HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-07-03, Page 1Inetelletion of new Officers Was the' ehief item of ;business' when the Lions Club. 'met ale Brutrawick on Friday perening, un- der the chairmanship of .reeiring president Whitney 'Groseeze,GUeste Were John Crawford• and 'Dr. James Hell, of Poet Celbearieaa TWo minutes' silence, -"wee .ak- ..eerVed 'memory of LiOn Norahan 'Smith, Whose death ocourrece'dur= ing the previens week. A letter of appreciation Was 'Teed 'from the Salvation 'Army, for assistance re- ceived ,during the Red Shield eam- Paign. , • N. T. Cruickshank, chairmenaof The Frontier Days. committee, ;re ported' on the pregress which has been made to Treasurer Norman,Welwood pre- sented, his annual report.' Twelve members of the club received'pins • At least eleven town PrOpert100 are .to come "under the hammer" at ,a ,tata sale to be held in Wing- ham later this• year. This As the logical conclusion. to a motion passed at Tuesday night's meeting of the Wingham town council, in, streicting Mayor R. E, McKinney to issue a warrant for a tax sale. The decision was made alter the council had examined a list of • tax, arrears, compiled by Town Clerk William A, Galbraith, which total- led more than, $204 000. The Warrant, once issued, gives the council the legal right to sell , properele,s on which, town taxes haye 'not been fully paid during the Test three years or mere: OFFICERS INSTALLED: a.LIONS.MEETINU TREE FLATTENS CAP' 4 John.Pettison, pr, i,,,ost of Wingham Bear He of the Canadian Legion salutes before tee e•notaph on' Sunday afteraoon. Octineades , from': thirteen. Legion branches gathered here for, a 'drip-ahead service, in • conaecticin with the Turnberry ,Township. Following the .cenotaph service the parade park.—Advance-Times -photo. , 'Centennial • celebretion. continued to 'the, own. is kuialgainited Prrie Videt'te and Wroxeter News wistaiww, opitARK!,,InuNzsDAy, Jim* 8r11, 1#1117 unci lins for . . rilliatlt sunshine, gay crowds, .military bands and a sparkling array of floats, set the seal 'en Turnberry Township's Week-end, of rejoicing on Monday when the township's centennial ,parade turned' Wingham's main street ipto an avenue of color and gaiety. ' . An estimated crowd of 6,000 lined the streets to watch'the two-hour- long parade of clowns and cars and decorated wagons follow the Kitchener 48th Squadron Engle- eers' Bugle Band. along Josephine Street and into. the town park for • Family Leaves f©r 3 Years in. France -.Sgt. and Mrs, L, Schroeter (nee 'Nora Finlay) and daughter, Karen are...leaving London, Ontario oh July 12th and sail on. July 18 from Quebec for Metz, France, 'to spend three years. The family gathered an London at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Easterbrooke (nee 'Betty Fin- lay) for 'a picnic before their de- parture for France, • "holiday a program 'under master-of-ecere- monines Johnny pre*, , Guest apeakers at the park Were Mayor R. E, McKinney, of Wing- ham; , Marvin Howe, M.P., Wel- lington-Huron; John W. Hanna:, M.P.P., Huron-Bruce; Warden Harold' Gowdy, of 'Huron; and, R.' G, Bennett, • associate director' of extension, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, The centennial got off to a fine start on SatelidaY when , every school in the township put Out the welcome mats to past pupils and friends front many parts of Canada LEGION PARADES TO CENOTAPH AIP HOME Mrs, 'Walter Speng ,lean, Paisley; e henna to friends at a trousseau tea oniVedriesday,...lulY 10th, feorn 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon and from to' 10 in the evening, Wingham friends dre Cordially 'welted, „ . • I ENOAdElatift piggins,'Of wish to announce the err- gagernent of their. •Mitighter, Mild- red qiatlys to Mr, Lloyd IMeponaid, ieh'Of and Mee AleX McDere- Ha Teetwateto•The riage to. take `Algae •Jai:Y:24th in Itinnt United Militia BelgraVe; at ' !13.b SePtcreiher., 'PRESIDENT JACK REArEi for 100 per, cent attendance" during the past