HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-08-21, Page 3ONTARIO IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ONTARIO MOTORISTS frOm the Ontario Department of Transport r V • • 5 .:AVILLER.p. .MgINTOSH. &. WARD • - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BELL TELEPHONE oBviLDJ:NG. alkerton Ontuirio Yes! — the telephone IS a partner in that card `party ,. • • a helpful "partner" which brought every- one together! Without telephones,arranging such simple social. gatherings would tae endless time and effort. As Canadians, most of us tend to take such long- accepted uses of the telephone pretty much for grkited. Yet, when' you consider the 'countless ways in which the telephone makes, YOUR daily , life' snore pleasant, you may well agree dila this extra "fiartner" gives far more in terms of convenience and security than the little it costs.. We're specialists at all. Kinds of Car Body Repair Work LEIGH ,QUALITY WORK AT 'I:OW PRICES IS OUR BUSINESS, SLOGAN . SEE US FOR SURE Specialists in Collision Repairs and Re-pOnting FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN §•tfii:".•'.:041•Vg0 ' ' •••ftv.'"*, Only 10% Down- 18 Months to Pay Write Today for Details Yes, you too can enjoy all the conveniences of running water now, while you pay for it during the next three years, The Emco Budget Plan will cover Duro pump, tank,, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all farm buildings plus installation. We wilt be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of labour and Materials, Phone or come into our shop and see how 'really inexpensive .zturitiing water the DURO way canoe. talvitTrD' top4,4 SissitAito, to, ilow;t4id • S HON. MS; K. ALLAN; Mialitee ANDERSON FAMILY IMI3.9.ABEU130N HOLDS REUNION AUXILIARY HOSTESS union 4 OMORAVIkl—The ace of the descendents of the .late •lotin derson and. Mary Ann. Leake was held in the Belgrave Comrrru.nity Centre on August 5. Seventy-one names were registered and. 1100* eon and supper were .:both served, by the members Of the lEieigraye, Worrien's rxestitste, After the noon'luncheon the' group gathered in, the recreation room for 0.` short prograPline and business meeting. A sing sOng led" by Ross Anderson and accoMpan- led by Mrs, Les Shaw was' xrtuh enjoyed as, wore the readings 'by Linda and Clifford, ConiteS,, The quartette of 'Ross, Jim, Keith and Lloyd Anderson sang a couple of numbers, Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs, 'Ed, Bunking, Mrs,i Ed Hartlin, Mrs. Les ShaW and Miss Karen Anderson sang, a few numbers and Karen also sang a Solo, All these numbers were apcompanied by Roy Mundy, Remarks were given by Charles Anderson, historian and Bari An- derson, past president,. `The next reunion will be held in Princeton on the first Monday of August 1959. The Officers appointed for the next reunion are: President, john Anderson • Sr.,' Princeton • ' secretary) Mrs. Ed flunking,' Auburn; his.. torian, Charles Anderson, Tees= water.; registration, John Anderson Jr., Prineeton; Keith Anderson, St, Thomas;',Mrs. Gordon Ander- son, .\ Toronto; programme, M rs. John Anderson Jr., Prineeton; Mrs. Les Shaw, Londen;.•Lloyd Ander- son, Kingston; Ed Hartlin, London; Ed flunking, Auburn. Presentations were made to Allan Nicholson, Lucknow, the youngest member; Jim Anderson, Belgrave, oldest gentleman; Miss Minnie Anderson,, Weston; oldest lady and Jim Anderson, Kingston, coining the farthest, • , The sports committee held games and contests for the remainder ,of the afternoon after which supper was served, ' The new president John Ander- son said a few words after which Ross Anderson closed the gather- ing and a social time was enjoyed by all. i - Xt was decided to order the study paelte,t and the c,au, books, Xtomais agreed to hold the September meetingis a week later, on the 17th of, that month. Some dlecussion Warr held con- cerning the cook hooks 4, printed three years ago and the secretary was appointed