The Signal, 1926-8-26, Page 4t'tii 1 Back to School The boys will feel better dressed in one of our "PRINCE" SUITS . New Fall Suits are in. See our new two -bloomer Suits at t $11.50 to $14.50 mit; A. .W�,. .a#n:avaal/ Young Men's First Longs in the new double-breasted styles. Fancy tweeds and blue Berges. Exceptional value $22.50 W. C. PRIDHAM & SON -'The store With the Stock" Men's and Boys' Wear PHONE 57 ''� • MODEITHEATRE WEIDE OF AUG. 30 TO Si,VT..1 Monday and Tuesday .ts___ lsan-SAILY _O'NBIL., JOHN PATRICK C and BERT ROACH in a Very by Rupert Hughes of a figp- per's rebellion against parental au- thority "DON"'1" Seamett Comedy "A RAIN% KNIGHT" W..ttosday sod Thursday DOLORIS COSTELLO AND JOHN HARRON in a tingling wystery story about a pretty girl whose comeliness was used to ''T advantage. IRISH gGIfRL" ►+' BILL] DOOLEY In "SHORE SH]"' ___ Friday and 'aturdav ALICE JOYCE �I.ND ('LIE BROOK in a picture so true that you can't help but like it. You'll be glad you've seen "THE HOME MAKER" trt WANDA WILEY i0 fOM "HER LUCKY LEAF" PATHE IW'<-IEW Matinees Tuesday and Saturday at E p.m. ANS 1' wr 1 t' For School Opening FOR THE GIRLS FancyStrap Pnnvps, Oxfoni' in an'I patent leather, Run - min'_ •4hnet"in Oxfords and Straps. FOR THE BOYS We have the best wearing 1)xfor.ls and &nuts for hard wear and at reasonable price.. Bove Octants. sizes 1 to 5*». at $2.15 to g3-93 Youths' Oxfordsshus 11 to '_, at i2.'r6 to $195 \Is Eunninit•►ibut•s. Miner Brand. which have pmvn the hest. TRAVELLING GOODS 111 Travelling Goods we h.•ive the most up-to-date a n d e.,ntptt t• stock -Suitcases, flub -.Bags, Bos- ton Bags, Trunks, etc. Hem's Shoe Store I'hone-13w NI•'fl'i, 1 Your Family and Friends want your Photograph. Malta the appointment today. R. R. SALLOWS FRESH Bread Baked Daily That's what you get when ordering your BREAD from us. It contains the pureet in- gredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf to -day and taste the difference E. U. Cleveland BAKER Phone 114 West Street L666ITRlV ,'site 1911) PARAMOUNT ■ ■ %)�)♦ )♦ % ■ )♦ )� ■ ■ ■ % / ■ / ■ ■ ■ / 1 % 1.1alit `ttN, Ana. .'d. -Mr. 0114 Mn. A'ttHFIEl.11. Aug. h3r-Thr i'elen I FARA11(1CNT Aug. %Q. -Y1 1 • r, H. 1''recnd and Mr. and Mn. Jar flub. I'. F.\\'.0., held its Auguet mart• Aller and Ai.ide Bruen, of Detroit 1 ]� AnniversarySale tSwol and Doris Johurtnt visited In lul tit five houlr ut �Irs. Nell lis 118th- have returned to the city after n ,rou- $ on Auglls[ ltttb. gg Ide of weeks' visit at the borne of their ]♦ lit r last week. They twos i D%1‘11::: lu )Ira. Jobu Mnc- uncles, the Cameron brothers, Loch - \\'ooletock from Monthly to Weirs Kenzie, couceodou 1 the rt with the rrideut. Hue, in the chair. TIN• roll cull wag ash y u 101 1W.tor. Mist. Fanny Quaid. of Detroit, await answered by re•ipaw for rood drink* . licr two weeks' holidays with. her Bis- After the loudness part of the meeting hr. Mrs. Oliver look. She returned community singing was enjoyed and • , r $ahirlhay program was given. 'notch was Minster. Johuvtit• Farrlsh left on Frl• served by the hoateW .lav to the excursion to the West. His ltlr. Mabel MacDonald. of Cbleago, , sister and her hnstatud. Mr. null Yrs. It. Ingle. and their son. of (ioderle4b watt also. Rev. It. A. Lundy. of Kti.i n. will e..t4Hlc•t survive here on Sunday. Com- munion sprout• watt' he held on the see - en l Sunday of September.. .\s a result of the rt -reading of her examination lepers. Miss Evelyn Hor- net has IH.•11 granted her t'utrance e.