HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-08-21, Page 7A" convoy of ni ne army tras'ics, Wingham by *Nor John •Jaeltsellt 0110 MittfreaSea in pre-1229 days,
two busses carrying TO Men and and the 9704, Walkettont bar Capt. dragged 04 18 pounders into
several other •YetiicleS, streamed Ted MeCanneh. positions- during wartime training
A total of lirf •personnel, repre- schemes and returned to the sandy
seating cdficerS, NCO' and Men, slopes as Instructors in the past
participated in dilly mannetiVres, •decade, land PetawaWa's
This number alone, which pointed fteCOMnatklatine Put to student
to nearly double that which p'ttend rriilitianien, however, the experl#
ed the 1956 training at r etawitwa, ence proved a revelation, ,
tary. Camp. Made the ,eamP tile Most successful This 'eaalP thin 'was ths Wit
The regiment- was under eptn .from a regimental point of view lap in six Week summer eintrSea
mand of Lieut.-cot M, Oliver, in the post-war era. 'Swelling the conducted in 'Walkerton and Lis.
assisted by Major Len Vickers. ranks were 104 student militia- towel, •Capt. Robept Ritter of
Batteries comprising the unit were men. WInghana supervised instruction at
the 190th from Listowel, command- Veteran artillerYMett Who re-, the Walkerton division and Capt.
ed by Major E. p, Nth, member' tent lines and straw- James Reid of Elmira, was in
back into Western Ontario area
with officers and men of the 21st
Field Regiment RCA (R.), follow-
ing nine days of intensive training
on the spreading and rugged ter-
rain of northerly Petswewit
Hot Food ()uri. an e roonis
VVINGKAN., ONTARIO, WED1 ESPAY2 AVGRUST gio ew Atmosphere for Canadian
Children Baptized
At St. Andrew's
Five children were baptized at
St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church
on Sunday morning. ,They were
Alexander Robert, son of Rev, and
Mrs, George M4leolm, of Formosa;
Donald George, son of Mr, and
Mrs, Arthur Bryce; Connie Lynn,
daughter- of Mr, and Mrs, Ross
Jamieson; , Trudy Lynne, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Petrie Holinea and
Ronald Edward, son ,of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Sell,
Guest speaker at' both morning
and evening , service was Rev.
George Malcolm of the Formosan
mission field.
Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm leave on
the first leg pf their return journey
to Formosa on August 30, when
they embark by air from Detroit,
Mrs, Malcolm has spent several
months with her parents; Dr. and
Mrs. A, Nimmo,, '
q'et.e' are many favorite tourist
attractions in the Hudson Bay port
of ChUrehill such as the whaling
plant, the Eskimo Museum in the
old /tertian Catholic mission and
hoorritwous 'grain ships in the hay.. 6ut
1,4 I.11 Aar ,;41jit
spent last'week at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Recent visitors 'with l° Mrs. Nellie
Gamble were Mr, and Mrs. 'Ted.
Harris and family of Brownsville.
Mr. and. Mrs. H, M.' Bride and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride visit-
ed with a relative in Hagersville
on Saturday.
Mr. and. Mrs, Mac Corbett and
family of London visited over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Doig of St.
Catharines visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Dig.
• Mr. •and-Mrs, Torn. •McClement,
and 'Kenny and Mrs. Ida Gallagher
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Plume at Holstein, Mrs. E.
Plume, of Toronto, returned to
Belstein after visiting the past
week at'the McClement home.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutchison,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutchison and
family visited Sunday with Mr,
•and Mrs. Ross Nuhn near Gowans-
Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sothern vis-
ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Buttell at Bogies Beach on
Lake Huron,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt
visited relatives in Galt on Sun-
Misses Betty McClement and
Lenore Feigel are spending this
week in Kitchener with Miss Mar-'
tene Feigel.
Miss Violet Beswitherick enjoyed
a ten-day bus tour to Montreal,
Boston, and New York.
