HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-03, Page 9Induct Minister,
Thursday Night
FORDWTCH—iney. 'Arthur Gard"
ner,, of •St. George, 'will be Jednet-
FOADWICH—Mr.aad" Mrs. Cede:rnee'l,bactlerrAVienni,glahteva,t pth.ef, MAltaec4, Warren Zubrigg were pleasaiktlY Rae .of Win hang will preside and surprised at their ,when ,Induct. Rev, R. A, JECroolP, of KM-
about 85, friends and neighbors: vale will deliver the'address to the
gathered • on thp occasion of their eongregatien,
25th wedding anniversary. A kincial Rey, Arthur Gardner takes over
Tuesday to, the
bride L and groom were called fear, }Wich, Newbridge and MaYile,
following address. household goods 411
*melee was spent and later the 'the three circuit charge of Rev. d
ward and Mrs, John Leepington• and Mrs. Gardner moved •their
read the, following
For d•
Hilda and Warren;
"rho 4fivyi00-11moi., Wodawlv-Y, ITWY 814 PO
Pot Luck Supper
For Legion Auxiliary
A pot luck aupper Kgblighteri
the June meeting of the Ladies"
Auxiliary to the Canadian begion,
on Wednesday night, The presi-
dent, Mrs. D. Crothers opened the
meeting with Oanadaga follow-
ed by the Secretary Mrs. T, GauleY
reading the roll Call and minutes
of the previous rneettng, and the
correspondence and accounts for
previous month.
The treasurer Mrs, L. Dawson
gave her report, also the various
committees. Twelve members were'
asked to volunteer to take part, in
the drumhead service, Plane were
made for a Picnic to be held on
July 14th in Goderich Park and
Mrs. J, King and Mrs, D, Crotimrs
were named conveners,
A motion was made and passed
that ;zoom be donated to the local
branch. The meeting closed with
the national anthem and depositing
the colours.
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr. and Mrs,
Charleston are spending the week
Misses Florence and Margaret
Moir, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. .James
Richardson, of Kinloss.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
children visited recently at the
home of his aunt, Mrs. Albert Wel- i
ters, TeesWater.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Underwood of
Toronto, are visiting this week
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
James Mcllrath,
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and I
family, of Sarnia, and her mo-
thee Mrs. House, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fal-
coner, on their way to Mrs. House's
home at Meaford.
Mrs. John Falconer and Mr, and,
Mrs. Elgin Welwood spent the
week-end at the homes of James
and Cecil Falconer and attended
the McInnis ' family reunion at
Teeswater on Monday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Wm, Rintoul and
family attended a family gather-
ing at the home of their parents,
Mr and Mrs. George Caldwell,. of
Blyth, on Sunday in honor of a
10th wedding anniversary of Mr,
and Mrs. Mac Cardiff of Brus-
"Shake, Rattle &
Fats Domino and Lisa' Gaye,
) plus
"Runaway Daughters'
- SAT. , JULY 0 ,* I
"Gunslinger" plus
and MON., JULY 8th
"House Of Secrets"
• • Technicolor s ^•
Loaded with Suspenee:
TUES. - WED. July a - le.
Clifton Webb
Barbara $tanwybk
One of the World's' Greatest
Tragedies Before Your , Very'!
,••{VED. THUR. Flit, JULY 3-4-5
Technicolor ,/ . Adult
- Frank Sinatra Jean. Simmons . •
The man next door fs saving to
enlarge his Summer cottage
The skin-diver is saving Yegt!lar!y
to buy a new boat
WHITECHURCH Promotions Listed ...00RRIE ' [Maitland_ Young
Ite.v.,,And. Mro, IT, 1:, 7, Buchan., • • " • - .• •' - -IPOOPle PiCrac
and Manreen,.. are ': warnionxRca — 'The .yeling.
spending their vacation at .,140,4e people of the. Presbyterian Chards
.. •• entertained' the young. Peaple 9.t..' Mrs, Jos, Bennett underwent an! ,the Maitland. Presbytery at the •PiC,
appendectomy in. the Listowel: Me grounds at Amberley last Fri,
Memorial hospital on Sunday, -day evening at '14 wiener Nast. June 2.3rd. It is/expected that she Murray gaunt presided for a. short
will return to her home on Wed- „devotional, service, Firma FArStOr, nesday, , .read the Scripture lesson,. Walter'
Toronto, spent the • week-end with . T. A. Marshall gave a short talk .on•
r 1:4tri.v:nhderp7rs. j'ainee 'graham, Elliottled in^prayer and Rev.. R. .
