HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-06-12, Page 1PROUD' NEW GUIDES
0 he ;animal spring bancinet , of
Ii -Women Teacheri'a Federation k
artlaHuron Association,'" was heat
the • WIngin4n .044! OrmIP-•on
, LA-00ff, :31,0441As1414441TWA, ti at, Miss Verna IlIcLaugmin, wel-
coined the gueats, Community
singing under the leadership of
Mrs. E, Shera with Mrs, Wm. El-
liott at -the piano was enjoyed,
Mrs. Jack Alexander favoured with
a very enjoyable solo, Following
the dinner Miss Agnes Williamson
moved a vote of thanks to the
ladles of' the W,A, of the, United
Prior, to the -.business session
MiSS Phyllis Johns led in a de-
votierial period. Mrs. A. Simpson
and Mrs. I. Campbell were appoint-
ed delegates to the annual meeting
in Toronto, Officers elected •were:
Presiderit, Miss Verna McLaugh-
lin;: treasurer, Mrs. p. Webster;
secretary, Mrs, Shera.
An' excellent report of the meet-
ing" Of the Ontario Association for
Curriculum Development (Mental
Health Group) which was held in
Toronto was given by Miss Verna
MeLaughlin. Many helpfttl saga
gestiofie for 'improving teaching
methods to safeguard the, mental
health of .both pupils and teachers
were offered.
Mrs. Hall, Blyth, moved a vote
of thanks to Miss McLaughlin.
Overall restilts of the election on
o (1..rorernlinettenet ain ennfldead fPol;tttihrl
est few months, Though the
:regressive Conservative party haP
orr more seats :than the Liberals
lie balarsce of voting power in a
Oaernment set up on the present
a,sle of rearesentation would fail
(rite the hands of either the. CF
(ir the Social Credit parties, '
e1:11.1:041bPeCrasis'ha107; won
of re-
laming seats are' held by COE
oralsers and 19 by Social Credits
s.' If the. problem 'rested with
,third party only, it is conceivable
that,- the PCs might achieve a
'o,,Iting basis' of co-operation with
'e third group, the Liberals pros
cling the Opposition. However,
le fact that tWo fairly: strong
rties are represented in addis
n to Ilse' Liberals, makes a
.workable government almost
.vsatbtiveelor the Progressive Cons,
At this early date it seems
la, that Mrs Diefenbaker, an
sked to form a governrnent;,
which will' assume resplinsibility
-ter the Payment of current WS
And ether routine work, end that
he,- will then seek another general
^eleation, in a try for a clear-cut
working majority.
, ,af such an election is „ called it
'snot likely to 'be held for some
niarahs, due to the time required
kit the negessary preparations by
the. chief 'electoral officer df thd,
Prog.,„: conservatives
liggest Gains in Ontario
Two tournaments were played at
the Wingham golf course on open-
ing day, Wednesday, June 5th, an
18-hole Match for men in the
afternoon and in the evening. a
mixed two-ball tournament over 9
hole s,
The winners were as fellows:
Men's, tourney, 1st, W, H. French,
with a gross of 77, handicap 13,'
net 64; 2nd, Dr, G. W. Howson,
.grOss• 83, handicap 19, net 64; 3rd
•WB Conron, 'gross 89, handicap
24, net '65; 4th, 0, A. Williams,
gross 99, handicap 31, net 65; 5th,
Murray Rae, gross 79, handicap
13, net 66; 6th, W. Montgomery,
gross 82; handicap 1,6, net 66; 7th,
0, Haselgrove gross 85, handicap
18, net a7; 8th, T. Jardin, gross
103, handicap' 36, net 67; 9th, N.
'Welateosi, gross 86, handicap 17,
net 69.
Mixed tournament, let, Mrs, la
Roseiihagen and A, R. DtiVal,
grods 53,, handicap 20; net 33; 2nd,
I Peter Nesmith and P. 8tairitork,
I gross 48, handicap 14, net 84; 3rd,
i Mrs. N. Welwood and' .1, A, Lloyd,
gross 49, handicap 14, net 86; 4th,
Mrs; H, Lloyd and L. Vance,
grifi8s 551 handicap 20, net 85; 8th,
MM W, J. Ilansiltoit arid V. Lough-
lean, gross hi, handicap 15, Oct 36;
6th,' Mrs, ,I, laerr and W. H.
