The Signal, 1926-8-26, Page 10• iso:, `is* • •. I • s «. • • • 'r • ( e. • • IP=7ltur dsy August "tt. 19+0. .t School Opens Sept. 1st W E II E A COMPLETE RANGE OF New Text Books Scribblers Exercise Bots Pends and Art Supplies This is the book store your teacher will refer you to for all ./).tial supplementary hooks, art supplies end other line. SPECIAL Self -filling Fountain Pen, $1.50 in Hashs' reel color A fins gain for the student Terms: Strictly Cash PORTER'S BOOK STORE "On the Square for Forty Years" f •• a.a THE SIGNAL • GODERICH, ONT. 4 CONSECRATION lw 34Ff-MI i BISHOP SEALER AN IMPRESSIVE 'EVER Solemn Services Attend En- thronement of the Lord Bishop of Ontario Ktugetuu. Aug. 24. -In St. George/ t'atbeelrst today, .at the festival of St. Bartlaul.imew, .Rev. Churls. Allen Seager, )I.A.. DIV., LL.D„ former pnu- vwII of Trinity College. Toronto, was consecrated and euthrobed as Lord Httehop of Ontario. Conducted by Right Rev. IAtvid Wflliame, Bishop of (prtrlf.. iu the abseils. through 111- ne00.. of IiIs Grate. ti.. Most Rev. George* Thoreelew', Metropolitan et the Pruritic... the ceremony was anrrounel- ed with the trndlttenul dimity of the Anglican e'hur.•h, and was twrtormed with becoming wt;emulty before a con- gregation which e,mpktrly filled the historic edifier. r. hist. p William* was assisted in rhe service by the Right' Roe. John Roper. Itti•hop of Ottawa, aa t;oy,eilrr. and Right Rev. Heber Hamilton. ltishup of Mid -Japan, as Epistoller. while Right Rev. James Sweeny. Itiabop of Toronto, was the special pre•a.her, and Dr. Seeger wets prevented by the Bisberp of Ottawa and Bishop Owen of Niagara. Preceded by a celebration of the holy communion at v o'clock and the recitation of matins. the consecration 'Visitors Defeat eat 0. C. 1. On Wrdn,•s.ley eveutiti,.tbe 18th, the boys h„au Indian Clewp at Mesteretupa HArk vleite.l the (l.C.l. get Vktorla Park. The vlaitmw defeated C.C.I. by a 10$ stone. The vhdfors Showed good Corm in 'Ilse field and at tet. Their 'pitching staff, Potts and Me - Ottumwa, who wv►rked alternately, were very effective In the box. The Collegiane ou the other hand had an "or' Mght and put up a very p..er em- bibltlou of ball. The- tine -up : lttdlau Vamp -Jeffers' e, I4.ttx i, Mc- Arthur Ib. Brown 2b, Beckett to. 'Mc- Cammen Sb. ShaWcy if, 1)neid•arn cf. Ylulaymno rf. O b. 1.--N. MMlnskey r, •]i. Send- erens p, F. Townaead lb, •D. Nairn 2b. C. Areber sy G. Holdthorpe :ib, W. Riad 1f, R. Goldthorpe et, It. Itlac'C rf. Ocoee by Inalup: Indian (ltwp-2 0 0 A 11 1 0 1 0=10 (:.C.1.- 010001000=2 t'tattdeee-- W. Marlow at plate, W. cir on bases. Purity Flour 6-M.C.C. S Ou Thursday evl•niug M.C.C. and Purlty. Flour played off the Ale from the gator on the previus Tuesday evening. The game was fast and in- terestIrtg. and for the tired .two inn- ings 11 Molted KM It the canoeists would he• easy VH•tore. an they were leader- by a 5-0 score. in the third, the matter: tont charge at the more and leathered In tree runs. and one more in the [lith. M.C.C. still led by ouc run until the last inning", when the Purities tallied twice, wla- nlug the game by a score of 6-3. Lineup: Purity blour-el. Vogue ., W. Mc- Donald lb, W. Weir 2b, A. Mallougb as, ' N. Flahit 3b. C. M.dwr,d rf, R. Snead ef. W. (hrrlck If. Y.C.C.-E. Weethrooke .. R. Sand- erron p, G. Mr1Owan lb. R. Pfau 3s', E. I'ridham ,es, W. &meet 3b. -11. Hall It, C. •Ma('Donald cf, R. Stoker rf. Sore: Purity Flour -O 0 3 6 1 0 2=6 M.U.O.