HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-08-07, Page 4APO* 70.4.• hallo. Ontario has 75,000 alcoholics, Toronto 14,000. Reliable statisties are ,to hand , regarding the" relation between juvenile delinquency and alcohol- ism in 'France. Three out of four delinquent children are those ;e t alcoholics: Our authority is pop, poly. Tiwann•son. Alcoholism in . Frenchman and Canadian is the "seine tragic evil, 'lb WANTED Bush lots with soft maple arid elm. Will purchase bush properties or farms. Please phone or write: The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co. Ltd., Listowel, Ontario' Notice to WATER CONSUMERS The hours• for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a..m. to 9 a.m., and • from- 6 : p.m.. to 9 p.m,. . This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, lees prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use' of a* hose ,or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who • has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly: WIngliam Public Utilities Commission C. E. Sheila, Superintendent anob•so•womm.o.sme.o-aere.xmo.a.orms qameapini.o.ma-9.0m. , • NEW and .USED MASSEY-HARRIS FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALSO A Large Stock of NEW EQUIPMENT inCluding Nev Holland Balers and Side Rakes and Smoker Elevators USED EQUIPMENT —No. 6 George White Thresher, 24" cylinder, 42" 'body, straw shredder and high grain elevator . —No. 5 George White Thresher with 120 ft. drive-belt, straw cutter 'arid high elevator —7 ft. LH.C. Binder —No. 4 12-foot Massey-Harris Swither. CHARLES HODGINS \INGHAM I 4, -HEALTHY, well raised De- :ilib;e:Ilehms,00dreebvealzdi,tiv.yacFcianramb: ,S.,nd tstarting to.lay. Immediate R.: 3, Seaforth, Ontario, , ' 24,31,7b ESTATE 1/.4 l acres' for sale in tiowtt:Winghatn. Apply to W, J. ' Clinton. 7:21* 1: Ski se .F03t gr. 8-room stucco -i. u .at St. wens, with hard ,'afid _soft water, al-acre of• land, small ba.rn..App_ly to Mrs. Robin- son Woods, R. R. 2, Lucknow, 0 31,7* HIGHEST CASH prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up or removed promptly. Also wanted to buy—Boar Hogs. Call collect Bruce Marlatt, At- wood, phone 8 or 153. rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up .on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston' 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited, 6rrb MISCELLANEOUS j Alt AIMS Of otCP1111141T1 NC Wingham Advance Times , The funeral of William. 'Edgar Hammond, who passed away at the Wingham' General Hospital on Tuesday of last week was held at the Currie funeral home. at 2 p.m. on Thursday. Rev. W. D. Clark was in charge of the service, with interment in the Wingham ceme- tery. The Pallbearers were Gordon Gannett, James Smith, Hugh Gil- Mour, George R. Scott, John Don- aldson and Richard Lloyd. 1 4,a mrs LEE'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE We never stop, including Sundays and .Holidays. PHONE 185 "II ME Hill,® EMI MEI IMO URI - GODERICH Business College opens Tuesday, September ), 1957 Specialized Business Traininy • Practical instruction in all Commercial Subjects. '• • Every facility for business training is provided in our modern classrooms including* new typewriters, large individual oak • Cdoeuskrsse,sflaupoprersoeveeidit.lbigyhting, and experienced instructors, the Business Educators' Association of Canada, • . PROMPT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE In order to obtain the best results, we urge all students' to on the opening date. Our Day School tuition ,is RE per month. Treasurer's Sale of .Lands in Arrears of Taxes County of Huron Province of Ontario Townships of Howick Turnberry and East Wawanosh • TO WIT: By Virtue of a warreftt under the hand of the Warden, and seal of the County of Huron bearing date the 15th day of July, 1957, and to me directed, eomnuinding„ine to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes thereon together with 1111 ,Costs incurred, I hereby give notice that u'rtiess the arrears ate sooner paid, I