The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-08, Page 11 ......••••••••••• "HERE IS HOPE-HELP-AM? HEALING" editors Note: This hi-Weekly article series -will .contain interesting faCta, about hospitals.' and is published as a public service by this newspaper in co-operation with the Ontario HoSpital ,Asso. elation, ed Front Grocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Deliyery APPLE BUTTER lbs. 99c Always Fresh Certified Seed Potatoes COBBLERS . . 75 lb. bag $3.09 SEBAGOS 75 lb. bag $2,65 KATADINS 75 lb. bag $2.59 DUTCH SET ONIONS .. 2 lbs. 35c Western Ontario's First Wig l urge irt 1057 Entities you to play on all 10 BIG divArcs xtra, Cards, $1.00 Each, also 'good for all games, • Oittne,,s Start at 9 O'clock $500.00 CASH DOOR' PRIZE 2, GAMES FOR $1,000.00 GAMES FOR $ 500.00 2. 0AmEs FOR .$ 250.00 10 GAMES FOR, 100.410, Proceeds: for' Clinton Service Club's SWinaming Pool Furui THIS MONTH THE SALVA, ARMY WILL BE CONDUCT! SPyCIAL PUND4kAISI CAMPAIGN 14 PLEASE GIVE YOUR SUPPORT eSte.08911. McNeil. • eSeS. to -heat: ill teq.' Women's SUMMER SANDALS Pavan.* er, Wb to rim or MIAlugio-wediro heel s2.98 'to $5.9$. gni MRS. O. W. TIFFIN IS GUEST SPEAKER aVireele-end-WISitora with Mrs. Dora atIDATIV210 Coat . Today and Tomorrow F'ORDWICK-,The W.M.S. of the POrdwieh United Church held the Easter. Thenkoffering service in the church on Sunday morning. Mrs. S. K. Graham, president, •was' in eaharge," She was assisted by Mrs. S, Bride, Mrs, W. ;Bird,' Mrs. C:, Ettinger, Mrs, P. Eurig and. Mrs', • The. .choir contributed„two' themei dna:•Miss Minnie McKlWain; sang a solo:, Mrs, C. Wing:hem, Was guest speaker. She chose as a theme for her :addreas "The 'Taleny'”. '.She said that 'in Cariada much has been given t& ag and Much, will he required tia: ,moriey: time and 'talents.. She asked that• es a -W;M:S.! and a chureh we !place, befote :our •young people the' call for 1 greater!' s ervice hi Christ's kingdom. if, they %don't heat the call, how can they answer'," For those who can't. ansWer. call 'to full time :seryide .is' the task of witness which" all /t' caii„: For the occupants the flick Of a switch` will bring electric power surging to their;bidding.... to do a multiplicitiof chores 'faster -anti more econothically by electricity. and Mary Lou, of Kitchener. Mr. James Vittie of the Howlek Legion attended a zone.meeting, in Exeter on Sunday. Miss Joan Dernerling and Mr. jacks Wilding, of Toronto, and Miss Elaine.Dennerling and, Mr, Gorden Geldrieh, of Londen spent the Weelt*end at the home of the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Dere, Mr, and MO. Max Hambly,. of Vtalerierk,•visited. Sunday with Mr, and 'Mrs:Fred HamblY. `jilt," anti „ . . •• Mrs,;Roy- Simmons vis-, ited:?ii i *aridity .With 'the formor'S mother, -.'Mrs:.C. Simmons, -near , Mr1,and-Mis;•Ada.m,Zurbrigg vis- ited with.",Mr. and Mrs, Stew'sit: IN/i.aairroVe. at. Wroxeter, Mr: and Mita:: Bus Piles and •Gary, of ::"ArliOna.;; ylaited'•,,Sunday. with Mr.- and i•Mrs:;George Baker and with Mr, John Giles "near blifford. Sunday Visitors: with" Mr. Joseph Heffer,-tverc -Mt. and Mrs,. Joseph Mcbaba*,, Miss 'If'elen"Httirts and Mr.13erne,Black of Galb,They visited With 1-4ffer.'.*MA'''=and Mrs. mc0a-he'arafMrs: Heffer's' parents, The7F8rdwich,W.I. Will meet on Ttiesdai, Mek`14, 'at' the home of Mts.' Wally d'; Mrs, Stan Bride will speak on her recent trip Vineland', ,,IVIemb'ers are asked to' mite change in' date. • Mi• ,and Mrs., Robert Campbell and. Child:reit Visited, on•Friday With Mr,-•and-:19•6:.George Moss in Galt. an d Weldon Hambly alid;•famiiy of ,TorOnto visited over the; week-end the 'former's pa vents; Mr: • and Mrs,. Fred liamb- Mrs. Keith In0jvCI in Fall rcifirovxon:- Mrs, Alex while helping her metier, Mrs, Fred Gatilte, 'to do seine hoese- cleaning, suffered a fall -down:. stairs and sustained a' Slight skill) fracture and also badly' bruised her atm anti ehenider, She was taken to the Listowel Hespital arid after a couple of days'" was able , to return to.her home. condition' is aatisfae, .