- ' 1 411 0 0 0 0=5 t:mpirea-WBisset at piste, J. Stewart, sr., oa bases. A --rarity ibeir 5 on Tuesday eveping C.R.A. and l'urity }'lour played a "sudden death" to determine which team sbuuhl com- pete In the finals with the Square and for the championship. Both teems failed to !wore until the millers opened us1 out in the third and tallied three runs. C.R.A. meant businewe also and is the fourth inningw evened up. In the first half of the fifth Purity Flour again broke away afel scornd twice, but in their last half C.RA. retaliated with three runs. giving them a lead of one run. Nei- ther team scored In the remaining two innings and the game ended 6-3 in, favor of C.R.A. ------ 4.Ine-up: C.R.A.--W. R1mpt c, R. Bisset p, E. Elliott 11,, R. lietheringtun 2b, B. M,Manns Ma. D. Nairn 3b, C. Bowman If. G. Hadden .4,,*1. McFie rf. Purity}lour---(� Yoans e. W. -Itc- )onnhl P K. $repel lb, W. Weir 2b, A. Mrllough se. N. FIahRf ire. C. me- (Rlahop Seager is a (kai.'rt.h boy, iced rf. N. Webster et, W. Carrick -PERSONAL MENTION Mits I. E. Sb,'rs,an la spending the wet► at Detroit. Miss Jean t'ha,l.nuen. of Palmerston. is visiting friends in town. Mr. ltkhard Phelan left last week for lir• %\'cwt to 1istt relatirea. Mr. Itryson Morhiek, of Durham. was a visitor in Iowa beat week. Mr.Eruest Pritchard. of Woodetoek. is emending a week's holiday+ is town. Miss Ms. -Vicar atte.ded the flit asillinrr) evenings at Toronto this week. Mess Kenneth McLean, of Kirton is visiting h'er daughter, Mrs. Jas. F. Thomson. Mrs. K. Dalton left' un Thursday for laetruit. where site intends making her home. Miss K.tw Weiss has returned home after ap•adisg a Mw days a1 Kitchener. „ Tt„• Miro. Mae sad Agnea (`alla- frau., of 14.1 role. arelire guest* of Mint. Ate•nerider Dewe,:-- .-- Dr. omit Raker. of Wludsor, risked during the week at the iome of Mr: D. 1.. Jnnew. North street. .'slows Kat baleen and Mary Kane, of Mtaatilsed are visiting at rhe home ut Mr-. and Mrs. Coo. Spain. Mrs. R. J. Phelan left on Monday for. Stratford. aeeumpsnled by her MS - ter. Miss Margaret ttnIMvan. MIS' Leila Martin. of Loudon, is 'woollen a week -'s hniklayy with 'Miss Ilea trier :Henry, ('amhrla road. Master Fermi Remelt., of Ploradrie. Is .1.711 g et the honer of MY. and MTs. Gee. Mi nVk'ar. I.igbtbnu.e street. Mise Nora Miism, of Honda, Iw ape -inline part of the holiday season et tlw iatre•nte! Moine. St. Devilry street. visit of several -weeks at the home of her parrots. lir. and Mn. J. B. Kelly. and was aaompanled by her father. who will enjoy a brief bolklay log the met rop,l Ia. Mr. and Mee. R. C. Hp�%''. Goderich. announce Ile rngagemdnt of their daugteter, Agnea Claire. to Frank l7earle. $hiddert Evans. sent of Mr. and lira. 11. P. i)unlwr .Fran,, of Tnr• unto. The marriage will take piece Soptembwr 11th. Mr. (:.o. Lethbridge and his daugh- ter. Alice. of London. are bolidaving at Meene•setung Park. Mr. Lethbridge was formerly ormsuist snd choir-di- re•tor of Ka' lox chun•h. Goderl.h, aqd now occupies a similar paitton in F1rst Presbyterian .buret. London. Mr. and Mrs. Denson e'ox..1 Leam- ington. Niro. Duughis. of North Dakota. and .Mrs. John ('rev. of ('hi.ag' are in town for a hew .lays. having motored op from Leamington. They brought "1711 them Mrs. Slo-lelr. who had been vi.ltIng her relatives at leaminglon. FLOWER SHOW LAST WEEK A FINE SUCCESS Large Di.pIay et Beautiful Bloom from lioderkh Gardens Th.• .;.simile Horticultural t it•ty''s flower show. Iw4.1 Thursday and- Fri- day last, was the most sn,ewssful yet of these annunl events. 1t was held ill the vacant store at the corner of ; }Jest street and the Amare, and I though the alae.. 11%1tilalIe here was much greater tletn that used at previ- ous shows of the 7(.s•iet; it ems all nested for the display e,t rhe fiowera sent In dor exhibition atul comp -titins. Mr. Nem. (mntey, jr., has returned great interest was taken in the ex - to Cleveland utter It visit 1tif two weeks hibitfuu by the public. sod the with his torsos. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. georgette array of color pre/enteel by - tinnley. • the insMifnl flowers mottle a sight Miss Mary V.rr..w --- t yeett.mey writ worth owlet. Sithe-etIth -t+ a 1, of dignitaries and clergy from $t. George's Halt along Wellington street to the cathedral. Following an Me premise oddness. In which Dr. Sweeny declared the nature of the episcopate and outlined the r,-lat.loita which should (Mist betw'e•1t a Bishop and the diocese. Dr. Seeger was pre- sented to Bishop Williams. ,.tilled on his throne before die altar. Archdea- eort Debits read the certitlat.• of elec- tion and lte'v. (`anon J. W. Junes the eertitbew to of the llet repolitan. after which the (Atnucellot. J. R. Walker's, K.('., administered the oath of obeli- .•nee 7,1 the Ri.AnpDesIgnate, Rev. T. Austin Smith, unttur 611134 011 and pre - REV. 1)H. C. A. SEM.EK, Lord Wallop of Ontario. the (..0 of Mr. e~. Crew,' Attorney, Htii hewn. Mr. `aer• pre.rchrat good -. --tie.- -st K iug-t.rn ou a w,Yk s holiday trip to St. Marys Year fur flowers or the lortiedturist. - . and Toronto where idle' will visit of Go,t(ri••' hire had s•re+p111 t1 s110 • friends, etas in their work of enitivattwt th;. Mr. end Mra. Graham Robivart and ywer, for the display .d bloom was re. 14111411.1•11. eJ Toronto, are visiting at , mati.el,ty (70.111. the bona• of (`apt. and Mrs. Wm. Ito- (:lol(oli ahow-el tog, Promfueitly to bin.os. rhe display, anti- rherfe- w'aa a i•reddt- Mr. and Mrs. • Morris Swana.,n, o able •bowing ..f pillow grown by child- Itetratt, were rlsltore the pate week no from w•el Ilistrltaitel lay the So - at the home of Mr. and i]lrs. M, C. .key. There were ale. prime very • 8wanrs.n. beautiful roses end Imnsh•a,rwt ocher Men. (leo, !MacVlear Tod as,. Alex., flowers of the season. 'Pile jnd..-s -bare returned from a tisk with her erre Mr. Fetters 'of Detroit 11,1.1 Hr. pwremta. Itr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich, ('has. Cooke of Goderieh. , .. Florndale. l'rlse'a were a*Anit(I ab follows: jltas EmtilF Tbieli:nnau lei yester- Napturtlui)bs -.1. Jtxk, Jami% M.. -- day in /sit friend+ at Toronto and Vicar. also to attend a reunion of Iter Normal I I.11y Aurntum---41. T. Edward.. ' i(arhisd saws. � Thr.,. spikes Ibdphtni,,,,, .N.• Carlyle. ea ei n.aih• , Itrautford, was a week -end I Perennial nnial 1 pleat i Mr 7 holo.. 7 arlyl of "Iii I ly' I i rl . 11. T. '1 leards. i1. Barker. ' 4'00' 1,siitlt- bishop Seeger wins instituted to all the When the report of the thele of a Anusol, of big uncle, mf, James Mar- waits'. F. Barker,'7i. '1'. •}1lwardp. oettile•gra „f the M,.-. Prer•w1n1 by hi. nxdnr ear hon, Pauereon's mirage. V�(ar, town. ('nllwtion of l'nt E'ibae�rta-H. T. I eiuphtiu bearing the pastoral utaff. he gasoline from the Supert.aa station s firs. It J. Gelder, of Toronto. with Edwards. MIs. J. 1'. Stewart: and I entered the eh'I'e' it throne, and de- and a ,s i iderahle quantity of jewel - her little daughter and non. vtntted (two wises Jansen Ma,•Ykar !rem the store of W. R: idamllten. porn A. .' r, ' a ark,.r. Setin'r. K.t'.. Comity rf. an.l Mrs. Seuger, of ire: anet Mrs. 7t•nger C,R.,}.- 0 0 0$ 3 0 0=6 Ll:r;e,ihae.•rrtI ,$l . ser--, 1'nrriP,e' Weer --O 0 tt 0 2 0 0 I Ian T,te-whey,)- 1'mptrxft-E Df»n at _islaia,.._ 1, Stewart. sr.. on bases. .'.t,U.r of sal. George's. Ming the litany, nod after replying; to the f ormnlnry on..ti.atw iir. Seeger. hitherto attired Mimplysas a priest. retired to the -t•es- _1t1.. and returnees _to-- tb:`Attnstnary_. wearing the fell ept.r•olarl vestments'. 1 While the "Vent ('rector Spiritus" • was tletng wing. the Itishotetteeignnte. with Ret. A. E. SuinW, his'.liapleln. s knelt in trent of the --altar to receive :he upsrst+li. laying on of hands from Idle Itii.hon• of Hun*. Toronto, CRT*, 1 wa. Niagara and Mid-•vapr,n. The wool.. of emus'.