•r' iti, •Hr. )leers. Thos. Shields and (Meas. \(.;,,rt lett last week for Alberta. '" PORT ALBERT I'(►HT ALBERT. Aug. `_l. -Mr. Vic- tor H,,yof ti.wterl.h, spent Sunday tinder the Intrerttni roof. Mrs. (ie.rte Steep.. and daughter Evelyn. of lin.lerlt•h. visited with Mr. :1101 Mrs. Hoy Fritzley the past weer. Mfr. John limen and d:tu¢hter. Hazel. motored to Plymouth. Mich.. hist Friday. Mrs. tire•n and Johnny eou,latniel them 1111 the return trip. Mrs. Sylvester and family. who were .Ho•npying their cottage here, have rerurmel to tiwtr home at t trat- ford. Messrs. Walter Tigert and W. R. Hawkins. of this place. motored to De- t..it, rc!ttites there frit' sorcral days. Mr. J. Tigert and family. of Ham- iltonvisited with, relatives and friends. here. • Mr. and Mrs. Te•Mar *girder, and Mfrs. Arthur Johns. of iktroit. visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin, of this° pla'•e•. Mr. and Mrs. *gusher returned to their home 00 Sunday. Mir. Rub McLeod motored here from Detroit. On the return trip he was accompanied by lilac/main. YY. Walter 'rigert. who intend. staying for some t i IOP. Mr. R.•b Itoy left last Friday on the ltnrreat excurslnn'for the West. See the New Lustre China with Bird of Paradise Design It is really lovely, and at the price Ceps sled Saucers. Plates, hogs aad Bon Boas, at SOc Salad Bowls ani Cele Trays. at .__.. _. . ... ...11.00 A piece of this China makes a beautiful and useful gift. SMITH'S ART AND GIFT STORE East Street. Phone 198. Millinery Sale Thew lints represent the b•'et value of the• season in stele. material and trim - You will vurely find just the Ilat you want in thi-' sal' of tell trimmed Sommer Millinery at 1' 2 price • You are cordially in- vited to inspect our stock. Miss MacVicar KINGSTON ST. COIBORYE TOWNSHIP C(1LIt4HtNE 'PllWNSlI1l', Aug. 18. -Mir. and Mrs. Jut. I•'etgau and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley %'mnstune and baby daughter spent the weekend with friends at Iluuthts. Niagara and Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Filter ani M- t 1 - daughter. theme, 'and Mr. J. II. Treble spent the weekend with friends at Putnam. Mrs. Treble re- turning home with them. Mrs. Jno. 11. Trebto. with her ton a11d datlylbtrr,-who-motored from Cry- aal Man.. Via1el their ro11•111. 11r. 1. 11. Treble. and Aldiu Ailiu this wek. Our de p.-st. sym(utly goes to Mrs. .1. Jenkin and reL•ttives in the loss of her husband. Mr. John Jenkin. who was laud to rest in t'iliw.rue vonletery Tuesday. August 17th. We are pleased to see Mr. Emanuel Ml i'.I:ell among Colborne friends once. Is sprudiog her vacation at the Lome ,. of• her iarelts. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald. Klutall. Mr. and Yrs. Archie latMur•hy. of lh•'r.!t, are visiting at the home of Mr. A. Mat•Murehy. Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie. of Kinta11, left on Friday to elsit friends at Guelph. Mien. Charlotte MacKenzie has re- turned home atter spending a few days with frienab. lu Exeter. Mliss Mary 11. MacKenzie. of Ripley, visited with her ninny friends in Ash- :d I Ir week• a . Mr. and Yrs. Lorne McLennan. of Detroit, motored up and event a few days visiting with friend,' in Asheeld. On seems - ponied Yfss Annie, IteDeuald, of Paramount,- who tr"" vibit Ur Detroit for a week or so. 111ss Annie McDonald, of Hamilton, le spenttng a couple of Weeks' vaca- tion with friends la Lochalsh. Mr. Kenneth 'McKenzie, of Barrio, was up for a few days visiting with friends In Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore and Irene. of Whitt -church. visited with Mr. and lira. 1'. It. McNay during the week. Mita Elleda Irwin, who was visit- ing with her parente. has returned to Toronto. Mr. Beattie Gibson. of W Illtor, is visiting with his mother. Mrs. Geo. Gibson, of Zion. Miss Bern cr Drennan, of Detroit. ix t'Itlting with her parents. Mr. and :firs. Robt. Drennan. of near Klntsll. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller and Res', of Canes, vlstttrl with 'lir. and Mrs. A. Stein, of Paramount. during the week. Miss Minnie Richards It spendlag her holldbys at Betfrle. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. McIntyre and their trleada. Yr. and. Mrs. Franks of London. motored up and are vieitina at the home of Peter McIntyre. of Hernia* City. Miss Anna M*Kengle. who has been taking a summer course In university work at Toronto, is spending a .'onple of weeka at her home at Kintail. Ron. -In Aahfleld. on the 15th Mat.. to Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson, a daughter. (bngratuMtlons. Mrs. Lumbers and Kathleen. of Tor- onto. are vlsltiog at the home of the former's mother. Mrs. Duegtass. of Laurier. We are glad to report that Mira Amanda McDonald le Improving after having her tonsils removed at Wing - ham hospital daring the week. Miss Winifred Webster and ills.+ Mtaraaret Button. of near Lucknow. are spending the bond r& at Varna. Masters Fred and John, and Silas itt1tel Martin motored to' Walkerton teat Thursday to attend -the afternoon -11.3 evening aeration of the muslrel festiral held there for Bruce county. tic .t uumner of Kintall holier gathered at the home of Mrs. Nell MacDonald os, Friday afternoon and an enjoyable atterno.m was tient making the mis- sinutry quilt. Hie. -Anna YaeKenzle has returned hemp from Toront.. atter spending the Paw Biz weeks there. Ills,' Louise Maclkutald. of Toronto. Is visiting at the home of Mrs. D. Mac- Lennan. Laurier. Mrs. .1. Campbell and Was Astute MacDonald.. of Hamilton. are visiting Axl.tield. friends. Mr,: Kos,' and Mr. ihunean MacKay, of Sault Ste. Marie. are visiting at the tromp of their brother. Mr. J. Mat -Bar. The 11e.rvk-ea lit As ifteld Presby- terian church on Sunday were con- du.ted by Ker. Mr. MacGregor, of Toronto. The Late Mtn. Rase. -Thr death of Mr... Row. widow of the late Rer. .IoM. Itose. remover one who was known to manyinAshfield, Yr. R..se, having ls.-n minister of the Ashfield t Presbyterian t.ougrsgatlon some thirty years atm. The deceased lady was a sister- of Mrs. Alert Itekett of this township. From Thi• ('niter' Church- man. published at Sackville, N.B., Is taken rite hollowing reference: It hs with feelings of the most pro- found regret that we chronicle the sad intelllgene that on the 38th of July Mrs. Barbara Rose, rellt't of the late Rev. John ROM.: departed this lite et the home of her son, Rey. J. 1.. Rose. 1 tl•e manse. Orfingt.btle, (:ape Breton. Although this event was not unexpect- ed. yet it cast a gloom over the com- munity which clearly indicated that It had sustained an unusual loss. Yrs. !lose was born at Welton. Inverneas- +hire, Sto>•tlaed, May 8th, IS56, and cam,- to ttls country' as a bride with her husband, Rev. John Rose. In 1854. For eight years they served the Mas- ter in the congregation of Whycoco- rnagh. their first charge, thence Inuring in IMtt2 to Ashfield. Ontario. and In 11416 to Mnlagawatch, l:epe itrftun. where they labored for thir- 'reit years. In October, 115M1, they re- tuttJ�tied h. Seotlnu.L where Mr. MAI' utluialert•d to the tungregatlon of Grohs In our Island of Lewis for . neck! twelve year». Finally retuning hu IMtoher. *1121, they made their hone with their won. Rev. J. I.. Rase.. at or- aiitp.I:tle. rapt Breton. Bothwere at"rr. *,otsieb•rahi3 broken in li(ttalr and Mtr+. )Larry lteatie. of Detroit. is eight mouths after their arrival Mr. 1 1 -it ing her part.tts, - Mr. and Mrs. ' itso pasted away. The s'ho•k of his THE GODERICH 'WNW You know the feeling. Little chills that steal tip your back and settle at the base of your .1110 Fowler. 