HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-08, Page 3. ..
Hospital, it was found that the foot
was fractured. A cast was applied,
and the child was allowed to leave
the hospital yesterday.
MO; The Wbillbent, A0V41100-teleer. Weffneed0F, May '101k1 11111.1111monmellIMIN11010111111111111111111MW MISS MURRAY GOES 'ONE Berm?"
Patrick St., Win i
Will Sp0a1( to
Lions. Club'
040.t. 'pecker _at the regular
Meeting of the 1419,04. Club oil Fri-
day. evening, May .241;11, will he J.
1, Hawgon„ .hoao of the aeeitritleS
department of the .Mutual
Assurance Co, of Canada, Mr.
Howson graduated fawn college at
Premien, Man., where he • Majored..
its politleal „ecenoneY„ later taking
We Bachelor .of Atte degree at
McMaster thilverillty, •
With Mutual Llfo illnce 1951, Mr.'
HaWsoe is an aaSeelate treesurer .
of the eOrnpany. He will speak on
the economic etinaideratIons
yea in securities investment,
Camitilan Company operating; natloatil settle 'lots imine4liate
openings for unibilieus men or women to animist Neal lauShAtafe
dealing with seine 'of Canada's largest 'chain stere,a; tan lie
bundled la spate hours at start if nesiited; ilioitelit,y anti dePeatiaa
lollity more important than past experience,.Our liberal fintuteial
assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a inisitiess on a high
plane lor high-type men oravomeil of cliartieter only,
APPROX., $1,609.00
(Which is secured), and good refereneea.a- These openings 'will
pay , yo exceptionally high monthly income inunediatelY, and,
rapialei jnereeso as bUslaess expands, Prefer applicants aspire
,ing eaehings from $10,000 .to a20,140 Yearly. No high, preasore
men wanted as NO SELLING required, 'if you can qualify and
have necessary cash, write 'today giving Ogee and partictlierS
for lipid interview. Waite J. W. 'WEBB COMPANY, Dept, is-pio,
1.40 St, Alexander, Moat:real 2, gblebee.
4 ' A
Each thiver and each pedestrian
can prevent one .:resident—.the one .
that involves birn;
At a special banquet held for the staff of the Walker Store C. E, Richey, wbe has been with 'the firm
for 36 years, congratulated Miss Murray, who had gone "orie better", having been in the employ of the
Walker Store in Wingham, for 31 years. Pipttire shows the 'congratulations being made while other past
members of the staff, and Mr, Richey's wife look on. From left to 'right are, Bob Rintoul, Mrs. ,R. Worm-
worth, Mr, Richey, Miss M, cassidy, Mrs. D. Gruearnett, Miss Janet IVIarray, Mrs. Richey and Mrs. G.
Perrot)„ The occasion Was held, to mark the closing of the Walker Store in Wingtham.--A,T, Photo.
If You're TIR
.Everybody gels a rumsloup
then, tired-otit, heivrIm404 amt
botherid by lisekocbea, P00$116 ' seriously wrong, just a
condition caused by excese ielat
wastes. That's the time le Wes
Kidney Pills, Dodd's stimulate Ilse
end so, help restore their Ismail Ohm
removing excess,acids and, wastes. Tim you feel better, sleep better, weekly/01k
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills new. t.is& 'SO the blue box with the red bead el al.
druggist& You can domed et Dedik ea^ HOW HEALTHY
Canadian Legjoii
BaCks Projects
(Continued from Page ,One)
drive for blood dOnoesaand presi-
dent of the branch John •Pattison
made an appeal for funds for
Legion scholarships,
Comrade Currie XPIE11"(1 to
members that the Kinsmen had a
good aupply of hospital beds and
he wondered if it would be possible
for the Legion to, get a bigger
supply ,of wheel-chairs rather than
more hospital beds. It was agreed
to get wheel-chairs and, irneces-
sary, more hospital beds trio, '
Comrade Miller offered. to head
a LegiOn team to organize a town
check on blood donors and " to
assist the Wingham General Hos-
pital with`the work involved in
. . until she 'learned of
the complete satisfac-
tion that awaits every-
one right-here at Down-
Fillet,Yearteld Feld Guest, soli of
Mr. and Mrs, George Otieat,
ham. was injured when he was,
struch by a oar on the -Diagona.
Road on Saturday. 'The little ,hoy,
was forianate In not being mon
seriously hurt, He was 11.1towed to
leave the Winghani General Bos:
pital after a cast had beep applied
to his right foot, strtlek by a
wheel of the passing ear.
