The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-05-01, Page 1Spring came along again last week' and lei weelit out the buds the
flowers, the fishermen, and the swimmers:, Our camera captured 'jean
•Shinarnon and Catherine Hanna, dipping i"testing-teeg" into the Mait
land and mariaging"to• smile at the same time.--.eAdvance-Tinies Thotb.: •
eizetces:ge • "
The May meeting bf the Ladies'
• Auxiliary to, Wingham General
, Hospital Will 'be be field in the Coun-
cil Chitinber on Fricley , afternoon,
May 3 at three o'clock., Plans Will
. "completed for -the rummage,
sale. Fib
lilostin'AL TAG DAYS
In connection with the Wing-
Hospital' Rummage Sale, tags
be sold in the ,towns of Tees-
or, Brussels, Blue Eel, -
e grave, Whitechurch, Lucknow,
WroXeter arid Gorrie 'on Saturday,
May 4, and In Wingham, on the
same day as the, rummage' sale,
Saturday, May 11, It is 'hOped that
the response.Will be genera's.
Fib •
ilitiamen Spend
n Cp. Borden Ranges
The nation'al Salvation Army
ed Shield appeal opened across
e country today, extending over
he period from May .1st to May
1st, During the campaign canvas-
ers throughout Canada will seek,
ontribetiohs with which the Sal-
alien Army will carry , on ifs
The new' rector.: of St, Paul's
nglican Church, Rev. Charles P,
,ijohnson, •and Mrs.' Johnson, arriv-
ed in Wingham today. Mr. John-
on will take his first service in
t, Paul's Church on Sunday.
Mr. Johnson comes to Wingham
from 'St. George's parish, Owen
bend, .where he has served since
945. A native of England,' he
game to Canada as a young man,
receiving his deacon's and priest's
The 99th Battery, R.C.A. (M) took part in the outdoor manoeuvres of the 21st Field Regiment at damp
Borden On Sunday, , Seen firing a Bren for the first time on the Camp Borden range are Cpl. Jack
McKnight, Warrant Officer Bill Wells and Bit, Carl Casernore, all of Wingham,
With which is amalsganited the 100tr,ie Vidette and Wroxeter News
The regular meeting of the Kins.,4
men Club was held at the Queen*
Hotel on 'Wednesd'ay evening, The,
spring, paper drive was held the,
same day' and tarried out to be a
tremendolle sclecesS, Between, the
showers. the Kinsmen made one St
13 LAMEST YET ncil grees to Plans
Josephine Street Buildings
Meeting in special eeseion, on the necessary :filling operations
Mondays evening, Wingharre town leninedietely„The start on the build
council voted unanimously to grant in g Itself will depend, Upon whether
the option of Roy Cousins, Brussels, or not time is required for the fill
On a section of town-owned land to settle,
south of the. Kerr Construction Present plans call for the eree-
property, Mr, Cousins, who open- toil of a modern dairy bar facing
ates a creamery and ice , cream the highway, where ice creaiVi, milk. plant in Brussels, Purposes to erect drinks and coffee will be seed)a
on the Wingham,
of hard and line of cheeses and other dair
Wingham,ti land owner also expects to beenellefntq
soft Ice cream,
agreement will he del)
Completion of the purchase pplraoncituewtsill bTelicleevroredaitnoci tehre Qin arithu!
has e xpressed his desire to start will employ a
the final erectiontof the building
by the end of 1958, but Mr. Cousins
enclent upon
does not expect that his business
Mr, Cowing pointed cut that he
facture of hard and soft. ice cream,
large number of
men, at least In its earlier stages,
Speaking to the council he seed; "I
have been clbsely associated with
this town since I was named to
the hospital board twelve years
ago and I ,.have' come to regard
Wingham as a second home,'
Named Director
OrOntario Group
W. B, Conron, of Wingharn, was
elected to the' board of directors
of the Ontario Recreation Associa-
tion at the convention of that body
held in St. detha,rines 'last week.