„.. Fprgiven-ese. Is. W Mg Meeting Theme FORDW101-17-The regular meet- .ing of tha,Womarils AsSociation of the United Chur,ch was held in the church rooms with 18 members and two vi,sitors. present. The de-; notionsfollewed, the theme, "For- giveneaS", "SO Also :my heavenly Father will do -it 'le everyone of you you forglye your brother front' the' heart!' ' ,The biiSiPess ;pas taken care, of by the president, Mrs Glen Johns-, ton. The 'work committee report- ed four (juin; -tops *ready to be tied' for,;the bale. Mrs, Harold Pollock, announced' the date of ,.the mether and .daughter banquet and asked the ladies to serve.-',I'he MIT mem- bers will supply' the food. publicity committee was nem., ed for the ,gardert•-party bn ,June 28th. Ken. Graharri and blerence -Carswell Were named 16 represent the board of stewards. FORDWICH Mrs, Jaynes Warren and Mrs, Williain Campbell, Spent one day 1114 week in Kitchener. Bev. and lYfra, J. W. Bird visited 'one day last week with, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Bird in Owen Snow), Mr, ;and Mrs. Scott Keith anal Randy, of Kitchener, and . Miss Phyllis' Keith, of Stratford,' visit- ed over the' week-end with Mr. and Mrs. AleX Keith,, • ,.. -Messrs, Jack. Doig and Janjes Grant, of St. Catharines'Spent the Week-end with the former's”'Ipat- ents. Mrs: Doig returned F; home. with them, after spending a,7;',vvecic in St. Catharines, • • Mr, William Edgar has moved his barber shop to Hareld.pOljock's block behind the post °Mee:. • IVIrs, John Boyd, who has been confined to a Hospital in 1LondOn for several months, returned home over, the 'week end much unproved in health. ' Mr. ,and Mrs. Carl Bender, and family of Gowanstown visiteerSun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Stan For: 'ester., Week-end visitors at the home of . , Mr. and Mrs. Earl /vfoorril •were Mr. and Mrs, Jack Bricker,:John Ontario Girls' Board, presented 'the graduation certificates arid* the booklet, "I "Believe" . Miss 1Vfarilyn BroWne. was valedictOrian:, - • Each of the gr: Andes yva-g, pre- sented with a corsage' of bine" and white MUMS by :t110,ir , reSpective grbups. ,Also attending, thebart- qttet were Mrs:, Robert Hihberd, Mrs. Pearl 'Patterson'MrS, well and Mn'S.Pollock. Ridley were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Lynn and Karen of• Orangeville; Miss Francis McLean, Mr,' Gordon Ridley, Brian and Michael and Mr, George Bolander, all of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fluker of Palmerston and Mr, and Mrs, Ross Tomlin of Durham visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Art Fores- ter. - Mrs. Evelyn McLean 'and Wendy; of Toronto, visited over, the week-end at the same home. Mr. and mrs. E. Hargrave, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs, Ron Reed, of Listowel, visited Sunday with Mi.. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo at Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs, HarveY Doerlam of Toronto, Miss Annie .Faust and Mrs. McCabe of Kurtzville visited One day last week with Mr. 'and Mrs. Adam Zorbrigg. Report Progress at Development Meet Peter 5, MacEwan, a business- man of Goderich, was elected president of Mid-Western Ontario Development Association, at the annual meeting in Stratford on May 1st. Mr. MacEwan was a vice- preSident of the organization, dur- ing the past year, and succeeds Mr, J. D. Oaks, of Guelph. Other officers for the 1957-58 period are: Vice presidents, Mr. 'H, G. Nickel, Listowel; Mr. G, N, Hall, Water- loo and Mr. J. D. Oaks, Guelph. Secietary-treasurer is Mr. J. A. Thompson, an alderman of Strat- ford. Rby Adair, reeve of Wirtgham; is a director of the AssociatiOn. In his report to the members, Mr. R. C. Drew, general manager, gave details of progress made by the association since the officers in Stratford were opened in 'Jul', 1956. Mention was made of the emphasis being placed on town and area planning throughout the region, and of the interest hi agri- cultural and water resources prob- lems. Industrial development in the region, which comprises the coun- ties of,Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington, was reported on by Mr. Drew. During the past year a total of 27 industries had located in Mid-Western •Ontario. Recently three new industries had entered into negotiations for industrial sites as a result of informatioh supplied to them :by the Association and it is known that three others are ac- tively discussing site location with Mullicipalities located in ;the reg- ion, During the period 53 exten- sions to existing