The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-01, Page 7TURNBERRY
Perhaps no family Contributed
more to the growth and develop-
ment of Huron County and, Canada
than did the ten 'scum cif Richard
and Barha.ra Leech, who were liaa
tives of Ireland, They came from
Wexford. in 112 an before çn
tering the district Mr, Leech serv-
ed ae a cabinet maker In Brock-
ville and When the Ala-American
War broke out he volunteered and
served his adopted country,
* The eldest son Was Richard, who
was born' atLanedOwne, March 30, • 1819: in .1.837, when 18, he was'eall-
ed into active service in defence
of his country, and eeaved in com-
mand of Col. MeMullen along the
411.911ESP 1,4111ES. .
en .Leecliv Brothers Made Notable
Family Group in Huron Projects
'WINDILAY$11 QINT4110k), WEDNESDA*,,, ***
nobant Lbtia
such a
Taken ISM Winghaela Thais
Mr. Philip Thomas received a
telegram on Wednesday that arm
of his little boys, who was on a
vieit to his grandfather's , was
dead, The little fellow left honle
only a few days ago, apparently
in the best of oheeltha
The windstorm cif the lath
has leveled a great quantity of
timber and the farmers will have
to cut it for saw lags and wood
this 'winter, The mills will no
doubt have a greet deal snore
stock than usual on that account.
The tenders were opened for
Linton's bridge, H. Jamieson of
Fordwich was the lowest, 8655,
and he was awarded the pontract,
Mr. Joseph Pugh and Mrs. Ira
Etcher have been laid up ;with
la grippe.
Mr, Joseph Leech is Way' ship-
ping his lumber away thie week,
SAULTS-In Bluevale on Jan-
uary 2nd, the wife of Mr. B.
Saults, a daughter.
- 0 - 0
Mr. Myers, railroad inspector
of Palmerston was at Mr, -George
Thomson's last week shipping
Mrs. G. and. Miss Hattie Thom-
son returned home from Prince-
ton last week, where they had
been spending their Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Menagh left for
their new home on Saturday.
They purpose to locate in King-
Mr. G. Thomson went to Lon-
don to hear Mr. Moody preach
and he feels- well repaid for
going. •
Mr. Robert Currie, superintend-
ent of the Sunday School received
note from Gavin VVilson,. secre-
tary of the school board, atying
they had decided to allow noth-
ing in the school except day
Mr, Robert Taylor .left this
place.,for Mr. Jas. Martin's mill,
Howlett. He will be much missed
among the fair sex.
The school was Cloqed owing
to the illness of the teacher, -Miss
Walker. t.
Mr. George Burk has rented his
-*larva lOr period 'of .ftve-44ta,
to Mr. Win. Kennedy. Mr. Burk
and, fainily intend trying Uncle
Sam's dominions.
0 - 0 - 0
Our school meeting was held
on Thursday last. Mr. Lewis was
-the retiring. trustee and Mr.' Jas,
Thompson was elected in his
Mr. Wm. Carruthers left Sat-
urday for Ayr, where he intends
remaining for a' few weeks.
' Mr. J. Tenant of Listowel 'is
'visiting friends in the vicinity.
Miss Ella Cornyn is, recovering
from a severe illness.
Miss Maud Leggett was visiting
friends in W.hitechurch last
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tipling
spent New Year's with friends
in Clinton. Mr. T. Tipling of
Clinton spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, A. Tipling, '
Mrs. Robert Eadies returned
home from Parkdale last week
where She had been spending
Christmas and New Year's, and
al the same time attended the
marriage of her eldest daughter,
Miss Eliza Eadie.
Miss Annie Benson of Cobourg
is visiting het sister at present,-
Mrs. Williain CruiekShank,
Mr. A. G. IVIcDenald is home
again from Bervie, where he has
been employed' for some time.
Mr, Wm. Johnsen is getting out
timber for a large new barn, to
be erected next summer.
Johnny Johnson has returned
home from Algoma and reports
the lumber camps 'breaking up
'for want of snoW and hard times
in consequence.
0 - 0 - 0
Zone commander Mrs. 14Ouella
Rail of BlYth Wag the guest speak-
er at the regular Meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion on -
Wednesday night,
president, Mrs, p, Cretliere, pre-
sided over the meeting and opened
1840 With the usual ceremonies. SCOM,
tary Mrs. T. Gauley read the min-
utee of the last meeting and the
roll call and correspondence.
Treasurer, MVO, L. DaWeon" gave
the repert Or the month,
A motion 'was made and aceept-
ed that' 125,90 be denated to the
Canadian Legion and Ladles' Aux-
iliary Scholarship Fund. Plans for
the Invitation Euchre were cOM-
pleted, also for the V,E,, Day ban-
quet for the local branch on
May 8th.
