HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-04, Page 1k ith which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
, i'"OHQ'rTHE WORKS--A Wing-
ha* - woman Want into., a main
4itre‘t store 'to buy a spool of
thread • last Saturday/ Her eye
eanglit snappy suit.'She bought
it,. Then She bought two dresses,
*air that she decided she couldn't
• afford the thread!; .
. • 0 Q - 0
By•hePeesran T d
Metal Fabrioatngfirot
OVEBHEARD We'' heard a
yOnngster at • the park tell his
er that the Parade was great,
;horse show Wan. swell, • the
rns made him laugh and the
music was just fine. Just the same,
he :said, when does the circus
0 - 0•4 "
iii-obby Furness Sec is tb.he ,fellow
ing- in his 'father's - "Clowning"
ibetst8ps: You'd see -the fainily
team last week's two parades
,,41ising a lot of 'fun, and at • the
lierne time if you noticed elosely
keeping ';a careful watch on horses
and other livestock. 'Few realize
Shit the clowns in any li4racle
fiaye a two-purpoge job. Job one
io • etnusing the crowd. Job' two,
Standing by in ease some animal'
gets qut of control. Both boys did
it grand job.
. .
FIRST ROAST On 'Saturday'
members of the Canadian Legion
and their wives • :are holding the
Wingham: branch's first wiener
roast. Any 'member interested be'
going aking should' gbt touch.
With !V. Ducharme soon as
possible. ' They've premised the
Wienera won't be "veterans".
0 - 0 - 0
With F,U.C. Harry. Lewis,
employee Of Lucan, has
. been engaged by the local. P.U.C.
BAWYli • Chemney,r ;who has been
employed by the here for
Several.years, has resigned, • Mr.
Lewis and /ire -Wife intend toli:id'i!e
a'; town as soon as a home can be
leiceted, •
'opening of school there are a.
good many .parents wishing • that .
dog owners would tie up their live-
itoek: There were 'Urines last year
When the public school' grounds
ioOked `Mee the training ground
foe dog show. No, :doubt- the
degi have the -'b'est of intentions
but fiVe and six Year end young-
Sters don't realize the fact •
Mr. -and Mrs. Sheldon :Hoover Of
Welland, Ontario announce' the
•Ongagenient of • their •-daughter,
EStber Yvonne ,,to, Mr. Charles La-
Verne Hoesserson of Mr. and Mrs.
HonSaer, of Markham The
'Wedding' will take blade On ,Sattir-
4aY, Sqtember 21st iri Brethrea
in Christ' Church, Welland at -two
• 0',Olack. • ' ." F, Sept4*
• .
Mr.' and' Mrs. Leonard Dawson,
bf Teesveater,lwiini -to .arinetinee the
engagement of their daughter,
Lucille Elizabeth to Nil'. Walter
Douglas,,. Hannah, win of Mr; and
'MS.- Levi Itannah, Tiehberrie,
Ont. The parriage Will take place
on - September 28,.1957 at 3 ,o'clock,
in 'the Teeswatet:, United' Church,
S Shauneasys, Office' will
- be 'closed from September 8 to' 15
lusiVe. „F5b
Berry Door Co;, Ltd., which com-
menced the manufacture of.steel
garage doois here about 17 .moriths
ago, haspurchased the Wingham
Metal Fabricating effective
September 1st.
Opefatiens° =File Berry plant,
located in 'one of the buildings'
formerly owned by Western Fowl-,
dry Co, Ltd„ have expanded so ra
pidly that additional spaae for
equipment was badly needed. Dux-
Mg the past few months the com-
pany has been working up to pro-,
duction sehedule on a new line
known as the Floataway; Door, 'a
folding metal door designeefor in-
terior use on clothed closets and in
similar installations, '
The portion of the Berry Door
Staff which has been, engaged in
the manufacture of the, new closet
door' will be moved to the Metal:
Fabricating plant on Albert'Street,
*eat, just off Josephine, 'It will be
known as Berry Door Plant No, 2,
Lloyd Carter will be plant Manager'
Ueeting. at the council .chamber'
on Tuesday evening 25 members Of
the Wingharn Buainess A4bciation;
debate'cl : Several problems which,
visit this year was introduced, and
the suggestion was made that , a •
more pretentious parade might. be
undertaken. However, the general
opinion, was expressed that the
funds necessary would be better.
spent in' treats for Ow yoringsters
as, well as .entertainment for the
kiddies- on that day. It waS de-
BOA'. and
'(Please turn to Page Twelve)
Family; Visits
Hudson's Bay • .
