HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-24, Page 4ASK ,FOR. CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Thom) 48 3. 11. CRAWFOR.1), Q.C. It. S. BLETIIERIN*GTON, Q.C. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs, Viola IL Helmuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PrIoNig 118 Harriston, Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company t'st. 1310 An all Canadian Company which has taithtolly served its policy holders tor Ovet centary. ' Head Office Toronto H. C. Atte:Lean ittisitraucti Akeitty Winkluuu ?oft Tito Wingham Advance-Tintee, Wadneedeee, 24.1 1,957 eene?e,, , eaneenelaane I MiSs Campbell Buried Monday Miss .Christina Lamb Graham -Campbell, a resident of Winghain' for the past eleven years, died at the ,Winghain General .Hospital on Saturday afternoon after a lengthy Miss Camnbell was. born on the• first line of Morris Township 92 years ago, the daughter of the late Mr. and Min, Seines Campbell. be • received her early education at S.S. Na. 7, Morris, and later graduated from the Palmer School of Chiropractic , in Davenport,' Iowa. She did not, however, prat-' Use her .profession but spent sev- eral years as a saleswoman in Western Canada. In later life she kept Rouse for other members of , her family. She was h member -of the Presbyterian Church. • FOR SALE .}F4$ FOR .SALE, Phone 5r31„ Bel Mere. MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef be the quarter.. Killed `e'er Hems( front Dept. of He s: 1. Yearline heifers. ' Top qualny. Lowest prices, Rayner(' Ackert, Ripley Phone 24r30, 17rrb EI4ECTROLUX sales and Service. Pali jed, Reemelds,- Winghain phone e4031, • 15rit 49 ACRES of mixed grain for sale, ' Contact J. Jansen, R.R. No. 3, Wingham, phone 640w1. 24b TWO TIRES for sale, 7.50x-15 10 f ply, nearly new. Apply to Box 53, Advance-Times, 24b 4,600 HEALTHY, well raised De- kalb pulleiso tilenteairedee-accinat- ed and ,starting to lay. Immediate delivery. i Moore's Poultry Farm, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ontario. 24,31,7b NEW 'SEMI-BRICK home for sale on. Bolant St. Beautiful kitchen, 4`pleceVath, oil heating, hot Water, fu.1,1 baseme0 riaArdwrood litiors, Must be seedto' -be Preciatede Price $8500. Terms. Harold Petcock, Phone 5e6. ' • 17,24,31b FOR ALL FARMS. homes, busi- nesses, wean holdengs, oroperties of all descriptions contact John FLnnigan,, Diagonal Rd., Wing- ham, phohe 550, repeesentative of Warrin L, Ste. enson, real estate and businesi broker. A number of giep'd lie-tinge on hand at present tithe. 17rrla TtEPRESENTASITVE John Finni- gen, Diagonal Road, Whigham, • Ontario, phone, 550. The.new rep- resentative for the Warren L. Stevenson' Real Estate „of Mt. Forest, Western Ontario's fastest growing Real Estate. Agents covering Western Ontario. Hand- ling properties of all descriptions, farms, homes, businesses, sinall holdings, properties or all de- scriptions. Wanted In particular at the present time several va- cant farm homes with a few acres, For fast results contact our new .representative. 24:31:7;21h BABY SITTERS . loalt. SITTING wanted by two teenagers. Reliable, experienced, daytime, .250 an hour; evening. 50c an hour; after midnight, 75c an hour, Phone 473J, 24e ANYONE WANTING a baby sit- ter, day or evening, write or see lira. Charles Clarke, R.R. 2, Bluevale. 24:31' .i. pottf..,..ctvsEnvi,ilo ctgtrat%.:Allta/LAN'O, Wing- , 'tient. . Safe,`courteous Service, Phone 'Day, 51; Night, 738 or 636. larrb .„.„ .. , .. .... ,„...... ., .,. , .„. ...,. yhittiiislitirtiiirfulliiiiffittUlttliltititialititlistiffitti4t '..4, H BoX Holders' Nattits Not Ghtco Out it is stiletly ageinst, Out rides to dierulge the Minn) Or address Of she, adVertieet rising tin ildVarideeThileS Number'. "IWO de not tisk tie ler this hiberetati on, z COMING EVENTS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best for spareribs and sauerkraut on \Vednesday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings.. Com.. ineeeiel Hotel, Formosa. cd120,37 LEGION BINGOS will be held in the Council Chambers every Erie day night. Sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can, adian Legion. CErrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE . HALF LANDRACE pigs for sale. Apply to Mel Craig, R.R. 4, Wingham, phone 11r8, Brussels, 24b 12 WEANLING pigs for sale. Landraee. Apply to Lloyd Mont- gomery, phone 743-Ji. 24e. 12 PIGS weaned two weeks for sale. Apply to Harold Casernere. phone 510w3. 