HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-31, Page 4i .1.7.011410101149.T.1,.1410111,,,, w I would like to express my deep CREAM PRODUCERS' appreolatlon to relatives, neigh,- born and friends who were so thoughtful and sympathetic at 'the EXECUTIVE MEETS time of my husband's_ passing,-,-, Mrs, David Cathers, 315 CARD OF THANKS . By Carl •Hemingway .t4 is LAWN CHAIRS Aluminum - folding frame - canvas hook and seat, ,Red, Green -A .and Blue. SPECIAL 2 for $11.95 OTHERS 'PRICED $9.95 and $11.75 • ELECTRIC FENCE 'POSTS`' Ideal to manage grazing areas in permanent pasture fields, Complete with 2 insulatorS Each 70c FENCER BATTERIES- U $3 49 ,1 SPECIAL 20 oz. cans 98t ; House Paint SALE Ft 6-volt SPECIAL. FLY BAIT U U Ar-IP 4641 STAINTOWS HARDWARE HAVE PROVEN THEIR suovR000rrY OVERALL COMM!' MON- Po you op' WITI4Y0uR 00 DUDS wimpi YOU WEAR 'EM OUT, GOVHOR? N $4.95 gal. $1.49 qt. . .= HIGH QUALITY NAME BRAND PAINT row ito, 41,40040-,T14301,_ Wedue§4aY, JulY 31, 457 FOR SALE ,i4Ekr FOR SALE—Good beef b; the quarter. Killed under ]teens frOM Dept, of Health, Yearling heifers, Top quality, Lowest Ptices, Raynard Aekert. Ripley phone 24r30, 17rria ELEOTROLT.TX Sales and Service Call, Jed Reynolds, Wingham phone 640J1, 15rrb MILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid Flov, 6-inch, 79c; 6 34-inch, 85c Alexander's Hardware. lrrb .I.OHNSON'S DENTAL FLOSS— The newest most effective means of fighting unpleasant breath, and tooth decay. It's peppermint flavored and wonderful, Ask for it' at MeKibbon's Drug Store, Winghani. 24:31b GIRL'S BICYCLE for sale. Good condition. Phone 203W, '31* QUANTITY of used white brick fon sale. Apply to Jack Glousher, R,R. 4, Wingham. 31:7* DRESSED CHICKENS for sale, appij ,te Roy Sanderson, phone Wrceieter 16r16. 31* THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite for sale. Good condition. Phone 108R. 31b POI/I.,TR,Y FOR SALE "t alaTI-IY, well •raised De= kaib pullets, debeaked, vaccinat-' ' ed and starting to lay. Immediate neliVery: aVlbore's Poultry Farm, R.R. '3, Seaforth, Ontario, 24,31,7b 1110".NEW HAMPSHIRE cross pul- 1eta;'-4 ',Months el, Apply to Gordon Hall, Bluerale, phone * 81b REAL ESTATE 4iteZiti'l-oliSE` with 3 acres • of or sale,.small benhouse. late: posSessida north of "T". Apply to Gordon 31* 'NEW SEIVH-BRICK home for sale • on Boland Sf-a Beautiful kitchen, 4 piece bath, oil heating, hot wateie',full basement, hardwood Wet be seen to be ap- ptclated, ,Price $8500. Terms. -I01514' Pocock; Phone 57e, • 17,24,31b TAEM..SENTATIVE John Finni- „tan. Diagonal Road, Wingham, Coterie; Piibrie.'550. The new rep- etdOiative for the Warren L. 8i-eve/lean Real Estate of Mt. Orat, We:Stern Ontario's fastest Crying, Real Estate, Agents Ctiveriiig.:Western Ontario. Hand- - liniiPioperties of all descriptions, fermi;'-.. homes, businesses, small liolainta; properties of all de- ' 46iipticint. Wanted in particuthr at-theietereserit time .several va- farrn homes with a few res For fast results contact • •crili•7Oesiv representative, 24:31:7:21b HC•,,. SE FOR SAL E. 8-room stucco h aite, St Helens, 'with hard and soft water, at-acre of land, sufall barn. Apply to Mrs. Robin- 30 71f Woods, R. R, 2, Lucknow. , - 31,7* APARTAEENT HOUSE for :;ale, Pour complete units each con- ” sliting of one living room, bed- rbom, kitchen, bathroom. In A-1 'condition, newly decorated, In residential location three 'blocks from stores, Priced to sell be- cause of ill health. Phone 127 for appointment. 31b EAKERY and RESTAURANT in Teeswater for sale. This •ie a go- ing concern and can be purchas- ed at a reasonable price as the owner has good reasons for ,soll- ing, In addition to the business, there is a good rental income from the building. Apply to Alex B, McKague, phone 96W, Tees- water, District Representative for Robert E, Harris Real Estate. 