to make Inquiries regarding prices of having mere printed. The worship service was opened by Mrs. Cameron Walsh, followed by a 'hymn and 'prayer, Scripture passages were read by Mrs, Ken Barbour. The offering was re- ceived, folldw-ed by a hymn and Prayer, The Study period was led by Mrs, Walsh assisted by Mrs. Clif- ton Walsh, who reported on the Colombo Plan. Mrs. Harold Walsh`' 'reported on United Nations Spec- ial Assistance programs; rind Mrs. James Walsh reported on 'Inter- Church Aid and service to refu- gees, • Mrs. James. Walsh led in recre- ation. Grace was sung and lunch was served. . Ruttan Reunion Held in 'Park GORRIE—Members of the Rut- tan families gathered ih the Gorrie community park on Sunday after-, noon for their reunion, There were 35 present from Lucknow, Brus- sels and surrounding district. Officers elected for the coming year were: Norman Hoover, Brus- sels, pres.; Miss Beverley Ashton; Lucknow; sec.-treas. A picnic sup- per, was enjoyed. The home of the bride's parents Was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday evening, August` 3rd., at 1.80. The Rev, 3'. T. White of Londesboro officiated for a double- ring candlelight ceremony when Sandra Adelle Rath and Karl Dale Whitfield were united in mar- 'Nage. The bride' is the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Clarence Rath, Bel- grave and the groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whit- field, Biyth, The, bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of nylon net and Chantilly lace over satin, with matching lace bodice outlined in seed pearls and cup sequins, and long sleeves end- ing in" lily-points over the hands. A hand leaded tiara, designed in a cutworit of simulated pearls held her elbow-length veil. The bride's only jewellery was a double strand of pearls and matching earrings, a gift of the groom, She carried a nosegay of red roses. As maid of honor for her sister, Miss Yvonne Rath chose a 'cock- tail-length dress of carribean blue nylon.'net over taffeta aneshe car- MILL RATE IS SET BY MORRIS COUNCIL The Morro Township , Council met in , the township hall on August 6 with all the members present. The minutes. of the last meeting and the meeting of July 31 were read and adopted on motion of Ross Duncan and Stew- art PrOcter.' Duncan-Shortreed—That we give a grant of $155.00 to the Belgrave Arena Board: Carried. • Shortreed-Wilkinson — That the court of revision on the 1953 assessment roll be held on Sep- tember 3 at 10 am, Carried. Shortreed-Duncan — That Addi- son Fraser be paid $50.00 on his salary. Carried, application of Frank Kirkby for a tile drain loan be accepted. Car- ried, ortreed-Procter Proeter-WilitinsOn--That all un- paid drain taxes that haven't been otherwise arranged for be added to the 1957 taxes with interest. Carried. Procter - Wilkinson — That the rr ioead.d bills as presented by the road superintendent be paid. Car- , Shortreed-Duncan—That By-Law No, 13, 1957 setting the township mill rate at 1.1% mills and the commercial rate at 131/2 mills be passed as read the first, second and third times, Carried. Duncan-Wilkinson—That Stew- art Procter be a commissioner on the Wheeler Drain. Carried, Shortreed-Wilkinson—That the meeting adjourn td meet again on September 3 at 10 a.m. Carried, Accounts Paid Vannan, grant to Belgrave Arena Board, $155.00; Geo. Martin, By-Laws - Mustard, Wheeler and Hislop DrainS, $67.50; A, Manning and Sons, Lamont Drain, $6.98; SlYtil Telephone System, tolls, $7.50; Addison Fraser, expenses, $28.28; Addison Fraser, part salary, $50.00; relief account, $15.00; County of Huron, indigent fees, $187.25; Amos G. Martin, Niched Drain, $2,407,12; Glen Couites, foX bounty, $2,00; A. Kitchen, fOX bounty, $2.00; Jos. smith, fox bounty, $2,60; f.,,onts Phelan, fox bounty, 0,00; Au'Aell Fear, fox bounty, $2-.60; Walter Shortreetl, Court of Revision On Drains, WM; Gordon Wilkinson, Court of levisioia on Drains, $10,00; Stewart Proctor, Court of Revision on Drains, $10.001 )3ailio Parrott, Court of Revision on Drains; $10.00; Jas, A. Howes, Nichol and Wheeler Drains, $476,00, Sallie, Parrott, Geo, C. Madill, Reeve Clerk ried a nosegay of yellow carna- tions. The best man was Harold Camp- bell of Myth. The wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake decorat- ed in pink. and white, The house Was decorated with pink and white' streamers, pink and white bells, sweet peas, gladioli, babies' breath and dahlias. 