aln rte 8nc611, , gross so, handicap 14, o
By The Pedestrian ,
. TIME FOR .TEE-aAs. little way
, .off ' the, Main drag perhaps, but at
jestrit still on the straight and.
narrow, Were •iaterested golfers-to-
be's ho *tended the first of st
.4. of . golf lessons, held at the
anis links on Monday even-
ing when „Sack Lloyd deinenetrated
. this art Of driving: Mr, Lloyd Will
• , .give .tuition to any men or lava
'Ililtarestest in the Royal and Ancient
0.421 : • . •
• Bt/DDli1G MUSICIAN-Nbt sa'-
tisfied svith' the results h can
get tiy just plain blasting away on
the hern !of the diesel locomotive
which rurss thrtnigh town to Kin-
cardine, the engineer added a new
niatti the other evening. After' sev-
eral strenuous blasts along the way
tisward Whiteclairch, . he ended'. it
- all with a familiar "di-de-da.-da-da"
,whien sometimes concludes a sea
lapin:in in the hayloft hoedown. Now
there's a man, with a future, „ * *
attention , directed to an adaer-
.:thigraerit art this issue of The Ad-
vance•Timea which ' outlines the
offeaed• for floats ' and am-
:banes • in the parade •at. the Turn-,
.berry, Tipanahip• Centennial. Better.
Iodic them over and get ;IMO. aetieps
40 is '440 • " • • ,
• %.4. '4A... '204"
••••aanyisiters at the home of wand
Mrs. Walter Lockridge aver the
week. end were Mr,: and. Nis, Gil-
)3eit' Presets- of Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
Mr.. and Mrs. Walter „Tiuppe, of
Lambeth, Mr. and , Mrs. Harry
Scott and family Of •Briinebridge.
t : --Mrs. • 'W m, Forsyth and .„ her
daughter, Roaernary, left by plane
'00h):•II,Ialtoit to return to their
'hom in Edmonton, -after 7-Weeks'
visit with her slaters. in Wingham.
Mrs. John Hanna and Mrs, Gordon
TO'rht .,0e, • '•
'-Mr. and Mrs. W. aGrinie , aria
Deborah .,were in 'Ophaviii. and
Baistanisinville :the past -week. ,
aMr. and Mn;. 'Harold. Aggert:
of. 'London. spent ' the ' areek-erid
with . R. E. McKinney. sa -:
„a._'"• The greenhouse will be diciSed on
Wednesday afternoon end Sunday
during the months of June,,July,
,Atgust, September and October ex -
debt for „special Occasions. • Flab
Bingos will be held in the Legion
heme an the •first floor every. Fri-
'day night, Sponecired •ba the Cana-
alien' Legion, F12b
Gorrie United Chalet' Garden
Party will be held on Wednesday
evening, June 19 at the United
.Church. Supper 14,111. be serried from
h .to 8 p.m. 4dinission MOO; child-
',en, 40 49 cents. Flab
eception for Mr; and Mrs.
Or nod Traria will be held in
Whitedhurelis Friday; Shrte 14th.
Ladies please bring luneh; Every-
one welcome. ' ' F12*
a The Ladies AuXiliary, .to the
Leta sponsoring ; tea and
*It Sale On 'Saturday, Irate 1btlii e. o'clock in the Legion Horne,
Proceeds go toward the Wingham
0111 Guide oJinpiow, Flab
'Wroxeter Community. /1411,s, On
• titeadaya June 25th Min 5,30 to
Sponsored by the WrOxeter
Olio(' Church. AdMISSitan. $1.00
and Ohildrea under 12 years .50c.
• Proceeds for Renova
' •
A Gardea Party speitiaired 1030 the
Wettish's) ASSOdiation of Knox
United Church, BalgraVes , Will be
held in the etaireh on FrldaSs, One
igupot will 130 $oved. from .5.30
to 8,00 pan.,. followed by a concert
In the dhmtdh auditorium by the
IlatbOUrairei .of GodericitS Adkisfes
adults,0,961 public bohOol
ehilaren, 156e. A, ,booth MAO be
aVallable. • F51.2b.
With which is amalgamated the ,t,
. Welladdniisdrida.,:loSatitaslia •SaIjas akapitiap a baig.Vat4iiiWaisitaqtrth .' ss aIsCiallOwes.
