The Signal, 1926-8-26, Page 2- • . • fit • 4 at. A • t 2-Thurstlay.• Auger 24, UMW ee EeTABLISHED 1848 GODERIUH : : CANADA, klegaber of Casnadlan Weeld,y Negras papers Aamelation Published every Thureday morning. Subscription price $2.00 per year. .Te VILLA States and fforeign Countries, ge 50 lwr year. strictly in advance. TUE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone 35 : : Gederlels. Out. ' W. II. Robertson, Editor and Manager THE SIGNAL 1 1 it It. B. Bennett. tmillionaire Inure, r of enitaitee in the pneent mall•INNUNNIIIIIIIININININNIIININIIIIIIIIIININININI111111111111111111111111111110. _ o , I he -- eloverinuevt, whore 'nutlet,. irI, eel- fr the , Iii IN populer with Csnadians; the budgets a Specals for Au0st Selling N dria . it, more for ••bill eteinces• than a i 11 women. 'The Robb -nate( has leen Oa 111 oaverage Cateidacii mail peel el I IN GODP.:RICH, ONT. 111 4 Thursday. August %. 1920. MR. ISEIGHEN AND TILS TARIFF • Where does Mr. illeighee sand- cm the tariff queethm? It „la dia.-eft to pin him down to anything definite. for he is as elusive as the pm in the *ell Ione. In Ontario. of t•onrse. he is i stem protetionist and calla for higher tariffs to -gave our induteries." In his recent visit to the Maritime Pro - einem he was not so alum of hhi pito- tectIonlet footing. and in Priuee Err - ward Island. where protection is no, popular. ht eritielsed the Liberals for not putdng their low tariff principles snor--ingly---teto effort. In British Columbia he Ira • again a protectienist -at least in respect to the particular commodities witis.h are produced let that Provinoe-and lie found biraself In favor of the Auntralian treaty, which has 'been of great asebatance to British Columbia intert.ste. although in the last Parliament the tresty with Atestralia was the objeet of bitter at- tack trots the Comwrvatere bench01. la the West Nu, Meigheti asked the seeders to consider. himself a West- erner and to forget that the Liberals bad ever done anything for the farm- er,. of' the praIriee. 'Two-thirds of , the Liberal party are ser proteetkaalet as I axe' be declared. Thus the Conservetire leader while seeking mote Is ready to aceommodate himself to the views of the people whom he is addreeeing. but electors who believe that the teriff burdens resting upon the enutltry eltpuld tie lightened as quickly as possible are not likely to be deceived. Behind Mr. Meighen le the high tariff wing of the / Canadian Manufseturers' Association. with its invistent dematid for higher protection anti ie. Intolerant disregard! of any inte,reet but tta mete Litera- ture of the sort which was sown broad- esst during the -*Aloe cainpaIgn of 192". is Apia tusking its appearance, and tide fileteeire• dietributed In On- tario Minis (he interest of Con- serv:etre canditlates. denten& a radi- cal upward reel:eon of the tenet.= tariff. Tiii• e. a sentenci• front ene et the leaflet- et distributed: You Cannot Buy Ip TOO in bulk. Sold only in sealed packages. old pottier will have a clear majority. What then? The Coneervatives 4111111ot get along with the Vegressiveo: the liberals can. The eurest way to briug aeout conditions that will menet:it:ate an: Other eleetien at an early date is to vete for Conservative candidatee. who will not be able to carry on unless they (ISTO a t•lear majority of the Douse. The best way to settle an- other election is to vote for Liberal cantlidates or for Progreosites who will cooperate wife a Liberal Governmeez. TARIFF STABILITY Mr. Meighen talks in one breath of the neneseity of tarittstabiiity. and In the next (Seinen. that hie floe act if returned ro power will ite a eomplete revlsion 4.1' the tariff. lir. MeIghen's revision would be 110 441WArtl rertaion dud hie revised tariff would be' ante Joe to temetetteattairk as a burden up- on the people.. The .Liberal policy is to bring the tariff schedule,. down to a point where the people will tolerite them, and tide eau be d.tres WithiSH 411 - AMP` At has hem deinon- 'grated in the came of agricultural