The Signal, 1926-8-19, Page 2•
1' h eirsIk T Mittal! 19. 19*
Member of Canadian Weekly News-
papers .Insoeiat ion
1•ublieired every Thursday morning.
8ubaeription price 12.01 per year. TO
United Seaton and Foreign Countries,
$2 514 per year, strictly in advance.
Telephone 35 : I;etlerish, 0.1.
W. Ii. ltibeert.,os.. Eill•or and alauager
7Vwrs,lay. A4*4 U.t 19, 119241.
The people of North (truer 11.n the
opportunity on Sater:ley of hearing
-In tllwst'ell4ewfur tile limit time --Hon,
'J. A. lt,l",Ih. formerly Mini -t. r of Fin-
an.*, and 'Hero. !'has. A. DunninL the
former Mluioter of ljwllwaya two of
Ow (•Icier lieutenant. of lion. Macken-
zie King in the Irrooentetlou and work-
ing out of (Merit! policies. Electors
from other ri linstr. int -loading a num-
beer from North Rune.. attended the
meeting at Kincardine 1111 .4atur}ny
evening and In 4141111tiuu to hearing the
addrr•+4i by the former MI(ie:ere
__they...gimes-Jed tt unign tiernt (lemon-
' titration iu tans of Mr. .Lonsry Mal-
colm. Liberal candidate i14 North
Brute. who i4 looked nom as •.n. --ho
will Ahmed certainly for celled *won
.In 41.1 a (:thine .p.eiltkel attic the
l4th.of September.
Mr. teeth i. a solemn., example of
the business, man in politico 4i.• has
dome wonder. in Peeing the finances
of Canada in their t rew•nt (ready im-
proved condition. and *a author of the
Rabb budget of 1931 he Inas giver the
wnrke•n. and. tarpeyers (if Canada new
hep( scud 4rrutktelle'r owls ale future.
Much iuti• was taken,iu the first
apttharnncr of Mr. Dunning in these
So 'Truly,Fine
Drink it and you will say "Superb".
large prontildes of what they would dl.. I
us. yet have they not given ue
much and have they not been willing
to give to, more?"
Is ;our name on the rower*' list?
• • •
Mr. Mt•i.ghen taike• like a' eaten man.
• • •
Lkmutited weather: invest the 4 41t-
ticiane can't spoil 44.
• • •
Iron. R. A. itrit It T1ir pre4rrt' ]Iter
i.t•r of Railways. 1a nearly eighty
}wars of age. but. at that he is likely
i to outlive the l:ore•rumtnt of ,which
t 1.•-1, a memer.
• • •
The Rohl. budget 14 eal popular with
the 444 -4 -tors that l'oa.wrrsti)e condi-
(bites who were in the lost Parliament
are trying ru make out that they
I.11.11.1 rote a;t1Inet it.
• • •
R. It. Kennett says Mr. ling "rnu
away" trent a "cute of ewlisure in l'ar-
lirwrnt. Mr. King somehr u appeal
to the people; It was ate Bennett and
vette The man from $a.+katchaw••,u
is yn1111g 414(1 4igorrus arul evidehtIT ts•uchtql who didn't eau: to go Teton*
etijoys the political gam.•. 'Meaty -
five years ago* he was n psis farm bey
Just"out from Engbtads 8811 11 s ries/44a,
the premiership, of Heenan tche*an.
w•11i-h 1)e; *eli4quirlrel to (Oto^.me Min-
ister of itailtayn at Ottawa. is one of
144 epics of ('rcnton:i n public life.
14.11411 In this company Mr. ;lfulcolm
wits not nrer+lladowest. and his ad-
dep.." dealt In antlI..ritativei w•av with
some of the moot iilp.ortitjrt booties of
the -d87 -I*4
Ih.• e;eriur-. but they were Llrrd to
• • •
Every ('onservelre member In the
House voted against the Robb bw)get
1 with Its reolnetlott*. in the duties on than for animals beettner It is rieh..r.
ernw.ut he 14:1• the e•Itthusiastio aid of
Witt' grafter. Tike Garland of Carleton
and F4Fter of Nora *lotto. Tbe-..
