HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-24, Page 5-"7"1111
poor Sio4ers far r , a t • :
If the vvetett Is properly hal,
aneed, the Utensil won't tip when
it's empty, check tq, sae that the
handle is firm and won't slip in
your hand ;when the utensil is
AAA 1114A1A,
give your chicks
4 .
For Proper Growth and Development
CO -OP Grow • as
0 TRU c
on the road than ever before!
1. Forward Look styling. Clean, 9 a valuable bones in hauling ability._
smooth-flowing lines, forward- a •
thrusting fenders, modern hooded 0. Economical operation. Fargo V-8's
headlamps,. wide-sweeping grille—all and proved Sixes give you full pbwer
have a busineSs-building look of flair on regular gas. Exelnsivefull-opening
and fleetness. . alligator hood makes engine mainte-
nance easier, fakterythriftier.
2. Super-rugged design. From built- A
to-take-it chrome-alloy springs to 4. Top power. Fargo trucks lead •in
extra-heavy-duty frames to shot- advanced-design V-8 power, from 180
peened rear axles, Fargos give you to 232 h.p. Fargo Sixes, too, are leaders. •
5. Drivinb ease: Shortest turning
diameters (on many models) take you
easily (nit of tight spots. Push-button
driving is available on D100 (34 -ton)
models for start-stop hauling ease.
6. More comfort, safety. Wide;wide
cab seat has fore-and-aft plus seat-
back angle adjustment. Electric wind-.
shield wipers, safety door latches are
standard equipment.
Model 0400 •
witli .Vap body,
15,000 lbs.
Model 1:400 with Dump body,
18,000 lbs. max. G.V.W. w.A. SEES SLIDES e
Lloyd ``Sleepier " !ff
Combine aliflOgrun(e, 4i
nolity RIONtlaii and g,541•410
yes ion toy,
• All Models have *Wg .wire see
model has "Lloy.i
jul)04 permeneelle 1'alei001
wheel 'bearings.
•',Spat and bock solidly supeare
no fagging, no torn uphohleryf
comfortable seat or bed for
• k padding on.seal:and backs l
rinds, easily, washed, '
schp0,0 14vreteg.
••ritllnit sp~ingang on bock
easily Oa
ele cleta:ei rructel.
V •
Large canopy avc4110b10 .
• Pusher etiliSlable• lei two beIghtit: •
Parcel carrier fitted, t • • •
Three. Morielt to cheese fram.
SEE THE,NEW m.oyal ".SLEEP,ER''' .
$TeOttee$ AT
R, A. Currie nns..
..51E11rnit7 e Phone Vinghaun •
Whenever You, re Ready 7
Let Us give you a FREE
and report on the condition of
your present heating. system.
Remember . . . the only man
who can afford a faulty fur-
nace is the man , Who has
money to burn!
We Recommend & Install
most fun
KotolOtado &dui
Whether 'you 'rear your chicks in confinement or
`4)4 range, be sure to use CO-OP Criow Alash This
feed ,,contains all the nutrients necessary to; give
your birds fast grciWth and strong bone devel-
opment they need in order to give you top reSults ,
in the layOg cage.
Lions Club Holds
First and second' prize winners in the class for solos,, girls' 7 and under at the Turnberry Music Fes.,
tival were Judy. McGlynn and Judy Welch. --Advance-Times, photo.
m• Women's Institute 'completed
Many Projects During Year L
itrarefi." • 4,44,;.
Made! D100 Panel, 5,006 lbs. max: G1V.W.
Cab-Over-Eng100 Model, tip to
45,000 tbs.
Pax, G.G.W,
Mrs, George. Mictile and Mrs.
George. Johnston were named a
committee. to prepare two num,
hers "to take to Blyth tor the
Friendship' Circle meeting there
on May ,9th.'.
Mrs. Leslie Bolt's group will
be in ,eharge of the next meeting
when the Canadian Girls in
Training • affiliate with, t h e
W.M.S. The group agree& to buy
the World Friendship badges for
Mrs. Jack Taylor gave an ex- ,,---
cellept report of the Haan Pres- Ladies' Night byterial meeting held recently at '• '
• Clinton. Ruth lkifichie ,,
ets, aecorn-
and Karen WROXETER— Howick Lions
Anderson sang two du ,Club held ladies' night last Mon-
parried by Mrs. George Miehie. day evening in the Fordwich community hall. Ladies of the A very inspiring Easter mes- Trinity .Church •catered and sage was given: 'by the guest • guests present. were •Mr. and Mrs.
speaker, 'Mrs, Wm. Mc'Vittie of John Nichols of Palmerston, Mr.