Mr. and Mrs, perey Stainton
and Miss parbara'Stainton arrived
home last week after a most' in-
teresting trip"which took them 'to
Fort Zurchill on Hudson's Bay.
They were members of a party
organized by Canadian. National
Railways'• which- included several
from Toronto and other points, as
well as a large number of Ameri-
can tourists. There we're 250 in all.
The1/4*.trip included many stops at
towns in northern Manitoba where,
the iravellers Were tendered civic
receptions and entertainment. Pere.
was able to leave the train long
enough to get out fishing 'at one
or two plades and has interesting
tales to tell of the most unbelieve-
able fishing possibilities in these'
northern waters, where the• angler
can expect results on almost every
The railroad bad arram"ged_StIch
a complete program of hetivities
that there was something to do
almost every Moment of the time
the travellers Were on board.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the
Wingham General Hospital will
held its- meeting in the Council
Chamber on Friday, September 6,
at 3 o'clock. Arrangements will be
made for' the rummage, sale. F4b
and present employees of the tab;
ricating firni will be absorbed into'
the Berry staff,'
OPellied ;
. The Wirigham Metal Fabricating
firm was established in AO by
Herbert L. Fuller and Lloyd Carter
and engaged in the' manufactureof
many type's of heating, conductors,
as Swell as the installation 'of heat-
ing equipment of all lands. Their
'heating contracts lnchicled many
churches, schools and, other larger
installations in Western Ontario,
Latterly.the same• firm had handl-
ed several contracts for the menu-
factiiie of large "type bridge rail-
ings which are .now in place on
newt roads: in the province.
Early last 'year the senior part-
ner, Mr, .Fuller, was, .appointed as
manager -of the Berry Door plant,
and will now become responsible
'for manufacturing operations in
both locations, '
q\l'ew equipment is at present 'be-
ing installed in the lieWiy-acquired
'building and it .is expected that
prodUction there will a le kinder way •
in a week or ten days.
GOBRIE—This community ; was
saddened to learn, of, the,.' sudden;
passing; from ,a, /wart attack, of
George Alexander Beattie, at.„ his
and during that time' his gbnial •
;disposition , won y hint many
torn in Scotland. 52' Years "ago: t
he came to TerOnto as :a young
:man and joined the-staff , of the .
DOminien Bank He spent 15 years
at the St. Catharine St' branch in
Montreal and :five, years in Wing-
habil before coming .to'Grirrie in
tine% .wheee:Iche.,40
-Photo Heimmerton.
made many warm friends.
He was active in the cOmMunity,
being a regular attendant of St.
Stephen's Anglican Church, presi-
dent of the Gorile and District
Red 'Cross, convener of the per-
sonell and, finance • committee of
the Water- Safety and Swimming
Service, and a member of the
Hewick Lion's Cluir,'
He is survived by his wife, 'the
former Marjorie Marwick of Mont-
real, to whom 'the sympatby of
the community goes •pet; also by
three sisters in Secitland.
A service was conducted at'? P.m,
on Saturday evening at the Moir
funeral home by. the Rev. F. N.
Russell, his formen„reetor, Burial
was on Tuesday in 111emorial Park
Cemetery, Montreal,"
As general chairman of the 1:957
edition of Frontier, Days, I WOuld
certainly like to extend my Per,'
Senal thanks, as well as the than19
and appteclatlon of the Winghaln
Liens, for the most generouS
port we received 'from the many
who contributed to; the success of,
our celebration last week,
To the: many children and their
parents: for our P'riday parade and
the participants in, both parades,•
wilicti many thought were the best
yeti A lot of work was Shciwri in
the many excellently decOraled
floats and costumes,
To the seven bands that'provided
the music for the two days, To
nip,ny,.. who showed horaes "arid
ponies ponies and thoSe who provided tne
true frontier spirit of our par*
and park showa.
We are grateful to the• many,
particularly our outside neighbors;-
who attended and participated •in
the arena• shotvs for the three
nights , . for the people who help-
,ed in the judging and to the mer-
chants who decorated their store's
and of course, a great 'big think
you to the weather man. •
All of this gave pm endenrage-
ment to ldok forWard to next •year's
celebration and the hope 'that it
Can conthyue to improve.