Merl had to Ret out of public life when
Sir Robert icor I4Il alas tot the head. of
the Cunse-rva:ive party; but under
Meithol they are back again and es
mem:hero of the Parliament just dis-
solved voted to censure the hate Hon.
George H. ltolvin when the latter was
daiug ilia 110.14 :o 44e11r out the. mit of
Pmuggierr and rtlul•rIWnere at Moot -
real. (Others who are ready to help
1n thwg.4101 work of restorlug the• mor-
als of ransoie are ItanA0n of New
Brunswick. who wean recently dl'bnr-
red by his -fellow-prnetitinn.ra of the
law, and Jones or the setae Province.
who le notorluu' In eonneetlon with a
14)411(0 drat -!11th of whom are Meir
hen candidates in the present elietlon.
if these gentlemen get the chauee.
CllO1adM will 4..- "clean. -.l up" all right.
Chicle' Smarter than Rabies!
4('hicag., Herald -Exit miner)
A chick (fin walk As Mon as it
husks from the Aeon. A baby eannnt
walk for many Menne. Therefore n
flick - le emitter than a bully? Not a
C141caRo oelentlrt.. nay. is nutomatle.
A bnhy's Is not. A ehi'ek's muerte.'
con oo!. it. 11fe •1 44 by
lelrn to
L4ytr,•l fes lt•bT 1t+ln44 Leo brain. A
TTTeal,v w•hieti NIA kMR14-41 to w•*Ilk 11*.
'erten.More 114..411 the okleet hen that
err flnttrret of er It+ 14r4d was cu
e s tar 4r tehumanbelog.
can speak *1111 first-hand kuo%-h..Igr i
of itulnstrtnl cundlriun 4.11.1 in Iwiint- I
Ing out that an rsr.•atlnl (4-indnntrlal 1
prosie•ri:4- i+ a .rnelition iu whlch 'floe!
people h:n•e 111184'Wt.' Ott 1111111U- l
taetnre•(I peals. ed the/ to bring
about !44110 cou4144,,l. 1 wile .Elrn 41f 4,ih-
eral Ijsrn - •'ice, lice made n !mint that
1s. ?rerun... iy ,everleolost in tariff die -
motor ears. reductions in 1114 income
Jaik Milner Kays.
(T.ironto Globe)
in.char*etteristie fashion Jerk Miner
the Rohl)budget or those oho did all hos Nerved notice on the palette that
they mold t* ,4*-, roy it? anonol hl. bind 8:111c'ultry tot King*.
• • •
Ville hr will tweet it feller nett spving
1 tolees the newspaper pictures oh) , I
tax. and other r„luction4 .'f taxation.
Will the people-upport the authors of
thlaogh North Itrnue_booilwaye thriottego
ground tee )rruy10cte for air. Mal-
volni. re -4l,'14101 are very bri;ilt.
the Viers dm`--wfifA P7•i-tnrs may
news t ; h1s grounds- and that from
tiw•tn au injustice, tin• girls who Lank ! 10(4 141 1411 will hang nn his gate a "No
part in the recent "beaut)L• meso•• in 7 A)lm(ttaoe•e1t1
" x14411 e41 Mekty1 which
lir w1R not t41.4Wn fuyd
T rrnnm were 4 rather tonin:(•rio4tiug , Geeta.• 1.i I'•t'akte.r 4n . -Lloair
tut. Von could 4.o prettier girl*. on !'';t" that he haw been forced
the hgiutee In (:.41rricS oleo,! any 1 to fake this steo tutielOo 1Raiuu hi
hour rt the day. l'erhap* tint•'...gam,. I Will. bit the lack of .•ensiderati.xh for
�his reuteh
itotK riT sad
tame -by
the Is that the really eegirI+ 1..'t thonwthlx .'f who (ro11 ,tpou
(Volta-rtitene44es bra such (flree .
I tette encu year fa& Le. , ...aat. 4 . •.
• - • • titin dra.tie action
I 1
4 _ Titre- IA ie crooner:lF wr7(1pnthv and
i arrwent with the Canadian natnrr-
Mr. ale)Rhen styt+,,t,hat1E1 _p*ou;I
hard a brick for briek tariff aiming!
fire 1`nT'e1 rts41ti* enc farm 1m41i o..
