HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-31, Page 8Summer, PANTS Men's and Bays' cotton and Linens washable Pants. Special 1/3 OFF HATS. A group of. Men's siuniner straws and 'fabric Hats. ' 'Reg. $2.95 to $3,5 `To Clear at $`1.00 Ladies' *iSt ,:Summer Caps. in a large variety of stYles mid Shades. Regular ,miees to $1.50 To• Clear .49e BOYS' '.SOX Boys' nylon Stretch Box, in smart patterns. Reg. 89c To Clear 2 prs. •for 89e Boys' SPORT SHIRTS A good selection of . short sleeve Sport 'Shirts In real smart patterns of Cotton • crepes ite.4. Valtieto-from $1.89 to $2,98 To Clear $1.00' Crop Report A, 8; Balton Assistant Ag. RCP, for Huron During the Bast' "Week most the oats of the,-early Variety ithia, the barley was out in. the south 'end of the eounty, If the Weather re- mains fine this week the work will be done in. the north end during p.-id doming week, A. few farmers are just finishing up haying Operations sand several , farmer% particularly in 8outti: Huron haVe,threshed their Wheat, Corn, beans and sugar beeta eon, Ohne to make rapid growth, There is an abundant supply of pasture and hay aftermath is making' rapid grorYth, • 3 11104 Wed, duly 3;1957 Apo iiirosoksm th Aan fo,Timei BIRTHS EUM Winicham General' • Hospital, '.94' Wecineetlay 1957, to Mr. .arid Mrs. Wilfred Neurierly; R.R, 2, -TeeSwater; daughter. = ' ...-ragvaramr- • .PPQAR—ku.Wit4hstro. Generalnospltal, ''W,eldnesday, July 24, 1.95.7,, Mr, and 'WS, .1ftebt, Nagar, Gorrie, (premature Apo) expired, COI, TEs—In Winglianv, 'General Hospital, on Fridays, joy go, 1.907, tct Mr, and Mrs, HcMald" conitesi RA. Winghern, a deOghter::, I{EII. In .Wingbam General Hos, pint, qn Sunday, July 28, 1957, to Mr, and' .. Mrs,' Harnici Kell, T1,13,, 2, 9grrie, .daughter; Theatre Two shows shows 0011 night flret at 7.15 Tisiteii, 00., Sat, Aug, 14-3 Robert Wagner- Terry Moore Between Heaven . Ono Hell" Adult Entertainment n•-adult war melodrama, Tues., 'Wed., Aug, 5-6-7 Theatre Closed GIVE USA CALL Wharrlsror yoler• R•adryi• STOP WASTING FUEL DOLLARS Let us give you a FREO HEATING SURVEY :today and report on the condition of your Present heating system. Rementber ' the 9t4Y man who can afford a failify fur pace is 'the man who, has money to burn! We Recommted & Initell Child Injured in Jump Froni Wagon Five-year-old Georgina Steuer- nol, danghter of Mr, and Mri, Bert Steuerriol,. of ,Guelph, was injured on Sunday when she jumped from a Wagon at the farm of her uncle,' Mae Steuernol, Wroxeter, and frac- tured. a large, bone in 'her right leg. The- child received attention at the Wingham General Hospital, J where splints were applied, and she was 'later allowed home 'to Guelph to complete her recovery.' ANTHES OJ QUALITY, HEATI Whether:it be a low-cost Ortni. ity Furnace or an' ultramod- ern Anther Winter 'Air Condi,: tioning Unit, We guarantee, it , Will cost you less to install and for lesi to operate than SO other heating unit of the same capacity!" ' PERCY CLARK rm'i 4 c.":J TE 1'45 HEArliZ EIINSURP,45SE' Prs WoRT REPEAT/A/11 —Mr. and Mrs, John Dinsley of Maracaiao,' Venezuela, .are ,visiting With their sister and biother-iri. law, lVfr, and Mrs,. ,Walter Loch-, • ridge, Visitors ,at the same home plumbing ' - Heating '. over' the week-end were Mr, and • Air Conditioning Mrs, Jim Lopkridge , of Barrie 'and Mr. and. Mrs. Jaines Plourde, of %gingham ' Phone 25 Sarnia. . • a , ` • Early lessons....finds. the „instructqr .dernonstrating a., shallow, surface "diva"' to instill confidence.in the. beginners, They soon learn, that a head under water isn't fatal after all. Aegedar. Sunday Services Sianday School 10.15 aan. ittem•embering the Lord at 11,15 Gospel :Meeting at 7.30 p.m. *nalfTinitsday evening at 8 p.m. Pra,YersIgeetilig and Bible Study „ WE ARE NDW BUYING 'CHICKEN.' AND FOWL' .'FIVE 'DAYS A WEEK Contact 'one of Our Cream:Drivers or call 971, Wingham and we will make arrangements to market your poultry at top' prices: GOSPEL HALL The' first session with a new swiminingaelass sees Instructor Ron 'Halm tellihg the youngsters all ..about the purpose of the training they are abOut to 'receive. The Gorrie pool is ideallyiochted in the shade below the mill dam. PERSONALS. —Mr. Vrank4: Gibbons has been advised by the •principal, Dr. W; P. Ferguson, of the Provincial Insti- tute of Trades in Toronto, that be has• been successful in.. passing his ,basic coarse, in, lathing. —Miss Jessie• McLaren, of Ver- bank, California, spent the week-. end with