Implements and Initomobiles. The Liberal policy points to tariff stability. -The Meighen pone, points to continued conflict between the In- terests and the People. EDITOR/AL NOTES Dett't take chatter*. Are• that..your • name in on the votees' list. • • ‘. • In the midet of the eleetlon 'excite- ment -if you could call it that -don't forget the G.:elm-kb Indtstrial Exhi- bition. September S. 9 anti 10. • • • Sunlight is wanted by farmers and gardeners. say, a newspaper heading. Cheer up. men: there will he plenty ofesunshine after September 14. • • • There is so littb• unemployment in fusion. and in the case of people tenting into town from outside and not aequainted with the Meal regula- tions is as liLely to cauee act•idente as to prevent them. Any new regula- tions should be very carefully con- sidered. • • • An unscrupulous 'political writer for the Conservative ealime Mateo in one of las articles that Mr. Melghen at the last election "bad a vast majority of "tweverted" Mr. Meighen to sweetness 19•24 anti ISM were raid forward gg "dept. aliti tits 110.11rauee Itt given- thee`, 4he budget of next year. if the IIII ells. are 107111 511 opperlunity to intro - date it. will be as pleasing as those to which Canada beetle. lic,•tigstonesi te under Mr. Robb Niinteter of Fin- III Agee. _They Are Csasing Beek 'l'orouto. Aug. 2L -ffMuret an. 111000441 by the. Deporrineett of !web al gration and tnaluniretion today show igg that. In the fina quurter of Me &wall = year, that be iv the months of April. 111 Ray and June. 21,tion can:WI:Ins were recorded as tett/ening from tliat United States after baying entered that coda', linj try with the inteniittit itf remaining jg there permanently. Throe uow de- ; ee claw their Intention of permanently re residing In Canaria. The number re- ' turning in June Was 0.0e4 , Patesande. Meichen & Ce. IN Montreal. Aug. 21. --one of the fete I tures of the Quebec eautpoign is drill Crinkle Bedspreads 36 only. These bedspreads come in the extra large double -bed size, about St) x 92 in. Woven -in the crinkle weave. Nice weight and very popular. Regular value is $3.75$2 69 This week and next, on sale Sheeting We have cut the prior* on 300 yards of this full bleached' stheeting. Plain, heavy Rrititill even weave. Note the width, 81 inches. EA 137C Regular value, 90c. On sale Butterick Patterns for September All in stock and Delineator on sale. See the advance styles at the pattern counter. Towels 15 dozen white Turkish Towels. Our best quality, heal.v, well made and finished. filise about 22 411. Summer safe, pa i r 98c it Silk Stockings Alk Stocking, for women. "Meectiry" and "Circle liar,.. all pure silk, reinforced heels, elastir tops, in nude, light grey, gine, gold. Moonlight, atmosphere, pongee, ei 25 peach and shit, s 1-2 tt t 10. Pair 11P1 Wool Dress Crepes 3 -to inehes wide, tine all -wool French make, in black, navy, greys, brOwne, sus sands. Per yard 1 Patenutuitea luster e nee titat be hits Ill 111 Canadian rat*. In abort, that be ha* m W. ACHESON & SON N IN I tamed the areh-enemy of the Frew•It- al the popular vote." This is untrue. and light, probilinguelieza Mid and- a "vent" majority -he haul_ not eves a Patenaude iret the Quebec public to •••••/110/1110111111M111 11111111-111 111111111111111 111••1111111111•••M -Not only did Mr. Itelgtietrenotehave istprterils81104 ihe FeeTreirlinpeittleee-10-- majority of the popular vote. The believe that the oneervative party Is figures have been published time and ---------aude et Cie. and that he in the rennet. therefore. lw a dieelple. Wheat Melanc" alliance' 11'- re'Preaeni"i I3st the end of this month. Mr. Patenautir h h • s Independent of again. dominant member of the Patenotelte he and Mr. Melanie' tour Quebec at - •must be able to exhibit the Tory lead- Melghen. He rennet now appear in a The gucceets•of Gef:trutle Efts -0e in suberdinitte poeition. To pevrt face er OM a caosure. a etinvert. a brand swimming the'English t'itennel is said be must lead Mr. Ifeighen on a Iseele plucked from the imperial