HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-29, Page 4ette-1-08, • .1•0111.91.•••••••41,11,04,4•AP.••••.0•44,109,4•1•1,141..1••••,70,Urr,,,,,..,,,,,,' Wellington-Huron Progressive-Conservative COMMITTEE ROOMS NOW OPEN at the former CKNX Radio Station Josephine Street Please phone 1192 'for any infdrmation re- Voters' Lists, Revisions, and Election Particulars. • FOR SALE 1951 International, 1 ton, F. body, Truck, -Plant, No. 838-003, as located at Wingham Area Hydro Office. Offers will he received-up to and including May 31st. All offers must be accompanied by a certified dieque amounting to 10% of the total offer and mailed direct to Ontario Hydro, Port Office Box 905, Toronto 18. 'For inspection please contact Mr. W. H. McArthur, Mgr. Ont. Hydro, Wingham Area AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LET US QUOTE YOU ON OUR DIVIDEND: P AYING POLICIES TERMS MONTHS' or 12 MONTHS, , eclal,LOw Rates,;for Farmers' Cars & Trucks. H. C. MacLean Phone 115 Wingham I' rrb. Save Money BY PREPAYING rOV4 " NG A H FA mcoRtz0A ED 01101y: A Town pi Wingham 1 9 5 7 Taxes Taxpayers maY make payments on accoin-it of 1957 taxes up to 80 per ceht of 1956 taxes. t. Interest .at the rate of Vour per cent, per alumni will be allowed on such prepayments, Prepayments of ta'xes must he made at the Town Tteastirer's Office, 'Town Hall: • W. A. tALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingharn 'Frederick F. llomuth Carol E. Hornuth, Mrs. Viola B. Honed'', R.O. ottOmrriuks PlIONE 118 Htirriston, Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE Ilisurstite CoMPittly 1849 An all Canadian Company Which has taitlitifily served Its policy holders for over a, Century Held Office TorentO ' 11. C. Manteca Insurance Agency' Wingham' Hullo Folks! - French m en and (Cars '. The Greeks have a word fin it, so they say, and the French. 'have a way about them. Their 'ways with, the automobile are abidously no exception. - , . . ' i , Everyone ha's heard about the 'famous Paris taxi-drivers, Swerving, darting, never stopping. The peep-peep-peep of their'. horns has been remembered in song, - .. , . They've had that reputation a long 'time, 1. learned in reading a book about the auto industry . 'as it was in 1899. In that year, Paris taxi.drivers Managed to chalk up an average of eight people 'killed and 50 injured every week. At that time, though France was going auto crazy. Just about 1900 there were more. mantr-,. facturers of cars in 'France than there were care in all of tile United States, The U.S. 'had about: ,500 cars, most of them around New York 'City,' but in France .619 manufacturers were producing. kDONALDthhii4aitte 'sde. elin When 41' . . Even 'today, Paris has seine automobile law! LO,RNE :ll pretty strange. Headlights .are, pro- . darkness comes, you use Your . .parking lights. And to keep the night air sweet, car horns 'may not be blown after dark, Iriatead, you may 'flash 'your headlights (but you can't leave them on). , , The' fact that so many who have never seen Paris know all about those 'Paris taxi drivers proves how important a reputation . is, Nobody knows that better than we do. . A new car dealer has to have a 'good' name before 'he gets his franchise, He must maintain his,. good name to ,maintain his franchise. ',You know that he is going to be, in business a long , time, he's going ,to be here to look after your auto needs. - ' 1414f '10f6 "h" T? 1.1 efiele ..10. • Cri 404figEii 67/9Z t--(51 SERWCE PHONE I, YI,I, 111 1111, 11llll kete elle. Ile 1,111illllll IIll,llltlllli lllll elle III fee!eir ELLIOTT REAL. ESTATE AGENCY 1.14L.Q•C Blyth, Ontario - Phone 104 CORDON ELLiorr, BROKER , Fleming S. Ballagh, Salesman, Victor Kennedy, Salesman, Res. Phone, 586J, Wingham. Res. Phene, 78, Blyth • Large Piton Listing, Dwellings & Business Property Listings and Inquiries InAted.. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" . lllllll *melte ll ll eiseeepeeffetielliithel llll11IIlllllllll,1I ll i lllllllllll lllllll leeillifill1111 ll lllllllll e lll lll eleitel,10401.0 BUSINESS and PROFESSIONA,L DIRECTORY CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ti i Pho10` 48 tl. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. dfgage,our %lite i Ylnrir AdtalteeJlitnert, Wednesday, 11Itty 29, 195'1 • • • re. ANDERSON----In Winghara Gen,„ oral Hospital, on Saturday, lvfay 25, 1957, 'to Mr, and Mrs. David Anderson, R.R, 3„ Lueknow; Son, NICHOI/SON-/n Wingham Gen- oral Hospital, on Saturday, May 25, 1957, to Mr, and. Mrs, Chester Nicholson, R,R, 2, Lucknow, a son. • VANLOO-1-In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, May 26; 1957, to Mr, and , Mrs, Cornell; VanLoo, R,R. 2, Wroseter, a sori PROCTER In Wingham General', Hospital, on Tuesday, May 28, 1057, to Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Proe;. ter, R,R. 4, 'Wirigharn, a son. PYM-In Kincardine Hospital', on Friday, May'24, 1957, to-M,r, an# Tack Pyre, Kincardine, a daughter. MEAT FOR SALE-Good beef by the quarter. Killed under license from Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest • prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 20.30, 17rrb ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Call Jed Reynolds, Wingham phone 640J1., 15rrb TWO Nylon bridesmaid or formal dresses for sale, Floor length, size 14. Orchid and Mint green. Apply to Mrs. S. Cowan, phone 514, 29b 'GIVE US A CALL for prices on woven fence, and fencing needs before you buy. Chambers' Hard- ware, phone 65 Wroxeter. 29:5b TWO USED. SCREEN DOORS for sale, Also used electric stove. Cheap. Phone 2833. 29" LINOLEUM REMNANTS to clear at reduced prices. Each one a bargain.-The Wallpaper Shop. 29b 1946 DESOTO black sedan for sale. Excellent running condition, good rubber, equipped with turn sig- atals, electric fan and windshield wipers. Price reasonable. Phone 984w., • 29b PRIVATE SALE Items can be seen Thursday, Friday. and Saturday at H. Aitchi- son's, Victoria Wingham; Hall Znirror, combination desk and book- case, oak dining table and buffet, bed and springs, chairs, bamboo verandah curtain, folding ,wall' table,, large congoleum rug, trays, dishes and antiques. 29* REAL ESTATE LOT for sale.*On Catharine Street, Apply to Harry spry, phone 552M. 29:5b SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale. Cupboards, oil furoace, Hardwood floors downstairs, In- sulated, Barn and garage. Five acres of land. For particulars contact Jas. A. Cameron. 29b 2-STOREY SOLID BRICK house for sale, On good lot near High School. Suitable for two families, For further particulars apply to Crawford & Hetherington. 22,29b FRAME BUNGALOW situate on part Lot 23, Con, 8, Turnberry Twp., adjoining Wingham, Large lot, oil farnace, modern bath, in- laid linoleuin flocirs. throughout. Bargala elose estate. Apply Glare Hutchison, Harriston 928 R11, or George McMillan, Harris- ton 314-1 22,211b • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100-acre farm, close to town, 2 stifles off highWity, good house, large 'barn, hydro, good water oliipply, 90 acres self-drained clay loath, to acres of hardWood bush. Priced ter quick sale at $7,500 with 11)nrnediate paSsession. 186-acre farm, at the edge of a :tillage with a lovely 2.8totey red brick, fully Modern herne, good 4ittin, lb acres Of bash, near school. Full price $9,500.00 Fer internaittioh' Mkt `details on these and other listitiga dented: WILLIAM S. REED seal *State rtmt Business Broker Phone 092M Witigiram FIVE PIGS for sale, Ready to wean. Apply to George Fisher, Whitechurch, phone 747w11, 29b PUREBRED Yorkshire Boars for sale, Serviceable age and young- er, Government inspected,. GOod noses, Prieed right. Top A, R. blood lines. Apply to Robt. Wood, Lakelet, phone Clifford 12271. 29b FOR SALE OR RENT IN THE town of Lucknow, 7-room modern house in very good con- dition with new oil furnace and clean throughout and with lovely frontage complete with garage and garden space. House may 'be inspected by contacting Mrs, A, T. Wilson, Ross Street, phone Lucknow 70. 15:22:29b FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent', Possession, immediately, Phone 408R. 29b' 4-ROOM APARTMENT' for rent on Josephine Street. with, 3-piece bath. Phone 668. 29b FEMALE HELP :WANTED • FULL OR PART time saleslady wanted. State qualifications. Apply to Box 42, Advance-Times. 29b SALESMAN WANTED. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi- ness. Sell to 1,500 families. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. E-453- SA„ 4005 Richelieu St., Mantreal, Que. 29b: WANTED TO BUY OR RENT 50 acre farm (or less) with reason- ably good buildings in the vicin- ity of Gorrie or Wroxeter, Apply to Box 41, Advance-Times. 