HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-08, Page 5• e • it47114,. 7-7T' V7771,7F-7W;,,,, a • •54 ilollitimptimiiiipiligithill111111001•1111111111111.10111011041,1111 Illoilid101111111$1111, GET. YOUR'.FEED. AT:.!.THE Belgrave Co-operative • - 6 . • BELGRAVE:,. • .Phone I3russels 14r1Ol Mingham;:.1065*;T: „ •Clifford Minister Is Guest Speaker• GQRRIE---Rev, Petherick, of Clifford was guest speaker, at the Easter Tbanitoffering 60rViee Of the, Woman's MissionaiY Society on Sunday morning in the United •Chureh, Got;rieegiwe an inspir• - ing address, choosing his text Matt. 0,3q -a7, oila saw the mum-, WO, scattered ttimad, 4$ Sheen haying no shepherd, Tire harvest is .plenteous, but the labourers are 411:: spoke of the prairie proyince of Saaleatchewan, where he went as a student to placeS where seri, vices are 1ielc1 only in the Simmer month, in widely scattered dis- triets. Tha; over -broadening new areas like Uranium City ad Seven Islands call for more • helpers, All • can help in.three wan, by Prayers, going ourselves and our eroneY. Llashmar • Drive -1n Theatre LISTOWEL THUR. , FRI, MAY 9 - 10 Double Feature •"ROCK AROUND . THE CLOCK" Bill Haley and The Comets "It Came From •., Beneath The Sea" SAT. - MON. . MAY 11 - 19 "THE NEBRASKAN" Colony , • Phil Carey, Roberta Haines "Prince Of Pirates" „ Colour • john Derek, Barbara, Rush TUES. - WED. MAY 14 - 15 "Flight To Tangier" coiou? Jack Palance, Joan Vontaine, Winne Calvet tiROUPS JOIN FOR RUM[ SERVICE GOBB14.--The Woman's' Mls,, slonary PocietY of the 004e Un- ited Chureh met with the O.G.T.T, for the re -affiliation. Service, Mrs, I1T, Whitley °Med With quiet inuate, Mrs. A. Stephens read frem Lake 2 and gave the reagens why re,affillation service is held ,every year. Faye anit Sandra. Fldifar Sang a duet "God Wo T91,49b0$ Earth with Beauty", :MPS, Buchanan ad- aressed the girls and Mr$, Glad Edgar ,gave the "Purpose" of the Q.G.I.T, insignia, , Mrs, Thomas of Bluevale was gtl,est„, speaker 'and brought greet - lags from Maitland Presbytery, The subject used was "GO Ye Into All The World". 'we are not all asked to ,go into naissige„fields so sipuld work,ein our organiza- tions and t4 C.G.I.T.are starting out in life towaird- the helping in all good work. Mrs. -Thornas dreier] her addregs with the poetn "Lhe's Greatest Thine. ' lVfrs, W. Tremble gave a...sketch of ClIriStian citizenship: A corn, mittee was appointed to interview two persons who will be willing to attend the training schOol at •Alma College, $t. Thomas, An" invitation was givei from. the C.G.LT, to the W.M.S, member; to attend their Mother aryl Da4,ghter banquet, Roll call was answered by giving the number of calls made to sick and shut-ins. ' • Lunch was seryed 'and a social time stent with the,erls. hORRIE • Miss Emma Trivirr spent Sunday with Miss Mabel Irwin, Harriston, Mr. and Mrs'. Earl Harrison and :family of Wingharn'ylsitedNfr. and Mrs.' Robert Iiiarriaen.6e.Sunday, • Mr, and. Mrs. Jack Eves, Tor- onto spent the week,end • with relatives. ' WerOen and Mia.! Harrypowily attended' the Huran :!Cot y Lib- rary banquet in'.KnoxiIresbyter, Ian. Church, Goderich; at noon on • okysr CUTBIGJOBS DOWNTO SIZE...offer more adtfatices filet] °flier hea haulers • Here are the heftiest work -mates that ever shoul- dered a king-size cargo! Dodie truck heavyweights. pack up to 232 horsepower . . . bring you Increased • G.V.W.'s and G.C.WAls that -add up to a whale of, ▪ ci payload story! i rrom the road up, Dodge heavy hullers are built to earn their keep, increase profits every mile you go! ' Take this brawny D700 model (28,000 lbs. max. • G.V.W.), for instance. It's the most powerful truck ft/ • its class (2t6 hp.!), And it gives yett suet) long -life features as, sodiurn-filledexhaust valves and free- • turning exhaust valve rotators. I,.41ke all Dodge V-8 a, it f4atures dome-shaped combustion chambers for full power from regular gas, less