HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-29, Page 12FEATURE PERFORWRS, LINE UP 47:7vm'West Huron District 'WI.
Holds Annual Meeting
AIMITRII--The West NUM DTs.election of officem The secretar,
Wet annual meeting 'Women's In- ies who had reeentlY attended the
stitutes was held. last Wednesday, vonferenee. at •Guelph gave their
in Beniniller 'United 'Church. The reports . The eadlection was reeely,.
Tiger Dankly. Branch was in aed by Mrs, T. Lamb- and Mrs, S.
charge tthe registration at 9,0 Snyder of the Tiger Dunkin braneh„
a m, The - 11; 'branches were all A ti,uet, was ,sung by two girls.
represented with over 100 members from the Renmiller school,
present for - both sessions, Mrs. '•Mrs, 1-14""4 .of the FWIO
Tait Clark, president, was, in commented on the various reports.
charge with Mrs, Robert J. Phillips • .She stated that the ACWW will
Presiding at the, piano, hold their postponed convention
The meeting was opened by sing- in Ceylon -Q11 July- 4 to 1/ She
ing •"() Canada" and all repeating challenged the members to, Make
the Mary Stewart Collect, Two the best of the society so it can
minutes' silenee Was observed for make progress; with faces 'toward
the sun, so that this year the
shadows ,1011 fall 'behind us. She
remarked. that there ar'e 10.
trieta in the London Area and that
the Area Convention • willabe held
1, The, dune -Meeting of the
And W.A;will ,'ha ..held At the holm.
o1 Mrs, Nrnest, ,Snowden.
Miss ,140410.0 Jefferson is
afer completing her year's course
At the .Stratford Teachers'
I ,,,.V,Piltors with Mr. and Mrs, d, R.
Thompson during the week-end
Included Mr, Joe Thompson of -
Goderich Mr, And Mrs. Jakt• Leish- „
Man find family .of Clinton* Mr,
and•Mrs,,, Alton gaynes and family
' of Belton and. Mrs; N14410eth.-
-Campbell of Belgrave.
MO, John R, Thompson And
Howard were recent .visitors with ,
Kincardine friends.. •
Reeeption •
Over 00 neighbours and .•frienda
gathered 11(4 Saturday evening at
the home of Mra john Buchanan
to honour his son James and Mrs.
Buchanan, newlyweds, The even-
ing was spent 'in games under the ,
convenership of Mr, Gerald and
Mias Gwen McDowell. Mr. Lloyd.
!Walden read .an, address of
gratulations and Mr. Norman
Wightman presented them with
purse of money,
TWO each night
riot, at 730 ara-....easaaleaaasaaaaaaaeyasaaaaaaaaaaaa
riurita, .Fri., Seta
play •30 - 01 Juno 1
!Puns ,Earren Laurie Carroll
Adult Entertainment
melodrama with juvenile •de-
lintineiney and gangsters.
the deceased members, The milt-
Mono. Tilega Wed., Jiine,a3-44 utes of the previous disttlet annual Theatre Closed , and the executive meetings was
read by Mrs. Arthur Clark, Londes-
boro, secretary-treasurer and ap-
proved. in •London on October 15 and 16.
with the best
golfing equipment
Vic Loughlean
Regular Sunday Services'
Sianday School 10.15 a.m.
Remembering the Lord
at 11.15
Gospel Meeting at 7.30 p.m.
Each Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
Prayer Meeting and Bible Study CF-400 Canuuka, ilia all-weather • interceptors which form North 'June 8, This lineup of the Canachan-designed and built lets is typical
Arriarica,s's first line 01 aerial defence, will be feature performers when, of scenes which will greet visitors at some of the 21 stations across
th'O,11/cAF goes "on' display” to, mark its 11th annual Air, Force Day, Canada Open to the public that day.—National Defence photo,
The financial report was given, Mrs. Harold Walper of Grand
stating that $6,677.50 had been Bend; ,chairman of the.Area-Con-
raised by the branches {luring the
year, a great portion of which had . the rally.
An invitation to held next year's been spent' in the communities in
which each branch is located. The District Annual in Goderich was
auditors' report was given by Mrs, 'accepted,
Bert Craig, Auburn. Mrs. Norman The following officers were elect-
ed for 1957: Past President, Mrs. Keating of Wingham played an in- Tait Clark, Tiger
presi-, strumental and reports of the
various standing conveners were dent, Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Au- burn; 1st vice, Mrs,' Otto Pepp, given and received.
