HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-03, Page 4N.° 14: go, 11‘), Us' Winiehlilen Advance-Thnes, $ 4,1957 FOR OLE TmvP. ruaTIMUgt. BUY '.41444 Sell. SpeOialthls Week frames. Phone 180, .8rib *EAT FOR SALE G od beef the quarter. Killed Under license • trent Dept, (;)f Ileelth. Yearling. • heifers. Top quality, Lowest, pricee, Raynard Apkert, Pl.agne, 24r30. • 17rrb ,44PCTROLUX Sae a .and Service . . ;Pall Jed ReYoolas Winghain bone 1.5rrb MILK FILTERS for sale -"Rapid 410", 6 -inch, 79e;.63 -inch, ,85e. • Aieriander's Hardware. lrfla • APRES ALFALFA -• TIMO'THY htity for sale. Standing. ,Apply, to r Sandy Nixon, Auburn, R. R. 2. • 3,12* YOI.TVE WAITED von THIS! •- ; Staiotores Hardware . has ' the ' atisWer to dripping toilet tarika, New "Dripster" tits "any type tank. Removable drip tray catch - moisture caused by summer. •• sweating. See them at Staioton's today. 3firb 459 LEGHORN RED puijets for •sale. 4 months old. Apply to Fred Dcubledee, phone. 7r12, Wrox- eter. 3* =Olt WASHING MACHINE for sale. Vivo years new. Reasonable. Phone 340W, 3*' REAL ESTATE 7 -ROOM HOUSE in Clinton for , sale from owner..Garage, stoker furnace, open fireplace, hard- wood floors. Taxes and heating costs •low. Owner *transferred. • Priced • right for quiek sale. Phone Clinton HUnter 2-6660 after 5. HOUSE FOR SALE in Wingham. Good buy'. Reasonable. Apply to Box 51, Advance -Times. 3* NEW fully modern brick house for , 'sale, on Frances Street, 011 heat- . •ed ; duo -windows, three-piece bath and shower, built-in garage, With cement drive -way. Terms. Con- taet John Falconer, .913 Union Street, Kitchener, or Harnid Po- cock,phone 576. 3,10,17,24b ' FOR RENT IX ROOM HOUSE, for rent Im- • ine d' iate possession. Contact • Moe Brown, Centre Street, or • write R0. Box 58. BRUCE BEACH:4 Lakefront cot- tage: aVallable Slily 4 -August 3, ,X,ogust,17-31. Three hearooma, f. 'electric • ref rigerator, inside- veniences 146' weekly, A. • Staler, 2 Parry Rd,, Ajax, Ont. 3b • HELP WANTED • REAL ESTATE salesinan wanted. Apply to Paul S. Starr; Orange- ville; Ont. 3b APPLICATIONS FOR, ASSESSOR • FOR TWP. OF HOWICK Applications will be received by the undersigned up till 12 o'clock ncion Friday, july 5, 1957, for the position of assessor for the Town- ship of Howick to finish the as- sessment for the year 1957 on .ac- count of the ill health of H. Dane, •Further inforitatiOn May be had •at the. clerk's office. RAPoLp POLLOCK, Clerk Gorrie; Ontario 26;4b WANTE13 CASH pricepaid for hick, doWn. or disabled coWs and hot**, Dead coWs' and horses pieked Up or rennoVed promptly, •Also wanted to buy -oar Hogs, • Call collect Bruce IVIarlatt, At- • Wood, phone 8 or 153, rrb . FINANCING A .CAR1 Before you ,,,buY milt about olik L• ow Coat Financing gerVicei With niplete inetitatice CoVerage. 4 ". STEWART Ar SCOTT hose mai vvingaim .4 26rod 066416 •BM( Holders' Names i Not Given Out '4 It it•I'letly *Whitt Our *deb 1 to divulge nut non*orladdresii 5 *ay adVertiliet Whig an TIMM Oda Nilinber. erof ask Da far thli Iistarniadianit WANTED TO IWY 100 ACRE farm: with building; in: •the Winghem area. State rlee and particulars. Write Box 151, Wingtiana, TEA0BER WANTED The West Wawarlosh TOwnship School Area requires for, Septem- ber -3rd, 1957; a Protestant quail - fled teacher" for 8, S. No. 4, "St, Helens School." Apply stating ex- perience, qualifications and salary expected, not later than July 1.5th, to W. ANStewax•t, Secretary, Dun- gannon, Ont. • 3,10b TENDERS WANTED Tenders for a jet Pump and E drinking fountain 'for U.S.S, No 10, Kinloss, and •for the complete installation ,of, same, will be" ,re- ceived by the undersigned until July 10th. Work is to be Cern' Pleted by_August l'ith. Lowest: or any tender not necessarily aceept. ed. Per further details apply° to the •secretary, D. J, M. Moore, R.R. 5, Lucknow, •28;4b TEND/ERS Tenders are required for the con- tract for the construction of the new, S. S. No. 7 Greenock School, situated, • 'Plans and specifications are av- ailable frorh the Secretary bf the Board, Mr. Stuart Sawyer, R. R., 1, Pinkerton, Ontario, Dr from Mr Robert E. Brown, Box 449, Walk- erton, Ontario. • A deposit of $25.00 Is required for the plans and specifications and •is refundable when plans and speci- fications are returned to the above mentioned. ' • SEALED tenders, clearlimarked as to their contents, vvill be receiv- ed up until 5 p.m., July 19t12, 1957, closing date of tender call. • Lewest fender Or any tender not necessarily accepted. • 3 PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5, 10, 15 lbs. New pep, too: Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor, Ostrex also improves poor appetite' due to lack of iron. "Get -acquainted" • size only 60c. At' all druggists. •3&17 • AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, -Wing- ham. Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 686. • 13rrh • DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly • for sanitary. disposal. FREE' pick up on larger animal, reasonable collection charge •for small ani- • mals. Phone collect Winghani 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited. • firrh MISCELLANEOUS JACK WICKSTEAD, R. R. 5, • Brussels, is leaving for Winnipeg • around July 12th. Has room for three •Passengers. Phone 32-19, Brussels. •, 3* CAMERON'S I3ILLIARDS will be open every Saturday night till 12 pan. for the Convenience of rural customers, Complete line of men's and boys' jeans, shirts and over- alls, socks extra. Guins bought, sold and rePaired. Anirminition of all types. Electricshavers, lighters arid Watches repaired. Open every Saturday night till 12 1:),ni. l'Irrb S YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for ' all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Witigharri, Itrb. STEWART A. SCOTT ban now save you 15% on your car or trucic insurance. Yearly tir siX Months pellicles are available, Speelat rates for farmers, For further information phone 293; Winghant, 29rrh , . SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tarifa, deaSpools, eellara, ptimped and eleatied, quielt ilerViee. All wcirlt guaranteed. Apply Louis Phone. 42r6, IIrtiOsele, itrtb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding AMC/elation "'Where Better Halle Are three. "For artifieral , settlination inftlernatielti or tor, Vice ff0M all breeds of cattle, Phone The Waterloo Cattle Breeding- AtiMelatititi at: Clinton HLT 2-3441 130r12 be- tween 7,80 and OM -CM, We have breed; intidlible4400soggy low it000 COMING EVENTS YOU'VE 'Nato THE REST, rim try the best for spareribs en( sauerkraot on Wednesday, Fri day and Saturday .evenings, Com Fiirmosa.: •cdl2/5 LEGION BINGOS 'will he held in the Legion Home on the firs floor every Pridey night, Spon sored by the Laclia Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, CErrb • CARD OF THANKS . •I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all the blood„ donors; Dr, B. N. corrin and Dr. M. Corrin -and the hospital, staff, -Airs. Clifford Hackett, • 3* • CARP OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, •jim •Curran and Nancy are deeply grateful• and wish ti+ thank all those who were so very kind and iyrpPathetic at the tirne of • their bereavement These many kiridnesses will long be remembered. 