Misses Beatrice Wade, Louise
Matthews and Rona VanVelsor at-
tended the festival in Stratford
last Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern
were guests at the Jones-Burns
wedding in Guelph on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hogg at-
tended the wedding of a niece at
Jackson's Point, Lake Sinacoe, one
day' last week..
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hambly and ,
Janie visited last Friday with Mr.,i
and Mrs. Verne Hambly in Guelph.
Mrs. William CarsWell is at pre:.'
sent a patient in the McKillop
nursing home in Palmerston.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell
of Toronto spent several days last
week at the home of Mrs. Pearl"'
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gremm,
Ken and Donna, of Markerville,
Alta, spent several days last week
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy- •
den Devitt, Mr. Gremm is a ne-
phew of Mr, Devitt.
Mrs. John Euriewas confined
to Listowel Hospital for several
days last week. She Is much im-
proved in health now„,
Master John Wilson is spending
a week at the home 'of Mi. and
Mrs. Paul Adams at Molesworth.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Birch of St.
Catharines spent two weeks at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gib
son, ,
4 Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Lynn. and
Karen and Mts. Dora Ridley spent
taro days last week in London,
MO Larry McDermitt visited Sev-
eral days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Fitch, 13,01110rd.
Eng: Lit HI, Zool Chem C, Fren
Au "C, Agnes Lane, Eng Con,M C,
Eng•Lit I, Bot Zool II, Let Au
I, Let Comp II, Fren Au TII, Fren
CoiliP II. Brtiee Lott, Geom I, Zool
II Phys III. Isobel McDonald', Eng
Comp III, Eng Lit. C, Hist 0, Alg
III, • Corn II, Bet , III, , Zoo]
William Martin, Eng Comp C,
Eng Lit III, Hist IT, Bot III, Zool
, C,-.Chem C, Douglas Murray, Hist
Q„Zool C, Phys III, Cheni
Maigaret Perrie, Eng Comp, II,
Eng ,Lit I, Lat Au II, tat Comp
IIT,,:Fren Au II, P'ren Comp III.
" Brnee .Rebertson, Eng, Comp III,
Eng' Lit III, Bat I, Zool I.Chem I,
'Alan Scott, Eng Comp' C, Eng
Lit. I, Hist Alg C, .Geom ,
Phys II, H, Chem I, Fren Au '
Fren Comp C, David Slosser, Eng
CoMP TII, Eng fit IT, Alg C, Geom
III,Lat Au III, Lat Comp III.
Gordon Smith, Eng Comp I, 'Eng
Lit"'ILT, Alg III, Geom 1, Trig I,
PhYS ;I,• Chem. Fren Au III, Fren
tiomp II,' GloriarStobo, Eng Comp
III, Eng Lit AI, Hint II, Bat III,
Zool III, tat Au. C, Lat Comp C
Fren. C, Fren Comp III, Tel
ford Struthers, Eng Lit III, Hist C,
Zool II, Phys,. TIT, Chem I. Danny
Stuckey, Eng Comp II, Eng Lit C,
Alg C, Geom. III, 'Let Au III, Lat
Comp C. George Vehater, Eng
Comp I, Eng Lit II, Hist C, Mg
teornaT phyS: I, . Chem 1; Fren
Au Fren comp Q.
Rev, Donald J', MacRae, pastor
Of Wingharn 'United Church,'re-
eently attended the preaching clinic
at Union Theological :" Seminary,1
The clinic is open Only to or-
dained ministers and Is Patterned
after a' medical Plinio, with each
of the participating:ministers being
given the loPertunity of preaching
twice and of having each sermon
and its delivery cvahlatect by two
faculty members, Also five small
group workshops for apeeial
aspects of preaching and , 'three,
series of lectures on preaching are
provided. The workshops include an
intensive training in the effective
use of radio and teleVision by each
minister with a "live" prOgram us-
ing the yrell-equpped 'radio-TV
facilities on the campus.
