnmer. He is surlIveci by his „titter, Mrs, 3.-41'. IVIcLertii, St, Catharines, and it. brother, Charlee ShefileId,, Leridore Vtineral .serviee Was conouetecl at the Heise and English funeral 'chapel itt St, Cathariries oh Tues., day evenin,. , with Rev. Berbert Scott of Knox. Presbyterian eihurch irt that eity offielating. Rev. Alexander Ninon°, AD., cone ducted the service at the graveside in Wirigimm, wider arrangementa. of the Currie funeral horrte, bearett Were Coorge Ords, 14, Lloyd, William Matenzie, tired 1VracLean and two friends bf the family from St, Catharines, • FINANCING A, CAR? etOre 'You WY.' ask about our t4ow Cost 1?hninethr4' Serviee with tompItte Insurance Coverage, STEVVART A. SCOTT *hob to vtushixti; 2arth Mrs. Cecil Parsons Passes, in Toroneo WHITECHURCH—Word was re- ceived here an Sunday of the sud- den passing 'away of Mrs. Cecil Parsons of Toronto,- formerly Flora Ross, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Mae Ross of this district. Besides her husband the leaves One daughter, MaryAne and one son, Donald, two grandehildtena also two brothers, Frank, of Turn. ber'ry ,and afalcolmp of Galt, and, three sisters, Miss Olive Terriff, Mis,...(Reva Graydon COx'and'afrs. iSigurd Felon, all of whom attended the .funeral held on Wedneoday ,frorin the St Clair funeral borne, Totonto. , The many friends of the bereav- ed families extend sympathy, MilaS MQir Was. clikoss Farmer ' • les Moir,. a Tesi4ent.:04 Wing- hain for •the post BeVeral'a years, pr14047sl.:4,otr1.7. TYE° 7711:144447te, eaTI;g17-71-*- „ mrmoir wag boil in Cnifoat Townthip l� years ag°, • it .spri 01 the late ,Toseph gar rani. •Alulie, MOUillan, On OctoWer 23, 1907,, he IVO married' to .Critherine' Brophy of St. Aegustine' and they'. farmed itt Culrosa. Antal thS,r, rettrentent tq Winghare nl� yeare ago. .10eHal eyr:vwpaahirsizae8b,0071weeil11tril ttny:1goe.f,.. tt: deeiriehe te Suraivg besides his inife, are eight ' daualitera, Mrs. George (Mary) I)ales,, Cargill; 1VErs. liJd- Ward (Annie) •Stalilbrodt, Roches- ter, N.Y,; Winnifred Moir, Leaden; Grace (Sitter MaryWilliam) el Mount •St, Jtepb, ,London; Mrs, Joseph (Jpeephine) Mciore, Lon-, aoe; (Sister Mary Elermere), St. Joseph's Convent Haantford; Mrs. Anthony, (Ada) leitznataurice,, 'London and. Mrs,. Edward, (Jean) Bauer, Fort Erie. A brether, John *Moir, resides at I R 2, Wieg- ham,' There are 15 grandchildren:: The funeral was held At 10 /a.m., Thursday at Sagred Hoeft. Church, Winghatri, with Rev. R. Durand offielating and hi.terntent in Sacred 'Heart Cereatery,. Teeswater, The pallbearers, were Joseph OaVfalley,. Joseph King, David King, Owen King, John Walters and , JosePh. Moir. BLIND DUTCH fillt TO TEACH OTHERS A 21 -year-old Duth girl blinded in it gun accident slit years , ago, demonstrated in Londonrecently What courage and a, helping hand - trete Canadian National Institute for the Blind can do to rehaaill- tate the handicapped. , Mary, Vander 'Met whose oar- ents live near Parkhill, came to Canada in 1951. Just 15, she was blinded that fall when a shotgun blast bit her in the face., She was blind and she khew no English:, For the past' six years she has ttudied and tiatined at the Ontario Tut ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Friday, the libirteenth day of September, 1957, at the hour of half past one o'clock in the afternoon (local time) at the Court House, Goderieh, 'Ontario, for the hearing of all parti4 interested in 'snail)* nf or opposing the following by-law. BY-LAW