burning. • to be due partly to the filet that Shia 18 lie 4.'141111141 (011.1{11r11 ae a "savior." lie ititeln false by a e0lnil1i4Pion ainEiated / fat. Fat girl-, they sey. make the / best swimmers. That may no1 be t initeh of a reeommendation. for swim- ming is not one of the major occupa- tions of life; but cannot it be said for the stout maiden that. In or out of the water, she Islikely to be buopaut and • • • . Mr. J.11. Burnham. of Peterboro'. g former Conservative member of Par- lot 31r. MeIgheitea Hamilton speech. in whleh he stated that. he would not 1 fiend troops to the Mother Countrfe Add until a general election was held. IProbably a good many Conservatives hare made up their minds to express their ilillet hut cdecided disapproval of the- Meighen policy on electiou day. • . • • 1 I Writing 01 The London Advertiser on Ieconomic. contlitione from the harmer's • etandireint. Mr. J. H. Campbell. of I Thetlforik says: , hrily 'lament. refuses to support the Con- pervatire party in this election beeanee -Altos- Ilir. to say in conclusion that I studied the (410414d1441 1)? both sides in . the lam' Parliament end dn it of Thm o- as MeMIllan 1South 'Intent seemed , / to Mt. I/114 of the I04,7)4 leveldteride411 I otlY immigration Pope, worth onn, t yell( that di .110, 1,1 N.- ant triad he 11:174 teen. ren.auinated and , ( ti tn • nnything to caniola Is a tariff as hill; inz (mind In getting ent,ligh 13100 to 1 11"1.' hi' W111 1.4* isirvtds'i ity good oral with Maekenzie King and J. C :Peet In the Weo. Ile knows what he farmers of this country need and e• has the ability to tell them." Can - ..e higher ilia a that Of the Cult ttarvo,,,,t ow wee/en, gr, ,rer. J..1. tY• Ile P11011141 be on the plat- • • • And what this awaits is ilittetratel I Mr. Meighen course nas trying t in Koine figuree iseutel by the Pa r o establish stah:e governmeitt In Can- I II tariff States. 1.4.0p 4 I 4 , oda W111111 101 formsel nett hadow differ, frum (1s1 of the United Stetee• • ".4..liovernilitist- that Laeted less „titan • I erDtrom. 1.fliv ,. three daye Canadian 1'. S. (-teem's 14.11)• , • • t re: to 1744”, Woolimis 24...-,• silk ?Orb,: . 170.'-% "After:011. the big io•ue of ai. ram- : - 75.-r Aftlfiehtlt tollk Fehrice • .1•113,'.• 0:1001 1. prIdITTIIIII," SAP, The Toronto ion:- LiteP 1212'-'0 ,- Telegram, At any :rate- that is what 1.1 e CI 11' , e^4a• fi. • " 221:.e• -e the Idg intereitti• of Termite 111.1, Mont- . 5V41))1150 Hose ft1,-. to ikAn`e . Date• 20vitit , ren14est. to -get oat of it. , 40'4 to 7.5`,.e Carpets 5 3:1 141'i Furniture • ie,..., The Gelerich Ilortieniturel- tereirty Anyone who wants to pay higher • 1 Tr.'', Itleakets 281'4(7e ' • . • iv to he eougratutsted upon the flower . pr...., _4" ...,'ienR. lin:. y.6.. hat. show field last week.- Not telly was • minim' trs. ca;rt.. furnirr.„ nr;./ Oliwr it In ht -elf a line aehievement. but it ; good., ehoulil vote for Cous;evative t, abul'I'l 1"" a "Intollto th -further-ewer' among Goderich's flower.loveri, t 1 14t11 of September i „._ ir_. _..._ .. JitIging fr,-tu the iiiiintstr of Con- -ere:trice hig gune" thet are being sent inte South Iluren. the Conserve - tire party is tnakine n desperate ef- fort to defeat Thereat. Meitillan. Mr. ileMiilen 1,,,ke4 wen 74 one of the streng men .4 enerio in 111e Lib- eral ranks, and hie defeat woulti Pre - More a doli111..1- opponett t or rehemes Moll Ile• farmers for the benefit of' the .•Ity iiectests. We be- lieve his eremite ‘1,,oroed to die- sppointtn.-nt. iittw,ver. If the farni- era of $touttb -1-14itso+t- clo their duty "Andy" lilies, Mr. M••Millatfai erratic oppeatertt. 111,1 11 1". 