The Signal, 1926-8-19, Page 4.�1tlM,lx.., •-nY�.w. o 4 --Ther-day• Angus! 111. 1020. • THE SZ6NAL GODERICH, ONT. ti Announcing New Fall Suits for Boys' and Young Men's Firer Longs. in PRINCE CLOTHING F • for a 1'tiuee•• Latest double-breasted 'styles, newest shades and patterns in Tweeds and Serges Boos' Suits, two pair knickers ....$11.50 and $12.50 Young men', first longs $22.50 and - $25.00 Special Sale of Holeproof Silk Hosiery. Regu- lar $1.00 per pair. Two pair fcr $1.15 W. C. PRIDHAM & SON Men's and Boys' Wear GODERICH SEXTETTE ORCHESTRA 1'hi- or.•ho•etra will accept en- gagements for gander parties. etc. lit Vi•din-'Mi.w E. Hunt. ?Ir. E. Field. --2nd Viotti-31ir 0. 1Vhireiy. Clarinet -Mr. Clyde Carter Saxophone -Mr. R. Palmer Pian,. - \Ir. M. Gibbs. For terms addr,•ss MR. CLYDE. CARTF:R, li,d•cicld. Telephone 3.5 PHONE 57 1. MODEL THEATRE' WEEK OI' .1t lit 4T 23 Tl) Sts 31 ,r,•!aS and Tuesday NORMA SI1E.ILRERAND1LEW ('01)1 with WI1.LA&D LOUIS in a Ii.K•.Iy' amusing .tory of a un*. hush:woe wan and n Jeab,u, wife . "HIS SF.CKETARi" Path*. •Tour 47:111 Comedy "('iKl't5 FEVER" Wednesday an it- Th.trsday SV1) ('HAPLIN w 1 ALIT. CALIIOUN in i scnautiug 1„y-rlde through Augh- land. 'Just as funny as ••Ibarley's it-wall--ensr DG you've sever 'ensiled before. (het rt .t the blues be tu•eing I "THE MAN ON THE. R0[" Mermaid t'on.,•dy 1. "MR. CINDERELLA" t-riday and Sit'ur.l:ty KENNET!' H RI.►N IND P.►TST RI' H MILLER MARA CARR AND DAVID TOR- RENCF. with a ti;stinsnl+h.,.t.t of brilliant 1 placer. in •4.• roaring; romance of thoroughl.n-ls of the turf "THE KING OF THE TURF" 1 The GO-GETTERS - 1 in KNI('KER-TIME" P.\THF: REVIEW 1 • Matinees Tut -day. Thur -1.0, 1.0, ut•.tac at t: pin • 'COMING -'THE LITTLE IKItII GiRL" For School Opening FOR THE GIRLS fancy Strap Pumps. ()zinnia in salt and patent leather, Run- ning Shoes in Oxfords and Straps, FOR THE BOYS tt'e-have the bedw.•.iring Oxfords and Boots for hard maraud at n aaonable priceo. Boys' Oxford... shed 1 M %%, a4 =2.75 to $3.93 1 minis' Oxfords, sinew 11 to 2. $!$0 to $:t15 Also Running ::hoes, Miner Brand. whirl, have proven the best. • TRAVELL,INC GOODS in Travelling i,00d* we have the most up-to-date a a d conspifte stock-�7ttitcasea. Club -Bags. Boot (b�.+sw Cut Flowers.. Wedding IRu�p�tt . Floral Work ere., on abort notice. GEO. STEW.1RT Florist. Phone 105. FRESH Bread Baked Daily s 1� That's what you get when ordering your BREAD from its. It contains the purest in- gredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf to -day and taste the difference E. U. Cleveland BAKER Phone 114 West Street SHEEPARllTON 161114PPeiltUYl'UN, Ang. 17. Yr. J. 11. Joh°.teu has reiturued after spend - It few dab. 111th r°Iatire.+'at Tu- l.erwort. Mr. end Mtn 11'. 1). Armstrong and the t.rmor. mother. Mrs. M. Arm- strong. of tiutivrieh. aad hiss Myrtle Wilson, of Pine River. spent Sunday' with re:ativtr In Klacardlue. Mr.'Wirer Hayden is wwtriug a brood mune. fur a young .laughter has come to t.u.y at Ills house. Just drop in and see the at- • tractive bite of new CHINA FOR GIFTS AND PRIZES Cups and Saucers, Plates, Bon Bons, Jugs, Salt and Peppers. Tea Pot Stands, Vases and Framed Pictures, at 50c, 7',c, and 81.00. You catt't beat it. Sc. HBe6.NS wr. Ili:i ENS. Aug. Is. -Miss Floe - ewe llacilritlt. of Durham'. is the gueat of Mr. and lire. R..blason Woods. Miss Margaret Jefferson. of Donny- brook. be visiting with Mr. and Yrs. Colin Mt Donald. Miss 'Ruby Stiekney, of Guelph. Is holidaying at Mr. tile°. Webb s. Mr. John Webster Is away uu a trip to Montreal mad other pointy, taking else boat trt2 from Toronto. Mr. and Mirs. Donald Clark and sou Colin, of t) taws. who were visitors at the old home for a couple or w'eek's. left ou Saturday for 1Vtwttteld and Yllvertnu le -tore retnrning to Ottawa. Miss W. D. Rutherford will attend the Skinner -Cole wedding at Mltrhell. on 1Vettite..Lty. Mr. 1•. W. Currie. of Gnderieh. Id a visit. r will his daughter. 