Ifutou's emote -growers ,will---114--►rl1rr-
est,)! in tt1ie The 1 ni!e.l Mates lets
14 ,duty of 73 ct•n(s a learn! ngai of
AID FOR RETURNED MEN Canadian apples, *hih• l'unot a has -a
dot} of 40.4lent. a barrel astnin.• :ale
Thi' a:boohoo of TI:. $ .1.,4 Las Wes from the United Slates. iwas
bet) ('4)4.1 144 ,1 war *4••.rlr, En an a1r. Aleigbon Intend to re'iae • t1..• * 4411-
••44.) letter im411041 be s.1-. 11-. 'I'. House, radian dies to 73 rent.?- If tot what
of 157 M.•
nRhe•r acetous. Toronto. in 41.40 141• edeal.-ur iw he Ju+• talking?
w1ei.-li 11e ask% his euulnoh s of the • • •
Great. N':Ir rte consider the fact.. If the King G0ltrndeet b' 1
t Tod i i-:. ural rl
Ti,ffire a h. emit
tl.".9 -.4,(4-411111 4•f-('4n•t,la. per.1*
filth: 1, light for. 414.1 farther con
io u•1L•�.." Thin le the .• " of tom
r.t 41,,' prla.av* ier.•.. in Tor
nm ro Tory sl4elllduder-. The w•
N_ru'h ire• wt+ 1••rtla 1) ,• a1•14l, tat.le•
44.4:)its to .1144.1•411',..spro1eurcd 11,r
Ow welhir• of tit... n.'nnred *nen.
Spee for the eutirt• Iver ia tart avail-
able In this 48.74,• ,.f 1 h.r :coned. bit
some 4.1 the points n't1: by Mr. 11nnw•
are as f plows •
Ii.t in the aerie he has takeleto en -
our. s• lar ua•a.0re of (trisa.'y it1 11
particularly nu unday. 11r.
*liner M•Ileves that Sunday was given
to man as et they of rest. *nil *4••s.
with hint. Ile 14 old-fashiouel e11011::11to *ant to go to (-h11relk •ani. $4Hei.,.'
t•on the $11111111711- tray, (turf u..
eUw111e11d 441111.. btu, tlu_8 4*..tr4•...-tio1•.
were le•ing a told" on 44 s
• line hy-tooted
of not:-t•hurchg•wto 1.4(1414 4" se• 4,i•
11.':11.• on Maeda s 4 -yeti his Jou--
suff.•r:og :41141 Nit iru.'e•. and r•snite.1 in
e draotic 44rot,•rl. .1• an .tutorial 1:1
The Stratford R' :tree -H. -right 4),i: '-
lereslt• 44114. it 4•:111 rrer.y ',.• 'lid that .1s..•:
ltue I ` m
-win.--(ter- -wt, h 11:a property.
F'nr from 4- dt 4s dot:btfttl 11
no-. the-rr is itt ttrtarlf a 1)4)•'•• where
et,1 l privet,. Ian• t*.-, tour.'
tuv� ( 1) 'rtntghl, ) } el at 111e dis14r.81
"11.'' of thr pntolte;
11114 :141 big ki.k. 1° '! at' i.hrase
vroo i prels•rly repr4w•n4.o .t::••4, alinese
ar. ea,. i: front 'I T.' 'zr*m's roller! 44 Oat h'. v 7 of what
"1 he 1'ons•rve'n o 1;e*erunlrut ' .•t it. •i4drelw by Ito .own ..7f;eK: a:, L
_--ettetrhsp-"ti'aw• 4- *1- . of- _;y4 ,,,-
4t,o.t• rho three 4'.In:•a.•iimer4 to ..b- with that 4)? rho horn-1.•41n�
eroi*.1 who se' not11; '11 the Salo-
"4 t mite to
. 7
c o
4. int 1.9 mud .ace ton, he fotun, R t. Iriag•:eu.'wttld :
1 t r .
= atti.
minister this I)8-n.i.o,5 all. The ad -i
iuldistnatior. waer.rdrt; harsh nod vary 11 I. In Ailt.iiar vel!:. Tte• cote
r rte.•
U w rr t (eul'eryr iplitf- list
;n 1, ❑m 1. arlarate. flu• fr.. of '44e.
iiia• da} '44l4Sill. t1141(al)),.i. "a+ mom'
WIllendm4 tot. to tion 104104io11 n •1, which
ihinendm.•nt ea: orf thon•o,141s , f pen-
ala a. .
u 1 cru.