-rntir.n mere pro- • nemnest IR' the• Itbdiop of Huron. who then pr.sw•.led with the e..1.4.rttien of - the bol) .ou,nnmiou. 41n IM e.ru.lusinh .a m.' :hr impress MVP ewrehxeay of .117] ratemewl. when BONDSTEOUQIIT R':OLZN ARE FOUND Robbers' \\ark Not as Serious am First Reported - Wlwaham. .4t gust 24.--4)s'. F. A. Patter, of this town, was a greatly rt - tiered rnaa 'tudnt-ss-s -remit at' the alisevery that $111,000 in registered --bende which had beet -kept --by- him in u drawer at 1.1' iinnte• were not part of the had carried off by the burglars who visited here early on ttvwlay morning. The stands were found by member+ of the family in another drnw-er, heating been mtspiaee) Omelet of stolen. 'LOT OR>p)ND +1OST.-SHORT STRONG( PEARLS. r teals' farm, R. R. 4, Godertcb. irind� Addcawi 'LAURIiC PARKINSON, 2416 Twentyfiourth street. Detroit. I July 25th, vllcbtfty''of Wm. Wal - Vicat. -$x•8- V Bll}CLL: w1tu , stover b,ndls. 'k is stamped with Ivan 11W1 to 19(i6. }toward. 1), Eae1)ONALI). ('court House. 1UBT.-OY TUESDAY EVENING. on the $quart, a pearl rosary with silver cross and ebalu. Finder please leave at BIONAI. Olr?10E. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE ADMINISTRATORS'. SALE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 1N THE TOWN OF OIODERI('H. The Administrators of the estate of Itulw•rt Gatenby, deceased, will offer fur sale the property berinafter de- scribed, by public auction. at the trewiaee, by Thomas Gundry A Son, n u etioneern, on Saturday, the 2'(th day of August, 19277, at 10 o'clock a.m. DESI'ItIlTiON.-That part of lot running number 148 in tbe town of Godcricb. on which there is situated a WANTED BOARDERS WANTED RoARDtU'' AND It7N)MERtl %VAST- FL DORADO HOUSE, WEJT MD. IApply to P. 0. BOX 466, is street, Ooderteb.-L'narjere waa4 OoderIeli. e!1. -.hood quiet home. l euvettlunt M- egaton. It PARTY M011021NG TO 'TORONTO eau raise three otbse persona. Communicate with P. 0. 110X 641. DOOIoIRS WANTED. AP1'L' • AT Sit .u, OFFICE. • It Dl$TR' 1 AGENT WANTED FOB a popular 11111' of Dennlatret Radi- ator }'uruiture. A hlghgrade tooth - able business for energetic, .capable salesman. Territory protested. DEN - N (STEEL IA M ITE:D, Loudon. Oat. 3t GUNDiIt1'S SALE REGISTER Saturday. August 26. -Clearing am - Goo sale of household furniture. prop- erty of Mr. Wm. Johaston, at bis premises, Seagate. street. Saturday, Auguet 23.-Administra- torn' sale of rosidentlal property in the town of Gislerlch. Hays ! Hate, Solicitors for the administrators, -s AUCTION SAIi"! j :LSARLNG AUCTION ' OF brick .ottase, and garden surrounding. tr HOt:SSIl1OLD FURN1T E. TERMS -The said property will h* offered fur sale subject to a reserved bid. and subject to eondltiona .4 sale, MR. WM. JOHNSTON which will be made known at the will bold a public auction ogle at bis time of the sale. premises, Newgate greet, Coderlrb, on Ten per nest. of the purchase priers' sATUCDAT, AUOUST d8 (cash dejo.dt, sad Dahcn[e within 30I e�wetaing at 1.30 o'clock sharp: days from date of sale. 1 'HAYS k HAYS. One Eason A Matt plans; 1 hoar S.M.