1r' ith wast too much for thewidow's Mr. and Mr-. Ernest Mitcheli and a o ' ol.:iea:r ferule. and. deprived of his fatnlly. with Mr. and Mr,.. Chas. AIIin• Ioyine eompanlonshtp, her health he- ;.. at Snudtty at 1irand. trend. _ I can to he ..erlonsly afe. tcsL anti site 1'11LL'uH\E T )*SHIP. Aug 3t. Ilnvmmr an invalid. coufined.10 the -\1r. and \1 r. KI-:,ueth Alin mu•nretl house for the last two years. JJer ,.ser from 'Detroit and sl"•nt the et -k- I' 1 •1 with his µtan's, Mr. and Yr-. Al';I'r Alin. Mir-. E, Ili•ehelt and tau chnldren -ant '1;a -t -lay ,ifttrnoon in Auburn. tju'1. a 31tnls•r of Colts,ne• ir,ople 1 eel the snorts it, c; dt•rirh on s t- rdny Phe hs,vy wtud au.i rain on Friday 11.1 Sat1 rlay last. did considerable. .1 gage• to the late oat, and .oi crop Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris, from. I:nfr:do. are• cashbox with • Mr. and Mrs.' Herb Morrie, ( Mrs. tlretnamett. from (1oderieh, was. meek -end visitor With Mr.- H. Mor- - and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas- ltohertson 111,4 .laulrhter. Kiss-lhorothg, visited friends .,r Kincardine tot Sundry la -t. 1\'111 Fowler. ('live AIIin. Ibry Mc- Whinney. F'r'ed Clark and Charlie An- sey have. all gnno on the Wes'•tern ex- ; tult,d and heart continued the same u•nt•a: interest in all the affairs of - r1oe (ougregatien. rope •Lally the W. M. v.. work. She was a charter member 4/1 the Invernests Prt•ot.yterlal which was organized thirty-seven years ago, land also of the Orangavlale auxiliary I. whl.•lt elle organized in Malagawatch uraion-. Two lumps of ice where your feet used to be. Two clammy frogs flanging at the ead of yob( arms. No, you're not sick. But you will be if you don't get the right kind or heat in your. home. Let us warm it for you. -CALL THEY Saturday,• • • Aug.8 Contwues Until A 118 ■ ' ■ a ■ HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS FOR BOYS WHO - ARE GOING BACK rTO SCHOOL : , •. ■ t Boys' Suits . ��: at R ■ ■ in brown, grey, blue and tweeds. Sizes 26 to 36. ■ 111115th Anniversary Sale 13.95 to $6.50 ■ 1 rinse lliffetJ ■ ■ '' Boys' Bloomer Pants tinift N in plain blue, or in stripes of brown, grey and heathers, a ■ all sizes. 15th Anniversary Sale 95c to $1.45 ■ ■ ■ 111ii We Carry a Full Line of Boys' Shoes, Shirts, ■ ■ Blouses, Stockings, Caps. etc. ■ ■ 11 ■ 1 M. ROBINS • ■ ■■■11 ■/■1.1/■/1•■■■■■■1■1/■ It's guile easy to learn both »id. -s of • .\ ls...iwint to a mats who has lost a political question. both are willing 1 heart oud bas no great abates of,a to talk.-I'eterboro Examiner. liver. --Montreal Star. 0814:31108 416;14 Fot GoodClean Coa '..onzrtgatton twenty-nine years age. I and always bad Be tache -as at heart, ..tet sending her eontrihutiou for the .Indy meeting. Tp know her WI* to n -p.rt and esteem her. Her intent- , soh.. and cheerfnineas made her sn- ri. •. rcry agreeable and insirtwtlre. 11; r.-ording the death of this es C1111314.. lady who Wall au kind and g••rleronit Et exprt'as the general w•u- tiau•nt. not only of the 1w•opie of the .•,•:nmuntty in which she lived for so waur years, but also thew far and near who had occaatof to epjoy her 'zr ..1 kindness and hospitality. *Iw-f-ave.