3b CARD OF THANKS wish to ,efprees, my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my committee meirillers and those who helped in any way to make the •centennial •celebrations at S.S. 8, Holmes' School a success. Special tharike to Robert Hopper for the yase of the •Royal T. -Percy King, chairman. '• CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my, sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all those who helped in any way at •the time of my recent bereavement, Special thanks to Branch 180 of the Canadian Legion,our neighbours, and the many friends who were so kind and thoughtful during the past • f've years. - Mrs. Norman Smith. ••3* .-WOTIC,E.TO citzpitoiRS IN THE ESTATES 'OF EMMA JANE HOWE and BEATRICE HELEN HOWE. ••' ALL PERSONS having claims against the estates of •the above rnentioned late of the , Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron; Spinsters, who died on the 15th day of August, 1933, and the 18th day .of •June, 1957, respectively, are re- quired to file proof of same with •the undersigned on or before 'the 20th day of July, AD. 1257. After that date the Administrator willproceed tO distribute the estate halling regard' only to the claims of whieh he'shall then, have had notice. DATED at Wirigbarn„this 27th day of Sone, A.D. 1087. Crawford & Hetherington, Winghanl, Ontario, Solicitors for the ,Adminiattakr,, 3,10:11h* NOTICE4 TO CREDITORS • AND OTHERS IN THE MATTSIR OF THE ES- , TATE OF ELEANOR - MARY , THORNTON, late of the' Village of BIttevale, Widow, •deceased, ,NotmE IS HEREBY •GIVEN pursuant to the -Triistee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against 'the Estate of -the late Eleanor Mary Thornton, are tecniired to....,send particulars Of their glair/is, duly verified to J. W. BUSFIFIELD, Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the 6th, day of July AD., 1957, and that after such date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets ,of the held Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. ; DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th, day of,.Tune, A.D., 1057. Solicitor for the Executora ./. W. PtisHFIzi.m, WIXOHAM, Ontario, 19,26,3b 'NOTICE TO outorrons TIIE ESTATE OF MARY JANZ REID • ALL PERSONS havirtg olefins akalnSt tile efitate of the above .riientioned,,, late Of the Of Wing -barn, County of atiron, VVId- oW, who died ote the 49th day of" May 195/,. are remitted tit; file Proef Of Seine With the tindereigned or befitire the tith day of July, 1957. After that date the eXeentora Will PrOgeedto diStribate the estate having' regard Only 'to the elating Cif Which they they 601 then haVe •had, iietice, • bAttila at Witighant thia• 13tli day' of;lune , 41)., 1991, OPAWPOftli & litrnitttMatON: yitinghorn,, Ontario, licitOra fO tne kieetattill lirt#:111I Su,ccessful Recital By Musk Pupils of Harold. Victor Pym The annual recital of the music Mils Of Harold Vietor Pym wei Presented in St. Andrew's PreSbY• terian Church on Friday evenirir mid flower deeorations, A good rowel attended the reeital an Bnleyed the fine performance, each Pupil. W. B, Conran acted a: •aliairman' for the occasion, Ttu following took Iva; Gride IT Piano ---Corrine Kieffer Bobby Lewis, Sally. Crawford Linda Green. • Grade III Piano -Jill ThOmPson, Georgina Kieffer, Barbara Krug, Jane Ann . - Grade IV Piano -Marjorie lVfof.' tett; Marjorie Kieffer, Elaine • Moffatt. • .