The Signal, 1926-8-26, Page 8NM • 111116.4 THE SIGNAL World's largest Amest lypontion Pee N•ir Oat•oo ihnia11141 b• seems' this rut. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO 1926 Dates -Aug. 21-111kspt. 11 Sunday By ISABEL HAMILTON, tioderich, Ont. \I)11, safe to the Rock that la higher than 1. 1\ 7 meld In its conflicts and sorrows would By; :to sinful. se weary. Thief.. Thibe, would 1 be; Theu blest lied. of Ages, IM hiding In th ia.tructiu1, Moses received while on the Noant the second time commun- ing with Gal. There he stayed for forty tray* and the people began to think he would never return, so they approached Aaron and prevailed upon him to make them a god like to what 'was wurmhipped hack in Egypt. This they did. forgettll&g that 1luse4 bad [1444 them that the Lord had said, "Thus shalt thou say unto theS B- ern of Israel. Te have *sen that 1 have talked with ynu from heaven, Ye shall not make with me gods of silver. neither *hal) ye make unto You grads of gold." ilal dire t, 1 Noses to go down from the 1lunnt. "tor thy people. which thou lir...ightest out of the land of larypt. herr corrupted thetu.eIPes." lir nen[. tearing with him two tables cairn of the nnoI 1lde. in *or- of stone. smitten with the Anger of ow'K lobe hour. God.When he appeared in the [midst when temptation teat*+o'er Its power; the people and fetW tbe idol the, had tuade he east the tables from hint the tempests of life. on lie wide breaking thens,showing them thereby Israeli].) neA. • - What they hail-detie:-Ity their Wa- rhol' blest Rock of Ages, Ftn hiding jog 01 nn image mud worybilednit R hi Thee. they htt,t !wok. it the first and kakeond !tell) lileaver4 Father. to pray that -the ttettre-t i,101 1 itaYe known. eleite*.•r that idol be l'elp tne In (oar it from Thy Gino.. and wnrohli/ only Thee" Se Minn ak) Walk he idoSe With llod. vain, and serene tny frame: purer light shall mark the road -William Cnwper. • R. S. IJCSSIIN FOR SEPT. 51h. 1926 !Ammon Title -Thr Tent of Meeting. Lesson l'aussiage--Exedux 33. Golden Text -Exodus 33:11. In the ohs pter hotneen lki,t day, lest.on and 1043.1: we read ..f all the Icuwtuantlinentai /tarot' ilia( to Warn -ham weakness in gl a; way the people; but Muses' said onto t people, l'T. have stared a great at. and uuw 1 will eo up (tutu the Lan per adventure 1 shall wake ab stun aim/ fur your aim %bueew pleaded with 'Goal And lar y,ailt d raid war tuld to go forward fu the Mud w•hl•Ii wa* pruyul.ed un their forefetbers and that an mug would go before thew, hat "1 will u up lu the midst of thee. fur tat lit 1a st lff-u.. 1. I people ;' lest 1 co sumo thee In the way." Thus war ;he people warned that His present_ eeuld prove a blessing to theta only un ,. uditla' of their fulfilling their pa_ of the covenant. If they failed HI i.r,,ienue would to to (ben a -eon •aut.iug tire" 1lieut. 4:241. The lwv_ pie whetl they heard the divine mes- sage, mourned and humble*l them *etre*. stripping uff their accustomed eibanant, In accordance with th unwind (verses 44). Moses then nies.inted a religious service of a is tidier kind. dedicating a tent 4 !.itched at rime distance from th .amp, AA a oseetlnl-place for Jehovah :and him:elf 1 rerere 7.111. Here be again interceded with peesevetin fervor, until he obtained the answe ••Ily illressmis. shall go with thee and 1 will give thee relit" (v. 14). He Tien dared to reason on this answer and to prove its ntve$$lty, as one man 'night discuss terms with another. "It Thy presence go not with me, carry ua not np hence." A still fulier and more gracious answer was given tri 1141* IntereeRaory Itrayer: ••I will do this thing also that thou haat spoken -for thou _bast 4111114 grace In My eight. --end 1 know (bee by name. Having thus proved himself a worthy mediator he Is rewarded by a special vision of the divine nature. The glory of the Almighty in Its fulness was not to he rercaled to him: • for there shall Ito Than ser Ne. and live," but a fur ther revelation was to he given bins .1ehot•wlt was to reveal Himself a* the graciou. acne. The scent. J,,erllied' 1• one of We most solemn and mysterious to the treble. ... ter as the weakness oail.