The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-06-12, Page 12Members of the Huron County Council visited Win gham on Monday on the first stage of a two-dae
of county roads and knstallations. The 33-member council lunched in the Hotel Brunswick with memberr
Of the Wingharn town council. Pictured here with Mayor R. E. McKinney, of Wingham, third from left,
are, ReeVe R, Adair; Deputy Reeve J. Kerrd Warden Harry Gowciy; Wingham' Town Clerk W. A',
Galbraith and. Harvey Erskine, county clerk-treasurer.—Advance- Times photo.
(The following curs for 0T4
drinkers Was eentrebuted to uq, by
a local tam eg.nipmentAvair, ff9
declined to pay whether or not he
had tested 'the )Pract!Cr)
If you cannot absolutely refrain
from drinking start a .saloiin in
your own home, Be the ofilY cue-
tomer and you will not have tq
buGyivae liyeeonuse ' .
e ,to
gallon of whiskey. There are 128
snorts in a gallon '(U.S. gelleqt—
do not know •numbee 4f snorte in
Canadian gallon), Buy., ale :your
drinks from your wife at foe a shot
end in four dayti, when the gallon
is gone, yonr wife will heve $$,9:20
to put i
the ntitl getblalo7. and- .$1"0 to buy ;another ,
If you hie ten Years and bay 'all
your booze from • Yaw. :and
then . die With snakes in youe:
boots, ,She will have .$35,750.40,. on
deposit — enough. to • bury you"
respectiVelye' bring up your child-.
ren, buy a house and a hit,. Marry
a decent man, and forget .iffe'ever
knew you.—Exeter-Tienee „Advo-
SOund'een Saturday:
.litelsecIfity•re :'wedding„, etifswen
Deig .ttnd Me. John..
Doi g, -of leelmore •'attended` the Atd, ;
w.,..sowa,.each.. night
Firiet at 7'.10 -
, June 13-1445
"burly, 146111'4Y% • Paul Douglas „
rY reniiisiletis comedy taken from
: -the Broadway play.
one 1'00e Wed., June 1748719
..Theatre eloped .
County Council On rCiUr sorWinginaM. Adrianee44190.0,,Wealnoinia,rt.•4nne.'44104n.
Packs Bale
k ,Tvitlft
tiunday Sn4oni
si.ineinliednor th!
PooipTi mn?tins at 1,00 1°1".
*iiglyWhill1440V4010.0E at al Om •
otyri, 1kIlnting anomiho! Study
ROWICH.---The annual Sta-
unton 'Wee' held 'Saturday In
Wieh,,With a geed attendance.'.
Jeer ,was reeved in the corn
Hity hall about 1.2.$0. During
afternecin races, contests and
bail game were held at the fair
et,inilde, while some older folk
t:eireind and enjoyed a social
14C Pries were given. for
ir Oldest' pereen, AU, Win. Seth-
ilk; pereenS coming the farth-
t, Mr. mid Mrs, W. Campbell of
oa;to; couple Married longest,
Ili; Min:s.'El.dsd.1710.e4rusndel, Kitchener;
marrhieeall Armstrong; recently
leiegest, child, Randy Petzniele,
4'./Pf Mr: and Mrs. Petznick,
p?tri4.'St„.;, Whmthro
WHITCOMB Mrs, Jasper Snell and baby, o:
'Westfield, were in London on Mon
ligicilers 'Contest,
aRt ficensall
Friday•, June 14th
,••for the „
Haulm"! 1nsnonr of, Commerce
Groups, Meet' -
P1-4TINVAL,fe-Nfrs. R. J, Mc-
Murray, president of the Pineville
Preebyterien prepided at,
the June meeting in the .Sunday
School room of the church, Sec-
retary Mrs. Niphol read the
Ininutes and eerrellOondenee. Boll
tell was.answered with a verse Of
SeriPtare starting, with the letter J.
