The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-01, Page 2j
1_11'"IT-M.'', M 11_11011;111.� THEY START RARLY
Appredatos iii)
ITS V, P TO THE SPORTSMEN Virden gowbray Pwj davOtor P
T-1401 Visited. Ao� e4rly se,4094 fire oc
'This is tile daY "Alell the fanil- Nv,-ho. Nvtol;t to, enjoy the same Sport. Sharon. Of gpow
ers gt.t really in with tile lisher- eprrO on A Wron County Forest
Tract n0AP Dugap
Von in Ashfield
No, Certainlv vot alt fisbernien ;,are
Men. N I Mrs,, X b
oil Mgog;,40,re n, � 0 fie
110t all of the farille-m— careless. IN16, vo, of Clif, Tow -01110 last luo t The fir , t
i y, of tbem are scrupu-
opd,"v1sited Mrs,, R. A a4rnlMs for PICOrded flrO 041 A forest trqct
fir t
'Huron 7cot144,, WAS fL, Pass type
,tUSt the ones wbo find their felices lousV, attentlVe to the rights of pro-
-e 1 4. few 4a�s last W001C4 vol;uItIng fWAI 4 4010
4* An-u;p program
rok. il, their gntes lef t open and a Q*-rearelots
pert, -owners—in 1
3 of Vipg4ra Fit and brush d
litter of betr botzle,,�and lunch urall- a JAcX Billott, Its, Isposal that Was. unqer�
nglers Nvbo are sensible enough
wa toe�j to improve the public 4p�
PeM k Cking arotind on their pro- f o
-lon. to fiAi oil another
to ask permiss, ,r th0l, ReAranc',- of the forest -tPUt-A
perty, 't. : 1�kt� ,* I , - 'uddc
inan's propertv, This -is just :one 'Wililam PstorsQnj Of Toronto, a is m change 14 t4e wind vilQa-
would be siniply grand if the wore case of tfie few spoiling:things jt�r And direction carried ;the fire,
former reslaent, l0ndly brought a
10 Public Wrol heavy ly ofy
UWS Of the laild 11144k, it gift Of booRs to 00 Blueva 4gh the
possible for lor tile wally. 6,grAga for two acres as well
Avander a n!, Libraw.
ar these facts in inind, when,
fishermen tt Io g- an and Be., Pthroogh four "res of''youbg 4_3
ever Mr, and Mrs. Bob Master. of forious plantations, 'before
of their you, ventul'e out Nrith the fishing rod,
y istrearn in, parmit A being
Orton, visited Mrf.;, W. 1 10011 _l,by 4 volun�
Johnston brought under trp
si)Ort, ivitbout let mor hindrance, froin this AVeek, Almost every streani yon, and, other relatives on lSundaY, tepr VV
the people who happen to own,the can fish runs through'private x thirty
pro- vr aber, of WIngham
VrA.' olive Gall farmers An4 the effective 'fe of
land- throo RL
gh whicii the brooks iiud perty and if you ti-4vel� its ba,11,-S was also a, v1sitor,
fire band tools located at t are
thei� ivay." Most of --tis are acqua* t_ wit� Mrs. Mlton. Watson, of Gorrfei
Out interfirellee YOU are doill"g taker's home, The Lucl�now'
ed with a few real "x=nks'l who, SP through the kindil�ss of"the Ilia -11
4 i, spent last week with bq Maters
A, r el e
Mrs n Department Also m5pond I to th
W, X, linpto
our host call, but the)� were requlrcd� only
for a grand day's outing. Treat him Reeve Jo
trespassing" signs and threaten all
plast,lw their f-etict-lines with I'llo Who owns the land. He is,\
hn r scher has bougl�t
for mop up worU As, the )V01d hktd
1i n's farm
corners With t -barrel!W shot- accordingly. :�Trs, -P, B, xacwgughtp
changed Und dr9ppoli,,'permitting
and will dispose -of his own on the
gulls, ni, easy suppression of the fire. by
Mor fiswTurnberry boundary, owl
Vroin tile fi-shernlWl'S stand- to the new highway going through hand tools,
b 1.5 farm.
