The Signal, 1926-8-19, Page 7T
•':MN1rt•MMrooeip. -,r•++ Y
County and District
Mrs. Mc1ku.a14. %blow of the late :
Jthn F. Melkelaid. Grey 4twu.1lior.
died Monday. ►ugu.t '.1101. in her
elghtt eighth year. •
An old resident ut Huwlek has
passed nw'uy. In the person of Thomas
j3rre,•c, whose (k•ath ie•curred July
Zhot lu his eightE-first year.
111.. Stewart. of S.•at,rth. has Mien
ugago•d• a• assistant readier in the
high wheel .le•lalrtwent at ilwl+sll.
She peitee •ds 31IYs (S. tkwrktt, whop rv-
ertrtly re.dguel. " •
TI,.Hua. I.ambkio, a( ` F'ar.lwhdl,
wiener .lawth .s•curred reelI.$y` at the I The death of Mrs. John lVall.'r. of
age of .laky -nine years. was a native this town, u.•currwl In 134. Jo,a•pWa
of Itowh•k township. and farmed there hospital. le¢1d"u. "n August. 11Kh. at
until hl. reuieval to Forded...1i abotot the Hite of forty yours. Lhs.eal,ed
seven •r.•are ago. . i leave, her huelwud and five children.
_The Itra-..•I. Post atone that Gn•y. Her maiden same was l.44tle Mia El-
tovimit,lp Lek,. suer t.,rty v„trri• of a that atod her whole life had leen silent
wifh•I,ii4 ituttilwr to entitle the t'lu - lu this t•nmmuully.
ship 1.. a deputy ftr,•P. :111.4 tle•xt v��sr --J• W. Hogrlrth, w he ha. Lr•u teoeh-
jj will have "illy one r.-pregentatve !n lug ally..! at Motto -on. New Outart.,.
the comity council. , hos 11w•ided to take a rest after forty-
4'hus. 31cKlnnou. of 34,'I..•unttn. five years 111 the tt•aehhlg ptt)te•4.lot1
Mich.. loss toren visiting the scene. of sod will tuake Ills 11,44414' 111 Exeter.
his 4..yh.ssl Ito the h,wnaliip of Twit- IVuu. Penna.. of Ileusell. kits pur-
ersmltl. It Is at.Mrt sixty years since 411.1.441 the resld.ilc.• of 3lrs. A. ('.dile
be 4.11 Ills early home In that town- fu F:xer,•r and will move here'aud 4b -
ship and this Is 141. first 1.1+11 ti, that vote his tier to the Insurance host -
tine.. 4.q1 t. u. M. 11.• ha. sold his farm to Alex.
The11 w(wk p414.4 to II -Morrie- 11- t•rerar of Wroxeter.
township "lac. August Sols, tot '
Henry Luther. at the mgr of seventy-' SEAYORTH
our (Before Nosing to I'slo,rne
tie ha.l 4lr,d lu MA:lllivray and lite- H,;,f,rth lost oar „f its beeddianen
Ph." towyl.itip.. Ile Inners w wl. .w .ltixe'us in the doral,. 00 Thurssisy last.
and sever: 1 Is.u,. suit daughters. of jam.. 10. Hhc•hlec. Mr. 41111ehl4'1
The • d'4II ' of Mary•p1111i,' had been In !nett health for year .r
Mum-. 11.4h•tt, township. ..r•urrp.I on 18011••• for several niin1lis. 11e w1.
hw•n confines to bis -
ell has a gaug of ern empl"yosi in rt -
modelling the !.ower town wined. The
estitultt.d cost of the work is $2,500.