The Horne Helpers.' rpept(ng will
be held at the home of Mrs, Glenn
Galley, July 3. E ach jnenelber is
asked to being a home helper, Mrs,
(Rev.) AVilliarne will be the guest
epeaker. , •
Those 'Whe ,attended the Moles-
Worth Presbyterial spoke very
highly of the , Meeting. Prayer.
Was given by Mrs. lidy, Purvey,'
The offering, was, received and
Mrs, W. Smillle 'gave' the dedicat-
ory prayer, Mrs. B, Thomas pre-
sided for the, topic, Mrs. G, Snell
read the Scripture leeson and Mrs,
B, Thomas chose as her topic
"Twc Women of the Bible, Eunice
and Lois", which expressed the
careful training• given to Timothy
by his mother, Eunice, and his,
grandmother, .emphasizing
the importance of 'training in the
life of a child, The meeting closed
with prayer .,by Mrs, Thomas.
Mrs, Harry Elliott preSidecl for
the Ladies' Aid, meeting and Mrs.
Wm, Mundell gave the minutes.
A. committee of Aire. E, Niehbl,
Mrs. R, MelVfierray and: ,Mrs, G,
Snell . Was named to: get 'definioe
Information about a booth in the
Wingham park on Monday,. July 1,
for the TurnberrY Centennial.
Mrs. H. Elliott, Mrs. W, Mundell
and Mrs, 13:Moffatt:Were named a
xmimittee to make arrangements
refreshments to Abe served at
;he Centennial service,, Further
fiseussicin was made for the bazaar
to be held in the fall. ,
Shower Held
For Bride-Elect
FORDWICH—Miss Nancy Soth-
ern was hostess on Friday night
for a miscellaneous shower for
Miss Phyllis Keith, bride-elect of
this month. The girls :took part in
making a bride's .book: There was
also a mystery hunt, in which
Phyllis found tanned goods hidden
around the house. She received
many lovely gifts, ford which she
thanked everyone. Lunch was
served by the hostess, assisted 'by
her mother,
FORT:MICH Mre, Aninersen
Hargrave Was hostess for the June
meeting of the W.A. Of the Angli-
can Church with the Pres., Mrs.
Ruby Foster, presiding, The Scrip"
taro reading was taken by Mrs,
Emenersert Ferguson, The roll call
Was answered ley 18 members and
6 visitors giving their favourite
hymns, , Two readings were given ,by Mrs,
Frank Ithesell,Mrs. Crosby Sothern
gave a reading oo, the founding of
the W,A. Final arrengements Were
ramie for, the garden party.
During the afternoon a boy?
bale was packed and will be sent
to Cerdston, Alberta, The mem-
bers: deckled 'tq dispense with the
July meeting and Mrs, Cora Brears
will be hostess for August meeting, II•tifehener, Rev, Frank Russell closed the 47,4t evas decided to hold the re- Meeting with prayer. Lunch was
P,ione agein next year the second Served by the hostess assisted, by tuirdaY in June, the place to be Mrs. Stan Forester,
tided later, Two minutes silence
,as, observed in memory of mem-
et! who hdd passed away since
/en. reunion, A telegram was
celyed from Mrs. Eunice Harris
^:Colongey, Sask., regretting she
*5 'unable to attend,
-e: The election of officers for
.58 then took place, They are as
flow : Pres,, Roy Hartman, Gew-
anetown; 1st vice, Victor Gibson,
Veteveel; prese, Roy Hartman,
owaeStown; 1st vice, Victor Gib-
Akn, 'Listowel; sec,-tress., Mrs.
figle• Simmons, Fordwich; Sports
ielnm., Everitt Allan, Bob Hol-
land, Eddie Monde], and Lyle Sim-
*nese ?lunch comm., Mrs. Everitt
ile1.1?n,• .Mrs. Roy .Simmons, Mrs.
elieirinaee Wade,
4;Siipper was served at five bring-
ing:the afternoon to a close.
