HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-06-12, Page 5CAVU;LER, NicINTOSH WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BELL'. TELEPHONE BUILDING Walkerton " Ontario. Beatrice McIntyre Wed at 'Owen. Sound 0044.1rAThe ramyriage was ennilSed ...quietly in $.tt George's .Anglican Cbprgh, 0.Wen Sound, Pn Saturday,. dunn 8th, ot11-44.1).,9t geetriee _Mil )114o*Yret dgugbter Pt Mr, no4 •100.. Noy MolntYo,. to -.Sydney Atiin, by the rector, Harvey Baskets early summer ticINPVi .00P911444 th0 0400, Mr, McIntyre.ove .daughter' in olorxIoge, and ,ter ,cocktail- length SOWn was "InaltiOne4 of white Chantilly lace on fitted ,linee with matching Where and three Auarter length sleeves, Mirol Patricia 'McIntyre was her sister's hridesanaid, 'and her dusky pink nylon gown was wank made` oil the same lines. as the 'bride's, - Kenneth Ford was grogarifirnUtl- The reee0tion Slinr'014.4gr Was. held at • ; Edgewater , after , which, the, bride and voom 'Jett for a - trip through' 'the United' States and ,Xfanft. They will rpide in. parn000n, Alberta, GOUT Floor Sanders for ,reii at ALEXANDER'S' HARDWARE CLINTON, ONT. Two 'Shows Nightly, Rain' or Clear - First Show at ptiik Children under 12 in cars Free THURSDAY and FRIDAY1 . . June .13 and 14 '. ' "Value For Mone? !Comedy '(Colonr).. Bi6orbori Gregsore, „ (Two :Cartoons) - SATURDAY and !VII) 14i/Alrf June 15 and 17 ' ' "BRING YOUR! SMILE ALONG" (Colour) h Frankie Lane - Keith Brasselle (Stooge and Two Cartoons) Church Service, Sunday June i6 8.00 p.m.—Rev, Q. Wilson TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'Juno 18 and 19 — Double Feature -- "HIGH NOON", Gary Cooper Grace Kelly., "The 'Moon Is Blue"- (Adult) William Holden - David ,Niven, .t) when school ' is out KnetotOatioattze, ONTARIO .t0tAVitt, 737.Fistrilarrient Bldg., iree0t#1 Sod 11/0; iltetSturSta Na010 ,,, AddreSt ,- P600ifite > • • 'Detain tienerefieet 51r Trevii& MOS. Ltiffitisfi 1 it e r t, ), 9 a, ti 6 y '• 1, yw • BURKE.:',, ELECTRIC, Connmercial,',Industrial, Home and Farm Whing PHONE 474 - Motor ,Ite-wind and Repair' = • WINGIIkM. Food:freezer:7' RefrigeratopCombination •Fully' .Automatic Butter Keeper Deluxe Styling a yilt-doten Egg; Server • ,Boll-to-you Shelveht PLUS 1VIANY: MORE HANDY FEATURES $20.00 1 . DOWN PAYMENT and $4.00 per ,aieein if desired o. • • THS, CANADIAN SANK it.)F COMMERCE jfi Your new' low service charge of 10 cents a cheque is ',repaid 'When you getyourbook of• 20 cheques. 744'"rrr Pnra.:7,01!`,1 e4i rt.110Der, Springing absorbs vibratio n .and sound . prcivicilts :a CORRIE—Mrs. Elden Anken- man, GoWaneterri, told of bees and their behaVienr, at the Xerie meet- ing''of the Gorrie W,I, at the home ,of 'Mrs. V, H, Strong on Tuesday evening. She stressed the ,impor- tance of bees in growing fruit and crops , and • the doss it will be to farmers and fruit growers ,if, ow- ing to popr yields of honey in this part of Ontario in recent years, beekeepers move their bees out of this district. • Ken Edgar, Wroxeter, showed an interestig film; "The Miracle of the Bees", Mrs, Ankenman was introduced by. Mrs. Cecil Wilson and, thanked by Mts. H. Rhame. Appreciation was also expressed : to Mr, Edgar 'and ,both were pre- 'sented ,with gifts. Roll call was answered by mom= ing ,a manufactured article from , grain, Sikteen members responded and there were five visitors at tending. Mrs. Cecil Wilson commented ors the anOtto, "Agriculture • Is the Lifeline of the Nation". She point: ed out that many who do not farm owe their livelihood to 'the farm- ers, Farmer andmanufacturer de- pend up:in each other as do urban and rural residents. Mrs. Willard' Peel