4•1'r bogk. by lance mAjority. \,anti put Jlr. eleighen and the blet Mr. ileirrhen the Iretury tax prott•etioniata 01 power. ‘110111.1 113 VI` Is',:: (a 14.11 „ClOthhug rather than automole _Perhaps _we TO AVOID- As110211;31B- TION „; • ,4 "Vote for ronserVative eantlitlateti and avoid another eleetion." is the Consffrilltre Mogen: # • flow will thio work out? The Conservatives have 5111(7 501)17(.4I 1110 Progrenslres-with the exception of a few who are not likely to 'tome hark to Ottawa -and (linnet hope W leive their cooperation In currying on gevernment. On the other hnnri. the Liberals have 'Mown that with Pregressive co- operation they ath tarry on the -ad- ministration anol produce such hem- legl•lation as the Robb budget, With its splendid reductions of tail - on and other excellent features. . e "bard timeo" campaign of 1926 D being repeated and cannot be lepeetkil, anti ninny seats that went 418111411Agggt4ge in 1923 aro almost cer- tain to elect\Liberal* Progressivee this per. The bye -elections of the past year were alt favorable to the Liberalle end all the eigns point to Liberal sueeelve on the ldtb of Septem- ber. The Llherels ere hoping, not without good reason to have a dela majority a the tektite In the next Par- liament -a Majority over both Con- servatives sad Progressive& It Is possible, hogrowar. that neither of the Our Imports of Agricultural , Products from United States By R I. DEACHMAN • (Note:: Tile is a copy of letter sent in snswer to a fitit.,allt.in sent in from the ceastituency of Dr. Edwards. Read (t.) • You 'mete that Dr. Edward... the member for Frontenac„ in his nomina- tien sweet'. on Sat.urday, told theaudi- elm. that the United States oelle to Canada $31.11n0,000 more each year of farm products than Canada sells to the United States. The statement fa quite true. There hi no reason why it should not be true. The Canadian people Etre an intellioded people; they buy where they can buy cheapest./ when they are not reetricted by tariffe. We purchased law. year arti- cles classified me foods to the extent af $4t4.13S.9.13. We bought from the Unite! States became we c mid get them there -he -the hest !deem -nee. haven't the leaet doubt that Dr. Ed- wards would prefer to buy tenants if h ente4 ro them. Inetead of sending to Bolivia for them. and bananas is one of tile agri- cultural products that we import- from the Unittei Mateo. In large quantitiee. Now. let ut. examine Weer imports with semp"care. I take the year end - 'ins March 31, 1925. because Dr. Ed- wards took that year. In the rimiest year 1920 the balance of lumens from the United States wto. ten 07111(7)01 , hew then. in the previone year. In or der that there May. he nit mletake In the remparieons. lot tas take 1925. 'Among the agriculturn1 produces Int- isti.ortredwefrom the United States in that • • te the (011,errninspernoresivirn I t Grapes $4.714016..rn11;1 11018.003 732.878 Bananas Pineapplee 8.190.414 Dates (dried) tii..1:7,3:921.."ser.r331.;27,1 Currants (dried) Figs (dried) RaleIns 1.04073..792302 Prunes Other Irtee Ina 2.s45.649 _ mr. Robb w Corslutnrvonnevanseeed leopponte 26.51..sfit4235 22.872 11714 even Mr. Robb (enact -do 'e'en' newt at on.-'. With 11 few tuore yepra of Liberal Gerertenent these fipeclal nixie will be taken off altogether. • • • London Advertiser: Experts esti- mate that Canadian. have been eared $ by the RAI) budget of this yeae. No wonder all the ConserratIve taladidatea who were In the last Home are trying to run away from the re - verde., wbkh show that they voted ngainst It. • • • .The latest 'additions 101fliMeiglien Cabinet are Meesre Fauteux and Plaque:. who were sworn in thin weet. 1)r. Paqat, like Mr. Patenande, nb pro. to Canadian pattielpation in the Empire's wars. antl-again like Mr. Patenaude-Will ao doubt claim (bit Reirben hag been converted to Ms viewa • • • The town council ts 7001 ilia in re• 0074 ielth pdhlte opinion In the pro- posed adoption of further pee -talons for the regulation of /11 144.1 tra •. The preventim of ancidents la of rearm the era ennsideration : hut It would be well to mike 110 111011 7041711t1047, as few and as simple so will meet this requirement. A multiplicity ef rake leads to con - anted make no difference whatever. exoept as a matter of 010041Vell 1•41.4I in cer- tain lines of trade. For inetaute. we import a tertain amount of deur. It Is importtel largely for bitemit Intent- faeturers. It makes • lietter