Mrs, J. W. McKibbon. Green'visited for a few days last week with Mr.' and Mrs, Geo. Gibson, Wroxeter. Harry McGee is holidaying With his sister, Mrs. Simpson. of London, at her cottage at Port 'Stanley for a couple of weeks. '—Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs— GeorgeBaird were Ralph Baird, New York City, Jamea Baird, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Simon Smith, Hamilton and Robert Baird, Clinton, —Mr. and Mrs, L. M. Wedd and family of St.. Catharines called on friends one day last week. D, B, Porter acco,mp'anied Mrs. A. R. DuVal to Stratford' on Monday and' watched the Provin- cia l bowling , elimination matches: mimoonsoomioamiso•mommo•me.im4i .,..e4maa4 Legionaires Attend Convention President of the Wingha.m branch of • the Canadian Legion, John Pattison, and three other Members of the branch, Jack Bate- son, bon 'Adams and Lloyd Carter, will be attending the TWentieth Bi- ennial Provincial Convention of the Ontario Command of:the Cana- died Legion in St. Catharines from August 4th to August 8th, They will join more than 1,000 other delegates from 500 branches, rep- resenting nearly 70,000 Ontario Legionnaires. Sunday, August 4th will See the parade of nearly, 2,000 Legieri- naires, five bands 'and a massed colour party 'which will end in Montebello Park ifamous. for its rpse garden) where a drumhead service will be held at .4:30 p.m The official opening of the con- vention will. take 'place the same evening with thp service of remerti• brance and Brigadier Milton r% Gregg, V.C., 'M.C., being the•.priri- cipal speaker. The business sessions of the convention will be held 'in the St. Catharines Collegiate . and Veca- tonal Institute, ,Highlights convention will include the presen- tation. of the 'CNIB Eye Bank, the Olympic Training, Program; ' the. University Scholarships, .'the public speaking contest for ,sdheol, child: ren and other community projects. Foremost in the businesS' sessions will be' reports and some 100 reso- lutions on,Veterans' legislation and other' subjects which will be for the welfare of Canadian 'veterans The convention plans include thr ptiblie speaking contest finals': under the chairmanship of- Hon W, J. Dunlop, Minister of Educa- tion, on Monday evening, 'Enter- tainment and dancing with Special sight-seeing tours, etc., for the ladies, Wednesday night the con- vention banquet Will be held in the St. Catharines armouries which will include honour presentations to branch winners for the 1956 branch of the year and Monthly; bulletins which`will be followed, the convention ball and floor show, at the Legion auditorium. 4, , Other speakers at the convention prograhm are the Dominion presi- dent, Dave Burgess, O.B.E., of •Ottawa; the Provincial presi- dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Airs. Margaret Richardson of Toronto; the Honorable Charles Daley, Minister of Labour for the pro- vinte, ,The convention 7111,,, end on Thursday with the election of off1:, hers for the next two years and their installation: Season Thurs,-Fri. Sat 3 Days Only Pg. 1st, 2nd, 3rd she described her ,crilerienFes ,'with Down- les...TO.have you return itgain'.and again, that's our aim. SPORT -SHIRTS' Men's short 4 sleeve Sport Shirts' in assorted slutdes and styles --L. Reg. ,to $2.98 To Clear, $1.49. DRESSES' One group of Ladies' Dresses consisting of cottons, linens and washable silks. Reg. $4,98 to $1,5.00 'Special 1/2 price NOW $2.49 . to $7,50 Ladies' Summer., Sportswear Swim Suits, T Shirts, Shorts; Pedal Pushers, Etc. $1.00 -, • e .t 0 BRIEFS , 1/3 OFF Ladies' Cotton Blouses Bretton lints of Ladies' short sleeve and sleeveleaS Blouses. Reg, $1.98 To Clear $1 00 HANDBAGS A group) of summer straw bitsltets — Reg. $1.98 • To Clear $1.00 T SHIRTS Men's •, fancy gif 'Shirts fat smart lattrinier shade's4 Values 'to $3.9 , To Clear 1 zprice The Wingham. Eire department was called to an early morning fire on Thursday in. Morris Township, but was too late to save a barn belonging to Jack.. Clark which contained the season's crop of hay and some chickens, Estimated, loss was in the region of $10,000, The Clark farm is' situated on the 5th line of Morris, about 18 miles 'frdm Wingham. Aroused from their beds by the light of the fire, neighborsnianag- ed to save farm machinery, inclad-, ing a tractor, threshing machine and haying equipment. Wingham rural fire department and the volunteer brigade frein Brussels concentrated their efferts oh preventing the fire from, spread- ing, The