The Turnherry. Agrieultural Society
has eemnieuced file erection of s new
fair housing, 40 by 100. opposite the
Ismer Ileum.. John Potter la erecting
' 41 urw' barn, 50 by M.
lVlugham Orangemen hell their an -
decoration .tn:cc last Sunday
' aTtehioon. - t
Itannin. 1•ame from 44 time. awl tits. is
her first visit to the ••af•ltal .ity In alt.'
t lkwe yours. ..•
Alexander Nix& .un old reeident of
NOW w ELL Jthin stvtlutt., iwS .lutwt a h in St.
olaepb's ho11pltdl.iIAru
tk+u. lk.4w.+i.t
wui,u horn LI York .r•utl,f'u14,,ut eighty
your* nail and when a young nun
envie to this enmity reins airesideele.1.
farwhtg at IWunahrook•. Later he
moved to a htrm In East N'uWsui,.-,
near Myth. and toil rIevil ),wrs •ae
situ,• III. lllrlh 10 rislde. sin., th.•
death of 11111 wife three years ago lie
had lived with ration. relatives and
friends. Hr 1. snrvixed t.c one as'er•
Mr.. Jas. Artnetruug. of Itlyth: two
!mothers. Ju._ vxun of Seafnrth affil
Jeswph of I.aknow, .eml :u, adopttrl
son. Fronk Nixon ,f 1'orr 'William,
The remains5.PTP 10'01101i t, 1:1)111'
for interment.
Mrs. D. 3ieG.wan. neeom4anld by
her .Inter, hr. Annie Ross. loft re-
eently on :t trip to Seattle. Vancouver.
Edmonton and other \%'e'stert: pointe.
Her Suffering Relieved and
Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Toronto, Ontario. - "I am certainly
very grateful for the benefit 1 have re-
ceived from Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound, also the Sanative
Wash and the Liver Pills. In the
early spring 1 was suffering so much
from loss of blood that I thought I
would never be any better as doctor's
medicine relieved me only for the
time being. 1 saw the Vegetable
Compound advertised in the 'Toronto
Star,' and I find the Vegetable Com-
pound Tablets the best for me. I
have been taking them since Spring,
and I intend keeping them by me all
the time. After reading your Pri-
vate Text -Book I saw it was neces-
1sry to use Lydia E. Pinkham's San-
ative Wash, and I can safely say I
feel a different woman. My friends
remark how well I look. I am a very
busy woman, but I am ready at all
times to boost your medicines. --
Mrs. CUARL11.8 GiFvItr, 949 Lands-
downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontario.
You may he having an experience
similar to Mra. Giffn's and will be
interested to know what she did.
Every sick woman can feel confident
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound will help her, since we are
told that it does help 118 out of every
100 wo•nen who take it.
Sold by druggists everywhere. c
Townsen.L \Ifs• 4tf Thoman E. 1.IviHit' ,nun• ,Ind lam
'August .'11 h her fift-seventh year.
Thr d,-, *"ed 1 beet. p partial 1n -
valid f.•: years. \SI4i leaves, tw.ides
1' her hu-buthL one :eon MA three daftgh-
11.t r., u : and \4 ,',•1,.•k "n the
morning ••f !►uu.L1y. %ague( •oth. the
garage of ('e'has I'ym. at the Std ,•,1-
.•rsw1,.0 of t .IMIr111•. to cher with eon
ttrrrband tearing car. w ,,.mptet.•Iv
,k•s'ruc..1 by fire. 1t '1e s Ipotesi the
fire started from . short el tit Ito the
Lora fu Hallett sixty -44x year. ago.
141ove.1 is. ltnxlmr.. 1n 114(94 and 114 Sten -
forth live years l.ter. Hr leave. a
widow a11,4 two sou.. John. en the staff
,.( the 4',.Ilegiati Institute at ISrnut•
1t Ia
fent. :11..1 flurry. .cur
Stenfurth's tax rate for thla year is
41'1 hill!.'.
Irr. It. It. (toss los leen appointed
t.. tlw it,.,forth ('eMrgtate institute
hoard to 1111 out the unexpin.l term of
the late J. M. I$4'wt.
:Scutt Hawthorne. while ft.'hlug near
foto kttrow, eallght a randsow trout that
nomoons! 24 inel.'s in 1engib -and
neigh.. :t Is M 11 ootheca.
been 11.x.1 Tatethat night -
The Iwnl, on the farm of Matt.
Willie. neer lieltlkor'. N'as dee eyed.
by fire .cur 44'.Iliuit rw1-i1tic. Mr.
lie hs.l a hautrrn into itis resd-hu
w•ho•n• rhe If1..,111"• rugine e,.o.L is 1!
in It it .» - t wits rurelu►s•,I in 11.111
He w:I• Very 14.1,141y bunted. The
burn w:,• .4 :sumwL will. the season it
hay. a large ghantfh of grain. and
tart -Mhos
woe performed by Rev. I). 31acTacilrh.
