HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-08, Page 4qriP'40,tviKrle 0040. )0f041e WI410 M no0, W 0 (Ines day, Wingliam •Qener0 Hospital, on Sunday, May 5, 1957; to Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Brown, R.R, 2,')Wroceter, a daughter. FOXTON—In Wingham General HoSPital, on Sunday, 'May 5, 1957, to mr, and litre, Bruce Foxton, Wingham, a, daughter. blAIR—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, May' 6, 1957, to Mr, and Jas, Rat, 0, Brussels, a daughter, , NAY—in Wingham General Ile pital, •• on Tuesday, May 7, 195 to. Mr. and Mrs, William Nay, Gorrle, a son. IRWIN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, May, 7, 1957, to, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Ir- win, R.R. 3, Wingham, prr4nk:- ture daughter (Stillborn), ANRuluiNvE sERYKE vas SALE 'USED FURNITU. RE, Bily ,aged Sell,. Phone 185. $rrb IlAlierS, LARGE eRIE and .-mat- tteas for sale. 'Twin go-gart. In good eglIdititai. Phone 183, 8' COMING EVENTS Ii4V,ESTQCK FOR 'SAES, . - IIEREFORD BELL for .sale.. Years old, Apply to Omar Stokes, phone 20r5, Wroxeter„ 8b REGISTERED HEREFORD BULL ° for sale, 11 months old. Import- ed father and grandmother, Also milking shorthorn Cow, due in two weeks, Phone T, E. Powoll, 18r14. Wroxeter. 8b CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, *Ing- ham. Safe, courteous Service, Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or •636, 13rri) YOU'VE' TRIED THE REST, now try the best fer spareribs and sauerkraut, on Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings, Com- mercial Hotel, Formosa, cd12/57 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE will meet In the Council Chamber, on Thursday,. May le, at 2:30 p,m. Program conveners for Histori- cal Research and Current Events, Mrs, N, Keating and Mrs. R, A. Colas. Hostess convener, Mrs. H. Aitchison. CE81; SMITH—In Wipgham General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 1957, to Mr.' and Mr's. Wilbert Smith, Teeswator, a daughter. IN MEMORIAM FINL.A.-r—TU loving memory of Paolina Ionia Wright: Wife of Wm.' J. Finlay, 'who passed away May 8th, 1926, • Nothing can ,ever 'take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every city, Remembrance keeps her near,; —Ever remernbered by husband and son, Charles. WALTER.-.-In Wingham general HoSpital, on Wedneed0, May 1, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Gerald ,Walteri R.R. 7, Lueknow, a son, MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the •quarter, Killed under license trent Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers, Top. quality. Lowest Prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley phone 2440. 17rrb FOR RENT RpsEpA,I ng A Spri MattresSes far sale 220 eoils, Belgian Damask covering. AlI sizes, Only $27.95. A, Currie & Sons Furniture, • 8;15b 180 ACRE GRASS FARM for rent. Spring water. Lots of shade. Ap- ply to Sandy Nixon, Auburn, 1:80 WANTED MODERN ROUSE or building lot wanted. Centrally located, Apply to Box 37, Advance-Times. 3b COTTAGE for rent at Sauble Beach. Available from June .29 to July 13. Phone 560, ' 8b CASH for Scrap iron, cast steel, batteries, radiators, copper, etc. Phone 67. 1,8,15* Casernore - Hayden Nuptials Saturday Miss,; Beverley Elizabeth Case more, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Casemore, of Wingham,. and Mr, William Ross Hayden, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hayden,, of Wingham,, were married at . the United Church manse, Bluevale, on Saturday, May Ith,,by the Rev. R, A, Brook. LAWNS TO CUT, mowing only. Charge according to size, Lyman Jardin, phone 147. •8* LaRcisE—ru Wingham general Hospital, ,on Friday, May 3, 1957, to "Mr- and Mrs. Murdoch La, ' Rose,- Wingharn, a daughter, USED WASHING ATA.C1-11NS for sale. Completely and thoroughly rebuilt. All refinished in gleaming) White enamel. Look and perform like new. Name brands. Easy $69.00; Beatty $69.00; Connor $39.00 and $69.00; Easy Spindry $139,00. •Stairiton Hardware. 24rrb FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT for rent. Bath, hot and cold water. Heavy duty wiring. Possession first, of June. Phone 546Ft. 8" SET of right hand golf clubs. Must be reasbnable, Phone 418, Wing-' harri, ' .8* SPACE, to rent for storing furni- ture for three years, Phone 417R GRASS for rent, Sufficient for 20 bead of small cattle. Phone 709J1. 