carbon build-up. Dodge heavy, haulers are easiest to handle, too turn and manoeuvre in Jess space than other makes! And Dodge gives you .an eXclusiVe full -opening alli- gator hood . the rootniest cab . . the biggest one-piece wrap-around windshield! There's a Dodge Power' ward tot your job. tet US give $'6t1 the fats on these great trucks today! CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA,'LIMITED •'WOO Tosuor find (400with bomb body, , 11,400 with Milk b200 with Stoke traitor„un to 1800O•tb. • ,Odif very body, 15,000 body, 5,800 HA, 45,00o um, O.c.vis mac. o,v,w, lbs. Mori. G.V.W. roax.'G.V.W. . 4! 250 ha, GiV.W. to 65,000 lbs. C.CW. .. . 0100 rand Vit!Ih. thew F`OtWalitt) it/0k llOi'fiETRUCKS Rate" . CitAWFORD MOTORS Winghant Shover of Stirs, Thursdays, 8.30 p.m. over Channel 8 Phone 710 . . , VVittCh, AX VP I liet, • Registering for Water Course 90TtrtIE—Ftegistration lerma' ere heing . sent out this week to the children of --uowic--14' Publio golmols for the Water Safety CilnirSe 'being held n Corrie in the spanner itolichqs. Further. forms are available at WhIttield's, Gor- rie, MeDerniitt's, Pordwien and e NOWiCif Insurance Wrmoter, for high school students or others whO linay wish to take advantage of this coUrrie, These forms are to be completed and turned in by May Vth, Accident Victim in • London Hospital OCIRRIET--IVIervyn Abram, 10 - yea -o14 son of Mr, and Mrs, john Abram, received severe injuries on Tuesday of last 'week when a trac- tor he was operating on the rar- deb, farm, one mile east of Gorrie,' turned over on him. , • He Was taken to the List,owel: Memorial Hospital, where X-rays were taken showing injuries to the spinal coliimn, shoulder 'and jaw,'On Friday he was transferred 'to Westminster Hospital, London, Mervyn Was on leave from H.MOS. Corinivallia Nova Scotia, Friday 'and also attended the Cana- dian Institute of the ‚Blind 'ban- quet n the Bedford Hotel in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bower Farrish and family spent Sunday 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jasper Farrish, of Everett. A polio clinic will be held in Gorrie con-nnunity hall on May 15, at 9 Et.M. for Grade 1 and pre- school age children, when polio • vaccine will be given. Visitors at‘the home of Mr. arid Mrs, Ernest Harris on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Jacques of Clifford: , , Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar and Faye and Mrs. H, Ferguson were in London on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and family visited Mr. itad Mrs, David Menzies of Guelph on Sunday. Mrs. George Townsend is a pat- ient In the Listowel Memorial.Hos- pital. Mr.' and Mrs. Arnold Halliday, Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Abraham, Belmore, spent Wednes- day evening with• Mr. and Mrs.. • Roy Gowdy. On 'Tuesday afternoon, of last week; Wallace Morland' s car went out of control after a blowout ef • the rear tire and snapped off a hydro pole near Greenock. •No one was injured but quite a bit of damage was done to the car. Power was off for a half hour. Hector Hamilton and Gordon • Underwood attended the zone Leg- ion meeting at Exeter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Hamiltort of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hamilton and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sdott Wingham. Mrs. Alex Hamilton re- turned with, them to Toronto. Mrs, M. Watson has returned to her home Imre, after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Hays, Con. 14, and visiting her sister, MrS. Johnston, of Blue - /ale. • Mrs. Cucimpre, of Brussels visited her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Nay and Mr. Nay for a few days last week. Mrs. F. E. Russell, Mrs. C. Lawrence, Mrs. Gordon 'Underwood, Mrs, M Gilkinson, Mrs. Earl 'Un- derwood, Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. Geo. Beattie, Mrs. Norman Wade arid