Elected to; the presidency was Bob
McKnight, editor of the New Lis-
keard Terniskaming Speaker. More
than 300 delegates from Ontario
points gathered for the three-day
Others elected to the directorate
were Mrs. June Braaten, Toronto;
Miss Louise Colley, Sim_ cob County;
Charles F. •Gooch, St. Catharines;
Mrs. Gladys Jecobie, Stratford;
William Jones, Sarnia; Henry La
Batte, Toronto; Robert A. MacAr-
thur, Stratford; Jack Paton, Harn-
ilon; Ken Robinson, Peterborough
and IN/Corley Zurbrigg, Toronto,
Officers will be named at the
first' meeting of the new execu-
B3',. The l'edeStriall
TUNE UP Vocalists from the
WInghane Pistrigt v Idigh Sehtell are
all tuned up for competition in the
\Goderieb Public School auditotium,
venue qfethe Huron. Connty Mueie
Festival, which begins tomorroW'
and continues until ;wit Wednese,,
day, VNre.heve it on; geed authority,
that the Winghein pupils should
be well in the running for some
a fop prizes.
E GPe--The Wingham. Gelf
:cicib pei•chesed a new leibtor,riloW;,
er fee trImining -op the greens this
Week. Tile old shinglee on the. club-
house are due to come off and Will
be replaced with new ones, All,
x. and it 'looks like • ideal IgOlfeee
skire going to have thing' .ship;
shape this season,
• LEAVING TOWN-eleriends of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Allenlerf, who
_ have operated., the %Diagonal ,,Road
grocery ,for the paste the' -years
are sorry to know that` the leave
for Kitchener this. Week, where
they have purchased a blame. Poe.;
session 'of their, boine. was turned
over tp John ,Viehigae :of Dun-
e. gannon todaY, -• •
• , 0 - 0 - 0
SIC DINNER.---Bill: Henderson
struck it rich' early this week when
he' visited a spot With Which fie
'has been intimately acquainted for
some time. .Net result. was a, dish-,
• pin jut]; of toothsome morrelse
those kings ,, of the mushroom
world. ",
0 - 0 - 0
vr NET LOSS—Smelt fiihing prov-
ed„ costly for one. of the local fans
last creek. Dozing in 'his 'car' at
two am. After severtil hours In the
water; . he' was Wakened , by.
Slight commotion and the `sight 'of: .
a :truck driving WAY With'his P•00
:Innett net hanging ite.:reateyiew
hilfro,t,i/Vhen*the fishermandieSed
safely: beside his ear, • The ,final
blow. came when he 7 found his
evening's catch, Was a mere hand• -
ful of, the little fish
„ 0 e - 6. •
week • saw the opening of the
swimming season as youngsters
Wok to the water-during , the un-
seasonably hot weather, That's the
stuff • that 'separates the men froin
the boys, ;
The Martin. Luther film will be
shown 'in Auburn United Church
on Friday evening ate8 o'clock, on
MO 10th, and in Belgrave On Son=
day evening, May 12. Spontiored by
the..L.O,L. Everyone welcome. Sil-
ver collection. F1*
Mr, ,and Mrs, Stanley 'Mark's,
RR, 5, Winglnun, announce the
eegagerneht of* ':their daughter,
Martha Alice te/Mr. Wade Staple-
ton, on of Mr. and Mrs. James
Stapleton', Wingham. The marriage
will tttkp place the middle of May.
Hoepital„ Rufn-
mage Sale' is coming up again and,
will held in the Witightite Attnr.
:0010 on _Saturday, Mity„it, at two*
o'clock, o'clock, teeryoinet welts this
event, and it is expected ;that all,
Worneli a the town and
Ity wilt be rummaging through
Old traeke, boX4, eupboaids • slid
attics; :bangingeagt Off tirtio
cle3, ready for ;the rummage
Remember anything 'you do 'not
need, we call
ityil and; "dishes, Out grotty elothes
ebles, 'Chairs or Pkt-110$,
Leatips bt• jewellery, Shciee or hats;
Beeke or plants or did -dOelt mats.
