HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-04, Page 2The %owham MtReerrIA044 •WPt1.-t *P4Pabev iliktlool • •
PESSIMISM wAsNtT: "CfsTifigo,
PessimiSta a,re queer PPOPle•
Their depressing statements and
prophesies. , seldom•originate from
good jgdginent, but rather froi.
some inborn wish to look at the
0,loomy side a life The worst part
Cof their attitnde is that most of them
end up actually hoping that their
sad predictions will come to pass.
This column has referred prP-
viously to the pessimistic attitude of
a certain element of townsfolk, who
were absolutely sure that the Fron-
tier Days would be a splashing flop
this year. .E.ven aftpr the parade
was •over, .,when forty floats and
other entries had gone by, we heard
a few of these sad sacks standing
around assuring one another that
the Lions Club would surely have to
change things before next year, that
the Crowds are falling off at .a 0.1--
• rible pace, etc, Apparently a tinr
pessimist can discount even the evi-
dence of his own eyes.
Truth of the matter was that the
number of floats and the interest in
the Saturday parade was astonish-
ingly good, the bands, partici:0411Y
the Dttrham Girls, put on a first -
•class show, .the program in the pa*
was an interesting one and `almost 4
*housand adults, as ivell as hundred
of youngsters were on hand to sgt
"the latter without charge. The pack-
ed arena•on Skturday'evening prov-
ed that the CKN.) Barn Dallce
gram is certainly as popular RI ever.
Why all the pessinusm? ' r
It is true) - of •course, that from
the money -making standpoint - the
• This is the age of science. We'i-• e
really getting places. No we ear• n
fire an intercontinental missiiP from
Moscow and drop it six minutes
later on -Abe most remote corner of
the globe. A firm in England has
• perfected, of all things, a ..device
called the ERA, which can actually
1,5ead. printed copy and translate the
mforma,tion it gathers to a tape-
--punching machine or any other elefr-
tronic recorder — no i-leed for hu-,
Dick Tracy's two-way wrist
longer something to: smile,.
1i-11V:in, the funny paper.s. It is a
x.,tw, workable .device since the
velopinent of.ttansiStors-
(witli all this, advanced know-:
'ledge -we-still'have honsefhes. Not
jsifst some houseflies -- but house-
flies by the million.
• ‘Ttlberculosis is carefu'lly cop-
itioned in the civilized lands; Polio
has largely given way before the in-
fluence of vaccine — but the house
.fly gives way before nothing.
A few years .ago there •wai a
uaqi development in .the war
agar* flies.' You will recall that
lany ;restaurants. and other public.
fices.instalfed electrically operated— .
ideviceS which permanently cleared
!the flies from an entire room. These
4eXtermiria.tors were hailed as a god -
•end to mankind but mankind had
• ailed to reckon with the durability
the fly. It was found that in
Nieir Second year of operation the
;fly -killers were. almost useless. The
:flies had simply developed a gener.-
p,1-,ion which were lam -lune to the
deadly emana.tions of the scientific
„ SO, back we go to the old,-
lashioned screen door arid fly swat,
and the flies continue to employ that
Marvellous •agility which permits
.thern to leap rninbly aside just as the
vat descends, They retain that
be1levab1e instinct for knowing
When a human wants to sleep and
'just where his most ticklish spot is
'likely to be found.
'Perhaps the flies serve one use-
• filY.Purpose. They certainly do re-
mind 'its that men are not really as
Mart as they thirtk they, are.
the Winghatn AdvairiceaTimes
• rub1l4ht1 & Wingliatn, Ontalio
Wenger Publishers,
W, Barry Wenitsr, ?Altos
MillAbOr 40d1eliuresiu Of Circulation,
Alltborised s 14eend 04010 MiSk
'• Refit Office DepC
loithiorItAitai ittift chile TeIriLOO, MOnthat
0.50 in sdvsci
tt, a. A* s4.00 pet yttir
rortifp 11404 WO' per tett
Advertisint *atilt Ott SPjU�
tirlinrscla3? evening anti Vriday events
did n'ot receive too mach support, a
fact which was thoroughly discussed
by the planning committee months ,
ago, Some of these men were in
favor of discontinuing, the non-profit
events, but it was finally deckled
that they do ,add much to the enjoy-
ment a Vrontier Days by those who
Year after year, in the era before
Frontier' Days were originated we .
listened to these same complaining
folk talking about the fact that
nothing ever happened in Wingham,
They pointed in disgust to July first,
Civic Holiday and Labor Day, be-
moaning the lack of any sort of
celebration. Now they have it —
and they're still crying, .