,B.A Entertains
O IONNYBROOX The ladlady brought 'in a plate-
Congratelations to Mt. and Mrs.
H, M. Bride, wiipe one Wedneeday,.
June 5th, 'celebrated'. their', 58th
,weclieleg ariniVetearye Their -were
entertained'to dinner at' the home
,of their son; Mr. Stan Bride' and
Mrs. Bride.
Week-end visitor's with Mr, and
Mrs. Everitt Allen, were Mr: 'and
Mes. Bob Holland and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mundel,. all of
..,sting Ladies :4F9RDwicu3—The LOBA lodge
en the Grange Hall for their
one meeting. Mrs. Freda, D'arcey,
was in charge. After the
'business was dispensed with the
ladled.. entertained members from
ffialtheeston » and. Gerrie lodges,
'there• being 3$ present, Contests and
teCnies 'Were enjoyed, tfter which
ei,delimous lunch was served by the
Wedding Saturday
FORDWICH — A very pretty
wedding took place at Trinity
Lutheran Church, Kurtzville, which
was decorated with bronze mums,
fern and spruce Saturday at three
o'clock when Joan Marguerite,
Demerling, became the bride of
Jelin Wilding. Rev. R. E. Scholz
performed the ceremony. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ansen Demerling, of Fordwich and
rEnsolTo ;pENsiok,
041* Life.
Ai glcan Guild
ful of 'extremely thin "slices Of
bread which dismaYedeleet'ikun'gryt
men boarders. "Did yeti eat these,
Mrs. Brown?" asked
"Yes, I cut them," 'was: the Stern
ldleari.i,,ht," said
Locknow Ivlan Digger
while..di#ging'post list
Thursday; Williazn
Luclinow, almost
0,14114;Atteeecilt, ir
2 f
right foot when his leg became en-
tangled in the machinery of the
post hole digger, ,
He was adMitted .to the Wing7
ham General Hospital and iater
transferred to it London hospital
for treatment.
Mr...and Mrs. -Oliver Smith of
Ripley and M a r. nd, Mrs, Clarence
Allie of Colborne were ' Sunday
visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Efardy and family., '
Mr's, Olive Allen of Clinton spent
the week-end with' •r. ,and Mrs.
R. Cha?nney. 'a• •
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Rutledge
of Goderich spent a ,few days last
week With Mr, ' and Mrs, J. R.
Thompson;. and•Howard.'and Sun
day visitors at 'the same home in-
cluded, Mr. \arid MrseChaa. Searle
and son, of Kineaidine.e
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney
and daughters were Sunday visi7
tors with Mr, ,,slid Mrs.' liff Hen'-
derson and family ;at ,KipPen.
Frank :Coulter met with a pain- Mrs, Wrn Purdon and baby ful injure, to a finger on his left Carey Dale, arrived home free
hand on Friday while working at Wingham Hospital on Saturday*
the Gaunt eaw-mill, He Was ,
Mr, and Mrs,. John. P,nrcion ant in g load heavy lumber, using lea, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zinn', an they mitts, 0when the finger was
jammed. Although the mitt was family visited; on Tuesday witl
not split open, it required eight. Me. and Mrs, Kenneth Purdon
Ihorndale, stitches to close the wound on Ms
finger, Mrs, Sam Morrison, Mr. am
Mr, and' Mrs. Lawson Majury Mrs. Melvin Morrison and Mr. an,
and Yvonne, and her father, Mr., Mrs. Gordon Morrison were •a
Thos. Kerry, of . Paisley, spent 'Caledon where they abtende,d
Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Albert , wedding on Saturday.
