HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-01, Page 511.I/.XX1AlRIYIAXIIYAl1Alp}AXRYYIIIXYYIXX1AlIlU1XIrIXAAIYAYLMXt1A111.1 XS �1YAIq gIIYIYllldgnitFlt1111d,UXI1/UXI1nX11XllIlYXNtt�I11MUY� co.oPB.RAToas INSURAN E .ANIMAL ' CQLLiSIQN insurance will pay you up to $300 fox your farm! animal if ,ki 1ec�� 'or injured, and' has to be destroyed while on..a;' public highway,. ,.. In additionthe owner' is.Pro- tected from resultingliabilityto "the .s, aids is ,only one of the many coverage$ pt CO -Cllr INSIIIiANCE. Corrirtit yew lanai CIA agent for AVTDISIOBITA ACCIDENT 84 SICKNESS., LIADIEIT'I' AND FIRE (non-farm/ Agents IALCO . E Cir IL C N R, Whitechurch phone 570J3 V.IC•L,OU-�O3LCA N t tngham, phohe 7S4. .. 20-3117-11t5 ,� s\ ., . n (11111111111111,11111111111111111111IIi11111111,,I,1111!!!!!!,,11!11111111111.!..141 !!!!1111I,1111,111111,1111111!111111!!111111!!!!?111111; ore s; h el s.c� wars 1 R.EMINGTON',S - •,L4,A • l x,� l ZZrr • r �a ^sr �k's'Nir .ars t>, It's a •fact, more. P eoP le choose Kist e• fl because Kist has thatfresh:ma'de, title flavour taste -=r efreshing— . satisfyin I3 tter try a '- thirst -quenching Kist in'1 ,your favoe uri,t avour/soon. . Yo ' u'II love tl . Orange Kist, Ginger Ale, Grapefruit Lime, Root Beer, Cream Soda, Grape 1, KIiST ErI.ends, Neighbors Hoid "Party For Formelestfield Besidents (Tollate for last week) W E S T F T E I1 A ---Friends and neiFhber$ gathered: en Tiluraday evening in the Westfield united Church 401901 room. The.social evening was in connection) with a farewell party for Mr, and • .Mrs. Stanley 'Cook and Mr. and Mrs: Murray McDowell, who have mov- ed'fr,om the community to make their .home .elsewhere, Rev. 112r Hiltz, minister Rf :the church, Was ch.airnian Or a short program which. •. started,,with a sing -song' led by :Lloyd : Walden with Miss Rena McClinehey as as- companist, folloWed by a plane solo by Betty Blair. Judy MCDbW- ell rendered a solo accompanied' by her brother, John.' The A•uburnettes, Rena and GladysMcCClinchey, Donna. Walden and Barbara . Smith sang several numbers, Readings were given by Mrs. MacPherson' Receives Gift ST, HELENS—Mrs. G or d o n MacPherson was'° honoured by the gift of a certificate 'for • seven years' successful workas leader of the Girls' Club at Achievement Day, held in the. Wingham District High School last Wednesday. Mrs, MacPherson, with the as- sistant leader, Miss Jean Aitchison and their 12 Happy Handicrafters, composed the largest club present, Th'e •.project was "Sleeping Gar- ments". "Working with Wool" will be the fail project. • .BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON, ONT. Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear First' Show •at Dusk, Children under 12 in cars Free THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 2 and 3 • - 'Double Feature "He Laughed Last" (Colour) Frankie" Laine - Lucille Marlow "Black' Jack ,Ketchum" Howard Duff - Maggie Mahoney (Cartoon) ' SATURDAY and MONDAY May 4mad 6 "Ten Tall Men'. (Colour) Burt Lancaster - Jody Lawrence •' •(Two `Cartoons) 7. TUESDAY -.and WEDNESDAT Max7and-8 "Lucy' Gallant" (Colour) Jane Wyman - Charlton Heston: (Two Cartoons) Mrs,Rward Campbell .and Ivan WJghtanan, Harvey McPQW011,. with sexaphone and his SON John aocontpanying him on the 'plane,' gave Musical numbers, after whinif Rev, Mr. Hilts spoke :a few words: and Mr, • and Mrs,. 'Stanley Cook! Were .as104 .te come forward, Mrs, Alva McDowell read .the follow- ing .address; • . Dear Friends: ! ,, It was with regret that we learn- ed recently thhat,ypur rerngval, from our neighborJhood is permanent, and we gathered to .night to ex- press as a group, .our 'regret at your de'hartu•'e, and also to •express our :appreciation of what you have done In the past for the good. 13f this community, and our church here. ' Yen ha* given freely and win- Jingly of your time and talents in all good causes, both within the church, arra without, and have .con-, sistently set an" example of true neighbours.: In the workof the church, we Would like to pay spdcial tribute'tq the interested and, capable service that you, Violet, • gave in the Wo- men's• Missionary Society, serving many years as treasurer, and cheerfully helping, whereye.r and whenever there