Mrs. Hall gave a very interesting
talk on the different kinds of
"Faith" we Must have teday, in
each other and in other Auxiliar-
ies and the whole world. The zone
rally will be held in Kincardine on
May 9th and the bus will leave the
Legion Home at 7.30
President Mrs. D. Crothers clos-
ed the meeting with the national
anthem and the group in charge
served a light lunch.
Mr. Tbrn Appleby has almost
.cOnipletely recovered- from his
recent gun accident,
Mrs. Totten 8r5 who lived With
her son Thomas On the 11th con.,
'paid the debt Of nature en Wed,
neaday laSt, The remains were
interred in Wroxeter.
Miss Annie Metcalfe, Who Lae
been for a long time suffering
from a .pultilenaty complaint, is
rapidly recovering,
Thera:, is •quite a beam in the
expectation 'of a attire being
stetted Which shows that Glee.
Annan Is '00Miiig to the front,
Ancletadia 'IS Visiting her
Son Jarties at' CaVeteidlid. .
Mr, Richard Wallace' Wee 'in.
Toronto last Week attending the
funeral Of his nephew, Arthur
he Misses 1VraiiSon Dorn Tuck-
Crainith are 'visiting at Mr. Jainee
Taken frinn,Witighinin Thrift' lei*
neat threugh the ereetion of sever-
al saw and grist mills, among them
the Leech mild at Gorrie, He re.
tired after 22 years in gorrie, a
highly respected citizen.
John Leech, the fourth son was
born in the Township of Drum-
mond,. September 6, 1825, He start-
ed cheese factories in County .of
Leeds, removing to Howick Town-
ship 'in Huron abut 1874. The de-
pression of 1878 1.;1,ped out his en-
tire life's work and he proceeded
to Ma,nitobe where he was able to
regain his lost fortune.
James Leech, J. P., was born neier
Perth on July 14, 1827. He learned
the carpenter and cabinet making
trade arid after 27 years moved to
Gorrie. It was he :who selected the
site- where the Leech brothers were
to become famous in Huron Coun-
ty. He assumed control of the
Leech grist mill at Gorrie and a
second in Bluevale, He was promi-
nent in all affairs and organized
the first Sabbath school and the
first Methodist class in the district.
William Henry Leech;-J.P„ was
the sixth of the sons and-was born
in the ToWnshili et Augusta, March
20, 1829. He was a millwright and
before coming to Huron built mills
at Carleton Phtee and Almente. He
organized the Leech company. He
and his brother Joseph purchased
the interests of the other brothers
in 1862 in the Bluevale mill, selling
his Gorrie Interests. He served for
a year as coaneilicir but declined
further election,
Joseph Leech, the peyentha of the
brothers Was born in Augusta on
January 14, 1831,.and ,was a farmer
before coming to Gorrie and be-
coming involyed in the Leech in-
terests. He was a steward of the
Methodist 'Church and "for twelve
years president of the North Hu-
ron Conservative Assodatien.
Nathaniel was also born in Au-
gusta.. He Wee the 8th Leech,' hav-
ing been born September 28, 1.832.
He worked in Huron County at
Gorrie for a, number of years and
educated himself for the ministryi
later becoming pastor of a cengre-
gation at Rising City, Nevada.
George Leeeli, the ninth son,
born,,in Leeds County, WO had a
varied career, Born September 4,
1839, he also turned to the ministry
and in 1876 became minister of the
Canada Methedist Church at New-
tonvillei "
Webster Weeley • Leech was the
youngeSt, Like two of his brothers
he joined the church and became
l'stationed at the Wesleyan Metho-
dist Church at Greenwood.
Today the-Leech family still car-
ries onan''Huron Couhty. Many of
their descendants, were farmers
and others are engaged in busi-
ness. The Leech familY contributed
a great deal towards the prosperity
of the Buren 'rritct and to the
Whole of Canada,
Few families ean claim
record as heating ten sons
in individual lines' and all
successful end respected.
GLENANNAN—At a meeting
recently held in OS. No. 3, Turn-
berry, various committees were
appointed to plan , for the Turn-
berry Centennial, The following is
a list of the committee members;,
Programme!,.-Arnold Jeri ra y,
Mrs. Win. Elliott, Miss Donna
COupland, Mrs, 13; McPherson,
John Rutherford.
Ground8:--Iatiac al,etcalfe, Glenn
Appleby, Olivet Stokes.
Lunch:—Mre. I, Metcalfe, Mrs.