31b AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIES AMBTJLANCE, Wing- ham, Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. 13rtb Ttritt Opens Sept: 3 The FIPTI'-'rlIMb Annual Pall btening of Canada. Business Col- lege, Toronto. Enter any Monday 37i'-the Year; Free room and board end Sniall weekly allowance in re- turn fOr baby sitting, etc., in ap- .proVed' homes. Recently successful graduates frenn this district include lk.Ittry Gladys Goy, Lenore C4iiy, Veda Arthur, Win. Itaynard, Betty PeOttina Edith Marks, Toan Arthur and many Where', Free EtnpiOyMerit Servie.e. Starting ser- erieoia$2000,00 to $260(T.00 ii, year, Writs for free Inforrnation now to 'Canada atisbless College, Post 4PM:it thilidlbg, Oakwood, St. Clair, TOM-de—an. approved Selma under ;the Trade School Regulation, Out- 010 Department of Education. 81:1:2,14 COMING EVENTS SORRY FOLKS--No • lunehebn plates at Commercial Hotel, For- Mosa, until August 14th, 31;7b LEGION BINGOS will be held in the Council Chambers every Fri- day night. Sponsored by the Lodies' Auxiliary to' 'the Can- adian Legion, CErrb LIVESTOCK FOR THREE - YEAR = OLD DURHAM heifer for sale. Fresh With calf at foot. Roy Turvey, phone 1116, Brussels, 31* leOle RENT STORE on Josephine (main street) Wingham, for rent, Ideal location. Main part of store is 65 feet long by 23 feet wide, Large storeroom in rear, -Apply to Remington's IGA, Wingham. 31b HEATED APARTMENT for rent. Modern conveniences, Apply to Alf, Locltridge, phone 35 or 295. 131b THREE-ROOM APARTMENT for rent. Heated. Two-piece bath. Private entrance, possession im- mediately. Apply to Lottie Thorn- ton,/ Gerrie, 31,7b HEATED APARTMENT for .rent. 'Three bedrooms, hardwood floors, cupboards. Phone 519. - 31* ,FEMALE HELP WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN, age 20-45 years for housework in modern home. All conveniences, No child- ren. Apply Mrs. Fraser Hay, Lis- towel. Phone 105 or write, 17:24t.31b CAPABLE WOMAN or young -girl for light household duties and care of one school-age girl in Toriento while mother works. On- portunity for ambitious person to attend night school, plenty of, free time. Apply to Box 54 Ad- vance-Times. 24.31* i.ARTSITTER ANYONE WANTING a, baby sit-- ter, day or evening, write or see Mrs. Charles Clarke, R.R. 2, Bluevale. 24:31* WANTED HIGHEST CASH prices -paid for sick, down or, disabled cows' and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up or removed promptly. Also wanted to buy—Boar Hogs'. Call collect Bruce Marlatt, At- wood, phone 8 or 153. rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w,or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young ; Limited. 6rrb MTAOELLANEOUS CUSTOM BULLDOZING-, remov- ing stones and landscaping, etc. New land cleaned and worked, Chisel-ploughing any land. With-' in 50 miles. Contact Ross Hast- ings, Wingham, phone 740. 24rr28* IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck insurance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers, For farther information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL, septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service. All work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- sentination. information or ser- vice from all' breeds of cattle, phone The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Aseeciation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 or Mildrnay 1.80r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 8A11, We have all breeds available—Top quality 'at loi.V cosy' • • " 25rrb FINANCING A CAR7- BefOre yck buy ask abOtit our Low Cost Financing Service with eemplete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone Zeit Wingham 25rrb Win ham Advance Times SALE BY TENDER TAKE NOTICE ,"that the under- signed, Executor of the.,Estate of Milton Hartle, will offer -for sale by lbsealed, tenders, the following lands and premises: . • Lot No, 3 and the Northerly 80 acres of Lot No.. 4 in, the 