reported on the'district annual meeting at Fordwich., Corrine Rhame sang a solo, `Marianne". The president, Mrs; Gladstone Edgar presided for the''first part ot the meeting. Mrs, Harry Rhame, as convener of agri.: culture presided for the latter part of the meeting. a Mrs. Percy Ashton and Mrs. Ce- cil Wilson had the kicky numbers in the Dutch auction, , Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Willard Peel',.; Miss Margaret Dane and the :Regular meeting ,it the Howlek Township POIMell way held on June 5th, All mOmhers were 'present and the reeve g, Cowdy in the chair, The minutes of the last regular meeting and Court of Revision were read And Mr motion, nf Me- Miehael and Gibson were *dented as Qerr)ed. Moved. by -Allen and MeMiehael 'that we give a grant of 4200 to each of the five Public Libraries In the, township,. Carried. Moved by **ins AO Allan that we •instruct the clerk 'to pre- pare a by-law setting the rates for the year' 1957 as fellows, 'County ptirpeeps, 1'2.70 mills; township Ceirunereial, 12,2 mills; toWriallin residential and . farm 9.$ general school 3.1 relief, .1 mills Carried, Moved hi Haskins and Mc- Michael that By law 1007 of the- Township of HOWieir f9t the year 1957,, the Hyslop', Municipal Main TownShip of. Turnberry , Helmick Portiqk' EIS' read 'the• third iliac be finalljepasse4; Carried. Moved by Hailthnii;Lrand ' Allan thet we receive the .petitiOn. for the repair of Munielpal:::DraineNo. 10, Branch B and ,farWard Same to the engineer; Carried. ; MoVed 'by Haskins , :and' Allan that the road aceennta as approved in the amount 'of $2314,41 be paid, Carried. • '. Moved by, Allan' and that the following ucentinte be paid, Carried, Provincial TreiSurer, , $3,c5; County Of :}Xurgn, hospitali- zation re Wm. MObre, $10.00; ,Tewn of Wingham, fire .,'"truck calls' 1:9$ $4.25.00 fox' ,_boinItY,,, $21-90 ; Listowel '/3anner; actireitising,i $7',60; G. King & Son, offinek repair, $268.15; Federation teAgricolture, balance 1956 leVy, $612.15; Kurtz- yille Community 'Centre, grant, $500; Engeland Produce Co„Vwar- ble .spraying, $564.91; Aleit Pet- rie, balance warble fly .inspection, $100.60; Gordon Underwood, ;bury- ing calf, $3,00; Art Gibson, relief administrator, $17.65; Wm. Mar- mgt.; relief re Mrs.' Witmer. and 'Mr. Felts, '','09,75; -Library , grants, more and Lakelet, $125,00 . Hyslop Fordwich, Gorrie, Wroketer, Bel- Municipal brain, • El-law, Clerk's and Court of Revisien• fees; :$64,00; alkwances, re Merkley Drain, $393.00, Moved by McMichael And ',Has= king that we dcOnew;tidjourri to meet again July 5th ar"at.the call of the Reeve. Carried. , United Church News GORME--Mrs. Ken Hastie en- tertained the Woman's MisSionary Society at her home On TliursdaY evening. "Mrs. M. P. IrvinNpresid- ed for the worship,,,serviee • and gave the Scripture reading. Mrs. W. Strong• and Mrs. ,I. Toner had charge of the, study becik„•which told of the Conditiong in FOrmoas and Hong Kong. 'Mrs. Bnehanan, vice-president, conducted.„the busi- ness. Roll call wee' answered by the number of " visits eto shut-ins. Application will be made to .Alma College leader training' school for a delegate. , '' Thg, hostess, • assisted by the committee, served a delicioug lunch. W.A. Meets The. Woman's Assoeiatien will meet at ' the home, of MrS. Cecil Grainger on June 13th at 8.30 p.m. poOtti Friendship Circle will, be in charge of the 'program: Lunch Coriamittee, Mrs, L.", Vogen- Mrs. M.' Edgar, Mrs, Chas. Blaek' and Mre. H, Robinson, . ' "1: Anglican Church.Notes' ;,G0ftRIN 'Shipnients of new and' geed' 'second hand clothing Were 'made. an ,Theraday by the 'Woman 's• Auitillery. New cloth- ing consisting of'; .a year's outfit foY 'a boy and a, quilt. Two' layettes were' Sent . o •St, :Residentiel" School af.'Oardstnn,, Alberti. Value was $58. • A', quilt, sweater' and used cleehing were sent', to.; the' Mohawk Institute at litantferd',and a quilt contributed to the Deanery St. Mitaltelit , • The `Guild of St. 