• , What one can see in nature .ati
The Rev, Geo, and Mrs, Wylie how one can profit by these things,
and little son' 'of watievanurx and Rev,. MeChire of Xolesworth. cies,
Nliss Beth Wylie of Toronto are P4 . the meeting with ptayer, All
holidaying at .the home of Mrs. J, ehiOyed .the games• and -contest in
Wylie, , , .scQh jasi:gacnoo.f M
i:s.,10.,tai.:i .Stimmith toofg?trhueurT
Mrs, Jean 12aeDenald' of Lon-
Mr. and MO, Alex Purvis of, St,.
Helens visited on Thurlaity last
with. Mrs, Daitid.Kennetly, '
'Misses Pearl and. Irent Paten of
Toronto spent. the week-end at the
hoMe. Of Mr, and Mrs, George Couk
tes, They were on . theit way to.
their .cottage at Toberinora, Where
they will spend the summer
'Mr, and Mis,. Jean' Huteltison
spent the weekend at the noire of
their. daugliteriMraIlld, Nicholson
Of Tbanteliferd,
Mr. L and Mrs, Clifton Moore of
London, Mr. and 1\4.:1:% Fred Moore,.
of Delaware, and Mrs, John Bough.
ner, and Mrs, Wm, Bradley of
Parkhill .spent the week-end at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm,
,Kennedy Of Marnoela and all spent
Oenday at Owen Sound. •
Mr. and Mrs; Stanley Elliott of
CASH if you live. CASH' if you
die. Protection for the family.
Comfort for yogi. retirement.
All in one policy. '
Consult— ,4
—Representative -
Canada Life
!For No; 12, .E5 flowick:
Grade 7 to la Kent Ankenman,
Robert Pride, ,Harry Winkel,
Grade 6, to 7, Lorne Ankenmtilt
Peggy Gibson..
Grade 5'to 6, Freser Grill8011a;
Garfield, Gibson, Trues Winkel,
Grade 4 to ,Murray Gedeke,
John Harris, Frances Kennedy.
Grade 2 tp 3, Brian Gibson, Eve-
lyn Kennedy,
Grade a .to 2 . James Harris, Pat-
ricia Kennedy.
Pupils, aae listed.alphabetically,
aliss) Rona VanVehier Tefteher
••• St. Cathatines, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr, Win. Elliott and
Mr, and 'Mrs. Robt, Montgomery,
, Miss Marjorie- Currie of London,
spent the week-end with her
.thothei, Mrs. R. J. Carrie, and Mrs;
Harvey Read, of Goderich, 'spent
the week-end at the Currie home.
Mr. Rosa McMichael and his
children of .Sarnia spent the week-
ena at the home of Mr. sand Mrs.
Gershom Johnston and the child-
ren 'stayed to 'spend the week
Where. Miss Jean Stanley and Jack
Johnston, of London, and Mr, and
Mrs, Ed', Robinson and sons of St.
Augustine spent, Sunday at the
Johnston home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson of
Rorest Spent the week-end at the'
home of her parents, Mr, and ,Mrs.
Allan Pattison,
rs. Jas. Johnston arid baby son
s gent a few days last Week with
her mother, Mrs. Ed., lifntz aof
Monkton. •
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Purdon
and children moved last week to
the farm they recently purchased'
from Mr. Jas. Falconer.