'Eighth Concession of the TOwnship of Howick, ieSs parts sold 'for High- way and Railway • pnrPOses and containing 175 acres more or less On the premisei aie situate a brick house; bank barn' 55x70 with cement 'stable; also • a ' further frame house; another 'bank barn with cement stable and steel roof, 52x56; drified well, good repair; pig pen 28x50, cement with' steel roof; drive house; 30X50, steel roof and separator room; cement silo 14x36aabout 5 to 6 acres of bush. Land in good state of cultivation with all tile' on natural' drairkage. Located on IlighOtay 87, adjaCent to Village of Gortie. :• Some terms' may: be arrariged. Tenders will, be received" by the undersigned up "tb*•:Septerriber 1st,: 1957, Highest 'or :any-. tender not; necessarily: accepted :Possession, if sold, may be •had by l?Oc:..1, 1957. Deposit by marked cheque for 10% of purchase price". to, accompany the tender. , DATED at Wingham, -this 26th day of July, 1957. : • Gordon liCstie, Executor, Wipgham, Ontario. 31:7:21.28b NOTICE TC • CREDITORS IN THE ESTATENOFaNOIUVIAN, L. SMITH: ' ALL PERSONS iniiiMg ; claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of ToWn of. Wingham, County of klIurea, Bank Manager, who died 'On .the. Twenty- first day of June, 1951, are: required toalile proof of, same - with the undersigned . ona'in -epetera ..„'the Twenty-fourth:daY,:-I'Afthe.t1;107. After that • cleite`theExecittria will proceed to .distribute the es- tate haVing regard.' 'only to the claims of which she "'shall then have had notice. - • — DATED at Wingham' this 24th day of July, 1957:. CRAWFORD 'ee HETHERINGTON Wingham, On:Carlo Solicitors fort Execiitrix ' • „ 31:7:21b NOTICE TO ,CREDrrORS: IN THE • ESTATE OF. DAVID GRANT MckAy FORTUNE' ALL PERSONS having claims against the, estate, pf, the, .., above mentioned, late ofa the Township. of Turnberry, County e of. Huron, Farmer ' who died ,on, the seven- teenth• day .of .June, 14,57,., are re- quired to file proof .dC eitpie with the undersfined on*Or:•before the twenty-fourth `day of August,' 1957. After_ that date the eXecOtors will proceed •fo distribute.' 'the estate having regard .only- fo 'the claims of which they shill;t'fign'-ii:qe had notice. -• " ' - DATED at "VViniliam, this Twenty-fouith cliy of :July, 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario • Solicitors for the - Executors 31:7:21b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES MAR EDGAR ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the abeve mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on 'the Sixteenth day of July, 1957, 'are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or' before the Twenty-fourth day of August, 1957. After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then 'have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 24th day of July, 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for Eiecutrix 31:7:21b CARD OF `MANUS Words cannot express the grati- tude that we feel towards , our friends -and, relatives who helped us through our recent sad bereave- ment, Your prayers and sympathy your cards, flowers and • ever; hind act will always be remember- ed with deep appreciation. Cis,emore family, 31.'k IN MEMORIAM . • camPBELL-,-.In loving,,memory of a dear mother an' grand- mother, Minerva Jane Campbell, who passed away August 2nd, 1955. We do not .forget you Nor do we intend, We think of you often And will to the end. Gone,and forgotten By some you may be But dear to our Memory You ever will be. --Sadly, missed by' daughter Grace,' Fred' and family. - • 3Th NOT SO FAR WRONG! Temperance speakers in olden days used to stress the terrible of. fects of alcohol on man's inner organs,. Today such physical dam, age is played down and moderr• stress is on the psychological rath- er than the physical effects. But a joint study by the life in- surance companies in the USA serves to show that perhaps the