HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-7-29, Page 8e
A- Tlwrwlny .Melly ^1. 19^_6
•• t
rase.+ lrayt►w,ess,vers- alt?+ a4 '. •r
/ 7 1
5. 4
Civic Holiday, Monday, Aug. 2nd
This will be the greatest race meet
ever held in Goderich
2.25 Golden Gate Stake Race Purse $1000.00
2.16 Blue Water Stake Race .. • . • • • . • Purse Purse $1000 00
2.30 Class Race
All toads lead to St. Augustine Garden Party on
-Wednesday, August -_4,1926 ;
• • A huge Garden Party will be held on the X
■ • Parish Grounds, St. Augustine ■
-' -AI on trio above date. Outdoor dancing pavilion, Towne's al
II orchestra in attendance. Addresses by prominent men. 1
X Refreshments on the grounds. ]M
II Many other features of amusement. An excellent sup- N
f per will be served from 6 to 8 oclock.
■ Good time for all. Fill the old car and come along. II
• ill
IIII ADMISSION: Adults 50c; Children 2Sc. This includes supper ill
113 IN
IMnleifaMM■■nnXXX•>•I.>I XXIrIrnMXI•■
G. C.1.
M C.C.
t -r
Mira Sadie 'Holman. of Klt(I1t er.
brogue 11t holidaying in town.
Wegt Lost Tied M. Alvin Sm1th. ut Niagara FOIL ,
7 o 1 N.Y., is v1141tl14 tit town.
Misr Grace 1tb)-&us. of Toronto, is
limiting Mathes -in towts.
Mr.•aud Mrs. Ku. Craig. of 1)ttr„;t.
are spending holld '. lu tuw'u.
Mr. rind Airs. G. It. Salta and fam-
ily, of Weliau4por' are bo!Ida}-lug iu
6 3 0
5 4 0
Flour 4 4 1
3 5 0
Transprrt'p - 0 0 0
Spore 11-('.R.A. 9 town..
On Tburslfay evening Victoria Park Adis': 11. Litt**, . :ul A'iii i r1 is
waw 1114• scene of a struggle between visiting her sister Mr.r, Wut. Yototg,
the (.It..l. and the Square. The pros- , 1'ictuu rare•[.
peck of a gout game ,c, rued very I Mr. and Mr*. Jet4l: 1'ruttdfuot. }r., of
promising. as both these teams were Chicago, visited oitb relative* in
lighting to get in tate play -of for the town last week. ,
champion ell Ip. The ('.It..%. look the I Mrs. Jas. Uibsot:. of Montreal. is
lead and garnered In right runs in the , visiting with Mr. :n: t Mrs. J. S. ill&
arse four stanzas. holding the wt,tare ford. Cobourg sire.
(kta'u to 6. But tau Square soon i Mr. Harold Ih, .tart, of London,
clammed tats. tallying three counters
visited at for bane of Mr. and Mrs.
in the St* Innings sod tau more in Webster the past •%eek.
the sixth. This ma,k• the score 11-8 lir'• Ernest Col •,.ate. of Pontiac. I
in favor of the Square. 'rhe last three• filch., was yisitIng this week u: the
innings of the game were placed fu hoax• t,( Yrs. J. H. •'ulls,tur.
airtight fashion. the I.R.A.'doing their • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Miller mo-
t to even up. but the yuure I torel from New Y• 4k and are visiting
seemed Just as determineti to May In Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. llureby'. A Long, Artist and useful Life Embed
tJ011.NSTON,-Iu ti•Iderkh, on Tues. iLUST.-vA B1.ACkk AND \V1I1TR
clay, July 27. Hubert 11. Johanna, in! peludle (loop,' Answers to name of
his tlStb year.
i " 1 'dy " lieu ard. 11'!1. WEISS.
Mt I KAN,-In t;,derieb townabtp. o0 ! 1:ltntt call. •
Sunday, July 23, John Edward Me-
-Loan. infant. a,.0 -of Mr. and Mics
Wilfrid Melwuu, aged 4 mon tbr. ` I
r Accountant. 102 Ontario street.
CA7t1) OF '1'11,\NKS.--MR. AND i Stratford. Phone 1:ttfO. Re.. 1380J.
Mrs. Wilfrid Melteit elet.lro 1V
fender their sincere• thanks to all
those who extended sympathy and
kindness In tltelr recant rad bea•ave-
ILL' wish to express the4r sincere
t:auia for kindnesses and sympathy
, ctcnd.vl during the illness of Mr.
'toting and it, their tin of bereave-
. meat.
Telephone No. 119.
dabs attended to anywhere and tend
effort made to gore satisfaction.
Farmers gale notes dacoagted.