11ra. I. Phil- 1ipw. Yrs. Jnst+,h Smith Is vltuling with her son-in-law. Mr. Boyle. it llolyrood. and w-111 attend the marriage of her niece. Mii.. Pearl Iterle. on the 1*th. before her return loon, ---- Mlae Vera Tt.Idi who spent a few week's at Vineland. returned Inoue ou Saturhl. .111saer Zelda . an.! 1),.reue Weisner spent part of Inst week at Kincardine. the tn.•,t. of Rev. J. lhao.ie st lips cot- tage at the lake, \'r. Roy Attcheson is hone fur a few Bars vi -it before going to the Mr. mitt Mrs. McKenzie Weffb and rhlltiyett- and Miss Auuiv McKenzie_ motored to Guelph and fuller poises for it few days' holidays. 1911=1916 M. ROBI 15th Anni Conliouos u SMITH'S ART AND - GIFT STOVE East Street. Phone 196. Hern's Shoe Store ['one 43a !ench Your Family and Friends want your Photograph. Make the appointment today. R. R. SALLOWS You Don't Need to Wait Any Longer We have Goodyear Tires at prices that will suit your pocket book. More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other make. Why not you ? F. R. MILLER Service Station Cor. Elgin Avenue and Victoria St. Notce to Poultry -raisers Another shipment of Live Poultry will be made under the management of the Auburn Egg Circle SHIPPING DATES McGaw Station Auburn Blyth (C.P.R.) Wednesday, August 25 Thursday, Friday, S a m -6 p.m. 26.. 11 a.m -6 p.m. 27 11 a m.-6 p.m. Espt•ri 'tr•t lin- ;•r ve.l Ilii- to b thei.,•-; way- to u;ar- ket your obih: n.. • Ship the Cc..op,_ra•ice way. Your patronage is solicited. For ftlrtl ptrt'.•,Ilare get in tour•L with t},e \1:t taieer Aub'arn Egg Circle G. W. SHELL, Mgr. Blyth R. R. No. 3 Phone Blyth 34-18 Millinery Sale These . Hats represent the lw,ttt value of the season_ in tyle, material and trim- mings. You will surely find just the Hat you want iii this sale of all trimmed Summer Millinery at 1 • 2 price You are cordially in- vited to inspect our stock. Miss MacVicar KINGSTON ST. AL'Yt'K.V ACIII"ItN. Aug. 17. -Yrs. H. Bogle M et.tt?,t -key-paten» -1n ILIQIeJ at pri,eut. Mr. aid Mrs. Jo=. Irwin spent- the week -mol with Preston relatives.. Mr. awl Sirs. Harry Beadle, of•De-- troit. who have I,•en spending their holl•tny in .luburn, .returned hoist. the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm. Wilson of Dtlfi= cannon. and Jr►Ji'. Wthaoo. of Brampton. tall."1 dn friends and his brother on Saturday last. Mr. E. Ball smut his grandson re- turned to Toront,. on Tuesday after a wourh's visit among his mutters. Mr. F. H4bbert. of Gout -rich. is con- valescing at„ his home here. Met J. J. Witaon and_ fg_mily aad Mr, J. WtIl..n. .r.. slant Monday 1n Loudon. °visiting the latter'e eon. Sliedrer Wilson. The Presbyterian i.-rc1.1- will It- hvtd In the Baptist ehoreli at 10.:u, II mai.gest Sunday. when Mr. Oriole wil preach from the tett A abort 1 . ,/ Rlcth tattleswghartette war much ap- ( Fillin, your, coal -him in the st:m• • � Mte. B ' oth' of Toron;d who asalsted e Stith the di all :n your fav - 103e, and eves'-', 't calf -it a lamb -1 i r coal early: it's' I g which yields-, A number from here weir to Kinear- I dividends in hal . a1 well as 1dine !set tattir.biy 'night to hear i none., 1 •a••w•o•••••• FOR TEN DAYS ONLY 500 Pieces OF Aluminum Ware ON SALE AT 89c Blackstone's Furniture Exchange .v, i'' ,• Cn»w'way •o , •dt•nrl• ••••••••••••• THE GODERICH tine �aucs MERL's A TIP - ani Y MINTER GOAL SUPPLY 1W THE SUMMER HERE ARE A FEW MORE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK : Boys' Jerseys 10 dozen boys' Jerseys, brown and navy,74 and red, navy and green, all sizes. / 15th Anniversary Special, 29c Men's Overalls 10 dozen men's black and blue Overalls made o heavy denims. 15th Anniversary Special, $1.00 Khaki Pants and Smocks 3 dozen men's Khaki Pants and Smocks made of heavy duck. patch pockets and double knees. Regular $3.00 per garment. 15th Anniversary Special, $1.39 Cotton Bathing Suits Men's cotton Bathing Suits, one-piece, with in contrasting colors. All sizes. 15th Anniversary Special, 79c Heavy Work Shoes - 60 men's heavy Work Shoes in brown - or black. 