R. Baird, Mr% .A, Lintoin, Mrs. F.
Tuck, Mrs. A, Jeffrey,
Parking-Do nald W al lace,
Lerne Metcalfe, Mite Eadie,
Float:--Brian Metcalfe, Mrs.
John Rutherford, Mts. Glean Ap-
pleby, Douglas IVIePhersoti, Mrs.
Thotnas Stokes,
Deeeratirigia.-Mrs, Mabelle Gold-
rich, Mrs, Brian' Metcalfe, Nue, Marion Keller, Mrs', Walter Mc-
Einfince;—Mra, Ldriie Metealfe,
Mrs, Donald Wallace, ,iReuben
WeletiMings-aMt. and Mrs, Oh-
vet Stokes, Rey Ittitherford, Wil-
liam Cainikell,
He5eateht4trii, Reuben Apple-
by, Lance Lindell*, Mrs, David
kiidit, Sant Mafishall, Ur& OliVer
Stokes, Cheater' bUnhht, Roy' Rath-
&ford; WilliaM
by, Mrs. David Eadie, • ,
RegiateatiOnr*-Dennti, Mettalfe,
Julie Stokes; Nell *Odle.
Bootht—letkion Gunge'
Meteatfe, beheld Vedie Sally jef-
'DAY, th)tetn Mt#31Yhni: 11/4kPlaa'
St. Lawrence River during the -.rea
When, beter he took up a inerean-
(de trade and became in thrie 'a
farmer at Newbore,
Robert Leech was the second son
and wee been neat Perth, jentairY
19, 1820. He learned to 'be a cabinet
TriaKet .and in the winter ef .1855,
1856 be elope to Gorrie - where be
and his, brothers, Edward and
James, who had, preceded him,
phased a mill-site and bed both
grist- and sawmills in operation by
thesafollowing fall.
Edward Leech, J,P., the third in
point of 'age, was born near Perth,
January 14, 1822 and when he was
18 commenced to learn the mill-
wrights trade. He became ,premi-
'tatt,ma• ve
• a
Marathon Bridge
Brings-Over $200
To conclude the season's mara-
thon bridge parties, sponsored by
the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham
General Hospital, a final get to-
gether was held in the council
chamber on Friday evening.
When the scores were totalled,
it was found that the prizes for
the afternoon play was won by
Mrs. C. W. ,Lloyd with a count of
19,420 and Mrs. F. Fuller with
18,310, while honours for those who
played in the evenings went to
Miss Alice Heard, 18,360 and Mrs.
George Howson, 17,000.
The prize for Friday • evening
play was won by Mrs. F. R. How-
son' and a mystery parcel went to
Mrs. W. Greer.'
This project, which is carried on
in the different homes for six
months, brings more than 6200.00
to the Auxiliary funds.
WROXETER Invitations to
the Turnherry Township Centen-
nial are being mailed this week,
It is urgently requested that re-
maining lists be turned in to the
committee at once so that the
invitations may reach their destin-
ations as soon as possible.
The committee is seeking the
addresses for the following people,
former residents of the Glenannan
district; Mrs. Mark Lindsay
(teacher); Mrs. Thomas Tees; the
former Katie Taylor who lived on
the Baird farm; Tom .Harkness;
Mrs. Robert Wilson,. formerly Kate
Anderson; Walter Heidrick.
Will anyone knowing the ad-
dresses for those mentioned above
please contact the chairman of
your school section invitations
marriage of his daughter, Miss
Winnie to Edwin Lucas, a pros-
perous young farmer in the vicin-
ity of" Belmore.
Miss Lydia Wock is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Gallagher this
Miss Ida Chittick went to Tor-
onto last week where she intends
spending the winter.
Mrs. Davidson of WroXeter is
visiting her son, Gavin, who has
been on the sick iist.
Mr, Ab. McKee visited his sis-
ter, Mrs, „T. Wylie last week.
a/Janet-Breen—At the residence
of the bride's father, Belmore,
on June 27th, William Mines of
Jamestown to Miss Annie Breen,
Wingham Scouts
At ,Clinton Camp
Three dozen Boy Scouts from
the Blue Water area took part
last week in a five-day course at
Camp Chipewana on the Maitland
River near Hohnesville. They are
graduates of the Bronze Arrow-
head course. After examinations
they were awarded the Silver Ar-
The, Biqa Water 'district takes
in the area stretching from north
of London east of Stratford, west
to the shores of Lake Huron and
including the Bruce Peninsula.