-Rory for the Administrators, hall mirror; dining -room suite; china The London Western Trust Co. 3t cabiuel ; 2 rteder chests: 5 bedroom suites; 2 conches: 10 kitchen chairs; 1 kitcbea table; 3 lamps; 1 writing desk; 1 washing macbtoe; 1 lawn mower; 1 stet carp•etler'a tools; 1 sew rube; 1 parlor suite; :t wardrobes; buf- fet table. ° chaise; (4 dlnlugsrvum chairs; 1 N. W. sewing machine; 1 brass Med; 4 rocking chain; 1 glass cupboard; 1 Pan(iun range; 1 coal oil Wove; 2 pieces llnolenm.12 feet square; 50 feet hose; 1 set 12 -ib,. Rales; 2 toi- let -seta, and numerous other artides. No reserve. Everything must be sold TERMS -Cash. WM. JOHNT. (IUNDRT & SON, Proprietor. Auctioneers. NOTICE TO ClIEDITOES NOTIt'E TO CREI)1TOR8. \ THE MATTER OF TIER ESTATE • OF JAMES YOUNG, LATE OF THE TOW "`SHIP OF COLBORNE. IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, FAR- MER. DEOF S19I)e. TAKE NOTICE; that sit creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the mid James Young. who died on or about the Pith day of July. 1920, are require(} on or before tbe 3rd day of September, 1926. to deliver to the Undermentioned suiieilor full particulars of their claims. AND TAKE NOTICE that after suit last mentioned date the execu- tors will proceed to distribute the as- sets ssets of the old deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard emly,to theetalma of which they abaft then have notice. ant) that the said executors will not be liable for the said aaaets to any person or persons of wbow claims notice *all .nbt have been received -by them'or their •olicl- tor at the time of sad) distribution. F. R. DARROW, Goderlcb, Qntarlo, 3t SnHcitor kir the said Executorp. NOTICE 1'0 Cjt7.D1TORA. IN E THE MATTER OF THE TATE (►F MA(7V Nlrs DALTON, LATE 4)7 THE OWNSH}1' • OF ASH• YIELD. IN THE OOUNTY OF 111I• R(1N. FARMER, DWEASKI). TAMP: NOTiC8 that all creditors and others having .Lim. eK demands against th'eewtute of the said Maarlea Dalton. who .died nn or about the 1st day of Amapa. 1926. are relnlrel ext or before the 10th day of September, 11126, to deliv.•r to the undermentioned fu47 partleulura of their claims. AND TAKE NOTiCEI that after n. h last mentioned date the executor wilt proeeel to diarlbnte the assets of the said decean(.1 emong the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the elnlma _ref whk•h he Asti then bate notice. land ('hat the said executor will tier Ire Rabin for the said assets to any person or person• of whose claims nt.- tire shall not have been received by him ut the time of such dietrH,a(lon. J. A. DALTON. Executor. Box 407, Goleriegr. 2t fit 1P ledge. last, week. Maws•. Agree eel1 Katharine *IMO and Mks Adeline O'Keefe, (K Cbieago, ^ blsltet frie ed• log town and at "Oaten 4£ • (tering the week:, _- -----. • ..' Mira Henevisve averse who is Iakhg a 'course of hospital trebling as,a nurse at isaolen. 1. spending•4olidaye at bit home here. _--11..-- I.. 1.. Knox, town clerk and treasurer. is, taking a short holider. He left ort Monday to Join Ela wife. who bit, been vI.iting at Kingston. The many friends of Mr. Wm. Doyle ,� wP1i tw plesed -to bear of his return Koine from St. Joseph's hospital. Lon - .d and Ai his inpnsv.mrnl in health. r.. J. R. Rutledge and daughter. •, Mrs. !loris• and dattgbter anti M 11 a .nn. 1111 of ('hntbam. wenn we•k- 1EI• end: %'Mune, with Mr. and Mrs. Ifni! = J4i4leder. se lir. A.. M. Robertson returned on tnrdav from his trip to the West. gig went es for as Itsnff and saw many fd'Plo r Ooderteh people at warlons /1>Iu1a In him trip. 'Minn Clara Sherman left on Tues- day nn bee return to her home at Bal- moral Mae., ak.er .pendiea several weeks with relatives here end .-letting friends In tither parts of the PN,vin.r Mv. and Mra. A. C. MaeAlter. of Torn$o, are again making Meir ,em- eses' home 1n (1odeMrh trod are .wrn- p/isg • ex►ttayre at Idghtlwmae• l'nw,t. They hare Md a their guretw *r...1. $C111aon and MIND Young. of Toronto. Ret. 114. Meld. wile the winner of the sliver rap lent up fop eromp•tltion asenng the goiters at MetarrewMng Pare. The pier took vise. 041 tial iteltYad (1nh course. The roe will •rellaJ7. for cmmpetltlep asan.Hy. R. J. Stelettkrr heft ea Trembly rehire to New Tut. aftee a an run. tut. I Ihhllas (the...)