& humanity would admit. Noses war given a display of (pod's lie e had seen GOWN glory oa different iweAalons. Mut hp lunged for a palter vl.lon and so tied made all His goodness to pass before hint. Hid- den in the cleft of a rock, (God covered 111m white He famed hy." I Bible t'ommt•ntery 4. Moses' Aa the mediator between de- huyal& mull the ehildren of larael be - cattle a type of Christ who, SPA? IA at the right baud of God, is 'ever making Wter.•r•si.ii for sinner*. As 1t0Kew long, 11 for and was granter) a new and ' lensing semi feeding nmin Christ. the greet ter vision of lamp's glory. so the fDread of Life. 1s given to stew deeper into all the goodness of God. I WORLD MISSIONS .1 missionary of the American !lard I write,. thus of one feature attelldl$,ga resent revival atuiu'g the Zulus: "They do not seem to 1e able to pray to PUBLIC INTIRRIPT IN TIC WERT- ERN FAIR ORSATICR TRAIN RYER DEFORM hlhltloll Willett lilludwrsk anemic the vIty lu every branch el the Fair. awl letn, torrrele:taIrmeuilts,tdre.ig received every day Pertnanetit improvements have been made throughout. especially to the live sto. k buildings. whisdi Will house a lire stock ghost. of ' exceptional interest. 10.14;;;I:r.litul.t.Htd.g1111texhtt n't:etotetalast. wikrIlltibAettltrb7. hest II.alutein herds; of Exceptional luterest is being ellowil reds of Interesting and edmatiunal ex- , LIMN have bevel entered aloody. The thieg ever seen before At London. with the largest anti beat erre! .11if Each afterroion and eveniug will find an array of attrakktielot before the: grandstand that will please both I young and old. anti a great deel of L thought has beta given to the IttirlitlY I dieplay of fireworks. which will more Magnificent than ever. For the entertainment ;et flume what supplied ler -the heft Militktry civilian bandit in the filmier. The week of Septetniger 11 to 111-grtif- over the country at the Whir. , . Blaivalles- Nair Char* Bluevale. August 33.-.k large crowd witnemed the laying of the corner here this afternoon. In spite of the thrent of rain. people came from all r1•1111 illy. The stone was la id by malerator of the Preebyterien (len- oral Assembly. the trowel being prw seated ley .istues FIlliort.• one 44 the oiliest residents of the village. di -w tnre reading was giren, by 11. .1a tu 6.11111, Kt II dent Iainlotot. olrettoeo were ttlY4•11 by lier. W. q. ah -h, This. evening a lawn metal 'wan hold dutch ills served by the holies of the Itinerate chnrch. worsted by these ef Idle** Preebyterlan 'hutch. while ri pregritto wao given by outside silent. The proceeds, amountIng to to 4.1 ut 14, • WHFN USING LY PADS Best of all Fly lilllers--10c and 25c per packet at all Druggists, GTOCeesi and General Stores. e silently. At their homes they often ao into the bash and pray aloud. 14o ht theme weetinf{s. when they pray. e they pray aloud --forty or Silty. Per- e hale, at the Kafue time. they^ du nut pray 44 vimlen tly so three years ago or break out foto (Weirder. They are Bi- g tent in seeking God each our by bite- ✓ self. It ie fateful confusion and (mount to aur accustomed to quiet.11'1f unseat' forget it and forgive it whet& be neem their peculler nature and remembers bon' wen aw-akened from Wimp to and CHOLERA 1NFANTUM Chotera hatantum is one of the fatal aliments of chIldhoed. It is a trou- ble that comes on euildenly. especially duritig the eummer menthe sad un- less prompt nk tIOU takeu the little one Way won be beyond aid. ,Baby's when Tablets are an Ideal medicine 10 warding off this trouble. 