Anything' that's in yone way, ••
The Ladies' will take'
Simply phone Mre,O. Mac-
Leati, number 31 or Marguerite
Jehtie, 208, and 'a truck Will call
It is asked that everything, be at
the armouries on Ftida:y, May in,
AO that 'artieios Can be sorted and
Convoys frorn•Wingham, Walker-
ton and, 'Listowel • converged in
three, finger-like' thrusts ' on the
'Army training base in Camp eBoe-
den on Sunday as the 21st Field
gegiment RCA (M) 'Moved out-
doors. for the first ection in a
sheaey spring training program,.
Under thei command of Lieut.
Col. M. R. Oliver the unit was
composed of the 99th Battery from
Wingham, thp 97th of Walkerton
and the 100th from Listowel.Head-
ing the batteries from these' towns
were Majoi, John Jackson, Cant,'
Ed. McCannel and Major E. C.
Milliken. Over 80 men, including
all ranks, participated in the • exer-
cise, '
The convoys left their , starting
points shortly after daybreak and
were in action on the, camp's
Amiens range befere 10 o'clock.
Sportsthen to
Meet Monday
Members of ,Wingham Sports-
menee Association will meet at the'
Legion home on Monday eyening,
May '6 at 8.30 to discuss further
their plans for use of "the property
recently purchased in Turnberry
Tinviihip. One of the chief con-
Berns is the' establishment of ponds
on the property,
, It is expected that Ed Meadows,
of the Department of Lands and
Forests, Ilespeler, be the
Speaker. Films on outdoor, activi-
ties' and ecniservatiOn will be shown,
Weekly' collection of garden cut-
tings and rubbish will be started
on' Friday Morning,' May 3; 1957
and will ,be continued each Week,
Rubbish huist be piled. out hear
the .001) on Thhesdily " eitenleg.
The tn tearni truck Will offer ''this
service for the summer months,
Public `WoricS Commission,
down of VV,ingliain.:
Mr, And Mrs, Sheldon Mann,
Gentle, Ontario, announce the en-
gagement of their Only daughter,
Marilyn AticIfey to Mr, James
Foster Connell, .son'' of Mr, and
14f0, Peden . Connell, of Patinae
glen, Theemitdditie will take place
the'lettee Pad of May.
Flewer Sunday Will be held
Whigba6 United Church at the
Meriting. and eVeriihvg services
Sundays ,bile' 2. 11"11ev ,•
• Thie marked ehe ;first time the re-
, giment moved into "Borden.' Vic.
manoeuvres: The' ,big e5 pound
guns were left in the loc'al arinoUr-
des, hoWever, (or the exercises. call-
ed only for title; use of heavy ,..303
rifles and Bien guns. ;.
Signallers were fitse to" swing
nto action as they tan lines from
their telephones at. firing 'Point to
those placed at " the target ,butts.
Both shoot's called for a range:; of
200 yards. Usitig the :03,Eill tanks
of each battery ;Geed five rounds
sighting, 10 rounde application and
10 rounds rapid, •
With the machine-like Bren wea-
pon, firing consisted of 28 rounds
for each reserve serviceman. This
included blasting in lnitsts and al-
s,o single shots:.'
I ' Capt. J. G. Kirk, of Listowel, as-
sisted by officers and NCO's gave
instruction in the use of both Wea-
' 'Under the direction of Rgt, Ser-'
geant-Major Alex Corrigan of the
Wingham battery; - each - shot was
I recorded and , at• the end of the
shoot every militiainan,w s inform-,
ed of his individual score.
Capt. Kirk, one, of Canala's
crack Shots, turned .in the ' best
card with '99 out of a poslible 100.