29:5b LOST = CHILD'S WINE wool tassel cap 'oat somewhere on Alfred Street. Anyone finding same contact Gordon Crispin, phone 317w. 29b' HEADSTOCK WANTED HEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on' larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 39S. Gordon Young Limited. 6rrb MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. Leslie McDougall, phone, „ 8:15:22:29b SINGER SPECIAL-Rent a mach- ine for your summer sewing. 2 weeks for $1.00. For further par- ticulars contact Wally Hegel-, groye, phone 732W. ' 29:515 LAWN., MOWERS sharpened and repaired. For everything in lawn mowers see Borden Jenkins. Phone' 694W. 22rrb FLOOR SANDING - Now is the, time to have your floor sanded' and refinished for only 50 to 10c per .sq. ft., depending on the floor; We use "Saniseal". For free estimates. call H, Temple- man, Gorrie, Phone Wroxeter 23r1, 8:15:22:29*• CAMERON'S BILLIARDS will be' open every Saturday night till 12• p.m, for the convenience of rural' customers, Complete line of men's and boys' jeans, shirts, and, over- • ails, socks extra. Guns bought, Sold and repaired. Ammunition of ail types. Electric shavers, lighters and watches repaired. Open every Saturday night tin 12 p.'m. 17rrb. IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for 'all risk coverage? For inforMation phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2ri-13 STEWART A. SCOTT can. now save yeti,. 15% on your Car or: truck Mantel-ice. 'Yearly or six months policies. are available, Special rates tor farmers, Par further information phone 293, Wingham. Orrb SWGTARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic' tanks, cesspools,. Ptliirrped and cleaned, quick service. All work guaranteed, Apply Louis' Blake, Phone .42r6, Britsgels, 151111 WATERLOO CA'rTLE breeding Association "Where better bulls Are Used", ''P Or artificial hi., Seitindtitni itiforitiatiOn of sex Vice from all breeds of tattle, Phollo The Waterloty Cattle' Breeding Association 'al Clinton HU 2-3441 Mildmay 13012 het, tWeett 730 .anal 2.30 a.zzi, We haVe gliAriedg quality At IoW 21101) COMING EVENTS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the beat for Spareribs and. Sauerkraut on Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings. Com- ' rnereial Hotel, Formosa, cd12 /57 WANTED TO RENT WANTED, to rent heated apart- ment 'by July 1st. Phone 70732 Wingham.. • ;• „ 29* APARTMENT' OR small'house wanted to refit by • local plant manager,. iApply to Bob Walsh, 'Canada F'apkers., 29* PERSONAL "OLD AT 40, .50, 60?" MAN! You're Crazy! Thonsands peppy at 70„ Ostrex Tonic Tablets ' pep up bodies lacking iron, For rundown feeling many men, women call "old". New "get-acquainted° size only 60c. All kiruggists. 16&29b •ED1UCATIKNAL OPPORTUNITIES AMERICAN SCHOOL, -Established 1897:Prepare for gdod Paying job, in, few months at •home in spare: time. High= School, ,Drafting, El- ectronies, Commercial, Account- ing, Electrical and.other techni- cal courses. All especially pre- pared books and instructions supplied. Examinations every. week. Low' monthly payments. Hiploma awarded, Write for complete information and Free 156 page book. American School; 8 Jackson Ave., Kitchener, Ont- ario. 1 :8 :15.22 :29b CARD OF THANKS I would like to expiess my 'heart- felt thanks to all those who helped in any way during the time I was laid up with a." broken. shouider, Your thoughtfulness was much apppreciated.-Alma Jamieson. 29b CARD OF THANKS I take great pleasure in thanking the kind people -who •took time ,to visit me and for their treats' and flowers and also the .rnany people who sent cards' and letters while I was a patient in Victoria Hospi- tal, London, -Mrs, Arnold Halli- day. 294 TENDERS WANTED DRAIN TENDER ' Township' of "Turnberry Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 2 p.m. on Satur-, day, June 1, 1957, for the con- struction of the Freiburger Drain which consists • of 1838 feet of 'tile drain and 3- catch; 'basins. 