Coultes, Mr. Kerry stayed to 'visit 'The folloWing from this diAric'
'for a few weeks here. ' took in the bus trip to Detroit of
Rev. and Mrs; . O. 0. CoX. and Tuesday, Mrs, Ruseell 'Rose, Mr
family are moving at the end of and Mrs, Jos. King, Mrs.' Edware
June, from Fonthill, where they McClenaghan, Mrs, Robt. Purdon,
have 'been for eight years, to Oak-• Mrs, Jos, Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs
land, near Brantford. `George :Walker, Mrs. Howa re
Mr. and Mrs„ Clark' McGregor -j Walker, Mrs. Roy. Pattison, Mrs,
and sons, of Mitchell visited on Chas. Shiell, Mrs, Jack Shiell, Mrs
„Norman Coultes, Mrs. Edwin. Sunday with Mrs. Mac Ross. and 7 Miss Olive Terriff. Smyth, Mrs. John Jamieson, Mrs.
Hereon Trwin,,Mre, George MCGee,, lefer and Mrs e Albert Coultes and Mrs, Gershom Johnston, Mrs, Wal-
other •Scott and Coultee• relatives
'lace Conn, Mrs. 'Johnston Conn East Wawanosh attended the
annual Scott-Coultes family picnic,•eMrs, Percy Caslicic, Mrs. Alex
held in Elora Park' on 'Saturday. Robertson, Mrs. Hugh Simpson
About 150 were present. 'Me, and Mrs. Garnet Farrier Mre.,
Chas, Martin, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, Mr: and Mrs. `Harry Tichbourne
of Goderich, Mr. 'and Mrs. /Valet. Mrs, Reg.. Seholtz, Mrs. Walter Aescott, Miss Annie Kennedy,, Mrs, Mowbray and Mr. Wm, Kennedy Robt. Adams, Mrs. "George. Dieh-
mann, Mrs. Hazelgteve, Russell
Gaunt, John Sprcial• and Elgin
Discusses Bazaar k:ijilIDWICTI--The, Guild of :St.
It'iine met at the home of Mrs.
',Mina Hargrave for the June meet-
g.I.Vith the vice-pres., Mrs. Ruth
'ereistreng, presiding; Mrs. Fier-
t.tei.0, Foster read devotions. The
ilnirthtet • of the last meeting • were
lois& Mrs. Donna Mix,' Miss
:Beatrice ' Wade gave the,: treas-
lifeei • repert. The roll call was
,eAe'eked" by 14 members and 5.
note by representing one of the
decided; to dispense.. with
duly Meeting and that the
:Aisgiint-meeting be at the home of
.JSan:.Sothern. The, members
. iecueled• he bazaar and tea that
-eieill eifie eteld in' September. Mrs.
FriiiiitRu.ssell closed, the meeting
#itlieprlaier ; end lunch was served
tirlitelidstees, assisted by Mrs.
Ofaee'e•Broevrie. •
of Wingharre e Annie and Pete
Kennedy attended the Kennedy
picnic held at the Old mill, Pond,
0atelph, on .Saturday,- About sixty
were present.
Mr. arid Mrs. Groskotth,of
ken, 'Spent the ,week-end at,' the
home of, their son, Mr.,E. H.
Mis and Mips. . Victor Emerson
visited On. Sunday at the home of
his: sister, Mrs. John Ilaggitt, of
Mr, Gaunt has been laid up
at hid home, in Mdrris; suffering
from the, high temperature of glan-
dular fever, in 'his neck and ears.
Mr, George Rosa of Owen Sound,
spent the Whek-end at his home
Mrs. Eccles' Dow and Mr. and
$4.95 $5.95 $6.95
the groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Wilding, of Listowel.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a floor-length
gown of nylon chiffon lace over
net lace and duchess satin featur-
ing a„ dropped neckline falling in
folds 'from the shoulder into a
floating back panel and Jily-point
sleeves, Her fingertip veil fell
from a headdress of embroidery
and sequins bordered with seed
pearls. She carried a 'bouquet of
Figi mums centred with . aqua
tinted mums.
