The Signal, 1926-8-19, Page 6•O Thugsday. . tigll.f 1111. 1!•b .
Excellent Value in
c ,,;np,lrte 97 -piece sets im-
ported front England.
Priced from $19.75
to $60.00 set
Gifts and Novelties
,1 ('hilus We-- *lei 14-u,..1
111,.1 lira.+ fr ,, M.n 4.;vet
'he Irr,eni
Porter's Book Store
'•44n the Square for forty years"
Tar Western Fair
Enthusiastic Demonstration in
Support of James Malcolm,
North Bruce Candidate
•.'." 7111S SIGNAL,
otbr . 1 urk yaw therefore to melee
certain of Yr. Ma!e,.Im'' election on
polling 4k4)."
Mr. llielrulm. upas rising to speak.
weer tendered an 0%111iun by tkt' large
.vowel ethics Jaunted the stating rink
to I he dewrtt
l4, pr•tkclog hie iLisress, Mr. Mel-
, oho .took lu•asiSlut 1uLrmi,y La defend
tIle public work; t54.•udituri.t he had
secured for Khiirrdute and the other
(Yuri. of hl. riding sidle a member of
"Mr. aleigheit claims that hundreds
.Kineard,l:,. Aug.- 14.--1dbt•ruiism of thousands of tkd;ars hoer been
b«1.1 popular .41*y In North Ilru r on Na•rl,t ;41 .4,4:1;1 pith&. Nitrite" he u!.
Sat11rduy, with 'j.41144 people atteudh,g served. lint 1 N4Uid Lite to inform
meetings at Port Elgin and Kintner- him that the expenditure" in North
rotor). a quest$nu between you and me. I oisele Ibe itatvmt. L he dial,' ought to
If you think e'm lioieet, vote for cur. i drive Mr. 1k•hublup out of nubile lift,
(t.'riee Ir "W,• NJ11" and :1111/4111141/..)." 411 ('dna4la.
Turning to Mr. Nicholson's reargue 'lint the Aral crop of whisper. front
*hunt the 001 iserviee'at 4'41ay... Mr. I the ellisper factory Las all been re-
Maler,iui said that a. iwirwau of the 1 fitted and prove.) NIN.olutely false, and
cavil service at Ottawa he had owruaiou . I alk you an'urdingty to tin on your
to the weathers of the service, 1 mord, ugwln.t the next trop,
1W yYtmlj.iatteadis4 thew against I -What r4Nott .mupding)--ia -11 not
Mr. Niehuba,n'. itecusatImm. true that smuggling IN 11M regarded, In
"lir. Nicholson ',flows hie stoleweuts ' the same light a. breaking of the Teu
are luta•." inserted Mr. Malcolm ecu- ( Co outuulmintent*T 1 woukl hale to wok
phatk•slly. "Haw blaming She preen even the -entomb religion* 44104)41) of
now. as Mr. `Melghei nlwuy. dors,North 'truce w twiny of them had
and iucitk•utally 11r. M.i*herl rioinw. ( INI
not at Koine time or other, 1f they
he is the mod misquoted Infill in publlr 1 Lure Haiti) the I'ulte(1 Mater, rtuug-
life. 1 tell yon that when the Con- I glee' wonWhing or other across the bor.
s•rlHtivrs• have to base their tom I der. (U.*uRhtrr.4 .1 prominent t'nit-
dine o4, behalf of Jatu•s M*Iri►Im, late Bruce along toil. line are 100 pre teal. pail,'il wily on eritle•ism find altau(Irr. i id Staten official 44,1.1 ore that lila
11NMu1.•r and *gain Liberal ca!did4Ie Jtl4tlllabie•; ►t1, nal Hblu,wlc $y'teuu Of they' WHO. he pretty welt out (1? soap country is in.•oiling a willlon dollar.
io the ri.11ug. aiklra•.s•d by 714,11._.4. A. 'pending. we are repllteing the old as (4, offering constructive wilily* Ips 11, for •t•e'ry thousand we are K4811'Llllg t1,
Robb Nod Hou. e. A. Huntsing'-.-irril- w'uo•Iwt whurrrs at liutir.ln. Icy ?he interests of the 1)ominWu, or else i prevent Klmlg4Nng along the h,r.1er,.
liana Minister. of Fil,ance 0u4 droll- '•'•mr114 pier. 1J -the Nomad r4,.( of they 41)4111(1 ant he carrying en ducat a ! and yet • they are 4.44 *ue•Irtrling any
any. in the King Administration. (4,a!ntainiug Int• odd KtrtIcture, and in ruuy)aign. (Applause.) I better that we are. !imuptltng le the
'no. u* tiumrt whhll w,•r• ra;lyil„ the .end Ne will have something worth "Th., policy of the 141111.h prefenrc•e ; effect of the tariff, and, to lrwr'u It t1u•
points. not only fur North linter. bug whole I intend to K4•e. as long as ! and the Literal empir.• troth treaties tariff must he tut. at 14.44*t 4,n the
for many .uu(igu1,n. ridl11g. n• "well, ant ,1 !moldier. that North Bruce 4Nlrt4 I II4'e just,t4, 1 themselves" inserted rten noire really tran..