biscuit than the hard wheat of Wretera (*an ads. So We export our own product and import n_zertgan_quantity of eat Wheat tient for a specific purpose. The balance of the importation of sericite tural anti vegetable produces from the (*nitre renew eteteiete largely of vege- iithle• and. fruits imported In the win- ter When they are dIMenit to obtain in this emmiry, and much lower In :trice In the United Mates. It frequently luappene too. that WP import in one A SAVAGE PERSECt TION. SAlS Euler. en-samober Ter North Wan - k& ELLER et nominative teeing 111 Waver - "On the 1110114M 170140 11111 I. Mo. •11 ' other members. was etitirele it, fsvor Nee. Neely -eve -me (1109e cep of cleaning up the'whole mese. but de- rrg dined to rote for the purely stades' Oierk--41 fresh as your cheeks loode amendment of Mt. Atevens. intended meow to, drive Hon. George Boirin out of Km Newlywed -I'll take two 001.11e lit* a Tillnleter who bad jam dom. irbrnienresy.a°fikindi:t;yirb11100ftr"nwilert!rertwheoftlritrieghiv.nrirwan.in:141.4":6111.-". 'He (11.8120711814#11)-4 wish 1 had COvrivy jrcted to the rivet eaves*. persecution enemas *.et minis* for many menthe. and whoa. dean." 1, gee (sol..17).,-Wilid would you do et • public Ilfe of Canada. . - few days ago IP 1-4•77 Er1711t. ken 44,44.b.r miuggtio„.amumboulle. : "1 *hall net deal with the euetoms I10411011 I4 the country. from the 1-nIted States, and export to that t..eintry from another neetion. rim inetance. In 1i128 we exported over five million dell/its' wore" of potattwe to the rnittel States., and imported $4A1 - MO worth Intelent the entcnient of Dr. Fe, wards look pretty trivial %then you being It dower to • late analye1)4-e41er (tint is not all. He I quothig only- az- riculturil -and repeal& Kobel*. If he rook in anInuale and anim pr., duree. he would find that the move- ment is the other way. Our hwert of outlast.4 anti animal produeta ?r -on the United gtatP, in the yt-er ending - Martel 31 1925, totst7e4 12se5eie.214. Our exports In Ito, same year to he I•nited States amounted to $57.A33.0001, The following Near thi* was up al - motet six million: our total export.' for the year ending Mareh 31. 1924, to the. United Settee of animals' and animal prodatets amounted to Snarird).(ta• sad thts is n grieving market. If we are not out to kill 11 hr adopting ab - .1117(117 high proteetionlet polley in !Canarea. Slowly felt imrely the levet againet extreme proteetion P. growing In the Uniterl States. It ie no idle guess tn gay that In fire or ten mini the United 9tates win he nno of eur greattest markets for agricultural pro -1 de. tte-The treed-of-kineriesn-eennre mle thought Is going in that direction. ' 1? WO ere rot en ettepid ne to tie our- selves down to extreme protection in this country. their doors ore certain to "firifo. Thal *111 tio-991RliF4 t14• )(len Are for Canada; it wIll give ns a breeder and wirer market titan we hive ever had before. Olaging Orden chances today ether than to my that Mr.. thever--The cioek has "sep- tum.' of them a ere jug as nntrue as 'pet. Walter. Didn't you wind it? 111.- cowerdly eharge againet Mr. La• Grocet--No. Harsh. The doctor width has teen declared shoo- , warned se not to take any vloleot Ir Mr. Afe12dien himself "-W. P everelee. (ADVERTISEMENT, 1 A DVERTISEMIONV 1 so A Vote for MacEwan Is Vote for Meighen and Stable r4overnment The best ex-PreraiC-r King and his lieutenants hope for in the coming election is anoiber stalemate. They feel it ID their bones that they cannot win. 1? they could only make itipt- pm(ible for government 10 be carried on, what a tri- umph that would be for the King ambition to Aule or ruin! But the people of Canada have had a sufficiently chas- tening experienee of Mr. King's nifilign influence in their affairs to swanip that influence in the next Parli- ament. They know that the 'wield ion of the country lies in their making a sure job of his overwhelmink defeat. Il(8w sick the people had become of King misrule is shown hv the figures of the general election held in Oc- tober )ast . Consider those figures. Tlie votes polled fo , the Cones! ive,. Liberal, Progredsive didates in the eneral elec- tion of 1921 and in thc gen- ral election of 1925 are, reapectively/ of the following totals; - Parties• .auga 70.5 C,oneervative ............