.Mr. mol -Mrs: Harris ivlll reside in
Lou -knew •` •
Mr. 1Mrrow, who has licel at God-
erich for several y4lns. has (sought
Fn,nk 1'111.•'. }kine• "n Ingle street
and will eum4 to retold.. in Lueknow.
It. 1). Cameron paw at Toronto last
week on In .,,nnlrtion_wlth
the Retail Merchants' Association.
MI,. M.,i,ll.e M.Morran lino re-
+nrited-Ie.APr home hero a
=.sitar tea- operation 141 Well!Mey Imtr
pltal. Toronto.
'rburaday, August 10, 1'.r18. 7
Af ternooh
iso 1s11.l•1.IIAS111.141N
---ti.ajerieh, Ont.
Let earth and all that live therein.
with reverence roar 111e Lord:
Let tlr,the Ner'd's inhabitatlu order. Phi.' n4' coarse 40 suit tl►e trade.
l)r.e.l Ilitn will ,u.• a.r•.rd. R Most Seedless Raisins, 15c per Ib. _
Bal sasrs>•aaaamassaaaar osaanom
▪ Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders just in, 3 for N
▪ 25c. A good teaspoon, King George design, given IN
X away with every 2c worth.
Another shipment of our +penial Black Tea to Loot, only IN
59c s Ib. Try a pound, it se a winner ]♦
\1'e grind our No. 1 blend Coffee Is'an fresh wills your ■
That nut.'•, bt.sees1 in, alt su'
J P111.Yah it, an.. th1.'r
A Wes.a.l ps-opie are. IP 1101:U for
His ho he .hose.
l'salm 33.
41 1,4 4,1. our Lor.► how a rell,•ut 1.
Thy \amp in all the earth. 'rtrott hast I ■
■ Some Tasty Lines for Picnics a
1 \lest -Nish Spread. Sandwell Spree. (hive Butt„r. IIII
a Peanut Butter: Salmon. Sardine-.
II Tuna Fish. •
a Piekle.:, Olives Sud Iiaue.'e of all kinds. II
I.emonadl , Orangeade , ftsl.phcrry Syrup , 1'h.•rry Syrup atilt
ever fo•eu minent of Thy erertures.
PORT ALBERT Feeding wool guiding then into ways tot ran e .'y
tnh and rlytt,.m+t,s.4'uutnue
4" a .\ good assortment of Fancy Cakes alwaya.otl band.
"how u.1'h> loving favor and grout u. •II Just received a fresh shipment of Picnic Plates.,
'stolen for sotto tusk lite ete•nntl. for
J4 -t. sake. Amt+l. ' ' 111 Vegetehlett and fruits, fresh from the garden, nlwny-I oil hand. iII
(Intended for hist week!
Pt 'KT ALB':KT. Aug. 11. -Mr. John
Guru and uhutater. Annie. motored
t.. Detroit and Plymouth. Mich.. aliend-
ins the week-elod with relatives them.
31 .. It ,• l'r:1.l-y and won. George.
have retnrnwl home aft.;r n visit with
the formwr's :greats. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred (rnttll.•r. or Dashwood.-
•The An 1li,ii irhureli and MtasImr
hand held ,ieni. s oil Tto,d:lc sad
Wedneeduy be the Lakeside here.
',%hat might bare proved a more
w• aeei.h•it ..cohered on the ..40th
11111 Stw,dn4' afternoon. when the ear
deIcen by 31r. George Ashton; jr.. of
this Owe: ....Hided with Mr. Rafrd's
car from Drina -Reid. ttoth cnrw were
unable to ,,,utinue their Journey. Por-
tutntely no one woe hurt.
Goa1• delivered to any part of the town
N. S. LESSON Pint ci G. 290h 1Sr26 •
Lewtiall Title -'rhe Test Command-
' sante; ilutir. to Man.
• Lesion Passage. -Exodus 29:12.21.
(lelden Trvt-Lexi 19:18.