NO 28, 1657 A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF Tint ColINTY IIITRON' TO REGULATE' lair. LOCATION OF BUILDINGS' AND STRUCTURES ON LAND ADIACENT TO COUNTY ROADS. WHEREAS; it is deemed al) be necossa6, and desirable 'tci regulate , , „ . Ib • location bf buildings and ' strecteres on land adjacent to certain Sheol 42r We Blind in Brantford, scion AMU to 'take 'speeial training, thriMgli 0.',k4f.1'.. .beaotne a tea, eller to other blllhl peloops Mean., •while:" to. titeaden her exPerienee, stillTiehltin000ko:t.twobl'e wbieterik4s1l000liothIlel.i4spotio! dou's guroh '84 Erie BW1d1h, Last week the was .on, her own' and en- joyed The exP'erience. The ,traiolog‘Vbieb bas Made her , a . uselair citizen of her neer •ceuntry Was in4Part made Possible C.N.'LB, with funds contribuaed by the phbueduring the _Anneal campaigns, For Heron; affiddletex and Perth Countiet, the ;957 tiOpeal begins. September 14th, ' earry*out.their work, 0,11I.E. • reqeires 364,790, Of this, •$46,200 has already .been,..' promised. by Com- rounity (qitestt 111 Louder), Stmt. feeila4litatneeti littri'grantIle4dt1¶$6;,713071',1t41$1; ernainieg 'a12;800 Jo to be. sought In tile campaign dnring the last tWo' weeltaitt Se.ptembet, E' Wheeler' alstria field sec- retar§ fom CTIB said 'campaiga' etudirneriare new. being .chosen taroughoUt.',tho'dstrict 4 1117.0 00A01.1.1 01 06 •"71,,.- AND WITEREAS,..antherity",10.'granted..yricleriSeatiort 30(a), 'of The 'Highway Imptovement .Act as ameridecl''by'Seetiori 2' of Th6.1-TigeeraY' Improvernerit Aat 1954 to eaerelse such, power .subject•to the APPrOVal 'of the Municipal Board. e, ' " , The Council of the Corporation of the Coutity 01 Ilerop 'enacts as foiloWs: (1)' No person shall erect any building or structure, any part of which ' • is loeated closer to the Imarest limit :of any of the .County reads or ' parts of the .County roads, hereiriefteradefined .• 25 feet where the road is iOa feet wide, .' 42 feet where the ,road is 66 feet wide: and in no ease closer to the. centre lite. of. tile original toad allowance ihan 76 feet, • (2) 1;lo1person shall erect or install gasoline puniest (a) alio:1711h: do ,feet from the centre line of the otiginal road (h) on it carve or the crest of a hill . (e) an the tangent to reohoritontal or vertical cutVe Where the • tight .distance is le se than 800 feet in eadh deetion, (3) The Connty roads $31' Parts Of -county roadt*..defined by this by-law n , re as fteloWst— , The entire etriltity toad Systere as defined' in Schedule "A" of • IlyrLaw No. 23, 1054, same:and' extept Such parts of the County Toad system which lie within the limits of any Town, Vinegar or • Pollee Village within the County of Huron, 4(4) The Corporation Of the Connty. Of Huron, by theit• Clerk, May give notiee 'to the °Wrier ot. Occupant of any landrequiring hint to re- move or alter Env building or etrtiettire erected efter"the 'Passing a of this By -Law that does riot comply with tections 1 •Mid 2' and tech notice under this seetion shall be in Writing arid sdht by registered mail, addiesSed to the, Owner Or• Qeettpant of the land, (5) If the person to whom the notice is given, under sedtiori 4 above' fails to etatply with it within 30 days from mailing of shell nottee, the Corporation of the County Of Mafia May direct, any ..effider, ' etill*Vee ;et -agent of the Said Cotpetatiori to enter upori the land and do or etttlae to be deli& WhateVetainey berieeeteary, ta, rernove ' Or alter tech building Or atrttettire