Assistant District Commissioner
Jack Corless, (Centralia RCAF
Station) was in charge of the
camp, assisted by Field Commis-
sioner Bob Taylor, Charles Middle-
boro, and Quartermasters Sam
Poxon, Scoutmaster of RCAF Sta-
tion Clinton Troop, and Ross Col-
lier, District Scout Master, also of
Station Clinton;,
Attending the course from Wing-
ham were George Jones and Paul
Baptist Ladies
Hear of .Missions
The young women. of the Wing-,
ham Baptist Church met at the oir,apyit
25th for their Monthly missienety
meeting. Mrs, Collar Was in charge
and the meeting, opened With the
singing of -the hymn "Tis the
Promise of God Full Salvation to
Give", and Mrs. f.".;. Hotchkiss led
in prayer, After the reading of the
minutes and the roll call it was
announced that Mrs. K.. O. Getty
had been invited to be the guest
speaker at the May meeting,
In an article read by Mrs, F.
Collar each Individual present- was
asked, "If ,everyone in -town were
just like you in what. condition
would this town be?" The article
then asked "What is your answer?"
The devotional period was taken
by Mrs, R. Kilpatrick, who besed
her remarks- on Amos 9. ' Mrs, G.
Schelfele read a paper entitled
"Arc You,. Worried and Afraid?"
and Miss M. Stapleton and Mrs, B.
McLean, led in prayer, 'closing the
A letter from Rev, and Mrs. Ron
Patterson was read, telling of their
experiences in the study Of the'
Japanese language. Rev, :Patterson
was interim pastor at the Baptist'
Church during the summer of 1955
and he, with his wife and family,
are now in japan as missionaries.
The hynih -"Throw Out the Life-
line" was Sung and Miss B. Collar
read an article which told of the
experiences. -of African Kikuyu
Christians who refused to take the
Mau Matt eatTa Mrs. fri. Cantelon
teed about the experiences of a
miAloildry in Africa who was
fated with the task of killing a
leopard that Was menacing the vil-
lage in whieh he worked.
Concluding the meeting Mrs, F.
Collar reed a paper entitled "Be
Found the Life That Wins", This
paper told of the personal exper-
iences of Dr. Charles Trumble,
former editor of the Sunday School
Times. Miss B. Cellar led in prayer.
Lunch was served and a time of
fellowship, enjoyed',
*The marriage of Miss Mary B,
Snowden, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Allen Snowden,' of Maple
Grove and Mr, John Pollock Aitch-
ison see of Mr, Archie Aitchison
Of West WaWanosit, and the late
AlLeathion, was solemnized on
Saturday, April 27th, at 2 p.m, at
the nitieSe of the Curtis United
Church, With Rev, 1, Silverthotite
her sister, Margaret
SnoWdeila and his brother, Robett
Were the attendants.
Thin reeeetitili for 45 guests Was
held hi the..$uliaos School 'ratan Of
Maple Grove United Church.
0:Ueda Were present from Bow"
Mont/lie, OilhaWe and Pert Retie,
Those f rein this'.distriet were Mr.
Archie Aitehison and Jean, Robert
and, Donna of West WS,WatiOS11,
Mr, and Mrs, Jae, AitchiSeti, of
Ingersoll, Mr, and Nits. Clifford'
of BelgreVe George Er-
ihrgtoii, of Dungannon, Mr, and
Mrs, Wheat Batt*, Of LetknciW
and Miss Oetii, bowling of White-
'1110 young Couple make their
home at nitickstoelt, where the
gebani lara4
Witnesses Will.
Go To Mea ford •
'Whighana congregation of 'Je-
hovah's witnesses haa accepted an
invitelion te attend the three-daY
training program arranged by the
Watchtower Bible and Trect So-
ciety in 1Vreaford memorial com-
munity center this coming Week-
end May 3-5.
Many delegates from Wingham
are expepted to swell the ranks of
,conventigners to • the anticipated
number of 500,
By Miss Ruby Duff
:Joseph Leech, was the best-
known of the Leech family around
Bluevale, wheae. fie lived fon many
years. Early ill the 70's he built
a brick house with a long verandah
end..baleoniee, on a, treat of land
beve the mill On the Ou this
;property. he ;planted :many aipple
and II:ult. t"rees, among 'them being
yellow Cherry trees, Which were
Very fine. It is , not known how
many acres he owned originally,
bilt as this. writer remembers there
were six 'acres.
The original Leech home, built
in the early years of the past cen-
tury, still stands attached to the
brick parf and has three rooms on
the second floor, Two of these are
plastered and finished, the third,
one Is tised for storage. The first
floors consists 'of kitchen end pan-
Only two families have occupied
this, home since it was built. In
1904, R, N. Duff purchased the pro-
perty from Mr. Leech and the Duff
family still occupies at.
