HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-06-12, Page 6ashmar , Head Office London, Onta District Representatives eltAiWtORD & IJETHEIRINOTON; IVIENG41/01: 4. it Oti8g.VIltthi WINDUAISt J. N. WYLIPI, WIROXkitit rr.rrtrr , on DEBENTURES 6 and ` GUARANTEED TRUST • CERTIFICATES 1111 HURON &• ERIE 41ORTC. t CORMR117(1.1 the t husr Notrardopr CANAI)A Tit UST INV • lr TM/ Win Own AdValIPP,WillVk WOOMSda,Yr JiUla 491/1 EETINfi HELD ORRIS COUNCIL Morris Township Council fin the township hail on 'Tune wifh all the, members present. ke mintitos of the last regular tegniF *ad the meeting' on May rive-In Theatre. LISTOWEL TIAPH, -fly. JUNE 13 14 :Foreign Intrigue" Colour RoWert Mitchum_ and •Gerreyieve Page - MON. • JUNE 15 -7 17 "WOK" • Colour GeOrge Montgomery and Mona Freeman TUES. WED. JUNE 18 - 19 . , Double Feature NOON" Gary Cooper' and, Grace Kelly "The Moon Is Blue" Adult Wm. Holden, David Niven 20 were read, and: adopted on Mot,. ion of 414;$ Duncan. and CA:MO)1 Wilkinson, . . Procter $11ortreecl—That we give a grant of $25.,00 to the ,on- don Crippled Children'.; Centre, Carried. Duncan Shortreed—That Addl.. son Fraser he paid $300 of his sal- ary. Carried, Duncan - Wilkinson—That the road accounts as -presented by the road superintendent be paid, car- ried, Shortreed Procter—That the meeting adjourn. to meet again on AO 2, 1057, at 8 p,rn, Carried. The following accounts were paid; Corrugated Iron Co„ pipe for Nichol drain; $470.30; Mrs, A, fox bounty, $3,00; Ken Me- Donald, fox bounty, $2.00; Geo.. 111cArtnur, fox bounty, $2.00; Wingham Rural Fire Committee, fire calls, ROOM; Geo. Martin, hydro for hall, $6,07; a', Wheeler, Wheeler drain, US; Jas. A, now, es, Wheeler drain, $100,00; Glenn Golley, calf killed, $40.00; Herbert Garn:ss, livestock valuator, .$2,30; Dept of Health, insulin, $2,03; John Rryans, cattle injured by dogs, $62:00;• Walter .Shortreed, sheep killed, $30.00; Thos. Miller, livestock valuator, . $9.90; Alec Shaw, warble fly inspector, $233.65; grant to London District Crippled Children's Treatment Centre, $25.; Gordt.n Nicholson, warble fly spraying; $77.35; Walter Shortreed, Murray-Lamb drain, $3.00; Addi- son Fraser, part salary, $300.00, equidaing Union School, $5.00; rel;ef, $15.00; Nelson Higgins, postage and supplies, V0.00; Eailie Parrott, attending Association of Mayors and Reeves, $25.00; mem- ber6Inp fee, $10.00. Bailie Parrott, Reeve. Geo. Martin, Clerk. This picture of junction School pupils was taken in .1020, They are " Harold Moffat, Edna Henderson, Jack Fowler; Arthur Henderson, from loft to right, front row: Alex Skinn, 131)1 Henderson, Velma Hack row: Kenneth Weavei Bernice Lockridge, GeOrge , Lennox, Murray Jenkins, Mary ISkinn, Alvin: Procter, Phyllis Web- , ster, Second how: Mae Moffat, Jack Skinn, Jeanette Brock (teacher), —Armour Jim Wright, Edna Procter Cedril Moffat, Carmic s for Highest Quality at, LoWeSt Prices memIrstm.rewrortmaitlaill•04.1,04 Mr...0a.........0•11•1>Martnorrametel Mbelratlaml. Terry TOWELS Heavy, gond cinallt7 ....... ........ .. , . ..... BATH TOWELS, go x 40 Several gollours WON DRESSES T famous TROPICANA Wes 163/,, r Orlied yr. ae.tvv $3 Smart SUN DRESSES 98 $8 anautes e.ottellt highly styled •98 NYLONS - popular demand, — 69C 60'4 •Pink . , . • also Whitc NYLQN5'. at.. • RUNNI Teacher — Miss Z. Baker; Left•to -right, front row: Denton Ferguson, Gordon Walker, Were, McKenzie, Jean' ;Pocock, Vrances .Moffat, Lillian Casemore, Lillian Powk, Wilfred Anderson, Ezra Pocock, Back roNNT:iRobt. nogg, •Aerial Ferguson Bill MCKenzie, Minnie Walker, Harvey Andergon, Reta n Walker, Charlie FoWler, Clarice Moffat, Percy Martin, Hannah Walker, Pearl Walker, • ugoN MOTORS. LO. A. B. MaCWILLIAM FORD and FORDON MAJOR DIESEL TRACTORS Ingham Phone 231 vailioomium.ournammiumosimosixtusioiximmonan•iii.lis., • ern „en , n' ;•7 at'.