24b is SMALL CHUNKS for sale, 10- weeks old; 20 chunks Ea-weeks old; 2 sows with 12 pigs cacti; 2 sows to farrow in a week. Apply to Stan Marks, phone 729-34, -24* 32 SMALL CHUNKS for sale. One York sow bred one month. Apply to Robt , Keener, phone Wrox- eter 19r16. 24b 12 PIGS for sale. Weaned two weeks. Apply to Joe Montgomery, phone 71.0W2. 2413 ELEVEN PIGS seven weeks old, for sale. Apply Ted Fear, phone Brussels 72r13. 24b FOR. RENT ROOMS to rent. Phone 552w 24* SEVEN-ROOMED apartment for rent. Three bedrooms. Apply to Box 56 Advance-Times. 24b erA7.v, HELP WANTED YOUNG or middle-aged man with chauffeur's license. Apply to Box 52 Advance-Timee. 17:24b CLASS A MECHANIC wanted for general service station work. Must have papers. Good wages. Apply to Box 55, Advance-Times. 24b Frew:ail; 14ET:E. WAP1 ceepeagr,e-: WOMAN age 20-45 years for housework in modern home, All conveniences. No -child- ren., Apply Mrs. Fraser Hay, Lis- towel. Phone 105 .,or write. 17:24;31b CAPABLE WOMAN or young girl for light household duties and care of one school-age girl in Toronto while mother works. Op- portunity for ambitious person . to attend night school, plenty of free time. Apply to Box 54 Ad- vance-Times: 24.31* WANTED' HIGHEST CASH prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses picked up or removed promptly. Also wanted to buy—Boar Hogs. Call collect Bruce Marlatt, At- wood, phone 8 or 153. rrb HEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 373; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited. 6rrb MISCELLASiE-OUS CUSTOM BULLDOZING, remov- ing stones and landscaping, etc. New land cleaned and worked, Chisel-ploughing any land. With- in 50 miles. Contact Ross Hast- ings, Wingham, phone 740. 24rr28* IS YOUR TELEVISION properly Insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you lieS on your car or truck insurance. Yearly or six months policies are available, Special rates for farmere. For further information phone 293, 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, All work gtheranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42rS, Beusseke 15rrb WATEtLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better tulle Are Ifeed". "For artificial in* sernihatioti information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, 'phone: The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Aesoclation at: Clinton. HU 2-3441 or,Uildmay 130r12 be- tweet(,MO and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds freallabie—'140 quality at low cost," 25rrb LOST LADY'S dariterinuned bi-focal glasses. Reward. Phone 32. 24b STRAYED 400 POUND STEER CALF' strayed to my farm about June 1st, QYi-',.ne er may have.°seine by proving property. and, paying expenses, Cecil Graleger, Gorrie, ',.10.:17:24* CARD OF THANKS I wish-to take thiS Ppnortunity to thank my many ,friends and neighbours for remendiering me with gifts, cards and treats while I was a patient ire ,L4,towel Mem- orial Hospital, Mrs, Norman Harding, g , an. • CARD OF TANKS I would like to,-take this oppor- tunity to thank layeinairY erieride for the cards ' antiee'eleite, to me, while a patient- in .yitingleam Hos- pital and sincere thanks to aforrey, and ", her ".01.tiK'e nursing staff for, theti kindness .:to me, it, was deeply inipreciitelkee-Mrs. Re: bert Brown. 't aae- 24* CARD OF THANKS Mr. Walter _Charles wishes to thank all who sent friiit, flowers and eards, also thee-Seilith Friend- ship Smith. Dr Corrin and nursing .aeaff of hatn GenatatIleaPitaL kini- nassee Were greatlyaPpieciated. CARD OF THANKS We wish to expreee.our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who Sent floral, tributee and their kindness tee us at the time of our bereavement -Special • thanks to Mr.e.4Morrey"and-staff Dr, TV. A. McKtbbon, Des.k.,-, to the members; of Western - Star Lodge and the Morning Stir Lodge, Brussels, the Brussels IOOF Lodge. These, kindneases will always be remeninefed.