was work to be done. We miss you both very much. It is our hope and prayer that `you and yours Will be abundantly bless- ed -in 'the • future and 'that health and Happiness will attend you in your new home. - .That you may have 'atangible reminder of your' happy' associa- tions here, we ask you to accept this gift which is given with our love and bestwishes. • •Signed on behalf of your friends, Marvin McDowell, •;clerk of session; Evelyn Smitll'President of W.M.S.;. Norman McDowell, Supt. of Sun- day School. Mr. Norman McDowell made the presentation, Both replied fitting- ly, in Mrs. Cook's address she spoke of the changes .that have '.taken place in the church in the last fifty years. . When she first attended Sunday School, Mrs. Robt. Wightman, now of Blyth, washer first teacher and Mrs. Jim Woods, Mrs: Robt, henry and Mrs. Torn. Henry were some of her Sunday School teachers. In rennin- iscing she named' many who sat in each pew in the, auditorium and many who have since passed on. 1Vtr, and Mrs. Cook have moved to Morris Township. Second Presentation Rev. Hiltz then called Mr. and Mrs.' Murray McDowell to come forward and Mrs. Charles Smith read the following address for Mr, and Mrs. McDowell and. Heather: • Dear Friends: It is often with regret that we must accept the changes that the 1 sf• I, , a a s .! "You'll like it 'even better when'i you -buy itlq• Illustrated! • ' '•• Super 88 -2 -Door Holiday Coups J A GENERAVMOTORS VALUg You can see it's a mighty iinpresetve ear, Vitt wait`. Wait 'til you feel what it arcane to own this finest of all. Oldsm4iles. • Sure, it's'setnsational in the showroolm—here's the rich, the Brighter kind of elegance that makes any titan's heart beat a little faster. But wait 'til you feel the pride tuhen all tha.flawless grace and gldnioit'r✓ become part of your way of life! h i. Sure; it's spectacular on a tloiiionstrtitrohrdrrveF-= here'sthe famous big -car ride, the fflashing Rocket • power that 'brings a sudden joyful light to any " man's eyes. But wait 'til you; feet the Atilt when alt that incredible comfort andresponse are yourf to enjoy daily! And watch hpw the lady in your life takes to Oldsnidbile's celebrated faeliioai, Oldsmobile's tui+ ury, Olilsmobile's sheer sense of 'style. Her exeitei menta` eatchiug—adds a big bonus ita your prt1e Ghia rn to that urge. Make the important move up to orris. You like it now—but just wait 'til you' iatart living with it . It's easier to arrange than 't you: think. Coat', on .ins prig. the finest of all OltIsmobtlesl • 0.1217171 WI 139 • HAM MOTORS a'aw• smi v w2••• 4.,ta ''4.'rXar ,t.►a « w., .: , • <' , r 'ttA.in «'!?ran`sk,s WINGHAM ONT. final ' Euchre Party Held LasrrWeek r ?R.DWZcw— 'f.°,en,taih Of 'Pro gressiyo euchre ware in Islay .at the Fordwich Community HMI oo Tuesday night' Of -last wee .for the final ,party of thb season. These {rt charge Of the evening were Mr. .and MO, Crosby Sothern, Mrs, Hoy B1rn lQns, Miss Aldyth Hast and Mr. Alfred Bast, Winners were; High lady, Miss Minnie McElwain; high gent, Mr. James Yittle; •consolation, Mr:, and Mrs, Wray COoPer•;. .?float lone hands, Mr. Ira Schaefer. The hall board wishes to thank everyone who co-operated during the winter,. FORDWIGN Mr, and Mrs, Earl Hallman ,and children of Listowel visited ' .on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, pert' Hallman. Mr, Jack Wilson and Jahn Were Kitchener visitors one .day last week, Mr. and Mrs; Cecil Galbraith' of Guelph visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith and also with relatives in Durham. Live network television pro- grams are now being carried by Tim/111ns stationtC.F,C,L.