HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-08-21, Page 6'WAnfhlit14, AdValtee'Ttnteli Wnd-k• 'MP* 41 1$7 FARE AND Llashmar Drive-In Theatre LISTOWEL THUR. - FRI AUG 22 *- 23 "Hell On:Frisco Bay" Colour Cineinageope Alan Ladd; Joanne, Dru .• ' Edward: G. Robinson OAT. - MON. AUG. 24 - 26 ".:iY`The Indian Fighter" Colour ' Cinemascope Kirk Douglas, Elsa Martinelli 'TUES. - WED. AUG. 27 - 28 "Solid Gold Cadillac" :• Judy Holliday, Paul. Douglas .•• • •11A • • • • • • _ • • AP • • 3-MINUTE --• • • : or : or • r • „,„ , • • • Qualify Test • Hear, for Yourself • Why Zenith Is the World's, Largest-Selling tliarIng Aldl ' ?Try a finest-quality Zenith , "Hearing Aid...see why more people choose Zenith than is Any other makei Product of Zenith's 37 years of electronic `•.• experience. Come in today for lt 'atm Zenith Quality Test! • -.4 Five all-new, 4- and 5-transis-: 'a „tor models—froih $50 to $150! ' 'One-Year Warranty, Five = • .Yeir Service Plan! =1" $0-Day Money Beek ' 'Guarantee tallys Time Payments; Arranged! Near Zenith Nowt' • 41, • a McKi bbons • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • All C.Pladiall Twine Made Kitchoiler APPROXIMATELY •., • x50 FEET .PER POUND • hursday, Friday,Saturda ti , • Thursday,, Atitgust 29th . - 4; At the Arena 8.30 p.m. -- JOAN FAIRFAX = CBC Television Singing Star plus Other Outstanding Artists. DANCE TO 'FOLLOWt FROM 10 to 1 — PAUL CROSS ] 12=piece ORCHESTRA & SOLOISTS • tio part —FRONTIER PARADE with 5 Bands, Floats, Cos,tumes, plus Cowboys and their horses and the DURHAM GIRLS' 'TRUMPET BAND 2.45 p.m.—JUDGING OF FLOATS IN THE PARK, First and Second Prizes = Classes: Best Over-All Float Best Horse-Drawn Float Best Comic Float Best Service Club Float Best Old Fashioned Pioat Best Oldest Motor Vehicle in original condition" $150.00 in Prizes 3.00. p.tn.-2-DURHAM GIRLS' TRUMPET 'BAND 3.15 3.30 4.00 8.00 p.m.—CKNX BARN DANCE. BROADCAST Over 30' Entertainers — Special Artists' Doors open at 7 p.m. Show starts 8 p.m. sharp - Dance to follow Saturday, August 31st p.m.—ROPE SPINNING DISPLAY_ p.m.--ENTERTAINMENT p.M.-7HORSE SHOW • dding Service "Glifito thitriday; A uciett '§ghtf' Stik4edikit„ Septembee7thi intt4 rot we, titirdatt yor fetal repent. • • A St. Stephen's OGIIHM—On Saturday, August. .at St. StepheWs Anglican Church,, Oorrie, Wale Hil4abeth, daughter of Mr, ,and, Mrs,. Ambrose avid, Prange Hill, united in arriage with Wm, Gtta Willert, Pronto, son. of M. and Mrs. O. Pashwood, by the Rev, A. Russell, Mrs. Frank King organist, • The bride were a ballerina-. ietrigth gown of white lace with bouffant gliirtn.Mrs, Geo, Wilson, Walkerton, was matron of honor end was attired in a similar gown of mauve, Mr, Geo, Wal- kerton was hest man. 1. A reception wag held at the home of the bride'`" brother, Mr. Frank pavid. The couple will reside in Toronto, SAFETY IS-NENE ADDRESS CiQRKIE—aonstable Hardy, of Goderieli, of the Provincial Police force Spelt° on "Traffic Safety" at the August meeting of the Oorrie W,I, at the home of Mrs, Ernest Dinsmore. He Was introduced by Mrs, Norrhan, Gadclke„ He said more deaths are caused by auto- mobiles than by any single disease. He showed a film on "Traffic Safety", and safety rules foi buses and school children, Mrs, David Neilson, guest speak- er, was introduced by Mrs. B, H. Strong. She told of the require- ments for the nursing profession and for nurses' assistants. She