„ • Grade V Piano -Dale Thompson Judith Wilson, Brenda Conron, Richard Scott, Kathleen Hodgins Grade VI Plano -Sandra Mac- ., Lennon, Nancy Fowler, 'Edith; Scott. Grade VII Plano -Marilyn Chem- ney, Karen Groskorth, Donna Os- borne, joan Colvin, Sharon Thomp- son, Catharine 'McDonald. , Grade VIII Pilmo-tMary Fisher,' Ann Ihrestem,, Dorothy CharrineY. Ruth 1od4ns, Sue Nesmith, Ruth Vecal goles-Dale • Thompson, Barbara Krug, Alar3ikae Newman. Vocal # Duet -Mary Fisher and Karen Groskorth. ' • Plan Duet -Marjorie Kieffer and Georgina Kieffer, Joan •Colvin and. Jane Ann Colvin, Brenda Conron and Kathleen Hodgins, Mary Fisher and • Karen Groskorth, Marilyn Chamney and Dorothy Chamney, Ruth Hodgins and Sue Nesmith. The choir of St. Andrew's served a delicious lunar to the pupils, - parents and friends at the con- clusion of the recital. Garnet Farrier Provided the plane, The proceeds of the collection were donated to the choir of St. An- drew's Church. . GREAT' PROMISE' • "The future holds great promise because twenty million Or more war babies will be. corning .of age within the next five years." So de- clared the president of the 34th an- nual convention of the InternatiOn- al Brewery Workers' Union. 'There are 5,000 new eases of al- coholism in Ontario every yeas- and • at least 5,million in the North Ain- erican continent -more than polio, cancer and heart disease combin- ed," said Dr, Gordon Bell recently,) in a speech' to the Rotary Club in Windsor. ' ,"If the ravages of alcohol in the country is to be halted and revers- ed, the pulpit and Sunday Sehool must, be reconsecrated to a militant doctrine of • total abstinence," the pronouncement of Dr, Andren, Ivy, chairman of the International Commlaiion for the Prevention' of Alcoholism, .•!zraiNE TO:CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE' Ort&BEL JAMIESON. • ALL• PERSONS having elan= against the estate of the • above mentioned late of the Township of Bast Wawanosh in the County of . r Huron, Widow, who died On the 7th day of lone, 1057, are required to file, proof of same with the UnderSigned on- or before the 20th day of July, 1957. After that date the • Executors Will proceed to diStribute the estate having rekard only to the .claims of which they shall then have had notice. / DATED at Wingharn thia 27th day of JOne, 195/. •' Crawford & Hetherington, ' Wirigham, Ontario, fOr the ExeCutors, 3,10,17h • NOTICE. TO CREDITORS/. ,XN TIM t STATE Or RUSSELL ERNEST HENDERSON, ALt ,PERSONS having claims againthe estate of the Shbve Mentioned, late :of the Township of •t,±'r!s ifi the County Of Itukon, •Partnet, `AO died on the -31st day of 1lay, 1957, are required to file proof of same With the tinder, signed en or before the 20th day of July, 1957, Aftet that date the Esecutot Will Proceed tti distribute the estate ,having regard only to, the elithitel a Which he Shall then have had notice. DA,TED at Whighard Oils twenty,. etightll 6.Y-0 June, •Orawfota-•at Hetherington, • Witigham, Ontario, . Itolieitort int the RoXeCtlf4. Hullett Ceinetery 100Years in Use AUBURN -Centenary serves *ere held at BMUS cemetery on the Base bipe, Hullett Township, ni Sunday at 7 P.m. George Raithby, superintendent ef the Trustee Board has recorded spine • historical facts about Ball's •lemetery, If was reported that the first bnrlal site in Rolled Township' was situatedin' Harold Sbrung's aid; :near, the junction of the Mill Road; Lind ..t,/.1,e Base Line, Iltillett• Twp.but .no. one- has any °Mel& reel*of it. The 'first land depignate,a • as Bali s..eernetery as purchased from the late William Ball; consisting of a half acre of lot '41, ''con`!' 