_.rnlhle 144.01. In
heard )rich the gnartra of p4 ,s*lerr ;tet a fair treatment and their fair Mr. Mah•ulm In ringing tones. "Thr any Ivent. summating is a waiter of
Nand protlt 11r. It'd,rhl� wit 14 his 1,111.1, .hNr,• of expent4iture4 on harbors,. Cuns•rtatves claimed that the e)un ' a/1wiuirlratiun. not a question for INIr-
walea and businesslike review ,,f the 4.1pplanwe.) try would he ruined tinder these trio- ; 1isu, notifies, nor for Irrlfume•ntary
benevolent teener., of his fatuous Railway Inoue ties, but hs a matter of fart. we have., 4owuittte1 aril Isaiah. Inceeli4atlun4.
budget: 11 r. Ininn'ng with Ills The gn+rte.t 111Ul' ip this election '.,k1' more end honght !Pro lobo► 4hesr` because. that .sort of thing uuly'pins
permeate platform Pr••1ttee. dispelling 4o my 111114,1 i. cls• 1'nnad4an atioiMl countries since the• treaties. In 111'1 1 the witiggLrK OD their guard w, that
the %hist.•rim: ,•ne.4Ytlgn of scandal Rahlsay• 111,4 its wiinte,) ate •ad wt• 1/111k1 products natation $i(414110.4100 • we can't implore and punish them.
II) ('1)411444,► 01141 114141 l't gLN17,1UN,•1NIfl. -- ----
touchline the C11st0m. irrlwrttarrf. 'wtrratittrl• Inflect mode* the, realm of Loyalty Question
and assay. Mr. MsI.n!m htmww•lf. with Polities. 1 told the elisions In 1921 In 11E.4L huwety r. we. sold them ;Ms.- -My, (:4, 4,.0 Tilt) 14 1, bard Bennet 111
M. origlual. clear -thinking address... 4ha1 If gh-,'n a c14an., C4*4)04*N► and bought )4utt =_'07,IUlo.olhl. vr4rry4u4 aloort ray {oyrky. •Ilutrthh--
o4) practice! I.11e.ral loyalty in lanek4ug woutir ?mike god. and.nn,k4,,.r !y.r Xlien4t•- }:e4(ian41 ha+ iihtywt fair with was. ter.. 1 wont to Kay thou tt:orn err
the _•Itritlatt preference anal In_tugt'- e.3 Tborntoti,_ita_Urc$ulkui. awl Mr. SIII(II 1 7 , %lith the S)2 countries we moat* Mitsieee about whir* one- is -not -
tinting infer -empire nude treaties. and Hmtgerfurd. Its extremely competent tram,• with. (llir dollar hm the highest 14411nelwored.44' tai& much. noel perl.;ta1
on a trmththel fielr Jeal for the Can-' general manager. if has made good. .urr.'ney end our fetvorahte trade Mat- loyalty Is one of them. Lift year the
action National ltailw*ys, •p. ki.n 1, f Appl:luae•.4 We ale know what the ane•4' "an" at $-103.4)(*4)00 / today. Tory cry was blue -nein if the •1.I1.•r,h.
than sincere. yet spirited manner slttiation aux in ltk'1 with rgarb to Mr. MefR6.-n ws6Jii a brk•k-fur- art into power. -and fhb, year H's eta
Nhlel1 is peculiarly lits own. Mr. \l4,!• the r•lJ41ay.. bur in 1!r_'ti it is ptu+Irg brl.k tariff nn farm prnekcd* with the Ing to he ...oration from time coming.
elite.. admittvilly .01 do, theeetio d ,.f 'operating ev4arow. and interest nn ell "ft." 4vi . *4,'4'. but let me. tell You that 'mere M 110 doubt alt•tit Mr. 'Rennet)'*
D Ihe14lult Loma. sun 11a..11nted ap t''tFtandin4 1roMl4. 111.1441 Ow o(%•rti 1 we 611!4' a higher tariff n**)a*t tkeal loyalty; hr's at.+.localy loyal: hot -elf
Om of the road Khu41s a sorting of till spoils.. strawberries,. painhry. l*'etc of him i. that he extend the _,..
All -eater u, n, er . o r. Witcher. 4e. s nppi . six WWII 1.'4, 1 ...mate...matecourtesy to others: that Is noir
AI er I I* 1 , f entries are pour- lion f Mf hl fn
t .:J 71t11CT101.15
• 3:10.01 THEM/
. 1
There is
only °Ott
ay !Jo mil
all the Flies
This is it—Darken the room as much as possible, close the
windows, ruse one of the blinds where the sun shines 10. about
eight inches, place as many Wi/son's Fly Pads as possible on
plates (properly wetted with water but Dot flooded) on the
window ledge where the light is strong, leave the room closed
for two or three hours, then sweep up the Lies and burn thea.