Mrs. . Walker, Goderich, con- ,r Dungannon; 2nd vice, Miss. Jose-
=phine Woodcock; Blyth; secretary-
vener of resolutions gave inatruc- treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Clark, Lon- lion to thb conveners of the a desboroa federation representative, branches. She stated Consider Mrs. Tait Clark; alternate, . Mrs.
W. Bradnock; a
your resolution well. Be sure you w. R. Holmes, e Clinton;district
i- want what you ask for, an • delegate, M d that it •
is not already law, and be sure it i ternate, Mrs. ,Durnin Phillips, Dun- is properly signed", I Bannon. The resolution from the Godericha Conveners of standing commit- branch, dealing with old age scour- 'tees: agriculture and Canadian la-
ity pensions being raised to' $60 a dustries, Mrs. M. Wilke, Clinton;
month was passed, 'citizenship and education, Mrs. E. Miss G. Hamilton of the Home W. Ricca St. Helen's; community Economics Service of .the D‘part- activities and public relations, Mrs. inent of Agriculture explained the T. Bower, Wingham; historical re-
new service, the local leader's
training School which is being in-
troduced hitq the counties to help
expand the work more quickly.
The rug making ,project will be
available this fall. She told about
the extension service being avail.-
able to all Ontario women through
the local branches of the Women's
The delicious dinner was served
by the .W.A, of the Benmiller Unit-
ed Church. The minister of the
church, Rev. Moots,- gave the
address of welcome. Mrs. Walter
Scott of Belgrave gave the reply.
Afternoon Session
The afternoon session was open-
ed by singing the Institute Ode
and "The Maple Leaf Forever".
Mrs. Tait Clark, in her address, MASONS ATTEND.
pink carnations. The bridesmaid
wore a ballerina-length gown Of
nile green eryStalette with match-
ing , headdreas. She also carried a'
nosegay of pink carnations. The
little flower girl wore a short dress
of pink nylon with white accessor-
ies and carried a. small -basket of
yellow pompoms. a ;
The groomsman :,was Jim ;Irwin
of Hamijton. Thee ue'hers. were
Prank Alcock of Brussels' and
Alex Nethery .of Toronto. The air-,
ganist dttring the service was
Donald Dunbar and the solist was
Brian Preseett who sang "Because"
and "The Lord's Prayer".
The reception which • folloWed
was held on the lawn at the home
of the bride's sister, Mrs. Frank ,
Pennington of Brussels. Guests
from a distance attended from
Wingham, -Mitchell, Kitchener,
Toronto, Hamilton and London.
The bride's xnother received • the
guests,' •wearing a dress of Alice_
blue ,lace over blue taffeta with
pink accessories and a corsage of
pink roses. She was assisted by
the groom's mother, who wore a
dress of powder 'blue nylon over
blue taffeta with a pink accessories
and a corsage of pink - roses,
' For their wedding trip 'to Niaga
arc Falls and Buffalo, Mrs, Irwin
donned an mina blue Beaked suit
with taffytone accessories and
wore a. enrsage of, red roses.
Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Will reside ,
FERGUS lla.m.
ARTHUR 11.40
and Mrs. Ken p"ord, of Brampton,
Mrs, John McQueen,.' Arthur,
Mrs. Fred Fair, of Guelph, Mr. and
Mis. Earl Mills, of . Walton, Mr.
Ernest Tucker of .Beamaville and
and Mrs. Win. Patterson, of
Toronto, Mr, -Tucker and Mr, and
Mrs. Patterson remained for the
week-end. ' 'el his• t M two cs with paten s, r.
. . until they found out
!:about Downie's. That
solved' their problem
'once and for all. Won't
you stop in soon?
search and current events, Mrs. L.
Scrimgeour, Blyth; home ecenomics
and health, Mrs. Stanley Cook, Bel-
grave; Junior Institute activities,
Mrs. Walter Seed, Belgrave; reso-
lutions, Mrs. A. Wilkin, Goderich;
auditors, Mrs. E. Wright and Mrs.
W Good, Blyth.