11, Hullett Twp, The .contratting parties were grantor, grantees, David Reed, Joseph Fisher,Rdbert Shanntin; Richard Sprung and jOhn Heapy. The Price paid Was shillings., WitrieS'aes Co the deed were Rev. Amos Bradshaw and :John Ball on June 26,••,1857„ • " The first interment was Mrs. James Rapson on Sept. 16, 1857; The complete ',riOneher of•burials to date is 774. • The cemetery was later" enlarged lry•the 'purchase of Vh, acres more :tl'otn• pan, The trustees of the ,ehurch,,(Metho- dist Episcopal)' were Richard 'Sprung, William Ball (elder) Elijah Bennett, William •Syneington and William Bennett. • A xneeting of the plot holders was held in the cemetery June 20,' 1924, at whicll time seven trnstees Were appointecl consisting 'of Robert McGee, a Ellsworth Errott,'Williare Tat- terson, G if 'Ball, ',Jacob Wagner, Herbert Magridge' 'a,nd George Raithby, ' • On June 24; 1024, a'iraeeting of the Methodist Church board was held, presided over by ReV. p: B. Banes with. Samuel- Cox as secre- tary, when it was deicled to have the deed' transferredto the ceme- tery plot-. holders whiph deed was riegistered,•Aakuat 45; 194 .,.Acidi- tional, land .was purchased- from Frank Lensing': On the south and east aides ahOut.three...quarters of an acre for $40. 2 • In 1927, all 'iritere*eci people in the .community 'helped • in work bees to Put the grounds 'in order and, discard did railings and level the 'earth. A campaign ' to raise funds' 01.42,000 or over was or- ganized and the interest of this amount wOuld'keep the, grounds in order ; On '.:June j, 19, 1029 this amount was realized and repairs were: Made to the church, along with, the: groUnds. 'At a board meeting, on Decerriber 15,: 1953 it Was' decided to use alt itinas. de rived from anenierial 'services . to keep: the .ehureir in good% repair, The, first Of thede services - was held. july, 31, 1927.'Two legacies have been . " 4 recelyea.: by the board•diiring.the ,p4A4ing- Yeara: Miss ..,Jean and Mr, Harold :Turner of •V'eik" Jersey, $50. ; • ' •• Several changes: have been. Made' in-', the personnel Of the • board since the.7 Trustees were appoint ed in :June; 1924. On obtaining legal. • advice' it"• was foiind only three trustees were needed :to carry on the business, so at a Meeting on Jan. 23, 1928 a new beard, consisting' of G. L. Stiir,dy, Dr. C. A, ROWSCIEr V.S., and George Raithby Were elected, They .ceit- tinned In . ante Itintil May. 12, 1030, When Dr, Hmvson resigned because' bf ill health. • on „Tone 11, 1930. a E: Asquith tves appointed to fill the vacancy; On. June 23,. 1934, A, J. Phillips Was' apPoieted to 'vacancy caused by the death tif 0. X.; Sturdy. On February 41; 1957 Mr. George Raitliby resigned and Robert Arthur, wall appointed April 27; 195?, • ; • The teMeterk boards, have been florttinate in obtaining servieela 01 efficient SeCretery•-treaSurers.Oi January 18, 1998, K H. Dawson Was eMPloYed and introduced a .systeni In which the tairtutM itons are recorded Mr,„latert Moak and Mr, P. 0: McIveen folloWed and on July 16, 1.966 Mrs, c±'dOflH.. Taylor area appointed. IED •1160Eittfi,i-Mrs, Thomas Hebert.% • beloVed wife of thil late ThOntisS. .11.ot:tette in iVfeletit, .ldenitoba, oft „Monday, jruiie 24, 1957; in her. *4th year. Burial took plate In; :Regan% Cemetery, Manitoba,. She the' last of the fatally of tk� ISO Mt. tol4 Mrs„ -aoliti Mo forillOi* Of Titrilbeny; itattg „aopaer*s SPECK SERVICE MARKS CENTENNIAL OF BALL'S CEMETERY • AVAIJRN The fouoding Of Ot9i's Cemetery was eornmernorat- ed At • it centenary service last •Sunday evening when a large erel.Va of people gathered...at the; grunds InHullett Township for niehlOrtal