oldtime temperance lecturer wan not so far wrong after all. Start- ling facts have 'been unearthed about damage done to the hunian liyer by drink. In the past ten years cirrhosis of ,the liver, a disease directly tied to over-indulgence' in alcohol, has become the fourth cause of death of people over 45_ During the same period the consumption of liquoa in the U.S.A. has doubled, while the .number Of alcoholic's is six times what it was. The Metropolitan Insurance. Company in a Monthly bulletin re- ports that more than a quarter of those who -died from that disease were definite alcoholics. It is a safe assumption that a consider- able proportion of the others were heavy drinkers headed for alcohol- ism. - . In Canada' the same trend is recognizable. Since 1944 deaths from. cirrhosis , of the liver 'have nearly doubled. In the same period consumption of alcohol has also doubled, while the -Alcoholism Re- search Foundation reports that the number of alcoholics has nearly. trebled. 31b DIED EU,TTON-a-In Detroit, on Tuesday, July, 23, 1957, Mrs. Ella E. Button, wife of the late Jesse Button, in her 86th year, After the arrival of the C.N.R. train on Friday, service was held at the grave- side in the Wingham Cemetery under arrangement of the Walk- er funeral home, WED:MG J. Carl' Hemingway was appoint- ed secretary-treasurer for current' ,year at a meeting of Huron County Cream Producers' executive, $45 to be paid to the Federation for his services and $5 affiliation 'fee to be paid to the Federation. A motion was made that the committee re- ceive 7c per mile to attend meet- ings. It was decided that Cream Pro- ducers donate $5 to prizes for dairy heifer class and, $5 to beef heifer class at the following school tairs .,, *Myth, McKillop, Belgrave, Hensel] and also purchase a $10 advertise- ment in the Hayfield Fair book. I think Cream Producers will also be interested •in some facts which I received recently from the National Dairy Council and com- piled from data of the. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The Canadian production of vegetable oils is not sufficient to supply the requirements of paints 'and varnishes therefore the manu- facture of butter substitutes is not necessary to provide a market, Canadian farmers produced only 10% of the total available vegetable oils suitable for the manufacture of margarine. 75% of the total im- ports of vegetable oils and oil seeds were imported into Canada duty free. Even these 'facts I think we can arrive at the conclusion that Canadian farmers are receiv- ing practically no protection against imports from cheap labour countries. Secondly soybean farmers are re- ceiving no benefit' from the pro- duction of margarine. Thirdly Cream Producers are 'being hurt by the production of margarine while providing the soybean farmers with the most profitable outlet for their soybean meal, It is up to Cream Producers,. in particular, and to farmers in general to take sufficient interest in the sale of their product to en- sure a reasonable return for 'their labour. Mrs, K. .Carneron 'Funeral Tuesday Death 'claimed a, reppeeted dent of Belgrave on Sunday when Mrs, Kenneth .Carneron passed away at. the eWinghani: General Hospital. Mrs, Cameton, who had been ill; for about six' months, was in her 78th, year, Born ;in Hui Wawe.nosh. Town- ship, she was the former Josephine McDowell, of Belgrave, In 1902 She married Kenneth Cameron, and they farMed in the Lizeknow areaauntil his death in 1945. 'Mrs: Cameron . returned to BelgraVe about ten 'years ago, She was a member of the • Belgrave, United Church. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs, 'George Finlay.; two sisters, Mrs. Lee R. (Ella) Baia Milk River, Alta,; Mrs. Albert G. (13er- the) Vincent, Belgrave, and two brothers, William and :Alva:- Mc- Dowell, - Belgrave, There • are" four, grandchildren. '• Funeral .Service was f, conducted by Rev. 