. What this section of the cam-
M111111T needs is. a -little old-fashioned
pUblic spirit. They don't like things
tbe way they are but they are the
first tO criticize when a group of
People:With a little more energy goes
through ail the effort to make an.
improvement. Why don't the pessi-
mists either pitch in and lend a hand
Pr $tay quietly at home and moan
for their own. amusement without-
bothtring othtr people?
• We have often- thought. that
Labor PO §hoglid,Officially,heaom
thp last clay in the ofd year, so tha.t
evPr5ToPe could start fresh with the
opening of fail activitfes,
4fP,1* $PITIe reas011 Or Other we all
seem inclined to coast down to •a
stpp, 4s slimmer 0,pijr08.01eS. • Then
school closes and routine at-home as
weJ14's in business is set aside while
We all plan and enjoy holidays of one
SOrt Or 4110thetf. It is not until school
opens agaiR :that we,settle away tO..
the brisker, pace -j.).‘rhich a return to: •
normal activities fosters.. •
Clubs at,i,dr
ogan:izationS Which
.hacl dropped:their meetings and pro.-.
jects for ,the' summer -months et
.Inos Bkain., ;The arena Cbinthission:.
starts to Make ,Plans for Skating :and
hockey, even-- thoUgh those, sports,
are •'Still ihanv weeks -away. The'
. .
;cupers enjoY their first -dreams' of.
happy.winter. •
• 'ettainiy the average alert busi-•
nesStria,n cOines &mil to the store of
office, with, new purpose in his
stride, ready to „make things roll
with more energy than was his :wont
during the "holiday" months.
Whether or not this tithe of year
is designated as an official begin-
ning, i ,
it s in fact so, and there is
Something gratifying in the feeling
„that we can all get back into full
swing and busy ourselves with the
'occupations of what should be active
and usefullives. • • ,
Since there seems to be virtually
iio hcipe .of teaching the older.
Rneration• to drive safely says the
London Pree Tress, we may have to
pin our hopes for the future on the
teenagers who are getting behind
the wheel of a car for the first time.
It was encouraging to see the in-
terest shown in the Teen -Age Safe
Driving Road -e -o held in London.
There were entrants from`all over
Canada and an 18 -year-old Wood-
stock lad had won a $1,000 univer-
sity scholarship for proving himself
the best' of the lot. Second and third
prizes .went • to competitors of' the
same age.
Safe driving, like eareless driv-
ing, is simply a matter of habit, and
good habits are best Acquired in
e.arly years. None of the boys who
toOk part. in this Dominion -wide
contest is ever likely to forget that
Skill and courtesy behind the wheel
will pay dividends — dividends even
more valuable. than prizes they
might have won.
'Votith is a great imitator; It
likes to conform. If we can some-
how self the teen-agers on the idea
Oat it is •smart to drive with skill
and respect for the roles of the road,
We MO 'succeed in bringing up a
Oneration'of motorists less bent on
sili-destruotion than its elders seeri.
to be.
BY Lewis Milligal
labQit Sees the Red Light
Labor ueien louden, at leo; Ilietv
are beginning to realise that perep-
Wel demands tfor higher wade -
rates, bigger fringe bene'fita
resiFietive working 1'4'14010AM
have had something* te de With
the perpettlel •riae in prlees apd
etirrency inflatien,
Walter Reuther, president of the
United Auto Workers, hag vittuelly
admitted all that by InViting the
ante/1101111e houstry's Dig Three to
join in an anti-inflatien program
by cutting' prices 'of' .their 4058
models by an Aversoo of sioq,
ear. In support of thla, Mr. Reuth-
er said his union was drafting new
eontraet dernands and "wetild in
any event :mid Malting recom;
reendationg that would neeessitate
price increases,"
It is something new for a' labor
leader even to suggest that a wage
increase might have the effect of
increasing the production cost and'
the market • price of the product.
To make sure what he meant, lefr.