-b9 moertt-tb lr loot eight. ehildren. *Rev. J. L. Rose and Muss 1 Itarhara Rose. at the manse. Orange- ,i.,le: J. J. mote, of S.S. River Denys; Mrs J F MacRae of Montreal (who 1111111111111$11$1111111111118 ■/11■■/■1111/■■/!Rl•1/f■K////f� MISS ■ .m_. - 1 ■ al lit • ■ 1 1• ■ • • NI ■ ■ Phone 86 11K afflimmirdika A Shipment of Silks in the New Fall Shades Arrived This Week Come in and have us show you these new Dress Goods, whether you want to purchase or not. It may be a trifle (early to purchase, but you will be looking for the material for that new dress within a few weeks. A few of our new shades are oak buff, moonbeam, Korea, chevreuse, maintenon, lnerachum and Italian blue. offotinewftrimpao F. E.,t H I BBERT The Cash Store ., w -wtttr--trsr"- stet i!atnilly was » ith her in her hast Illneseo ; Mrs. • Dr. J. K. Pomeroy. GaInsborough. Salk -:_ _Mss. G. Mclutosh.- Garden ■ Head. SAM.; Oswald Rose. Regina, ■ and Dr. Fraser Y. .Rose. of Preston, I England. The funeral was hekl on Jelly 27. 1 After a abort service at the manse. ■ the remains were conveyed to the 1111 ehurolt hell, where the service was in ...maze of Rev. C. C. McIntosh of Stei- n Laron, one et the young ministers ■from 11er'tormae congregation of Mats- gnwnteh. He vias instated by Rev. A. IN McMillan, a rwlred clergyman. who I. far magiy years was eorworker with her late husband In the Presbytery of 1 Inverness; Rev: D. J..Morrleon, nas- al for of Irbycowemagh congregation: 18ev., D. J.. McLeod of West Bey and In Rev. C. T. K. Mci.ennan of St, Ste IN piton, V.B., the two fitter being col - lo lege friends bf her POO. Rev. .1. L ■ nese. The large concourse of penpk• who attended the stroke and viewed I. the remains was a marked tribute to the place she held In the hearts of all. !'inns Orangethdr the remains were ■ taken to (Mervin ehurch, Whycnco- is m.gb. $trdkwt there were allot very imprrsslve aid ee,nlneted by Rev. A. ■ McMillan, asgl,k,d by the four clergy- ■ men Creed?arentMsed. A dust. "Toll Mother r'n De There," wee bitntlehl- Iv rendered y' Ilan Alice Mitchell and rpt Mr. Dotson. M The bavvived vhildvea at haste and ■ ■ )� / / ]�� their GRIN alma, abroad have the sincere ayRapigly of 11 •1111X••• 1[i11 111A111•1r1t1RAXIENI• XXXXX11RX• J. B. MUSTARD colCOlw Phone 98 - Goderich SCHOOL of COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Reopens Tuesday, September 7th Why Not Attend the School that Has the Highly Qualified Sltaff ? The only School that trachea mil Practical, Business Training from start to tinieh. Where High School Students and Teachers are taught specialized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial Science and are sure of a good position. rapid pro- motion and big income. - COURSES - Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's Course and Special Courses Arranged 1 For hill information write to B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal Phone 198 Marshall Mattress Month Slip Covers Free 4With REE Every Mattress Sold jitung August at Wheeler's JIfIl011IUUIUIUIIQUIIINIUIIIIIIIIUI U01IIIIIIIIIUUIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID IIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIUlIIIUUIUYlHlN1 Summer Cl¢aran� r gin.-- OF OUR Entire Stock of Summer Dresses and Blouses r.isa MANY DRESSES REDUCED TO HALF-PRICE Clearance of Dress Goods Fancy Cotton Broadcloth. Regular 60c to 95c. Now, per yard - --- - - - " 49$ Beadora Voiles. Regular 40c to 60c. Now, per yard ...3,3p 4.571 ....r79e a �� Printed Voiles. Regular Mc. Now, per yard Cotton Crepes. Regular 81,35 to 11.75. Now, per yard Special -Broadcloth Slips 98c each Phone 56 The S. A. Gray Co. 111111111111M1IUiliUUimu IH 1UNUNIUINIIUMAIMIIU1UUIihIUIU111111111111111 Phone !16 691 • 4.14 •