15th Anniversary Special,_$2.95 - Men's Merino Ung ear • Men's Merino `Underwear. shirts and drawers. Sizes 38 to 44. 15th Anniversary Special, 79c Ibed and a narrow corer ing. The prataw1 ins Sabbath, also th�' mens spia'Iti a het otra3ttf`M11t the servicee of song. Or; .nothing t Mr. and Mrs. Stnyie-w and Logi,. of thawesvilte. are rho Stitt -et, of Iterthing to• gain. mutlu•r. lira. T. Straughan. this week. I } OU really Ca' ' Th.- Mi+.r. Wvrize4. of tieep.eier. are • 1�at all • really y il visiting ate the imine at 3tr. tz�. g sound liusiri da`hur M. ROBIN \I i 1 e..a'n Robb and ►nun og• Place your order while coal is Mr. and Mrs. Ken Snell. of Kiubarn. stryit S lay with Mr. and \Ir.. Earl plentiful ttaithl,y and Sur. John Hoare. . WESTFIEU) itESTE IFII.D. ►ng., ln.-Mr. B.I. \I •1►ow-ell. of Toronto. is visiting his brorlvrs, Mesons., John Melh.well. sr.. anti ROA. McDowell. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don. Clark vtalted over 1 the week end with the formees after. r Aro. \Iarrtn McDoient1. 1 aur. and Mrs. R. $ten.•hnutx and Am, 'Donald. of Gtiderteh, ore holidaying This Is Linen Wee We Have Just Received Another Ship- ment of Fancy and Staple Linens You are invited to call and have us show you these new goods In Fancy Linen we have a complete stock of venetian done cut -work in all sizes 36 -inch Oyster HeayN Damask Table Sets, ranging All -Linen Towels, hemstitched. Ten dozen to sell at 49c each Lace and hand - Linen. Our price ,90c yard Hemstitched Table Cloths and Nitp- kins, in damask and plain linen. These are only a few of the Special Linen Values we are offering The Cash %ore F. E. HIBBERT Tnlphone -- 86 4tIEJl1'1t1 Foy Good Clean Coal ';4. B. MUSTARD colgNr Phone 98 - Goderich with Mrs. Stonehouse'a parent.,. Mr. :toot' Mrs. J. N. Campbell. and. other 11JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItiIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII111111111NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiHHHIIHIIIIIIIIIII Mattress lYti\th Marshall 1cip Y Covers Free REE With at W474 at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Rota. = Ilinitanan in honor of Sirs. Aitkina of ...- .1 tdrs Of Mr. Bilell AIM. WhO have la tes.n spending the peat few weeks 11 wit.li hlm. Friends were present from I -Brussels_ pail Winglia tn. Ito their. reepective homes on Saturday. Si 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett. of 1 sm.""' Witilhropi were millers on Sunday at ' -E, -the home of Mr. and Mrs. !tarry 47.s.k. Mr. Gordon Wightman. of New Jolt- ' `NI% 1f, visiting hi. aunt. Mrs. Rohr Henry, and other friend.. Mr. and Mrs. George Itcm..ty. of In- diana. are visiting the latter's brother. • Slims c. McClinton, of lloderieh. and Miss Wilson. of n'yth, were renewing = opt acquaintance. nt Wingfield on Sun- = Mrs. Win. Siackhotise, of Blytli. spent Similar with her niece. ling. 1%-th. McDowell. I Sir. end Sirs. Alhert Campbell were visitor!' at litsierbt on Satnrday. Mra. Gond and children. of Auburn. ehildren. of Toronto. and. Mrs. J. Tsin- blyn. tif Londeeboro'. is. re visitors at the borne or tbo lattorl. *I*tor. Mrs. J. Miss tinsel Pette. r.f Birth. la villt- ing her runsln. Mr* Walter Conk. Mr*. Wm..Forherail1 ha. ditrpoPed nf her farma. the one *he i* Ilcing nn tn Mr. J. L. Stonehonse nrot the one Sin...on. Mrs, Fothergill expecte to her home A itil her father. Mr Reath - • su Week Motor Robes Dark shades, pure wool, good size, unusual value at $4.65 NOTE Sam-- ple Sweaters Knitting Wool$$1:9495 Sweaters • Jackets In 1 -oz. balls for sweaters, knitted suits. mats. shawls ..or infants' wear. .2 hairs for 25c , Remnants of cottons, linens, woollens and silk at unusual remnant prices. Ladies' House Dresses of Gingham and daintily trimmed. Reduced to 95c each Wall Papers 10 patterns to choose from at a reduced price of 12c roll our entire stock of Summer Dress Goods and • is now reduced for quick clearance Summer Dresses mimMr mom mann MONO simm O ▪ WED Phone 56 The S. A. Gray C 0 e Phone 56 2 ore