Mt. and Mrs. George Fisher and
Doris, and Mr, and Mrs, Toby
jantzi of Milverton spent the
Week-end at the honie•of iMr. and'
Mrs. Wm, Fisher`' of Timmins,
Linda and Larry Jiintzi. stayed at
the Fisher home• here. IVIrs, John
Carruthers of Lucknow,' Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Carruthers 'and' child-
ren of Holyrood, and Mr. and• Mrs.
Carmen Vint of Goderich; • visited
there on Sunday. . ,
Mr. and, Mrs. Robt.. Watson of
Brucefield and Miss Janet Watson
of Ayliber, visited. on Thursday at
the hoine of Mr. and Mtg. Gilbert
Beecroft. '
Mr. Melville Beecroft, who teach-
es at Otterville, went 'IAA 'week,
with a group of science teachers,
on a trip around, Georgian„Bay and
Parry Sound. They were aecomp-
anied by several prOfessors: 'Who
gave them ,practical field work
and. demonstrations.
Mr, and Mrs. ,Ias, taaivin and
baby Douglas ,of Hamilton, 'and
Mr. and Mrst- Gibson Atmstrong
and children of. London, spent the
week-end at •the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hereon Ir-
win, Mrs. Armstrong and the.child-
ten stayed to spend this week here.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason
'and family spent Sunday 'at the
home of his parents, •Mr. and Mrs.
John •Mason of London, and Peter
and Nailer Mason, left their
aunt, Mrs. Shirley Towers, to ,spend
two 'weeks "at 'the laaa..; and
Y.W.C.A. children's Camp, at. Tor-
London, 'spent the
her' parents, Mr.
Martin, and' with
We, yenr friendsand neighbors,
felt that this milestone in your life
was something we' could.„ not let
vase without gathering, to celee
brate with you, gence we planned
the little surprise."
No doubt within,the last 25 Years
there have been many ups and
downs 'which you both have so
bravely passed, but there also has
been Much smooth, sailing and four
Wish, is that you may have many
more years ,of life's voyage to-
gether and that we, your friends
May again have the epportnnity to
,gather with you on your silver
wedding day.
You have both 'been willing to
lend a helping hand in time of
need, you hale' worked with us in,
all our ,activities. We 'look forward
to this happy association with you
as we •are sure it will continue in
the future years. •
! May all the shining happiness
the years haVe 'brought your way
be yours to live and share again
this silvei wedding day,
On behalf of the guests, Mrs.
Fred Litt , and 'Mrs. Earl Murray
presented the couple with a large
silver tray, silver teapot, silver
casserole set and a silver TV lunch
set. Mr. and Mrs. Zubrigg both
made suitable %replies and after, a
delicious aunchathe! evening was
brought to a close. ,-
Child..Is Hurt
By 1-jot Iron ,
FORDWICHLLittle Terry Tud-
an, ' one-year-old son of Mr. and
Mr's. Jelin Tease' was . rushed to
Listowel Hospital on. Friday.:after-
noon by Dr. J. D. Forde.
. In some manner the youngster
pulled the electric iron over on
himself, resulting 'in a nasty cut on
the, forehead and a severe 'burn to
' his cheek. Four stitches were
needed •to close the wound. Later
that night the little fello'w was able
to come home' and is getting along
- .
other .relatives here and/ at Wing-
ham, • I 'Miss Edna Carr of, St. Thomas
spent • aafeW lays, last week- at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell Ross.
Ten 'boys and eleven adults met
at the. Memorial Hall here and ap-
pointed a committee, Kenneth
Dowling, Wm. Henry. and, Leroy
Ripatail, with Mrs. Russell Ross
I and Mrs. Vic Emerson; to try to
find, a suitable place for the pro-
poSed baseball diamond.
I Constable and ' Mrs. Kenneth.
Ross, who have been visiting with
his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Robt
Ross, left on Monday to/return to.
his position at Loon Lake, ,'Sask.
me. George Ross of Owen Sound
Spent the week-end here,
Senior Room
Grade 8 to *9, Marie Browne,
Dianne CarsWell, Deig, Anna
Marie Espeneen; Bonnie rnglis,
Mary Johnston,'Beverly Jacobson,
Fraser Pollock, Sharon Pollo,Cit,
Ruth Rumple, Marian Ruttan.