He scored nine out of '10 bullseycs
in the Application! and followed
with 10 for 10 in the rapid, fire:
Lieut. Col. Oliver was second
with 8 fot 10 bulleeYeg in the appli-
cation • round. ,
Sgt, Allister Inglis of • the 100th
Battery recorded the best 13ten
gun score with' 45 froth, a possible,
'50. Runner-up in this shoot was
Sgt.-Major Stan Haatinge of the
99th Battery, He carded a 42.
The servicemen tete lunch out on
the range but before"dismissal in,
the afternoon filed paSe Cpl, Bob
McCreight, Wingliatn, Of the regi-
mental pay corns, and l'eceived the
cash equivalent of tare Meals, They
will also be paid a fdll day for tak-
ing part, in the exerbise.
The next etitcleot mendeavre is
slated for May 18, 'When the batter-
its will spend the week-end at Mesa
ford, On that 'occasion the big
25-pounders will swine into action,
$500.00 'CoileCtOd in
Boy Scout'Orive
'Members' Of the BOY gout group .
committee. and the Scout leaders
have, asked the Adv;ithee-Times tb
express their appreeletion to the
public , for the ekeepticinally fine
revenge to the teepee, house-tb-
house canvass tot tnnaa, The total.
1%1)1004•dOVICatd ;Witg. approximate.
ly $6004
The money will enable the lead-
'nes to carry 'out 'rntire eceinplete
programfbr Boy , the .1 ,Scoutsand
Wol uhs.
tile biggest colleetions of paper the;
have ever handled. Official figureoe
on 'the total amount are not Ye%
available,' •
Being the annual past PresIdentet,
night, the meeting was' conduct
by:' Peet Piesidents Al Willi' e
Jack 'Garbutt and Lloyd Ell
and included a very profitable fifl
'session, with President Jack Lloyd
acting ae 'sergeant-at-arms. T
meeting was scheduled to inel
the election of officers, 'but due
the delay created 'by the compt
tion of the paper, drive, was' te
that it would ,be advisable' to ;pop
pone the election until 'the '.next;
Committee chairmen made 'thet„,,
"reports and disenssions were hele,
'regarding the spetial raffle which,
Will be announce,c1 shortly, Garde
Bros circus has been booked,
,August and advertising, will aie
pear at a later date. ,
Before adjournment 'the Kinsmen
were reminded- of the fortheornin
convention in Niagara,' Falls, an
Were urged to be ,present if at" all
Lions, from the clubs in -Zone i}11
met with the members
Wingham Lions Club at the
Brunswick on Friday, evening, .The;
occasion was the annual 7!oti,
rally, Wingham preeident,
'Whit, Grose was in tne'chair. for
the „gathering' and • Lion 'eJit.c.
ReaVie was the :lien tarsier, in
charge of ,the singing. Ilioh,P1*
Goodridge .acted, as tail twister 'o;
• Viditors included District e;
eenier, Jake iSweiteer
*POrniitte ,Gbr o
t MI'. Harold; Towneen
veer Webster and. Bill Smits; Luck
now, Art Edmunds: and Bill Reim-
er, Palmerston; as well as Inter-
national Counsellor Ward Bolton,
of St, Marys.
Lion teervey vvenster of Luck-
now spoke on the outstanding
success of Jim Reed.' of Dungan-
non, winner of the district Liehis'
nubile speaking contest. Compet-
ing against 14_ other '. contestants
in Toronto:. the ‘Huren orator
emerged as the winner, the first
time that the award has been
taken• outside the city of Toronto.
Deputy District Governor; Hugh
Carmichael introduced. Inter-
national Counsellor Ward Bolton,
who spoke on the past, present and
future of Lionism, Lion Bill Tif-
fin expressed the appreciation of
the gathering to the speaker.