Visiting, members of the .136ach-
inig Clinic Faculty were Dr. E. G,
Flonarighatisen, Dean of Princeton
Seminary, Dr, James T. Cleland, of
Duke Divinity 'School, Dr. William
Benfielcl, of Louisville Presby-
terian Seminary, and Dr. Jacques
Marchand of , Marseille, France,
Ministers of 10 different denomina-
tions from 13 states and Canada
attended this fourth annual 12-day
' —Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray
motored to Montreal last week to
visit • with her sister, Mrs. F,
Warner, of London; England, who
flew to Montreal two weeks ago to
visit with her daighter. Mrs, Warn-
er retuned home with the Mow-
arays for, a few days' visit before
xoing en a trip through the States
with her daughter, ,
Grade XII students taking a,
Grade XIII subject:.
Deanne Allan, Trig C; Thothas
Brydges, Trig. II; Lois Crawford,
Fren Comp C; Elizabeth Dever-
can't, Trig C; Mary Lou DunIpp,
Hist C; James Inglis, Hist •C;
Donald Jefferson, Hist C; William
Kennedy, Hist II; Stewart McGill,
Hist C; Beverley Stewart, Hist I;
Gwen Walsh, Trig. II.
I Note:—I, 75% or' over; II, 66-74;
1,111;'60-65; C, 50-59. '
Empress United Church, Lend4,
Was the Scene of a pretty summer
Wedding on Saturday, August 10,
at two o'clocki when Lois Eliza
both Mum) and John. Rodney, Rea
were linked in marriage in a
double-ring ceremony. The bride is
the daughter of Mr., and Mrs, John
Mason of London, ferraerly Of
Belgrave, and the groom is the son
of Mrs. James. Rea of Pert Credit
and the late Mr, Rea, Rev. G, G.
Burton effifiated.
The ,bride, given hi marriage by
her father, ' wore a floor.len,gth
gown 'of lace and net over satin,
Her finger-tip veil fell from , a
crow n of sequins and pearls and
she carried a white Bible created
with white carnations and, red
roses, •
Miss Mary Ann Tozer of London
was the maid of honor, wearing a
waltz-length gown of pink taffeta.
Bridesmaids were Miss Ann 'Marie
Rea, of Port Credit, sister of the
groom, Miss Julia Mason, I niece of
the bride and they wore waltz-
length gowns of pink taffeta, Mary
Ann Mason, niece of the bride, was'
flower girl, wearing a floor-length
dress of blue net over. taffeta, All
wore head crowns of matching
rose buds and, carried nosegays of
white mums,
The groomsMaii was John Sare
of Toronto and the ushers Were'
Ralph Potter, of Pert Credit; cou-
sin of the groom and Robert Ma-
son of Wingham brother of the
bride. r
For a wedding trip to Northern
Ontario the- bride donned a pow-
der blue suit with White accessories
and a corsage •of pink roses. The
couple will reside in Port Credit.
. Guests were present from To-
ronto, Port , Credit, Seaforth, /Hen-
sall, Belgraye, Wingham, Kincar-
dine, Bluevale, Lucan and London,
—Mrs. Andy Belialind family and
Miss Agatha Vandenvrolte, of Pe-
trolia, spent a few days last week
with the forrner's parents, Mr.•and
Mrs. Frank Edgar.
FORDWICH--The Ladles' Aux,
iiiarY to JIOWicit Legion net in the
Logien moans for the August Meet-
ing,' , The president, Mrs. 'Blythe
Clarke, was in charge, 'The see
rotary, Mrs. William MOCatin, read
the minutes of the last meeting,
Committee reported on the price of
'blazer for the members,
The mystery box, donated by
Mrs, 'W, Hersburg, was wen by
Mrs, A1'varetta Wallace. Plans Were
made to have a booth at 'the fall
fair this year and committees were
named to look after the arrange-
NPw auxiliary, ping were ordered
for Members. Plans -to neld a
dance in the Fordwich' OrarnurlitY
hall on Atigust 30th were complet-
ed and the meeting adjorned in
due form,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benin of
Kitchener visited Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Moore.