FQRTY .110411‘i 40f)
11 NfrBloomfield `of . PAeter,
worked out an invention tog is
hoped will helpto solve.'the preb-
lem of submarine 'blockade, izy
rendering 'useless the work of a
torpedo and by saving a ship froin
sinking. The details of the hew
discovery are not being disclocd
to -the public, but Mr. Bloonifield
has been in London, and placed. his
work before the IniliterY anther-
ities there.
Brigadier 1, Rgiwling #110 'Aci-
justant Ritchie, of London, -.will
visit Wingham op MOndaY, sep-
tember 1.0th and conduet a special
meeting in the Saivp.tion Army
Citadel. •
The regular meeting of the
Winghant town council was held
on Tuesday evening with Mayor
McKibbon. presiding.
Mr. T. y,'Irmen cemplained to the
council that he had been assessed
for business when he had no inisi-
ness, He merely drew a few loads
of asheato help*ont when .another
team could not' be •obtained, he
said. T, he; Meyer proinised,that the
matte.Vioitld*:,be,,ioohe'd. into,
misa; gthei )whson„ who .hits been
In' Charge. of the office .of the CenT
tral BtOnes's;-Cellege for • some
time, :lias;:acPepeteea position with
the Di.intisilleM7, R4htzer: gonzpante
Kitehe'Ver: - '
Among those from Winghanz'
who attended the National. Exhibi,
tion were:- Mrs. J. W. Dead, John'
Armour; Frank • McLean, R. Di
Birkett, Mark CaSsels, kept Smith;
W. B..• *Cool,- Mr. and Mrs. W.
3. Boire, C. Smith, Mrs, J.
Robinson and MrS, 'Robert Ten -
A. letter has been received by'
the Wingham Utilities Commission"
from the Hydro Electric? Power
Commission. Which shod& bring
joy to. electricity users. The letter
states that after investigatien Of
the operating conditions ofthe
system that the rate of 00 per
h.p. per year will be maintained,
but based' .on an analysis of the
cost 9f operation of the variOus
services in this •municipality •a
'deduction in rates for power and
lighting will 4beeome effective at
the next billing.
The rain of Monday caused a
postponement of the IVIixed Twir
light whieh wae 13111.0 for Monday
night, It is now scheduled for
Thuraday evening and a big entry
is expected. The ladies 'of the bowl;
ing elub have had bad luck th4
year as a previous twilight haa
to be put off because of rain.
A tnumber of towns throughout
the Western part of the Province
are arranging a poultry market
day. The idea- is to have one day
in the week during the 'fall set
itpart as a special Poultry Day,
when.special buyers win be Present
to Mirehase the. poultry brought in
by the farmers.
The Atzgust meeting of the
Wirightun brebeh of the Women't
Institute was held in the Council
Chambers on Thuraday, the presi,-
dent, Miss 4nderson, Opened the
meeting. After the business sea,
Reuther Wed •that "'the inttrests'
of the US, Teeple as a whole Th
stable prjee level are paramount to
the iijuory,4119rt,-011i plus Ph-
It la rather .1ate, but better Iate
than never* to AO hrOMilleht a
labor IWO to add& that the
short -run gains obtained by inflat-
ind w4geS halm
loSSeS for bath. the organised WO
ers and the people as a Whole, It
quit P 01(lOildip
the first AIWA that when Ilroane-,
tion eeSts are Inereaseu, the selling
price Muet rise .aCcordingly, And
that when the price gets out of
reach of the wonld-he purchaser,
the sales and there are leas
job s for the workers.
, The only thing that has s� far
held off a • precipitate slump- in
sales and employment is the extra-
ordinary increase in credit buYing.
That has saved the situatien for
the tune being; but credit is ,cleht,
and debts incurred in an inflating.
currency and recurring credit are
never paid.
"The time has come," said Mr.