The dama�e to the young trees
Poilit these people ,are l'ust piaill
i ean, On the other band tn-anv a, Dan Grumniett, Of CKNX, has was only slIgb t 'it ;Vill
t, 13U
LAND OF THE LITTER= Pis fine trallerhome established on
teresUng to Bee �how. the AWW'd
fanner became mean, only aftei he the vroperty he bouxtit, from, R. H.
�had put up with inore th' BUGS trees respond -to the new grQwing
aT1 enould-11 ir on the Wingham Road
annoyance froill ctireless. to 7 season, at band,
'Rev, Samuel Xerr, RA, 33,13,
vers of The,,;e lovetv, bright spring dalvs 10
the S sta 'V of'Exeter, Will conduct services in The Department ;staff in very
great outdoors. 'No one call proNTIde all irre i ble imitation to 49%
13lueva3e and lBelmore Presbyter- much appreciative of the 'response
blame a fanner for tlosijig Iiis pro- wander the greeningcountryside, Al-
lan Churche� in connection with and co-operation as indicated by
pert), when trespasser,% have no re- inost of its ONVII volitiop the car turns A the Turnberry -Centennial, -on June
I the number of nearby farmers. and
V so, mr, literr was formerly a stud-
gard for the fact that the are, at
its wbeels into the back roads and
con, I travellers on, tbe.road Who wsslst-
ent minister of the Bluevalc
best, nothing Inore than 11ninVited concessions that bave been. Choked;
R-aests Oil the'streall-1. led them in eXtinigulshing the fire.
with.sniour for many wonths, This 01� ................. ........
Conservation, and nlen`$ SeXSon as particularl-V 'W'Ouderful for spring means fishingtp Bob Mllenbeck and Brent Davidson who bait their books in preparation for, An
tlubs have beencaippaigeming for sev- the townsinan -who hasnt rtally see that t11,0Y are *onri&-ni'of thwoubcomo.
afternoon begidg tbe 4ASaitland. The regulation --size creel indicates
.—Advance -Times Phot
V e last
tral ears to discourage this -care- 111116 Of the open fields sin.c' I.AA, WEEKLY SPECIALS
le&, attitude :oil the part of their fall,
Right 31
ber8 and all others Nvho enjoy OW everV road that leads. 3A�ER,,ASPIRIN
160 at reg, priceplus 8 Childre4's As C
pirin free
the.-freedoin of the outdoors. There into a skwamp or w-oodland is a path- Fishing Fe ver Puzzles.,Na'
Z Dental. Cream 62.
66c -2
,$�40,. IN . to pure pleasim-.-but &.11e.minss. ing
Was a time, liot too nia-av Vears a ny�
the filea: JN7. C. point �C man neeft to 1;6 r iiing,
'Whell'the number of fWiiennen -\vas sure splinters into ainillion ta Cotgate 33c tube 0 for tube ior,89c
Nvdry The fact that fa-sbifig requires a
The i9w trout season. opened to- hundred diollars, worth of equip-
M_Llall Alid the Wlgte,r stu, ck Jairly Pieces as'\\ -e round a curve and stare FORTY YEARS .4,00 dayl Hydrogen PEROXIDE
in unbelief at -a pile of rusting tin ment and�may Tesult in a dolla
where hi vt-as kno 15c 23c 39C
4,8,16 ozj reg. 190� 290 45C .... L_--
-close to home, 'Women have maby weird and Worth of fish is just a burden a Z
At a Ineeting held Ju the council
to the farniers on WHOSe land he calls, a sodden niattress, six lengths chamiber on Monday night the fol- erroneous idoas eoncerninj menls fisherman must carry. D.A�AL TABILETS 59
fi�4ied. Today, h. f leisure -time activities and ive sap- FUhlug
owtver, sportsmen 0 binmed-out stovepipe and a hLeap lowing captains were eb:ose-n to 'Isn't eat�hing :fish C
Fut relief for headache - SWs, reg. &9e
range out hundreds of iniles froni, Of rotten apples, *dunlped ri:,?-ht be- organize in the different wards of Pose the weird and erroneous ideas FisbIng is getting out of do
ors -so
will ponillnue. J & J BABY POWDER
the -cities, and all to many of the town., Waril 1, -k- B. Lloyd; that a man tan 7.eistbi sun, �wlnd 1 Z
thent side the roadway. The very places 2 69C
Ward 2� IV. F. VanStone, 'XN,ard PsYciT`010914ts lean to the belief and 'rain on his face It is - ting Savieft.1 Two Me tini (7ge-value) at ........ 10i
are totally i get. Z
piorant of fl�e ways.,of these ininiature-garlik9e du-111ps ap- A�"Tlpllng,' Ward 4, _I ,there is a fui�tdamental f r n e ff 3r n e n. e ge of a J & J BABY SOAP
_ H� dif e e c o b �o es If o th ed
Tural Pe4le-As a, result ther create pear tell the stor�y of -the 1;n�v d Ward 5, John F. iG�rioves. 'fbetw-At'n the ren:dydnQ and X02scu- stream; it is following a sin
all ging Iteglilarly 2 cakes for 29c. - now at .......