See illustration below.
Pat the plates away out of the react of children satil re-
quired in another room.
The right
WAV to use
Ply p�
I -ix lime ill .,.m he Lyre. plans,. for his teed effective Ik•n:ltneia-
t• 1I1i 4100.0111 for the firstt f vbe00 cattle turnips. and many otherlog int. 4he rs•r,,,ir. flake, or the I went. of Me-w.r, tunt•k, tteme,tl nt,d chi,,, Sear. Sir IHrnry has IN e4, gni•- , things. Trnr. we have a lower tariff fair. If it tomes to choosing the toy-
not I1N•re+asing the t'4ns1•n:iuctw kept ,thou. The I,ocrrnweut .•f slink, 11t.
u Pair ad your for eshibitnr. i I'aten*ude as Cabinet 1Ilnn
t.u•-+:i+ ""10I11 t.vaM
1• hr Ile, popularized ahr ;'4n wheat. oats. barley and gutter. hut ally of Mr. Sennett tor that 4f )leis increasing the expenditure and piling )leighei ear • member med. 4,,t tie
and rr.1141.-14,u. art being taken up hones! if only temporary appolotee•nts `y stem with the public rust with tbe� we have nn exportable mildew of all Majesty the King. whose description up drtlelts right rly,ng up to who Sum ialight•a effect during the p0.4444* of
rnpit'ly. N''rtmen are hu -y on the i fur political purya.s•. and (4nngerens wnp'.,.c•ws 1)t chi• tool. 4)ntnriu these 4hInG► and we don't nerd to 1m- of ahr BrlUsh }:mpin 1 Ilkr brsL 'd the tall r. 11*1 i*ifune Mate *as any the ear to iris for any Orr. 4,t 1L
fair grounds. which re..l.und with the I l,. the C. \. It. ry.teru a. at pr. scut star' I` loyally behind public owner. (reef from the Mates- 4Applabe.) 'Lib British l'unrmuuwi,elt41 of J+trr talk of war business wad In it bad way. They t.,rrow ed money d,14 the 44,1(14 4ef
clam r.t huwmerc and .Quad. of angling ! 4plrrfltet It pier•gatl.i71 'd)ipg1111:tn4eo 41 ..'.1t twat .et el. L Preyed writs!" _; ,Natk)n0,' tile,, I'd eh..00 iNK Majer4ty And that is not all. Although the tie emintrt nod oinked re the rattienal
try and (1.l, trflwl)4n. to the thaw lted4,g 4:aldnet depict- "Rut 1 ask you what kind
of a deal
The i ..... vatieev Rohl the T.ibrat every time. if that f• diolnralty. then Conserv at fres had ..:aimed !hut debt,' rhos reserving- for OW w4klier
%4•ct•r h4dor• hies such inure -t been menta. !Ire the
fl: dlpeople of t'anada and the Nu- (Internment w old ruin Indl11My.'Rut i and the Liberal party too tl4•ad Lori" WAK hutlding 1100 many alit- tt-ho etude! return snow trent, the oar
n n
n t
1rt1 way,.. h
1tl v e
11to •err
a tomat ■ .0 ,
shown in the Western Fate. and never "Marr I kept nay wor(1!Ybat we R R Ret 411th a• today vie have WOW) k minty. and we ore prepared to traceP 14ger1 into 344 the nddcd ark of to !ping •, p:.( bait.
before have w tiny entries l*ce r(- would cissa taxation the. y, 4N T• trio like Blown. 1 ntenam11 mud ken- In .our AM tori' a H:an there e. 41.onee a ahr c11sr with ahr p>nlp • (•\p , tupr.irlented orgy of railway' bulk!- i Not only was told e1,urury 1.' aIlly in
velvet, a. fur *head. The !W.0 cxhibl- *lied mfr. Hold. pulutediy., 'Tale bud- •ne•tt ns ahr lIlrw• hip afhdsh•rs 0f fpr lfr_1. (`altedla44s are nor 144,)4444 tc�e piat►ae.) 1tiR• financing unnrectst►44ry nga.)A right debt. Lot sus 14I1*' *ae 111 a -t4. king
M i b, 11 4 (4444nm4(1) Mr. itlack. we. Ade...sting more twine/id visas be- at(t left. There WAS, ed•ry reason for eltelitlon. •. touch so that 144_'l" lar.
time Hroadaes 10 souse- any iseethnur get ds, the an.ner. iApplause.) lin > . Stats "'HY LN lhty did "'ler )d r.
T _ an' ala- Ihrw• r*• t: - steres-- sif }41r p Nuttier •w }", ih4t rnep.uJtw4r•ut ,n, ,;4 t
nape iiwe -11:',iL21' T yea �,d a 4$- >»r �'-1wtn` amel[btn•, p�rTir3i. and T(R )lift of twin t i+r'*l.'4* railway
rnnalne ib .4)1144144 tllr 1 u ri r II le 1 I 1 • his
,iL.uwlal 1t44U4r bat regime. 1 oda w}r 1 (r the 14w..ccattw--s«.
awl *e.41 the
•tk-. inn, the. Jr4titl:.. st, Nt cite lutn•rrer(s of rater n 1 -
y aged before factories • t 7./NN1.000. I
'.1 'ea .• sera rule 111.04e.