year and special pins went to Don Nesmith and Whitney Grose for perfect attendance for 10 years. Chairman of the Mem- bership committe,e Lion Bill 13ushe field received a key, membership pin in recognition of his efforte in securing 'new, members for, the club. Officers Installed Lion Bill Tiffin , officiated . for the installation of the following officers who will haVe cnarge of the club's activities' for the year 1957-58: Lion Tamer, Harry Mc- Arthur; Tail TwiSter, DeWitt Miller; Directoes, one year, R, E. McKinney, Floyd Blakely; two years, Bill. ,Currie, Murray 'Mac- Lennan; third vice-president, Bill Cruickshank; second vice, Wilf Crawford; first vide, Bill •Conron; treasurer, Norm 'Welwoo,c1; secrea tary, Lee Vance; president, lack Reavie. The retiring president, Whitney Grose, was ' presented with, his past "president's pin and the incom- ing president, Sack Reavie, took over, The fOrmee extended his thanks to all members of „the club 'for their support and "assistance during the past year and wished the clab :every success in the future, The new president ''asked for the co-operation of every Lion in order to make the eoming year one of the, best in* the club's his- tory, The question of thariging the night of . meeting ;Was brotight , iip,' and aftr some discussion it, was decided that when the regular meetings comenenee in September the meetings -will be held, oh the second and fourth Mondays of each month, rather than ett rriday evening*, as hits been the custom fOr some'years. The change has been Made necessary beeause of Friday night opening. in *the local stores. Friday, evening's Meeting was ; ' 'the final session 'before the sure- Pier Vacation, The next Meeting Will be' held tile' second Meadity Aj.000.." TIK' MAIN'.' ;DRAG' B grit.. rows. keirocill• CONTRACT—Wilfred White, has. 'the ,Plantritet, to.erect two new Station buildings for the C'SPe", one WhIghara and. the Other at Walheetop, Both baildinge wlil repladc Older .struptares, and ineboth cases the railway ,will re- kbri,dgeof whiele, are at pre- 'Rent required to ca'ry its lines *Crowe rivers' in the two. ;townie 'The work on the Wieightem station started, Una 'Week at the site,-just th of the, teeeine.on the town's. them outskirts. I • 0 - 0,- 0 ( + SKIM RESPONSE—The local • Legion, -is somewhat disappointed. With the response to their' appeal f br 'blood 'typing ,'volunteers on. Ineediey, arid Thiirsday evenings of lb*. Week.' Only about 1,50 Public- :aPirited„folks showed up, As a r6- there are teatative plane to repeat the typing clinic' at the heispital ; again an the fall. HOME''e-N o r m WelwOod Old John Cruickshank were backin town last week after, a week in Algonquin leer*, ,where ,the•fialis didn't prove too, Ota,oPera- tiVe..Slim Boucher and .hia. boys fired. hetter, in "New Brindrwick altheugh complains that 'they' dithete really get any .jelg trout, They Were all' aboan !„15e"inehes,; That's the ,kind: of talk that can geera guy,a'poke on tide head. ' a e 0 - 0 ee, • -.SPORTSMEN TO MEET—The' regular meeting of -the Wingham Sportsmen's, Club Will be held at the .Legicin, hong at .8.00 next Mona day evening; July „k The . Meeting, wad"postponed., from ;JJAIY.1-§ti due to the holiday, KEEP 'EM FLOATING—With entree wonderful; Turaberey Totten; floats going along .the main drag on. lifcinday.we „couldn't help thinking how lite it would be if they,•were to_ remain in good ,ehapo' for our own -;Froritier Days cele- brat(ons which will he :coming up it the; endeere.neXt .112210., Perhaps, or the buUders of Teirititetrer's 'floats Would', consider' leaying theni jtist the way they are for rWelignerh'erannual celebration. FOOTBALL - 'CONTINENTAL . STYLE—We hear that several in- terested Sportemen are considering forming ,a soccer' team in Wing- liana 'If enough players .of the *One can' be thend in town we Might to see some good games at the park '.since there are several cial*relties:,s'OCcer, teams in , this sebtion-bt• Ontario.. • ° • 6 - - ' 'fS=1<' tota"made a Wet: bige splash' , on Wednesday aft,00:6Ore,:when the Lions wading pool',, in. the park,` was filled' with water and then, with cnildren for the Juntmer.