Last week, David Kin* rt.13e
Teeswater, Was injured in a car
accident. He 'was admitted to the
Wingham General Hospital for,
treatreent to his head and neck.
Ilia condition is said to ,be satis-
Miss Ruby Forsyth, Wingham,
fell and fractured her right wrist
last week. A east ,was applied at
the Wingham General Hospital
and her condition is satisfactory,
Mrs. May Irwin, Lucknow, who
injured her left hip last week, had
the fracture pinned at the Wing-
ham General Hospital on 'rhurs-
Ilay,„She is said to be in a satis-
factory condition.
Miss Pauline Bannerman, 80-
year-old resident of Teeswater, fell
at her home and fractured her left
hip. Miss Bannerman, is In.' the
Wingham General Hospital, where
the bone was binned On Monday.
Her condition is said to be satis-
factory .by ,hospital officials. ,
Oa 'Saturday Lloyd Thornton, of
Teeswater, was thrown from his
truck while the vehicle was being
loaded in Teeswater. Mr,' Thornton
received painful injuries to his
left wrist. An X-ray' examination
at the Wingham General Hospital,
however, showed that there were
no fractures, He was allowed home
after treatment.
Mrs. Ray Watson, R.R. 1, Luck-
was admitted to the Winghain
General Hospital, on Monday With
possible internal injuries received
when she fell from a 'tractor and
the machine passed over her body.
An examination at the Wingham
\hospital showed she had received
an injury to the pelvis. Her con-
dition is considered satisfactory,
Six-year-old Lyle Gaeley, the
son of Mr and Mrs, Edgar Gauley,
of Wingham, met with an accident
on his way to school on Tuesday
morning when he fell under the
wheel of a milk delivery cart.. The
boy's right foot 'was found to he
rather badly bruised and on exami-
nation at the Wingham General
keeping records of all blood types
and blood donors. in tgwn.
The branch voted in favor of
sending a cheque to headquartera
to go towards the cost of operating
The writer of the "Liberty" ar-
ticle brings out .an interesting
point about the Ontario provincial
convention, to be held in St.
Catherines this slimmer, at which
will be decided one of the most
ambitious and unusual projects
ever proposed by the Legion — un-
derwriting the Canadian National
InStitute .for the Blind's Eye Bank.
At present, the article states, the
Eye Bank operates only in On-
tario, but may soo'n expand across
Canada. If the plan is adopted,
the Legion will sign up as many
of its members as possible, to be-
queath their eyes to the Eye Bank
when they die. Their eye corneas
would be transpianted, to restore
sight to some victim of blindness.
The condition of your estate should
concern you as much as your personal
health. Estate Administration is an
important undertaking—not something
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with estate management.
At Sterling Trusts we have experienced
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assist you in the plannfng of your
estate. Call on us at any time . . ,
or write for our free booklet
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s ad
Head Office: Branch Office: s.
372 Bay St., Toronto 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie 5.7
pas " MIERE vocia
oar FURTHER" -
'jQ q a.'s.-tpl.0L 3 J
ave yo-u. tried
-the ricle that pu
ps out of busine
Bridge Club
Meets Goclerich
The Wingham Bridge Club con-
cluded the season with. pie Code-
rich Bridge Club as theia guests. on
Monday evening. In an inter-club
match, the local group, scored a
victory by the points margin of
1979 to '1843.
The leading pairs were; North
and South: 1, Mrs. D, C. Nesmith
and W. H. 'French, 1561/24 2, Dr,
and Mrs. Oakes, 156; 3,. Mrs. G.
Godkin and Mrs. D. B. Porter 155;
4, Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Hetherington
151; 5, Mr. and Mrs. K. Huater
149. East and West: 1„ Mrs. A.
Nicol And Mrs. F...Saunders, 193%;
2, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. • Crawford,
son, 1671/2 , 4, Mrs. Jenner and Mrs.
Mooney, 153.1/2 ; 5, Mrs. MacEwan
'and Mrs. Westbrook, 146.
, • The ladies of the Wingham
club served a luncheon following
the game.
Two Shows Nightly, 'Rain or
Clear - First Show at Dusk
Children under 12 in cars Free
May 9 and 10
Kirk Douglas, Sylvano Mangano,.
—SATURDAY rto yt aCai
1 t
James Stewart' - June AllYson
(Cartoon) , •
All mothers admitted FREE,
y1o4lollutn:1.id 15gu%" (Colour)
Robert Mitchtim
Genevieve Page
ing for the past few weeks at a
garage at PaiSley.