Eldon Street. Goderieb,
, TENDERS FOK ,Cl)N('KETE Bltil)- will conduct au7 sale In the, county.
1 GF?i'S IN.•$.St*IELD• of Huron. For information appy 1O -
the Iced and &looted only one rtut to 1 Mrs. Walter Godwin. 1f Tonatto, P. J. Byars. Hamilton St., or urdtt�
Ata 11 ted Sear
go to the l.'.RA., it, ihw eighth iu- spxnt tar fast we,•k ,u the hut:c of Tenders will De feselved by under -
halt with him will receive prompt a►
ting.. This win puts the Square in Der brother• fpr. G•••. Jenner. Rapidly the ranks of the early ,lmil; signed Clerk on or before August lith traitor.
sevmd rine, and to the finals for the Mrs. F. 41. Eagle toll sou Dotty:d. of tiers of the Hunts, trret are Iii uufng, for the following htldges:
1 Hamilton, are vlalt'.ng tit the home of -1 as one by one Most' )lardy u;•5 {Suttees On gide Line tl and 10, East Di -
championship. I j. M. dTd1.iCEB ♦CCTIUNICP.R.
Llnr-up: 'lir, Wm. Campltell. Quebec street. lane slipping noisy to the Bron lice• vimioa.
t orf With the assbt of Ili James for boueehuld effects. farm stilus
Miss 4;144(13'1, Me6ity. of Detroit, is S • I g On nide Line 3 and 4, Hast Division.
SShear it. St.sldart C. J. blonds pYoung oh Kuo.:a>. Ila IMb tt tet.. one o e[c, for the County of Huron.
e. ShaarduwQ Ht. J. Stoddart 2h, C. speenditg a couple ••f week* iu town g ,Chs Con. 2 at lerst,12, East DIvisiou.
AnderFreithaenIf to, K. Mtathieson Sb, W. v'lalting with relat:t.•s and friends. 1gtTth' few rempii ttitr tlttks wit+r14u e'1 On Con. 1 at 1. t 4. IyK Division. Address all rummu 1est1ona to J. 11[.
Mr. and Airs. W.:..red Bell and sou 1 early days was severed. l:,.nt in t)n Con. 1 at Sbeppardton. East Di- 1 STALKER, Auburn P. 0.
Fr•Ith I(. D. U, Fat> cf. P. Johnston
Stuart.r• Rrrrtnar. S.•o:lui.d. Ur. Young . arae to visloa.
C.It..l.-HSdde•11 r, lase pCanada as a ' liild with his llamas.Gravel laid down at all bridges and
Ifuct (b, Nairn 21.. McManus ss. W. Mrs. H. Y. Niebu;l', of Lrodu. w•rs I who wattled at novice's 1Hi11. rtbere tw cement supplied at the two on ('uo. 1.
Bh+s•t 3b. Mfehenn If. Wilson et, Bow -
visitor at the Duii:., of ber'pare•uts, grew to young manhood. He 11114 unr Plana and specifications may be
■•iia rt. t ,.R Mrs >•:• 1'umhrU the peat 1 of the kiu.;eet of hearts and ht a uple•t. seen at any time In Clerk's office.p1'TOMda~rginT.OPTICIAN.
Store: i nnns-1luing w.,. -few ARRigR, C. E. 1tPD0".'(Af1H-'
1 r i 0 0 0-11 1 Mr. 1fid Mrs. Hurry 4'.Wilson. of 1 ing 1tnnd whenever . erppwxrnuity , Reeve. Clerk, Street. G tt
West tree ode cb.
it,lUrr- 0 I (1 3-__ � �yina-o: ale 11.11155: ni tromrl-t*''w'nttd. - :Als,et- +1•e-lege-of-twetuy- La how R. R No. R. Bogor Graduate of the Cana4)at<
C.R.A.-0 4 1 3 0 0 0 1 0= 9 Opbtbalmic Coll of Toronto
Umpire» -1'. Turner at plate. E. of Mrs catheNq, t-amerou, feeler., two he moved, to' 1'u:borne luw'rlsh!h. t__________________...
ttenn on latus. I Streit • Iu the year 1477 he carts married to E7w examined by the attest mefL
Bridget 1►u' lsl•B •I.1 Nla. sue-
ur ( A10T1Wt CREDITORS oda, Sall the proper fitting of glamis
t'at moderate prices. Ontario Bos
I rf. Sof Toronto are visiting their !
R K t Fl- aunt, Urs. Win. Young,
tic not si r.•tt.