-PV. This Station .receivesits network 'video signal from the main Muro wave system which passes through ,sev- eral Northern centres on its way to Winnipeg, This is of interest to.. the?Fordwich people as one of the local boys, 'Mr. Edward Doig, son'. of. Mr.. and ;Mrs. Harold Doig is doing this work in. Timmins.,' passing of time brings to all com- munities, and that is one feeling how, since you have chosen a home in'a new locality. We have gather- ed tonight to express that regret and to wish for you all, everything good in your new home. We want you to know how we have apprec- iated your -generous giving of your. time and talentsin the work of' the church and the community, which was done cheerfully and unselfish- ly. We would mention particularly your help 'in the department of music in the church work, where both of you used' your special tal- ents so efficiently and -willingly. You, have always shown a spirit of true neighborliness, being hos- pitable, kindly and %helpfulat- all' time in your home and being ac- tively `:interested in all good causes in the Community. You will be greatlymissed here, but we know that your services will continue for some one else. May you all be greatly blessed in your new home,and while we know that ,you,, will make, many new friends there, we hope that yoti "will still include your friends at Westfield in . yourfriendship circle. To help keep these friends in your thoughts . andin appreciation of your services amongst us, 'we ask; you to accept this gift and all the good will that goes with it. Signed on behalf of your friends, Marvin McDowell, Clerk of 'Ses- sion;. Evelyn -Smith, President of W.M.S.; Norman MEDow,ell, Sun- day School .Supt.., Mr. Hugh Blair presented the gifts. , Although taken completely by surprise both recipients replied to the friendly gesture of their Westfield friends, and gave all an invitation, to• visit them in their new home 'in Ashfield 'Township.. Both couples were presented with a wall mirror. Another sing song was enjoyed and the meeting was brought to 'a close. Refreshments 'were kerved. a ST. HELENS Mr. Archie Aitchison, Jean, Don- na and Bob and. Mr., and Mrs. Ern- est Button of Lucknow, were at Maple'Grove on Saturday for the marriage of the former's son, Mr. John. Aitchison to Miss Mary Snowden. Best wishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison, who will live at Blackstock. Mr: and Mrs. Callum Cameron and Carol of Detroit 'Were guests of . Mr, and Mrs, John Cameron lest week, Miss Marjory Stuart of Chicago is a visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Stuart. • Miss Annie Durnin is 'a patient in the Wingham General Hosp'ftal. Her may friends hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Margaret Miller, who will graduate at the 'Stratford General Hospital on ;vlay i6; was home for the week -end. Mr. Herbert Taylor of Vatieouv er is a 'visitor with his brother, Mr. Albert Taylor and Mrs. Taylor. The May meeting etc the We - mews, institute will be ,held in the community hall this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, l; OO call, ".Housecleaning hints", Miss Wa D. Rutherford will tell Of her recent , holiday in Florida and hostesses will be Mrs, t. Harbour and Mrs. L. McNeill, 1rlte i' itrirheM Advo 'Itll FURUIVICH Mrs, Pearl ratterson, M{ss Vilna; beth Patterson .arid Leslie Camp- hell spent oneday week vi it- - ing With Mrs. Robs, Carniboli at Ole . pane .centre in Toronto, S. Ross Doig is visiting this Week with, mornings of her family in St. Catharines and esti, Saturday, April 27th, she ,attended the wad-, ding .of her grandson, :Mtn;. Ronald:; Seburn, Approximately one hundred bables and pre-schoel children were given polio shots at the ii'ordwieh• public ,school on Friday, by Pr. J. D. Ford e 4f Fordwich and. two public health nurses, Mr, Mervyn Wallace of Streets-.+ Who spent the week -end at the, home of his mother, Mrs, Alverette, 'Wallace. Miss Anne Weh,ter and Mr. Vernon Gilmore of- Barrie: were weelt-end guests at the .name; hent, Mrs, Ruby Foster and Jean spent the week -end in Mimic", Miss Marjorie Foster • and Jack visited in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs,, Doug Wildfang. Ml's. Edward Matthews and Barry spent all last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mac •Corbett in London. Miss Eileen' Boylan of Mount. Forest visited ' last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sim- mermaker. • Mrs. Mary Hall, formerly of Har-' riston, moved last week into the apartment. previously occupied by Miss Edith Goggin in the J, B. Heise home. Mrs. Clint ''Jantzi, Barbf,rra' and David of -Baden visited ,,one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Eastman. Misses Violet and Lenore },les- witherick spent several days last. Week in Toronto. Mrs. Dora , Ridley, Mrs. George Bolander and' John, Miss