'Martha met Wednesday evening: at . the ;home of Mrs.„‘Wrn., Bennett , witn'a good attendance, % Meeting opened' with the: Pialet 'and SCripture reading by' Mrs. Harry King-. Roll .was ',answered ,by a ,verge. on Whitsunday Titing,:the IntsinesS"' Peticreproz graninies , were distributed' for ,the temander,: of the. year, and some earlyylans are made for the cook- ing scheell,in September. A Bibli- cal "contest Was :presented 'by Mrs. Verna :Clark; fbiloWed 'by a dainty ,lunch prepared by the hostess and Meg S. Bennett. Mrs. F. E. Russell' read two short readings for, thought, namely "Patience" and "Say :Good Things". They contained a few akcerpts for' sum-, iper thnughts',or meditatiens, 'Meeting ':was closed 'With prayers for the ..shnt-ing and benediction by Mrs.• F. 'tr.' Russell. It was, :;decided ,to 'have `a.. picnic on ,FridaY,"Jmne '28th in the Gorrie 'diainininiity. park ,and to invite the St..,Anne's Guild, of Fordwich, BtUEVALE BlueVale is ,painting up in time for the Centennial celebration. A ;good job of decorating has been done in the community had by H. Templeman of' Gotrie, A. D. Smith lies the post office looking bright and the store fronts are being im- proved. Mrs. Howard Black of Toronto, :has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Sellers. Mr. Howard Brook, of Toronto, :Spent the week-end with his: par- • 1Bezirtoso,kRev. R. A. Brook and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moffatt and children, of Southampton, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Burns Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horton at- tended anniversary services at Mc- Intosh Church on Sunday. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrst Stanley Dar- ling on Thursday of this week, Johnny Brent, of CKNX, will speak on "Community Activities", Mrs. Bert Garniss Will give the Motto, There will be musical selec- tioMt's Joyce Hoffman has secured a position as stenographer in the Hyrdo office in Barrie, For the summer months the time of Sunday morning service in the United Church has been changed to 11.30 With Sunday School at 10:80, Rev, R, , A. Brook attended the meeting of the London Conference of the United Church in St, Thom- EIS lag week. Harry Gowdy and Arthur Gib- son are attending County Council this Week. Mr, and, Mrs. W, O. King and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hattie spent • the Week-end in Wharton. Mr, and 'Mrs, Frank Earls, Le- o'ne and Lynne were guests of Mr. and, Mts. Archie Miller on Sun day. Mt. 'Frank Earls 'has sold his two farms, south of Wtoketer, to Mr. Gordon Greig BlueVale, Mr. and Mrs. IllerIS will move to Lon- don around September I., Mt, and Mrs. Howard Ritchie of Durham visited Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don Edgar On VednesdaY, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ellerman of Pun *toil, Man., Visited her aunt, Mn.s Foil. Wood, fiaturdag. TURNBERRY COUNCIL ACCEPTS TENDERS ON TWO DRAINS The regular meeting of Turn- bet ry Council was held in the Corn munity Hall, June 1st,, with all membem present. Smith - Foxton—That the minu- tes of the last regular meeting and special meeting be adopted as read. Willits - Srnith--That we accept the tender of John Inglis on the Tervit: drain at $465.00; also on the Freiburger drain at '$725.00; work to be completed as soon as the weather permits. ; Mulvey - the fol- loWing general and road, accounts be paid' Genera). Accounts Municipal World, roll, $15.78; Town of Wingham, fire truck ser- vice $225.00; Ross Willits, comp., $47.25; Jim MeNatighton, fox bounty, $2.00; Lorne .Metcalfe, fox bounty, $6.00; Engeland Produce Co„ balance of cattle spraying, $337.12; Geo. Thomson, part salary, $40, telephone, $1.75, $41.75; relief, $30.00; Geo, Tervit, centennial, $200,00; Jas, J. Elliott, 'balance of salary, $78:75. 