1 dH,."
l t1e71**1
"Iptrlhg 1i).' ,it -.,ion of 11123 Nu• 1,11.-
1.ra! lio eruuo-rr some twelve
omendwents to 1111)*•mien .(4, every
nen of yvhieh
nit. of la•taeilt to'the ilis-
i o rn.'
tl wfl.e
and d)rp111ntt,." •
• "TIP (•nn.vr*,( 4l'' have a snleott•
tinl majority 414 the 4irnt;r. In this
411444 the Se -11111e dint -noted 141.• new see -
flan of ih.•. pr'nelorl net (It'1*liag wlfh
the F'•'.b•rnl at.44m1 laoar4, greatly Pe-
al•icting the nw•fulnew of that 1.ody."
".The fh•(1nte with it. ('nh..•rvative
mnjorlty • (in 111241 in a Choc-hour
p.rhal ermsideri•d 4i1e twenty .1.1111.1111
of prn)w.wd nmt•ndweoto r. 1110• pen -
set 311.1 threw , ue:crl,rt•ve•ry "tor
"The, i.i1w•rn4 Ii.'*ernm4nt pr,4.',el
to plot 1:. the hands of freestone s lnrt
t.f the inrerew' torr your li1Il4een 610!(1,
for ihe,wolore.+A purism.. of 1op14n11ing
thio work 1tile 11.!Ie•tin4 4.4'1344111w t
MI I1)1./1/1111 of tit.. (I!.:h;•,L. w!.Tow•n 1111
orphans Aa their .111:111. on the pe,.4en.
_) ll_ _ Zia.. #Iwr vie rrfmnR cif s.
4114 4,414'11111.•10* that ('Luse were dee
lt•tre "
"Tat (11nw what 11wp,(eroal (In Is't
me,vion 1 to ebo legislatIm in favor of
air fiermet eomradon* end• the old-oge
ta•n'l•a1 act ,, ler which loony
..f volt *4)4011 have lraeflte(?"
"thee' It i...,k R. If the 4'olivetVR 41yi•.
are 11e• friends of the returned men
when the Job I. done!'
Tlo• eentr4et (trade with us 1n
If/11) holds, 781 those who withhold
11 044 ran rake their own."
Libretti Government made leo
-Met wnnlOristen to (tech *i o u ty. "er fW. T1111,4' 10 ;iarow rias
• •
fries e property ore•L to the curios.
gaze of the (milli(' s('r"(1 dnyea week, :
o hr
The Toronto r bac o . 1•
The tot T 1 rr.m, 1 r Pun' tr• •
r'it tn.1 e. •0 1•
P Il 1 4•
{ rn 4k
,d•tttt t ire,• wile1.d!
lu huymoupr .naSt.v•r
•a'd.••a. nadnd mya.tehr
dine. sold that 11,4. ('. A Io( -Lilo Lara. tr..htneorel be carol.••-+ smoker'•
made s "rant pos" ellen "114' dt-.•:ar,•,I and take It all with 1.Imltlienity,
sage of Kinglyi11e endowed it for
extortor glueyofCamilla eon.hh.rfirst III .■I/1.1•�IR1♦a11>Amas siaa aaimaa>r>.r1>w>�jestt
of toll the Interests 11 ('ruuda. I hair I
11411 .Mo:l*hal 10 see that the ka,hv d 1
the Government. the head of the ('ou-
seereative party, hat. ..48'kl'11 in the
sauo• wanner." Aad The Montreal t:a-
•netts r.p4•it „auluurs 4hu.:
"ti WA. 11•011t, weld air. I':ttenaude, ■
that the otli:-ial statrmlat. 114ni, by ig
Mr. 31.- ghee under elretatanees that oo
carried with them all the authority of
the parts'-h„u4,1 be rand nod ho
(111941144 from THE it :FON
!SPEECH and uthet speediers wilt- by
Mr. Mene:ono." ts.r
And again I (:4xette report): : "Thi•
prIncllrlrs Wh►ch Mr. Meighelt had
load down in the spe r•hei quoted from
are now part of lis shorter of the Coo-
*rervatdve party. wild lir. I'atensu,k•."