-tir. - ret, en hi- . cis. -ilio:, uu
• this I,-wn, sacs: •Tt,• limb
(twis . w hick pn•scr!b••• rec.•r,.nce for gnu m
parents.. makes a bridge 1.15.1en the
PISMO 46 South Side of Square I
pn.rpis relating In Tull•. NNVIITtts-
(;ud and Hasse eujuiuing dn114s• to
-mon. The family Is 1111• social unit.
If that 1..4041 !-' .:ackenes1. much else
- is Torrakt•n.•d : if p' • Iv kepi slroug and
Iain'•, society is sweetened and -„tlal-
lowed. What this eolonenottuent iii -
joins,. Is pit olio a•uce. nor Iwo. but
Donations from Goderids honer. The Romans ma.145 much of
the,•uuil.autla.rity.:uld rhe lowish
'l:w.. A. It t. Sanitarium
of I.fathrr was 4" ••roulmand bis household
th. National Sanitarium , '.uioeiation. I arts him."
- wrtt'S-l' Tn this , tonulnod a.a: Il.ktwl 31re
The treasurer of the Muskoka 1 -Id.- Irruwi•e• ,f Lu14 I:fl•. •r, til+ !t Is .4'x-
pitai for 4'uusnmldiveto desires grate- f ,ri.*..i in pew, .:n;. "that thy daye
fully 141 aeknuwledge the following
• . 't mac,
that I
may t«• pr,4loto;ct.i..tul Lo
euniributiun- received in Goderich by i•i•II with (h,•., 111 tilt hind Nhh•1. Use
the field secretary of the National
4 h 1111 1
Sanitarium Asweiat4on: ,,18 t.. Cowl 4(4.19-.'
-abi,,• iusta0ce of the 'rialto
. ureic.. : ,M e c of this i+ rw'•n .. n•m n
r t Tran+tt f'o„ "3:‘L.,"<"4"... t.wh 41?--, 1- "Jeremiah tail, Vit.. lite
San f`ospluy'. ."..; �. o 1 %: house of. the it.rhnb II's...nil/. with the
ltrollhy lima„ n2: i.. M. Ma4as•, I'.1►.St.. Inrd of lusts, the tied of iteret•I Ike-
- LCCKNOVti BWTH #Y: signal !'rioting ('ompnny. Ltd•.�ria,l.,• p. Nil V,' :obeyed the command}
E2: E. it Wl�b.,42: H. ('. Ihthlnp 12: aixut Jonwarb. y,wr (other, and
The Lie•knew- heeling :dub i• hull- kept all iii• I
Ing It. Illathal tournament to.'tic 1.111-
i.t 1tali I.
Brown 3lallnngli of I:rlurby. has
I let , -le toile; holiolatt in tnw-h.
e lunrrlagt• took pal• .t Exeter
ugnst nth of MIns Ethel irene
%Yu.:.•. d,tnghter of Mr. awl Mrs. 114'r -
1ha.•k:eton hn• tekt•u over Frank
Ref'otr•'•11'. real .state btts:u.•s..
.�tis>< 1a:tadr �1ltatn _ _ale was .I•It• -
!fig her father. Gavin %neon. for ten
weeks. Iles h•ft for .Vnu••oncer.
The %%h,shatn Rubber ('o. last wa•k
made another laps.• •1i►.narut
cushion tires t.. Ir.:.oud 'lids til.
the fourth •1111 n:ntt in t11e
try. '.1111,• (lie I •."lit company
Ter the ),nota• •
U0 Aug,tst a.1 ('•'':u-•ili.r and 11r..
. J. 3 9' 41, 11 ••brd'. l tie l4' silty r
Pt�liO nn' •.rsar.. They were
tnarrh ,• t! I-ieen It 1!Mt1.
.I:t•u • It •: ..f N. w `'..rk. 1.n•srl
1•• honor ..1 II. won, l
5 n1 tow 11 Tllot. i5r
e4' a i" l.rt,tlllnoitM:--+
rppr►ns•tet 1 g•41tletaan
•amm.•rs .• and was •
kir' y-tlret 1 wife and
M ! New '•.PIF- T4i•
41 t.•4' 4'r
4'1 i In .