The retiring deputy, governor,
Hugh Carmichael, expressed the
pleasure 'he had experienced in
serving the clubs of the"district
for the past yeat,' eollOwhig which
the Lions proceeded with the elec-
tion of a new district deputy in
the person. of Lion. Pay Watson
of Lucknow. Governor Jake' Sweit-
zer asked that the zone name its
new chairman as soon •as' possible.'
Lion. Don Goedridge • announced
that the canvass for the Red Shield
fund Would be held on' Monday
evening and requested the' assist-
tance-, of the club. Ten Lions
volunteered to aid in this worthy
The president of the Wii)gham
Club announced that , the annual
ladies' night will be held in the
district high school on Friday
evening, May 10. The meeting ad-
jroouarrn, ed with the L ions' eong and
' Plans Were made to hold a V.E.
bay banquet•end , a church parade
at the regular meeting of the
Wingham branch of the Canadian
Legion, which Was held hi the
Legion Honed, on. Tuesday night.
It Is expected the banquet Will
,be hold in the Legion Home,
May ,8th and a large number of
nionibers have shown their ap-
,provel at the arrangements for the
annual affa(r. The church parade
Is to take Pleee en Sunday, May
12th, at BelgraVe United Chu'r'ch,
With Witighein Legion meinbeta
meeting at the Legion Mine at
10.30 aert,
President Of the branch, John
Paulson said that a none meeting
is to be held timtet 'on Sunday,
May bth, arid he asked eneinbeiretb
give 'their support to "Ace' Bete-
eeh et that Meeting, , A distriet
meeting 'will also 'be held at Ilar-
riattiii on May 20th,
orders at All Saints Cathedral,
Halifax, in 1926 and 1928, after
which he served in Prince Edward
Island: He graduated from Wy-
cliffe College, .Toronto, with an
L.Th. degree. '
,'Later Mr. ,Johnson served in
parishes at Dresden, Burford,
Brantford and London before going
to Owen 'Sound. He was chairman
of, the Owen Sound and District
Ministerial 'Association in 1947 and,
in 1949 was named Rural, Dean of
Grey. -
Mr. end Mrs. Johnson have' a
grOwn family, Mrs. C, R. Riches of
North Vancouver, B.C., Gerald, 'of
Los Angeles and Mrs. Percy Beer,
OWen Sound,
A' sincere welcome is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson as they take
their place in our community. ,
Members' of 'St, Paul's parish, as
well as many from., other churches
in the community attended evening
Service/at the Anglican Church on
Stiday, :Prior to the departure, of
the ream., Rev, H. L. Parker.
Following 'the service a farewell
gathering was held in the palish
rooms, when the ladies served
lunch. Herbert' Le•Fuller tend the
letter Which had 'beep forwarded
to the Bishop; expressing the con-
gregation's regret at Mr, Parker's
departure, and mentioning SPecifk
cagy the 'great cehtribiition which
has been made to the parish by
both Mt, 'and Mrs, Parker,
Church' Warden •Michael Mc-
mall read an' address to the ream'
and his wife, expressing the loss
which 8t, Paul's people Will feel
and wishing for them the best of
Success lit 'their new field of eer-
vide at Owen 8otind, The second
Church warden, /Vorman Crook-
Wright presented the ; gift Of the
Rev'. and Mrs. Parker, tlitabeth
and Marry leaVe,oti Wednesday for
their new parish, that, • of St
Georges in the city of OWeli
work for the next twelve months,
The objective in'the area served
by the Wingham corps of the Sal-
vation Army is $5000.00. This dis-
trict includes seven townships and
12 towns and, villages. Objective
'for the town 'of eWingbarn alone is
$2200.00 Colfections In excess of
the objective will be applied to
capital expenditures in thie area.
The collection in Wingham will
take the form of a town-wide
house-too/louse canvass on Monday
evening by membere of the Lions
Club, Kinsmen -Club and the Sal-
vation Army.,, A. similar 'canvass
will be carried out in the remain-
der of the district May 6t11. to May
10th, In the rural seetions a farm-
to-farm collection has been under-
taken during the Month of April.