—Jack and Margaret Edgar: ' 24 CARD OF ig,,er,Th-les We wish to think:'- relatives; friends and eeigblebars, Mr their many acts of `kindness and ex- pressions of -sympathy. during our recent bereave.merit.-L-The Moore * Family. L 24 IN MEMORIAM STOKES—In memory of a dear mother, Mrs. `Jas. _ Stokes. who passed away July 25,•1955, Gone is the face loved so dear, Silent is the voice we lov'ed to hear. Too far away for sight-or speech, But not too far' for .thoughts to . reach. —Lovingly remembered by Olive. 24* • FINANCING IA - CAR? Before you buy esk about' our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham 25rrb INVITATIONS ).ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FC5R YOUR. TREE ilkibAt 610 REGISTER Advance - Times Wingham, Ph. 34 ALCOHOLICS A none-BRw "94 per cent of alcoholics 044 drinking at home in their teens We quote Da Winto if. Heaven, Washington, Director of the .Sne Stitute of Scientific Studies far the Prevention of Alcoholism,. Studies ;Thaw that children do what their parents do. In homes where parents drink, only one child in twenty does, not drink. an homes where parents do not .drink, 50 to 60 per cent of the ehildren never drink. • Dr. Heaven gave these facts at a recent three-day Institute on Alcoholism at the University of British Columbia. .24h FAVOURITE RECIPE COULD WIN TRIP FOR TWO TO BANFF anee, Ont. Mrs. Wengler's recipe was for peaches with chicken, while Mrs. Burleigh sent in a de- lightful peach pie recipe. The 1957 contest's second prize is for 250, with a third prize of 3100, and 10' other prizes for el& It is quite likely that Canadian housewives will hear a lot about this year's • peach recipe winners .and their recipes. An extensive program is being planned in con- nection with the awarding of the , prizes for the top peach recipes. The organization sponsoring the peach recipe contest, is the official organization representing all peach producers in Ontario. It has the responsibility of distributing and marketing all peaches produced in the province. The peach recipe contest is open from July -15 ,.-to September 30, 1957. All entrants should address their recipes to Ontario Peach Recipe Contest, Ontario Peach Growers Co-opera- tive, Box 574, St. Catharines, Ont. Now Central Agency For 4-H Supplies The Canadian Council on 4-H. Clubs is pleased to announce the establishment' of its first National 4-H Supply Service, Through this new arrangement club members, leaders and extension officials will order all 4-H items through a cen- tral agency and not through indi- vidual companies as required pre- viously. From negotiations with a busi- ness company in Ottawa, a con- tract has been drawn up ,,thereby the company will carry 4-1I sup- plies as approved by the Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs. This will help overcome the problem of de- livery delays and will make it pos- sible to carry a Wider range of supplies. 4-H items presently in stock in- clude pins, crests, pencils, song books, gate signs and leader pins. Other items are being considered and will be added to the stock of supplies from time to time, Order forms, stamped and with return address have been distributed by the company .to the provincial directors of 4-H work. In turn these will be lade available to the 4-H members and leaders through the district offices of the Depart- ments of Agriculture. AUSTRALIA'S PROSPERITY BASED LARGELY ON WOOL About a quarter of the world's Wool is produced by Australia, and much of the country's prosperity is based en that industry. There are nearly a million and a quarter head of sheep and the season's Clip has exceeded 1,175,000,000 pounds ,of wool. Australia is also making spectacular advances in the tealin of manufacturing, in- cluding automobile and aircraft manufacture. J 4U KINDS Of OB 4MINTING' Wingham Advance a Times MRS. T. H. MOORE FUNERAL FRIDAY The death, of a wen-km:evil resi- dent of .the Wbitechurch district oecurred at the Wingham. General Xlaspitai on Wednesday of last week with the passing of Mrs. Thomas H. Moore. She had been in