HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-01, Page 80'144 he Wingimm AfIvange41,mea,, Wodnf*IRY, 3U4Y,1st, 19.$1.
These are four of the more com-
mon plastics -in daily use. Learn
the characteristics of each and
look for an identifying label. Then
you'll he in a good position to
choose, kitchenware which will not
fail you
The experts tell us that about
400 lbs, of grease are vapourized
into the air of the average kitchen
each year, That's more than a
pound a day. Some of this soiling
vapour drifts to other rooms in
the house and, in the summer es-
pecially,, some of it finds 'its way
to the open air. However, a large.
percentage condenses on the white
and pastel equipment, walls, wood-
work and appliances, of the kitchen
where it is most noticeable.
The best method• for combatting
this is to use a creamy clean-up
wax which works two ways. It has
a solvent Which quickly acts as an
,interlayer between the surface and
further \soil, making subsequent
cleaning easier.
It is best to wipe away particu-
larly "Sticky smudges and finger-
marks immediately before they dry
and become hard.
Whatever the. season ...
There's always a reason
Playtex Dryp er .0 T..,
Keeps your Baby neat and
sweet . . . comfortable and
protected — an no ordinary
diapering does.*
Let your baby enjoy the dry,
comfortable protection of
PLAYTEX Dryperl This revolu-
tionary diapering method ends
the soggy discomfort of bulky
old-fashioned diapers , helps
prevent rashes with a hygienic-
ally-fresh Dryper Pad for each
change. Soiled Pads flush away.
Dryper Panty's exclusive waist
flaps confine wetness to the
panty area, Let Dryper always,
keep, your baby "Socially
Acceptable"! Come in, write
or phone today for :your
tiaytes Dryper.
SIZES: Small. Medium. Lsrai4
ICzera,Larao. Accurately sised by
baby's weight.
ELCSII A WAY Pad :a Water.
lar4ha Panty—Thiel' tITEN pR YPERI.
BOX OF 100
Playtex Dryper Pads
$1.49 and $1.69
Playtex Panty '$1.7l
Drug Store
During the first sizweeks, a fast start for
your pullet flock using .a top-quality feed
like SHUR-GAIN Super Chick Starter is
most important. But it's just as impor-
tant to maintain that early growth and
development so your birds will reach the
laying stage well develqped and ready to
stand up under months of heavy produc-
signed to be fed with scratch grains is a "high
effkiency" ration that promotes sound growth
and development. And because it's extra forti-
fied with vital feednut— el ents, you can produce
maximum growth on less total feed compared to
ordinary growing feeds. If you desire a "one
feed" program you can get SHUR-GAIN ALL-
MASH CHICK GROWER where no scratch
grains ;need he red.
Plan on using either of these feeds with•
your flock and be assured of getting ,
feeds' that are TRESII,
At present some handmade lace
products such as batten lace and
drone work are still being produc-'
ed for export by Japanese women.
But the machineentade embroidery
lace forms the backbone of the
Japanese lace industry, The em-
broidery laze compares favourably
with that of 'Switzerland and Ger-
many in quality, design and finish.
Rvery woman knows that
roam and stainless 4teol are two
difficult materials each with its
own properties, She would never
shop merely for a "Metal" frying
pan. But with plastics, it's another
:story. She Might ask for a "hard"
plastic or a' "soft" plastic, but
that's as far as she goes in identi-
fying these important materials.
Canada, will be held in St, And-
rew's Presbyterian Church, Wind,
sol', from Monday, April 29 to
Wednesday, May 1, The Synod Is
.composed of all the ministers
within the bounds of the Synod
(all of Western Ontario And the
Niagara Peninsula), and one older
from each of the pastoral ,charges
Making a total membership of
320, The present officers of the
synod are: Moderator, 30V.
Carnegy of Halnilton;, clerk, Rev,
K, • West,' B,A„ of • St,
Thomas; and treasurer, Rev, J. R,
; The eighty-third Meeting Of the
~rrr in A Tire TA :Synod of liernilton and banal:Inv
of the ; Presbyterian Church in
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
An Example of our Beef Shorthorn Bulls
.. , . ....
Polythene plastic is now replacing even the old wicker clothes basket..
Light and strong, it has the great advantage of not snagging fine.
fabrics, and it can be kept spotlessly clean. Colors are gay enough to
brighten the dullest blue Monday.