R• .
e- `are •''s;^ '` -age
• -•11, iarw.t Annual• t•:rpm,ttoe. too acre. -4110 per•
•.1 E.'3rnac-,- , tti;. tali. too. Let.-
1.-. Usu. o'..- n • • 1.. 9d:n44 to be opened this rear.,
1926 Dates Aug. 28 Sapt.11
A. L COLE, R. 0..
C.R.A. 7-Trten.,lartation 5
Th.. ('.lt._\. and Transportabioa
teams played a clu.r 011111. on Tutwtlay. street. , Ernest. at tete t:, merNrutt; Urs. H. ' '
resulttug in Trunsportation't gtrin� _Master flare, i .lruirint. -of--f fir-- 1.5 '"14'4.F .tf t:.at.41di 1,,u i .J,i,r awl _1 r IM
for elicit ninth atxtMrntre defeat 1 uinlan Ltd el till'-mliTT, r ocnia eitatr .,. C
visited fits ailtwrwus, T. and i Urs. 11'hal:reg. Mlr 'r. t•
Although the gamy was (low in score lire G. Jt4uCius d(rii:R the tiulLmcr. I Mrs. ' • Ile. mi. , f Sttatf••r,t. .Juhu i I~Ilt)fl.l!i Te►N VEN1►
It was not particularly 1•tesgs u,tg..ar -R. hoot I Soil Hrur� Yutu.c: 1:od. r:. 11, uud I of the Vtltaga• of iisk, r u,n. in ihr DRUF. W. H. JAu1ture . Inatru$a
the full Transportation tram failed to Mi.. J(ur Mfr .l i.s %it (1t., •,,. rid:resiae'rt•, c r I('rmvy of Ht1n,n. baker. 'surhlrfr. { rgiven in .sr, Tbultnre,Orgaa,PiO d
gam •Mi,•L,a . bt Lhondt. a casstgnor.
Violin. Guitar, Theory. etc. Studio lad
r1i. tr and'the prlaees of the Sherri la relit; her h„!: .,y- hrotlleta 1u:4i si-:er :r: ti .;ret 1 d , 7•
ape with Ler l 1 N11TIcE IS IFEREItY' GIVEN that . residence, 37 NortD street. Piscine >
ones had to Is tilled in Nlth players w anti nkre. U:. a .•i Mrs.J. On Tuewlay na.rnitlg. ' the _11th. at 9 t Thomas Tuwut•tte1._oL Dutai•41uwn 111' - --- __-.
other Irnms. In the to -t half -o - .icr•rtt..t 50.1 rrtini.lwh1tL.'1i'1t14 ing
S. *Alford. the Prur(ts•e• a1 Ontario, .Hsi •,•t the
the eighth lotkwi 'very intuit Woe ,Visa Le,ma ...cel. la- r,turr,.4 fi: 4t. 1'.•t..res chorea, 4 tli• ich, by. a C. HAMILTON, Organist North IR.
n roily. from 'Frtnsps.rtutinn• for to London riot a d : Hlh der of ]nrr, 1lYYI, matt• 50 rn• + aa.
•:ay v;sit with Rev...J. N. Campeau. assisted by Rev. 1'uitcd l'DurcD. l'ooclrl PLFa
tory sire hltlb.R 'Boas" uRcriilg,i her porotic, lir. awl Mir.. W. Webster. 1. J t tin>, ra•{•I:cw of the 411111 d, thurised nss;tntuea o•
f rli h,- ►'r„ i and leather.
hard. but C.R.A. stopped three before as deaf ret.•sod T. J. McCarthys molt , petty fur the Edmond
of lie 11 titit4.r
s Residence atMot ' ibbrne'
}:est -F.J. .and that Edmund Weld. .Uncial R. to R /L
any harm eat. door. only three . • Dr. F. J. R. Forster. of Stratford, deac•.n. It. r. Fath, r V•nn/e 1 IItirwl
((ranter- tieing allowed t,. Lo across was is town,last week. • hot will nut et eplen1id sermon. which was expe•ctat- cetrrr, huts appointed us to tH• f us• '1'atrlrk'a atrtteL
It. -
the elate. 1 ex ianatory ,i,i te:e t':1r1 he u:,,-•' todian of the estate of the Debt.:.
1 make another Tint to 1:,alrricb until y 1 until the creditors at their Or* meet-.