'Fbey cern- late the bowels and sweeten the atone rummer Ttwey Are All an= seintely emir medicine. being guaran- teed eontain neither Neater' tor narcotics or other harmful drums. They cannot Patently. do harm -they always do good The Tahlet• aro sold by itealeru..r by mall at Vi cants a hog froru The Or. Williams' Medi- cine ;Om. 'trot -keine. tint. REPORT OF 110G SMPMENTS For seek ending August M. MOO: thst- lie- An -Rusin erten 414 lit biinl County Thick isniaith . 17 119 2.1 1.4111) Heavies' 3 Shop her' 9 Light's and feeders; 11 IF over $11(111. will go towards ceat of pietal. a-111 be in the neighborhood of HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH Aft Once they kbwitul anti gtatle Nim they Lbws the makeup.--XT17 tuner What a treat for an outdoor appetite ! CRISP, crunchy Kellogg's Corn Flakes: Serve with rich milk or cream. Fresh or pre- served fruit. - Kellogg's are the original corn flakes. Light and easy to digest. Never tough or leathery. More than 10,000,000 peo- ple daily demand them -for the wonderful Kellogg flavor and freshness. Have Kellogg's any meal -and between meals. Order thew anywhere. At all gro- cers, hotels and restaurants. 04949 CORN FLAKES law K11.4= patented "HABIT, kept me from a Real Shave. THAT'S what many men confess, once they've learned the advantages of the stropping feature of the Valet AutoStrop "I formerly used an ordinary safety razor," many say "but only -the first few shaves with a new blade were good. After thattit was a choice between a poor shave or a new blade. Now I give my Valet AutoStrop Razor blade a few strokes on the strop without removing it from the holder, and thus enjoy many perfect shaves from the same blade." Changing Habits If you're in a. habit rut. why not -break loose and find out how superior shaving is so easily attain- able? If you'll just switch to a Valet AutoStrop Razor you will never return to old ways, for it is the only razor that automatically sharpens its own blades without removing them. 99 Valet ,AlltaSt Loather strop for aioarpaining blades la supplied as part 411i every set. Riz"Or Sold the world over Millions of satisfied users Prices t -- D• tern Modals, 65.00 up. "Came le Timnkful People, Come'. Dean Henry Alford, author of thin pispular. earnest hymn. has been de- scrilssl as "one of the mow variously airomplished churchmen of his daf- 'stet. preacher. lecturer, paints, nut- siglan. scholar, critic and philologist. He was a man who could ilo anything-11ml do It well. even to buildinx an organ and playing ork It." Thisi remarkable /Mtn was bora in la.nilon. Enabled. on October 7111. 1810. tie belonged Ito fanal/y which, for fi•w. generations in anceesaiou, had contri- buted clergymen tif Unction to the Anglhan Chureh. mother filed at Me birth. and his father. Rev. Henry I mit, 'rho WAR a hitiely scholar. Wade the bny hie 'constant companion. Naturally the child grew to be rery precocious,. 04441011)g mindi of bin time In writing little essays. poem.. Ids tortes nod OPPIIItsbe. At seventeen he i.nti•red Trinity coliegf, Cambridge. and in 18.12 he gradualuoi With hutoirs. He item ordained ennui., in 1,433 arid lifter holding several pastorates was appointed to the deanery of Cantor - bitty In 18-57. HP reinainal ttere until his death hi 1871., 1.