Ser,itice, Rev, R, S; Hiltz of Afibiii•n.:..United Church .was T in 'charge, , With TVIP ;Robert J, Phillips presidingat rttie- omen, Owing to the inclemency of the. Weather the Service was held in 'the 'church, ancr.With the addition of the P ygeT many more 'heard the service in the grounds, •" Rev. R., S, Hiltz gave the.call,tq worship ; and then the , Doxology wail „sung, led by a choir, eoniposed of members from the Tonr church- es in: the village. Alter 'singing "Unto he pins", :Charles Z. As- quith, chairirian of trustee board, welcomed everyone ,He reviewed the history of "GodlitAcre• paying' great trfbute to the untiring, efforts of the retired superintend, mit, George Raithby. 'He' stated, the • financial., part of the ceme-' tery also In his reniarks he re; called the ,first ,memorial, service which: was held in 1927 An con neetion with the Old Boys Reohion held here and the speaker faii that occasion was 1Dr. (Rey) Austin Budge; .-a former Huron' County,. boy. •• The Lord's Prayer :was repeated. by all. The responsive reading, Psalm 90; was lea by John' Aguliari, the Baptlit:staident. The Westfield trio composed ;of Lloyd Walden, Harvey Lloyd ancl. Mor ray McDowell Sang "That C'Beautiful Land", accompanied by ji.fra.'Mur- ray MDowell Dr „(Rev.) William' Pingland - of Niagara Fails' read the • Scripture lesson and led' in, prayer.: The large, cheir;:. sang a, selection,: The offeriiig was ,receiv ed by William. Sttaugl4n.I. And Frank Raithby with lc:nig-handled. offering: plate; whichwere used 100 years' ago. ' After singing, 'Breathe .on Me Breath of od", Rev. Harold, Snell of 'Exeter, president, of the London Conference of the Milted, ChUrch, stated how Pleased he was able to help,. celebrate . this occasion with old 'friends and . neighbours and the greatest privilege One•ean have Is tobe able to serve Christ! He said he had spoken at the. ei•Vice July 2, 1944. ,He based his remarks ,on the gospel of John, which isa great help and hope, to „eVergone. He compared ear present button farming methods Withthat 01 eur oioneer' fathers. He stated 'Pat: the. statistics91.:3141: claimed 26 haiftlied- In Huron Ceinati:40, often .baS that ,rnany in his own Coipti•ekatiore in one 'toWn of Harrow; He closed his address by repeating a leuteiy, poem : "the Maitland River ValleY". r After tinging "Abide yvith Rev, R, 5. Hilts, pronounced the benediction. Friends, were present from Ncii•th' Bay, Ilderton,' Wind- sor, Guelph, Toronto, London Mid many other points, 4 Os lb• ON 10 a k* LEE'S TAXI 244 OUR SERVICE We never stop, including Sandays and Holidays. PHONE, 185 os um um no Ns Sturdily constructed of • tubular steel, Easily attached to any spring. Walker Homo Forolstilodo WittiNt tos •' BIRTHS BRAGG-To Mr, and Mrs. W, V. Bragg, (nee Joyce L, Dew), 549 Lawrence Ave., West, Toronto,. Son, RAndy Steven, FlOrMA3AGE11-In Wingharn Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, June 26, 1957, CO Mr, and Mrs. Carl Orjeburger, Tt.p„ •1, Blue-, :vale a don. • FISCHERT--In Winghain General Hospital, on Wednesday' June 26, •.1957; to..Mr,•and Mrs, john Iris - Mier, -Tees,•ter, a son, 'MAISONHIn Wingharn General lio0ital, on Thursday, June 27, 1987, tO,Mr. and Mrs. Gertion MisO!n, R.Ii. 9, Blyth, a dough - CAMPBELL -In Wingham • :el,ixosPiPal, on Saturday, June 29, 1957, to 'Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Ira Campbell, Hamilton, ,Ontario, a THOMPSON7--In Wngharn General kkisPital, on anday, June BO, 1957 to Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Mac Thompson, RR, 1, Holyroocl, " son. ROS,S,-In•'Whiglicini General Hos- .