.,1111e-1111.trine r4 Puruttory a: i the Yin T1 r. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER
Sept.Stmbrr. ,keg ••(+all r;w•t a Trustee to a.lmini»•er
f'.K.A.-%V, Itt,.., c, it.. ltO'i p. E. Mrs. Sheldon 11. %tt .ri. w. ..f 'Merv-
interment t• uk place itt the t , ai,rt�t.e
Elliott lb. E. \l'rsibr■.kr 111. it. M.•.beingI ihr .•stair of the 1Mbtnr.
onto, i. visiting her m•ah,•i nisei -,.- 1'••mr; cry. the• to. b.-tn•rs , A. X. 41&12804
5 / N.tTN'F; tat Ft:IiTHF:lt l:I\'F:X
! idioms ss. U. Nairn 11. C. Itownrtn It ter, 'Airs. P. 11 }ytx :.ud hiss It1,4 11 . Jolnt.a11.1 HeLry 1.4111(9;, fru- GHiiiOYRACTOR AND DRUG-
that theft first meeting of CrwLlor- in
` (:. 11 i file n cf. H. M14.1'Itw• rf. .' Fon,' \Vest street. 'Ler- ..f tit.•.eleee-a s•d..lohn .:a!lat 1. r. LES9 THEIyP1ST
I Trans wrrtatiou--It. Stoild•trt e. J. Metas: e'arrull, .Airs. Young and lox. rase ata•. r e•ttta:.• sill br i. at .ihr i
I milts. 1Tttnald T. Ml r, .. • mid two e•fliM .,f gate und.•MRnlnl l.•etl.n. GODERICH
Stewart p, 4'. Sheardowit Ib. 11. Iron-• cblldn•n, of Bayfield. sp. I frit day:. 4!(ini:411. ;tint.. ou T.x•selS) the fief i1 v of i Equipped with electro-magaetif
alar 'Alli A. .lett)' s"• J. Stewart. Jr..
the past •we.•k with her 1.. ren:- a: t1,' August, ]T�:, at 1,1 u'aleltk In the fuze- tt U. Electrunlc electric treat
.1., 11. Sanderson If ilh.ar4.wn et: V, l otMrrtte Annrtments.
�mer.orisell rt- • - -.. Il.arden Tarty -sod Bazaar (,soil.-- a 4,ttt Kt.. uric organic Sall
�ti: s +. .i' if ami rte i t1- - and iupraa Chronic
setae: ' .► Id lslrt null l.a:eu:it urn t Tu F.�T`iTLI" SOT to •coir theretiiT.' Lrrruw dfar•ra,l. Lady in attendance.
I1itu.. of lh•trint, arj a•nd:it -rm•
e'.It.A.- aft 1 it 2 J 2 0 0=7 • • I 1 g Hip auspi.rs i,t t. IicurCr w /' ,nr L pr,4,i1-nT yru e�Rfitu Of "4 lit bir7 O11}te SovTt to G. and 7 :o U p.ms
Tnutsp.,rt'u 1 U n n 0 1 ti R 0=:r
ItnHdayt with their Itar.•r ts, %Ionia t•s l;ilii.! oil be l:.•11 eiu rl.t• , with u- I.•f.re Go- m•e•?lug li 1,rid. eltepting Monday and Tilttrallay af-
• Mlr. awl Mfr.,, 4tee, \%.111uea. Augast 1'it0CXI18 to se nse41 at the thertir:[
1-h illt • F:. Dean at 1d*Ue, F. 111r. mut -Air-. n tasty grounds nu t. at. lin 1 ternouw and eveciop, null Dy ap-
Toeau-end or, 1.#se•*. 1'ie Grltflu ac,l ;dale• :els. Fiiny- work, lueiuemade candy, nest 1s. 14wlyd with us prior Hier, -•o. intmrta.
son, ,[ark. uud a,••ee, (.111,11,1.,• Perry,AND 11 IIP Lli TA SI(Til1
NOTES s( iI.;t,it, cia;••d rrlariv.s ;t: .�-11- fi.lt-ps,io.L tics iwzaur ups•r.s at 4, r G Residence and 1tann1ahornet of
p.m. T.•a-•ryrd in,:n 4 n. ,•sets .\c;-� 1711'1' i, pot ylvr tiny cbtim ucaiust
Tie Transportation i- MM.t'.C. gime. Bela and G,4drri•I. t1:e test week. ...:__1.... ,. t,. the tie -loot. for wllat1 you are entfti,d BovtD street and lzrltannia road.
to raik. •4r',.f of snelt claim Mist be
' nleIdiel no. (M With tine Tru4Ter-itl-ii-n j
appoint.; : ot•herw•iwe the pr'ne•e.t., ref '
Marian and Elva suet!. of i:., ie. •t,n.', it ' - e
tw,ro.. aro visiting tit,ir gr:u►dpurvtlts. viv-s him. Sia. tw., .ems a:.4 Our .►TIUF 1Y► rl)1',l111tI1 THE Mr, and Mrs. G. Jetrl-lua, 1'ietoo I'datghtt•rs: Junes ,\.. of G,slerl.h: H r i of Examiners Certificate No. S75.
w.ltednled 111 114• 111713 141 .r. Tuesday. I MIs, r;..,. 11 Thompson. if Si.