-- Miss .14dis.m, Mrs. -J, C. Stewart. I 1)al►hia+ (nae/ -1i eM G%�li�u 11. T Elan obi. r e -ftni reins n 3 -+Ekes' a 7.nith- wattle. _--_' ('olleetlou of Sweet 1'ea.--E, G. ' Evans. Miss Marunr•t �'}�O�,e,ft. tt Snapdragon (' sok r►-tfr; , Il'e 11 G. E)vaas: -= '-► - $e*hiosa-)E1. Barker. H. T. Err wards. ('olle•tiuu of Tarsi,' -J. tuck. E. G. Evans... W. $atkedd. Gladiolas (fi spike 1--,(. D. '11e - Lean. H. T. Etiwneds. law) OlMdLoltlw (2 a Iters) -J. II. T. E:dwanl.. Jape Jdsett'.,er. Pini: gladinIns ( apka'sl-J,.. Mn,'Vicar. .4. H. �(ele n. 1f. T. Ed- ward*, White Gladiolus 12 apikesl-H. T. Edwards. j ,Irick. J. . Fell. II/Melted or Variegated (ltndiulus (2 spikes./ -- H. T. Fdwar a. J. Jwk. Yellow or strange (ilsdlolue (2 •plkes►-Mrs. Thoma Royce, 11. T. Edwards, Jam,'. 4111rV'i.ar. ut;hdlolns 13 spikes, J. Jock. J. W. $afkelA, Mr., J. ('. Ste art. --, (iled intui 11 .pi(.e -Mire. J. C. Stewart. A. il. Mclowr Ann -flat I'bloa- Mrs J. C. Ste(fillt-' Janmes 14aeVksr. ('hildrrm's (' than frizz(, for motor crown by sehoonl children were awarded a follows: 1.t, Kenneth look: 2nd (thea pettiest. Norm Jock. Wilfred Olo ,.her, Jim and (till tetthe•Aan4: 3rd (fnnr prises), Ellie Ranee. Violet look. WI am Peel Mabel Edwards; 4tb CRa6t pettiest. is O, Evans. Jeanie Ya[ ay, Myrtle Townaent. Ernest 'McLeod. flag erode Wbeelwr. leek eries's. MAI, McLean. *fire (Imre duet Y J P 7 a T A P w 1 . eatp.d ► s u s .I ✓u.w' right, and lllw'rtit•s of the Cathedral Church Bud Disuse., "and 10 retie therein wfth truth. justkc and charity, not lording It. over (cod's heritage, trot showing himself in all things aa.ae-7. ,.mills' 111 taw 110.14,- Thr` cone retlog-r Bishop. 1)s' Williams. in the me/t31.- Tat poraaeoleggy, then declared Cfier:ea AHru Meager.nthru,ed as lord Cishop of Ontario and pruholI tyl.the bone - diction, the proxrsslon leaving the chneeh to the recessional hymen, 'Vowu. Shall Reign Whe•re'er the Sun." l'rcaehing Megan the tw•entyrig,th Vers of the twentieth chapter a tit. - Reek oT A.lm, Htahop Sweetly eon,. pared the wrvlce to that of the rorty day.. of the l`hrl%inn church. when lternelms midi Sant were set apart Ser the work of the ministry. Ile erred the large congregation to pray for the new lead fit the Orem, who. he said. "Mot hod a wide exp rlet ,' 1n (ho• t'anndiao ehureh and in Canadian af- fairs.'. Th. Seager. Rfaltop /twenty rem - got around town. members of Dr. iharker's family Immellately beenn (• worried and their worry ebanged to alarm when a hurried search of the drawer In whieb h heirs tb agli the 'tends head been places,/ failed to reveal them. This otxnelone 1 the belief and report that the bond,. had been stolen by the .party of burglars. A %sort lithe later. Iwwerer, the bowls were found. The foal pollee are hopeful thnl nrreat5 of the ulnen re.pn••N,I' for the I', rth:rte•. will he forthcoming within n day or two. A careful cheek of the Jewellery taken from the Iinmtlton store shows the aetuai tom is eonsid- ernhly Ewe than the $1,100 at Iiret h.•- liered missing, , Methuselah might pMt have lived w. long if their had teen Iwx,tleegers lo thtnw' (hies. Tnronrn Telegram f lsued. would tae a worthy trtwe147s4r ��� to I the !firm saintly tiorth)" a of the 1$)XML1W1ON' STRM'HAN.-.tt the hmne• of the brews pereetw (tea- crich, on Wedneohy. August i,s. 19211 by Kew. R. U. Mlt•i►►rmid, see. belle Elisabeth, cab (blighter of Mr. tine Mrs. James A. Rtrachen, to abbey F. fainaldsna, of 'Onrontn, son of the late AJea. 1Mnaldsnn, of Fon (lu'Appeliq Nark, me shmee (tn . epsilon In 1,42. He- nning fourth Itielem of Ontario lie w�+► w wan who ROM It IN splrlta- aU1 sari '5757,41 in the (ke'trines of the (lhnsrh. Following 'bre ..role. In ,n was hold dem 141. Georgy'. 