shall proceed to- sell the said lands, or as mach thereof as shall be sufficient to 'discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, at my office in the Court Blouse, Gloderich, by Public Auction, on Tuesday, November btlif 1957; at the hour of two O'clock in the afternoon, iu 'cOmplimice with the Statutes in that behalf, Notice is hereby further giVen, that if any of the said lands remain unsold alt adjourned sale will be kohl on Tuesday, November 12th, 1957, at the same hout and place, and St which Municipalities may reserve tits right to purchase any of the said hinds. Gladtrith, oilt6.146 H. Erskine, Treasurer, j 'County of Huron: ay 15th, 1957: • TOWNSHIP or, HOWICK Milne and Description • Years in Arrears Taxes Coht0 Total JOhn Turan Lot 84, Cone, 6 8z 1950 499.73 14.56 514.26. TOWNSHIP OF TURNHIHUM Neil Potter, Let 78 & 194-199 & 222424, WILT', 1954-5.6 221.56 7,54 , .229.04 frovvNgior OF EAST waWAvosii 3. At MeirzleS. ti% Lot 81, Cone, 19 1954-54 lieedelvson tit.• - PL.Lot 80, Cone, 11 11944 Sr 1956 .Iolut Potter Estate Pt. Let 42, Comic. 14 — 1954-5.6 AO of the above lots are patented. 605,18 . 14.08 510.70 100.05 ' 4.01 111,64 48.46 3.21 51.67 1116114i,XixfP9X,X1XXXI, • YOB SAI4E MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed under license from Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley phone 24r30. r .7rrb ELECTROLUX Sales and. Service. Qin ,Ted Reynolds, Wingham :phone 840J1. 15rrh MILK rwrr.as, for sale—"Rapid Flo", 6-Inch, 79e; 61/2 -inch, 65c, Alexander's Hardware, lrrb PUREBRED BEAGLE" PUPS for *ale. Contact S, Boucher, phone 7b QU'ANT'ITY of used white brick for ,sale. Apply to Jack Glousher, JLR. 4;. Wingham. 31;7* QUANTITY of Etrus Pecus Rye •stied for sale.' Apply to W. W, -Strong, Gorrie, phone 26r111, Ftirdwich, 7,21* ROOM.. suite and cook stove for sale. Phone 329, Wing- ham. 7* Br...oNpp KITCHEN suite for sale. ' PihonO, -60.(i'fift'er 4,6 p.m. 7*' GrENESEE SEED WHEAT, grown ;''from registered seed. Treated :# ..80 to James H. Currie, Atone 719W3. 8:21* •;'J o*4 ,0 R -- GASOLINE MOTOR for sale: -Excellent condition. Can be a" en ...,atY'MaeSeY-Harris. Contact atlea Magi • 7* QUaNTI. *good' used brick fer sal tiyitable• for house or niet Favrriar, Vhitechurch, phone 741J1, er; in good condition. Apply Gar- c timae or.a_Also paint .spray- qp F*-1,*' TRUCKS fOR or NSTRUCTION I USE 01•M‘l TER Y. ' -Contact— gieen -Truck iEquipnient Limited, 546 • yovfir47/0Fillowlale; Ont. • VOIEILTRY •FOR' SALE DEfaELB HYBRID- No, 111 Yar.fl'41' hens for sale,. Still lay- goa Apply to Hugh Arm- : strong; Teeswater, phone 5404, 7b THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE for sale. Bathroom, built-in cup- boards, hardwood floors, fur- nace. Priced to sell, Terms avail- able. Phone 1061 Goderich, 7:21b WHITE BRICK Duplex for sale. Lot 110, East side of Frances Street, in' good condition, Pre- sently occupied' by George Scott, $6,000. Apply to Rev. R. ID, Hors- burgh, 55 'Pearl Street North, Hamilton, Ontario, 7b REPRESENTATIVE John Finni- gan, Diagonal Road, Wingham, Ontario, phone 550. The, new rep- , resentative for the Warren L. Stevenson Real Estate Of Mt, Forest, Western Ontario's fastest growing Real Estate. Agents covering Western Ontario. Hand- ,ling properties of all descriptions, , farina, homes, businesses, small holdings, properties 'of all de- scriptioris. 'Wanted in particular at the present time several va- cant farm hollies with a few acres. For fast results contact our new representative. A 24:81:7121b f. Term Opens ' Sept.. 3 The FTETT-THIRE Annual Fall ()petting of Canada Business lege, Toronto. Enter any Monday in the year, Free room -gild board and Mortal weekly alloWance in re- torn for'baby sitting, etc,, In ap- 11Z6ved homes. Recently successful 1gracluates frothm• this district include mitts, Rciee, Gladys Guy, Lenore tluy, Veda Arthur, Wni. Rayriard, Betty Pektort, Edith Marks, ,./Oaft 'rthiir and- Many others. Free rriployment 'Service. Starting sal- faries $2660-.00 to $2600:00 a year, Write ten- fret information itoW to Canada BUSiriesS, College, Post Office' OakWood, St:Clair, trbrOlite—an approved school under 'he' Trade 'Scheel ItegUlatibli Act, *Stalin bepartniont of Ediitation, 1,;7;21* LIVESTOCK FOR :SALE 35 WEANED PIGS for sale, Eight weeks old, Apply to John Rinn, phone 33r13, Brussels. 