HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-29, Page 1• • •
Wingham, Maeons pictured as they march to St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church ,on Sunday morning to attend the special service held
A former Winghanr,'man, E. H.
Grey, of Walkerton, was 'elected
commander of District C,-,Canadian
Legion ,at the. annual convention,
held in Harriston on Sunday. The
As a result of economies which
have, been made in operations of
the local Public Utilities Commis-
sion during the past year, the
commission has been able to re-
fund approximately e1300 ,to the
town coffers.
The refund will be, applied to
the street lighting 'account effect-
ing a 'reduction of about 25 per
cent of total cost hythat•depart-
Some time ago the Ru.p, pur-
chased the Minnie Street sub-
Station front the Ontario Hydro.
The facilities of this neaten' of
the local hydro syetere had been
rented frenn* the IlEPC for Many
yeare before that time and it was
found good business to employ
Surplus letIC funds to elineinete
the rental cost,
Application of the refund to ,the
street lighting account distributte
the saving evenly to all taxpayers
in the community,
Mr. and Mre e Joseph Brophy ane
family and Mr. and Mrs, Hunaph-
iey Desmond' of Detircdt attended
the .convocation exercises.. of. the
University of. Western Ontario:
London, ,on Sathrdaya when *lee
' Patricia Brophy, a member of th,
.graduating class received' her dip
lonia. in Nursing Education..
Miss rtIrophyakoolekeedeeaesiteae-
eking . staff Of 'St. Joseph's Heepie
tal.School of:Nursing, Lohdon, for
the coming year.
EbramluvrENT ,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Miller, of
Teeewater, Ontario, wish to' an-
flounce the -engagement of' their
'elder daughter, Anha •Rosalyn to'
Mr. Elmer Percy Merkley, son of
gr. and Mrs; Win: lefericley, of
Wroxeter. The marriage Will take
Place on Saturday, June 8, in
Teeswater. F29b
1. Rev. ,Iiren de Vries. of„ ,Blyth,;
will be one of seven Anglican
ministers ordained to the priest-'
pikod tornorrow,' May 30, ..at a ser-
*lee in St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon-
don. The preacher at 'this service
Will be the Venerable kentidth C.
Bolton, BA., B.D., Archdeacon of
'Essex and, examining .charilein to
the Bishop of Huron. •
The "ordinands will say,morning
prayer together in St. Aiden's
Chapel, and following, the;service
Of ordination will attend a lunch-,
eon given to the candidates. and
their friends by the Woman's Auxis
Mr: deVries is • rector Of the
Anglican Churches at .Blyth, Bel- ,
grave and Auburn.
With, which is amaigainsted the q0trie Vidette and Wrnxeter New Preeas
red to
[On of
oil. '
eficti I
caring ,.
Id old
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al the
lid to
e his,.
3 plc.,
n this
ace ,litui•`41-.2•••Q••••,..'1
bade-en404r 014 Girl
not jet back up the, Steep slopi of
the channel, thought theft tithe
other two girls attempted to Millet
the ,non-swimmer ,across the '15=
foot race and lost their grip on ber
in the fast-moving water, Beth
dived below the Surface to raaO4
her but she could, not ,be found,
.One of the girls called to a ireae,
by youngster to get help and
short time Harry` McDougall, who
resides at the Lower Wingharn
store ran to the ecene and dived
into the water, Where he located'
the girl and succeeded in getting ..
her onto the bank of the race,
An alarm was turned in, to the
Wingham Fire Department which
arrived with a resuscitator. Mein-
hers of the' Rural Hydro staff ap-
plied artificial respiration for more
than two hones without success.
Coroner Dr. W., A. Crawford was
called to the scene of the accident
and declared the girl dead, Pro-
vincial ,Constable J, J. Lewis in-
Born In Holland
Vella Jouwsma, who was, a
Grade 8 student:, at the Lower
Town school, was born at Dor-
drecht,. Holland, on February 4,
1943, and came with her parents to
Canada, She is survived by her
mother and father, two brothers
and five sisters, Siebje, 18,"Diiii, 17,
Janie, 16, Kees, 15, Annie, 11, Rini
8 and John, 3.
Mr. jouvysma is employed. at
Berry Door Co., Ltd., and the
eldest daughter, Siebje, war an aide
at the Wingham General Hospital
until about three Weeks ago when:
she left for British Columbia to
assist Dr. R, B. , Palmer-, former
Witighain physician,
Funeral service will be held. at
2.30 p:m, today (Wednesday) at
the R. A, Currie & Sons faltered
home, with Rev,- D. J. MacRae, of.