Mrs, Harry Jennings attended the 70th annual meeting of the Huron Diocesan Board of the Wo- man's Auxiliary of -the Anglican Church tri St, Peas Cathedral, London, en Wednesday. Mrs, N. gamble apd Mrs, as. Strong alSo attended from Fordwich, The Howicir Juhior Farmers and Arnim. Institute held a danne , on Friday evening with Sangster'S orchestra froth Clifford furnishing numb& A sucteasful spring clean-up bee was held at the Park 6ne eVenitiF hst.Week, when a number of vcO- wither workers turned 'ont to help. Mrs, DOttaid Edgar and little son, Steven, of Listowel are spend- ing a few days at the hoMe of Mr. arid Mr% Glad. Edgar this week. Mr, 13Irks Robertson Of TeesWater was a Sunday ViSitOr at the same home. Mrs, thitenee, 'snarling in at, tending the Woinen,s Institute don- fereride• for -Secretaries at the 0,A,C. Guelph this Welt:, :Mtg. A. gash of Teti:MN:if WAS weekend- guest with Natives here. Mrs; Clara •Ritchie rettithed with her titi TorOnt6, and will visit her daughters In Ottawa and treuton, Mita Alma- Nash Of Toronto Spending', Sake Unit VIP fElt her *Other, s1r,'hos. )iiifiE4KSJAV ON-EDURION • WBOXZTB13,--The May meeting of the Wrote r Women's Institute was held on Wednesday evening in the OMIT/Welt), hall, The president, Mrs. D. g, MaeNaught011. Condtreti-' the business Sesaion, were made to attend the dietrift, annual 'to he bell, on May..2341, nt Fordwich community hall, cern, meneIcg at.9.30 o'clock. Delegates aPPOAte4 Were Mrs, gerb Patter- son, Mrs. D, 5. MeeNaughten, Mrs. Thomas :Barite and, Mrs, ,Olbert limes, A rug,mslting Iveciership school haci,heen 041; up by the de, ,partment,-. and Mrs, Oharles Catb- ers, Mts, W, T, MacLean and Mrs. William, Taylor were appointed to attend, This Will be district Pre- ject. •,The treasurer's report showed a Substantial amount raised with euchre parties during the winter season, which Will be presented, 0 the 'community hall fund. Quilt- -Malting was, the choice •of the members 'for a branch short course, This is a two-day course,. date to be' announced. Mrs, Gilbert Howes, converter of •edireation and citizenship, preSided over:fhe programme'and spoke on .the subject "Education Is a Gelder' Opportunity, .Use It and Pass, It Onp Mrs, Reg. Newton gave a talk on her. recent trin to Fiorlda and Cuba and illustrated With, pietures. Mrs, Harvey Reidt and Mrs. Robert Gibson,. who .had also made the trip during the winter, spoke and showed souvenirs which were most interesting, Mrs. Thomas Burke, who lad loaned her pro- jector for, themeeting,. showed movies. on. the Howiak Centennial. The roll call, a short sketch on a TV personality,. brought on later- esting' response. Mrs. Gilbert Howes was named convener .for histOrical. research and:currentevents for the East Huron District, The president ex- prsSed thanks to all who -had con- tribtted' to the 'meeting, including the hostesses, Mrs. W. Hart; Mrs. Thbs. iBrirke and Miss' Margaret Jardine. ' • • SURPRI$E PARTIES • WROXETE/11-4 -surprise gath- ering .was held •at the .home of Mr. and Mkt Fraser„Hangli, NrOxeter by their immediate relatives on Saturday, April 27th, in' honor of • their Silver wedding anniversary. Phe' Were" PieSente'd With' many lovely, silver dishes, a' floor lamp and 'other suitable gifts, as well as many cards andimessages of con- gratulations.. • 'The three -tiered cake. was made by Mrs. Leslie Bolt, 13elgrave as- sisted by Mrs. Clarence Yuill. Games were, played and lunch was served. About guests were pre- sent from, Wingliam, Be]grave' and Behnore. - • On,, Monday evening, April 29, they were again pleasantly surpris- ed when their neighbours came in. Many beautiful gifts of ehina were received and Mr. Haugh thanked thorn fcir their kindness, , ProgresSive euchre and crokinole were played and a. .hearty -lunch was served. *WV -co$61R* At a Mother...mut-daughter batitplat in St. Catharines, Cont. these flVe. Seth of 'twins gradu- ated 'from Brownies to Glrl auldeS"rtim top: lvlarilyri and Marion Hutt, 10 year Karen Nrid Sharon Iteeling, 13: Caro- line and a6Serthille Sitar. 