11e11, toIel1 all the, clergy andty of the .liene encs who Ise fluffing- fee the enee•fon were In.jM. and al whIrh addrrn.s of w.loome to file ,('wi7 ev,t/M.(•ratel 1(t.'ttop n1 i)ntario were dellr,.r•,1 by ontsrnndtng rhurrhmra tar'esent. Mr. T. Pektgt• end an• Verne. Mrs. 1,.nrw Itnvel ly' and Mie. Erle Basler, of Toronto, drifted Ern. D. Mcllwain and other relatives Is town during the Part weak. M lt,(TF•S - in (l/wl.rleb. nn tinfordao Ahretst 21. Catharine Y, Itnnnld. widow fit the late (rherio. Dates. aged) 701 y.ars. SO%VblltRT.-la (lodrrl.h townal,ip. nn Wednesday. Angst ''. So rah 1''iilae 41rwderr, belevM wife of Jr h n S') Irby, aged 0I J. a r. TO LINT VOR RENT. THE STORE ON THE a south side of Hamilton street, for- merly occupied by Miss McKinnon. There are two rooms, 15z25 feet and y CRAN1C k, ()IBM'', CHARTISM ACood14tant. 102 Ontario .trust, Stratford shone 1560. Rea. 1380.1. CIL&ETKRED ACCOUNTANT AUCTIONEERING THOMAS OUNDRY. GODRRICH. LIVE ' BTOCK *ND OIIrTERAil A UCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Bala attended to anywhere sad ever" effort mads to give aatlatactlea. Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBKIIT ROBERTSON, (testified Auetleneer, Elisa Street, tiederieb. w111 conduct any sale In the coun{" of Huron. For information apply M P. J. Ryan, Hamilton St, or ordain left with hist will reaelve prompt ab teatloe. M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER. • for posaebold effects, farm ataa s etc., for the County of Huron. Address; all communications to 1. IL STALKER, Auburn P. 0. OPTOMETRY t AL.COLA E. O., OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN, West Street, Goderirb. Honor Graduate of the Canadian Op1tbatibe College of Torpnto. Ryes examined by Me latest meth- ods. and the proper Into" of 'damn at moderate prices. Ontario Boats/ of Examiners Certificate No. 875, MEW PROF. W. EL JACESON. Instlucdaa given in Vole, Quito*, Organ, Plass, Violin. Guitar, Theory, etc. 8todlo sad residence, 37 North street Phone NA. H. C. HAMILTON, Organist North EL l:gleed C%urch. Concert Play. . , and Teacher, ri FARING AU(71'Ioc11 SALM 011' VV HOUSEHOLD FURNISHLNGS. We are instructed by MRS. $ECLAIR to seII by atwliou at her residence. Rritannia road, (hos-rich, on $.1Pt'1iDAY, SEITEMBER 4T11, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: All the contents of the bootie: Living-roem, inning room, bedroom (4 Mrdruuwst surd k,t.hen furnishings, in- cluding a splendid upuare piano: a special walnut dinner wagon; 4-burt,er oil stove; sewing machine. in good condition; several pieces of walnut; Osternw.or mattress; lawn mower; garden ta,lgl1• Ntlna; cutlery; Mane- Ware; aniware; kitcbnn raoge, sad numerous otter a xi iciest Everything will be disposed of with- out any reserve, as the property has been mold. , TERMS-C.a. T: OVNDRY & 8014. • AMtloneers. 701 SALE B $A1.IIL=WOODEN SEW. 24x • F0 14% ft., 1n good condition. Witt be mold 'limp for quick sale. THOS. It. WELS(NN, 14. H. 5. GoderIch, :it von SALE OK. To BENT.. -SIX- • 1(00ME:1) 714.11+• with bathroom Jand summer kitchen. garage, stable ared small fruit garden, on Trafalgar street. Possession Septcmtwr let. Ate on the premiers or to W..1. ARM- TRON Cf. M K. E. ALLiN.• V0R SA•i.14. - COMFORTABLE is frame Iseirse in "(NMI reptile. Three -pits.. both and electric Hilda. Good stitbl. and henhouse and room for awn cars. Situate' la a tray derirnhle kw•attna. eorncr of Ra,ek street awl Cambria rood. Apply to JOHN Me- LEOM) at Alfred Tebbutt's, Trafalgar I street. 3t SIRABLE PROPERTY F O R 13x25 feet. For furtber particulars ae SALE. -Cornet North and Nelson apply to HAYS & HAYS, Bartireri, streets. Apply to -W. H. JACKSON. (loderleh. SOH RIINT.- - 1.:514441211,1411111- a :5144 -a ED room,' 1n private home.