Progressive' Coriseraativil 'earidida •e;•Sia'tac election aeCilas• rolled in on Moisday evening to leave .him' well
out in front, This plead:re was taken in ,front of :' the" PP'.' headquarters On Wisigham,'s stair street be
pest-eleCtion Celebrations 'started, Paliteraten Pipe Band was on hand for the big night .,.. • ' .• . . '
. . . . • • • .,, - ,
'Ladies Attend
Dist. Meeting'
,'ing fastittzte ladies from here at-
tended the airmail meeting held at
Teeswater oil Wednesday last,
'Mrs, Frank Rosa MrS. Heraon Ir-
win, Mia, Chas, Shiell, Mrs, Bus-
sell Ross, Mrs. , Victor Emerson,
Mrs: Gordon Mel3arney, Mrs, Robt,
Pardon, Mrs. las, MeInnis, MrS•
Albert Cottltes, alas, Percy Caslick,
Mrs. Wallace Colin, Mrs, Johnston
Celia, Mai. Win. Evans, Mrs.
bl rank Miller. Miss Meaner Kidd WHITECtlITIICH
'the 'results of . the Department of Home Eco- Of. the, West WaWatiqh, field meet aornies: Mrs, R, j, McKellar, the
Irelt1 at Fordyce school" oh Prickly 14',W,/.0. board reeraber,• Miss SW.
Were: Champions, Sonler, gird, Pats ley Bullock, horny ationornist, for
sy reran, • NO. 3; ihterdediated Bailee and la, Heron woke. present,
and the reports from the standing
Maalox Martha •O. .42; janior, committees Were 10(nre' in. Mrs, Linda Martin,' ,ds „' • • I Victor Emerson, after six avers as
•4ortirir boy, Terra` WilSOK, No, 3; ' seerctary, retired, arid Mrs, Q, Hol-
land was appointed as he success- interinecliate, BetilaSent,
or, Mrs. Emerson was appolated to 12; jitniPt, Jirrinly,.MoSa, No, 2. • attelid the itational trinveation
, No. 3 held high pellita iikOt their .0ttasan, October 28s31, with MO.
MeCesh an alternate delegate, sclidel.Witb'Xia, 12 ha a ander tip.
cabinet miniaters, many . of the i,ahlest Men in the former gevern-
anent, Li Western Ontario Finance
Minister Walter Harris was de-
feni.c.ed in Grey-Bruce, by PC prio
Winkler, Hon. C. Da HOWe, the
strong mall of the Party, was de-
feated by a CCP candidate in
'Port Attalla Labor Minister Mil-
ani Gregg lost to the 'PQ repres
sentative in Nova Saotia and De-
fence , Minister Ralais Carapneya
' geaetarnent was not tdefeated bY
hOVERN011 ATTENDS LEGION RED 'CROSS Cianaplitut "voters turned
ant -to the polLs inanaue.h greeter '
swing occurred, where • the 'Pro's
water safety rules to Spotting or-
gas'ninulzentilionatae,.r. ss,easpyrii service clubs,
lic fisher
cbiltiren in Grades 6', 7 and 8.
card showing'artificial respirs
ation techniques will also be
chided with safety rule pamphlets
which are to be given to hauses
holders in the town. '
Holstein. Breeders
To Hold Twilight
Members and ethers interested
in the Huron County. Holstein
Weer:Ars' Assoeiatlon will hold a-
twilight Meetibg at the home .of
Peter Simpson, 'half a mile from
Seaforth on Thursday evening of
this week.
David Stevens, one' of the na-
tional directors of the association,
will be on Hand to coaduct a type
demonstration as well'as. a demon-
stration of hoof trimming, The
evening's program 'will include a
judging coiripetitIon.
Guest speaker for the occasion
will be Rev, Dr, James Semple Of
Egniondville. The meeting com-
mences at 7.45.
Lodge Attends
Church Service
'delivered 'the address and the
Castick, vice grand of the lodge,
Lodge paraded to ,St. 'Andrew's
Presbyterian Church' on Sunday
morning, The parade was, led by
Scaipture was read by Wilford
Lodge and of the Majestic Rebekah
Cantons" in full uniferm from Lis-
towel and Walkerton,
Members of Maitland LO,O.F. Rev, Alexander Nimmo, D.D., ' fr. Grey-Bruce it was Wielder,
10,938, the Liberal, Eddie Sargent,
opponent. In Grey North the PC
6,985 and the CCF, Hutchison,
majority of 8,165 over MS Liberal
candidate, Noble, polled
PC, 10,672, Harris, ,Liberal, 7,508,
a majority of 3,164.