said it was an excellent preparation for family life. A nurse should have a desire to help people, She also gave hints on the care of the aged and young children, She was pre- sented with a cup and saucer, Mrs, Gerald Galbraith comment- ed on the motto, "Sing more, argue less and the horn° will be a happier place," She said we should make our homes the happiest possible, learn to relax and sing. Although much may be learned by argument it should not become heated. Many amusing answers were given to the roll call, "What An- noys Me Most". Yvonne Sparling reported oh the Garden Club. Ach- ievement Day will be held in Bel- grave, on August 27th, Miss Shirley Patterson is the new home econo- mist for Huron. A letter of appreciation from, Lieut. Goodridge was read, thank- ing the Institute members for the help given in the Red Shield Cam- The next meeting will take the form of a tour of industries in GOderich. Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mrs. Clarence Sparling, •assisted by the hostess, served refreshments. Court of ;Revision Set for Sept. 5 GORRIE—A regular meeting of the Howick Township Council was held in the' clerk's office on. Aug- ust 6th. The reeve, H. Gowdy, was in the chair. The minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and on motion of McMichael and Gib- son were adopted as read. Carried. Gibson - Allan—That we give a grant of $100.00 to the Howick Water Safety Committee.' Carried. Gibson - McMichael—That the Enginees report on the repair and improVement of part of branch A, branch B, and branch C of the Henry Bolton municipal drain be accepted and provisionally adopted; and the clerk be instructed to pre- pare the necessary by-law and copies of same; and, `"that applica- tion for provincial aid be made to the Department of Public Works of Ontario. Carried. Gibson - Allan—That we instruct the clerk to prepare the necessary by-law' to place a stop ,sign at the intersection of Patrick and Louisa Streets in the Village of Fordwich. Carried. Gibson - McMichael—That we delegate the treasurer to the Ont- ario Municipal Association annual convention. Carried. Allan - McMichael—That the date of the court of revision for the Bolton municipal drain be held at 3 o'clock on September 5th. Car- ried. Gibson - McMichael—That we appoint Mel, Allan as commission- er on municipal drain No, 10, branch B, Carried. Allan - Gibson—That by-law No. 13-57, of the Township of Howick for the Year 1957„ the repair and improvement of part of branch A, branch B, and branch C of the Henry Bolton municipal drain by- law, as read the first and second time be passed. Carried. McMichael - Gibson—That the road accounts as approved be paid. Carried. Allan McMichael—That the fol- lowing accounts be paid, Carried, County of Huron, hospitalization," $40.50; fox bounty, $13.00; X. A. Hammond & Co., Office supplies, $54.08; Earriston Review, printing, $43.50; Leonard Ratan, allowances re Wm, A, Bennett Drain, $11.00; Carl Dinsmore, allowances re Wm. Bennett Drain, $14.00; Archie Ir- Win, alloWanCes re Wm, A, Bennett Drain, $92.00; Chas. F. Finlay, al- lowances re Wm, A. Bennett Drain, $22.00; Joe Bennett, allowances re Wm. A. Bennett Drain, $2.00; Bruce Bennett, allowances re Wm. A. Bennett Drain, $2.00; Wm. A. Ben- nett, allowances re Wm, A. Bennett Drain, $182.00; Cliff Dodds, allow.' antes re Wm, A. Bennett Drain, $84.00; Mac Newton, allowances re Wan, A. Bennett