Reuther, "and ,is long' everclue—for
a dramatic and electrifying step
to prove to all conger/lea that
dernocracY s Panabla of m0011040
on a velnntad basis the resources
of wisdom and responsibility in
management and labor needed to
Solve Its eeenonife, prohtems,:"
'That sou ndS 'r,easepable
end it 30, Reufher is • sinchtely
anxious to luilt And ilvertake run.
away inflation, it may not he too
late to Pim* the procesS. 13ut It is
nq eneUgh proellso not to de -
;1340 flirther wage increases next
year •en, condition that the menu-
feetnrers? reduce pis in advance,
If produetivity had kept peep with
*Iwo iliereaSea in the last seven
Years there Wonki have been no in-
, According to official statistics,
the index of weekly wages in in-
thIstry,14etw,e0 199 and.. rose
more than ZO per,ecrit;, while the
Agana' inerease Of autinn,l)or man-
hatir for the same period was only
about I,),(1 per pent Tliese,Jaets :we're
pbnted ont In The '..kfonfetarY
Times by l'irfr, EeWin Q. Dentay,
President Of • Fine Chenilcals; of
Oanada. "Looking at it y,wzo, the
market angle," said Mr, 1)cnto
"the added purchaSing.. Oyer :of
the Workers 'raised •the, "dernahd
while supply was not inpieesed to
the same extent, It Was the nattiral
entcome of this pSet balance that
prices went up,":
'The logical .antil-inflation thing,
is to either to reduee union, wade.'
rates in advance, or to increase
therefore, for Mr. Reuther to; de
prodnetivity by eliminating, any;
thing in the nature of slowdowns
or featherbedding' im.,union work-
ing regulations. Inflation is merely
the effeet and not the'eause of,the
imbalance betVreen ,labor posts and
V,pesee•etto ,
Sugar:and Spice
By Bill Smiley
r •
I can't help feeling sorry for c11 Ainch hourofthe small town male
those fellows in the city who have
to eat lunch •downtown every -day
When I think of what they are
rnissing, my heart bleeds ;for them,
We men who live and work ,in
small towns go home to lunch. at
ConSider' the city fellow. Kisses
his wife and kids goodbye in the
morning and doesn't see them
again until ,evening; Isn't • that
cruel? These birds don't know
they're living. There's a -horrible
monetony, formality and stiffness
,in their lunch hours that robs thern
of one of the most vital and inter-
esting portion s Of the day.
Think of it. Same old ride down
In the 'elevator. Same old walk -to
the restaUrent. Sante old doilhie
martini, (or beer; if they don't, hap-
pen'to 'be having; lunchwith the
blond. ree,eptitmistl, Same Old: steak
and mushrooms; roast': ...ehieken,
pork chops; spaghetti - .and Meet,
balli,''or 'stamen steaks. Saine, old:
leisurely, half-hour with, the new-:
paper Over the coffeellack to; the
office • with the shree ;oht feeling'
of drowsy contentment..
They don't •know what they're.
missing, ,Compare that Somnolent
escape from reality ,with the lively
sion was Over an interesting' prb-
graiii featured talks, readings and
deincinstratiOns. =: •
0.; Q - 0
• On Saturday afternoon, when
Fleming 13Ittek, Bluevale; one of
the diStricts most extensive „drov-
ers, Was 'loading horses •into a
truck, he was knocked down and
badly injured. He was treated at
the Wingham General Hospital
and later allow:1d home.
Th band concert held on Sunday
evening last was the final in this
year's summer series. The band
has been carrying on with con-
siaerable difficulty as niany. mem-
bers have enlisted or left town, but
their efforts throughout the stun -
Mer have been well received. It
may be that by next spring there
will be lady members as Band-
master Wright is making an effort
to interest them in joining the:
band. So far three girls have taken
to this class of musical edtication.
In the salvage campaign just
completed in Howick Township by
branch No. 307, Canadian Legion,
110,135 pounds of salvage Nir-as col-
lected. The collection was 'gold for
$583.36. The entire proceeds will
be donated to war and bomb vic-
tims fund.
Church grOups and wdmen's 'or-
ganizations which have in the past
serVed Meals at Pali Fairs will this
year haVe to put a "no tea, coffee
or sugar served" 'sign on their
booths. Th.e latest announcement
regarding the three rationed fOods
reveals that no provision ter extra
supplies is being Made for any).zut
people engaged in permanent cat-
viihrtile$11 .. iii ii i
, lb•
The Bible Todeu Sc BY Rev. Parpon
e. Upper Canada' Bible
An •increase In Scripture sales liz
the cezintrieb WhIelz naake up Ind0-
Ch1na intt been topotted by the
Ftev 1. Curwen,aniith, a native of
1/fontrett1„. Who Is the 'British arid
Foreign Bible StmletY agerit for
Vietnam, Cambodia, and Lab. "ritot
only have Our dirculation figutes
increased, but ,nitich greater Inter-
est is behig Stiovin ht the Script.
they spread through thee
three dotinttles and the tribal
emu", State" in
the annual tepott of tht Bibit
WOrk furlong the hill tribe.