fire 'was discovered when Mr, Clark Went outside to switch off a light he thought he had left burning, "'Kim.' roust rOLLAR GOES CURTNER " WHITECHURCH 'Strait. When the new bridge will Open there this fall, the long wait Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer have for so many cars crossing on the Youngsters who started on the four-week course of instruction in' swimming and water safety at Gorrie on Monday include Howie Wright, Warren Wylie,' Brant Dane, Anne Pane, Clarb Blain Wylie, Gary Burchill, Don Galbraith, Bob Howitt, Donna Ferguson, Patsy Hewitt, DaWn Clark, Dianna Morland, Barbara Ferguson and Dianne Wylie. Fire Destroys Morris Barn .T SKIRTS Men's T. 'Shirts in shades ,obi -.White, Croy, Ohre and Navy. So cool sash comfortable.-,for work or play. — g-g-t• Odd line of Men's. Jockey '..Shorts in fine eoinbed cotton. ,Sizes 801 to.38 Reg. $1.00 To Clear 50c Pr. TOWELS A group 'of Terry' Towels in fancy ' check' pattern, size 15 x 24 Reg: 39e, each Special 3 for' $1 ;Flannelette REMNANTS A special purchase of flette remnants which includes a good variety of patterns in excellent quality.. , SAVE 25%. or more on,.this reg. 69e per y1. material 1 to 5 YARD. ENDS • 4 • 0 H Profit • 0 From Your Extra. Do!lars l, 0 YoU can make those 0' extra unproductive • Aollara work for you through Investors Mutual, Canada's larg- • :est mutual fund. 'For full inforniation -9/, see your Investors (0,;§yildiCate represents- titrO — ; • Tlio'c A. Ittcliti Phone 141 ' ONT, .Sohn W Waines o, 1.000W04, Phone too 6 2 - Investor's Store 1404t$ "The Friendly Store ThUrSditY till 6r1R11 PAJmy till 10 p.m boats, in holiday seasons, will be over and ,t;affic 7111 move without the customary holdup, , Rev, J. W. Watt Will have charge of the service hi the United Church here, for the next two Sun- days, Rev, R. A. Brook will have his vacation in August. Mr. and-Mrs. Gershom Johnston, Linda, Larry and Brian McMichael of Sarnia, 'Mr, and Mrs, James Johnston and Son Paul of Turn- berry, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Smith and family of kitchener and Jack Johnston and Jean Stanley of Lon don spent Sunday; with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Wood at their cottage at Poplar Beach, The Johnston; and McBarney families hold their family reunion; at Seaforth Lions Park next Slit- day. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Pattison and ,Donald and Doreen visited na Sun- day at the horrie of his sister, Mrs. Gerald Wat,SOn*bf 4ForeaL Dorcen stayed "to spend the week there.. Mr. arid Mrs, Gordou Billott Were Sunday, visitors at•'the home Of their son,. Mre AtitOhOn 'Mat= of Ailsa 'Craig. Mr. and Mrs,' W., R., Farrier arid Mies Winnifred spent a feW days last week Mr. and Mrs. daelt Gillespie of Sarnia. Birth Birth COOL/MS—On Friday, July in "Wingham ilespital,, to -Ur, and Mrs. Ronald Coulter of E. We:, %%nosh,. a daughter4 tritatucil 4 A 44 w ti 40400,11C11,10/1/40cd, dOitetipiligeS40oa 4aSsi In the inagestic mountains of BritianColumbia there is alWaYa a now peak to conquer, and always someone ready to try it, Ala, pine Club' of Canada holds annual Cfimiss iri which the beginner and the seasoned expert have Oppor- tunities to exercise their skili and endurance,. had the hydro installed in their home during the past week and had it turned on Friday. Mr. and Calvert Falconer of Blyth, visited on Sunday, at the Falconer home. Percy MeClenaghan' spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon of Belgrave, and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Purdon, and their family were at the airport, doderich, when Percy, Ronald, ,Reg and Mona Purdon, went up for aoplane ride,. When Clifford waa in the plane it circled around the' Whitechureh district, and over the home Of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Purdon, who saw him in time to be out and Wave at them. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purdon, and Mr. and Mrs. Arable Purdon arid baby Kathy, visited on Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs. Floyd 80t4-, of BelwoOd, Betty and Marilyn Bat, returned home' with their grand- parents, to spend a week here.. Mr, and Mrs. PurdOri, and Mr. and :Mrs, Melvin MoVison, Lucy and lleenda, spent unsday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fur- don, Thorndale, Mr, mid Mrs. 3. D. 13eocroft re- turned home on Sunday afternoon, after spending the past week in a trip „across Northern Ontario, and from, Duluth home by Mackinaw