1: ;'..k .sae.• in iVingham
1.111 Lower 1Vtag-
•at. 4V .1. 19.y,
ort 1V' le of l.ncktoow. to Elmer Lee -
iv Harr
as Harris
son of 31r. ati,.l Mrs. Thom -
d Hulynssl. Thexcremikny
":; �rii•e
way t1. i.
Wottd'. Iar51 t Expel tioa too Naerw" "
.nenter (abet re.-Avsrsmen•,*di. tb'rn' ••s�.d til. year. Usre eg
1928 Dates -Aub. 2$-S pt.11
311 Alberta 4toth.•rs. "f Denver,
1'01.. I. rlsitlne her tureuts. Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Stotbers.
Mr.. N. 11. (Botley lett last week on
n v1.!: to her .faun. Mr.. Wm. Emigh.
:1t 11rnnt1 Valley. and froom there was
to goo on to Ottawa t.. take In the . co-
teunlnl ,,'l'brtltlnn there. 1t 1s forty -1
five year. sinew Mrs. (Miley and -her
parent the late. Mr. and' Mrs. John
1►r. J. it.. Whitely. 02: Hays k Hayv'. -. 4 is ,n.•.- a., and ,I,..,.• •ecord-
f2: Rev. R. 4'. Melk•rmid. 12: H. at. i"4( manall that he hallocummaud.xl
Hely. 1.),111.14.. al A. ('onlfirld. 11: A%'., 'you: tketrGire thus with the Lord of
4'. Pr!dham. 11: l',r'ers Book Store. •Lusts the 1ns1 of 'isr:n•1. Jena.kth the
SU: J• A. 4',unl4w41. al -t- J. N'. 4."thefr. ,wt 1r4.•taab shalt port want a plan to
11 : N'. 1t. Barri-on. i1: R. 41. John= etund hefon• Hr forever..
The with. ,••swath and eighth ism -
.ton., $1 : E. Cleveland, 711: Kim M. R.
MI•V11•nr, 11: 1►. 31. •''HrI.'n. 11: J. C. mat:dmo•t1t+ prohibit acts against life
Carrie. $1: small sum". $1.'25: Intal.- marr:a:a: and property. Maki s rel..-
Ay-z1disks a
' l) '0111rshiv 1: Is it i' .111 4.loriou• -
31.Irie :uttlt•,r ..f thi-
hyul as horn in the .remty of In;
rrr114- - $4■ tfuw1. i., -17`•1.4 lie .rag-)
elfdid. t.w'1n. •tit interne 10 1'Ir-
!iim' :t In 1SX -t..- i"1"1it- -iWP4•nme n -
dlrct,r of 'he Ka -t ladle .'.u,l.:...y
and in 1s:14 w:111. .•!.• •ir11 Govern, r of
Bombay. 11e died at 194I,.'rle, N'e•t-
.ere India. on July lith. I•ela.
•1:r• ams n 41 411 of wide Intern's
1441.1 •• relit/tens fowling. -I.t.-le-ln-.
er.'sting to r.-me•ntls•r that whlltt' he
as n men.l.•r of Parliament the his•
--f to 111II 1L, nnL•ty roar! i*ts first .Tmei"h
``111 .111.1. rt 4.f Sir Rolwrt (;runt's 1.111
for • ving sump of their nights to the
Je.y.., While int In.l1a he derotel 11
4(eo,411 4 t of tris time to littnlry murk..
- H.• wret two books "n 11141111 and n
1 hll.•r f ,thee r.
ee vellum•. In 19.344
Ln11n1 lace I.rant•s bond her. i"b-
Il.hed teelr_ of his h}wu -Mooing
} there- eel.. "
' .lrohnd i %'14• ";4lclour, When In
1 h1a to -Thee.- nil what Is uudoul.t•
'illy 111* tlut•at e rt. "0 Wortd.ip the
King. ,%II Glorlows lane."