• Perth elected Mon tieth, P.C., by a
• Daus saAya-A recent pational,
• survey Shows that Father's Day
ha's', became tae third, biggest
stllin$''opeasion in the Canadian
.iaisiness eileadaa, The ,snraey says
that it milhop dollars change
handS, ,htlaying gifts for dad, which
1-fingeds1agit Year from golf balls to
saeed. baats, We haven't seen •anY
abate in'istpres along the main dreg.
but the shops have a nice range Of
things for the mart your life.
,Suitaay (Ise 16th• THE day by
•the •WaY,
saas 'sass's
Oifea:Of Wingharn's 81dest residents Alex 114, Crawford: esks his vote
in the , general electien on Monday. -Advance-T Ine not°, ".
,Never Too Old to ,Vote! Mts. Annie Lewis
Native of England.-
• A resident of. Wingham for the
past 47 years, Mrs.' Edwin Lows,
Passed, away at 'the hospital on
SuridaY, Deceased, • who was in
her 83rd year, had been ill fois the
past two months,
• The former Annie Apielia. Gar-
rett; she waS bern in Bristol; Eng-
land. In 1910 she came to Canada
for a vacation and after, visiting
.in. Winghain decided to 'remain.
In 1910 she mall:lea 'Edwin Lewis,
Who predeceased her.
Two otaer members pf her fam-
ily also came to • Wingham, 'the
late Thomas Garrett and a sister,
the late Mrs, Charles Bowden.
Mrs. Lewis,.sals'o was a member
- of, St. Paul's Anglican Church was
°swag the original members of the
Altar Guild and a loyal Worker in
that organisation. She was also a
'member of the Wingham. Women's
Institute, And Was beloved by a
large circle ,of friends here.
, She was the last surviving mem-
ber of a large family, being suviv-
ed by several' nephews and nieces.
The funeral was held at the
rt: A. & Sons funeral home
on Tuesday at 2 pat, in charge
of Rev. C. F, Johnson, rector of
St. Paul's Church, with interment
in the Wiligham Cemetery. The
pallbearers were Willis Lapp,
George Shinn, Arthur Wilson,
Michael McPhail, Robert Hogg,
and Merv, Temple/min,
. , , 4
GAltat *Aim; Atten ds f at h er's
A Garden Party' Will 'be held In Funeral in TOrorito
Arthiir J, Brie; the father, Of MrS.
G W, Tiffiri, Of Wingliam, died
suddenly in toaton, Mass,, oil
Thuradaa, slairie 6th,
Mr, Bee Wan' icre-sideat of 544
St. Clements AV,., 'Toreato, heloVed
hitaband Of Laura Cob's, and dear
fathee Of Mrs, G. W. Tiffin (And-
rey5 VVingliain; MrS, W ll, Lea.
man (Narita) anti ROnald, 'Brother
of 1VEra, 1, Walden (Pearl), Kos-
Wick; Mra, Aileen, Beare, Port
Perry had •lames lade. Also sarviv-
ing are 10 grandehildrea, ,
• Tho funerall Was held on lateMclaY,
Jurie' 10th' from the Murray E.
Newbiggitig funeral home, 'Poten-
'Interment, in Mount Albert
Censeterk. '
Perhaps the • greatest .pelitieal
sutprise in the history of .Canada
Was the aeitult.-„,ot tag general
election, on. Monday of this week
wheii the thoroughly entrenched
Liberal party went down to defeat
in desena et constitapacieS,..
leave the Pragressive Conservative
party out ahead by seven seats.'
Among the Liberal standard
bearers who Were sittate&in the
voting voting were, no le sa than nine
was turned opt by a CiiineSe=
Canadian lawy
.er in British Coltrih-.,
I Post-election analyses of 'the
' results arevItle varyin,g, reftSant for
the sweeping change but it would
appear that the, farm vote .sviaing
Sharply to the Po side, added te
which general economic donditioni
in Eastern •Canaria provided great
t annlaPrt far the Same party in the
Maritime provinces,
One salient fact Is eaident. The
1VEr, and Mrs Hugh Carmichael
of Wiiialtain' mid Mr. and IVIist
D. A. Rana, a of Brusaela spent
three days. leat week attending the
Catario and, Qae,becse'onventiop
Lions elubs, at .Peterberpuga Where
the ,former asepreSented", Dlstrice
its gaiseanor.a.1 „
Tile meeting was the. 'largest'
gathering ever • held in P.eterbor*
'ough, with 1,600. regiatered. On
Sunday 'the parade, whieh is staged'
connection with the converition
drew a•craiad of 75,000 spectators,
Tha parade over .a 3smi1e route,
contained • 45 halals and tociar two ,
hoursaaxid. 15. minutes „pass the
reviesvtag stand, Sessioas were
held , in the 'new. ''Peterborough
arena, • '
Orie of the 'principal speakers
was third InteanatiOnal Vice-Presi-
dept .Clarence Storm of Milwaukee.