Grade 7 to 8, Jean Postea; /David
Inglis, Ward Lohr, Jean Siefert,
Pauline Sothern,
Grade 6 to 7, Doris Carswell,
Ruth Cober, Audrey Ruttan, Mar-
jorie Connell, Shirley.Bung, Gary
Sothern, Jbhn Wilson, Douglas
Grade 5 to 6, 'John Carswell,
Cameron Edgar, John Forde, Janie
Hambly, Richard Martinet, jack
Ruttan, Wayne. Lawrence.
Ronald Hube, Friecipal
0 - 0 0 •
Junior Room
Grade 4 to 5, ' Jim Aekin, Jean
Browne, Karen Carswell, Eliza-
beth, Dickert, Gerall Doig, Peter
Forde, Garry Lawrel ce.
Grade 3 to 4, Bob Campbell,Mar-
ian Dickert, Helen Johnston, David
Jacobson, Jean Lawrence.
Grade 2 to 3, Dora Burtch, Dilly
Carswell, Marilyn Forde, Douglas
Gibson, Barry Matthews, Marjorie
,Grade 1 to 2, Linda Askin, Leslie
• Beatrice Wade, Teacher
Ma and Mrs. John Tudan and
family visited over the holiday with
relatives in Port Colborne. "
Mr. and Mrs. George Moss of
Galt and, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Frome of Georgetown visited over
the week-end with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Bob Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang of
Toronto, spent the week-end, with
Mr. •and Mrs, Roy Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Moore visited
a 'couple of days last week with Mr.
and Mil: jack' Bricker and 110
and. Mrs, Frank 'Benin in. Kitchener
and also attended the Waterloo
Mrs. Millie Burns and Mr. Al-
fred Jones of -Guelph spent the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs, Bus Giles, Bruce
and Gary of Arkona spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
A number of veterans' "'from here
attended the drumhead service
held in Wingham on 'Sunday.
Mrs. Evelyn McLean and Wendy
of Toronto• visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Art Fores-
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Reed of Lis-
towel visited on Sunday. with Mr.
don visited friends here on Friday
and Saturday: •
Mr, and Mrs. T. L. McInnes went
to Goderich on. Saturday evening
and on Sunday morning left on a
motor trip to Swift current and
Shaunaven; Sask., where they will
visit 'relatives, They are aacom-
panying Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Jamieson of Goderich,•
Mr Dick Sperling bf Vancouver;
is visiting his brother, Mr. Harvey
Sperling and other relatives,
Mrs, James Armstrong rnturned
on Thursday••from the Wingham
Hospital. Mr. Art. Stephens re-
turned from Victoria Hospital,
London, on Wednesday.
Miss 'Irene Holmes and Mr. H, V,
Holmes are spending some time at
the latter's cottage at Bruce
Ma George Gregg is spending
the vacation at his home here. He
has been engaged to teach again
next year at the Central Collegiate
in Sarnia.
The Rev, F. E. and Mrs. Russell
were at the confirmation service,
at Christ Church, Listowel, on
Thursday evening. Mr. Russell
assisted in the service,
Mr, Reg, Hobbs of Preston is
spending some time at Mr. Wm.
Harrison's home,
Good Attendance
At. Garden Party
FORDWICH—The anneal garden
patty of • the • . Fordwich ..United
Church was well attended even
though the weather didn't co-op-
erate. About ,350 were fed! The
men's choir with Rev. J. W. laird at
the organ, ,gav'e a very 'fine pro-
gram after the supper.
At the close Rev. and Mrs.. Bird
were called forward and presented
with a purse of money from the
congregation. Warren Zubrigg
spoke to them and Royden
Devitt made the presentation. The
Mayne charge and Newbridge con-
gregation gave them lovely lug-
gage and a rocking chair.-
' Rev, J. W. Hircl retires from the
ministry on Sunday. They both
thanked everyone for the good will
shown them.