Mo. ns Thr 41*101.1tr (4't111rrvatil•e•I
I)11t14 1t. Mr. l'uteu*ode "offered no
apologleo fix any ehMlge In attitude
not regard*+ the Right 'Hon. Arthur
Meighen. but rather clslwed creotit fi,r
the tact that he ' had enlisted) Mr.
Meigh en on the side of Over eau+ea
dear to the heart of Que•"
Mr. I'ateaau.4e it Is quite plain won Iff
Mr. M* lZh•n to bin 4140•+ on the War
Iwue. (Whet *laxer the railway heere?
Mr. Patenaude's slogan In 111* itr;S
campaign was "Sell the National
Railways or close them (town."
Man Nerds Peeked.
(Manchester Guardian)
n-hy la it that ween enteeut to wear
these claw and weighty *1lltings while
women err resplendently cell In Rum-
mer frocks? The trouble 1s largely u
question of pock -los. Nieto carry' *r)
many invaluable" In their )44itets that
a mat leeenies obligatory: in*ny of us
nre hard set to do without a wnist(•oet.
WOMPtl e$caye this curse only ber•auae
they are Inured to carrying little
handbags. In all but the warmest
weather the locket (ertahily has a pall
over the ltaudlwg. It 1411*,r. both
hand+ free t.e board a moving train or
to vault a five-barr4.4 gate. tend other
manly activit44s. It ought to be pa4.-
elhle to_dev14.• a shirt -with an allnw-
nner• of peek( -t4 stink -lent to admit of
the -coat at any rare being tempernrlly
die•nr eel That wnteht do something
to Improve the .irita11on. Rut who
4111, walk into tie. House of Commons
in his shlrtaleeve4?
Origin of Ku Klux Klan
1 Maiche.t,•r Guardian) •
The new American derivation of "Ku
Klux Kinn" saddle* Scotland with the
resp neibh'ety for the title. Accord-
ing iug to n rent hi,.torian of the reale-
etrtwtlon parka! following the (Yell
liar 1n the United :tatter the Klan bad
a playful origin. 11u,rtly after the
war a group n1
of y(1g ex-('ottfirlerates
n Trnw
itew•* detiik.l, to form it s.l:•lal
club to break the monotone of theircommunity. The Greek word "Ku -
kit's" (circle) was` 4t first atbptell as
its tuner. but, a** It was found that all
lie asw►berw wrrr+tlte4ruttltldl Ott' 'ent. ing
"clan" watt added later. tinnily "Ku-
klo* elan" war amender! t.. "Ku !Cite
Klan" ae more plctnresque. The use
of eheetw and 1411°w -caw. for uni-
forms was originally Intended to mys-
tify outsiders. It *41.4(4)11 dio•o4'r,1
that the ml.inight ridee designed ns
part of the fun. tended to alarm the
It 'gr) propulatiou• en the club was thew
.4 -literately turned. to account to help
4,.'.tioutllern whitr4 to regain their
4a,lirieal and tonnetnk influence.
Dr, L Tolea•b PakM6sp
14f mach Interest among the art
-'-t eastorelrto be fnuud to the centennial
ezhihit at the art building at the West-
ern Fair grmunls, .:iviThe !amino
,%.t%"-rtiaer. are n gronp of 1)r..1. R.
L•'7'ouzeJ'4 .•lever And delightful etch-
inZ•. 1)r. lo-Touzel l+ nu outstanding
Loa. Artlat au, is probably the only
etcher In London et the pre -cont time.
7i, . omm(•morate the ce tennlnl he has
den.• eevcral very Attractive e04111gs
of tool ecenP..
t 'fir. IweTonzel is to member of a
Weil -known (44I4rl('h family.
Midsummer Barg
Unreserved Selling Prices Make
Very Easy
Dress Voiles, Crepes, Batistes
One large table full of Summer
Dress Materials. In all colors and pretty
styles. Values range 75c to $ 1.50. s.7[ oC
White all -pure -wool superior Can-
adian Blankets. Whipped singly and with
pink or blue borders. Size about Q
60x80. On sale, per pair J.