ihr :yrth:--xar-jwestlrm.,l - in.h•Hi.)rely. PMlip ie r•Mrr•h. 'rnroato. wast-cistrnr
,Use• till' Purity ,Flour c )t.l•,f'. grim( with friend: it town this week. 11•
whbdt was to be played 7i:, -.lay. tit, I-, itch. 1. his a' ••s 1u MI'md;1y. - the It•bt..r's (state will-ta distributed
lath. was Isslpinle,l.:t u v one R'1111.• Mr. illMir- William Huron; .11.: W1'
• - COMI'}:TENT UAII) . nmons G..- narties •t.titi.•d thereto. DR. F. J. lt. I'• K�R
tooth •
le• td:iSel at a tWtt:i Illt_Como Jfft1A viva It1R} r Deltult. tart., i,..sass "' f 4r ;:• 1 . t:112th -1.44" iii• .\i•.':' t ' t�-.ih.nit reaiir44 to yeettr 44444444, I EYE, EAR. oI8TEE. THROAT
1 t:. t. iii toot ,w'(npyin11 [lir Itplter-.11ta- lug a fr\y a;:l S• 'lith the f.rtn1•r'» bre• 141:4. It. I;. AEI Doted ,11 1..(414.1. ( into ri,., 111 14tH ` Late Ikuse Qtr,;ton Nrw York Opi•
1 t ,..4,J ti..,:-..'^ 1411--l000., T. MoreeNyr.4-1454 -'1.. ..---•�Q'iR{t' ab•i-Aural H..sp tae. atiiataati
\ c'u-e t 1111 1- rxtC •'••i .•ti ran.'-- Be-i•L 11:1: 1.11' f)I:'r 111.' v,,•1 1' N'1tt
„ 'THF:' ('OXS4PUPATED T}tl'STS at Misiltde,a i'; a Hospital 'Sad
day 1veniu. nb.n ,.the l: ('.:. ,ti 41 Ura._Gti.t_ i -._c and. -11rt.a_dtuui.-; s . A per, I n: l.it•. (Y►It1'(1RATN►N, • . (kduen Square . 'nt }hospital, Lot
t „ 1 itis i.' ,1 ..:L': 4r • a
Sitnatt teams me, L h r lucre re' nn to Brtuttord at r Irvnda5 A C;ar, ter SIO.. 1.4vui•,u. t. • den, Eng. '
II, i prolotIlle that- mead of the afe•(dhtt 111„ n with lar'latrel.. 1 •t , .i 41 h:.1.- CUSTODIAN.St '
1.."........1...t ,tames will 1 pl5r.11 1.:: Air. .1,4 5t•- 4 1.,01,•r4„4,43, 4;1(124•.1, 1 •, s.. ii Waterloo t , ra:.urd. Tel -
*eel: t Victoria t, ria Park nft.4r thee' hau- T. mom.1 -- ,phr.ne .til.
4:1.111:1 ••lout N.:1,W., it, grnnn,ls: • yr. tint! Mir-. .,•t.s.\. rir1 ittn, r,y. ,,
TO RENT At Rotel Y., 1.:•r'. Goekrieb, :fad
I 11.4te•• and Limo. enlites are bend: I:inl•rl,l:. rt :,1113' • •• Ho. eu5a1. m, t,t 1 ••1 it.srt u,: ` I:1)X :15;X11:N.i1-,
FOR RENT -THE STORE w THE 7 p.m...Md. $.;:.mbergyp;.- -1
lay. •1 nt the ••hnr,t: h•agtt, 1.154, •0 tl•.ir only nl:. ,•r, IsalwIla F Ur l pm. Tureday.ay. �.;'t:11 cr 21.
L Yrrtt- r:l?ii't`street. Mere
i4iitifl. 111 Alia lave i:o.t+•rt.•h Nord, 1,11i. i.. Sh;1 e� i' .ward Donaldson. ' WAN "'All' .AT' «,nth safe of Ham1lt'tm
-urrl lout, The •t first game. whlell '1'.4r,•o11. :Le ice. ,:tlg to take pial,• 'n housework. work. .1...y 11t•.. i . V. m erl y occupied pied ly Miss M( Kir.nn n.
1.114.IJE, Ne! -,a. -e•1, ,.r :et HANK There are two rootfnt, 1Qs25'feet-and
was played the %dun cannel sn;gs•r. .1,;> nsr• UI►N'f1tF.tI. 15x25 feet. For further particulars
r, . ER•\ E.. T M. LICE.
Coder to HAYS • RAYS, BarN■te», Barrister and Solicitor
North seied. The next Vainer will 14.. alio lin • star 1 0 W • hu- GrdeHeh.
Til RENT. -APARTMENT IN MAD- 1(► King s:reef east. Toronto 2. 'ltiia
C,It•tunorre4. visttad tit Malsot 114A4 p)tones Main i•911gG794.