„4„trtott 14.ery HP waa a moat versatile *titer sad department of literature. t'anon Thin- g -an give* a partial lie( of hie WOrita which Include: "Poems and Poetical Tri,i.:er#:AtgfrrIgilevainst"*";"thrti"rbquerhoeTonstkilfsi"tf4.1h7leillflauT3.4genatrnh:d: Vraisc." and two colonies of "Palle& :tarty cpormamhplenttalOory iiim twenty, yeara' labor and wan the forernnner of our necked Version. Dean Alford wee deeply Intereeteel In hyninningy mod eomplled Revers] hymnals for which he wrote and translated rummy hymns. Mis contri- (inflow% to one of these hymn -hooks Alone totalled• fifty-five. Ile tell. ne 110011 of Canterbury, with the objeet of wrote mu• ch that has not lived. but imong o• ther* • In -Ten Thousand Times Ten Tbotmand." a hymn of hope filth Wit R called forth hy ha own Ike - rem juirearmaiento. Anothise 0? his hymns, "forward! BP Our %Vetch- undoMstedly hia moot popular hymn lifekastr,"1(v'ese4aml.occa.... hawynimittithnlithhPost":ttPlitior..1:"A:afte:y'r- It wan written to 1844 for a harvest wren essies, of which only font ara • eommon nap, and WAS ha.esi 041 Psalm 128:11 --"He 11,81 got-th forth 117,41. weepeth. benring precious serf). *hall doubtless come , again with re- g. ir being his itheaveis with • Come. Ye Thaskful Potpie, t'onse e,ktne 34, thankful' people. crime. the sung (.1 liarieet-lionse: All is wifely gathered in. ler.- the winter storms) begin: oar tioth provide a ma the seng of harvest -home! iikto FIN pralee to yield: %Vheat and tare* together sown. Unto sorrow grown: First the blade. and then the esr. n the fill' corn shitil 8141,44r: of linrvest. grant that Ire grain awl pure may he. the laird our God 'hall etinap, And shall take Hie barvast home; I'rotn 111. field shall in that d.wy All oftener., purge away «Pre ilk anima charge at In the 'ire the tares to etiot; ltiit the ear* to ataro----- Io' Ilk garner erertnore. Bring Thy Anal harvest home!' ether nom Thy people In. There. for ever purified. In Thy presence to abld_i_e' wIfh ail TVs. --imi-comp. Balm the glorious baryon -boos. tooltatioso usamot Iola( you ma yowler - Savor -omit eras.. crunchy Reim. Tito oreada• Mom rialtos kayo Montreal Witneagl Mr. Meighen has protaisest tariff Intl.'. it to the level demanded by his supporters and there keep it forever stabte. But heaides that *his promises extend in all witreetione. in ; the Maritime* he promised aid to the P11111 and utast induetrietw. He prone ieed entwslittes or' railway freight rates. lit. rianniseil artificial ansistatsre to ports. Stopping iiff in the Game ilietrtet of Quebec, he proinised govern- ment *oilstone* . ibat country. hich. Itahl, hail heel/ too long 110- ItInete,I. Coming to thitario he coupled a aontinciatinai of the King worka with antither peewee to con- sider favorably the amstrtection qf more docking facilities for the gown in power. In the VIcia he promined the •oinpletion of the Rodeo!) Bey Bail- wa3. provided It 41,4,41 not emit =Ore tWice se much aa las asItt he weuld spend lest year. Nor did Alr. when chairing the itorkiea. In Brit- ish olumbla he promised further rederal aid to that Province in build- ing its highsra).. la It nntslr to *4 rib. hie campaign as tuptigrItnapo promimea? Anil dam lilt Wok be tan ter ter all these things bx aurnal/- Mg Import,' and making ilving dearer? A Refreshing Nighrs Ride on Lake leam• Take • palmist C dit Ft Sumner 601111 944010 to Clemlaud mil • 004 done stateroom arriving lo dm nomad by th• bash la ?ow 'Poor Ckeelead. Spend a day tut our mote, "13001:11ilii" with iftwini Weeds. Stop -over prf mask woe at 9.00 ...Hobo' la Clireskind at 740 a. in era' eusamodipageiozieveiam•Laud-37.50$65ad-zior Imam Non Toth Through special trains for Winnipeg vie Canadian Na.tional RJR will Isere FROM TORONTO Auguste Shit 12.30 RR% 0.00 Km, (Wilms litathin) Rept. arsi 12.110 P.M 11.00 P.M. • simim cos hull Other principal Panne raoseerlog with Oar show weld I/eine- Pet *dais emandklarig Canadian National Agents. TYROUON TRAM owaroorrsaz COLONIST CAPS SPECIAL CARS Poo wooing MVO. ORLIN. popeola Tom ticket to Winnipeg Irst Canadian, Nati/meat hadways. Misethet ar net yewr foal dosaimudup-h. Wog lo • point am the Canadian National Ticktia assd isformatiso fres worst *rat Travel CANADIAN NATIONAL • • • 4- •