Mr, an,d Mts. James, Vittie visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Tom Vatic, near Corrie.
Mr. Bill Johnson returned, to his
home in Toronto Saturday 'after
spending the past month •with Mr.
and Mrs. William McCann, -
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Tomlin of
Durham visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Forester.
"Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer spent
the week-end with relatives in To-
Mrs. Emma Williamson is spend-
ing two weeks in Toronto.
Mr. Bert Hamilton and son Bob-
by, Of Paris, visited last / week
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell,
Mrs. Jean' Inglis of Acton vis-
ited a Oupla of days last week
with her sister, Mrs. Ida Gallag-
• Week-end ' visitors with' Mr, and
Mrs. John Tudan were Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Wa,sylyayzyn of Port
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hainstock
and Helen, of Toronto, spent last
week with Mrs, Ruby Foster and
other relatives. ' Mrs. Victor Co-
Brecht, of Mimico' also spent the
week-end at the same home.
• Mr. and Mrs. Amos Demerling,
Miss Elaine Demerling and Miss
Marjorie Foster, are spending this
week at Horseshoe
Mr. and Mrs. Eak'n /vIOWipent
a day last week with Mr. arid"Mri,
Ted Denny at Sauble Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Swanson of
South' Bend, Indiana, Mrs. J.
Richardson and Ruth, of Whitby,
visited over the week-end with
Mr, and Mrs. Stan Bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Royden. Devitt ,at-
tended a family reunion in Niagara
Falls on. Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Herb Walkom of
Belleville spent the week-end with
Mrs. Herb Rogers. '
Mr, and Mrs. Irwin McDowell of
Galt visited Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall Armstrong.
Master Gary 'McDowell returned
home after visiting his grandpar-
ents for the past two Weeks,
Mr. Carman Bride of Caledonia
spent the week-end at his home
Mrs, Milton Priess, Reg.N., spent
nine' days' at the United Church
camp at Port Elgin. Mrs, Priess
was camp nurse and part-time
counsellor. Mr. Priess was a guest
at, the same camp.
Mrs, Hereaari Downey of Mont-
real spent ac,few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Priess.
Mrs. Jeanette Lindsay of Toronto
Former Wingham
Girl Married
The Rev, E, G, Cowan officiated
at a wedding in Trinity United.
Church, Hanover, when Doreen
Laura Garlick, exchanged vows
with Robert Stewart Rodgers. Mr.
and Mrs, Harold 'Garlick? Hanover,
are parents of the bride and the
groom is the son of.Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Rodgers, Toronto, The
bride is a former resident of. Wing
ham, during the time her father
was manager of the Walker Store,
The bride wore a gown of white
lace over silk styled with a, fitted
bodice, scalloped portrait neckline
and bouffant skirt. Her fingertip
veil of illusion net was held by a
halo headdress and, she carried a
bouquet of white gardenias, roses
and stephanotis,
Mrs. Eleanor Sonia, as matron of
honor, was gowned in powder blue
Dr. John -M, Rodgere, USN, was
best man for his brother and ush-
ers were Arthur Wright and Milton
Nudo Jr.
For -travelling the bride chose ,a
navy linen suit, with white acces-
soriea and sorsage of Talisman
roses, The couple will reside in
BUffalo, N.Y.
Mr.; Mrs. Galbraith
31 Years Married
WBCXETER...An enjoyable ,eve.
ning was ap'fnt on August 14th at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
'GAM' ge" zill r VIVO it -they
held a I 'family dinner 'in honor of-, the former's patents; Mr. arid Mrs,
George Galbraith, Wroxeter.
The occasion was the 51st wedr
ding anniversary of Mr.• and Mrs.
George• •Galbraith. Present for the
dinner Were Mr. and Mrs. Reg.
Watson and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Carson Watson and family
of Brussels, 'The ladies are daugh-
ters of. Mr, and Mrs. 'Galbraith.