'Charles Krug of Beigrive. United Church at the Walker fun- eral home in Wingham at 2.30 p.in. on Tuesday; with 'interment • in Greenhill. cemetery, Lucknow., The pallbearers were Norman, Murray, Harold and Leslie Vincent, Lloyd Walden and Thomas. Taylor. • II 11111111 RIK Ivory, Pale Ivoty, Crean Pale Cream, Pale Green, Silver Grey, = = Maioon, Royal Blue, Seal Brown; Sun Tan, Brunswick Brown, # Permanent Red, Regular price $7.25 gallon — 1111111111111111111111111111111111411/111111111111111111.111P111111111111111111IIIIIE1111111RIIIMIllfdillillil GODERIC Business Coll ovens Tuesday, September 3, '1957 Specialized 13tainess Training • Practical instruction in all Commercial Subjects. * Every facility for business training is provided in omemodern classrooms including new typewriters, largo individual oak desks, fluorescent lighting, and experienced instructors:,- O Courses approved by the Business Educators' Association • of Canada. PROM-PT REGISTRATION 'ADVISABLE In order to obtain the best results, we urge all students to corMnence on the opening date. -Our Day School tuition is $18 per month. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. II. McIA111311 SOLICITOR and NOTARY' PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Teleplufne 23 Teeawater Wrozeter—EveryWednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment, Frederick F. Honiuth R.O. Carol E. Flomoth, Ma Viola, H. Ilomuth, R.O. ovrommillsrs PlIONt 118 " Harriston Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS' IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID JAMES LATHERS ALL FEktONS, having claims against the estate of thd above mentioned,, late of , the Town' of Wingliam, in the. Ceidy- of Retired Fanner;" Who' died. the 20th day of, July, 1957,,are.reqtrired to file proof bf•Sarrie with,,the, un- dersigned on ar twehty- fourth day of A004,A*, After that date the executors will prOteed to clistribefe?,,tfid estate having regard only O the claims of which they shall theii ,have had notice, w ,„ DATED at VOInghtini/this 24th clay of July, 1951. • CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON , Solicitors tor the:titetillora. VI/Ingham, Ontario • I II INVI.TATI6NS 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE Elti_DAL GIFT REGISTER Advance -Timor .Winghain, Ph. 34 ASK FOR e • ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick. St., Wingham • •••••••••••"".",, Phone ,770 A MI IPI •RP PI UPI LEE'S TAXI . 24-HOUR SERVICE We riever,:stop, including Sundays and Holidays. PHONE 185 4 !os 1111 116! In am. me • Notice to, WATER CONSUMERS The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to N9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.ni This will be strictly entor•ted: An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gi-oss, less prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Naos COmmission C. E. Shera, Superintendent asesooma ow.o.marstrsairnmome NEW and USED MASSEY-HARRIS FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALSO A Large Stock of NEW EQUIPMENT including New Holland. Balers .and Side Rakes and Smoker Elevators :USED EQUIPMENT —No. 6 George White Thresher, 24" cylinder, 42" body, straw shredder and high grain elevator ...No. 5 George White Thresher with 120 ft, drive-belt, straw cutter and high elevator —7 ft. I.H.C. Binder CHARLES HODGINS 0411110 0111/0•0(11)111111.6411111M CRAWFORD & s) MEMERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors Into. witighom, ' Phone 48 J. II. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R, S. IIETI-XERINGTON, Q.C. J. W. !INFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Abney to Leah titc--11I0Yer WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company list, 1310 An all Canadian (.101111)411Y has foillifully served its polity Bolters for over a eerttui.,v. ' Rend otritle 7C'ON111 11. 0, iStad,nan lorsurone,e Agency wisghson •