indifferent health for some time, but she was seriously ill for only. a short time. Born in Culross Township at Langside, she was the former Mar- garet Delena McGregor, a, daughter of the late James McGregor and Catharine McGregor. On December 31, 1902, she was ,,married to Than H, Moore, who survives, Mr. Moore has resided at the Baker home in Lucknow since his wife's Hinges. Mrs. Moore was always a faith- ful worker in 'the Whiteehureh United Church, being a life mem- ber of the W.M.S. and superinten- dent of the Mission Band for many years. She was alsO a valued member of the Women's Institute. In addition to her husband she is .survived by a daughter, Mrs irene Sperling, of 'Winglinin, and a son, Millan of Whitechurch; five sisters, Mrs. Jim (Catharin.el Mof- fat, .Rivercoursea Alta; Mrs. John (Edith) Henderson, Lucknow; Mrs, Jean Brayford, Toronto; Mrs, IV. T. (Jessie) Shaw, New Toronto; and Mrs. Hugh (Millie! Anderson, Kenmore, N.Y. .A brother and two sisters predeceased her; Duncan McGregor of Kinlose Township. Mrs. Mac (Lexie) Ross .Whitechurch and Mrs. C. 3, (Florence) Russell, Waubaushene, Ont., Service was conducted at R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home on Friday at 2.00 p.m. by Rev, R. .A Brook and Rev, W. J. Watt, with interment in Wingham Cemetery. The pallbearers were G. E. Farrier, T. Morrison, W. R. Chapman,. J, D. Beecroft, J. G. Gillespie and C. Mc- Gregor. The floral tributes were carried by two nephews, Edward Moore, Lucknow and Ronald Henderson, Hamilton. BIRTHS DANE—In Wingham General Hos- p.ite on Friday, July 19, 1957, toe,, and. Mrs. Edgar Dane, 1, Wroxeter, a daughter. HA.YLOW—Wile and-June Ilaylew (nee Moffat) are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of their daughter, Leslie Helen, on 'uly 1n, 1957, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Ontario. RL..teteentFORD—In the Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, July 18th, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford, RR.. 2, Wing- ham, a son- 'IT.11F Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, July 20, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Willie, Wingham, a daughter. A MI MI MP WM PM WI NM k LEE'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE We never stop, including Sundays and Holidays. Since 1925 Miss Campbell, bad resided in Blyth, Toronto, and for the past 11 years with her niece, Mrs. France Edgar, Leopold Street. Funeral service nate held at the Walker funeral hoMe, Petri*" Street at 1 p.m. on Monday with Rev. D. 3, MacRae officiating. In- terment was in the Winghain cemetery and pallbearers were Sandy Campbell, Arthur Edgar, Harvey Edgar, William Elaton, Mel Keating and Arthui Wallace. .BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. H. McTAVISII BARRISTER, somcmin, and NOTARY PUBLIC rEtsWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 TeesWater WroXeter—Every :Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment: WANTED Bush lots with soft maple and elan Willpurchase bush properties or farms. Pleaie phone or write: The Andriw Malco-lin Furniture Co. Ltd., Listowel, Ontario Notice to VVATER.CONSUMERS The hours' lor watering— lawns 'and gardens . are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from . 6 p.m. to' 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. • An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount. of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid: for this Service will be , billed accorditigly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. Shera, SuPerintet!dent . 144Agi •;* INCOR°RAM) ....... • w ToWn of Wingham NOTICE Taxpayers outing arrears of taxes to the Corporation of Wingham are hereby notified that. the Town Council has authorized the . Mayor to issue a warrant for a sale of 'properties three years in arrears of taxes. Such•warrant is to 'be issued within thirty days from this, date. Dated atyingharn, Ontario, this 10th day of July, 1957. W.‘A. GALBRAITH, Clerk-Treasurer. K FILTERS for sale--"Rapid "'Flo", 6-inch, 79e; Veeineh, 85c Alexander's Hardware. lrrb CAR.. RADIO for sale, to fit a 1952 or 1953 Mercury, Monarch or Customline Meteor. Set of Sedan Seat Cov.ere, for Chevrolet. Phone 119 or 322. 