Wingham United Church in
charge: Interment will be made in
Whighaiii.',Ceinetetyaa- : '
ed to Turnborry twou years ago
from Asbficild Township, 'They are
natives of Holland.
Accompanied by two friends,
Willa Arthur and Elizabeth Bur-
rell, the girls had gone to Lower
Town to swim, Apparently all three
entered the water at the edge of
the head race •and soon it was
found that Nella Jouwsma could
A tragic accident occurred 14
Lower Wingham ore Stinday even-
ing, when 1,4-year-old Pleternella ,
Jouwsma test her Wo by drowning
in the head race which lea,ds from
the dam across the Maitland River
to the power halm some distance
The girl was a daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, Otte Jouwsma, who mov-
'own Gets Approval on
ain St Traffic Lights
Mayor R, E. McKinney, of Wing-
ham' announced yesterday that the
Department of Highways' has given
the town council the go-ahead on
the erectioa of a, set of traffic-
control lights at the intersection
of Victoria, and Josephine streets
ire Wingham,
The Mayor said Much credit 'was
due' to John Hanna„ MP.P., who
people, Miss Barbara Edwards, has helped the council with their
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, request for the lights.
'Edwards, Wingham, has accepted ,Wingham town council have
a position in North York, Toronto; been trying for some time to oh-
Miss Arlene Rettinger, daughter of depart-
Mr. and 1Virs. C.. Rettinger, • will fain permission from the
teach in Kitchener; Norman Wal-
pole, son of Mr. arid Mrs. The Wal-
pole, 'of Walton, formerly of Wing-
ham, goes to Scaeboro; Miss Joan
Armitege, daughter, of Mn and
Mrs. R. E. Armitage, Wingham,
has joined ;the Kitchener teaching
staff; Miss Doreen Meehan, daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Me-
ehan, Wiligham, also intends going'
to 'Kitchener.
-/Miss Audrey Gilmour, daughter
of Mr, gad Mrs. Hugh. Gilmoar,
teach gat S.S. No, 2, Wiwi& Miss
Eieanor Smith, •claughter';of Mr.
and Mrs.: .§4111014 1J3111.cyaleo,.
there. The Rev, Alexander Nirnmo, D.D., •conducted the service.
-1-Advance-Times photo.
Among those, who recently grad-
uated from the Stratford Teachers'
College are several local young KINSMEN CONTINUE
Last Wednesday police wand
members- of the Kinsmen Club be- ,
• gem the second stage of their ,safe-
ay. drive when they visited Wing-
ham Public School and ' seven
schools in 'rurnberry Township;
where safety tape was fitted to
students' bicycles.
The drive was started about two
Weeks ago, with Kinsmen forming
Checking teams. With the aid of
'the local police officials they made
an extensive drive to make school
Children more conscious of.,, the
dangers op the react
' -On Saturday a car check was.
made in, the town• of Wingham.
;Tale aeWberialel;
the Kinsmen's safetY Committee.
ment for lights at this intersection
and the decision, for the fitting of
the "robot policeman" will tie-in
with Wingham's present tightening
of traffic control In the town.
-Some months 'ago a considerable
sum of money was made available-
for this purpose when the directors
of the now-defunct horse show
decided to turn over the balance
of their bank account to the towir
t6 be used for the purchase Of a
traffic light.
The, traffic signals will be placed
at the .four• cornere of ' the inter-
section to comply with reghlations
‘ot the, •••Ontario,,DePartment ,s.of
Highways. A letter front the de-
partment to the town also indicates
that a 31 per 'cent grant on the in-
stallation costs may be expected,
which along with the generous
offer of 'the horse show executive,
will provide the traffic lights at
very little• cost to the taxpayers.
The installation of ,the lights has
been under discussion for several
months since the donation of
money from the local deurce was
first offered.
Has acceptara posaihe 'atAnder-
son's Scheel 'on -the Zrd line of
Morris., Donald Edgar, of Brus-
els, intends teaching in North
York, Miss, Joan Wightman,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. L. Wight-
man, Blyth, will be 'the teacher at
Powell's School, Turnberry, Miss
Lois Walker, daughter of, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Walker., is going to
S.S, No, 1, Grey Township; Miss
Karla Krug, daughter of Rev, and
Mrs. Chas, Krug,, Belgrave, will
teach in. Waavanosh and Miss
Louise Jefferson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, H. Jefferson, Auburn,
will be in charge of the junior
grades at the Belgrave school,
Fourteen-year-oid Nella Jouwsma, at right in picture above who was the victim of a tragic drowning
accident at the, Lower ,Town mill race on Sunday evening. The photo above was taken only a few weeks
ago. at. the .Lower Town school with two of her classmates.