• A, large number of parents were on head to see the f Mrs.-Roy Hastings -Pre;senied Before, Leaving School On Friday, Mrs. Margaret Has- tine terminated 17 years' service hs teacher at Powell'' School. As Margaret Ross, Mee Hastings serv- ed from 1921-24 and later from 1943-57.' .; On Wednesday afternoon, the Helier; of No. 9, Wingham Junction 'On pare) and Zetland gathered at the, school to honor her, After a thing-song, MreallaStings was call- to the, froat and ,While Doris 1 read an address, Goldie Gal- ay and Brian Hogg peesented f er with an arborite step-table and ' lamp. • 'Hastings made a Oultable reply and a social period 'followed, • NOTICE :Customers having watched At George Williarris' repair,counter in Mason's Book Store are asked to kindly pick up same-at 'the earliest , dons/entente F3" and daughter at Wingham ,a0entell ...hal: been :Ole,' elderilig a tan sala,:nfOr, several 'Mohths, in an effort to celleet large sum• outstanding; but ;'Tees day's, decision to 'haye-the, mayor. . issue warrant far the sale., puts an end to, any "further delay, on, this matter, and sets in , of- ficial' wheele foe tlieeptileiie.,:sele ,o all properties with 'arrears ,ef. tax- • Nekt ., step bewares the tax: sale. will , be theini'ettiore of a series Of, acitiertistMents in the :local news- paper . and he .theeoftk:ial. Ontario Gazette annottricing'e ttre:tex These •ads,,arili .run "iii of weeks to, enable peopeetY own- era to make good °their entistand:- , ing taX•payments. At, ithe end ,of this time,i iprop4ty:.still'.witii901K " 'Pleatiettueirto page 'Cix . • Ken johnson'Js , Division Manager:'.; ' Kennetiti• johrtsop, a 4 fcil'iMir resident.' lief. Winghame ;and sort of Mrs, • Mabel 'Johnson': and they late Murray johaean,..hati . been 'air-, pleilited, to a new position with the National ''IlltMie; of Detroit,_ He has been', been', nained divi ion "manager 'for bushiese loans:J4 'the 'hahles piSta=, loan Department:'Peic4aterleis peee' motion Ken Was eetiectitl'ituthorizer inathe same depertinent."'.., • ' ' He joined the 'staff: of the hank in 1952, .Mr'. arid ;Mee Johnson re- side in;Birminghiina;:.Mieh.' AvVardS 'Presented . To P.5.:Studerils' Classes „at •,the ,Mingbam 'Public School. prosedz on,,Frid4r;'..!or the summer', .; vacatean., At:411e. same time .* waa...!anrinuneek 4 that the 40 marks • iii:; Gienore: ';1219' • boo on yeriet 'Week, had...Jetta (won. ;by Ruth lIecigine, ,daughter ,:of; Mr. nna ; Mee. Charlee.:Hadgtree.. 'The. Lions genera!: Proficiency award was 'won hy.,,Spe Nasrhithe daughter aef, and: Mrs C. Nesmith: . Befcire the :ejoeing" of the terra two teachers, Who afealeavirig the public echool stiff; were presiented with gifts when ..the:!etaff was entertained ett :,home e of ;Mrs.' Jack -Alexander: :.The,' were "Miss' Garen , Howe` Franbes, Walker, ,!The: tech 'it the RCAF, ntibliid',i0toeil Ceri. tralia: after the ,estrinip,ereVecittion. To Hold Inquest Next'Sattifday • An inquest into the •; death of Russel E, Hendei`sOri, Who died in a fire at his hinne On Friday, "May. 31st, is to be held the Wingheen town hall on Saturday, July 6th at 10,30 am. ' , . The inquest will be conducted by Coyonei Da, W." A„'Crawford,• of Wingham. ' =• OfSTITINDS TO ACCIDENTAL Into• the death of ouglaa aksOmore was elendaetati by 'Carnage Dr, W, A, Crawford iii Wingham town nap• on Sakt4.- Atutini, the, witnesses were . Pr; ,,Pennisten, of :Stratford, .pro; Yinelal pathologist, and Mr. Flames; of the'Electrical.: Employers” seeiatien, • Telerate, The Juiv, after hearing- the • dance, round that Douglas Ca. More 'died as the result of- elecerea entiene • .They were in agreerT104 that the cause O. death wok tiet didental. and that no blame eoFt . be attached .,to any person or ganizatien: ' • .1. . The following recommendation were ,made • by the fiee-Man. jetia 'under, the, foremanship 'of Ncirente . elWood; That linemen use leacha:. er gloves;' as suggested hy..tpe$if ectrical •Flin.plbyers' Association, ;,a all times, when working With lo Yoltagenlecteleal sYsterne..