Girl] r•psetihe croup. and n 51.,'1 :L.• „punrreia: • net :all eonr+l• (i : �' - fru red prick residence, five ra,tna i
r.•sweet in n 14.-1.1 .i.oro in favor of \I ss lar it \ Rol inw.0 of the
Mfr. amL 1.1r.. A. A. Coc, of Morrie, i i • Victoria' t ria 1. s h ,
Man.. renesirnt their suI,.•rii�tlon to ST. .5( 1,1 ST INA, July _s. ---Mr, , ptaytsl at \ i•toria Part; on Fri,tit eiratuad 1t tenet. '» 4rorrs.lotal fir -:-
!rho Signal, awe:- Thomas' Itr:4 ash *on lf,.etbert. ttf • night. 15(11 trams 'are n'im;••rs of ,%a.- c(.rtifleat, ,the Ie 1514 hill,t.
"We look for our griper each week. liste' ills tvw•k 1-10,1• e11t4..1 is prouotswl. Teret,l. U♦1iF.4F. \t,L .lit 110\ 5.11.1 Itt and bathroom. large verandah, elec.,
ltd fia.l. tMn.ah tunny ;tents away, it Mr. nod Mrs. Usury Ilrrol1. of 11 rom.ordthl., prxcr,cu..p new Dt'DLEY E. HOLMES
eJ I \I. ••t: ti, r -coati and Sidney trfe stove In kitchen electric beater
fe still very Int,•r• :,i• , 11.."
Vinke•. sore. --pent the, eek-et.1 with . rlw-t•I11ng un Itrnee strut, Ga1rrlc•h. at i .
: titian Irr�t( Barrlstrr, Etc
1 +on In church I.SaI[tteanm• in 1�ILrtlx..aere at tdoy ,the prthii+.i at 1 1'el,s-k sharp, opt n butarom, grate in living room. soft
friends acct. • t The tt•udiur the morn,; . t .-i tion /f •I .r watt pnmp aL static wry wash Office -Ha trillion arm. Goderick.
SATI'Ki►.1T, .11'LY' 1st. r d rt.
Mir. 4111.1 Mrs. .Melba Sts•nrrr and th -oft ball !coolie of Huron I'r•siry- CaPCdii Florist- lswwidNll,. Ur. lube, Alien learnt 1i.
- - .• •.. The' haus* Sas thoroughly ever- ppearir.g ironing board, Ked- a
ter will he played at\'ietoti., Park • Stewart was era t appointed a eft• + -ry Meitn.e. garage. garden and fruit
every -
Por Rent
is now available for any-
one wishing to rent for
amateur shows or concerts.
For terns apply to
Wesley M. McLean
P. O. Box 50
s{s.i, err. of Durban. 11110101m. visited ' on Wednesday. Aran -t •Irl Fight rector 1f the Apts.
hauled by Mir. Mf 1k.ah r nod
v1 } lativa I I1LIBg a 1 i 1 trees, near town lake and churches C 6EACER K C BARRISTAB:
f ,rr r girl-. N It l t t lftrrtrn ~ in y
twine living trslm.• dlnl:g rr.nm, kit- i. r. , yjC,•twl to fake trtrr. emit !Hirt ..f Ml,n,�teh••. spent � work au U�.a•r1.•11 i cDen and one ha
dowTutair5. 0oderSeD, moderate rent to care/111 PonceSnL
the ,.indry north. -meth. , •r•: and visit -low Ler .v.th llr.•G. M. Elliott.
1 two Itedrismis and con tete bathroom tenant taking lease. owner leaving Cttdtrlch.
quit,. a number from this vieittIty ! west I.ril9 t uri•+citeil_lq`._s,t1c_ tenni! snc_war .n..•r.vlst-ice}-J►y-h4r •taitib.:i_ _Lgw lift► ri.s eit wr -,_ enkMb _ 1411.__ apply Sufi AL�_OFFI�C I -----
of lilt, of 1wrr --aoro-itf 5141: tm tt►i. s.•r,• Silas J' mnfr' •epllhirfr 'Wt."' tai TN ati.rTTfl.. .T..-ittC rt.,..*.� we el.str,• in✓rallanon and `ixtntrw. "'R. IjiRHOW. BditAlb'1tEIt. STt7
snuun.•r S Ir•,.I in ..'t i el, lust Stui• north u•etion Gndrricl piny .%shflrld ell,?! • 1 in the t':.ildrrn's hospiG.l at Blinds. stAin ...indows awl doors all , FOR BALE • Pu(eessnr to J. L Killorin.