Th1..u,hli• hymn 1- )Iwib1y west n•
l much as. If not more loan. any ether
,1 k, ,Iwu Perri,'w. 11 4 ' its (1119'14-
' al loll from 1114' 11411. I' ' m, 1114 111'114
stately movement and 1 p 11414. of
I t• Lveire L rultt•+ation 1,4 4'1.
blrN III 1•0114.4•1 It
1 The author did not enjr
health. and( althougli little 1'n
die life when Ile dle.k he are
11,1ve INt'45 _prematurely old. Not
b,'fnre his death lie penned nil
' ver..s which eef2k'11tly refieeted h
thoughts on his tsmeral'_,physietll cote
' rlltinrr. line very nine:
' And noir In nee and grief Tlry Nome
Too.- „till n,yi brt,.ruld henrt intl:l:ne
Geeslin. elf!) taut. must 1.e • 1fr-
ytuardel agonist eery:loing'tlust w, a .1
lerol t,. injure. mole or desirey :If. -
for 4'M .+wit -i4' u•• o•••,ult _ upon_lb..
image of (toss -''Wit. ,n .Iwrklttle
lusts, - 1• west by.. ,. Mho l bl. hteotod. 1.•
heel. f in 411. .. 1.4* f t:,..1 Load,
oun rhe sclnctiti of t:,'4 marri,tlns trel •
to)ns. i1 is salegioalo. . iu the .4'ct-tith
: fwetet atoll n ..tile is fs.mhd
Empire Anthracite
Stove size. A car full in-
Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump
1113.00a ton.
UeI for .4 *..
A fins -class f
and furnaces.
Let us supply your wants in Fuel.
Prompt service and
Telephone 178 j
4 n [,el. t o tiro MOM. r d thug sorb .14 1st, p.grt
y g trans!..:til, Thee.
n>: yr . we ;o.,. fortadd►n u• mourn our fes 1•
Knee yet a strain for T•nee. -
%41.1 ikon -my -tattering kn.,'
.. : r 4141
isc to , P *.tiling t« outer'.. L..1 Lthcw ;
als anti I
Inn in itct: but the ninth f,.rtrhke u, t••
1+14' Li!•t *'Lune 1'hrtstlat: ,l a. f-4, 4ure hlin in eerd. ,n..l 1449 tench .:
t• -r ayd hew 41o.• twllgious fo iia f trtmtgnif. �[ili• cow?1IIlrar n?t k0to,• 1
.•,I11e44 him to 1.' 14r•:tirc T41;,%. ,;r.v :a rryr Telt+. "11•.4.•1 skeet f+• if+tit n. wJrum
wile,-circ:e of fri,•ndit and ad 4i:r.r•. :,:I thing aro• naked and open. but w••
After lops .k 0th ,itrtking : t. 11 is rt.:14. ht Ja uie•s 1:14. 1:. tlru the bion'
wags 4".4'1• 141 t . i elk'nct ..f 1 ;s .s tin- nee of all sins agtints: own'
work a 7.., 1 .r f Iti•tuT.44' 't 1 n i l..,4'-.-ritr--4.oraY_.••r iu
,!;,. .pure l .l4' ..f 11,4• b ••w,',•4, man tit 'i
Ii .• nuetiu>j.wa ! :aid n • - I !
torr• its t4' r lar t4'.. - 14 w -r*' - 4n.• --+r• . . r.•.,. ,s 4.'w.,1 in 411...• comm:utdm4'II
en l ,1be•- nr • u 1 - 101 1111% .•.. .4• .4 U' taugettin His talk .*iib tie
. IVO r.l• .,.,cel•, 11 h, asks( 111111. -1411 1.'11 i$ the
_ -__..
St..y,•ra! ,•. lits • L;:, i --•r _ 4':r
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by E:ectricity
Iron by Electricity
t1',• guarantee nor Ily.lrn 1141114,N
for 11410 boors toe•
North side of Square Gnder;ch
(;rates !,oro. .'r• : 4'r,,• w!r.rt -ltwtt,halt ',,-+'..------- - -
.41,0.4 Son Il io l :'s L4•-'- .• 1.i •r :,}' Good h
a Hi 1111 411) ,-.elk Tr a Want .141. in The Siy;tutl.