'Mr: Austin Cook, of 'Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and, all
visited- on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Chas. Cook of Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kerr and
family, of Tillsonburg, and Miss
Myrna Stockill, of Kitchener, visit-
ed over the week-end with Mr. and
MrS. Herbert Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cook and
children, of Blyth, visited on Sun-
day at the' home of her sister, Mrs.
John Purdon.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Robertson and
children spent Sunday a( the home
of her brother, Mr. Cecil Forster,
of Palmerston.
Mrs. Walter Lott left on Sunday
to spend a few days with Mrs, Ed.,
Browning, in Toronto, before leav-
ing to spend a few months at the
home of' her son, Robert' Lott, of
Calgary, Alta. '
Mr. and .Mrs, Gershon. Johnston
spent Sunday at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Wood, of Sea-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coulter of
London are visiting at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. Noble.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and
children visited on Sunday with
her father, Mr. John A. Johnston,
who is ill at the ,home of his
daughter, Mrs. William Williams,
of Goderich.
Mr. ana Mrs. Harold Davis, of
Teeswater, visited on Sunday at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Elmer
Several in' tnis district made a
triOto the lake at night last week
and secured a good catch of suck-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Dowling,
Beth and Laverne visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Curtis, of Rothsay..
Mr. and Mrs, Reg Scholtz of Au-
burn and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz were in Listowel on Sun-
day at the J, C, Reed funeral home,
from where the funeral of his
aunt, the late Mrs. Geo. Koch was
held. on Monday to the Listowel
Fairview cemetery,'
Mrs, J. G. Gillespie and Mrs.
Ezra Scholtz were in London on
'Mr. John Turner, formerly of W.
Wawanosh, has been suffering for
the' past' two Weeks, at his home in
Plymouth Savoy 4-door Cedar
• -ma al
Even if you tan only spare q few minutes out of a busy day, take a
demonstration ride in a new Plym9uth.with Torsion-Aire suspension
admit. `It's downright wetiderfitt : :•What
a difference it makes when you get
out of the ordinary and into a new
Thrill-Power Plymouth with
Torsion-Aire suspension:
Just take a beautiful Plymouth a
few miles down one .of these old
butnpety-btunp side roads and
you'll See what we mean, It is an
entirely new tide experience be,
cause of Plymouth's remarkable
story while you're flashing along
in 'the lowest, sleekest Plymouth
ever built? You'll, love it—every
bit of it.
• Just dial for a demonstration
in a new Thrill-Power Plymouth!
How about tonzorivw? :)'lions Lis, and
We'll Wing a fresh, frisky new Plythou th
to your door. Try its `new V-S or 6
Thrill-Powdr GO . . Push-button
Torcatie-?alite automatic drive .
Total Contactbrakes . end all hat
either exciting adaancesi
Torsion-Aire suspension. It's like
coasting,along on a thick, velvety
carpet. •
And Your turning and &eking<
feel entirely, different, the: For
Plymouth's Torsion-Aire suspen-
sion Imeps it from "heeling over"'
when yott round a Cern&and
keeps the nose of the car
"diving4'When you atop.
But why not get the rent of the • COYSLER CORPORATION Of CANADA, LIMITED
• -
Watch CLIMAX 119Vv....g. OF STARS Thursdays 8.30 p.m. over Channel 8
Kitchener, from a stroke,
Mrs.' Thos, Moore, Who, went
through an operation in Victoria
Hospital, London, was able to re-
turn-to VVinghtim to the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Sperling, oh
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Gaunt,
'Janet and Donald and Marlene
Ranter, •of Ashfield, spent Satur-
day, in Stratford.
Mr, Thos. Knott and Mr. Mahon
of Toronto were at the United
Church here on Sunday in the in-
terests of the Canada Temperahce
Association, Mr. Melton read i the
Scriptttre lesson, and spoke in the
fitiancial interests .of the Associa-
tion. mr, Knott, a laymart, gave a
splendid address' in the interest of
temperanee Work; '6and the devas-
tating results in our land of drink-
ing,habits, in old\and young, the
mounting aceldents and deatil 'lists
from drunheness,•giying a call to
all to remebaber that alcohol is a
Mrs. Young, of North Bay„ .1/Ob.
„ed last Week at the lidine of her,
tdattghter, Mrs. Sohn MeRittney, •
B.• BucItton, who was a
pittleht In Wingham Hospital, was
able tO return home on Friday,
mt. slid Mrs, Russell Chapman
and Gary, inotered to Washagb,
north Of 'Orillia, tet see her mother,
Mrs, Strati, who has been very ill,
daring the past twa'artonthS, at the
home Of her Other datightert Mrs.
1111`,. /Vitta LaidlaWlias. been, Work-