Many r�roveneeuts have -been made lowing tIIe ennrplaint of the. p,tpreMos- a}-- hare• 1, Menet In the pest twenty-six gr d IDn n..nne t t under t gitnet)F i:nrl44
Meth fini+ding• and ground. and float tl4, 4:ov..rniWnt 4111. spNrn1inR t,., eel
(Nd when' It '*' ' ,,, Lndn' rano- months. Hosiery and lavish fl1 f p 184.1.1. Imitt, M IA I 4 the the population Jumped 4' m •i.dK)iJ'N► )bale.
r, ono ng urge'.
wercthiog 4N..+ILIe it I.•iug .kale tet mlcb. and that the p.•uylr' 7 euiA`r}l,t` amt) . a •'air tt.s'** 1{l4k•d ail with the people of the Pleat to go 'Westtuorrrn ° "r nearly 44' per went Four t r f Liberal I 1 tela
NOtbmnl Icallwiey-. 11 r. Pabnetide• right In chi. riding were Mppne d to mRskin4 that. 11). Mr. ite►teb's etas- when I.unrler wenn out of oltke there Xing regime Me. rr.u;ted in '.114 sen
lnr•n'N.e the attrartiverle,es.nnd inter•' afford ti. prey Kush sign taxes.- W.
*r.. tarn put out of lou+incus by the- i icer '3�.(llq mites of railway In Con- On ordinary r: peudihir• in. the
est of W..tern Ihly,rto'. Inr4m.t ex- nlat,rd..k, rhrrefom. to nin,r 4s,• who tr44s tarn dial„ I i to ahr "SrHag In the !Iteral he riff. Rut the gross facto- clone in ltie atwornohile tariff. f the ,J
.dent ..f rrfn•iog 'o .laid coni i. nail oNt alar broke ado. !fix neem( after that. ,k•.plt.' !tae tlobal bud n great revival in busii-
lllii it .•u.lin r. •' on. that tl:e (N,pulation had not ire -u n„eK, rxpe,rt trade At r•w,nl H -orae•.
IncrcuMtl by Immigration. the total huge increases h, Ike de(.wl4r in •,et
mile11 hod 'sew increased 'o ,
t (a. I I to . trine (,u i' nal 11.14 1 d 1 nor., nu.i rhe hosiery. mills are working ''r down on this way an t
s(1Tgdieo during the• war. no msec of
other one cotta ►w bought without , ►
The 11'1•steru Fnlr'.. gern•rou• prize rv•d10r fnxarlen'• fu4l lime tcehly. \1e un tfrti =1.
.,1114' pari14, anti now \linin- 4440 of 14ru•h.s In 1021, compared with i ninth diak-ntty.
ler-1)t3tr+tiee. W. •we.' Boole. absJutely unit'- 7704 mu lout year. 1 w I ' .Rattr.'rin[ rlow,l with the Sing-
-•tleld and m:,uy Interesting entries ; ..'—"" •• �• and
a n1
base IN.r1 re1.4v.d trona 1.11111.11 'states "11'e 111)4•, krpr Iter prumMr.. 4V,' -re.- '"1"""'"'I 44 twbti, nwnrr hip And I ported 74.'C4.'*Ofl0 of hosiery 1n 1021. a* ' he of the National Anthem.
dlcwl the 11.14 t.1, _..7JtiokieNi is.l ilr. Itenni.ti. he leas tarp, a (•. P L
end nal ports of 4'aundn i tt►nl-.le.• I with $4""'4100
. 1c r 1 aul. r..turning ;mini rat..u.
441.0(111 tulles. ' eten1hel 1nw.Rug n[ tkxan',n
When Mr. Mefghen left the Premier- -\re we nuer.mot, to retort, to the
ee n r. of Caner 44, ire handed otir to 1110 reckless eanlcagau,. and traditional
.k . vete. n4.IkL,g a total n•,iuetiom 41f >ifti- corn 'ration lawyer :eN Ills life mud hap � � - -
The ,eerehuv. 11 r. \1' 11. JOr wrI
I N .ell II N.