Ifs cigar nn ! •err • Im:r:r,!r bly.-,iitld -4''I tin .out: :in.' -with Hit y
nuojestib• too:ooS ' 'i1• '.pmu. :,. 1d1 ` 'lIs thetlfirst and green
ran h,• lis n!.' •i ,4 91i, e" . t „ n ', :ui !11 .• .''rt the• sewn.! S. oke•
like w. m:u,c .•In :,• r.ul fdt,'r • 11 II• 'l':' ,i, shoo'• love thy cyber
t7iS11.lf "._'Ill rfS. - fig
gos 1 doe , ,f : n au.1141t g t •',k
Ionto to tin :oppro liar,• tune a I, •
• , '. u_.,4',• :I I. WORLD N131:111NS
11.I.4' .••�.'srTrgisn.a•r •'.wu:.,ai•lasl1. n:I'I f;•
0 Wor-hip Ile king
't Yin„
u w.rshi ti• sN : Core:
Ole abort,
p - 1rrt fti�t-r tone ikon{:
4' _rafeful'S • I1,- (snc••r :md Ili. )1 i:. „4'.,n} IMn»• iii Le Hnd•o•
• (t r N' -r'44/44+4-344444441--.41- .1w look.
fa11L ,lir•
Phis halt a cent per alb >•t bapesA tpdil Thi
^ Ed
Aat srniii -iL1f a eent per s to Witt'ta
pier $344.00 to desbeaooa• mils m
Through .pas►al treble for Wlonip.g •t• Ossaadlam Natiessat ityi..HI lasm as feliceeet pltamill rd Thor*
$$$err TORONTO make Statim) �,pQt A..M• A. IS (midnight Aug. 17)1 12,10 P -M Awg.1St 10,
. IS; 1220 P.M. Ang 21): 10 44x6 P AMU Y1: 11.30 P.M.Aug. 114 000 P.M. Ara. ill; 12M1+41
pt. 1, 9.013 P.M-
P' ROM OTTAWA 12.01 Alt. Avg. 1e (midnight Ang. 17); 11.01 wean Aug. le; Lia AJta. AMAMI
1201 onn Aug A1-
FiROM WINDSOR t2 01 A.M. Ans. 20 ("'silt Alai- 19). Ciatham, &MOM
FROM PALMERSTON 9.00 A.M. Aug- 20, via Guelph. Ooerpaawa sad iajamai 4.
flpwial through rya (prim other principal points eontleetlesa with shove spm Balis. Par ,Istrlr eal 11141 e
CanseSee Nat cowl Aryls.
Bekaa to Ipeg vis Canedlen National Halsey, . -- 4
Wok le • SIem dist as the Canadian- i.L Beed- Tickets and as iek+maltisa tree a
(►un shlrld ,o.d d.'!••: '1
0t ha,4-
r. Ln• .%I (i' ,. -1 per Stlts;tanll.•wa1. and wi•st-
nd444'4 w; !t o ar'I •' " •"n•hw1,r•1 to ll, Stones.I
ago:1 1'.•• it 0•1.?•• - is• . Irrli'.i 1T1+' fes;.
11f lot,•
• ,. se" aro- 'the Indian
!•per, .•..s ,.-s,, ;11,11-1•sls :cud the tali, :•
man'. a4'•+ .1.ttoca nto.$) his earcr''
Ft1-_ l.a.-aul'4' lo..:h.r ,11' the antic•
the. . I1rlst • ,•r,
( ! fir „, .1 .Idris,. III•
01:1114 a ..1,1. , t`ir,'• li 'tt"t1•F. ole Yhr l
dcly of 1, :orri II .4 .:ri,lk'•rtlzel pit,
drinnrtimtn. was .4seo ••:!»•red. sun/ onto
were• !r!fi,-1. tl:• it gain!":,. •'t:, I i
w•Iit,. Tlwnu'• 114, t•!•'•• lee.1
er••ncl"•r, ,I}:n_ ••f smallpt. o forg0t'114
off• ring• :1•'.1 sts'nt his Inst night ,m
earth in • oo14„rta'i'•0. pray, r and
r:e,rQ.• 1lrltral¢nl;'. r'te's • suffers.
the sneer :t. to w'11•'ilt4 '1I and
money nn 4th., lcfi•re•I
ior races ITt' i+ in
Q,.w1 'r►mpamy- : Livingst'me. 4'1"alt,hur'.