For something which has .o be
sterilized — ababy's bottle funnel,
for instance, nylon is the plastic
most suitable Around the kitchen,
nylon plastic functions largely be-
hind the scenes — as wheels and
bearings in refrigerators and ,other
'home appliances.
•••• • • libtorists and .nedestriatis along Torbarrie• near Torent00
*Vete' Wilting to believe their eyes Were deceiving them 'When they
itar thete liYdro.Pelea thtnitting tip ireitii the middle of the high* way. But the poles 'art there, and there to stays, the road that .
IS Oh* te, be. rt,tbUtedia. ,
Catholic Ladies
Hold Card Party
An, open bridge and euchre party
SPOrlaored by the Cattlelle Women's
LealPe WAS held in the council
chambers Mist Wednesday with 19
tables in play.
The high prize far euchre for the
ladies. went to Percy Deyeil,
and the 13rige for the lady -playing
as a, Man went to. Mrs. A. AnsteM
High prize for bridge went to Mrs.
W.. Henry,
Rride iShOwered
very pleasant. evening was
spent .1).-t the .home Of Mrs... William
Keith. on Saturday when. Mrs. A.
Nethery, Mrs. ,T. Donaldson, • Mrs,
Howard- Puller, Mrs, L,, Ilalser and
Mrs. Gloria Siam entertained at a
shower held for Miss ..eartP, bell, bride of this month,. The
evening was spent in contests, after.
.which Miss Campbell was present-
ed with many lieatitlful and Me-
Ail gift%
After thanking her friends for
their gifts, lunch was served by
the Hostess.
There is a
%..00)ein itaaritomprio
c.1.,w,.17 411,
service on Monday , evening, at
which the moderator will deliver
the sermon, after which greetings
will be extended to the Synod by
His Worship, Mayor Michael J.
Patrick, and a representative from
the Windsor Council of Churches,
A new moderator will then he
chosen for the ensuing year, One
of the first duties of the new Mod-
erator will be to preside at the
communion and memorial services
on. Tuesday morning.
Reports of tile various commit,
tees and boards will be presented
at the Tuesday and Wednesday
sessions, Mr, R, A. Grayhiel, gener-
al manager of the Windsor Daily
Star will adclresS the Synod at the
noon luncheon on Tuesday.
A Synod, Institute has been ar-
ranged by the committe,e on Evan-
gelism and Social Actien."\This will
include an address by Rev. Regi-
nald Howden, rector of the church
of the Redeemer, Detroit, on Mon-
day afternoon at four o'clock, and
a panel discussion on, the sector
project on Tuesday. morning,
The Synod of HaMilton and Lon,
don is the second largest Synod of
the Presbyterian Church in Cana-
da, being composed of ' nine Pres-
byteries, having a membership of
53,150 and 240 preaching stations,
The total amount of money raised
1337 the Synod ,last year was in ex-
cess of $2,200,000. -
The host church for this year's
meeting of Synod was organized
one hundred years ago,' in 1857
with a membership of 29. persons.
In the 100 years of its, history St.
Andrew's has had a 'steady and
significant. growth to become the
largest congregation of the Pres-
byterian Church in Canada.
Select top7of-the-stove pans to
cover the size, of the burner so
that heat will be evenly distri-
buted and-not wasted.
Many utensils are adapted' to
snore than one type of cooking.
'Casseroles often double ass baking
and serving dishes.
. . and •he thinks his
brains, too; says she's
sure to grow up to be a
s t e y customer of
0, •
SERVICE 11;f:67:ye
”0„,,,,.,„ YOUR \\\,
51,14#44r thaoar. • (21.6.4(_, .3 8 J
If you are planning a modern
room, why not plan a modern floor
to go with it, a floor that will be
easily' maintained and which will
require no rug? Floors of this type
created with man-made materials,
are easily laid, can be made dis-
tinctive with interesting designs
and require no upkeep other than
periodic applications of wax. With
use of one of the new light-weight
electric polishers, a waxing job. re-
quires no more effort than running
a vacuum cleaner.