Dungannon and Auburn branches
had an exhibit of baby layettes
sponsored by a tea company which
were displayed by Miss G. Hamil-
ton and Miss S. Bullock. First
prize was awarded to the Dungan-
non. branch, which will enter their
display at the London area con-
aaMrs. D, Thompson and daugh-
teii*is, J. Fraser, of Toronto, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs., Whitney
Ian . Hetherington , who ' has
been stationed at the RCAF Flight
CIWITraining School in Winni-
pe4aatrilyed in town on; Tuesday
afOrhoori and is planning to spend
anaaMrs, R. S. Hetherington;
aaaavIr. R. E. McKinney 'spent the 1 •
week-end with friends at Learning- Buchanan-Doan
toi :
urged everyone, to exercise their
this • opportunity
to meet this
franchise on June 10: "As Canadian
AUBURN—A wedding trip to —1VIt...W. S. Hall, Mr. and Mrs'. Montreal followed the marriage of J...4A:akenry .and Mrs. Jim Currie aiming those who attended Dolores Lillian. Doan and James were. Harvey Buchanan in the' St. Prose Spring Convocation of ' e. theliniversity of Western Ontario de
.Lima Church, Riversid
bride is the -daughter. of The last i;aturday, where Harold J. Mrs.
Lillian Doan and the late Mr. Helirya -reeeiv'ed r his Bachelor of Doan, Riverside and the groom is Arfa'4alegiee: • ..- the,' son of Mr. John Btichanan and
41)6SYC,,A. Roberts has reaurna thea late Mrs. -Buchanan of East eat.frisiri Poii Huron after attend- Wawanosh. The Rev. Father L.
Mg- the fangral of :hei• cousin, Mrs, Pare officiated for the double ring,
Eugene Moak.. . . ceremony. JeSsie,Wilaon, -Reg. N., of
Tottinto, hap returned, home 'after I. The • bride, who was given ,in
visiting :With Mr.," and Mrs. J. A. marriage by her uncle; looked
Wilaph..,, a • -
'The annual, Masonic church
parade was held on Sunday morn-
ing when about 75 Masons of 'the
Wingham Lodge, No. ,286 ,and from
Several other lodges in' the district
marched in procession from the
Masonic lodge building to the St.
;Andrew's Presbyterian.. Church.
The parade was,-led ,by, ,Alex
Reid, past master of ,the lodge, Who
acted as master of ceremonies' for
the occasion. . -
The church service ; was ;edit-
ducted by the Rev.,' Alexander
Nimnio, D.D, who 'spare , on: "The
Faith of. a Mason?1, The Scripture
was read by the worshipful :theater,
Norm Keating. Harold ;Victor Pyrn•
was at the organ andIGOitdon Leg-
gett sang a Solo. • ' „
charming in a gown of embroider-
JUNE 10 marvin Howe RE-ELECT Lu
Wellington-Huron .PrOgressive,Conservattve' Association
women we should be happy we live
in „Such a wonderful country, and , •
have. so many privileges not enjoy-
ed in other parts of the world."
She also thanked all the branches
for their cooperation. The district
directors were ratified by Mrs.
J. A. Hassock of. E,mbro, the Pro-
vincial board director, Mrs, R. J.
Phillips, Auburn; Mrs. Walter
Scott, Belgrave; Mrs. J. Walpole,
Blyth; Mrs, C. Stewart, Clinton;
VIM H. Alton, Dungannon; Mrs.
Donald Richl, Goderich; Mrs. R.
Dalton, Kintail; Mrs, B. Shobbrook,
Londeshoro; Mrs, L. Barbour, St.
Helens; Mrs. Stanley Snyder, Tiger
Dunlop and Mrs. Burrell of Wing-
Miss Shirley Bullock, borne econ-
omist for Huron County, spoke
en the junior work in the county.
Misses Joanne Crozier and Linda
Blake of the Dungannon Sleeping
Beauties 4-H homemaking club
gave a demonstration on prepar-
ing materials for cutting and how
to lay on patterns. Theron call of
the branches was taken and Mrs.