And Mrs: E. Hargrave.
Miss Marjorie Ott and Murray
Ott of Listowel are spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Ma. And Mrs. Tom McClement,
Betty, Kenny and Ronnie, and Mrs.
Ida Gallagher visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn 'Haase at
Mrs. Bertha Hutchison of Tor-
onto is spending a few days with
Mr. and' Mrs. Tom Hutchison.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith and
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and Ran-
dy spent Sunday at Bervie.
Mr: and Mrs. Willoughby Patter-
son of London visited over the
week-end with Mrs. Pearl Patter-
..Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bolander, Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Holt, Mr. and
Mrs: Cecil Lynn and Mrs. Earl
Ridley attended the Holcausa:
Smith wedding in Toronto on Sat-
Mrs, Lena Bannos of Detroit and
Mrs. Elsie tante of Waterloo spent
one day last week 'at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Royden,Devitt. • Mrs, Ruby Forester of Toronto is
spending a month at her home
here. Miss 'Mary Corbett of Tor-
onto is visiting with her for several I
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and
family of St. Catharines spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Doig.,
Miss Ruth Taumple. left on Sat-
day for Burlington where' she will
make her home.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wilding of
Toronto spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Anson Demerling.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Schaefer
and Wendy of Lenclon and Mr, and
Mrs. Paul Wendt and family of
Toronto visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs, E, A. Schaefer.
Mr. Jack Siefesrt of McMurray,
Alberta, spent several , days last
week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Lorne Siefert.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hambly and
Janie spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Weldon Hera-lily in Tor-
Mr; and Mrs: Harold Hibbert and
family of Guelph spent the Week-
6nd with Mr. and aarS, E. Allen,
Mrs, ‘Mary Hall and Robt Mc-
Neil visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs, Morley Bride at Elota.
Mr, and Mrs, Rees Doig spent
one day recently With Mr. and
Mrs, Jim Batten at Elmira.
Mt. and Mrs, Ha M Bride spent
Several clays last week in Toronto
and attericled the wedding of a
niece Miss Shirley Butchert on
Miss Rlizabeth Patterson left oft
Monday• fOr Waterloo, where she
has' taken a position with Domin-
ion Life XnstirAnce Co,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack' Beown spent
Several days lest week in, the
Rirliland Lake and Parry Sdutid
Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Lewis of
Grimsby visited on Sunday with
her father, Mr. yF. Melt Paterson.
Mr, Harris Purdon of Blind Riv-
er spent the week-end at the home
of! his sister, Mrs, Calvin. Robin-
son, ti
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer •Sleiglibolm
and children visited on I Sunday,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Sleightholm of. • Listowel.
Mr, Sleightholm has been a patient
in the hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liiidlaw
and Ivan and Marilyn Morrison
returned blame from Powasson on
Monday. The Bennison-Stoekhill
wedding was postponed from Sat-
urday to Monday as a week's rain
had washed out three bridges, mak-
ing it impossible for anyone to go
to, the church.
Mr. Bert Thompson left on Wed-
nesday to spend a few weeks with
friends at. Kindersley, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Murray
and family 'of Sharon, visited 'on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
Mrs. Robert Ross received word
last 'week 'that Peter Naismith of
Forest Grove, Oregon, had 'pass-
ed away after a long illness. Many
from this district will extend sm.'
pathy to his wife, the former Mar-
garet Mir'ehouse, of Kinloss. One
son survives, and another son pre-
decbased him last. year.
Mrs. Allan Turner left last week
to teach for, two weeks in 'a voca-
tional Bible school in Toronto.
• Karen. Groskorth and Elaine
Conn left last, week to spend two
weeks with the former's aunt,
Mrs,- Ronald Bagg• and her family
at their cottage at Lake Simcoe.
Mrs. Joe Marks of London, is
spending a few weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mil. 'G. Gillespie..
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson have
purchased a home in Exeter. With
their family they will move there
in the near future, Mr. Wilson is
engineer at the' cannery there.