Pure all -silk Hose. Spliced heel and
toes. In all shades of 1926, Circle -bar
make. Sizes 81•:2 to 10. Pair
Flannelette Blankets
12/4 size, largest and best Can-
adian make. All perfects, 2GJ
"Ibex." Per pair e�rt•
Pure all -linen fine Irish bleached
Cloths. Size 2z21 yards. Four
patterns. Value $3.50. Each.. 3.75
White Jap Broadcloth Silk. Double
warp, heavy, for suits, coats, CI CC
skirts, etc. Value $2. Per yard Ip LA"
Dress Silks
Black Silk Duchess, yard wide,
deepest raven black good weight Reg
alar 51.95,' at per yard. $1.25 11
Curtains ■
Marquisette Curtains, with -deep at
Irish Lace Insertion and Lace Hemstitch. 1
shade. Value $4.50. Per pair
36 inch x 2 1 yards, in ivory Q'2 75 X
Rugs `1
Wilton Rugs, heavy pile, newest
1926 patterns and coloring. Every Rag
21x3 yards...,
3x3 "
3x31 " .,,, ..,•„ ,,, 39.75
3x4 " .... 47.75
Hit . and Miss Rag Rugs
Size 36x72. Also smaller size. Pure
stock, clean, clear colorings, reversible.
For halls, bedrooms, bathrooms, 'j
etc. Price was $2.00. Each... 1.35
111111k11(1111111111•1111111111•1111.111$111111.111111 M111111111111111111111•1111•11111111111
Some Facts
"b Presented rel
"'guns*. by
II. I,. Ertier. ex :M. P.
tin hie alldrees
.tang in Waterloo
(Waterloo. Aug.
h' I l
1.I t+ nom Ila! oUpit
OD. $atur.lay ah} neaten '1.'. D. Euler
Independent Libi•raI cakldi,Lcte, who
centesting the 'P14tut;ag:llnnt'Tiiiei
(truss. Conservative, had the follow
tug to say regarding .Lis opponent'
contention tbat blue ruin is "strong
trine. Sensible meet tire of the elm.
budget net a eotkatan will (lave to Lief
eta tot *hlniag and m1sr•prese•ut-11kret 11 rent tax?
that hnoebeen going out to the people of 'aI.:'t he pleased that ho 11,4'4. 4 *447
tib country. mud ft ought 4o stop." 44m'gf'r hoer tie Iwy-'t1:4 s•' asp. tax
"One of the favorite expresllous of rttellss?
my friend ,Mr. Grow. 111 that the (nine ' $traug
r being --
t la ice Wrangled- e(L
r hover
ag (igl d tit
"Does It *traugle him to (lay two 'i.•ath. but'I
cents on hi* letter+ intneyld of three't "1 kind
' "Dee it hurt his feeiinge that ler
is had to pay leer fur the automobile hp -. 44.41(111 it '•r -1
d has Ju*t pturchawd. than he would - • Ia'rothy.1 x.
' have paid under Meightn? prol)aldy. that e
a "Is he offended i eeau84' under the' ' , •a !11(10.-f4ault Star.
he eye.
drew n i rte b.
gine it ha.
of - ng!h,g,"
eat. 1 have
pi A* ant
"Iv last year'o cam)wlgu. the dirge
of Mm ruin went forth to every part
of , 41*e ta.,untr. Our industries 414,11141
he pained uulpso Mr. Melo-hen came to
(nee. In this election they harp 011
the same string. but nut quite so loud -
1y, alr .(:nos play. all the strings of
the doleful fiddle, and does not .teem
te realize that the mournful plalut is
LIFE WAS A BURDEN merely ridiculous to those who have
U� TMrte ryes open.
"Let 1111. give Mr. (14--• a few facts
They are tukt•n from (Arial reports.
1. Tho• per capita trade of Canada
is the greatest In the world.
2. When Mr. Melghen, went nut of
otlhr. *P geld $11,000.000 more to other
cointriee than we nought. Lae year
we sold $401.000,(1111 more.