t;eklte 11.1 l'o'on: Damien 41111e444: the
i'•p.•r•: (:lrling. js•:r.•hin: our tb.• Cop-
t*? Ia'k'in.,c : ,3rm'ereer, •,Heatel t,
the n' gr'.-.: (:4'l afelt. frletpl of laahro•
dor •'li4••yerrwi'`-,tld 5'hNsr.'9aciour
..f thieves a14 Ta.rleta_.-._-_._____. _
' Canaan owe. tit 11,-1 1.11111111 441141 1119
1.4)11 11 dela net ]wild. ('hrlsttati mt•
sTonaT. the
bet',•r sic* of tl+'• ,'.!Iltt. tn:u:. 0)11.4•
aQa!11, t1PWrh44' et floe. trues reee.e•I in
them by the Dusan.. quieted HIP ant'
,Rums booming in.4he Ind!::n lamp*
urn •aced the rarwtl,n. F`,r the e•Mi►•
to leubs• tiene'fnl ,-rnita.4 het
111 'nos and ahitre 1tI
the (`,nn4Nnn
Arse), la'rgdrredlt most I.' given to the
Alert of Poo" They nld.4 nation
handing•-4lnwn rd.
1) tell of -1.1.' 11:.., . ' 1 'IM( "f. 11:.•
race. ,
1%'lases• role• 1. t h, 4.' w les.• 4;00114'
NL .11nFh,h• of „r 1 Ile 4114.1. than
der-ei,nd. 1.01.11'.
nit 4e4'k ti+ 1444-44441v -,41--tleottrines-ef
th.• sl.ertn.
The eartlt wit's r' of w1...,ers
untold. •
Alm!g' 4•: Thy pea. r 1 4th f,nn•i,ri of
• 0 4
Hath 'eta 11 -led it .`.1-; 1. a eh!,1444'-
PT fsa
And omni i hath 4'"•r. tike'. mantle,
the sea
Thy hy.ltlt!fhl 1..• • e.J...•t 1.15411' can
1t breathes 111 the a -. sues fu t!.••
It streams from rhe descends
to the plain.
A$41 sweetly 'itsl!I. I' 41P4. Nil
flie rain.
Frail childrenof.N,.•. .1.,•1 ft ltd
In Thee do we tots:. I ! 't •Gln • h
Thy mimeo hew tender Ir,w firm
the end.
noir Muiko.r. Defender, 11.-,1'•e11e1'. ,14.•1
n na•n.urnlP,t. Might: InefflthlP faire•
ithib• tinge* delight to hytni. The
rhe letinldee emotion, th•.gth fertile
their lays, a
%Vitt, true n.l.rratlon tols1111,H•p to Thy
torn lar•,
Brophey Bros.
rders car"fully till ended to
at all hours, night er day
BROCK Street. P 0. Boa 601
Telephone 187
Give us a trial and
let our work speak
for itself.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls pr. raptly attended t, •
day or night
Store 33.1 Resldeure 35Sw
Ilan ilf"n Strrrl, Goderf.•h
Electric Wiring
We sigpheculllLe in Wiring of
all kinds. Let us Fie you an
estimate for wiring your
hcu.e or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors,
Dynamos, Electric Light and
Burglar Alarm Systems
AC: %%'ark 4 unranteed
Cook, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment of
the best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
F...en i..1 17 we...! St.
Ilotlte Phone 2:.IJ Store 82
Shingles. Car of N. It. Shingle@
Just . arrived. Johns Manville
AibeW0iPhTngTre, Rolled B4O
ing, Asbestos Roof Covert*.
Galvanized Rld{rerow Nall*, etc.
Get Priers Before You Buy
East St. Phone 369W
for -
Massey -I larr,is Machinery Frost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont.
a -.
F.ventllntly some young wemail will !
hn*ti her iiietnre taken without a• dis- {
play of Lester}•. -Detroit Free Press.
McCormick -Deering Farm Equipment
(lit'• u- a call jf you re(lnir" any new Farm Equipment or
Repairs. Also a good clean mtpply of
Rope Twine Oil* White Lead and Turps
;General Line of Hardware a Th, Ssrrice store