7 GOOD YORK suckers for sale. Eight weeks old. Hereford week- old calf: Apply to Jas. R, Coul- tes, phone 743W2. FOR RENT THREE-ROOM APARTMENT for rent, Heated, Two-piece bath. Private entrance, possession im- mediately. Apply to.Lottie Thorn- ton, Gorrle, 31,7b ATTRACTIVE bedroom and sitting room for rent, Suitable for one or two. Business people ,preferred. Phone 127R. HEATED• APARTMENT for rent, Three bedrooat, built-in cup- boards, hardwood floors. Phone '519. 7b FEMALE HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for city home in London. One child welcome. Contact Archie Gra- ham, 107 Wilson Ave., London, phone 80990. TENDERS WANTED For -the construction of a 2-room addition to Chepstow Separate School, located in the village 'of' Chepstow. Plans will be available from James Powers, Secretary, R. R. 1, Chepstow, or from Charles P. Eig- enbrode, Walkerton, Box' 311, or from Robert E. Brown, Walkerton, Box 499, on August 6th and bids must . be in the hands of any of the above mentioned on or before August 22nd. A deposit of $25.00 is required for a set, of plans and specificationS. This is refundable when Plans, are returned in good condition. The School Board reserves the right to accept or reject-any or all bids, The lowest tender not neces- Sarily accepted. 713 WANTED GOOD HOMES wanted for pups. Write Mrs. C. Ambeault, Wing- ham. 7* CUSTOM BULLDOZING, remov- ing stones and landscaping, etc. New land cleaned and worked, Chisel-ploughing any land. With- in 50 miles. Contact Ross Hast- ings, Wingham, phone 740. 24rr28* IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information' phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck insurance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For further information phone 293, Winghain, 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, ete,„ pumped and cleaned, quick service. All work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42t6, Bruesele, 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulla Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone The 'Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at; Clinton HU 2.8441 or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.20 and 9,80 ant We have all breeds available—Top quality at low Cost." ' 25rrb FINA.NCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Itinarichig Service with complete Insurance CoVetage, STEWART A„SCOTT 'aw,* 2i3 Wingham 25ttb- SALE BY TENDER TAKE ,NQTICE that the under, signed, Executor at (he gsta.te" of Milton, gastie, wili.,7oifer Ior: sale by sealed, tenders the lands and prerollasi, Lot No. 3 and the Northerly' 30 acres of Lot No ,4 ia'the ,Eighth Concession of the Township, of Howick; less parts sold, for High- way and Railway purposes and containing 175 acres more or less, On the premises are situatO a brick house; bank barn 55x70 with cement stable; also a further frame house; another' bank barn with cement stable and steel roof, 52x56; drilled well, good repair; pig pen 28x50, cement, with steel roof; drive house, 3040, steel roof and separator room; cement silo 14x36; about 5 to 6 acres of bush. Land in good.state of cOltivation with all tile on hatural, drainage.' Located on Highvaliy, 87, adjacent to Village of Gorrid, Some terms may.; Ve ,arranged, Tenders will be .recetved • by. the undersigned up to September, .lat. 1957. Highest, or any, tender not necessarily accepted, POseession, if sold, may be had by Dec. 1, '1957. Deposit by marked •cheque for 10% of purchase price to . ,accompany the tender. DATED at Wingliani this 26th day of July, 1957. Gordon Hastie,^ ,Executor, Wingham, Ontario. ' 31:7:21.25b NOTICE 1'0.: CRElitTiOR& .„ IN THE ',ESTATE. c.KijsToltliEkT.1 L. SMITW. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate ,of a Ore above mentioned, late of "the: Town elf Wingham, County ofilIoron, Bank Manager; who dieiron'the Twenty- first day. of June, 1937,:fare: required to•Iile proof of same with the undersigned on,';`or:-.,.11efore, :the Twenty-fourth'dai'OtAngimat, After that. 'data-it:he :.t:EXeouty.bc will, proceed . to distilbote, the es- tate haying, regard Only. to the clainis of which she' shall then have had notice:`,-- DATED at Winglitim,..this 24th day of July, 1967; CRAWFOR,D,& HETHERINGTON. Wingham, • Solicitors :for' •Executrix 31:7:21b NOTICE TO CREDITORS . IN THE ESTATE OF. DAVID GRANT MCKAY FORTUNE ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of tire ' above mentioned, late Of.the' Township of Turnberry, County" Of Huron, Farmer,. who died on- the seven- teenth• day of Junet '.1651;., are re quired to file proof of :Same with the 'underSigned.. On-or, before, 'the twenty-foOrth :d4O,Y. Of Angtist, 1957. After that'datelhe.,Circeeutere:Will proceed to. diStAbrifes the estate having regard 'only to' •the denim of which 'they Shall."then 'have. had notice. DATED at Wingham, this Twenty-fourth day of :July, 1957. CRAWFORD & HEIHERIGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 31:7:21b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES MAR EDGAR ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the abeve mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on • the Sixteenth day of July, 1957, are required to file proof of Same with the undersigned on or before the Twenty-fourth day of August, 1957. After that date the' Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Winghatn this 24th day of July, 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for Executrix 31:7:21b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TfIE ESTATE OF DAym JAMES GATHERS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of me n tioned, In the County 'of Huron, Retired Farmer, Who died on the 20th day of Jtily, 1957, -are required to file proof of same With the un- dersigned on or before the twenty, fourth day of August, Mt After that date the Oiecutors 'Will proceed to distribute the eState having regard only 'ta the claims of Which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingbarn this 24th day of July 19x7. OitAWromp 'WInghain, Ontario * Solicitors for the Executors 31;1;21b COIE NG EVENTS SORRY FOLKS—No luncheon plates, at Commercial Hotel, For- mndsa,, until 'August 14th. 31:7b LEGION BINGOS will be held in the Council Chambers every Fri"' day night, Sponsored, by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion. . CE rrb THE WINGHAM WOMEN'S stitute will hold their meeting In the 'Council Chambers on Thursday, August 15th. Health 'and Home Economies; program' conveners, Mrs, J. Henry and Mrs; 0. Habkfrk, Films will be shown. Plano music by" Karen Groskorth and Mary Fisher, Hos- tesses, Mrs, R. Mundy, Mrs. T, Bower, Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs, A. Edgar, Mrs. S. A. Murray, Mrs. 0. Habitirk, CE7b. AMBULANCE SERVICE JURRIE'p AMBULANCE, Wing- ham, Safe, courteous Service, Plione Day,' 51.; Night, 716 or 636, 13rrir AUCTION SALE CLEARING auction sale of furni-• "ture and household effects will be held, at Lot 39, Con. 2, Kin- loss, 1% miles North, • 1 mile East of W,hitechurch, at Ross McGregor's on Saturday, August 10 at 2 p.m. Terms cash, Atie- tiOneer, L. G. Bryce. 7b NOTICE OF MEETING- TO 'CONSIDER BY-LAW Take notice that a By-law for raising $200;000.00 under the pro- visions of The 'Tile Drainage Act,' will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of Howick at the Municipal Office in- Gorrie, on the 5th day of Septem- tier', 1957, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Howick,• 7,21,28b CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank ~vlio helped in any way the day of our fire.