'The township .Will supply 'Elie tile. A marked 'cheque foil,' 10% Of "the contract price to' accornpany the tenders, LoWest or 'goy tender ;not necessarily : accepted, m Geo. T. Thomsdn,sCreile"%, 29b . NOTICE TO CREDITORS , NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MINNIE McGEE, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the 'Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Housewife, who died on the 2nd day of April, 1957, are required to file proof of seine With the undersigned. on Or, before ,the 1st' day of June, 1957. After that date the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate having regard only to the claims •of which they, shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 10th day of May, 1957; CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors, 16,22,29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MAR- GARET CURRIE. ALL PERSONS having Claina8 against the estate of the abote. mentioned late of the 'Town Of, Wingham in the CoUnty of Hui-Mt: Widow,, who died on the 11th day' of February, 1957, are required to file proof of 'Sande With the undersigned on or before 'the ist day of :line, 1951, After that date the Exeenters. Will proceed to dis- tribute the' estate hating regard wily' to the delfts et Which they shell then have had notice. DATED at Winghairi thia ,10th day 'of May, 1957. AWPORD lit 11ETIIERINGTO14 • . Wllighithr, Ontario tote 44, :**0911.tOrii.„ 15#2205 qr. IN MEMORIAM KELLY2--In loving memory of .4 dear husband and lather, JOnti A, Kelly, who passed away May: 2901, 1958. ' In silence he suffered, in patience' he bore, Till God called him home, to suf. fer no more, Nirt dead to us who -loved him,' Not lost, but gone before, He lives with us 'in memory • Till we, meet on the other shore, -Lovingly remembered by • his wife and family, 29b IN MEMORIAM HOLLOWAY-In loving memory of a loving mother and grand- mother, Susan. Holloway who passed away May 31, 1949, The' depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps' a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. --Ever remembered by her son Stuart, R'eta and grandchildren. 29b FINANCING A CAR? F efore you buy ask about Otir LOW Cost Financing Service with complete /nsintifiee Coverage, • STEWART A. SCOTT om. *it .> • r ,, Will1011111 Lieut. Goodridge Shows Films at WI The regular meeting. of the Wo- men's Institute Was held in the council chamber, on Thursday, May 16, with 'the president, Mrs. it, A. Powell, presiding. After, the business was disposed of; a film was shown by Lieut. Goodridge , on Waterton Lakes near Banff, which was' very much enjoyed. A paper was given Mrs. Leslie Fortune and a talk ,on'. kprilts Mrs, +N., Keating. She displayed lovely (piles' and mats made by ladies of the Institute. One par- ticular quilt was over 190-years old and 'called inddern steps to,,the poorhouse, "also patchWOrlt quilts of, pioneem 'of the gitY,nineties. Misses Kathy Hodging and Bev- erley Cunningham, played a duet. Lunch was served by the hostesses and a social half hour enjoyed. Joanne MarhanV Joins (Follies' Joanne Marham of Ingersoll, who has been the skating partner of John Wild, bf Wingham, for some time, has joined the ice Follies, an American ice show, and will be leaving for Seattle on 'June 2nd„ to commence training for the Follies. Miss Marham was seen in the local ice show 'held in Wing- ham last year. Irwin;)1442cLean Wedding at Brussels Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, Was the scene of a pretty wedding on Satprday at three e'eleck When Rev, H, Colvin pffic- iated for the double 'ring ceremony of the marriage of Ruby June, MacLean to William T, Irwin, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. R. MacLeanwin,R , 8, and wtianhneg l d m ani. ,3 ters,7r..H7aIer-: Ltheeansoonf oBfrlmissre,la and the groom is The bride who Was given in mar- riage by her uncle, Mr, Dave Mac- Lean, wore a •ballering-length gown of French lace arid nylon tulle over' white slipper satin, fash- ioned with rnatehing 'jacket with sleeVes. Her finger-tip veil of nylon tulle was held by a crown of pearls and rhinestones. She carried' a white Bible crested with red rosette roses from which fell white satin streamers accented with red roselands. - The bride Was ,attended by her sisters, Mrs. Frank AlcOck, of Brussels, who acted as matron of (please turn to Page Twelve) A Ns es eis No so' ass lb BIRTHS RICHA.RDSON-In Wingham Gen, eral Hospital, on Tuesday, May 21, 1957, to'Mr. and Mrs, George Richardson, Wingham, a daugh- ter. • VAN VEEN-In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, May 22, 195, to Mr, and Mrs. Peter 'Van Veen, R,R, 2, BrusselS, • a son. RAE-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, May 23, 1957, - to •Mr, and Mrs. Murray ,Rae, tWingliana, a daughter. • BRIDGE-In Wingham General. Hospital, on Friday, May 21, 1957, to. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bridge, Toronto and Wingham, a cl augh" ter. FOSTER-In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday,. May 24, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs; Harry Foster, Wingham, a son; A. H. McTAVISH '13AiltRISTER,'SOLICITOR and. NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 2$ TeesWater Wtoseter-EVery, Wednesday afternoon,' 2-4 p.m., Or - , • by appointment. •. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Lean. Offiee,41eyer 'Block, Wingliiiin FOR SALE ,I0EE'S USED FURNITURE. Buy and Sell. Phone 186, 8irb GRAliA,Mkrrg electric stove for sale, Heavy dirty. Phone 600,13. 29b CUPBOARD for sale, 914t, feet long , with enamel sink, Walnut desk and chair, Phone 878. 29* ,; 5-PIECE KITOFIEN set for sale, Latest style chrome. 6-piece din- ing set. Reasonably priced. Phone 114 after 6 p.m, . 29* ATTENTION Farmers-we have a • carload of Canadian Cement. Call new and prder, your supply. Chambers' Hardware, phone 65 Wroxeter, 29:5b .MILK FILTERS 'for sale-"Rapid Flo", 6-inch, 79c; 6M-inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb :PAINT SPRAYER for sale, in Al condifion: Complete with motor. . Priced to sell, Apply to Garnet Farrier, phone 711J1 Wingham. 29,5* • ' SINGER. SERVICE-Two weeks SPECIAL, starting June 3 to 15. .FREE check-up on your present model of sewing machine, For further particulars contact Wally Haselgrove, phone 732W. 29:51) AMBIlf,,A140111 SERVICE TOURRIE'S AMBULANCE, 'Wing" itaM, Safe, COUrteelita Service. *non" Day; 51; Night, fit ,Or 08; Mirth Mrs. Hugh Tucker Passes at Hospital, Funeral service was held' ,on Saturday at 3 p.m, from the R. A. Currie and Sons funeral home for. Mrs. Hugh Tucker, Rev. Dr. Alexander Nimmo officiated, In- terment was in' Wingham Ceme- tery with Gordon Caldwell of Blyth, William Cockerline, Blyth,' Earl Mills of Witlton, Mac Cardiff, Brussels, William Rantoul and John Colvin as pallbearers. Floral tributes were carried by Joseph. Mrs. Tucker, who lived on.Leo- pold Street passed away in Wing- hana General Hospital on Thurs- day, May 23. She was in her 86th year. • The former Isabella Scott, she was born in East Wawanosh Town- ship, a daughter of the late• William•Seott,and Grace 13radnock.• She, was the youngest of a family of four boys and four girls, all. of, whom are deceased'', She was educated at S.S. No, 1, Morris and' was later a tailoress in Blyth until her marriage to Hugh Tucker. The marriage took place on January 1, 1896 at the home of her parents, on the 9th concession of, Morris Township, They lived on Lot 16, Con. 9 of Turnberry Town- ship until March, 1920, at which time they moved to Wingham, Mr. Tucker passed away on March 29, 1942. Since coaling to Wingham Mrs. • Tucker has been a member of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church. She iS survived by one daughter, Grace (Mrs. William Ford) of Wingham and one grandchild, Helen Ford. 4- Mrs. West Leader , At WMS Meeting EtEINfortE-The Woman's sionarYlociety,.of Beirnore. United `Chi:frog '''Was bit ltlreclitesdaY' afternoon, May 22, at the home of Mrs. Roland Ballagh. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 519, Bible reading in Matt, 25th chap- ter and prayer. Mrs, West as leader, followed the theme "Intercession for Home' Missions". A hymn was sung, Mrs. J. Rutherford gave a reading about, a happy children's home in Lach- ine; Quebec, which told of many of the programines of both work and play during the year. Miss Lavonne Ballagh sang a solo "Give Us' This Day", whiCh was very much, appreciated. Mrs, Roy Rutherford gave a reading on temperance, "A Point of No Re- turn". The roll call was the 'name of a Mother fin the Bible and was well responded to, Mrs. West gaVe a report on the Bruce Presbyterial which was -held in Lucknow, Mrs, Farrell gave a report on bales which had been sent away, Mrs. Roland Ballagh gave a cha,Pter in the, study book "The Future Ts NOW", in her very interesting way and the meeting' Was closed with prayer. ••• I IIAIii llllll llll lll Bold Holders' Names E ' Not 'Civet) Out It is strictly against 'our rules to divulge the name or address of any advertiser using an Adititnte4Inieti Box „INfitinabee. Please 'do hot ask tie for this information. .esiee ll He ll iereereieeeeteeeei lll e ll eteeste, LEE'S . TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE NONE 185 NI E. • • 0 ,