Stanley Lyon ,of Londesboro gave
the report of the nominating com-
Mrs. Hassock presided for the
at RR. 3, Wingham.
nmaimmaimmausimmimmwommommommmimmarommimmomminsmommlymmumumwmalmow L4
Mr,; and Mrs. 'Frank Hopper ed tulle over an underskirt of
lefta'nita;Saturday to' attend a con- tiered tulle, The bodice was finely
yention bf _the- •Cataaaa. Life In- pleated and featured appliques of
stliail.0'.Conapany at Wentworth- embroidered tulle and seed pearls.
byitheaSea, pOirth, PortsMouth, New Her finger-tip veil was held by a
Hampshire, ' pearl beaded pillbox. She carried
--7Wrs„ Wm. Haney .and Mrs. J. a crescent of white carnations
HSloan Visited.1V/ra, Mary Pollock centred with an orchid. She wore
of •-liipleY On Sanday.evening, a single strand of pearls, a gift of
--alyfra,:. Nellie Perdue and Mr. ' the bridegroom.
Gordon •1V1e,Geta, 'of; Belgrave, visited The bride was attended by Miss on'aunirada:y. 'With the former's Anne Denelko of Windsor as maid
sister in-law, Mrs, David Chimney. of hdriour who •chose a gown of
---14a'-and Mrs. Alvih Groves of salmon ,crystalette, street length in
Freeville, Nthiv fork, , spent the a princesS style with a matching
week-end visiting friends and rela- picture hat. .She carried a nose-
tivPs and while here attended the gay of pink carnations clustered in
13urchill-Donaldson nuptials which a bed of pink bows and streamers.
Her. bridesmaid, Miss Lorna Bu-
chanan of London, sister of the
grpona, • was' similarly attired in a
gold dress and matching hat and
carried gold. carnations.
A. R. DuVal to
Open Offices
SAVE $10.00 (in , our -fresh A.
new stock of spring coats
reg. $29.95 to $49.50 $1.95-
- Men's damaged hats suitable
for work, or as.a scuff hat.
Pi- -A good group of min's cool
• summer caps, values to $1.49
To Clear ..49 •
$19.95 to $39.50
Men's •
Mn'es nylo-gab topcoats
taupe shade,
reg. $19.95 to $29.50,,
To Cledr $14.99 BENRAVE NYLONS I
1st quality 51 gauge nylons =
Reg. 98c
Special 79 c pr. f.
2 P r‘ f P r $1.50
Seconds of a regular $5.95
line - size 70 x 90'
Men's long sleeted sport
shirts hi spun, rayons, Shark-
MO% etc. Sizes S-M.L
Roga to $5.195 it2 Oa' w
Mr; and Mrs, Herb Wheeler have
returned home after spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cache
Wheeler and family at London.
Mr. Charlie Procter, Oakville, vis-
ited over the week-end with his
Parente, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Mrs. Cora McGill visited on Sun'.
day With Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Wal-
lace at Blyth,
. A. R. DuVal has returned- from
Chicago where he took post-grad-
uate course in chiropiactic; apena,
ializing In new , non-force technic.
He previously held certificates •
from the National College, Chic
,ago, and from the Canadian Chiro-
pradtic College, Toronto. Before
coining to Wingham he taught
spinology and chiropractic steehnic
in. both Canada and the -United
Until convenient office , space
can be secured in the Wingham
business business section his -services will
be available at his residence, North
St. Besides continuing .his practise
in Winghain 'he expects • td also
open a city offiee later this year.
took 'place Saturday in Teeswater
United 'Chtirch. On Monday they
visited in, Stayner at the home of
Mr.' and Mrs, Bob Kerr.
—Mr. and Mrs, Rod 'Bowman,
(nee Jean Burehill) of Windsor,
spent the week-end at the home of
the latter's ,parents, Mr, and Mrs.
John, Bnrchill, Culross. While
here they attended ,:the Burchill-
Donaldson 'nuptials in 'I'ceswater
United:,dliurch on Saturday.
•L-:„Mrs, Geo; Parrish. and daugh-
ter, ;Linda; of Listowel spent the
week-end with' her parents.
=Mr. and Mrs, 'W. F. Levy of
1V/hi:hell visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Barry Wenger on'Sunday.
and Mrs.' D. A. Ewing 'end
Mr:s,' R. G, Gannett spent the holi-
day,Week-end with the latter's sis-
teraMrs, Millet, of Detroit.
Mr: and Mrs, Don French 'and
tvvo "eons, of ' London spent the
week-end with her -parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Hencleason,,
--:Dr; and Mrs. J, Roderick and
children and Miss M. Oliver, of
BrantfOrd spent Sunday "with pr
and ;Mrs, W `Davis.