Official nomination of candidates '
for 'the forthcoming federal elec-
tion was' held on. Monday,, bait no
unexpected nominations were
made in the constituencies which
make up this section of Western
In Wellington-Huron, which in-,
eludes the town of Wingham and
the townships of Turnberry and
Howick, the.nominees are Arnold
Darroch, 'Liberal and,. Marvin
Howe, Progressive Conservative;
Huron, which extends north to in
elude Morris and East Wawanoeh
Townships, Elston 'Cardiff, Pro
gressive Conservative and Andrew
Y. MacLean, Liberal; Bruce, Don-
ald .Blue, Liberal and Andrew Rob-
inson, Progressive Conservative;
Grey-Bruce, Walter Harris, Liberal
and Eric Winkler, Progressive
President Whitney Grose presid-
ed for the meeting of the Lions
Club at the Hotel Brunswick on
Friday evening, when the special
speaker wire J. 13, Hawson, assoc-
iate treasurer of ,the Mutual Life
'Assurance Co. of Canada, who
spoke on the subject of invest-
ments. He traced the development
of Canada from the depression
days to the present time, and dealt
with the changes which have oc-
curred in population, Industry, etc.
The speaker was introduced by
Lion Ory Struthers arid the ap-
preciation Of the club was extended
by Lion Bob Hetherington,
Harold Victor Pym was at the
piano •and singing was led by Lion
Jack Reavie. Lion Tom Currie was
in •charge of the painless extrad-
don of fine from all and sundry, ,
Former Wingham Man
lectod to Legion . Pot
Wingham. Scouts
Attend Parade
Forty Cubs and 20 Scouts from
Wingham, under Alton Adams and
Allen Walker, attended the annual
church parade of Saugeerr District
Boy Scouts held at Walkerton on
Sunday, The Scouts and Cubs,
from Wingham, Walkerton, Kin-
I Priceville and Paisley
paraded from the fair grounds to
Knox Presbyterian Church. Rev. R.
Rock, pastor of the Walkerton
Lutheran Church, was the, speaker.
Change in Staff
At Public School
Mrs. Clifford Walsh, Belgrave,
will join the teaching staff of the
Wingham Public School with the
commencement of the fall term in
'September. •She replaces Miss
Frances Walker, 'who has accepted
a position at the public school at
RCAF station Centralia.
retiring .commander is 'R. II, Fell
of Guelph,
Official welconne'was'extenclecl to
the delegates by Mayor Percy Dry-
den and • by Percy Bean of the
Harriston branch.
One feature of the convention was
a parade of Legionaires to the
cenotaph directed by parade mar-
shall C. L. Neil, the RCAF band
from Clinton providing the ernusic.
The salute'was taken by Provincial
President Henry Harvey, of Ot-
tawa, Others on the stand were
Mayor 'Dryden, Percy Bean, John
Root, MLA for North Wellington,
Marvin Howe, M.P. for Wellington-
Huron fn the last parliament and
H. Gellatly, Kitchener, a former
district commander,
The convention named Ross
Gordon, of Guelph, as deputy dis-
trict commander, Bert ,Seooner, of
Guelph, was named epees officer,
Guest speaker was Lt,
M. J. D.'Careen of Ottawa, deputy
director of chaplain services for
the Canadian Army, who spoke on
the duties of Legion Members.
The ,convention saw one of the
finest turnouts in the history of
the district, There was a large
representation from Winghant
Arnold barroch, Liberal cancli,
,date for this riding .also Spoke vig-
orously and. reviewed the eystem
and benefits' of ,s,upport prices as
given to agriculture. He also.
Spoke of Trans-Canada Airlines,
Which Was heavily opposed in its
early days, hut is .nOW recognised
as an important adjunct of the
Canadian way of living, The St.
Lawrence ,Seaway, now under ton-.
eterietiOn, will do great thinge, for
Canada's trade and .commerce. A
large part Of the opposition. to the
Pipeline steinmed Dant timed who
are in the 'fuel and transportation
industries, , heti this enterprise ,will
be an Untold boon te those parts
of the province and country Where
ProgresS le hindered by: the high
cost of' power.
bartbell referred to the
'closure ,'enforced , by the X.4lberal
patty, Ouring the eatentled pipeline'
debate and explained 'that, this par-
ticular legislation had been enacted
by the Conservatives during one
of their terms in power, and that
it had been used by the CeneerVae
tiVeir five. (hies, whereas the
orttla had used it only twice, both
Bob Walsh, a native of Napnnec
and • fee the past oevetal months
with Canada Packers at Walker-
tort, has been appointed nierieger
of that fire l's Winghein
Mr. Walsh "Will move his Wife
and child to Wingham as soon as
living accommodations Can be Se.