4N$,.lNal siudr Itr_'1.:u.e) Ir•.i,k•s, wee•41.'4! be. it. and I'm Aire he"l ser
.UI Classes 4lelpeti I Hunters Muni Carry' Lke,ire -e 1'lkre•s,'r a trem.saluf, 4I'4lu;r of n*• Inemeopet,lece rf (•ourreatiy.• rune•'•
re, ur.ta that 011 .anti'. * 1 • t i ' angel r!„• 111(4 0.1 ai, t144. Ova) I I II l;v that the 4'. t', it. w011.4(4)s4' anything. •'1 1Nk cut as a nuuolhu•ttlrer If I i Hunter. and 11)11.. •wbu frepirsit tit. 111 0(41 (44.44). 1)urin4 ahr ter) yrnrie the it Is for Ili voter to say.
rtN,u a. p..:-Ibl, to ovoid thn rn.h'of anidei it anything to harm e•L•Ler the forests of OuMarie, will hrre•4 re. Ile 't'i *R«rca'ne IOrrl', 110.1 4*',n .In e,w'4•r
th.• Lee few dhly.. .Anyone *letting a ' t 111,IMN11NM1 *nonoil}. \\'e n dueed the "M r. 11e14rhrn tete ar..uml M[. I
prier list or Heir infr,rmetinn should expell'liltlrr� of guc,•n,wel.: •., that 1111(•4'. npq,.intmrnt. and remember rnnllnfat'tnrers or the farifert. Roth j railed 111xm to nay $_.(*4 tor flee prey} rhrre 4134• ndth..t to ahr national trot* Jiln:es' d: leer k +ups the 1 4 441 .4, of
write hitt. fit 044,4', ;apt pear w'• .pert t11441.4NN1•ea$i Ir.+ for 11r lis:n-k i. •(•4ev4ly-nfne yr11 rs old 1Le nu4nuhu't nrerie and ,ah,- fl, rurers 14-144 of eurrylug a man. Tide pearl. Of Canada
floe Entire capital tout of the 111'.rmg1• Rrlli.n trh'rut i. tact t• r
The 14x_.41 N'r.r4rru rah- - 4gMrndN•r chat purpw• t6:u1 diel 11 r. 41,,,.1, i, it, snit r«l e...1 years amu 41'11111 his 11W11have the satin, 'mist of larger MhrkiPt1 ' slot applies to all who desire to have .the war, the entire cont of demobilise- titan unrte f141r Sirnli•h l+ pr.•t;y I
hi. host 3.1.111. ..f otlk'•; ,e, ratuird tax• .site.tnw!Less. my I.tyiu ► n! Nn ()otter for their 44(x311*. sty in- d 11 nm anti they will he required to lion. .14,•! nbmt $170,•,1 ee) In 1141411- NxI.--inIrnit N,ws.
lith 1(1 lith- peromise to 10• r arek R than his app. (•rvi+lug the w(,rkl market* for farm pmciure gut, 11
.f !,cosec 1/1`111gnl-
rrf uut4.tand4ug 14'111111!111/4 pleasure abut be ge)rlc CiIr,INNIINYI by reship- Id.ILtIL,'llt I. otly n-mlN,nery. if that
for 414,• p:..plr of 11',.sterre (/ntnri,, tools l4, 11,• 111,',411(4' Ins, :,n S ,lutea trx. i. ghee .,.,• hr ha sh31,pinm U, jtdlyiug nrod11ao. ns the Llb••r*4 G.t•w'tlnw',t I !need to carry weapon* in 114,• for-
- by the w•iniult .4tr, 44 1t:r-rercitrl „4,- 44 4. )4,,./14,,s,t'rv.ciuc«w krr 4144-41 note. has Tont". the f*r•merl g4't 04ta14 irnt (she this yr'rtr. r.i-or4:hlg to cmrnfI.
nut by the m••„rth,n o:' t■11ny 40,.1 ::1144 ttaT t. OW 1.011e.». noel Mt . MOM'S to hay nufn,fnenirnl trawl.. I m.nt. 41,atle by the 41ntario Legi*in-
11.4sben -is oinking n lot ,,, ,, shute -t1,. 11.,1 a. or r-.ult Tile farturle+ sere sten. lure to the (Ontario home 111141 Fi.h«r-
1 "1 1m.d'• my
pr'•mi.e o1 tnxit:iou r., 11 4;4141!,, *tr.•. ,\4,d if he tat. my, wish more, men em,.h,54,1 aunt more 1 lee Act.
HARD ON BABY -•'11,'44.. t,.try nui4 114 444+'- etb1na4 `+res !.clog pf4itL }'arm!nR f+ the ! .�.
1H •f4..ers i year aro r•i,. coin(• rr.eTTm- Lusk 4Misuary 0f thio Dominion. and 1
14dur• T,slny, Lean.,• 1 eheekwt itiej 1'e.' 1 ••'1 4•")e. teal Mr. ll•ttnett to rale . LipzigAimm AND
7111' 4,101114.. ''1nw•13,124._Juue 314 1:wt, T ' ''44,. 44', .tern setitlt4Ne11tonly a. tem- ilius when the firlw•r, 11rr pros4Wr et.. i T_
promos..wlthont 1r•.rvar1ou that If 4 r:lty, 111• lsterr. them i repeat, o„- •Ie I11ev ,",4.41,• then tl:e whole 4 •
No seSsai of 44. n 1,,+„Ninge•r-have tlu•))''114.t.1d pr,..utiu,; 144' 4.84- •1' ,• that h.,L t•._t_1,yj.lnu, ,c,ou.t•' - „ ',crime. Truly Juno-!