--Mt'. Jaince Angus Sr., is at-
tending a . mechanical sehoel in
bpridon this week, ,,
, aaPaator and Mrs, W. 3. Glilett
tia".Postatille, Labrador, are spend-
ing this' week with Mr. and Mrs:*
W. Leder."
'Mose attending the funeral on
Boys 'Olen gabardine suits,
sizes 6 to 14 adduce to $21.50
To Clear
Men's J4C1ETS
A good selection of smart •
sport jackets in 'gabardines,
velvets, linens, etc.
values to $16.05
To Clear $5.00
thie qiiklity Screen print* hi
Very attractive patterns .
MO la X 90
(reedy to haft)
. •
When You Find It - and You W ill- We Can Supply. You With
O SUNGLASSES by Polaroid '-priced from 69c to $2.98 tiP;:iiilabs:,3;les
gr SUN CREAMS & LOTIONS including '8" "IltdaTVZZrA'Z''''
6 POISON IVY RELIEF in cream or lotion , . . X„ 29c and up
'0 We alto have a good stock of quality BATHING CAPS, SWIMMING
Men's suita4- mostly small
sires a Viatica ha $49.95
F..- To Clear $19,99
w Slightly' soiled and dimit.-
tinned lines
(in, mostly single pairs) I
1/2 fi Regular Price
After the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at, the
Thotnes .Inn for the families of
the bride and graiona The recep-
tion was held in the •evening alt the
Teutonia Club for 175 guests. The
,guests were received .by the bride's
mother, gowned in pink shantung
with metalling hat sand black
accessories. She 'wore an orchid
corsage, Fort travelling the bride.
Wore a grey wool suit, yellow hat
and gloves, black shoes and purse
and wore an orchid corsage,' The
couple Will live at Sanisso Drive,
Riverside, Where both are' engaged
the teaching profession,
Many friends from this corrimitti-
Sattirday of the late Mrs. Hugh ity were guest: at the reception.
Keg. 18.95 ti2
tsdeat w OW SI al
Theicer • were Mr, and Mrs, Leslie
Zinn,' Mr. Vtriti. Scott, of Bright. —aqt, and Mrs, Cliff Henderson
and. daughter, ?nave Henderson
and; -Joyce Lake, of Southampton,
spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs,
Bill Henderson.
McDonald of I'oronto
Was Ek. visitor at the home of Mr.
and Mrs,. Prank Edgar On 'I'fitn•s-
day' afternoon,
,aalqi, and Mrs, /obit McInnes
aliont the Week-end in Detroit,
' 4
n ar,
(Continued from Page Four)
honour and Miss Crate lVfaCLOttn,
aq bridesniald. Miss bonnie Pent
nirigtOn, niede of the bride; made
a petite and demure little flOwer
girl, The'• matron of. honour Wore
erystalette with matching head. - "The, Friendly Store a !ballerina.lerigth gown Of theite PHONE 53 NGHAM
- .- dresS. Sh e ea'Eried '4111011111.IIIIIII111111111111111111111111111i1116111.1111,1111 111011111i1110111,111.111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111.1111111111111111. MAO ...a • .
utyou ors
About $5 a week invested
with'us is guaranteed to lead
yen along the trail to $5,000
cash in 15 years. Talk it
'niter with an Investors repre-
ientative — "your best friend
linincially." Call or write;
,Thos. A. Jardin
Phone 14/
John W. Waines
Phone 1942
syndicate Or CANADA. I tiAlt
The' groom was attended' by' his
In:tither, Mr., John Buchanan of
East Wawanosh and his cousin Mr
Eldon Cook, of 13elgrave. The
ushers were Mr. William Buchanan
of` East 'VVawanosh, a brother of
the groom, and Mr, Douglas 'Fowler
of Windsor.
The organist was Mr. Casey Ver..
/aten and the soloist was Mr.
Atiael Botosan who sang "Penis
Ang,eliens",' "Ave 'Marie" and "On
This Day'. '
Reg. $3.50
A selection of good quality
work shirts, sizes 141, to 16%
To Clear $1.99-
Top quality Work `Pants of
sanforizeti cotton drill• and
other odd lilies, values to .$4.95 a •
To Clear .$2.99 •
Men's * Men sieeyed spent
ahirts consisting of figured
and plain ahades
values frail• $2.05 to $3,95
To 'Clear $1,99
••aaa ___ araSai a