. Mr. and Mrs..Verne Clark, Dawn'
Lou and, Terry, Mr. H. a Clark
and Jim spent the' aveek-end in
Toronto and attended the Clark
reunion. •
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Buell of
Rochester, N.Y., • spent the past
week at the home of Miss Gertie
Bush and Mrs. W. E. Weir. They
also visited Mr. and M.is. Geo. Gib-
son and other relatives.
Mr. and " Mrs. George •Gibson
and family and Mrs. G. W. Gib-
son were guests at- the home` of
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Small, Londes-
boro, oh Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Gib=
son remained for a longer visit.
Master Murray and Miss Glen's
Gibson, also Mrs. W. E. Weir were
.guests last week with Mr, and
Mrs. L. E, Weir, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Green and family at their cottage
at Poplar Beach. •
Recent guests with Mr, and Mrs.
George Galbraith, Mill St., were
Mr, and Mrs.'Ivan Milne; Ottavra,
Mrs, S. Simith, London, and Mrs.
L. Roberts ,8irneoe.
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Newton
and Josephine, London, visited
with Mrs. Reg, Newton this week
after spending a week at Algon-
quin Park arid Papineau Lake. Miss
Marsha 'Neveton Is spending this
week In Toronto at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Bain,
•• All Institute members are in-
vitO to attend the Achievement
:Project at Belgralre on August 27.
Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Hart Listowel,
spent the Week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Hart, St, Catharines,
Miss Patti Hart Spent the Week-
end; With her grandparents in
Ur, and Mrs, Frank Varles,
Lynne and Leone left last Wecincs,
day for their new home in 1401i.
don, Their Mende all wish them
success in 'their new horne.
Mr. and Uri Dellis Henke, Ran,
dy, Laurette and being Jr., of Rc-
dhester, N,Y., spent the woolt-thd
with Mrs, meg. Newton. ,
Fitting farewell was given 25-
pound gains by the 21st Regiment
RCA (MI as eight men who Were
members of the unit when this
artillery piece was ,,issued back in
1941, took over No, '3 pesitions and
fired the' final salute.
These once-popular ,guns which
saw action with Canadian batteries
through France, Holland, Italy and
Germany are now slate,d to be-
come. artillery relics, along with
18-pounders, 4.5 howitszers and
hotse-drawn gun 'carriages.
When the 21st Regiment com-
mences training again in the fall,
the batteries will be issued with
105 mm howitzers. This gun has
been adopted by the Canadian
army as a replacement for the 25-
The parting blast came in' the
final round in the ,competitive
shoot, which completed' firing on
the' Petawawa ranges for the regi-
ment this year, 'Lieut.-Col. M. R.
Oliver, commanding officer sent
through an order to delay firing
the last shell.
When this point was reached
eight "originals" marched to the
guns, each taking over the once
familiar No. 3' slot and as 'mem-
ories spun back, they released the
charges which marked the end of
another era. •
' The, veterans all served as War-
time gunners with the 97th. and
100th BatterieS which today foime
tyre:Mb:de Of the alit- Field. Regi:'
ment. All of them are an this
militia'-unit and •hold ranks from
sergeants to major. They are:
Major L. G. Vickers, Listowel;
Capt, E, S,"McCannell Walkerton;
Sgt-Marjors Stan Hastings, Wing-
ham and Archie Mitchell, Listowel;
RQMS Lloyd Bean, • 'Listowel;
Staff-Sgt. .D. DaWson, Wingham
and Sgts. James Dixon and Nelson
Travis, Listowel.
When the 100th Battery was
first formed back around the
coronation year of 1937, it was
issued with two 18-pound ,guns
which made their debut on the day
of that celebration, These' arty
pieces were mobilized at the out-
break of hostilities in 1939. The
battery trained in Listowel until
moving to Petawawa for final
preparation before going overseas.