The maid of honor was Miss
Elaine Demerling, of Londdn, sister
of the bride, The bridesmaids were
Miss Marilyn. Wilding, of Listowel,
sister Of the gtedra, Mad Mfs. Lyle"
Johnson, of Listowel. All were
identically dressed in shrimpbal-
lerina-length dresses of chiffon
over net with shirred bodices' and
floating back panels and matching
lily-point gloves and headdress.
They carried basket, nosegays of
white Figi ,mums and aqua mums
The soloist was Miss Joan Ward,
of London singing "The Wedding
Prayer',' and "The Lord's Prayer"
and the organist was Miss Shirley
Ashecn, of London. The ,grooms-
men was Gordon 'Aldrich, of Lon-
don and the ushers were ,Barry
Reid, of London and Lyle John-
son, of Listowel.
The wedding reception .was held
in the church parlours with the
bride's table centred with a three-
tier wedding cake: Guests were'
received by the bride's mother
wearing a figured aqua dress with ,
white accessories and a witite rose
corsage. She was assisted' by the
groom's mother wearing a 'dress
of navy and white with white
accessories and a corsage of white
For a honeynioon to' the North-
-net States, the bride wore a beige
bolero dress With beige and brown
accessories and a corsage of aqua
nums. They will reside in Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and
Randy of Kitchener visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Keith.
Mr. and Mrs. Duties Vittie, and
Mr and Mrs, Stan Bride • and•
Bobby spent Sunday lie gait with
Mr', and Mrs. Dick Aldrich.
Mrs. Bob Petzniek and three
children, of Kitchener are' spend-
ing a few days with her parents,
Mr.' and Mrs.,'Ira Schaefer.
Miss Mary ' Corbett and Mrs.
Ruby ,Foteeter of, Toronto spent
theeweekeend at the latter's home,
Me. and Mrs. Ernie..D!a'reey, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Ettinger, Mre• Agnes
'Ettinger aria Mr. NormariEttinger
attending the wedding,. of. 'Miss ,
Myra Ettirigee in • Kitchener, ere
184 week with relatiyee Sit , Hole-
Steamit`nti:,E.ed,,°W.:eilter .11nrsiefigh. pent .;
ayri, Hied 'attended the con-'
ferenee ,of ,the ,United Church held
'at. St. Thomas last Week. r•
.miss Esther 'Harding of London
spent several: dayS last I Week "at
here home :Vete. `"•-;" . '•"'- '
Mr, Mervyn, Wallace: left ,Seenr-
day 'for Tiehhorne; near Kinston,.
'where he 'Will be relleVing "station
eget. : : •• : • • r .
• lgr;Canipbell :of TCronto, yiSited elver, the ,week-end '
with Mre andMrs: Crosby Sothern,
eivreists,-Iderald• Martin and •Bill;
Dulcet Spent: ,Satterelay,
ton • . • , , ,
Ur and Ceeil Lynn" and:
Kateti 'of -Orangeteille 'spent 'the
week-end with Mrs DorreeRidley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MeDermitt'
,visited on SI:111day with Mrs. Clara
MeDermitt in „'
Mr. snd Mrs. EarVMoOre •epent.
'the' week=entle in -Kitchener with
,Mr, and lea's. Jack Bricker and Mr.
,and Mrs. Frank ,
Mrs. ,Harold' '.and :three
children •of • Deed/ivies; Quebec,, le:
visiting this Week with:her iaients,
'Mr. and Mrs i Nardi
Mrs. D,:."5,e`'IstritNetughten' -of .
Wrc'xeter spent 'last, week with
Mre. Weiter .11airisthek.