4 Road Payroll Geo. Greenaway, $25.50; Geo. Galloway, $261.05; Bruce Montgom- ery, $189.00; tWin. Mundell, $201.00. Read , accounts, $3033.70. Foxton - Mulvey—That we now adjourn to meet again on July 6th, at' 1.30 p.m. John V. Fischer, Reeve. Geo. T. Thorhson, Clerk, • WOMEN'S ASSOC. TO SERVE LUNCH BLUEVALE — The Woman's Association met in the United Church on June 6 with Mrs, Jos. Horton, vice-president, presiding, The chief business discussed was the serving of refreshments after the church services on Centennial Sunday, 'The committee chosen was Mrs. Elmer Sellers, Mrs. Alex McCrackin and Mrs. Gordon Hall. This committee will work in co-operation with a committee from the Presbyterian Church, The W.M,S. met in the United Church on ThurSday. Mrs. Alex McCraeltin had charge of the meeting. Mrs. W, J, Peacock con- ducted the study of Malaya and Indonesia in the form of a panel discussion in charge of Mrs, R. A,' Brook, Mrs. Gordon Hall assisting, Malaya is working toward inde- pendence, but on account of differ- ent races and religions there is much tension. There are many Chinese and a large Hindu popu- latiOn. The native Malayans are chiefly Moslem, Indonesia is a country of scatter- ed dglands. It was granted inde- pendence by Holland in 1945, There are numerous races there but in a minimum of tensible Eighty-five Moslems have become 'Christians in recent years. A 'feature of the meeting was the filing 'of the members of a petition protesting the sale Of beer in grocery Stores, I BOX 473 I North Say, Ontario, June 7, 1957, TWO COURSES ARE SCHEMER 004WII—Two suPervlsors of the Water ,afetly Division of the Ca. nadlan 404 Cross from. the TOM"' te et,fiee were in Corse during' the Puet week assisting in, the InglInir 24tlen of classed for this summer's avvirnming Inc water Safety pro - pct 141 gowielt Township,. To date over 200 , children have registered and due tp the large en, rollMent two courses Will be held, one In: July and one In Atigast, Children will attend regardless Pt the weather, ()II bad days Mstruo- tion on water elitetY will' be given indoors. Children will be 11o:tifie0 within the neat week or two when to attend their:courses, i. INSTITUTE HEARS TALK ON BEES HOICK COUNCIL SETS TAX RAT 04o0.04:v • Your chequei • are held for you at the bank as a permanent record. WINGHAM, BRANCH, W. O. STRUTHERS Manager and money with 3 Deposit slips Groin your cheque book— ' for banking by mail or speedier service at the bank. CC FOR INURTHER DETAILS IN AT OUR NEAREST ERANCH. THE CANADIAN BA NK COMMERCE 765 branches actoss,,Canada ready' to serv,i you, t. Wroxeter Met at' Gorrie'. ponam ,'The Guild of Jani Monday, itiftu,f'tehlle; W)10.74nPkee'toefr:, Mthrl' °It! Lawrence,'1Gorrie. The' Meeting Wee opened with 'the .WA. \prale!, lowed by the. Lord's prayer. The Bible reading was, given:by Mrs. Harry jennings 'Of ,L.ueknoW. Two short meditations were given by Mrs,: Frank Russell. 