121 i)eifirilla and bonne ICalit, 11, and 'Nancy and NOrilitt Portman, " ' • 4, 4 •• f.tt 11,k0 'WhIrtkors uvonwthows, wool 0, • Phone 51 FURNITURE VVinkham • WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. 4Tommy Newton' and baby Danny arrived from Van,' eouver for a, month's holiday on Thursday morning, They surprised, Mrs. Newton at 1,30a,m,- having. driven in four days. Tom is with the -Canadian Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Orr 'and Mr„. Willie:hi Leckie spent the Week- end here. Mr. Leckie will -stay at his own home ,for the Surpner months. -Mrs. G. A. ..'Werring, Concord, was home for the week -end. Mrs. Harvey Thrun„was a Sunday visitor with Mr, and Mrs. 'William Connell at Wingham. Mr,. and Mrs. Norman McLaugh- lin, Wingliam, were Thursday .visi- tors with Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Copeland and Mrs. Percy Copeland and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery were in Lon- don on Sunday owing to the death of Miss Alberta Willits, who died on Saturday at St. Mary's Hospital, following a four years' illness. Miss Willits will be •remembered here, having at one time lived on. the Joe Kermath farm., Mr. and Mrs. Hilly Hart, St. Catharines, spent the week -end at the former's home here, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and daughter, Patty of Listowel were also visitors at the Hart home. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Burke spent Sunday with London friends. Mr. and Mrs. 'Allen Munro and daughter Winnifred spent Thurs- day at London. Mr. and 1VIrs. Robert Montgom- ery, Toronto, spent the week -end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bender and family of Mount Forest, were Sun- day visitors with George and Mrs, Harris. Mr.", and Mrs. Cameron Nelson and family, Ridgetown, were week- end visitors with Mrs. Martin, who returned with them for a few days. . The May meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society, United Church, will be held at the home of Mrs. S. H. Wylie on Friday night, May 10th, at' 8.30 o'clock. Mr% W. J. V. Buchanan Will he in charge of the programme. Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs. Allen Munro, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and Mrs. Crosby Sothern of Ford- wich plan to go to the F.W.I.O. Conference at Guelph on Thursday, where they will take part In a panel discussion "60 Yeara of Aehievement", celebrating the anniversary Of the Women's Insti- tutes. • Clifford Speaker ior Thankoffering WItoxvrnn.6--The Woman's Missionary SOclety, Wroxeter tJn Red Chttreh, held their Piaster Thankoffering Serriat on Sunday morning with .a good atterrOance, . Rev. J. W. Fetherick of Clifford Was the guest speaker'and told of his eXPeriericeS or the home 1nis2.! stop field in the West, and the hardships M the rillasitinary through long drives, The people are,seattered, but very appreciative of 'the Six months of the Year When there is a resident *gni:stet Ian Howes, Was soloist, A speelal thankoffering was even by the members of the Missions& OUR BUSINESSkly,Msra,1 DkrT., has been organiied, to give helpful specialized service tor the proteetion of rartfter- ships Rey Men - Sole Owner- - Be ASSURED - Consult FRANK C.,HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGII1AM ONT Who drook all the KIST Ginger Ale? • Festive, sparkly KIST Ginger il 'Ale is the life of every par6i. So keep lots on hand. You'll' find KIST Ginger Ale is the perfect partner for family fun tool a flavour for e1v1ery he:::..p 1:15: : !titre. Irt carton ' or cooler . . a .... KIST to refresh yoq msly S It 0 14 T A It It 'CO, when school is out , . atom; • tAtt 110 IritAVIIL i,16,arilsitnant Slagle. 'Neon* Send pit pier4.4,10 acififeit Pot Office ealkolo NOerittaioi r 1,o,;.1 '#1 '0 1