(Montreal Ilrr.+ldp
.m. 14, tbi� 117. l,4' t;4,• ,31,♦ :. 1+ 1he• gee' f 4 •l4,, 1,4beraI (:,;ice rtm4l,4 tlext .':.cosi if th.,-,• 4 4Htlr'11u;, ts, are. par- i unite .- (.A ppliu,e.4 - 1 'How la 11 Mint rrrry tl ir.`e Cnn-
wairtreer, Ti,,,. , , , ..i "• heal (!,rows scar tie r,' -'11l a1,liwL he _'41*',isth., .r,_. ' c..rr ill,.., 17 ,. 4' +r$•r •. "l4, 1' • , :rt nue. ladu4 0414 that ' servative i.fiorert.inet.t .o r Int„
stoma h nut ori! ee,- r•r1 ” _ILI , f,...,1 4,.,..• . \ It. ]1[ t Mitch t: ...4 LtlSi' ta'-41 vote tam-- f1've°?''*14 m - !,_ 1141 1-4 tea's.
the Iit1H• .tr[ 1 il.- ihr--twv.. rL..r 4_,., 4, .,t; ++ist�+i+e Lt. will
gnat to,. ta1ar .note plaugd aid Is rt the 1 c 4:0 fn u,,tflem 11 .,:a • •., op re -
.year 41.11 ti.i'.c- trent.! 1 ilt•tru if (he i R**nation .44,; the rine. K)i every
limed. Ilse baby ii,i h.. , p” ,.,. a 1pp:nnse.,1 (lin'.• a 1,11eral ( to
.esti an- punt, lir , i I ^n ..1 ,x•ir>; ►eft ahalrr-•: .104,tF F,41.1.hlnR 4;111 rntuent were reguniell, T item
(- . S mann r I tli hili. •then , •., .,,,,," ce un,l' r Na', 2,l .r 11.14 1.04 , t1,. ii
nn + of 1411. Tr+.•.incl nil -
TR geese, atf the elf/
\I n'.i.h I _ . ;trine,- Tit I. 1'4 t1, re,-', ',Vial that. liar ' Th'''-'trfel„r7-- of ,4",.n,.`ia: -1'1'; utes
) pnv . \L'r rt l.',. ' - Ili.: I
,I' 4• \ I: i i•, 1 rel' , N,• ins te,•er a tees•. r-Knel�et lfl,t Frnr. ! •:abytu wA tI•etinnny, to 11e invite stile
,•w trfltnat L'.c-i• nue' anti Univac dirt-t,te•uotw•im• i4.r mil)* is lugs tire' en..
human help before the mother e.wlla.« , - :I trip '•:4- i.e. ' 11444, tuns/ -*stet --w 411 eon 11 1 • r erne.: 'Ito L ricin r4, i
the a.lntiniat- tis of affair. ea
X4rr'It Itrnor d„•mUl • • \ \
•Min I I• I • , nI .. o' ami 1'7'R7tF ,,- ' c
411Nrr11t*0,-44 4,•r0 {n}aTrtltn{,11\A•nterj , •• 1,:
and rn11.• an• 11141.1 I r.•'.,brl.l .try . 'i
ulnen, 1 n,rrtrk c nrrt' --Fri ;1 AT -1170y " .. i 1
not pront4rty i.e. •.rh t ihIrIHR I . , i J - - 11' _-.
summer (lie H,.TZie•r p.-Tset ii•T4 t..i
ILO lnN (awn Tal.!,••• 'I'hly
111.--tsne.•I4. .. ...1, ,, ;n • .1. ,.
kw p4 lath, h, e
'Z1-errll a 44- I.,'. ' 4
11'+))eine i•. I:,.-i,•.�
4h 11
I Of .
1' •;
"Toe University offers tour courses
for nurses. One five-year course for
the degree of B.Sc. (in Nursing.. Le,
tiro )eats in Arts and three years in
Nt r*fng and Public Health. Three one-
year courses for graduate nurses lead-
ing to the certificate in Putdia-ilealth
(C.P.H.N.); certificate of
Instructor in Nursing
,IC.LN.); and certificate in
'lllosppital Administration
The Oereincsa. Crime. ■r•
r..npime .s the het courses of
the.. ki.d.
roc sddm••n.l
formnon Ago to: --
;40,1 grow -41.
Noll g11 11 1.-1
inten•+1 4.'1 .
1 u: w.4r hest 'i .
;Ch,1 d': sol tin: •
Ootl•mit* t+
\ 11,util 4,Llvrl!ti,,.
Que.tkm' of !honesty -
\ir. Meigs n I •
e1,11401ent. 1 •1 I : ,
'1 i4.. 1)7,44 1;• . I 11' . 1' it
,•4 ".i1,. Lr^4,l-, 1 ,1114-1t(1f•re--
r tads .1 I1 ,r, Ilan'.' '- Allot tt.
re. 1:e. ,..! in !•. em::nia.... ..f '4..