To' all the above and the many
others who helped so'much; our
sincere appreciation for the asais,
tance you provided.
- W. 'T, 'Cruickshank,
General' Chairman.
Wingham Properties
Change Hands
Mr, 'and Mrs, Miller Davis moved
'last week,to the home they recent;
ly purchased from Jeick Alexander
or Patrick Street Mr. and Mrs.
Davie 'formerly resided, in an aparbe
meta above the 'Hoirndale Creariv;
The 'Alexander faMily has moved
to the' apartment above the hard.i
ware store operated by. Mr: Alec
building from Miss Grace GreeF.
Miss Greer is moving to one of,the
Wilkinson apartments.
Clarence-Ohm -jiack
From Middle East .
Clarence, Ohm, who has been
serving with United Nations forcer
in the Middle East, returned to
MS country last, week, and visited
Wingham on Monday. At present
Clarence and his w4fe are visiting
in London but are expected to re-
turn to Wingham in a few days'
-The regular meeting of the
Wingham town council was held on
Tuesday .evening, Mayor R. E.- Mc-
Kinney presiding.
A letter from the fire Chief of
the Huron County Fire Co-ordina-
tion, J. F. Scott, of Settforth, was
read by the •town clerk. The letter
requested that fire Chief Jim Carr
and representatives of the town
council, meet in Seaforth town hall
on Tuesday, SetiternbeiN 10th, to
discuss with delegates from the
county- the formation of a County
Mutual Aid system for fire depart-
ments in Huron. The Meeting is to
be addressed by J, Turnbull of the
Ontario Vire ,IVfarshall's .office.
' A letter ficim ,the members of
the Wingham Fire Department,
asking ,the cOunell's Consideration
of an increase in` the hourly rates
paid to firemen for 'faired calls, was
read to the eouneil.
A decision was made to call a
special meeting of the council's
fire committee, the fire Chief, his
deputy and firefighters, to con-
sider the, request,. It was stated
that 'the present rate for firemen
on one-of-town 144' Was dollar
an hour and that the town charged
rtiral eoeninunitieS 420 Per 'hour
While the 'department Was 'on duty
in these'' c1iStricts, It was also stated
that a meeting Would fitiVO to be
Called of thq rural municipalities
concerned atter the Meeting with
the firefighters had taken plate,
The mayor said a polite iir&esti-
gatien* and report Would be Made
eini 'a complaint, tuthniitted 'by letter,
regarding it large lintliber pl balk.
I '.
affect the association and business home in Gorrie earlY, Friday niern-
men gene(ally, President Harry : ing. He had been manager ,of the
Merkley was in the chair, local branch of the Toronto-Do-
The subject ,of --the Santa. Claus minion bank'f-CPY the past 41/2 Yea rs'
These jiedgeeli te, A, ftatiri, Brussels; Mrs. Ronaki I4111, Teoswatot; MrS„ Ruse. Benner, Dr. A,
lieWin. Large, Olorida; It''Watmen, Lueknow, Ronald' 1/111, 'reetwater; LlieknoW;
Mara, D, A. Ranh, RroSSelpi. ROSS Diteter, and Mrs,. TrWino all L'ionS, and ;allele Wives Made
the decieletii about best entries in the big parade on Sattirclay,, ii,:dVatice4irnes photo;
A :crowd estimated at between
five and six thousand people lined
Josephine Street ;from Vitoria
Street to 'the town park on Satur-
day afternoon to watch the Fron-tier Day parade, one of the ',high-
lights .of the third ,annual
West celebratien ap.oriaored by the
Lions Club of Whighani.
The parade was one of, the best
Whieh has been seen here' With a
full variety of commercial,
'eel and humorous, Beats. Tii kddi-
tion there were bOrSemen, clowns
and many other entrIeS. The
,parade was headed by the Durham:
Girls' Bugle *.Band and four Other '
bands were injected into the pro,
cession at intervals to •supPly
additional interest.' They were, the.
Wingliam Lions ,Boys' and Girls'
Band, the trodnagenBartel and'the
BrusselS Legion Pipe Band.