• ' 'That. a daily lnariection. of belt gloves and other safety egaiperient, be made by scene senior-Man charge and that the "Public- Titilia ,x:)trielie:0;:Ceroysni..:.smafis;70 47sipvmideen all;0771o, That it ehtight ;be a good policy to have peoppectiveeeMPlOyeeetinee dergce ,examination :lie-? fore :they aee.hieed, The following Wingham laner,i; were on the fury,:- Norman wood, ',Herbert A Fuller; E. 'Edigi;, . , . • • • hafferi' Gorden' Robinson, S. 4. • Scott. ' WILL SET ;$TANDARD, FOR. -BOARVINh HOMP: :kneel/incite.' committee hase beek appointed by the minister ese ,weee fare Hon la P. Ceeile,.Q.C:, • t"tee;eA tablish standards 'under at,rehjeli bearding ,hoines may be opereeeede for children. Al Th6 , 'Boatcliiig Horn Acteereilabee* paesed -.in, the: Weaiit came into, force on July •lst; calls for Atm registratiote ande liceneing of boarding hemp an which, there are Ellie 'ore More children; The comniittee. has been appointed, to establish, the iequireiheatslIa such homes; regarding health arid safety facilities, 'staff, ' diet, education, religiOus ,instructiOn, etc. The'cOrnmittee is: headed by Miss Bessie Touzel; executive director of the Ontario Welfare Council, Other Members are Miss Gwen" Daven- port; director of the Armagh Girls' Home ,Eit.• Oakville, Rev.: Swithin Bowaree director .of the school of social work, St, Patrick's 'College, Ottieyee, Pettey Wenger,,publisher of eThe.,:Advance-Times at 'Wing- • ham and Jack Johnston, reeve of Monck' Township in ;the district of Mirsiceicae „Theeininister of welfare emphas- ized- th,efacathat there is no desire on the part of the department to insist. on • any requirements for these homes Which will . create hardships "for those who are oper- ating them With the best. interests of the children at heart. However, he pointed out :that certain basic standards must be maintained for the protection of the children who are boarding in such homes. The committee will study the question of , standards ' and bring its report to the minister within a few 'weeks. More than 160 children are attending a two-week, daily vaca- tion Bible school 'course Which was begun at the WinghamUnited Church, on Tuesday of this. Week. This is the third year in which the course has been held and it has grown in popularity with every year. The attendance figure has jumped from about 84 in 1954 to Mrs. Fisher Was First White Girl MrsaPeter Maher, a native of Wingham, and the fleet white girl born in the young settlement, died at her home in Paisley on Tues- day of . this Week. She was 91 years of age, Ahe was a daughter' of the late Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Fisher, her father being one of the famous Fisher brothers who started the town's earliest industries in what is now Lower 'Town, At one time ,the oPerated a grist Mill, woollen mill'aria sawm ill, an,a em- Ployetle a large staff of warkete, Their Imams were immediately smith 'of the second bridge, Mrs. Fisher had , resided in Paisley for Many years, She is survived by one sister; Miss Cora L, Fisher Of ?Maley., Twenty Persons Donate 'Blood , . , and the United States, At every school, against a back- ground• of blackboards, chalk 'and fading photograpns, groups of people could' be seen laughing, talking and reviving Memories of the days gone by, and Turnberry Township people, like nine-year-old TOmmy Powell and 94-year-old Mrs. Arthur Shaw, were, united in a friendliness that, 'bridged the years sand brightened the school- 'houses more vividly than all the flags and banners could do. Overcast' skies on 'Friday gave ,way to• weak, sunshine on Saturday this' year's record of 163. General supervisor of the two- week Bible school is the Rev. D. J. MacRae, minister of the United, Church. Beside