Some 'of the 'townships have not
yet been completed but' the final
calls will be made early in May.
The canvass is. expected to
reach every phase of the commun-
ity, including busineg's, industrial,
homes, public services, • special
names and farms.
The Red Shield is of special sig-
nificance here, fin- the money col-
lected is spent largely.' on the work
of the Salvation Army right in our
own community and the surround-
ing districts. Every resident is
asked to moat the canvasser as
generously as possible;
The I.O.O;FVMaitland Lodge held
a, very successful euchre last Tues-
day evening in the OcIdfellows
lodge rooms. There were 14 tables
in play.
The prize for high lady went to
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and the prize
for high gentleman went to. Chas.
Robinson. High prize for the lady
playing as a man went to Mrs.
Harry Gerrie. Murray Taylor won
the lucky 'chair prize,
Second Building Planned
ThTe .council's deliberations 'Were
somewhat ,complicated by 'the fact
that two' local men, Murray Tay-
lor and Fred Templeinan, also ap
peered as a' delegation seeking to
rent arr 18-foot strip of land :own-
ed by the, town"immediately south
of the, Reavie property on Jose-
phine treet, not far from the site,
chosen by Mr. Cousins..
Oh Oh this smaller property the ap-
plicants wish to erect, a Winding
which will be valued at approxi
mately $1500.00 for the purpose of
selling soft ice cream, hot dogs
and similar foods. .
The council was concerned about
the possibility of the two business-
es conflicting,, but after conferring
with both parties it was decided
to lease the 18-foot stein to Mr.
Taylor and. Mr. Minuteman tot a
Year, with the option of :renewal
for 'two years additional. Rental
Will be $75.00 annually and in ad-
dition the town will receive taxes
on the building, as well as the busi-
ness tax.
Application has already been
made to the town for a tnilding
permit and the 'men expect •t4 pro-
ceed at once with the erection of
the building.
e.elacfneeeteWeekektingeAdjeureed thee. •
question of the town. bearing:ehe •
cost of re-planting the floWer Pots
for math street lamp standards
was discussed. Most of the ,cOun-
cil members expressed their ap- •
proVal of the project, 'in view of
the fact that the Business Assobia-
lion spends the greater,part Of it
income on the annual Santa Olaus
parade withont assistance from ;the
town council, Final decision On
the flower pot question was held
over for the regular meeting next
Monday evening, when accurate
cost figures will ,be available.
o Cover Town Monday
Rev Alexander Nimmo wee hon-
ored yesterday when., he received
the ,horieraty degtee, of doctor :of
divinity at the Presbytetlan- :Col-
•iegeeterele 'attintreatetn• i-etegri nicht, of
his able service in this sand. other
communities 'a's a minister of the
Presbyterian. Church. He left for
MOntreal on Sunday. Mrs, Nimmo
and her daughter, Mrs, George
Malcolm have ,been visiting in the
(Montreal'district since last week
' and joined him in the city. '
Friends throughout •this cum-
munity °extend their sincere con-
gratulations to Dr. Nimmo on
the honor which 'has been extended
, to him. •
On Monday evening of next Week the 'annual Red P,hield Catnnalgii of the:Salvation Army will 'be latinete.
ell lit this district, Above are some Of the Members of the adVisaree triminittee, Peont, left to tight,.
Lt, Cal. It NeWhian, divisional 'Commander, Southern *Ontario dllialbril 't Ortrieksharik. heriertial
elude/tan; Brig. 3. A. ctilvert, divisiotim thahboliorl. A, ilbeeetee theirehart. Beek mit:, Obaa.
Virebttet, Luekriow thainum Smythq, teesWaiter rihairriritt; ,b6Witt, Whigharri,,,hrihsttiji
division „chairmaa'atid 1st Lt, V; iabodridge, tommanding officer,,Wingham Oorps.--Advante4lines phati4