-... .945,871 Liberal 1,287,941 1,211(,9112 709,829 286,410 181,652 101 686 i • - 31172.V- 3,124,893 Letegets- header f matalY -- It is earnesose, be hoped that Ron. 1. Jaime A. Refer will be the roan who eel introdnee Canada's 11,17 budget. reasn:Ode to nicotine that the :treat tunier'es caned:are %toted W. finitely prefer '111)( it be he tether IN* That delicious flavor of fresh mint gives a new thrill to every bite. Wrigley's is good and good focyon. kr, .0 0.m 5 mow. Ire.4111••••• lime - Nuts not grown in Can, nda 1,410.757 Sweet potatoen 40.038 'Indian corn for 41stiller-- 1ton 794,801 177,11.411 men foe feeding purpose.. 5.1714.7)47 ltiee fnneleenell Wee (ripened) Cornmeal Sago Psi...sneer bread, Vegetable oil, Sugar and its products 5,020611a cocoa been* 317,445 Coma butter 320.974 Net* illihte 10.400 Corot' 1in •hloekn cloenti powdered 41.108 ittwort premien t ion% 14,0111 roffee sad chieory • 313.405 Spleen 520,524 'Pm 290116 Yeast 440,088 dtkild 400.029 169.3A0 229.A14 Z1.43.1 120.041 170.421 D3LI20.021 Now. I think tlf/ OOP will Arnim thet the Items mentioned In any way earn - trete with the produce.' ef (4115411111 NM!, Tf you inahtract this item from the total imports you wilt SPA that Wl• get donut ter an Importetion something like 414.000 000. anti what le Owe rem - posed, of! Here are It few items: $513.1102 ft7.278 7.835 528102 Ostia ‘e Pees '<Menem Wheat dour So ftr &fathoms Ism^ 170 enneerned, Ift *re heavy esporteft of the some perelnets. If we prohibited their ine 'smarms tato Ulla cottntry, it would • • • • j. ere, • • l; • , -And it Is essential that we ehottld ; Woethat prospect with etre.' 14boner or later the agrirukure: of Itrisnia will revive; Ruseia has • sultieient productive capacity, if put 04 work. to supply the European mar- , ket Osnadest hope for the inane.; ties In the extension of other market/ I and eepeteally in gaining seven to the e ever-growing market of the United, , have be74:1)9(4en lipid enougb. ia the ti Spalarittert.to throw nway opportunities for Ileveloping flee nuirket. Are we glint , 10 rPfleaL tilt` WIMP performanee to- I day? No police of deliberate suicide could be worse for tido country at the prenent time than a polley of high protection. It would be sippidity pet- I *Mined. It would be n course that WO ,r011111 11,70 rearree-and regret through years of paln and euffering.; It mnet he (might with the utmont svoalgora. byw.eeivenrynnrrifilifitn-r.thilorbokingortrennello- polleleo of Arthur Mee:lieu-that way, ruin nee. We meet reon,ler mnrkette not greater reetrietion. We need to extend our trade raptly beyonfill 1470.1 hounda of today. and not restrict it by , shoneity high artificial hart -Jere Oan.; ads hag a tremendous ter capita trade. I W. are nut in the tweed tleee of the I merkete We are drone hu n on a main *tern anti only Tory. tam In two dotage could lallatest thet PPP (440000 (Mr main doors of bunnies* and open up a *op In the back alley. .0.16.46 H. J. A. SillatrEWAN. Mayor of boderieb. Conservative Calf - Mate in North Huron. l'rogressite Other Parties • These figures show: 1. -That the total votes polled in the DOntiniqli in the two eleetione were ape, proximately the same. 2.-ThAt the Conserva- tive gain was the enormous one of 538,647 votes, an erea-e of nearly fit per rent. over file Conservative vote in 1921: 3. -TM tiheral vote was 41.3 per cent. of tlo• total in 11121 and 40.9 per cent. of the total in 1921, a de- er:.ive4 parties showed a great de- . total:vote mut nfor Progress n other crease, totalling 5413,136. 5. -Nearly all thasvotes loilt by Pmgressivet a n d ot her pa rt ies were gained by t he Conservatives • at mom. Willsags" albaisr. The slump is going on, end the Meighen Adrnini-Lt rnt inn be firmly entrenched in power •