These modern flooring materials,
vinyl, lubber and asphalt tiles, as
well as other types of synthetic
floorings, are available now in slash
a wide range of colours that floors
as decorative as the most beauti-
fully patterned rug can be created
at small cost. One of the most .ap-
pealing virtues of 'such, flOors .is
that they are permarient and the,
cost of maintenance is negligible,
Geometric designs are easy to
live with and are particularly good
for a modern setting. Such de-
signs may be created as a border
around the edge of the floor, as a
center in an overall pattern, For
a dining room there is no more at-
tractive pattern than a Greek key
design as a border, with a plain
center in a contrasting colour,
giving the effect of a rug without
the necessity of the upkeep a rug
In more informal rooms, such as
playrooms or for a foyer, one
might be more imaginative and
use an unconventional design de-
picting the hobby of the head of
the house or something with a
personal family significance. These
new types of flooring are also
being used in the bedroom and
with the addition. of one or two
small area rugs" beside the beds
and perhaps as an island,, for
lounge chairs are proving practical
and livable.
Always Fresh
Miracle Whip 16 oz.
Salad Dressing 43c
Maple Leaf Sockeye 7% oz.
Pure Pork product 12 oz.
KAM ....... 49c
16 oz,
Peanut Butter ... 33c
Giant size Kellogg's 16 oz.
St. William
Orange-Grapefruit 24 oz,
Plain or Salted lb.
Soda BISCUITS 3,3c
We would like to express our appreciation to all customers
who have extended their patronage to us during the past three
Wr lincerely hope that the same support will be accorded to
ou successor, JOHN FINNIGAN, who takes possession of our
stoke on May 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Allendorf
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
Reg. lb. 29c s,
Treesweet Juices
(unsweetened) - 20 oz. tins
Grapefruit - 2 for 31c
Orange .... 2 for 35c
Blended 2 for 33c
Maxwell House
6 dz. 15c off • $1.49
2 oz. 5c off ...... 54c
Cobblers, 75 lbs. $3.09
Sebagos, 75 lbs. $2.69
I SUM I siownie MAIN
Crisply pleated -horizontal stripes
in shades of brown and yellow stay
fresh all summer in this new Can-
adian fabric — an intimate blend
of "Terylene" and cotton. The two
fibres have been combined to pro-
vide material which looks like
familiar cotton. but which has all
the easy-care qualities of the man-
made fibre. The pleats stay sharp
through washing and the dress
seldom ne9dp ironing. By La. WO
of Montreal, about po.
tHomiltotIondon.Synotto Meet
In WindsorPreSbytetioChigch
Then are many distinctive of London..
The Synod opens with a worship
types of plastics, each with special -
jobs to do. For instance, there is
'polythene, used in rmuMfacturing
flexible ineetibe trays, baby baths,
juice containers and hUndreds of
other household items. It is soft.
to touch and tough enough to pre-
vent cracking or chipping. It has
excellent resistance to household
acids and detergents, Although
polythene can • stand • reasonably
hot water; it should not be .boiled.
And then there is 'Melamine; the
plastic found 'in high quality un-
breakable dinnerware, It is the
hardest and most scratch-resistant
of all 'the plastics. For 'women
lucky enough to have .dishwashers,
melamine is not affected by
ing water and "won't chip or crack.
Its wide range of .colors has made
it a favorite for dishes in homes
and restaurants.
Another familiar, plastic is sty-
rene. This is the hard, shiny plastic
found in refrigerater' jars and. in.
brightly colored kitchen gadgets.
Although it is' inexpensive and
attractive to look at, it tends to he
brittle and may break under,rough
Grand Re-Operoing
" on the screen .
candy suckers for the kiddies on both nights.
SLR: you Al. my ..pRivginv
Aberfekly Nugget has beCn mated to more cows than any 'of
our other Shorthorn bulls, The larniers like his calves for
their groWth and good. qutility. In fact, of our hulls Whose calves
have completed the feeding test at Guelph; those by Nugget had
the highest carcass leore With a' better than average rate of
gain and feed conversion.
His full brother, Aberfeldy Orchid AA, is also
popular. „ , •
Recently, pniebased from Bruce Pletcher •at fluovoit is Crichton
Baronet whose dam is' a maternal sister to the-sire of Nugget
and Orchid. Tlie calves by (Weldon Baronet in the Fletcher
herd are very typey and big for their age.
These bulls come from outstanding families and have proven
that they transmit these tjualities to their offspring,
For service to these or any of our bulls, dairy or
beef, call collect:-
Clinton 'Hu2-3441 or Mildrnay 130r12
Between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m.
The cost is low and the service efficient.