Eighteen pounders went with
the unit to England in 1941 but
later that year were 'replaced by
a new issue of.25 pound guns, For
a brief time after 1945, the 100th
was converted to an anti-tank
battery, but later returned to the
Lieut-Col, Oliver says the offic-
ers, NCO's, and men will undergo
special training when the weekly
sessions resume in the fall. They
will have 'to familiarize themselves
with the 105 mm pieces and the
new gun drill.
Family Presented
'Before Leaving.
WHITECHURCH—A full house
gathered at the Memorial Hall
here on, Friday evening, in heeour
of Mr. and Mrs., Jas. Wilson and
their family, Who have bought a
home in Exeter, where James has
been Working for the past year,
and to where, they redehtly moved
After lunch, Cecil Falconer, Who
Was floor manager for the evening,
asked Mr, and Mrs. Wilson to come
to the • front, and Wallace
read an address, in appreciation of
the many years, and the many ways,
hi which they have Served in this
cerninueltY, in School,' Church and
community grab*. Garnet Farrier
presented them with a lion-up
teater 'from the village fend, and
a purse of money, Mr, Wilson fit,
tingly replied, thanking thain for
their co-operation"and kindness in
the' life-time 'that he hal spout in,
this community.
Music let daneing Was provided
by 'Garnet Farrier, Wallace. 'Conn
and Will•UttirA
charge of the 1404,01 Ji -
g/Owing the 74.8,
trip !in 40104 for% OW
also found. Weirtne
liPon arrival ,at, Cainp, •
sive nen4rete barrieha with
ed enyariees' relleMbled in
'betels, Hot and cold rl-14
water, . showers, and
rooms, each containing lour
cheat- of, .dreWere end ,closets td
that iMPreSsion.
Army life began at it int., vritl
breakfast ever and on parade bY
8 o'clock. Regirnental Padre Reek,
Lutheran minister r from Walker:'
ton, conducted 'a,. short setYlee'with
cripture lesson, prayer And dilly .
thoughts; Then men climbed
aboard lorries And headed Or the'
ranges, They returned' to the
mess for A 1M hour noon-day
dinner break and , finished ,man-
oeuvres around 4 p.m.
over 400 rounds of ammunition
Were :fired by the 25,pound. guns
during the days at cant!).
The regiment's most 'intensive
session came during' the"iirist dais
on the range. This':• in army
language is termed the,competiti- ,
tive shoot. permanent Oro, .ii'.
atruoters stand close 'by And,with
critical eyes mark all pl4ses of
the military operation. These
marks are computed aid' released
later in die 'year` along' with y the
standings .of all militia units, wlrigli
entered Petawawa , for' rummer
training, , • ;
The' 21st Regiment's task in =this
competition Was, engaging Rediand
forces, an. enemy in estimated
strength, which had. established
defensive position from Beacon
Hill ,and were r" advancing -in' an
easterly direction 'towards
wawa Camp. In ,this imaginary
battle,, the First Canadian Infantry
position occupied a defenaive po-
sition. As a supporting . arM,• 'file
batteries were assigned to counter
attacking ' 'and destroying V.le
During this shoot Majors • , Milli-
ken and Jackson 'occupied the: Ob-
servation post Capt Newton
served at gun ,command Post: and
Capt. Ritter and dent ..:Reid Were
gun poeition officers Lieut. ,Gbr,-
don Weber,L QlowelA a,S troop
leader.' Signallers 'strung out ooin-
rnunication lines while .radio was
also used to relay. inforniaiion frOm
Observation command
Trained drivers ight
bering gilts .over
position. - •• •'
As 'smoke cleared palletwing''.ihf
the last round: of firing, officers
anl men gathered' in a' „shady pine '
grove and' in picnic liken
ate the„
only thee' Servetiout doors.:
during the camp. Depicting
cal army' 'organization, qua*
Master Capt. Thos Moffatt
RQMS Lloyd Bean:, ..cle:spatOik
from camp to grove. a; panel •trilk
loaded With, :'a fuller 2pacheci,. beiC.
lunch for each man ,along' with
gallons of ice-chilled milk.