-Pited,:on Monday, July 1, 1957, .to ' Mr. 'and Mrs„ Elmer ROBS, Teas 'Water, slailghter, Winghani GerieTat Hospital. on TuesslaY jalY .2 1957 to M. and Mrs. Gordon Smyth R.3. 2, Auhurn, a, son, . MeLAUG1LIN7,-In Wingbem Peri eral Hoital; On Wedneaday 'July 3, 1957, to M, And Mrs Keith McLaughlin'"Wingham, daughter. ' • WHITEVIUR E. • Mrs, jetties Laidlaw, of Gocleri and Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Laidla and family, of London, .spent th week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Eire Laidlaw of Whitechurch. , Mr. and. Mrs, Edmund Irwtn o Goderich, visited on Sunday at th bonne. of his brother, Mr,. HMSO Irwin. • Miss Winnifred Farrier, ef Tor onto, is spending her holidays wit her parents, Mr, and Mra. W. Farrier. BLUEVALE Guests at the'C..H. Nukes hom over the week -end were Mr, an Mrs. German' and son 13ill, M and Mrs. Patterson, Toronto, M 4r'd Mrs. 1-1, Horn of Listoyvel. •*Hullo Folks! Are 17 oi4,A cowboy Driver?. • • It has always' seemed obvious to me that the eowboy driver, the. smart Mee and the jack -rabbit starter will get fewer 1ail0 tothe gallon than the easy and more cautious driver. But after all I thought, the cowboy gets Where hes' going - Raster, and maybe it's worth it. I. never knew, until I got the results. of some engineers' tests the other, ilay, hew expensive it is to be 'a cowboy behind the wbeel and how little you get in return. • These engineers sent two identical cars over the same route through it city, °ire driven by an • easy driver, WhO didn't plan away from stop signs like he Was shot from a gtin, and the other driVen by the sort of jack -rabbit you see on the streets every day. , The easy driver got 60 percent more miles to a galion of gas. That really surprised me - 60 percentt rt for i-nstance, the cowboy was getting 12 miles to the gallon, the easy driver was getting •19.2 miles. • as• And the easy driver sacrificed almost nothing " in return for his greater economy. His•average, ,LORNE McDONALDspeed Was 2. percent lege than the cowboy's,. and his time on the road to go the same distance • was only 2 ,percent mote. When it Ureic the cowboy po minutes , to go a' certain distance, the easy driver did it in 30.6 minuteis- tancl.stived•411.1 that gas. • - All:the 'weer and tear 'an the nervous system of being a cow- -.toy driyer'Seems hardly worth it. ;Ira" certainly not averth it in terms of engine Wear and tear. he .Sigua: of khe &Obey .driver soon show un:ip a eilr, thitt's *by we ;take extra care in looking over the cars that 'are rent in to us for resale. , • • , inuCh brefer to take the cal' of an easy driver, • Let the cowboy go stick someone else for his Worn out 19.14 04. VA4-44064t4.4,1 CrOSSEli _31010/* 5/9,LE,5 S'ERV/CE 1,04946tia F HONJ BUSINESS and. PROFE$51.0.NAL -01R.tC.IQRY • A. II. McTAVISII BARRISTER; SOLICITOR and NOTARY FUBLIC "TEES -WATER ONTARIO telephone 23 TeesWater " WrOxeter-Bvery Wednesday „ Afternoon, 2,--4 or by appoltansent, Frederick F. liontuth R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. • rtirs. Viola H. /Wolk R.d, • oPmattgemsts • , /SONE 118 • Hatriston, ,,Ontario ! silamelmomm. CRAWFORD &• HETHERINfiTO • Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Wingluun, Phone el. II. CRAWFORD, 44 R. S. HETIIBRINGTON, Q. a • J. •IV MISHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solieitor; Notary* Money to Loon Off itte"Meer Block, Wingh WELUNfiTON FIRE • insurance Company Est. •I840 An ail Oanotthin Compony WhI hos inithfully served it Dont holdets foe over si century. Head Office toronto IL a MacLean Insurance Agin Whighani