3. In the first five month** of last
• Restored to Health Through the
Use of Dr. Williams' Pink
II "It Is * pl.asire." mays* Mrs. Rose
4 .t1on) 6or: of Victoria P et t - "to ton,
you of the new 144111th and strength 1
got through the 1184' of Dr. R'lllianoi
Pink alit P1lI**. lectors taking
the pills
1 life eras a Itu(rn
an 1M/
Trolly run down that 1 end not know
not ecce'811 eo
Ian ti
1 n in I ••t -
R rr 1
tering.* *ere hone•(!." together nn the year,. but who• day came when -he said, I
"Et."ugh." Who can Rime him?
repast. g:Ven air. Dienning•s 41111:1 1
wertie. and what hr• sntd w•as that "no
t•Iutrcll has a of 14rr!enty. 110:
1•x1'11 the cootioni1l44 I'r*'.!�4tt•rl.1n.."
Only n.T4'legratn reporter t4uld, twist
this lj(Q an ntt.a-k ou the L..n.•ety tot
1'rerlhvierinns or onylasly ..!..-. )ala a
pity The Telegram lm't4'; a t•!renhttion
of m,.1)' (hail n wore or !at! in idea!•(
sect!*)**; its r•Isrrt of the Kin*' r(1in
*n.. ting wool l let the �ilowe p,grh
keen want kind 44 sluff the uifort4-
tate 1w0441e of Torente nee feel norm
nlmo.t every work -day.
• Mr. Paterraud,'A Roast
(Toronto Ssten
(In Se)d.nla•r .s.) 192.,, Mr. Poe.
nan4e &Marel in tjn.•I4,• that *10
(1flhirr dor:J.40h .•detn1,1 he taken Tor •
*114,1+ putting ('anuuhl into warfare
aitltout nn appeal to tin• pople."
On Nor- 111. 114_•:,, Mr. s.1,-igheu de-
, 'tired at llarltllton •her "the d.,'islon
the Gore n: w end dem d be submitted
e the judgment of the )10.44.• at
Iwo (!••lion Islforr tr11o;,s leave our
shires." A few day. I,, :'r. 41. Itngut.
Nr, M,'lghnn Arnonh'•+l that this was
not only his torn per ll`y, bot the de- ,
tieltely Adopted polcy tot the (r)nserilrl
tier party',____ •
And now' cnt1H•v Nr F.:Von:nn44', M
Mr. aleighpn's Mirlvt.•r of Janke,
With a comment or two upon whatbap-
tenet last fall Speaking at Pt. lotto
rent. Auga't $. he map*: "I tact Mr.
Meighes many times re plied the eater
which L believed Wooed be pleaded,
and i did not• speak to .Hent ears,"
.1nd Again: •'1 Meatiest with hint pier
Moe, tine caner of my "omp4trints
and the con* ..f national unity. and I
• a • •
Mr 1'. 11'. Itsl'. th' G-riner member
for 1'
l.s•• f)nrnilton s()maws*()maws*. Its
afr:ha. "m,4,rit l 141.4ae11tr•. hire.(k•bs
sal our bl h id.•,tlr." air. 44404,
We bolter". Is the nnthor of that
tiro*d,r th.•stric1* un.rc.11, "
fifth* In A Itnthtu')." and no .lonht he
.•nn'kter1'11mrdf competent to intrno.
Olive the moral 'some In politics. in
urging thin el•rtora to vote for Mr.
Meigben and give Canada (lean g,,c
what to do. sty blood soem o) to have
turned to water, i was very pa!)-, ('411-
xntlr tired. and wan Ioi-
in flesh. It
w -1t. . 1 4 trial to Attempt hoimw•w•ork.
A.h4e1 to thin I had *1 had cough and
my husband and friend*( thought 1 wa.
going Into con4amptlon. The meetl444
tr.•n i *a a n
mint 1 t lel r '.
t n b ,
i n ,r
R appear
to do Me any 8.4441, *11141 ) had about
given alp hope when a frieud urged me
to try Dr. WIlllamoi ('Ink Pill,* . 1 got
mix boxes and found wo lunch la•neflt
from them that 1 got six mor.• Mixes,
Ref0re thee(• were all taken i
crew woman restored 'again to g(4)•1
health. 1 gained In weight, the cough
left 111x. my n)tpettte returned- and r
one.' more hall -t 4Msl cobs. i4 44pr
ROIL i was able to' 1)4) my houseyvorb
wlthntit fatigue. Ne,lle*A 41) *Ay 1 AI.
warn -recommend Dr. Williams' fink
Pills to ailing friends. and i bope this
• will be the mean' of loitoing the rend
to good health to ..,m,• other sufferer."