—Art and Irima Edgar. ' CARD Oil' THANKS ; We would like to express our deep appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbours who were So kind, thoughtful and sympathetic in our recent bereave- ment. We especially Wish to thank the donors of the many beautiful floral offerings, the pallbearers, the flower bearers, Drs. Crawford and McMurchy, Mrs. Morrey and her hospital staff, and the',11. A, Currie & Sons funeral home.—Mrs, Mar- garet Hammond and family, 7* CARD OF THANKS , . We wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends, rela- tiveS and neighbours for remem- bering our mother, Mrs. Josephine Cameron, while t patient in Wing- ham General Hospital through her lengthy illness, and to especially thank Dr. Corrin and the nursing staff. The kindesses were greatly appreciated. — Grace and George Linley and families, Detroit, Mich. 7b IN ISIMPRIAM CAMPBELL, — In loving memory of Minerva Jane Campbell, wife of Robin E. Campbell, who paSe- ed away two years ago August 2, 1955, Her charming ways anal smiling face Are A,' pleasure to recall, She had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by ail.—Ever re- membered by husband and son Charlie, 7b IN MEMORIAM Former Resident . Buried Here The funeral of a former resident of Wingham took place. on Thu:re,' day with the, burial in Wingham. cemetery of ;Melvin Whitfield Kerr, who died in Detroit on Tuesday of last week, Mr, Kerr was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Bradshaw Kerr, the former being the caretaker of the high school when they resided here. A sister resides in the Unit- ed States. The. father died in 1023. Funeral arrangements were in charge of the Walker, funeral' home, DELINQUENCY RISING "The sudden rise in the number Of juvenile delinquents in the To- ronto area — 25 per cent in a year — is a matter of concern". We quote froin a recent editorial in the Globe and Mail, The Editor sug- gests as probable, causes of the . sudden else, changes 'asocial con- biokert homes, too much money, bad''housing, The Editor's Concern is obvious, but surely his ,.diagnosth is 'super- ficial. Broken hoines 'arid.• changes in social conditions are certainly important factors. But dig deep- er Mr, Editor. What lies behind these factors, especially broken homes? We -all know that alcohol= ism is directly responsible for multitudes of broken .homes. In Canada we now. have seven million adults who ,drink: Four-. hundred and 'twenty thousand of these are problem drinkers. One -in /17 adult drinkers becomes' 0.1111.15•1•MI.6.1.11..11111459MailiidESIL.0.111•1.611.1.,•.B.Mia-0411 CRAWFORD & IIETHERIN6TON Barristers, 'Solicitors Etc.' Phone 48 J. H.. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON; .4.c. J, DUSIIFIELD 'Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete. • ItioneY to Loan Office—Meyer, Block, Wingliam instil- wee "Compatiy Psi!. 1E40 An all Canadian COMpany Which has faithfully served . its policy holders for over a century. Head Office Tottinte u, Cl. MacLean Insurance Agency • Wiugimomi - BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1,11. McjAVISH, BAHRISTCH, SOLICITOR amid NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every' Wednesday afternoon, 2—* p.m., or by appointment. Frederick F. hlomuth Phm.13., Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola OPTOMETRISTS PHONO 118 Harristoirs, 00tario CAMPBELL--In loving memory of Minerva Jane Campbell, daugh- ter of Win. James Finlay, Gorrie, 'who passed away two years ago August 2, 1955, Your memory to us is a keepsake With which we will never part, Though God has you in his keep- ing, ' We still have you in our hearts. —Always remembered by father and brother Charles. 7b IN MEMORIAM ' NEILSON—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Letitia Neilson, who passed away one year ago., Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, She lives in a land of glory 114k1 blue and gold of the skies. We who have known, and loved ;her, • Whose passing brought sad tears Will cherish her memory always Down through the, passing years, —Ever remembered by her family. 7* W. E. Hammond Funeral Thursday