3 C
trotible for themselves and allothers cawardly creature who dropped G. StewarI4 real estdbe Pine apprpaei-i to many probleMls- brook through a 411jet -woodl4nd; lor 39
agent has this we6k 4sj��ed -of They say that a womaVs nervour. it is sitting In a boat on -a quiet
Heavy zrade - 16, 40 oz., rer. 55g, -$L10
them, for they 'are invaiiabl�y found the jas. Underwood propertr 'on srstem, is dlffe'remt fro= a maes. tree-cireled lake�" 43c, 87c
in the dep�ths'of a beautiful iv, ooded Frances 'Street to Of course. any husband andjathtm pj�shjng is the change t
Harry mt- 0 get
could have W14 the psydhologjsts� off,
s0etch. where the trees -'Provide a 0eei of East Wa%vanosh and three AIVA-V from the pressuresof
-land ps3leblatrists this; but It
lots �on Catherine �Street. owned by store and factorY; lt'i.4'the time to
Cover for the litterbucr as he hastil VANCES.'
'eems �more authoritative if cum- watch th glouds; 'the
y William Caslick to i-- J. TtIntiou e sky and the,
THEY START EARIA 'Stops his c9K, Whips open the tiunk 4plex e-Veriments azd complicated bir&. And th.e.groundho- poldng
34r. Libby has arrivod in toWn tharb; illustrate What everyone Z
lid and plops his, inessycargo on the artnmd I,% a 1. D. A. DRUG'STOKE
Since we have alreadv luessed and is PreVaAng` the Mttl'Ie ��4 Icnows befone they iftrL glover pattb. In the
is btlIC'Mise Nvholesol;�e editor- shoulde town one,fer -efs the s6=d ok a
r of the road. Cosen!? building 1;6r th� tatitti"W.
vp th Tvihr, I!", . g,,W 111'strat-ton, *f �.:,6rocu tb,
and C6 singing, e ser6ifty -and PRESCRnmow
-13 e machines, C!arP`nt`rs
'41'COlibill I'vith rather snielly sub- e-tur _d dg- 'Steadiastness of treo-�; the areen Agenes Al—
I Oil Stinday"afternoon w divergent opbaiorm A woman Ju '
'he car in'to -the beautiful park -like lag the Inahinety. 'Ur. Ubby ls� ereeL 1�be doesn�jt mbdersWnd that DuRarry, Hudnut
t antg� ST�e at Pret'eut busy Install- vs fushing 'by the results� in the '0.1 Uew '6,gss the can, of a
-it is best Nve get till this soxt of crow
om woodlan& edge- Phone IS
fl1ilig, outof Our systeni at once. Ap- "leadow at the tenth bridge ill East staying at the Brunswick,Hotel -for! When spring ze-aches a Animal Health
tertain Aser and Iftevlo
'P.SrentIAT litterbngs st.-tr �t the yomigsters, zis the present.. Fishing Ovei a mat a chance to
t �early in lif d1losh to I UYINGRA31
MeSSTA J. P. t;mvks, 1T, B. M- got caught Up' --lith himself and
_Vkybe they are'borll that A�ay. 11.1 NMI as their p arents, *oy'
enj for'a ftNV 1101t, J, Crandall, Robert Anem, IMS074 this W#61T� ITM P, Tyn-
1whiert be coineg hom�, a bit tired ;Z-01 ... W." ............ I . . ........