onserva I've.. amp,
, All alit ridings in this immedi-
ate section of the province return-
ed or elected .Progresstve Conser-
vative members in Monday's act-
ing. ,
In Wellington-Huron, of which
Wingham, Turnberry and Howick
farm. a part, PC Marvin Howe was
returned with se majority of 34:35.
He polled 9,283 compared with
5,-848 for his opponent, Arnold Dar-
roch, Liberal,
Wingham voted 916 to 148 'for
Howe; Turnberry, 371 to 251 for
Howe; Howick 681 to 667 for Howe.,
In the riding s of Heron Elston
Cardiff was returned for the pro-
gressive Conservatives with a'
vote of '12,254 to defeat Andy Mc-
Lean, Liberal, who polled 8,585, a
majority of' 3,719.
In Bruce riding Andrew Robin-
son, PC, had a majority of 2,175
over Donald Blue, his Liberal
opponent, The Vote was 8,186 to
PnrIllsers .than, has been tise. eest
Unquestionably progreasive Con-
servative Leader John Diefenbaker „ The Wingharn brarreh. of the carried out a personal campaign Canadian Legion, in conjunction wka o. was fired with vigor. 04 'with the Canadian Red Cross So- enthuSlasin and apparently the
ciety,, will conduct a very worth- militant spirit luta Its effect on the, •
while and important campaign voting Public, The province of :Quebec, retarned, from June 16th until June 22ad,
when a "Play Safe Near. Water" :,:tf,°alf been anticipated though
Safety drive, using radio, television , the PCs did gain seats here It
and' the press, will be put into was in Ontario that the greatest
Legion * members will circulate 60 out of the 85 available. seats.
gressive CoriServativeS "rolled up
They held an-4 33 of these seats
eluded, • of course, • 'fairly 'strong
support for 'the CCP in Saskate,bes
wen and for the Secial• Credit
Partys in Albenta and . British
Columbia. However, neith-eiaparties
,thade the impressive • gains Which
IMO been predicted In Sol/leaguer-
ters before the election. . •
Final. standing- shows that- the
How They Stand'
Progressive :Conseryatiaei nev,.
weaS110: seats; Liberals, 10,1;
On-14 ''':',;81"
by independent • Mambas:S..
In order to provide a complete
bloor donor service in this locality
the Vaingham Branch of the Ca-
nadian Legion is co-operatirigalnith
the Wingham General Hespital and '
the District Medical Association
to determine the blood tyner etas
many people as possible in thi
a rea. , • ...
For this parpose bleed ,taping
will be done at the hospital on
Jam. 25th and June 27th between
the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock eaqh
evening. Age limits fOr the :blood
donors are 16 to 45 years. • .
Records of thI the blood types
will be kept at the hospital, so
that in cases sof emergency bloocl
donors may be called in. .
Each person whose blood is typ-
ed will also 'be given a, card,wisich
states the blood type of the holder•
and is extremely valuable to doca
tors in case of a,cciderit,
Residents of this area are ale() -
reminded that. a number .ols one's
'Own family might easily be' the
person who' requires blood quickly,
The blood type records save
precious minutes when a life is, in
danger. ,
Further information about Una
project may be had .by contacting •
John Currieajack Stephenti or De*
Witt Miller, •
several Previous eleetiora to
state their choice of hi leadersp.-- • , • .
•--Wendall Alton has returned
Members of th° "ng118111 Guides who were 0111'0110d on Piltlay evening' NUM-line the Chide this *telt front Toront0 Where he N.'"'Iv
hos been taking a mosaa aa a Bodge which they art now eatitled to Wear, The girls are tram left to right Brenda Cotitofi, lane Poytot4
-,AdVance.`rintes Oat,.
Pay 'Vet), jane liethetingten, Janette Aenderson and ti.uth Bodgiris. ' aenrse at the Caharlien School of IS811san AcYnoldSo