facilities have been carried out, or are now in progress, by industry now located in the region, New industrial, coin- mercial and residential Construc- tion has amounted to Conte $70,000- 000.00, while the gross' value of agrietiltural and manufacturing production Was almost $750,000,- 000.00 during the year. Mr: Drew referred to the im" portanee of natural gas to the area as a further inducement to inc*. try in locating plant sites, Atten- tion of the members Was called to 'the new permanent theatre being •erected hi Stratford by the Shakespearean Festival Fotinde- tiOn 4 and its great Value to the regl. inn as it cultural centre, and as a very important tourist attraction, The rapid growth of 'Waterloo Col- lege in Waterloo'was also stressed Ite at iMnOrtitlit4tatet in Mid-Wes. tern Ontario.,; of this fact. They know, too, that patients like hot meals too, To accomplish this objective of serving hot meals 'to several hun- dred • patients, in various parts of the institution• at the same time, is no simple matter. Man's ingenuity and inventive genius have been taxed to help solve the problem over the years. Various different' ideas and de- vices have been invented and tried by, hospitals, •large and small, with varying degrees' of success. • . Today, quite a number of hos- pitals are using a simple, but ef- fective, method of keeping meals 'hot while they are served to and eaten by the patients. . It consists merely of a circular piece of lead; about the size and shape Of an ordinary doughnut. Before meal time, a number of these lead "doughnuts" are pre- heated in a special, device in •the hospital's kitchen, Then, -when a meal is served to a patient, one of these hot lead rings is placed into a metal con- tainer.- The plate bealing the feed is placed on top of .this container and is, itself, covered with a metal lid. The principle is the same as used by early pioneers who pre-heated :bricks and placed them on the floor of their sleighs to provide heat for their feet during a winter journey. I Im hospitals the-hot lead "dough- nuts" are helping patients to re- gain their health and appetites so that they may again "live to eat" instead Of "eating to live". Other hospitals make use of heat retaining vehicles either as sizeable trucks giving "meals on wheels". or individual sealed-air- tight containers which' retain all of the original heat of the food until opened at the patient's bed- side, 'HURON T.B. ASSOC. 'ANNUM, MEETINO Ebner t Exeter, was named president of the Huron Monday Oounty nni; te r oe fe I leas si st wAeesksocitattiohne annual meeting of that body held in the town hall, Clinton. He suc- ceeds Gordon Knight, Brussels, to this position and, will be assisted by U. Glen Hays, Q.C,, Goderich, crown attorney for Huron, who has aceente'd the position of vice-pre- sident, Judge Frank Fingland, Clinton, is lionertary* president of the or- gartizalion. H, Lawson, also of Clinton, serves as honorary trea- surer, Mrs, J. B. Russell, R.R. 2, Seaforth, is the secretary-treasurer, Committee heads are: Dr. R. M. Goderich, the medical ad- visory committee and also repro- SeritatiVe on • the Ontario Tuber- culosis Association; 18, Madill, Wingham, chairman of the 1957 Christmas Seals Sale committee; IL A, McDermitt,'Fordwich and W. -H. Mountain, Blyth, the case- findieg aomrnitfee; Mrs. K. B. Me- Rae,, Reg.N.; Clinton, the TB edu- cation •committee. •-• ,A, new committee called the so- cial service and rehabilitation com- mittee .was set' up with J. Elgin McKinley, Zurich; H. C. Lawson, Clinton, and Gordon Knight, of Brussels, in charge, The associa- tion executive feels that •more can be done to aid families of those stricken with TB, •especially where finances become a problem. The Huron TB Association has a balance on hand of nearly $12,000. With this in mind, and ;the recol- lection of having given grants to each of. the other hospitals in the county" for help in their general X-ray work, Judge Fingland sug- gested consideration be given to offering similar help to the Coder- ich Hospital Board, now in process of enlarging the hospital building. Grants to other hospitals have amounted to from $4,000 to $5,000. In a report on the mass chest X-ray survey carried out last year, Mrs. Russell noted that the per- centage of eligible persons taking