Francis McLean and Brian Ridley spent one day last week at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs, Cecil Lynn at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lohr and Ward spent several days last week with friends in Detroit. • Miss' Sharon O:Brecht 'of Mimic" spent last week at the home of Mrs. Ruby Foster ' and Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong. Mrs. Ralph Cotyle of London and Mr. D. A. McDonald of Loch- alsh visited last, Wednesday with their daughter and sister, Mrs. and Dr. -J. D. Porde. Mrs, Franklin 'Campbell returned home from Listowel Hospital last week. Mr. George Chidlow of"Hespeler spent last week with his niece,', Mrs. Alveretta Wallace. Miss Katherine Hill of Owen Sound spent the Easter - holidays: with her friend, Miss Karen 'Cars- well. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Walkom of Bellevilleppent two days last week at the home of Mrs. Herb Rogers. Mr. Bernald Ring of Hanover spent the week -end 'with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Garnard King. Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto spent part of last week at her home here. Miss Letitia Matthews is at present confined to the Listowel Hospital with an infection in her leg,; as the result of a fall she suffered a week ago. •Mr. and Mrs, Harold Pollock visited on . Thursday with relatives in. Ripley. Miss Sharon Pollock re- turned home 'with them after spending a feW days there. Mr., and Mrs. Barry McKnight and children of Simcoe visited Easter week -end with the latter s father, Mr. John Boyd, Misses Marjorie and Bobby Ott of Listowel visited a couple of days last week with Mr, and,Mrs. Bruce `Sothern, Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Harding were Mr. and Mrs, Jim Halliday, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wray and Mr, Harry McGee, all of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Doubledee and Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abraham of Belmore. Miss Beta Harding of London also spent the week -end with her parents. Sunday visitors with . Mr." and Mrs, Tom McClement and Mrs. Ida Gallagher were Mr. and Mrs. Dieble and Mrs..•Hilda Schroeder of Hanover and Mr. and Mrs. Norman fteibeling of Milverton. Master tcenny McClement return- ed home after spending a few. days with the latter, Easter week -end visitors 'With. Mr, and Mrs. John Craig and Mrs, William Craig were Mr, and Mrs, Allan Castle, and family and Mr. and 114rs. Willmot Craig and faintly all of Toronto'. Mr; and. Mrs. Robt. Campbell and family visited taster week -end With the latter's Drente, Mr.. and Mrs, i,"corge moss in Galt. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Tomlin of Durham visited over the Week -mid with Mr. and Mrs. Art Forester. Mrs, William McCann and Miss. Margaret McCann spent one day last Week in Guelph. Mrs, Alex Reltli• and Miss ivhyliis 1elth spetit one day last week lit' London. Miss Truth nom* attd Bob Rumple spent last week with relit- tinea In .Hamilton. •' Miases'Lotiise bird 1lfarle BrOWne visited Tatst weak With teititivsis in Trento. aa,* lea4 an•aim> .,s.n1 .Aeexa .,Optomeb'+tt Pats ► Patrick �, .�' .X,t *POW ..., i'hoe770. • • anyou see $15,O( i n your future?' } You don't need:a crystal ball to see your. financial ,future. An Investors'Syndicate plan, will make your ; financial dreams come true.. Talk it over soon with an Investpi~s representative — "your hest friend financially." Call or 'write:' Thos. A. Jardin Rhone, 147 WINGHAM, ONT. John W. Waines' R.R. 3, 7.7STOWEL Phone ,1942 Investors' syna'icat e. MImo orrice, w NNWCG enacts IN PRINCIPAL eIrlII NOW ON DISPLAY ;trTHE SENSATIOi4ALI 6 -WAY CARRIAGE. You Use it 6 Ways 1. As a'baby carriage with all Lloyd features of'qualityt 2. As a two-way Ituto bed 3. As a two-way sleeper -stroll., 4. As an auto seat S. As a bassinette 6. As a high chair CHOICE OF 8 (MODELS t �1i3 COLOUR COMbINATIOMSI R. A. Currie & Sons Furniture Phone 51 Wingham L., lPI ONTARIO lake and: river paradise forfaniilies iCA, Oiti a Btu, ONTARIO 'rRAV'l;L 736 Pariiairii ewes. Ues. 'i oroele :send FAEE Menden b Name !Address • .� IOfIlce .�.rNi1Ml1V ir1tia1l li1rYiY at Y' 14 •. CNta'ttb Deisartnleei of''1'1'0411 'F T Man, kywl L. G"eiMitrl,N