Society 1
Ing carried oil by literacy leaders,
and the British and Foreign Bible
Society Is providing GOapels for
he* literates • there. The Koho
and Rad.ee versions haVe been pilb-
lished in Canada, by the -Society
her Last year 212,470 copies of
Scriptures were eircUlatedIn /natl.
Suggested Bible Reading
Wednetday, 8:1.11;
day, Ante* 1:141; Friday, Athos
/111.141 Satrilday, Arnos' 9:1-15
Sunda 1tmtah 2818.82; Mon.
vv,ho goes home to eat , with his
dear, ,Oly!, in the bosom of the
.ftin'tily,::,•: • .
"Let Me tell you of the vihrant
uftlniaCY or lunch hour at 'our
place,/ get a call at ten to twelve
to pick up a -loaf of' bread and a
spool of thread, white,, No. 34 or.
something, They debt have it at
the store so I come hoine with grey
NO. 43. Only sign of life When I
collie in is the breakfast dishes in
the sink and the' washing Machine
thumping away like .a cement -mix-
er in 'the back kitchen, That's
what I like about it, None of those
restaurant said's, that clattering
of dishes, that hum of, conyeraa-
boo,' It's sti'restfu1*.,11 ri, . ".13. 1
• . „ ,,,,,t,,,„' .vif,...1.0! kap 4f
"Cali : irig:I.Icids-,i'fiteonteki, flihdo
k. "Outside,
fron*,(t4e?lh 1, kitchen, "Where are
7wrieydzi think?" pomes the,.
eCheij.lriniti,H.!nind tli?, clothesliik
"0nt4rs oue!te4ve 0.01
tlie;:i404'11;,,i• tqi. I've, l'Obltediitt
th'e ineip-,iileire, back '' yar
driVent;„aritinid half the Or
towne/ iiv:ready
ei'fi:74)1y get hone 't'
At leaSt 'It's practically redv,
The toaster,g out with a,140;gpf.
bread'heside-it and a can of`hcapV
is burning irl :the saucepan.
tad beano on tzzast. 1 once remark-.
ed that -they made a good snack,
if you. were hurigiy enough. Now
We have ;it Monday, Wednesdai"
and. Friday. The other days we,
have chicken noodle' sobp or
bologna sandwiches.
None of the old monotony of pie
and ice cream' for dessert, either.
We have a.' nide and fascinating
selection. Bread "and peanut hut -
ter, bread and peanut Witter and
honey, bread and peanUt butter
and honey and 'jam, bread. and pea:
nut butter and jam with sliced
bananas on top. That's what the
kids likeo A" ;heavy lunch makes
me loggy Mid I settle for tea and
a fag. *
'Another thing "about '1unci At
home that keeps yOir on Your. tops
is the conversation. Nene "of this
dull mumbling about the stock
market and the new waitress With,
the inflation problem that ocoupies,
city lunchers. Weget down to
brass facts, local reVelationS 'and
internal Problems.
wife 'Says: "Did you get the, NO.
threadr / say: "140, , ." She
says; 'Tzn making a blouse and
I'm certainly glad you got the right'
thread. I'd be held up all after-
noon if you hadn't." I hadn't.
Kugh says. 4Ts it true that three
people in China die every titre you
take a breath?" I say: "Well, I
He says: "Can I ride my hike otit
to Granny's this afternoon'?" / Say:
"No, 1 . ." He says: "aitn.'s got
more slices •�f bemaua on her sand-
Wich than I have." She, has.
Kim Says: "Daddy, is it OK if
the boys kiss Me irt the woodshed,
they'ye always trying to," 1, say:
"No, I . " She Says: "Hugh told
nie a great big lie this Morning
and you should spank him:" I Say:
She says: "Can 3 go
out barebelly this afternoon, its
hot,' She does.