Mr, Arid Mrs. Lewis Beecroft of
Edmonton are visiting at the home
of his brother, Mr. J, D. Beecroft,
Mr, and. Mrs. Beecroft, formerly
Mary Thornton, of Eluevale, re-
neived many old acquaintances
during the Turnberry. Centennial
at the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt,
Janet and Donald visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Gaunt, Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Orval 'Mitchell and
Gordon and Frances Henry, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Miss Florence aseeeroft, Toronto,
spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. la Beecroft.
The Young Adult Group of the
United Church held a wiener
roast last Tuesday evening at the
picnic grounds at Amberley. Dur-
ing the evening they ptesented
Miss Lois Ribey with a lazy susan
sandwich plate. Miss Ribey, who
taught at S.S. 9, Kinloss, for two
years, goes to Stratford Teachers'
College in the fall and Mrs. Shroud
of Ripley will teach in that school.
Miss Janet- Gaunt received word
she had passed her exams in the
Lucknow District High School.
She gees to business college in
Stratford in September,
Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs.
James Keene were in Sudbury last
Thursday where they visited with
the latter's husband.
Mr. Paul Groskorth left last
week to work for the summer
with Me; John Ackert at Holy-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Charleston
and their daughter, of Hamilton,
Miss Mabel IrWin of Harriston
Visited her sister, Miss Emma Ir-
win, on 'Sunday.
Me and Mrs. Sandie Hastie and
Sandra, Mr, and Mrs, Walker
Hastie and Heather, all of Toronto,
spent the holiday week-end at their
summer home in Gorrie.
Mr. Cordell Brown, Beainsvale
is accompanying Me Morley
Johnston and two other friends on
a trip to Calgary to see the Cal-
gary Stampede,
Mrs. Ruth Corbett returned on
Sunday after visiting with tele,.
tiVes in Toronto.
Ma. ' and Mrs. Manfred Irwin
spent Sunday and Monday with
friends in Toronto.
Mt, d Mrs, an C. Ring visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, G. C,
Moffat and Me and Mrs, Herold
Moffat at Whighani,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon grovitii, and
Mary Alice of BeateaVille Spent
the week-cud and holiday with Mr.
'and Mrs. Relit, Clraham,
Mr, and Mrs. Ruch Miller of De-
troit Were, guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Archie Miller for the holiday and
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ferguson and
family and Mrs. klam Ferguson
attended the school re-nnion at
5.5, No, 12, McGillivray Township,
oft Sunday.
Tont, Thistle, Toronto spent the
holiday at the parental home.
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Ring and
Mrs. Ken 1-teStie attended the
school re-onion at .5.8, 110, 1
Turriberry, in connection with the
%somber* tdritennlai on Siithtday. r,
Represontcaive of iNtatch Tower Society
3 PA NIX 7
Hamburg or Wiener Rolls
Theatre -'Harriston
. Color
Willard Parker, Barbara Payton
"Bonnie Scotland"
Laurel' and Hardy
MON. TUE. WED., JULY 8, 9,10
Deborah Kerr
Yul BrYnner
iaal&a:a a.ae
Mr. and Mrs.
and 'Nancy, of'-
week-end with
and Chas.
Both 'hate ...0
bank .accounft and
' Mi. and Mrs. Archie Watt and
daughters of Toronto visited for a
few aay's last week with. his par-
,ents, Rev, and Mrs. W J. Watt.
You prObablyhave your own equally good'
reasons' for saving. There are thousands.
One way to be. sure you will have the money
you Want when yoU want it is to make regular
deposit in your bank account, •
'It 'take§ will-poWer, Sometimes it means doing
without thing§ you are tempted to buy.
But as you advance steadily toward your
chogen. objeetive, you. know the satisfying
feeling that comes with getting ahead financially.
You realize that you are creating a reserve of
ready cash that can be a gateway'to future
opportunity, or_serve as a bulwark in time of
need. you can always count on a bank aCeount.
Save at a bank * millions dot
on' aamaalaaa
SERVING, yOutt-c:Olamtnolit