nis in
aAN. �case iiie ladies� rest roo' iiiinutes the full richness of the peace- Jas. 'Camnpngs. "Fired Grove-,. I't dall presicled. When. the bruwines%jpbysically� but ref�eshed, b2 heart
- e to fit] river and the clustexed c Jobb, k _Ajtg�mn� T. I d be khows that, fishing
th -*v m ball provide the proof that edars VMS cuneludc-Ctbe meeti-aIg vm
don somb1hing fi�r
humans" not eRicepting feniale Giles, along its banks. The open field, -was; Deans aild A- G. Ismil =de� hmv_-bt to a close vdth prAyer by be.. e him- And
the 14.0.F. church parade in Acm Joynt, of coMrse; there ig always, the
be PrettT crudi_- greell and iminaculate, but a few Luclaiow on Sunday. rba�nce that' -the b1Z onid' didn't:
N t 1, e to Paitumits
steps in through, the -tree, OPe ed, Rev- E�G. Dymond will preach get away -
Town �enaployees have a fi-1,11- s n a
hU &reweil_�ermors next -,undaV 11MMEN YF -ARS AGO
-bile job on their hands trving to in St X%uls 'Ch4rch. llx. Dymond
t, e',V Vista. Sprawled -Oil the bank The annual mee*ag- -of the Xa- POLIO', VACCINE for pre-school chilx
'Of 0116 'Maitland was an unsavory has been aweinted reclor ef Lhe diee Pcw1ing aub was held
keepthe 'WallS, and. furniture in those Mess of Offal which telow H . I at the F sh tadder �]�uilt -dren (birth date before January 1, 1957)
Toollls, ged olifly Anglican Chtrch In Durbam. and Uom,,of 2,1�r,
fit iOr t1le kves of decent 11 will move tothat lown:hext week " W� IL French 2dron-
-lie 11111nicipal dtimp. d evening� The Plection of *M- In Owen Sound, Area of WINGHAM will be given"oil -
�_people. � As soon as the Place is
If you think we are exaggerat- 00= re!sfi2tea aslo'llows. President,
cleaued uP the�v find a fresh-editioil anumber ef years the Syd-
ng you Should'drive past the area AGO 'Atm 'T -a- U!Llsou" v3ee`Preeldt�n' enhanfSpoxtsmeesClub has Uke,
tessac-'eles Scrawled in fiji8fick and
Jobtson'. 'r6ammr, great �nterest in the radnbow' Tue S day, May 14 th
ith is -used hv thi to'%rn for,dunip- Neally 4W women gathered �Vr.% P_ p_ H-srs�son.. secret
P lvb
lid -lie sent ar7 a-tZs1sting- thinh with -nets over the
eJ1C some of t,
119 Purposes. 'The �lice wa8' from aN parU *f the L�o=tv in )am Soclaj Con,_ Mtn a=
'MeAts ekPftSse4 are hardly Wbat Irmlgham. rnited Chu.-gh for the mdttee-. W -1�fcjDo -qr& on thg b,*deMh=. RiVer.
would expect B. 01, Thie-7 tavriad -them 4 -aver the
@11v chos�n because it rontainned a
fi,0111 the 'rls of Hu:t
V - A --citt gravel pit into M �*Ieas&them anor
arply wilich. re- Prosbyt*rial of.,Lhe Womf�Ws Ui%- der to
decent town. mrs, G_ R, soott, ITM D_ 'p-ae, For.youra ointment, REGISTER in
sion e risk �P.P advance
fuse t-Oldd be tbroWn,011t Of sight of ary SoCiEty �01 ibe Llbitedi Mm lv� C. -murrAy,', Mrs. S. 10amp- we"s
diUlid-er the eircuinstanees it is &ters v Chuteb, ion, Tuiesd!%y, APril 26th. I NM and -_%Srs� W..& Hcugb=. "n 'be a&m ,,,I by, WePhdnifig 47 between. 9.00
fficult to rzatch up With -the fie pw -b The workmell -whose The Pxzsadtmt, NM W FaUs, rmd to provide'niore "fi�sbift a;m. at
. P. zj=_,_, of Ras� lClaIg -and john for angier. 'durftk 4; .1M
job it is to haul garbage to the dnmp Seefortla, pre�Ided at an had an hteresting m _ung: the , � mwe. .00 P - on Wednesd Thursd�y and FAid
va:h&ls who, are Treiponsible or the ta e oz S ni-V;IUM iirnbl partialarly- This inglud- ay� lay;
are t4 WAS Vzt,-�ed, bV thie et- when tbr-r cw2gbt a
led qLdta a
situation, but the town fathers are tareful to dispose of it as neativ ficial bowra at the, Wingh= th- pike im the d�tch in front 0! the -MaY Ist, 2njand .3rd. Reg" YS
20t -or -�Vork bVt :swme ister on these da
as Tiossible--but -aot� so the hidi'Vii- �rzdmbtV fishbp- wAs tkalized.