•• tee ..e grave o-opera ive BELGRAVE HPhone Brussels MAO Wingham 1065w -11 . . Illuitrated here is the Durai.', • "Little Giant" 15 gallon' packaged..systeM.pnly 25" high, 34" long'. and It' deep, ' this complete running 'water system pis" compact enoug}i; t6 install under.a kitche1,s1riki ,The systeM is'engineered4hi' true Duro style--to give"many yeari.of$troubli,fros at the most economical pride‘ We will iie glad to give you a frEe estimate 6f the ,c'oet.:of liboar And material*. Plukii ••• .come 'WO our shop" and see pensive running water the il7UR0 way. Bari 1}e PERCY CLARK Plumbing Heating - Air Conditioning Wingham 555 EM,C0 1` titMle 1?• Empire inorririti.4.1brir14, : , • ''", •,‘ irr JO. gin .410,1rFIWWASOWAVAVA Rid ' AWW....... rrrsarW,••rbrgrrarnarr , -r - erovotArrerrsirrpr,200*Arr,, .,,.. .Z...Arrarr Arer,nerrr,arrr", ,i ..aprersze.419.45rArrArarrageWM.r• ,., ,rp• .wxr.t.•rr-ttrnr,•srMX,ttrr.r;.•IaW'Alrr,Arrr,_ t' r ,m4otr.aaerfroMer.r. . , . Aterrrier.OPM, Art.0',040 , , n . - 0 ,r, r Arr,Orrrt,t1BrIrOs' 0, i .- Attrusegotar-rf Fr rgritrr.~ . eV , ' All 1 IT 1 1 mai FaMinier,i, INIftiftwasal When this picturE„ yeas L I Lt-11 111 1899 the trustees were R. J. Hogg, W. J. Henderson and A. Tilling. In the background is W. J. Hender- son, Miss, M. R. Findlater, first 'teacher and R. J. Hogg. The pupils are, back row, left to Cs.seinore, Olive Ferguson, Mary Davidson, .Edith Vanstone, Effie Hogg, Lettie Elliott. SecOnd row: Rosella Casprnore,Flo Martin,Ethel Ferguson; May.Hurnmell, Lillian Martin, Percy Hogg, Eob Cruikshank, Torn Walker, George Elliott,. Alain) Hogg, Bert Martin, Chester. WAkei, Alex Elliott, Fred Hogg, Third row Melinda Smeltzer, Mable Ferguson, Pearl Vanstone, •Clara Hummel, Olive Cruikshank, Gershom Ferguson, Alfred Hogg, Bert Elliott. Bottom row: May Smeltzer, Lillian 1VIOlfatf,`,Ilettle Vanalatine, Alba Hogg Pearl Walker, Hannah Walker, Lillian Hogg ,-John Walker, Percy Martin, George Moffatt, Gorgon Hogg, 956—Ford Custom 2-Tone Sedan, new car per- formance -- used car price 1'955—Dodge Coach - Al inside and out 1953—Monarch Sedan. - spotless inside and out ,950—Ford Sedan, overdrive - this is a snap All these cars sold with guarantee. aila le AT ALL TIMES $140 — 50 Bags or over $1.15 — 'up to 50 ,Bags ARGE QUANTITIES DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE 1.!,, • 018;;'4*.;d... • This •picture •ef Junction School was taken by George Fowler after repairs Were maticto the building in 1920. Front rtitti Robed- ea Armstrong, Addle Proctor, Margaret Henderson, Back row: ;Norman Walk- Vetk Procter; Vera Waite.nzie, LaWrenee, Lennox, Taken iftlit Or It. . ..„ „ FOR.MFETIME HOME BEAUTY AND ,PRPTECtitg. Proioiti d6robility,-...motectiono-. and outstanding` beauty some of the betiefiti yoo get with Alexori,der!Morray. • Asphalt.Shiogles`oed Super-Siding, MURRAY ASPHALT SHINGLES ' NIOOPAY'SUPER'SIDING :•• , • • ate quality.built,of thick. atphalt•lalpteg., tough eoitabloatlob of aihetiOa hated felt, coveted mineral, grantilee cement and is-co#ipletely ititoriibottiblej fogy ektte •ptotettion against Weepier, ltkhor, l'pet,viOtre to tot and iveiwiller itil6b, No, `blid coloun and beautiful }fiends. shrinking •ellminate't Weifiltigssel buckling. , 3 stytet and 0 t0,101#0, Ask yet* loot buiftlingiopPly dieter to bollelln0 teratteefor abaci' Aleittintler Mittoey etottuels: 'tiilail#!ltr,1:M ,flotrilli of Sollitinti Moteifole r.