8b LAWN MOWER for, sale, Used only two seasons: Phone 697 after 6 p.m. 10 HEAD OP YEARLING CATTLE for grass, preferably steers. Phone 727W12 or see Jim Case- more, 1st line of Morris. 8b Hullo -Folks! How's Your Mileage? FEMALE HELP WANTED YOUNG WOMAN to 'work in egg grading station for spring and summer months. Phone 271 for interview. Sb The bride. wore a beige wool suit with bronze and yellow accessories. Her corsage was of bronze 'mums. A sister of the bride, Miss Shir.- ley Evelyn Casemore, was the bridesmaid, She wore a white and black fleck' wo&I suit and. powder- blue accessories, Her corsage was pink carnations. .The best man was Mr, John Kenneth Dunbar, of London, A reception was held in the Hotel Brynswick, Wingharn, When the bride left for''her honeymoon, which is- being spent at Niagara Falls, she was. wearing a beige tweed coat over beige wool suit with, matching accessories.. , EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES —Mr, anti Mrs. Ed Fielding.were in Toronto at the week-end attend- ing the Timpany-WilsOn wedding on 'Saturday' afternoon. and Mrs., Alex Elliott and Mr. and 1VIrs. Miller Davis spent Sunday with' the formers' daugh- ter, Mrs. Ed, 'Ryan, Mr. Ryan and family, of Toronto. -L-Miss Ann, Geddes visited With her brother, Mr.. Norman Geddes and Mrs, Geddes,' in Toronto. Pll•-PCTROLUX Sales and. Service. Call, Jed Reynolds, Wirigham phone 640J1. Sb USED REFRIGERATORS, Gilson, Leonard, McCiary, $89.00, $139,00, $149.00. Clean and in good work- ing order,. Stanton' Hardware, 24rrb SALESMAN WANTED MAN to represent Wingham area for Singer Sewing, Machine Co. Good wages, hospitalization, two weeks training, Promotions are available to the right man. Ap- ply to W. G. Henderson, phone 665. 8b MILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid Flo", 6-Inch, 79c; 6%-inch, 85c. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb AMERICAN SCHOOL, Established 1897, Prepare for good paying lob In few months at' home in spare time. High School, Drafting, El- ectronics, Corhmercial, Account- ing, Electrical and other techni- cal courses. All especially pre- pared books and instructions supplied. Examinations every week. Low monthly payments. Diploma awarded. Write for complete information and Free 156 page book. American School, S Jackson Ave., Kitchener, Ont- ario, 1:8:1522:29b LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired,. For everything in lawn Mowers see Borden Jenkins. Phone 694W. 8b WASCO POTATOES for sale. Grown front' registered seed. Also some Katadins. Apply to R. Moffat, phone 632J2, 8b WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered, Write Rawleigh's Dept, E453-131, 4005 'Richelieu St., Montreal, Quebec. 8h. Under-inflated tires, even if they don't appear, soft, can increase gas consumption 5 to 8 percent, Nervously pushing the accelerator up and deVen 'While waiting for a light, to- change wastes ltid1ONA bnearry,' a teaspoonful' Of 'gaa with each push. Letting the car sit with. the engine running can,' be more wasteful than you'd think, An idling engine can use up a- pint of fuel an .hour. •Ge.d eare is important, hut firgeof all it takes a good car. • . • • Even If you're just looking around; wed like to help you see What's what with cars today. Motoring can be a lot of fun, in- stead ,of a lot, of worry, in these wonderful months, ' two. iSraud beauties are on display right now at •our used 1956 MERCURY, ,CUSTO CUSTOM SEDAN Blue, automatic trans mission — lied ear condition. ' 1954 FORD premium Car. COACH radio,. whitewall tires ()ivn • IOW, 19ie rt01911V, vet. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and 'repaired. Leslie McDougall, phone 553W. 815:22:29b CARD OF THANKS I Would like- to express my" sin- eere thanks to all ray `friends and neighbors for their kindness dur- ing my recent illness. Special thanks to Dr. W, A, McKibbon and the nurses on first floor of Wing- ham Hospital, —Mrs. E. A, Buck- ton, Whitechurch, • • HowiCk Grain :7 Club Elects The meeting of the Howick 4-H Grain Club 'was held at the home of Ronald McMichael, An election of officers was held 'with, the fol- lowing 'elected: , Pres., Wayne Wood's; :vice-pres., perry Strong; sec.