AiNgered noW to tpen a a1S Vh Ited Marth to the Ptqev. 1� H. Cmr- W=g L-Im
0 take "- t,atarload or so 10,11 In the mean'thnethey Vrere dis 11 - only, and at this nuniber only. Appointments
lean -up tarapaign, They could 4e� 'of TOMO�tO. MMOnt1h 1* has! 72-e� Rtzv. Xenmtth Ifax-J_iean�
a We4nesdav afternoon. Their hor� �not 1bTAmal3y aecc-PUd it ir- *3*,_PeM- =01ister of St. AmdreWs PrOby- zussing eVingtftejon -of, W fish will 'be made 'in the order of registritione
hardlY be blanied it they took- -drastic 'd Udder so tb�lt tbo ViAl could by
n I litter is i�attered not ed tbat;he vM be able to Wte terign Mumn,_ Orngh PMES OU$tacle thentselves. Thu
action, ullen the culprits, are dis- Q*ier this ehargme, s"4ciceeang tht, vl�eted =Orletatoz of the Iftnod entaned Pre-school children in the
cre8t of the hill, but it is cirox�ded =1n1vter, Rev, a IUr�'dttn and ri"dom nt a 'considt-rable, expense and rural school, -tections
right lip to the edgeR of thediive_ wba ggoes to Mmbeam,on jvm(- i$L ing bOd at Woorls-11ot-k Gz Mozagr 1=4g wt -re bard Ito raise. Dona- 'Will be -advised later through their school of the
The -rest ranins at the town bull 3�igbt Ittv. Mx, DD. Vaenep zigtt. tions vm�-<? rtot coming irk too free-
wav indeed .1flucli of it bas been
,are Used quite frequeutl�v ky, stv"g- Ill,,-' OZ COtftnia, Vin &t IP -V%- in Is -Da. thiry gat to- C"nc ich they will be able toatt6nd.
asted "'out * bold stlniee Tbe�e an sever4 - garcleng Uz I
onto fhe;gides of the con- In SL_1 PSAWS Cbum�, Mrighm-0, oizltown that bm Taesday had amd buft.A ladder designed
�ers ul town. I-Valat aTr, impression ctssa*on road itself. C'm AhL, fisb ladders used In
T-Oftao evewng =ME -�t =1 T2�;-s two ftlipi In b3o6m bu-1 Veer4e Joe
tht-V Mist havit of ourcommunity as The 'North American Ind is to be a _%pecial: =isejo:naj:� &_V- �11 lh*Aft OM them alli ion't bitIfter M Srithsb Cb7=14a, It Is Si'leet loz. go
es deep
,I ho hSV3 a, bea tbat wasi It ful 33 1=16 w1die amd IS ineb NTY HEALTH UNI
th�31 hiltrV L -Ick- to the tlean air of peal for the distresSed, aTeas r HURON COU
�Vj!h _aMe
operated on cN.-actly the satile pew ; PUM4;ab"t 35 inches
the vrezt bloon% Apra 2slb XS -,V eae2.v�
W0111d be safe to as- cip)e_ They just dalulped their re- 'The Aplil meWt W, a WL
_g of tl�oe �al for ssuth -a eisviny in this palt or
vatne that flitir hilming continnes ill' V's
I TAWAs held at the hmzeof ITM the vo=tm, n -adv m=praus icham
t� M, Outside their ft-ont 400r_�-, until
Intil they are -well tlearoj tht tovm_ t1lie W130le 1, llage W S s litt I t
.,I 'Ithe 2addvr dur!ti, the Tisb tvas;on
aml smrm fis`h Iff id Us
hit pr 0 the ladder.