Bible study the course features sing-songs, outside games and handicrafts and refreshMents are served by the ladies of the Church to the children. At the end of the course a parents' night is to be held on Friday, July 12th, The school caters to children of all denominations between the ages of 8 to 10. In the beginners' de- partment, for children from three years, to five, the little ones are looked after and instructed by Mrs, L. Hutton and Miss K, The primary children, from 6 to 8, are under the care of Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Mrs. William .Conron Mrs. D. Cameron and Mrs, la, 3, Mae- Rae. A staff of six ladies look after the juniors. They are Mrs, H. Burrell, Mrs, Congram, Miss C. labister, Mrs.A. Thomson, Miss B. , Edwards and Miss M. Edwards. of Dattphih, Manitoba, The ladles 'in all the departments are Assisted by Wingham District High Micro], boys anti girls who help to ihstrect and supervise the , children in their studies. The host are in the charge of Mr, Ross Vegan. Registrar is Mrs. E. McBurney. TIM song-leader is Mrs, torrin and the, PlariTht IS Mrs. 0,:Davidson, The hierhberee of the kitchen ete# are Mts. ,Zitrbrigg, Mee Ts Jtiedire, tenhett and Mit, .DeVV`itt 4.4iF:alo t4.:* 1:4,11.4;V:-' • '.',...c./..I.Sr :A.: for the school eel:Piens. Sunday, the day of the Canadian. Legion drumhead service; an' event. which , attracted many 'people fremeTtireae berry, saw bright sunshine.' and few clouds in' the sky. On Monc16y ' it looked as though AleX Corrigan had' made a.° few arranileinents on, the side with the weatherman, be- cause all the clouds had disappear- ed, there .a ge'ntle breeze to, rustle the flags and brilliant . tanshihe Was the 'order of the day: Monday's parade was e .t.-rieerien-• dads success for evetyone ednc-ein- el and 'especially for. Alexetorri- gan, Whosa task it, ee to" assemble and arrange theparade order.. The success he .achieved. could be easily measured in the smooth prOdession of some $6 entries every one a Mas- terpiece :of high merit which =Pet be given , the juidges, Harvey John- ston, Clinton; Herb Arkell, :Tea- water; Dave "Thompson, Lucknow; Mrs. Robert Gibson, Pordwich' and Mrs. Arnold Darroch, 'of Clifford, . quite a problem. Judges for the parade were. Harvey Johnston, of Clinton, chair:, man; Herb Arkell, of Teesvveter'; Dave 'Thompson, of Lucknow; Mrs. , Robert Gibson, of .t'ordwich; Mrs. Arndld Darroch, of Clifford, Following are the results: Township, school float, Glenan- han School, Lane's School and Gil- , mourt School, Best representative float—Wing- ham Legion Branch 180 and Elite: vale W.I. , Best horse drawn float— Eph- riam Parrish, Norman Ross arid Turnberry School, Board. • Beet comic float — William Mun- dell and Harvey' Reidt; Fred Lewis', Turnberry 4 H calf club, Best old fashioned float—Holmes' School, Kirtolas Schaal and Si' Moffatt, • Best decorated car Rate Hoffman, of Bluevele. Best old, model car e-2 1e.obill Campbell, of Wingham, 1Y-est • decorated bevels — Freda Lett; of Wingham, Best decorated tricycle — Macy Sellers, of Mates Township. Best doll buggy — Candice Paxton, Julie Vbxtbri and P.' tumid .kieffet.; I A variety ebueett and darte wound up festivities Monday night ln Wingham Community, Centre, Prizes for the old fashioned tos. . thine dance were Mr, anti Mrs, 'Jack Meliturneyr. V.P4 1, .Wings liton, $15 for Sirsti Mir: old Mrs. Norman Hops,. Alt, 1, Wifightan, OA 2nd e Me, Otlette Kieffer' arid 'his daughter, trd Iiiiiel 'of OM, TweiliY blood tlpribre Were called to the Witightun General koppital to give blood this weep, anp official A 198/ ,Vorti dar,,-;"bt0oOltinttoto Martiny ,was flattened on Saturday of a large trek limb, or the"01°1 stared. 131e.•'do" , ,,• 4 red fee tranS- taro oteby ',he gallk4titee.tVinds; tell across the 'parked ante on Frances St, Fortunately no one was in tiene were /tan the oar at the thma'thl„tha Mishap,. " —AdVallee-Tlinee photo, fusions, 160 Youngsters Register For acation Classes 111 s -