In this home, Joseph Leech, a
bachelor,, dispensed gracious hospi-
tality. It was open house to his
'brothers and his nephews' and
nieces, and , a lodging' place for
many Methodist, ministers who
came this way.
.Hie housekeeper for many years,
Annie Corbett, was as well ,known
as Mr. Leech himself. Since those
days •part of the property has been
H. B. McKinney, mayor of
Wingham owns a section of it, as
Misses M. and E, Irelend. of
Teeswater and Mr. McDonald of
Port Huron visited at the Rig-
gin's home last week,
Miss Langley visited Mr. Mc-
Kersie's on Thursday.
Dr, Ed Palmer Visited on the
6th on Sunday evening.
Miss C, Milian, who was a
successful student at the receet
Part Junior Leaving, intends
gbing to Harristorl H. S. nest.
Rev, Mr. West of Bluevale,
concluded a Prayer , meeting at
liiticboitgal'e on Sunday,
Mrs, B. Henning and See, Eldin
Osited on the '6th -on Sunday,
-Mr. James Powel of Detroit is
sPeeding his vacation under the
parental roof.
Messre. Jack Pitch and Herb
nehning` are visiting in Kent
Mr, Shn tiennini who has been
employed as a, aerie le I), Mi
GOrdert'a abate hag genie te TOP-
elite Where ha hike eeetired a IYOSI'
tlorie •
Scouts from the Blu,ewater region attended a Silver Arrowhead Course at Camp Chipeware, on the
Maitland River near Clinton for five days last week. Above, left to right are Wayne -Stanley, Bill Wild,
abd, George Jackson, Clinton; Gecirge Jones, Wingham; Dale .Gattinger, Clinton; Paul Bennett, Wingliaan
and Lewis Ling, Clinton With the boys Is the Camp Chief, Jack Corlees, of the RCAF Station, Centralia,
'assistant distript commissioner in the region.
Ladies' Thursday lLeagu'e April 25
1, Mrs, H. Spry, 1617; 2. Mr, G.
Cameron 1541; a. Mrs. C. Lott 1366;
4, Mei. D. Ilasmith, 1228; 5. Mrs. F.
Madill, 4950.
High doable, Mre. Spry, 15.1, '
Series acore, 1, Mrs. G, Cameron,
11,267; 2, Mrs_ H. Spry, 11,220.
Consolation, Mr. P. "Nasinitifa
team High double for the year,
Mrs. C, Lott, 505; high single, Mrs.
P. Madill, 292. „
does. A. .1)- Smith, postmaster of
Many _relics of 'bygone days were
left behind- -by "Mr. Leech—candle-
r/takers-, lanteras, old;inapa„ dishes,
a silk hat, and other items.
"Uncle 'Joe", .e.s Mr Leech. was.
`affe'otionately ealleci, -was a tali,
slender nui,n,.amootit shaven ,save
for it'rftinge Wiltikeii'froni 'eat
to ear and, below ::the chin. He lied '7
a long ,upper lip, and qiis face al-
: ways,wore a benevolent :expression.
his -retirement he 'lodged in
Bluevale for a time, then moved
away to Gorrie Where lie passed
away in August 1911 and was
buried in Gorrie cemetery.
, Mr, Leech had his office in the
north-west corner of his property,
facing the highway but this Wag
torn. down- some years ago, .
Mr. Leech was azi Orangeman, .a
devoted Methodist 'and a conser-
vative in politics. He, held the Posi-
tion of president of the North Hu-
ron Conservative Association for
twelve years.
Tbe descendants of the -Leech
family are many and they reside
in 'all parts of Canada and the
United States. There were approxia
matelY forty in the aecofid .geuera-
Lion and only two .survive, Ernest
T. Leech' of Winnipeg;. son of John
LeeCh, and of California,
son of Wesley W. Leech. There are
approximately forty living in the
third generation and le the fourth
the same,
Mrs. R. L, Stewart, formerly of
Wingham, and her sietere; Mra.
Blips and Miss Lottie Cede ail of
London, are granddaughters or
Edward Leech.
*ladies Clark luta purehased
property iii garristori 'and Will
aliertly leaVe here to live in that
'A very 'enjoyable event, Wok
plate at the' tealdellee Of .0, itaya ,
nerd nt Oro township on Seri,
IOMbee 12, the detagiidn being 6-16
The teeidehee built by ..loseph Leh is now occupied by tile buff
The abdve -picture shoWc the trent of the )lotble, While the lowea OhSia
taken from the hack. The frame portion to the right of the WOO
pittute is the original struettire,
Only Two Families Have Pesided
In Home Built by Joseph Leech