A& tedht t oblein is ot the !�Jlnplest ft-rnedy was' to, ineve n% made -st
is -1,ew mot* c1nm-ges Urr
Pftuliar to NX3`119haln. their tents toa clew -t s*jte. With se6:rVP",-0,1"d*
wn p out, Th 11*1110 To' "'50-O&S Z i
It has, no, donbt, tal, latt in ev- tars, of WtUM-Slied to _%ft it the ra 1 -da
course, we ran. sprft4 mir = i (ANGLIO&x)
3'Us* it with moze zuceez§s; this time. 0
M, Vilblk' WWShrooftl in tht Caunt PrL-8e0taay JUnk Over a Mat'h, Witt- At6ther Zew 24tion is cmtz:r4g� 7ftwarlots sup-Din'to that, if boou�� It is tbe hope or nils tlub that; in
but it is �swh a noi:gowe si,
U�2t'10A 19rr ttrr1,*t0r_r,, WfieM it will he c*r- Into beinZ -AmvWtig z7ew 90-6tAles aM 3"Nat &Is Zffbl, dffity =M, t be tat the Vowmg �rtax lbe% r2sh: WM go
hat t ml 1 etel "*"h1n9 a-ts Zarge lz)�*Autea 'i *Rb0:4 tulvv' wtirb �'V_V Me 18040t in goodly 'humbon, The Second Sunday, after Easter
t lht 1"m would bt �coi y toib to b;;�er 'a gttaler n6;ier'of Anewuejon txeltes the Imse4w-, mftft et� .
JIJSbC*'ft*4�d ft tip 0.,nt_t Ind, at 00,mcet !Mpftelble butJ 11 'n h" U-th 0, 041A=0 -A ld9lbit wn
u0n. the Bible sp=4-001�19; a=ty days to watch Ue :rajub�
tot I
for AIL 1WMe$4A It r4a in terhuol'yftrt. �We Nft br St 8.30,—T-Toly Cat,
produt ripptuteg Tor: P=AO;i�g the :VM�M *Attffallg in
U* Zewin its butlook ara &*nAg
i�o�vt ` 42* P-MAV-Alval wvL-r. ney have 9-45 amt—Clitirch Sellool
of bau& 3xuna, pte44mt or,� Met ailficultjr in lligb wtier S -Ad
becupAtion vi�mns a tow tl* it the U&Mmift P-lbie Zor-Kv su.l-� tatxw, I -v the nth 'by hsz
Vinghm Advahce-*Tiwes vonderbig
The o. —ntoi"V cm,1111.11111611
14, Vou bsstac:� of `1M'r&,1*n3tr in lbdiorle4x bsx 20V_�Cr bur-utle -Vftout; too w,001
wk4holft, OA*e,4, tbt uilseaso�abl.�r taild "Weathtr 7"dne-41k U U9 0* Mbit C% V�
Inight he i'tterested to leaM fh�t it UWA WWA-tt, blat *ho x*b-�gtvs;�: there --410e VMU, ft'h0t tot Ml�-'
PAVA"O%, 4 Rxlobaw U00t at# a great at -
19 occasioned by the vmrilithaf eltt_ 2*1* AA* ladr,� 1,Wmits, in out routtrr is si; %tg3u,
A6*1 udr"* of -tktVbWao* tio.o. proln-ifts. or nv* t4lhic abd li-Aga-Mie Vw4x 1 *ftv. P4ft0#_ tih Aft*_11 4.10 10ep that tcnirrsd puvik in %bt 0"'a Sound,
qlr* unguages.); 0* italtuml ttt alere ik zra "4* bt giwe. Pray
Stovht iC%6* of the �&Attty is bfte4 at rm;t 4* tr,& Sermon
ofto Z*Ilk ZiAx of thilirwum, \,`he Rev. C X J61111ton$
%ftr #Asft mwiu u" . we"ftw. Thurs. Mr. MN'ky
*5 10 11hwa =4 Bu".
%ft Aaft** 8oter harve Vatir lamey rt*d hiNt tithottk the bk�,"Qft *nd The agy, ift" 4: vm*yl
Vit lot, tbe*Rtd SIM'ditaftVasser 061(bli- A** -"0, IWaft SA -14- MAY
*A0.* *mat 4.AVL*,*tUiAg, Ims
*ftu the hrith Rootl,.
3W**rt2. t*Oftt 2TIAVdft tWAW aikh"* U 1VA
;4` tht SLIVA.600 Armir.,
. . . . . . . . . . . .