the X-ray in 1956 had been 55, an, increase from 38.7 per cent turn- out in the 1952 survey. Although this is 6 per cent lower than the highest recorded turnout in other counties,• it was considered , to be encouraging, especially when Hur- on showed 'the greatest increase in percentage of all counties surveyed. Considerable attention was given education, and that committee, headed by Mrs. McRae, was auth- orized to spend up to $500. TV spots and use of pamphlets will be included. Mrs. Russell noted that in the lest' auiVeY only 111 Huron people between the ages of 80 and 90 had taken the X-ray. She con- sidered that this was not enough that 'age bracket are sufferin:i4• frpm apd Spreading TB. t, There gre 1,2 Iivro COUTO& people in TB sanitoria at tile pre. sent time and twe of them arc in the$0-90 age, $rottp. One patient IS a Year ol.d 01i14' WROXET.ER Mr. John gupfer, Mrs. Alonzo Sperling and Miss Hazel Snarling spent the week-end witli s Mr, 'and Mrs. Jas. Robertson and Mrs, Ethel Carmichael in "Goderich, Mrs. Sperling 'remained Or a longer.. on Fordwich Girls at. GraduitiOn Banquet ; , FORDWICH--anth -rfibberd and Elizabeth ,Patterstin of the Ford: with CGIT were 'two of the s,br.. CGIT graduates et :the graduation• banquet heldiri the Listowel Unit- ed Gherch on May • l'iorra:*2j.,' D. Martin leader of the, ListOW`seaior ,group, , conducted the graduation ceremony. Miss Marian Banks, secretary 'of the ()Mario; Hydro -fond, Progrees This Man's job is to , bring new houses to life with electricity. Long before this new house was finished, Ontario Hydro and your local Hydro Utility had planned ahead for it, thiS house and -many more •like it. Increased 'power requirements were analyzed. Lines were constructed 'and, ff,necesikuv new fransformer"faCilitieS installed: Since hospitals first came into existence, the aerving of food to patients has always, been a, source of concern to all the members of the hospital team. To those suffering from illness or injury, 'eating is an important phase of their confineibent to hoa- pital. Undoubtedly, hospital pa- tients are concerned more about their meals, the service armee] time and the quality of items serv- ed, 'than about many other things in and around the hospital, Hospital personnel are well aware Jean Mary Campbell Wed at St. Andrew's In - a dodble-ring ceremony in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on. May 4th the 'Rev. Dr. Nimmo united in marriage Jean Mary Campbell, eldest daughter of Mr. and lVfes;, '14i•ket..-`tampbell ,of Wingham and Garnet Ronald Wareing, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. William Wareing of Exeter, • The bride wore a floor-length gown of nylon lace over satin with Peter Pan collar and liy-point sleeves. Her shoulder-length: veil was held in place by white icebox roses and she carried a white Bible and corsage of red roses. The soloist, Mr, Currie Burchill, of London, sang "The Lord's Pray- er" before the ceremony and "Bless This House" during the signing of the register. Attendants were three friends of the bride, Miss Grace Donaldson, of London as maid of honor,, Mrs. Les Shaw of London and Mrs. Mur- ray MeDonagh 'of Chatham as the bridesrealds. They Were dressed in similar gowns of white nylon with pink and blue flowers, over blue taffeta and 'carried nosegays of white mum's. The flower girl was the groom's niece, Miss Nancy Traquair, 'Of HenSall, wearing a dress of white nylen with pink and blue flowers over blue taffeta and' she carried a basket 'of white mums. The ring-bearer was the groom's brother, Master Doug Wareing, of Exeter. After the wedding a reteptioil telloWed in the church parlers. The bride's mother received the wings, in a navy -lace dress over taffeta with pink accessories And a 'corsage of•pink roses. The groom's Mother assisted, Weari4 a navy dress with navy accessories and a 'corsage of red roses, Poi travelling theOride donned a blue linen areas with tiaVy duster and blue adeetaories. Iter corsage WAS of red roses. and sifspects that many people in • There is a CANADIAN ARMY RECRUITING TEAM coming to WINGHAMHEARMOURY EVERY THURSDAY u noon to 6 p.m: New Green a 0 large 'OLD ODT041 Spit 'Span 4k CLEANSER 2 tot 2k o oz. Colto or powder ,eath JAVEX - 25c BONAMI ... 15c -CONI N.G PINEAPPLE NOW. AT • BEST., • 04,21MB I