•nn r:Tet .. T 17' -IT„ •, ttlr•r t-f..-i►11-rffLr r "` - '``" ai.,.t�-•rm-n! idpt
_fife }"neral -JLe;d That it is tai r• +1a(1
to Hon. C. A. Dunning Lit the proffiiAartie1'1'-Maul ubr. (hr
7thnui.h fr Na' the last .i.•aker. ani cath,. ljeple*,- New itrunxwl k_ns:d
fonc In Was :hr011Rh it was lap'.
prluehi114 46,• hour. H,. 4 .
.\ iln,,n1n44 Nn*sniswarightd 414th 4444.'ruI.. ".t
)11' 14•1.: . , I the Insolent Interest.
4Ir 1„ _ I. Is:rfcrfly at Lome on
'Le 0.4,..'„e.;4 asottpgsilit4 -elikv the -
Nota 4('r,tl11 1,at'1• 11!1 slffere!: Ii.wvii)
iiifh fi -(i iitw•n ;girt•+• (,in.
w'rretiv." it. caws l'r4viuee Lave piled
111. el•'irit after tl*'H•!t. foul Ida,,es-
m:.-ne:ardir[ 1!ietn. ,have r••i,abili-
t:11.c.1 tl.r final 1''0. tialf rfrreiYrItte
l,4ltilnl 441,4 a thurot1Rhl7•
iti+fir11;ing :he Tory enta441a1Rti (111 11:1.
4111011MMMP 41J% , -t ig:i Ilion. 41 r. I hrita ng
11”. Stevens with having ,a -
.',red 4h, i 4•n•mation for his charger
a a1 '4'"r3 .I'1, before inspector 4rulrl-
r:etr---na1t- t,iv-
I. e, ntiecti1.1 hr paid art matin In-
tl., int, Hoe. (I. ii.
It 14.1;1 he retnenri,e•r'•,1 that *itis,.
The 1.o1,.en'a141441 erri• re!ttrnr4F to
11111, tl:rcre Ind
ler regime fifteen
'r,nrpi•rily. There
Jrurplesess in • the
N:ne".. *as
-weree 4ntt'ritttt it1
power 441 ut1,INn u,
been under 4h.• lour
yearn of nubrokem 1
national nee'IU,1' int
ltagr Ao,41 :tl+in e(1•a 1, t+
,1•,411'} • mon . it•. -
1:IY,'r- 1 !1'- 'i!, 1 ,1 1
1,531:'4. 11: U.•,, .1k
h e -it •itr 4nrldir- tut' „ •,--T,
11e I'll -,alt• Ilrpd 111, ., rl+I
t _'e.•,1 by the 1.!t . ,Is as
I 1 soh' r. lar'.'. 1, • , Mr.
•u••• u; r'i- - ...111 it
• :n, ill , ,..n' I.
chi 4nl I:411 the ('Wore
ern! f„rrrer the Fnwtl)tl
, Phut If It 4. a ein1
• gllrl•rL11N•O1,
1 it. ,•n \l: ,,,,Ire '.r ('msh,ttot for hi" mn.Ierfnl
fens, 1. .1 1,44e 44, w•144144,It I♦lwp.vtl4r 1Juuruu to .
'about_ _11.4.tral.f, n441i t1+wJlb/n .45-a't
igppp.pµ__}, . I,and to prere•rlt lil.ssll•1
r••in • il, i..1, fr„Ir r'vnov;ug any inrriwluntiug ,
1447' 4111' k ,n•4/baier from the uIIk•e file*. !'IRtn
11! i, l.. i4,,,-4nfo4'+1lat1,n thaws 4,10uiawk hP 4
:md 4.. id: In*p,''•tor Demean hiesed11huo.t
• o. i. entire reps. t, F'ne Mr. S'eN'ne to
n.,�. , ' -4II t 111 tart Mr, i1,4*•111 nut of pub- r
tl.rot. it._1Dfurmletion secured
1+ 4 4,1FF nw11i1 .f i11-
wt4,, of 'e-tlgrttiou aTn114fy 0t11HeIlhy ah. lt.r
v it h. „i:. urns ':o( lronr•sty In pnth!I(• I"
that could 1s,• emulated. •
?Jr. Intoning repeil.nnel4rl 11e.
50,000 Harvesters
(1,,, 41 ornt pet mile to feints b•rond. lost sot art
Marmon, Msriind .441 a al,ary
Aug. 18th ?n. ..t.tlo . M t7r.t.rl,ti Srl.ith's FJI. e....4
lJn• .nd Il.r.toeh-P.,.rbo.,, L,,,..
Fn*,..11 Station.•. to. 4.edr.,, Jun. tion, includ.4.
Aug. 31st F'•" :dl1 414.,,. . Hl. i«en to Itbk..rr.en, IneluJe.; tk..'..l to
inclufins Toronto
0e., Lao. Ontario %rag
Aug. 20th
�. •n n ori.
From sol St.tinn• on To..nen-Sodbury direct Line.