Try Dr. Williams' Mirk ('111110 few
AnnrinlA. rhleumatixin, neuralgia, see-
rott4nPwA. Take thorn ns n tnnle if you
j Are not in the lent ph1s cal e•mHtion
r and motivate a rew•wn,e that will
keep y+,u well and strong.
If poi will weld nn
tout ■tome And
af,klr,er• A 11419• h. ole. "111111411ug I'p (144•
Iiln.mP," 4.111 Ir tnnlhrl Ton pt(pat11.
TAIl�tttlto&& con4aftl+ many useful health
YMt con get the..- pill. through any
meMei:op dealer or 1,v !null at .j0 emu*
a hoz from The Dr. Williams' Medi;
rine Cn, Itrnektills, Ont.
have the pleasure of earn that f
WON." 'ill! hoisted young ladles admit that
Pr.10,rrling. Mr, Pntpnau,k• AAI(.: "In It Isn't the nrtglnal cont. It's the ap-
the courwe of last fall I asked that the keep. -Detroit Free Press,
year ove• made 714.000 automobile,. In
the firs fire eau,nth, of
til** year wP
tin t
lel 111!1. p0 rxr><--In the free of et
in the_ a utomubi1e_tar1R.._ -
4. in the year Mr. afelghen left of-
ftee, we imported $11.i0(1,100 more of
m!ntlfaetured81.ods n
en woex
hart T)rrr--t1'e exported $90.000.000
Po E
mere of
mail tU.
r(rlRoexlw than we
R. The late (tov.rnment mete tree-
tpliPe1;. towe
1td l:u.
ear exports from
#7 7,EMttr,n(w) to $150.000.000 with thw*e
8. In the taut year of Mrlghen rule.
our fooleries& employed 430,$S9 work-
er.. In June of this year the number
ends (424,4x3. These are figure. from
414.. Dominion Bureau of Statistic",
•7. WIo'n Mr. Melghen left riffle* mit
,i(dlar ear worth til emote )(ow it 144
worth 1(s.) cents, and Aometine•, n'J)t• (III
ter mere.
't. in Its last year of office. the
aleighen Governgment Intent $41.7 (stow,.
IoM(. Lnrt 74111', the King (9 1'4rnment
vent fInn,flfl0,000 4444.. That tneent, to
tering to the people of Nortel Weter-
he. alone of Half n m111Ios dollars.
9. Me4Rhen Inrrenoed the natlonnl
debt In le.. yeere fiv $178.410tO Rei. The
LlherAl' rMnerel 1t by *04.000.000,
10. A family of floe under the
MPI hen (:ores r
R nment nv.•raRel g.adl,ln
t*CPA. Tint 1174 been reduced to
11The number of citll w•r)nnte
loan been redh4e4 by 4,100.
" f*rt+ Are not cell known.
and It I. time the pw1p1P I,'8111 nems
Meth.- Mr, F:nh'r Iwid. "Surely this
ere of blur rutin he n1wf worn out, and
nn anger deeelve' alt, Canadian work-
men. Rhus nirpri'et I. the fart that
our opponent. Alin are It whom all
about us mem esti see that it is not
la(• rel
princely- ktx
and style a t
moderate cost
There is princely luxury and refinement apparent in
every detail bf the 1927 McLaughlin -Buick.
New Coronation Colors in Duro, the year's latest
custom shades for exterior finishes; new and
exclusive upholstering* and interiorware in the
beautiful, new, closed bodies by Fisher; recessed
windows with two-tone custom effects; jet black
tires and jet black rims -
These are but a few of many smart features which
distinguish these remarkable new motor can.
And McLaughlin -Buick luxury costs much less
that you must pay elsewhere for similar value. That
is an advantage of enormous volume.
Come in today and see the Greatest McLaughlin-
SnickEver Built.
South h
. Ooderich
wM ••4.4.14 ••Toto• . ♦u smolt
••ormsw•r•tnew nem •wuaraar