- Elec- tric lights and bath. Suitable for Tight housekeeping. Jtent 3(100 per month. Apply at THE SIGN U. OF- FICE. - For Rent THE OPERA HOUSE is now available for any- one wishing to rent for amateur shows or concerts. For terms apply to Wesley M. McLean P. O. Bort 50 Marine and General Electric Range t-- 1ClestrIe Wwifters Vittlage et ail Made. W. M•efONALI) Electrician Phan 174w Gddawheh (lalltattd Qeaa of GOOD MINED WOOD MR *ALS at MI ase eagle eerd. delveNwL Till oOBDRiCH MANr1FA0ING 00.. LIMit'ED. (root of Andrus at. 411.) COR SAL}I.--HOUSE. STABLES and iota. N1L_.26, .,28, 29 and 30, Rerld's Survey, in OW town of Gude- rich. Apply to H. C. MT:NNiNOS, 0oier4elt, or JOHN TORRANUR, Ctlatoa: - con BALE. -TWO coaros!'i ▪ dwellings lb good locations to Goderlrb. Aaao forty scree of good pasture land with an abundance of water, clow to town. Terms to fruit purchasers. T. OUNDRY. 1EMUST TOWN, U8T FIE SOLD. -Erick resldktnce gp brae lot, water 'bootleg, two taints and bath, laundry tub, fireplace, electric light, hardwood floors, fine laratton em Sri - taints road. Imgntre at JENNER'M 4Ua1C 8T0E111_ Von (JU1('K SALE.-COMFQR"N- i5 AiiILM eight -room cottage, with two lot,. (s'1 dendid garden omit a hake frothyCrortahle hen -house. Will be solet elven. Am" at once. MiS orrrr11L fAR FOR FALB-BUICK ROAD. vv STi:R. 1924 n►ndel, four cylinder, with opens, Opex finish in grey, yet low and Shark. Amply to PORTER'S Rook /TORIC. C0R BALM --A 5-PAA$P1\NIiCA 1417 ■■ amtI74 temente eat to . iia . wl� Ileenae. Cheap fpr F 7d .t One.. Apply at THIS F FOR SA 50:12, imitable for honer. Apply P. B. DUILDING, or tool' -7)114. • • Residence at Mn. Colborn.'., aL Patrick, street. DEUGLKE PRACTITIONEE DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST OODICR1CH Equipped with olsotsobiagnothe baths. Llecironlc elactl1s treatments and ch9epra.Uc. Cheadle organic an/ nervous diseases Ls dA attendance. Office boors 2 to ell sad 7 to a p,a, excepting Moeda, and Thursday aL ternoons and evenings, and by ave pstntasant. Residence sad ounce•• -Cora. a/ South street. and Britannia road. • --samaar MEDICAL .I RR. R T. J. . )'0118�LIt EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Opo thalmic and Aural Hospital. assdataata at Moorefield Eye Hospital awl Golden Square Throat liosptal, Lase don, Eng. 53 Watt -rim. 8t. S., Stratford. epbone 207. At Hotel Hodttord, Goderiaa boas 7 p.m., Monday. September M0, 1111 1 pt Tnaadry, September 2L LEGAL rIi1�8T M. LER as Barldittr and eolltltar 10 'Ring strait (clot, Towek 2War pbeocs•.Main 74434794, • DUDLEY III'. HOLMES i Batfeider, 1334 NI Otace-•--Iiamilton street, 111adetteli. Phone 27. . r $EAGER, E. Q., BAR/111161014 v SOLICITOR, Notary Public sal/ Conveyancer. ice -Comet House. Goderieb, F R. DAR*ITHR, BARRISTER. IWO • Saraateuai.tjo 3. L. Killet'a5- Pb3ne 37, (Mics -The Sauer*, Ooderldas Nave &liars ' • Baaarwrsas, pkr ft.C. H A \'S••-R.C. I I A Ys ra.. B. A: ,. Hamilton fit.. (lndericn iNiparoci.WANK arc. 4 • INSURANCE, LOAM!, Ere. meKILLOP MUTU run IAF• lllrla SURANCIC CO.-AAtria and tab /and town property.; insured. Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pref•. Gob web P. Q. ; Jas. Evans, Fria. Beachwood P. 0.; D. F. (Gregor. Ser.-Treaa., 8eaforth P. O, Directors -A. Broadfcdt 1 11, No. 3, Aea[nrti) ; Jbbn grieve, Nee 4, Waite.; W$iltam R R. No. 2. 8eafdtth ; Jain 1e, Brod* boson; Geo. Meth R. Na Reafortb ; Roberti. Harlerk I Merely Olbeen; R; Jams, /vane, Beec7w , - • Ceseelf. Gederlab. Agents -J. Alex. Web, Jtaba Ninny 4.aferth. r. u el at 11, Qlatea t she Osiers e0. OaM.le/h t Na 1. cl1.tea l rt1; 11 holden Mn mak. a l. gat their cars resit*. Mnrrtas'o Cletbtag Fla"' A. Oo'h's eleaese7. =Lar o.aMist. rw 1. A. Rae, ere Farleld a o. 1