This outdoor Jundh:iis followed
by one of , 'the
sessions of Any Camp • pays
parade, Capt. Jack Stephens, Wink-
tient, ‘regirnental 'Pakniaater, setup
an office-like table 'and, flanked
with gnards, passed over
$8,000 among officers and, rnen'
Bell Applies for:.
Rate Increase
Increases of 20 cents pet month
for two.patty residence 'telephone
service in Wingham and of 35 cents
for One-party residence lined are
proposed in Bell Telephone's 'appli-
cation fot revised rates filed in Ot.'-
tawa with the Board of TranSpoit
Commissioners for 'Canada., ac-
cording to H. H. P. Johnsionithe
company's manager here.
The proposed increase' for .one-,
party flitt rate businens service it
70 monthly and for two-party buSli
Ness service it is 40 Monthly,:
Present rates are $3.45 for a
one-patty residence phone; $2.35
for a twb,-piitty residence; $5,45
for a One-patty business and $4,135
fOr a two-party businesS phone, •
Local Fiddlers
Win Acclaim
Lucky Ambeatilt, who hat been
fiddling champion of 'Oa CE4Q
Country It Obi:16*n program for se y...
oral WeekS past, Still retains the
title, The local artist, who is ,,edit
daily on Votna, a feature .if'
'cItiv%•tv, has been travelling to
'Toronto Peek Week to defend hig
title, arid has yet to , meet hi's
mateh„ He' member of 'Sllhi
BOuthet'a Golden' Prairie Cow
Another member of the Seine
orchestra, Al "Chesney, wad the
tedend place winner at the reedit
Old tlinti Viddleti actiriteit
Shl:W V elitt. HO ie beaten fat top
benota by bttd /Andy, Of St. Jelin,
,Shirley' Bennett, Eng, Comp n,
?Eng. Lit, c, Bot. II, Zeta. C, Latin
An,„ III, Lat CQUIP, P, Fren Au C,
' Free, Comp C James Campbell,
Nng, Comp III, Eng, Lit II, Geom,.
I, Trig, IT, Phys U, Jelin Puffy,
Eng, Perrin,II,I, Eng. Lit. Q, Trig,
C, Rot, C, Chem, 0, Helen Ford,
Erig,*:comp, III, Eng. Lit III, Hot.
C, Zool III Lat AU 0 Lat ConaP C
Fren; Comp C. : *
Itin Gibbons, Hist II, Bot III,
' Zool II, Chem, II. Paid droaltorth,
Eng Lit C, Geom C. Helen Haines,
Eng Comp I, Eng Lit I, Hist 1, Alg.
C, Geom II, Lat Au II, tat Comp
III, Fro Au Q, Fren Comp C. John
HOOVer, Eng Comp I, Eng Lit HI,
Hist, I, Alg C, .Geom I, Lat An II
Lat 'Comp I, Freq. Au III, Fren
Comp III,
Margaret King, 'Eng Comp - •
Garinera weren't Caught liellering when ;this photo was enapped.
Maitha are kept (Veil to avoid unpleasantness caused by concussion
in '.firing shells (rent 25-pounders Next fall 21st Regiment, R C,A.
Which COMptisee batteries from Listowel, Wingham anti 'Woiherton,
changes. to 105nrari hewitiers, a new issue by Canadian Army, Shewri
Rev. D, J. MacRae i Rea:Mason Vows
At tends Clinic Heard in LondOn
, , Last round of firing on sandy Petawawa slopes was followed by regimental pay Parade. Capt. Jack,
gtephens of Wingham, assisted by RQMS Lloyd Bean, Listowel distribiates over $8,000 among officers and
men; from temporary effice set-up in, shade of pine grove. , --Listowel Banner photo.
firing this barrage are, left to tight, Sgt., Keith FarrM, Listowel,
Wayne Brown, Wingham; Jack Brant, Trowbridge; Bill Newbigging,
Britton; George: Mirth, Arthur and Jelin Alexander, LiStowel,
Banner photo.