John Wilson,. Who has been Mat-
eget' of the W14,110411 branch of
Cahadti, Packets, has been moved
to Clinton, front. Where he will en-
Peeviee the ;efeanterr and reed
divisions In this district,
Mire Aiming tho, ay,—Advanee-Timea 'photo. 1<instnen. Jack Lloyd, Ross Worrowerth and 1§iII tieo 'get sown to the
wit, of taping, ail on Saturday, The team checked a total a 1t80
times in what thh, speaker claimed
were bearskins of extreme
gency, Mt, barroch asserted his
belief in the Liberal 'Onvernment
and its policies as providing', the
greatest good for the gtoatest tum-
ber of citizens of the country.
The ,,exeeuttve Arias:110i Wile as
folltiSes; President, Mrs. Cordon
Harrison; viee-preS., Mrs, Ennis
MurphY; ederetirrY4fAretirer, Mrs.
Milian Jamieson, Pergus, Local
conveners are, Winghain, Mrs, A.
Lunn; Hewlett, iVirs,,fitatne, Glorrie,
The annual illoWer Sunday sec-
'trio of the Witnihain 'United
Church will ,be held on .dune 2 with
identical services morning and
evening, The theme foe This year
Will be "In God's flood Titrie°, The
guest tmetiker Will be ,Mia Sant
tetirtora Of Chatitanb ,forrner rer
creational. director in 'Wingham
and Sarnia, Patty Burton Wilt be
guest seloist and Walter Dutton
ivitl present ijolabtleha on ilia that'.
net. The ,chUrth doors Will Oen at
1).0' 'ailm; $121:20
arden party will be held at
e tosh Church, Belrnore, on
Tuesday, June ii, SuPper Will be
• 'served from 5.30 to 8.00 p.m. Ad-
mitision $1.00, children Under 12
years, ,50d, There will be a short
program. Sponsored by the Wee!
pan's Aseociation. F29 15b
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bailey, of
LoWer Wirighatn;' Will celebrate
their 60th wedding aeniVereary on
June 6th, 1951. A family
reunion will, be held on Sunday,
dune 2, F20*
s •GOOD HUNTING—Lopal pollee
operating radar Speed checking
equipment, bagged 70 offenders on
Ottntlay, Quite a few motorists are
,going to be convinced that it
'doesn't pay to occeed the' speed
limit in Winghana,
0 0,0-
board motor .found two weeks ago
by Bob Mcntyre and John Newell
was claimed this week by Don
oh, of. London, The motor
ered' by the twfa Wingharr
bpi at the bottom of •Howson!e
pond, was lose by Mr. French sorer(
OW* ago. The lads 'We're 'rewardee
by Mr. French for their efforts.
ll - o -
Percy Willie, Joe Meehan, Jack
Alexander Jr„ Jack Henderson.
Wingham; Ernie King, of Blue-
vale, and Geoige Wheeler, Brus-
sels, left on Friday evening on a
fishing trip to Zola Lake, North-
ern Ontario. The boys are driving
as far as Sault Ste, Marie and froin
there will fly into Zola Lake to
spend five days fishing.
a 0-0-0
NO INTEREST—Vic Loughlean
reports that no one turned up for
an Industrial Leigue„hall meeting•
which had been scheduled to take
place 'last week. "I .waited for an
hour and not one person turned
up", said. Vic. He decided to give
interested players another chance
to show and called anothee meete
ing last night (Tuesday).
The rally of the recently-formed
Wellington-Himon Women's Liberal
Association, at Harriston, proved
,very successful in the opinion of
those Who attended, The presi-
dent, Mrs. Gordon Harrison, of
Harriston, Was in• charge and pall,:
ed on Mrs. Ennis Murphy of Mount
Ferest to introduce Mrs. W. G.
Hale, of Toronto.
Mrs. Hale is ,president of the
Ontario Women's Liberal Associa-
tion and her first duty at the
Meeting was to install the offic.'•
ors of the organization, after which
she gave: an address, pointing out
to the women the importance to
them of the security they have in
the various legislations provided
by the Liberal government. She
also indicated to them th various
ways in which women can and do
Proneete the Liberal movement in
other places and urged them to do
their share of the routine work in
the "forthcoming election,