-treas., Jim Ing- lis; press reporter, George IVferk- ley, Lunch -was served by the host- ess. The next meeting will he held at the home of George Merkleyon May 17th. , 1110 MN ON MN III AIM lk LADY'S COATS for sale, Winter and summer, size 38-40. Navy suit, size 18-20. Black pumps, size 5-6. Also white pumps. Apply to. Mrs, Wilmer Bridge, R.R. 2, Wingham, phone 658J4. 8* EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSEWORK WANTED in and around Wingham diStrict. Write to P.O, Box 119, Wroxeter, 1946 Fargo'%-ton truck for sale. Excellent condition, Wingham Body 'Shop, phone 746. 8* PHONE 185 '.S-Nil 41,M NM a ofie- QUANTITY of shredded straw for sale, apply to Jim Casemore, phone 727W12, Wingharn. Sb HEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick • up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 898 Gordon Young Limited. 6rrb 500 RED-SUSSEX PULLETS for sale,• Four weeks old. Apply to. J. R. Ccoilfes,, phone 743W2. Sb AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LET US - QUOTE YOU ON OUR INVIIDEND-PAYINO poLioms, TERMS 6 MONTIIS ;Or ,12 Pedal' L4w;liates for fanners' Cars &Trucks: MISCELLANEOUS SEED FOR SALE' CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to give our heartfelt thanks for all the kindness and great' gener- osity shown to in our, midden bereavement. Words alone cannot express our feelings towards ,the, people who helped in any way. A special thanks to Mr. and Mr's, Bruce Chambers, also Mrs. Percy Coupland, Mrs., John Frazer, Mrs. Mel Gowing, Rev. Buchanan, '',Wes- tern Star" Ocidfellows, Brussels, the flower bearers and pallbear- ers,' also the lovely floral iributes and to the G. Moir fiitiral home, Gorrie.—Mrs. M. Longitaff and 'Joy. 8b ,wit„!IYYi•r!umutln 'AGENT for berry ,boxes and bas- kets, Early delivery discount Apply to Fred Daw, RR. 3, Wingham, phone 741w21. lb 4,4444. ll olrueOtiak 0101 t,te,etf111,1, I lllllllllllllll tit \-14.-42,j2d erOSSEh310-140,1 SRL E5 96e14/CE -f%frt RANGER. ALFALFA, Grimm Al- falfa, Ontario Red Clover, White or Yellow Sweet Clover, Alsike, Ladina,,Vhite Dutch, Birdsfoot, Trefoil, Red Canary Grass, Biome, Orchard, Meadow Fescue, Blue Grass, Registered' and Com- mercial Brant Barley, Registered Gary Oats, Field Peas. All No. 1 seed. These are offered at as low Or lower than any competitive' prices. For your spring seeding requirements see Roy Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, Phone Cargill 68W3. rrb FLOOR SANDING and Finishing, Our Specialty — Old floors made new, New floors sanded and fin- ished to perfection. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contact W. R. (Bill) Rintoul, phone 261, noon hours or evenings. 24,1,8b REAL ESTATE — — IN MEMORIAM BROOME--In loving memory of William Broorrie, beldved hus- band of Harriet Browne, who passed away on May 9th, 1956. A face from our household gone The' voice we loved is still A place is Vacant in our home Which never can be filled. —Ever remembered by Wife and family. 8* Crossfire In ten years the U. S. death' ate from tuberculosis has tumbled 76 Per cent. Medical authorities attribute this startling drop to powerful new drugs, along with better methods of detecting the disease in early stages, better hiving and working conditions, and improved surgi- cal techniques. Tuberculosis is not entirely beaten, but public health authori- ties now have the disease so well in hand that many once- crowded tuberou• losis hospitals have closed, clown for 'lack of pa- tients. But the battle haS had its ,,, setbacks, too. 0 --,;T Patients treat- 0 bad ed with strepto- mycin at first showed spectacular improvement, Later, the anti- biotic seemed to' lose its punch. Patients relapsed. The diteese flared up again, Staggered by streptomycin,the TB germ re- treated, then developed: strong de- fenses against the drag. Medical scientists countered With combinations of drugs that caught the TB •germs in a deadly cross- fire and once agaiu put the disease to rout, Today, .almost' every ac- tiVe tuberculosis case' is treated With Such combinations, Recently, this same mode of at-, tack has been used against other. die-hard mierobes. In combat. ting stubborn infections,• science now pins much hope on antibiotic combinations such as SigrearaYelrit which' not only elettre up a .wide range -of enmaton iitfectIortst but also strikes germs which have 'learned to resist even the most powerful of the older dtugg. CAMERON'S. BILLIARDS, will be open every Saturday night till 12 p.m. for the convenience of rural customers. Complete line of men's and boys' leans, shirts, and over- „ails, socks extra, Guns bought, sold and repelled. Ammunition of ail types, Electric shavers, lighters and watches repaired, Open every Saturday night till 12 p.m. 17rtb ELLIOTT. REAL ESTATE fiEN.EY Dnarion - hone 144, GORDON ELLIOTT, BROKER •-• Fleming S. Pallagh, Salesman; Victor Kennedy, Salesman, Res. Phone, 586J, Wingharn \ 4 Res, Phone, 78, Blyth ' Large Firm Listing,•Pwellings ..Business Property; Listings arid. Inquiries Invited.. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING. SERVICE” „0 ' iil • ll l llll lllll liuueee,rlll ll lomitt ttttttt tiff fit tt ll I ll 111111101111Y1111i,iWt” lllll lllll Many people are under the itn- vression that the deer herds in Ontario have nothing, to worry about' but •sportsmen and wolves, but there are such;, things, aft being killed by cars, mid-winter starva- tion, freak accidents and last, blit not least, the never ending poach- ing, not tp, mention the large' numbers of deer killed annually by dogs, Almost any - hound-. or trailing dog, a number of bird. dogs; and the well known farm dog' will run deer, but the biggest deer menace is the increasing ,numbe'r of dogs, stolen and left in the bush after deer season 'and the'riegleeted'dogs who band together for survival and eventually thrn into a band Of killers who are as vicious and cun- ning as a: peek of Wolves. In Bruce County the number of ' carcasses found, .that ,have, been, killed by these animals, is' 'inc'reasing each year and there is-no way of know- ing how many of the deer herd are chased into Lake Huron and Geor- gian Bay. These • deer are often overheated and perieh when they hit the cold water. A great many deer are washed up each, spring on• the shoreline. The highway kill each year in Ontario is enormous and there are many deer killed each year on, the railroad right-of- ways. Fortunately, the last few ,winters have been favourable to the herds in this area and there"has been no wholesale death by starvation; al- though each year a great many of the older deer succumb to the win-, ter hardships, smaller ones are un- able to reach the higher \brouse, and of course, sick animals and those wounded during the hunting season. This also would 'include the great number 'of deer that are wounded by °night!..poachers who are usually too cowardly to finish off deer that • were only wounded and did not drOP 'light on the spot, but rather had enough strength to crawl a short distance 2:Ito the. bush at the side of the road. Poaching goes on the year round, and it is almost impossible to esti- mate the number of deer'killed by this means. Predators prey not only on the mature animals, but also on the fawns. This too has' to be taken into account as does the fact that SPORTSMEN'S „. NOT ONLY FOR ONTARIO, DEER there are a great number of freak accident's such as coming' into In- habited areas and crashing through windows, getting caught in wire `fences and many other eases. '° There is a thOusand and one ways by which a deer m'ay die that is in no way connected to the fire- arm. —Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Loder and Miss Marguerite Felton of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Loder and family., __mr, Wilson Loder attended the East-West Conference of the Pentecostal Assemblies 'of Canada, held Wednes'd,ay, ~T}iiir day a Friday of last week in Toronto. —Mr. Harry Runcirnan of Strat- ford, a former 'resident of Wing- ham, spent a few hburs looking over familiar spots around town on Sunday. —Mr.and, Mrs. Oscar, Rock and' family, of Moneton, Spent Sunday at the home "of I their daughter, Mrs, Robt, Sinimmon, Xinnie St, —Visitors with Mg, and Mrs. BiarrS.' Wenger on Sunday were and lgri. Harold 'Litt, of Lon7 • —Misses Lenore Guy and Petty Foxton have completed their cour- ses at Canada Business College, Toronto and 'have accepted' secre- tarial positions. LEE'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE PERSONALS, HENDERSON—In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, May 2, 1967; to. Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Henderson;Lucknow, 'a son, . When car' owners get together the first subject is usually "What kind of mileage are you getting out of that hue of yours'?" -• SoMe Cars, of course, use. more gas than'others, and give more power And snioothness in return, but the way you drive can„have a lot, to do kith the miles-per-gallon you chalk , • 0 Highway driving 'gives better 'mileage than city driving, hot it's riot the higher speed that makes the 'gas go further:. The car that giVeer20 Miles te. the gallon, at 30. miles an hour will give only 15 miles' to the gallon at 60, and 12 miles to gallon at 70. It is, of course, the stops and starts of city driving that waste gas. Ten stops in a nude will use twice as much as steady driving at 30. BIRTHS CRAWFORD & 11ETHENTON BV;SINESS- and. • •?Rcift5pONAL . DIRECTORY BUILDING LOT for sale, 66 ft, frontage, Leopold Street, Phone 45. 8b ENVINISHEI) 4-room houSe for Sale. Robyn fora bathroom. Liv- leg room, 20x11, Large garage. Lot 70x175.. Tetai cost of ina, terM1S alone $2,000. Will sacrifice for $1,600 cash. Phone 4733, Wingham. ' 8* BarriSterS, Vitt% Winghttm, , rijime 48 ,I. II. CRAWIPORII, Q.E. S. IIETHERINOTON, (1.0, SEVEN-11001V1 brick hottSe for Sale, 'Cupboards, oil furnace, HartiVvood. floors downstairs. Ins striated. Barn And garage. -h'Ive acres of land, Immediate posses Sion, For partiettlars phone AVIttgharrt 441,. 8*. A. H.,,'McTAYISII and NOtAitt ONVARIO Telephone g3 'TeeSWater WitirettitiEt/ery Wednesday , Afternoon, 2 0.111,0 by' 11000111tnaelit „ • 1L W. BUSHF1ELO Q.C, Dorris er, Solicitor, Notarn Money to Loin Office—Meyer ,Flock, Wingham WHAM-TON FINE FINANCING A •CAR? Taxpayers may make payment's on account of 19,V ta,xes ttp to' 80 per cent of 1.956 taxes, Interest at the rate of ,lour per cent, po:' an. rl'in Will be allowed, on stich prepayments. Prepayments of taxes most, be made as the Town Treasurer's Office, Town aall, W, A, GALBRAITH, Tteriauter, Town of Wino/ham' 7-11CoOM FRAME HOUSE for sale lit the village of Pelgrave, in ettpboarcla, 4, ;piece' bath, heavy duty Wiring. Irtirtmee With stolt. Or, Apply to Mrs. Riehard Charin. hey, phOne /042, Witighatta. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD ALL, :PERSONS having claims against the estate Of the above mentioned late of the ToWnship of Howick, County of Huron, F'arin- er, who died on 'the fifth day of 1957, are required to ...file proof of same with the undersign- ed on or before the 25th day of May, 1957, After that date the executors Will proceed to distribute the es. tate haying regard only to' the claims of Which they shall then have notice: 'LA` Eri at WirighaM this. 7th day of May, 1957, CRAWVORIl$ ez ItEttfEttNoT011/41 Wingham, Ontario SolicitorS for the Ekqetttors 81622b FLOOR SANDING — Now is the time to have yoUr floor sanded , and refinished for only 5c to 10c per sq. ft., depending on the floor. We use "Sabiseal”, For free estimates call H, Temple- man, Gorrie. Phone Wroxeter 23r1, 8;15122:29* „ s IS YOUR TELEVISION praperly insured for all risk coverage?. For information phone 293, Stew- art A, Scott, Wingbam, 2rrb ATZVVART A. SCOTT can now saVe you 15% on. Your car or truck insurance, Yearly Or silo months policies are aVallable, Special rates for farmers, For further ink:relation phone 288, Whigham., 29rrh .-- SANITARt StW.A.Gt tlISPO8Ar.: septie tanks, eesspools, cellars, dog pttrriped and Cleaned, quick Service. All Work guaranteed'. Apply Letlis Blake, phone 42r6, .'Brussels:. 15trer Frederick P. Hothutit Phroli., R.0. Carol E, Hortiuth, rota. Viola IL &moth, R.0, ott4mETfusT8 Pttomtt 1.18, Harr .toli'f Otitatrid InsUranceCram-4mq Est, 1840 Art all Canadian convoy *hi* Bois faithfully soiled Its Volley holders for ever it century • IIesri Otfitte tiireirtir 0,41 litaelt,ftn. Insurance AErerteY Whightim wAtERLOO ,CATTLE Breeding ASSOelatiort "Where letter Are fleod'', ettifidial hi. sornitietten infOrntatiOn or set'y vice from all, breeds of Cattle, Phone, 'the *WsArloti Cattle Breeding. ASSeelatieli et'l Ol.i icon He 24441 nt Mitilinny. 1802'12 be. tWeen.1.36 and 100 0,11t, We have all'breeds" avallabia—top 'quality 11(16* COK430° giltrb bark al night spells danger for pedestrians and Motorists. le Ornict edt the ROW, Before you' buy tialt about our Low Cost Pinattiting' Service With complete Cost_ Coverage, STEWART A, SCOTT thene, 103 glierh lll l Box Hattlette' Name** 1 " Not Givto Out 1 1 tt lo :Attie* itertiltrit of& :U 010410 the name or ouhlress of any :sidvertIsee flint rirl e4!fikaeff, Ho Ntittibet,, not ask Its PO this riontronontrocolatinot000l0000caocooroll