Miss :Helen. ;Hoffman .of Harris-
ton 'spent two days. list. week at
her hoine here, •
Mr. and Mrs. William Hefter of
Oshawa visited over the 'week-end
with their sop, Mr. Joe Hefter and
with Mrs. d Heffer in' Wingham Hos-
pital. •
Messrs.' Bob Campbell and 'Bill
Edgar visited one 'night with the
fernier's father,' Mr, Henry Camp-
bell. in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs.0Royden Devitt, Mr.
and Mrst Ronald Hube and Tommy
visited' relatives in Kitehener on
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and
family spent, Sunday in Bervie.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ' Fisher and
family spent, Sunday at' the home
daugpter Mrs, Arnold '
Lotiglieed of Midland. N,
Over 200 of the trustees, teach
err; parents and pupils of West
Wa'wanosh schools gathered on
Friday last at the Fordyce school
to run off the games and contests
for those who had won in the var.
ious home school contests. Color-
ed ribbons were given the ,win-
nets and later the pupils received
the cash value of their ribbons.
All enjoyed the social time and
the picnic lunch together.
Mrs, !Albert Walters, Teeswater,
Mrs, Mary MacTavish, Wingham,,
Mr. James Elliott and son Har-
old and Joan and Larry of Blue='
vale and Mr. Gordon Elliott at-
tended the. Elliott family get-to-
gethar .at .Agincourt on Saturday
afternoon. Over 170 attended, with
other guests from London and In-
Mr, and Mrs, Levi Bieman and
children visited on Sunday at 'the
home of her brother, Mr. •George
MacKay, of Teeswater. Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Eekenswiller and fam-
ily visited on Sunday at the home
Of her brother, Mr. George Lei-
bold of Moufit Forest.
Popular, OM -Suggestions
=s Light weight hiicuty I/Minding Ivy League, Splash
r- Weitteit,','Fititei; -Checks riff' conservative :nOdels;'!',
• HANDSOME NAVY'', BLAZ makes 3C esit- 01"ln' a" Dad "
in gabardines, wool flannels
"til or synthetic Clefts -,,,
)41' Cool #hietes of Linen material or good: quality Berlin':
SOX are a popular gift with most bads „R
TIES are certain .to please Dad!
end you'll find a 'Wonderful vitelety$1 00 5042 60'
to ehodse from - prices are a • • • -
, •
so, you mttt: see ' the selection •of nylons, 'di 1
blende „tegnbir •*!* stretchiog r1 0 00
Pr ices from
A selection of really SMART Sport Shirts, comfortably i#:ried,in
the' 'Ivy League? "
sizes . . le • $4 9$ ,$5.95
Gtr •
n ' SHORTS — 1\itEN
8 • k-
w' kerb has linany ;Meru' and different ideas for Father on INI his day — SUNDAY, AWE '16th e-e
n Leather Goods—
BILLFOLDS $1.75 - $8.00
BRIEF CASES from $4.95 a
Writing Portfolios from $4.50
Shoe Shine Sets, Fitted Travel. Cates,
tEleetrie Shavers, all makeS from „ $21.95
— SHAVING IFIEWISITES by VarilleY0 SPiol-:`, ta°11tel"
Kodak Cameras, Flash Bulbs, Films always
acceptable for any occasion.
srimiany moms, LIGHTERS, cioAnurrrg
in 004 sliNdy at li
*I" .
. . , • •
V be,p1
i Smartly stifled BELTS $2•06.* a , " , (By IllekockY •
A4WS 'SNIVIA.4 SUITS $/. 9 (By betelimo.
•too also suggest
Handkerchiefs, Jewellery, P4iAtitaS,' •T .
hi fine, brOadelOth or 'knitted cottone
F,Okaktlii 'anti Watsons
I. Other' BR1EPS
McKi•bons FFERS, These illeinbere de the, juniotChallet ita,ve an exeeliont petrol-mance at an exhibition ot dahning held 10
the Wirighain District Soneoi 'rriday evening, The children are Barbara Betherlrigton, Darey
Uatherii, Carole ging, Lyinis Jeititetielte, Hegthee Henstete Linda Elliott, Lathe ,Carsori and Vicki Reiseri7
hetet. ‘-,-Ativethce-Tlines phetn,
isasirsianawitiliA 11111111111MI WPM' Mal
. 4
11111111111111411111ri ...,„ „