Wife says', "Those bass. have to
be cleaned ,before you go. Ahd 4!'
want ,you t6 too Seine Stuff to the
cleazierS. What' n,re you going to
do about 1-lugh being so eheeky to,
Met If YOU don't get rne a new
clothesline Vin liever goirig to wash
again, You look terrible, why dost
you have u,shavetti
• StlbStantiel increase in ine011e
ii3t:rjein'W:11:3InstbeLlir:01:0:1111;44'w101:411g 0:7069'et:::oeproPtlie:
ciapatienal Therapy Workshop in
a meeting of the Tweedsmuir
/39ard of ocrArners,
Revenue for the 22 perSons. eM,
&wed, on a part-time basis, in,
creased during • the,past four,
traileeni5tIlis,eviaopboit:vt err.
p % te$2,336 ovgr-
4Hal1Trit(Cor"t94:• 40141 :4471trz aTWlegaere(ispinail4gInt
'for Onds, scheduled for. Septeni-
-bebeza•ix/4mthantoQt284t4he.,W130, 4)11r...4.•,MgefGpil6livet7nw_
AM presided, ftepresenttives . of
the 'counties ink thfs, dis-
trict attended.;
N.F. Wheeieir, field secretaryi
said the money earned in the shop
helps blind 'persons in maintaining
their independence. He pointed out
that blind nerSOTIS able to work
full-time were placed in C.N,I.B.
stands or, private incinstry.
• . • 1.
The campaign to start
in.September will ask $12800 from
reel.dentwof Middlesex, Iluron And
Perth Counties to' complete
CJI.I.B.'S budget for this year,
United Fund organizations in Lon-
don, Strafford and St.Thernas7Elg-, Wingham 'and R. R. A. Minter,
In, along With' ' eitY, and. :count.y10,Vroxeter.
With ten minutes Of nyiundh
bent' Still to go, I take the,fisli out:
Of the refrigerator, look at them,'
uuletistrufl,to th.,9 garbage Onn
With tliehi, shatCh 1,11: the dry titan.
int and make afl haste haeh to the
Sanity*, Safety itta ettoctue.w of 'the
C1.0..eN.Veek ofyon:
AtiWestein. f4it:
An entire Week Of furi IS coming
your way $epterOber 0 t� 14 at
torn:144'S western. rfitr, 4114 it's
all yours t,,e„
Western Pair' has everything
trorn blue ribbon liygstreit and the
largest 'arra Machinery' ;lbw
Canada, to suPeriatiVe grandstand
shows, harileaS horse racing viith
betting. pkivilege °Ald the farn'oue
Conklin MidWaY•
A strip of .two Western Fair ad-
vence adMiseion tickets ebst one
dollar, These 'tickets give YOU Six
ehttnees on, three beautiful cars.
Only bellers of Advance tickets
are eligibie for these draws, so buy
them, now in• Yew.' t7iNr‘Ill.i.e4nxe
Write WeeteruFor!„1,10)10..f.?.n foy
reserved ,grandatand „S.9frq,even.
!rig Prices are $2,00 .4
Please inchnie, • 115 oellta, '•fer 0;1',
Change and stampedgldresse
• Western Fair. --• 1Whete Town
and Country ;meet" — Your fair,
Enjoy it for the entire week,
councils in the four counties, have
already promised $51,900.
Mr, Wheeler is vfsiting camp
chain -ilea, in the dirge canal)
ceunties this week, delivering lit..
erature and appall letters,
Campaign chairmen in the three
counties include;, John Brent,
.f:11 and a�z. sizes regidatiYid5c, Q5c
Save ioe - 4 ,oz. bottle regularly, sold at 40c .......
Ineludes tubing, pipes, 'shut-off ,
ly pecials
A good eamlity bottle at a low Price
29c 49c
Save 30e on these pitin tablets - 800's, reg. 89c •
ve 52e, '-81.4o value fort•only
• t7','P ••r
Makes waving 'easier - sure; $3.00 value
v. •
yvirigE RAIN '10c off", SPECIAL -
• .
Agency for—
Ayer and Revlon.
Intone 18
100.1r$ Goo:0=PEATURE5 NAk
. , . . T
a •
i •
;OM C F. jonspri, Re6tor
Mr, 'Potmell Organist
• Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
1L00 an,—Morning Prayer
230 ,p.m.—Stinday School (Rally)
7.00 ly,m,--L,Evepitig Prayer
Thin*, Sept, 12 - 3 p,n1.—A1tar Guild at rectory