,lar ,•.' i li r. - I on Friday night and if they win will Winnipeg. go with hon+r. There is a g..tt gar- I Ifii?TR 9T:
Mlosr ..f the farmer. in this yleigity • represent this,group in the tonrnn-; Miss Jessie ttt••'e, of Forest. w'a• dell lot with'u few rime fruit tie.. roll NA LR. --- IVIN:TEll 4VIA'1'- t Office -The Sonars.. Ooderieb.
have finished h•tying. It was a goal meat. The Vi,'toria street einirah girls the .attest the µt• week of Mr. and p 1
crop this year. aro lending lu_tlulr_struup. Thr arm!• • Miss, -34 44- 44 MI" iit.ele. wlro is ---pre Is•r-y bushes. The house s nt + sten • barberry alai e•o,e:t_; 17e.
t present rented to 14 very ,h•sirabic• Worst Duly a few tfm,•s, s•nar she.
.. f brain are senedine,) to negro next n plrn-it,4 1.4,eaitst. ,.tt Sunday furor d ,•
Y..... „you resit AIN' J,etr4 "mire. Sy-
Wednesday at 2 ,.,ink In the after- it ,• e,•l4gr••gatjou Knox church alta errata: 1n55e4talnn. if r.gn)r•d by ,fptply in J. Ill HOE, Trifnyrtr tercet,.
illi Sjmhr's Tmtsilitis" Is this bet'i !moll. to he follovy.4 by the final. at Jwo sales, singlns Thr penitent" at pmrrhae,•r, al" be had on firptemh.r ' or 11U)C 510, Gol•rleh, Ont.
11th. 1 DOR 8 E ME STORY
for hron.•hitds. ;rpm., caritas Mlennll« 0.:51, Amit of -roan people are Invited the morning se•rc ,. and "Abide woo The 1 i I t
1}sett' it (S it •nal siva e-It,'aal-
' •-• • . - . -;atr1 ng I' i nst detnrabie a,nttai ineallty in • $(Pi i('ITO}1 Notary Public cad
i,4,, . Watson is visiting Ler
t'ri4-n,l. Wei ltadr!IR. of Coveter.
errs C11Bct•-Court Hovas.
nd infected tonsils. hut. did YOU 10 e1•e• rid lir;n,t their baskets and
4,,11 Try it ret our'i•tsk. Join In a Mettle at Harker Park.
509000 Harvesters
PIm 11 rent per mile, tatrttr.a
pant to Winnipeg
Min t vat per mole to lr.nt• t.,•'.v►t, h■t .es tome
t•1 Fetmnntnr, Mar t..rt and , alorr
( room Stotler. M Ont !Smith'. 5.no to and to .i.. T.ront.' w Lek. Ontr . Sir no
Aug ■ 18th m urs .d w..k.�� i•«..t,...., u.»
Fre 11 St„et.,.r IUs,.t en t. Rte.(.-. 1.4r,netiwn, lbw
Fre , 4.A Stat•».. nurk34. to R'.be.,y.o..• Iealedel 1 Ds.- -• t. Pest laelet..11 eel
4d .root t.e.ttorp.
Frown .II St.tlon. en Tes.•.to-luelk.sr divot UA...
torn 11 St.tl.n. I. (5.a.4. 4..nok sod W..e ei t ...t. to beef ts..t. ,, i4.�t4.m.
20th :tont oil ones.. t _ � t * . 1.aatr T ....t. on....t_, tl� t...rA
G«Ih A. St. al.e7.. tenet . o 4 .nA St_ �4ti
Fere .11 St ti.o. T.s.. •. rel Nowell 5., Inek.4dvv.
F. AI "Notions M Ontario oe. the M.. -4,.n (`rte.[. Pr We V. a
Lake a4... Gtr( l.r.., MA f Lain; 5.4.. Cord Saar. lei. Iola t I(tat�a
art T,.t•.wte, Ftrnl4en r. S.e.1. r
Travel 1 .41...nd Clttltba.► Sp ii Cee .'n he .raved ar E - to et Imam ethical dkti
Full Infessinntenn . may Ca.a.ttl.w. tenor• I
Mir" at evi.ni yt w, „ttllp.
It.•.. it. ML GM, ae••,mtrtuled 1.3 his
wife and dianghtet ills (}1adr5 Ua1r,
mot Mi.. Vern 1)14. hts..r1. ail of 4 titt-
lutin, %kited i11s ,eek at thelio•le of
SIr•..5rthnr \Vi;1 i..nis. Keay. street. en
Hutt,- as Kitchen, r, where lir wttt
ltd, tnrnM,•, Thr M; 1 3171145
1x410•. xr'• rrtmtinag In 4Talrrirh for
5 w.,•k to attend 1 uinlattqu i.