'The bride's mothet received the guests wearing :a dress of printed blue slik with navy ac- cessories and a corsage of yellow chrysanthemums, She was' assisted by th e groom's mother wearing a pink linen dress with white acces- Soriei Fid a corsage of blue chry- santhemunis. For their wedding trip to North— ern Ontario the bride Wore a printed blue rayon crystalette dress with a grey tweed shortie coat and powder blue accessories. Her cor- sage .wa's of pink carhations. On their return they will' reside at Blyth, Guests were present from Seaforth, Brussels, Auburn, Blyth,, Londesboro and Brantford. CHURCH IN FORMOSA TOPIC AT 11131.S. B'ELdRAVE—The August meet- ing of Knox Presbyterian W.M.S. was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Clifford Purdon with a good attendance. The meet- ing opened with prayer by Mrs, Youngblut, followed by the hymn, "Jesus Stand Among Us". Mrs, Mac Scott read the Scripture lesson from Acts, chapter 1. and Mark, chapter ,9. Mrs. Clifford Purdon had charge of the study book, which dealt with the problems of the many thousands of people who have moved from China to the islands of South East Asia, The Presby- terian Church in Canada has had workers in Taiwan (Formosa) since 1872. So many people have come to this island since the See- pnd World War that there are many problems of language, hous- ing, l ead e rship and government. With these newcomers have come many idealogies, and sects Chris- tian and non-Christian And there is much to confuse the youno. b For- mosan Church. The Presbyterian Chnich in Formosa has its own General Assembly and the eyes of the world are on this young church. Mrs. Edgar Wightman led in prayer for this church and her workers in these days of stress. The hymn, "The Church's One Foundation" was sung. Visits to the sick and shut-ins were reported. Plans were made to conduct the service of worship at the fall rally of Huron Presby- terial to be held in Auburn in September, A committee was narn -dd to prepare a program for the 70th anniversary in October. ' The hymn, "Gloriona Things of Thee Are Spoken" was sung and the meeting closed by repeating the Lord's prayer in unison, A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and her daughter and a social time wds enjoyed by all. UN Programs Studied by WMS BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing of the Woman's Missionary Society and the Woman's Associ- ation of Knox United Church Was held in the church on Wednesday afternoon, August 7. Mn,'s Walter Scott was In charge of the W.M.8, meeting anti opened It with hymn and prayer, The following reports Were road: utes, treasurer's, gift fund, visits to the Sick and shut.in and the birthdays Were relnerribered. Mrs. Harold Procter was in charge of the worship service and opened With the Call to Worship, a hymn and prayer. Mrs, uteri Awa derson gave the 8ertbtere lesson 'r7)fr. and Mrs, George Jopos and agikix of TAridon burst, a favit days ast week With, her parents, ad Mrs, John. ,M0C4UnM, Mr, and Ws.. Ross Robinson and Keith are spending a 'Week's 4911,' day in Windsor :and Detroit and carer points hi the States. Alen Campbell is spending some 'time in the Thessalon area. MO Annie MeNi,cho1 slant the week-.end 'With relatives hi the Walton district, ' • Mrs, Mark Armstrong and Mrs,. Stanley Cook are:patients in the Wingham General Hospital. Mr'. and ,Mrs, Les Shaw of Lon- don, spent the weelt-end •with Mr, and Mrs. John Anderson and other relatives