Port MrNi...11 .nd
Pre.n .I1 Station. in Ontario, Sonia and Weal .4 Toronto to •..d Including rt.
44.114031, N4...... Fall. end Windom,
Frere .11 st.rion. on Owen Snun31,
�•rtnn (ranr•eg
le. T...,.,.r
Flora, Li•t.w{
Sept. 3rd 1;=
Lake Sham, C..46.s, Nal
all Stations Toronto Plonk to Dolton, 4nehati
all Stetti.. In Ontario the M4kimw (.o,.41 F.r. M.p..nt•, Wi..l.oUFgaeG',44."44,1', Se. M.,1,,, Pornormal, end y. fhnn.n., synch..
met Torment"Hamilton a 0warItaaw.r.a L. Fib, Grand *Jest, Lora 1.4. a ^waw
/�J N. B. FLARITY, Uptown Agent, Goderich.
l ,, ave 11 )44e,. rd Chusd..► -A—id (•w on ha mooned for N. anelmian am d Imam 4116114•••• and rich ages`
PIM Imatememmaelleas P'oe40.A.ntCANADIAN PACIFIC
\lelg{Ira 1. r *luting 01111 '.n (be plat•
font ale's 11 r. 1144H•et alau'{4•nrl cites
ten ill/right nlnn n* lion. Erni...! 4.:,.
noiefe. f.,r•oer Minister of Jm.'tie• 1
4**1*-whet) Mr. Sic'hol on oho
cite 14114,.• 144)0* at 4Stows.*
tf11)l.prrs Fal*e
;•i'1E1111 Mr. 1t4ighen'* wn;r
t•"'r 'r'' n Mr, 1)oneet Mid not duo.!
'•:'- '•1117 .)1144*'r.. p•d 10 1.e whist. r.
nM",4 )1'r, LnL►dafe anti cid' erli,i.
atartseret. N'hy: *Rion,
up.rreh wrrca't k. it with that
"; t "• 'i !or-0all. (f!,4ugh ter. 1 ' 4444
it took the Chief .lilot14" of (1m'her
.lust 11,041 ten mount.* to lH.r.w' of
alir lata' rnln0441. an.. ;tits t:oyerhmer 4
tlltINMt•1 .Old (1141 440. 100. Im41 .•i41,w•ly
IuI''_'lig;sfht•drtn 011acct• th,• felts•. *tor1te. 1r.11414N1eItti)n1t no14e 4.f -
1 0111 we. ihr. 44444 fell rw• to 4141 Id. foot
171 i; !,y ;list rile. w•hispRervtI wands; of
h$ .;d,itt the (Stow.. civil servant*"
144+''Aging )1r. Ftichnlatm'. 1kr'iul
'i iLr toFt4'ltjaMek9N•n I,'1N•e•n 1411%
1..:, 4'k.t4m, tlenAdbai I'r4'.+ reporter.
141,1 hesdh 0/le'r,-*hue 44.111:gIM4I• In
- :14,- hl. . 41r•1144i he .Alltlaa'rl • w0erwe.t
1 term. that (he NlttMllt,an let ti . flat
1 h'n,ra.RwtlOn
Una Is of air. `ielcd•
411)'. 11tetarrt to wriggle out of listing
at ttie rots' of 1 1.01r
a 14.:1,. Arl'•r n
feu- mouths of 4'.",....votit,• rule thr-
%bale r ,,r lie 41(444 ,1 tic_ with
at34 t .'h r'.. rr-:r-t,.ache•. •Inmll'4t`u-
Om, 14;11114; to ,-i.un'•Aill; In f•4:•t. six
jrar+ nfte.r •Le conservatives Lint
been its tow, r Rir henry 4)r413 -!o:
vet?. In 1:34. Inti.))), report 6n it . rail-
way situation. 'mid that tier. find
71e• .'.ti :,!' duo it:rr,•d.e 41: th'•
4r,pn,.,; nu !:.•4• 1911,X ''t'.
4144 tl.,- fa.'t that- tire pnpril1ti•:Tr-er-AQ
Minard's in an enemy to pain.
It penetrates to the root of the
trouble, soothes and di.intecta.
Splendid for neuralgia.
backache and stiffness of the
muscles and joiners, 42
A treat
any time of i
GOLDEN -CRISP Kellogg's Corn%
Flakes. Serve them with *ilk
or cream. Fresh or preserved
Kellogg's are always easy to
digest. Never tough or thick.
Flavor beyond comparison!
Setve Kellogg's for lunch.
For supper. Between meals.
Order them .at cafeterias,
hotels, restaurants. On the
No other flavor is like
Kellogg's—the original, gen-
uine corn flakes. Sold by
grocers everywhere,
Oven - /rub ALWAys
to•att a pot•M•d
Inner -*ado/ eagle.
Imitation. eanwet bring you
meets wander-flavor—arch
crimp, errreky flake.. The
genuine ears 44.k., haws
eke .4 n.tar. of the aria -
Limiter oe tow package.