24b jCONSOnetS 1DENTAL 'FLOSS— The newest most effective means Of fighting unpleasantbreath . and tooth decay. It's peppermint _Savored vanri wonderful. Ask for it at McKibbon's Drug Store, 24:31b E FLAT ALTO' saw' Mr sale. Al- most new. eo sacrifice. Also ,trumpet, y P, eyetent. double ,akeeokeup,a3 new music stands .with lights. some mask, Mrs., Bertha. Hendersnn, phone 314, or Bar 234, Wingham. 24* POULTRY FOR SaT.F1. . 18 RAMP' 4 Wyandotte laying -hens for Safe,s Late 1956 pullets, Annie' to Glen Stapleton, phone 60434. 24* e,,,. AL ESTATE ' . WHITE B CK DUPLEX for sale. Aeit 120, East side of Fiances ,Stfeat, in good condition. Pre- iently .oe'cupiceeby Gborge Scott, $4,00xt Ably to Rev. R. D. Hors- &ugh, 5 Pearl St. Nprtb,Heame i„.„, 0 ario. 17:24b NEW fullylmodern brick house for sale, on Trances Street-OIL heat td, duo-Amdows, three-piece bath and oho ea. built-in garage, with cement rive-way. Teems.' Con- tact Joh FgadiuieS '' 913 Union `Street, telleraer, or Harold Po- ceek, phone 576, 3,10,17,24b • went to Mrs. M. Burleigh, of Nap- 24b homeland, Denmark. Second prize - The Ontario Peach Growers Co- operative has announced that it is. sponsoring a "Peach Recipe Queen" contest this year with the . top award providing for a round trip for two -to Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta, with a stay at the hotel for one week; The.. contest is open to anyone Whe sends in a peach yeelpe. The prizes this year are con- siderably larger than those offered in former years for peach recipe. winners, Last year over 600 house- wives sent in their favorite recipes • Top winner last year wee Mrs ,Greta Wengler of Toronto, who, one time was an interioredecoraim and who recently returned to her PHONE 185 ME at IMO NMI ROI PM MI David. Cathers Was Former Storekeeper David James Cathers, Who has resided on Minnie Street, Wing- ham, for the past nine years, died at the 1Vingliarn General Hospital on Saturday after a short illness. He had been in failing health for the past year and on Wednesday of last week fell front the veranda of his home, suffering head in- juries and broken arm. He was !taken to the hospital in an un- conscious condition and• passed Away on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Cathers,. who was in his 88th year, was a native of Rowick Township, the son of the late John and Mary Cathers: He was educat- ed' at, S.S. ,No. 10.; Jiowick, and , farmed in the Gorrie district .from 1902 until 1907, at which time lie ' purchased a general store business . Gorrie, which he, operated for five years. Returning to the feriae he continued in that occupation until his retirement to Wingham. in 1948, Ile was a member of the United Church, He is survived by his wife, the former 'Martha Cathers, whom lie married at Gorrie in 1911. There are two sons and .one daughter, We; of Hamilton; Lloyd, of Fort Erie and Mrs. Goiddie (Jennie) Vittie, Wainfleet, Ont., as ivell .as 10 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. A sister, Mrs. Wile liam (Charlotte). Spotton, reeides in Toronto. Funeral service ,vas held -at the Currie funeral horne at 2,00 p.m. on Monday with Rev. D. J. Mac- Rae of the Wingham United Church officiating, Interment was made in the Gorrie cemetery with the foilowineas .pallbearers: Gor- don Vittie Jr., Arnold, Alex, Wes, Ronald and Donald Vittie; all grandsons of the deceased. The flowerbearers were Wayne Gil- _ more, a great-grandson and Elden and Murtay Cathers, grandsons. NEW and USED MASSEY-HARRIS I FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALSO A Large Stock of NEW EQUIPMENT including New Holland Balers . and Side Rakes and Smoker Elevators USED EQUIPMENT* --Massey-Harris Tractor 'No. 6 George White Thresher, 24" cylinder, 42" body, straw shredder and high. g'ai'n elevator • No. 5 George White Thresher with 120 ft. drive-belt, straw cutter and high elevator ft. I.H.C. Binder ClikRLES' HODGINS WiNtHAM J. W. BUSIIFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solieltor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Oftlee—Meyer Block, Wingham e a' 4 • • t.