Drain,. MO; H. GoWdy, commissioner's fees, re Wm, A. Bennett train, $1.60.00; Carl Willis, -balance contract and deposit re Wm. A, Berl/tett Drain, 1304.90; 3, R. Pollock, clerk's fees re Wm, A, Bennett brain, $65,00; Lohr, repair, Pordwich shed Ma; $8.00; Att Gibson, relief ad- ininistrator, Wrri, lVfarriner, $83,62; Water Safety Cont4 Matte, grant, WOO; It Deno, postage, $3,00; toad account, trans- faro 44/41,26e EAST WINANOSII COUNCIL SETS NATE The East Waw.a.nosit Council. met on August 6th, the, reeve lire, siding,. The minutes of the meeting held ,July 2nd, were nail And adopted on motion by 'Hanna and Buchariaa, On motion by Buchanan,- anna that the road and general ape:punts • AA presented be passed and paid, ,Carried. Motion by Hanna Buchanan that .the MT township rate be 8 mays and the commercial rate be. 10 Carried, •.• Motion by Buchanan Banna that council accept the 1957 assess-• A MiOt, roll pending court of **vision, carried. ' Road A0300400 Stuart IvieBurney, salary 3175.40, bills paid, 80c, $1.715.00, Wrn. r, win, wages WA, rent of troci; g4,40, $89,69; Wingham Tire ,Per- vice, tire and, tube, 130 •grader, $36:44; Purdon Meters,' gutting steel for bridge, $1,90; Atainton's Hardware, cement and Pick handle, $127,80; Ideal Supply, bearing in7f spits, $22.00; Albert Coultes, under- pinning bridge, $317,45; Can, Oil 0:11 Ltd., fuel oil, $1.77.7$; Willifthl Kennedy, 60 yards, gravel at Sc, $3.00; The Pedlar People, steel pipe 18'x6", $21,18. General Cheques Town of Clinton, balance deben- ture levy D. C. I., $117.06; Town of GoderIck (10, levy q.c.x., 5112013; LeVt BR/Pan, lox bounty, $1,00; earth XeCli4ohey, fox bounty, $1,00; 3. Keith Arthur, ambulance fees, indigent $33.00; Village of share of relief April, June, July, $49.68; Qrvq1 TaYlort convention expenses, $30,00; Bel- grave Library Boni* grant, $1,5,00; Auburn Library Board, grant, $10,00; Whitechnrch Library Board, grant, $10,90. Motion by Hanna Buchanan that' council adjourn to Meet on. September 3rd or at the call of the Reeve at one o'clock at the Bel- grave Conaninnity Centre, Carried. Orval E. Taylor, Reeve R, H. ThompSon, Clerk, MemoriatService opoRmo—The ngwlek ;District 40.1,4, annual memorial 'service was' held Sundai afternoon, Aug*' ust 11th, in the grorqe Cemetery, XerObers of the L.Q.L. and 40•13,4• lodges marched from, the L.,ote. ball to' the cemetery, carrying flowers ,Which were placed on the mound at the ccatet,ery, The Rev,' John Gorrie, spoke, from Hebrews 12, From clbsk to ,closing time /each evening, ,from Spring to late Fall, an extensive and Suave lighting , system transforms Victoria's But- chart Garden's into a fairyland of subtly lighted splendor, • Nni.sommos Friday, August 30th 1.30 p.m.—CHILDREN'S PARADE , -Prizes, for best Frontier Boy and Girl, Decorated Doll Buggies, Bicycles, Tricycles, Wagons, Indian and Indian Princess, Cowboy and Cowgirl — Prizes $75 2.15 p.m.--OEFICIAL OPENING OF WINGHAM'S FRONTIER DAYS' 2.45 p.m.—TRICYCLE OBSTACLE' RACES 3.15 p.m.—CHOOSING of , FRONTIER QUEEN 3.45 p.m.—ROPE SPINNING CONTEST 4.15 p.m.—BULLDOGGING CONTEST 8:30 p.m.—SQUARE DANCE 'CONTEST, Prize $50.00 ry FRONTIER BALL — Come in Costume, Prize $10.60 CHOOSING OF FRONTIER COUPLE , Music by The Golden , Prairie Cowboys S E E JOAN FA ;FAX *television Singing Altar Durham Gig s' TruitiPet'lland SO NY RIDES A HO'ST ,- 00 OTHER. • SPARKLING EEATURES, ' sessimilm ninis .t