InefitiOned la, told, neitide, (0) Ettety persea Who Violatet ally of the prdefsions of 8e0tioifs itnd Ob fails to otatiply with the notide given Uttar' Sectichi 4, OMR be .giiiitY" of aii 6/toted and ea stiartritary eonviction than be liable •to it Penalty of itet •ittore.than fifty dellitet ($50.00) for etieb effeliee tota thd Continuance of the condition constituting ati offence for etteliveek after eortyletion, thereferoo shall constitute a ftete Went& (7) 'hit 13y -Law Shall &Arlo hitit fftct twee the d4Y• It is ltaSaed by teittileil subject to the approval of theCntarits"Municipal Board, Head afirst, secolikand third Unit, -anti 'fitiallipassed this 14t1 (Sighed) A, H. iiI14S1(110.1 • (Sighed) HAROLD 00W6V" ,friniiti'County Clerk •Warden, Cotolu f IIIRTIIS, BALLA.GIT—In Wieghara Oenergil ITospitat, on Wednesday, Auguat 28th, 1007, to Mr. and Mrs, Wed- SCIEtOeTert13' 4-111114 11';'rehsiv(ii;140tT4°Is' 'aa;11,1°1:•;81 alloSpital, no Fridey, Afugott, 30, .19a7 to Mr. and Nfra. JaMet Scott, 1-1-1., 3.,, Blyth, a daogbter. . r PAltNIII -- In IVIrIgitant „deneral Hospital, on Friday, August 30, 1057, to Mr. fitul. lyfrs, Scott • • PhyneaWinghanti; it on, , 0}40/n.erto Hotpital, on Stmtl ' VANDERWO6Plil r--, Tn Wingloup t!e,11)'St.eWnibilillire 1V8itt'rull-ParW7:oin6clel"-.11V', Ian • born., it son. . ' „, ST1VIARONS -- In .Wingliam .Gerier-' id Hospital, on Sunday, Septem- ber 1st, 1957, to Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Slim -eons, Wingham, • a ITOPPERi•-•-• lo Wingham. General • . lioepital, on Tinclair, SepteMber ist, 1957; to M . anti Mrs, Robert Hoppe; ,Ir.,, ',WingilaM, a dang-h- , LEE'S' TAXI SHARPEN.-- In Wingbam General , ter. 11101.;pital,„ all SendaY, September 24..7..4.1::::...7R`:: SE:RViC, E -We„. oevee stop; hicluding S'I'APL,141TON--:In Kitchener Wat- Sharpin, Wroxeter; rticlaughter, 1st, 1057, to Mr and Mrs, Clarke "Allitilays' and Iiididays. ale° Ifreipital, ' „oh Saturday, .:1110NE' • 185 Angust 31, 1957, to 'Mr. and Mrs. , Stapleton wm a son." s 01 Ns Ea NI pit 0. i . • ,, . ....,—,,.....—.,...,—...........14.m.am•mm•••,, i NEW and USED AlASEY-HAR.11,1S FARM tiQuIeNtgbiT PLOUGHS, ONE-WAY DISCS, „TRACTORS and OTHER SEASONABLE FARM EQUIPMENT • • ARLESI WINGHAM • N.,••••,,,,,,;•••••••••••••••••,,,J,....nnovv, •• 1111•10.1•••••;64110,11•01/144.04*dlio.P.:p.m.o..041•••.• Notice to WATER CONSUMERS The hours for wateiffig lawns and gardens are from '6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and frotru„G p.m. to 9 p.m. is will be sirictly enlo* rce d. An -ANNUAL eharge-Of .$4.44 gross, less prompt ,Paiment, discount of '10 per cent,' 4 .made for „the,uie'of a hole' or Outside tap for the above 'noted put pines. Anyone found Iiit.atering lawns toe gardens, 'rho has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. WInghirn -••C..E,-Shov4, Supegntendent BUSINESS • -dh PROFf DIREctoRY. A. U. MCTAVISU iioottoit ThESWAJER -. Wroxeter -t -erg Wednesdity • Otteritoo0) --4 1ihi, �r by •apispinutient, Frederick F. I-lomittli Carpi E. Alomuth; Mrs. Viols H. listrwth;RA Oktr-sistirslists 1 PHONE 118" tHalittiattitif RAWFORD IlETHERINGTO , Barristers, Solieltlirs, Etc, 11. CRAWFORD; g.r0,11°Ine 48 R: S..IIETIIERTNOTON, W. BUSHFIELD Earritter, Selicitor,\Notary, Etc. Money to Loan 04410*---MeYer Bleck, Winghom WELLINTON FIRE ,Itisarnalee to npaity Jost, 1844 - An all Canadian (ontttawhIett has faithfully liereed its PellaY iteldeto roe civet h centittie /16/101 Ottleo Ttitofito L OMaci.ad MA0660666 dithet ' Wingbem.