4 Articles were' donated for a bale which is to be sent to Mtincey Re- serve, Articles from• 'a travelling basket were also sold. The be diVueptisoen ll, waling ',aPro,Loiunntyeedlu'641 . '.'Mini s s„ by Mrs. Jennings, ' 'served by Mrs:,, Lawrence, smutted . . Mr. George Beattie, manager of the Toronte-Dorninien bank,' and Mrs. Beattie left onSaturday for ttiree-week vacation when they wiji visit the NeW England States as well as New Jersey and Mon- treat' Mr,-G. J. Wilson of Toronto will be relieving at the .bank. Mrs. John White.: of Cen,' • 17, Howick Township, .underylent sur- gery at thei Wingham General Hos- Pitel on Saturday., • • Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Miles of Toronto. visited for a 'few days with Mr. and Mrs, Northan Wade. Members' of the Gorrie L'.O.B.A. were 'entertained by 'the LOMA. lodge at Fordwich on Monday ev- eriing ,of last week. Mrs. G. ;Wright has returned frond-Victoria :Hospital, Londone Mrs. Tessie • Zimmerman, and Harty, Mr: 'and :Mrs. nTorman Wade. attended the Sothern . reun- ion in Fordwich on Saturday. Mrs. George FoSter of Elmira was a week:end visitor with 'Mrs. M. Gilkinson and other friends. Miss Beryl Bennett was home from Kitchener for the week-end. Mr. and Mts. Fred Feigel, Mar- lene and Howard, spent Saturday in Toronto. Miss Laura Plant and Dick of St Marls visited with Mrs: Ber- tha Plant on ,Sunday. Mrs., W. J. Greenwood of Dur- ham returned hothe on Sunday af- ter spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. George Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Greenwood of Durham spent Sunday at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Willow of Victoria Square, Mr, and Mrs, W. Ridley and two daughters of Whit- by were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel. ' Mr. and Mrs. Miles MdMillan of Teeswater spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mchmes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson were week- end guests at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Mr. and Mrs, Glad Edgar, Mr. arid Mr's. Andy Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Edgar, Mr, and Mrs. Wes Strong, Mrs. arid Mrs. John Strong, Alex' and Joan attended the Edgar re- union in Paris on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edgar and family' spent. Sunday with the for,:, met's mother, Mrs. Jennie Edgar, in London. Mr, and Mrs. George Brown and Jean visited with Mr. and Mrs. john Brown in Stratford on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jones of tortintci spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and .Mts.'Cecil Grain- ger, Rev, Hewitt, Bruce and Sidney of Holstein visited with Mr, and Mrs. Roy 'dowdy. Mr. and MrS, Alex Petrie spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stan- lay "Elliott and Mr, William. Falcon Er of ListaWel. Warden and Mrs. Harry Growdy attended the ex-warden's banquet at the. Dunlop Inn, Goderich 'on Thutaday evening'. Mr; ThOinas Short was taken to LkatOwel Memorial Hospital kriday, AAA IN now getting along as well is r firs tioA Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find our intiney order for the renewal 'of our Ad, vance-Times for the doming year. AWdevaanice e-Ti ehvaeptypy wtebekseeasth jet brings es news from home. Please keep up the good work, Yours truly,; It islevannalt Jrollt AUTOM01111 A01 srtlivi 4:sptioo he 'wh pri7b ibaem4(.1..: t l'IrA144Yc11A:tI:'l4 e yrquality :u7 7::;"CO' s :enut9n0E6i,;,::erings. • 'N heew;-1 1,"elaleryindgIsi,e". permanently, IvI•ticated w • . • • "Aceutenvest" hood (patented). • Safety hood ,,spreadors. • cic•-• fitting °'ClearNo".'$form apron. • ,I.layd ,safety stand and .brake.,-pole0H1;/. • Adjustable handle heights. • Super.aaw, compaat FURNITURE Wingharn 4.4mo..4=4.4004.=444111044411.."•. !ER ONTARIO