Judging of the float's took, place
as they passed ,the Sheriff's office
on the main street. The winners
Best old -fashioned float — 1st,
Wingham Sawmill; 2nd, C. Lle-yd
& Son, Best horse drawn float-
1st,' Cameron Trading Post; 2nd,
Winghani Brownies. Best comic
float-1st, C. 'Lloyd and. Son; 2nd,
Lovell McGuire, Best service club
and patriotic float-1st, Wingham
Boy Scout's and Cubs; 2nd, Wing-
ham Legion. Best did -motor ve-
hiele—lst, 'John Brown, :Gorrie;
2nd, Wingham 1VIOtors. Best over-
all ;float--lst, Wingham",Rebecca
Lodge; 2ad, Listowel. Transport;
(Please turn to Page Twelve)
en windows at -the now: •disused
Brown Biahers factory. The letter
complained of vandalism at, the,
factory and asked •the council to
take the matter up.
It was stated at the meeting that
the council will seek approval for
repairs to the abutments of the
town bridge and also to get the
advice of a repair expert. 'It is
hoped that repairs can be carried
out next summer .at a cost of not
more than $5,000.00.
The matter of fixing a date for
the' conclusion of daylight saving'
time was discussed and it was
suggested that the town should
tall in line with surrounding town'
in the, eounty, October 25th Was*
given as a possible date.
Mary Showers was not only the first‘prize whiner in the fancy dress division' in :Friday's parade,'
bUt she was naturally one of the most interestin g, participants, for a news photo, dressed as she
is in a costume made up completely from copies o f The Adyance-Times. We think it is the most
stylish attire possible, though perhaps not the most durable.
• •
Barbara Merrick •
A very pleasant 'evening was
spent at , the home of Miss Mary
Frances, Currie on Tuesday of last
week when about fifty friends of
Miss Barbara: Merrick met there
to present , her with ,a shower of
miscellaneous articles in honor of
Shower Held for
The mayor Of OWen Sound, Willihin IT'OrSyth, seen as he officially opened 'this year's Profttier Days
at the LOWA park Oh Friday afternoon. Other Of fieinis nn tbe platforni are Jack Reavit, president
of the Lions W, 'Cruicksharik, swii0 headed the Vrontior Days Committee and centributed
great menentre tee the •succeSs of the tveat,, Ittatviti nowe, IVr,V, for Wellinget4Itirmi and Mayor
R., Z, Moltiliney* •
her approaching marriage to Allan.
A miniature br,ide and streamers
decorated the chair in which the
guest of honor sat to open the
bemitiful gifts. Lunch was served
by Mrs. Charles Chittick, Mrs. L.
E. Vance, Miss Betty Henry, Mrs.
,I, Higgins, Mrs, G, Golley and Mrs.
J; Donaldson, friends of the bride-
An:, t- . • , • figures• was reached.;this weeltat
the Wingham Scheel ,
.approximately 485:pupils rogistere4;
on Tuesday morning. 'Kindergarten .
figures 'are also up this Year eyer.,,,
laSt with 6/ registering; The ever-,
all increase in 'children „attending
is 42. - • :
Three new teachers .began at the:
Public School on. Moseley. ,They
are Miss 1Vlargaret Jamieeon; Mrs. •
Margaret Walsh arid Miss Colleen
An increase in attendance of '.:i3
sent the Wingham District High
School's, enrolment figure to s• re- ,
cord high also, with a total of 502
pupils and More to come. Principal
W. S. Hall reported this week.
Mr. Hall stated that if the pie-, .
sent high rate, of new students 'at
the Wingham High. School eon- --
limes the school's capacity of 520
would be reached within the next v..
two years. Twenty-four years ago
when Mr. Hall first came to, the , .
school the number of pupili there
totalled 134;,
'icemen Seek Increase
In Payment for Services
W. S, Hall, principal of Wing-
ham District High Scheel, has. an-
nounvd 'that three students won,
$500 porninion-Provineial bursar-
Named. winners are John Hoover,
Son of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hdov-
er of Grey Township, who is b1:1:.
rolled at the university of Western
Ontario; Agnes Lane, daughter of
Rev:, and Mis, Andrew Lane, form-
erly of BrIISSels, Who will attend
Victoria University, Toronto and
Allan Scott, 'son of Ur, and Mrs,
Walter Stott of DMA WaWanosh,
Who Will attend O.A,C. at Guelph
'this fall,
Cartier named Wier$ were
GordonorSmith of X
Wawatiosh and
George' Webster of Morris Town-