in the district, Mrs. Lloyd 'Anderson of London is visiting .0.t the same ,home, - Miss Gladys Miehie and Mr, $olin Michie •of Saginaw, .1Vfleh,, are spending sortie holidays with Mr. and Mrs:. James Michie and' other. relatives, Miss 3s.rbara Jean Colson of Milton, la spending some holidays With the Miehie from the Missionary Monthly pro- gramme. The study period on United Nations' special assistance pro- grams was led by Mrs, Harold Procter and she was• assisted by Mrs. C. A. Krug, who reported on the Colombo Plan, Mrs, Jack An-' derson on United Nations' assis- tance and Mrs. Robert a Coultas on inter-church and service to re• fugees. The service wasi, closed with a hymn and 'prayer by Mrs. H. Procter. Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler was in charge of the W.A. meeting, open- ing with the minutes by Mrs. Cecil Chamney, The financial statement by Mrs, J. X. Coultea showed a balance of $505.59. Mrs. Albert Vincent expressed a word of .thanks for the letter of sym pathy, she received from the group. It was moved and seconded by Mrs, J. Wheeler and Mrs, H, Proc- ter that the doors of the church he refinished and the steps be paint- ed.' This meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, Ofrf.4 :)rte Jtvet oak* If vss Protoolios for Die Coomf041 for vour All ia oar iP V. FRANK C HI'O I --Representsitiv.7.. Canada Life . 16,11IGHAIVI, ONT, RELAX AT OROWNID PRIV: CLINTON, ON Two Shows Nightly, Or Clear First .Show at Ellis Children wider 1& In ,Wr F.'1911 TtnIMPA* and fRilliAr' August 22-23 "The 'iVICONNELL STORY" . (Colour) (alleMaseoPe), • Alan Ladd - June Allyson.- (Two,Cartoons) SATURDAY and gONDAY:; • August 24-0 "ALEXANDER THE GREAT" • (Colour) (Cinemaseppe) Frederic •March Richard Burton - Claire BlOOM.‘ No Cartoons ' Church Serrice, sandaY; 8.00 p.m.—Rev. G. Mills — TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 27-24 • "MY SISTER EILEEN" (Colour) , (Cinemaseope Janet Leigh - Jack Lemmon, (Cartnon) $5.00 ADDITIONAL CHARGE — If you cannot prove that you carry liability insurance when you buy yOur 1958 registration plates, a $5.00 additional charge will be eollectict as required by law. This Money will be paid into the Unaatislied Judgment Fund 'which was estab- lished by the Government to pay judgments against, uninsured motorists. Such inotorists are indebted to the " Fund for the full amount of the judgment. , • • 4.44414VX*--WS, -4954. &Mil; son, welcomed: P.S00..k.0011 Mernhera •.of the NVentrig Auxiliary' .oir the 17.VOntati!S. MissienarY Society or ,linos Unitod: gbarna. to her home oak Tuesday evening, August 10, ,for: their .regnlar Meeting, • . As Prealtienti, Mrs, Anderson was in .charge and opened the nt'eetinfc with a hytett and the berkEtf pray- gr. in nninnn, This was. followed kY the aporetary ead. 'trealitirer's ports, ',Birthdays were. remembered nntl. two home and :11 hospital.. visits to the and ehnt-ln. were recorded,. Do you icnow u risk everything you own • if-00d to , cum LABILITY* :INSURANCE on ruir motor vehide? r. HERE'S WHY: If you are involved in an accident causing death or injury, or property damage, you risk losing everything you ovin . . . unless you are 'protected by liability insurance. In the event of a• judgment against you, your property or other assets .could be seized to pay the' judgment. -You could lose your home, your motor vehicle, your savings, and • a large part of your income in the years ahead. , , Your driver's license will be suspended and you will be prohibited-from owning a motor / vehicle, if you are unable to meet the judgment. "LIABILITY INSURANCE• means - insurance against your legal obligations arising from bodily injury or death, or damage t property of others. A 1Solicy for Fire, Melt and Collision is NOT Liability Insaranci ,y. CHECK iinyi yore MORANci ewer OR imam TAW ONTARIO DEPARTMENT.OF TRANSPORT 0.1 COLLINS, deputy AlaIster PERCY CLARK Wingham • Phone 255 Plinntiiing w Heating - Alt Conditioning