Ur. ):. MI•.111 ru,l,h•. of Tor-
mito. was In t, t ,, Tn••s,Iay night.
cntninl' 111 frt'm 11. ••4511, where hr n,;
t.•.es.,1 the South Hnrnn Liberal ',n-
v.fitlou inr4he lernorn, lir. 51.•-
I1HIIcntidc. ,wan win of mile.
hypnic! 1f: tt111ii' ,j.: , fntert.r chlor ,.t
_.Tat• tlignal_ leans rewprna(ble p4wl-
tlln will Thr Tnr• vier nni;y 8111.
\Y.•leome 115lhrf, in town 4) ('near
1ree'k-Fart Rtil'rr tli:*tits. W. J Wfi t
!lorry 1'nsmore, •r Chicago. w'Lo took
advantage. of their beef st5y to look
tip a5 many old tri•a4b• n5 pnssihlr.
Thor "UT* 117 mnr•,r ear. Will tlrirtr;g
511 F:55.a r„ach. N'i111 ihr rest of ihr
Pasmone hr(tehrt•., elle, nrr exp„•t'.f
In m*ke 5 totigrr elslt rte t ys.ar (m
th. nra.h,n nt :'.r9, f:rntennlai (,•tt
brat ton.
1h, not masa hosting Salto Miritnha
Nand, s mns eal tlorl' Whrrsver
if h15 Sp peflt fl M Chaft*ngns.
Monday. Angio* 2,4
Dept •m• s one o tit* hest fn
(irwierieh, convenient to all eh tr•hts.
schools and business scetion. and in a
good neighis.rkond.
There is•]soltirr;y no reserve price
on this honor and ft. will be sold.
TERMS.-Twepty-Bre per event. of
purchase price at time of sale; hal-
loo -4S when posaeesion is given, or any
portion sn:tabie to imrcba.C'r may r• -
main. •I11 morttvnce w;th interest at 11
per cent. per ',tomtit All taxes and
water' rates will he paid by prrwerit
owner tip to time possession is given.
T. 0t'NTiRY A 1tMIN,
A net loner s.
Public Notice
to the Citizens of th(
Meoday, 2nd of Aug.,1926
mg neon fixed by 1Sy-law a5
all Citirl•na are requnRnl u1
govern th(•lrltelves ac(lrfirtgly
L. L. Koos. H J. A. Macawaw,
T„wn Clerk. Msr er
! house, right rooms; double iot:
gond locaflam. Apply at SIGNAL
%IPS & days
Batat4rtws, Fm•.
k.t;.HAYS-RC.HAYS.i... B.A.
Hamilton 1&. tiodericn
serICE. _ :f ___,
SAkE.-Corner North and Nelson INSERANCE, WANG. ETC.
street.. .41121 to W H 5 l('Kgnv
rr and lets Now 26, 244. 20 and 30.
Reld's Survey, in the town of Gode-
rich. Apply to B. C. RUNNINGS,
Gn,Isricl, or JOHN TORRANCE.
Clinton. a
FATM.IR street. RST nig rules.
nak trim. with nit mislern ern-'
venicnceo. W..A ('1i13Htif.U. Too
lnitar fr:rept. - \f
dwellings In gond Notations to
Goderleh. Alen forty acres of Ilam
pasture land web an abendanee of
water. close to town. Terms to snit
purchasers. T. (IUNDRT.
Brick residence on large lot,
water bating, two tMlets and Loth,
illgndry tuba. fireplace, eteotrig light.
h:i dwosl floor.. Ane Inc1111nn on Bri-
tannia road Engnlre at JENNiCrB'9
111'Qir STORE.
9CRANCE CO. -Farm -and iso•
lilted town property ftinwed.
Officers --Jas. Connolly, Pres., 0od-
.•rich P. 0.; Jas. twine. Vice -Pres..
ne•erbe-0nd P. O.: D. F. McGregor.
Sec. -Tress., Seaforth P. 0.
Directors -A. Broadfoot. R. R.
N. 3, Seaton!'; John 0. Grieve, No.
4. Walton : William Rion, R. R. No.
2. **forth; John Bennewiee, Brod-
/eaten ; Geo. MK'artney, R. R. No. L
Pesfnrth ; Robert Ferris, Harlocit ;
Murray Gilson. Rreeefleld; James
Evans. Bee:hwood; James Connolly,
Agentsh.-J. W. Yeo, 0ederlch;
Ales. Twitch. R. R. No. 1, Clinton;
John Mnrray. Seatnrth ; E. H1nehtey.
Sesfnrth Policy -holders can [peke all
pertaenta and get their cards receipt -
M at R. J. Morrleh's Clothing Atore,
Clinton; R. H. Cntt'a Grocery, Kieg•
Ston street. Ooderk'h, or J. 11. Refire
General Store, Btsyfiell.
• •