Blyth, • president of the Huron and Mrs. Eph Gray, also of Pal-
Presbyterial' W.M.S. Mrs. 'Cler- aneeston, and Mr. and Mrs. Col-
ence Hanna, moved a vote liegs,„ Gorrie. Gordon Moir was
, thanks to Mrs: MeVittie.' initiated Mb!) the club.
Watch .CLIMAX stipwEitcOF STA tS, Mutt& 8.30 (wok. Channel 8
you're my out front with ARGO .„„,it to fit yorr lob
Ott OUR bEAt vou BU
BEI4R4W14-1 he re afar
Meeting of the Beigrave Evening
Alinillary of the, Weirien's Mists
.unary ,Society 'Of Knox United
Church was held op Tuesday
evening, April 16, in, the church
basement when they entertained
the Afternoon Auxiliary,
The meeting opened with the
worship service in charge of Mrs,
Carnerea group. The call
to worship wee read by Mrs,
, Walsh, felleWed by a hymn, Sev.,
eral .Scripture passages were mad
by Mrs. Rosa AritlerSOn, Mrs.
Walt* lecrin reSponsive Prayer,
followed with .a hymn,
An .gaster rneseag-e, Was read
by Mrs. Howard,Walsh, Prayer
by Mrs,, Cameron Walsh and a
hymn elosed the (worship.service.
Mrs, Ross Anderson, presi,
Waa, in charge -of' the busi-
lieas period, when 20 members
'answered— the roll call, Reports
ft were read by the" secretary,, Mrs.
Ralph" McCrea 'and the treasur-
er,'M.rs, Robeit Grasby.
u meeting crowd wick, a
hymn and „the Mizpah benedic-
tion. Mrs., James Walsh led in
recreation and lunch was served.
Good- Permanent pasture con-
tains a mixture of perennial' or
reseeding legunies and , grasses
that will last at least four or five
years, ,
meeting of .the 33elgrave Women's
InAtitute was held in the' com-
munity centre on Tuesday after-
noon, April 16. The president,
Mrs, Walter Scott, was in charge.
Twenty-two members joined the
branch, at, the meeting.
The minutes of the last ,meet-
ing were read ,and the financial
report showed 0.39.96 on hand.
These reports were given by Mrs.
Clifford Logan, secretary-tress-,
urer. Letters of thanks were'
read from Mr. and Mrs. R. Beat-
tie, Mr. and Mrs. G. Montgom-
ery, agricultural representative,
the Mental .Health Association
and .the secretary thanked the
group for a sympathy 'card.
Mrs. Scott thanked everyone
who had helped with the euchre'
'and dances.
The following reports were
given: Canadian induStries by
Mrs. Cora. McGill; citizenship
and, education also Easter and
Christmas meetings, by Mrs. Earl,
Anderson; community activities
by Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler; his-
,torical research by Mrs. R, Proc-
ter; home economics, Mrs, Harold
Mrs, Carl Procter reported on
the Wingham Hospital Auxiliary
meetings and Mrs. Stewart Proc-
ter reported for the Cancer Soc-
BELGRAVE--T h e regular
weekly "progressive euchre party °
Was held on Wednesday evening
in the Community centre, There
Were five tables in play,
High prizes were won by Miss
Annie McNichol and jean Nixon,
Consolation prizes went to Miss
Mary McCallum and Fred Cook.
Novelty prises for lone hands
Were Won by' Miss Annie Mc-
Nichol and Jas, R. Coultes. This
WaS the last euchre fpr the sea.
Club 20 Meets
BELGRAVE—Mr, and. Mrs.
tarries R. Coultes vyeleonled the ,
ineinbers of Club 20 to their
home on Monday evening, April
16. Progressive euchre Was en- 4
joyed and high prizes were won
by Mr, and Mrs. KennethWheel.
Consolation prizes Went to Mrs,
C4ierga Martin and Albort 1310-
Lunch Was 141iVed.
•--- • These are some of the projects
carried out by the Belgrave
in the past year: Held an auction
sale of miscellaneous articles;
held two dances; colleced for the
Mental Health Association; gave
help to a family'who lost every'
thing by fire; gave assistance to,
an accident victim; ()penal a
bank account , for a new baby;
donated a trophy for the Bel-
grave Music Festival; entered a
float in • the Morris Centennial
parade. The Institute also took
care of the flower beds at the
Brandon cemetery; held its an-
nual 'concert; presented books
and`corsages to three of the early
Institute members; donated priz-
es to the Belgrave School Fair;
gave a gift to the agricultural
representative when he left; sent
cards to the sick' and shut-in;
donated to the, Institute for the
Blind; the Hungarian Relief and
made dresses for the Unitarian
Service committee,
At,the eoriciusion a pleasant
,socia,hour was eitjafed with Mrs,
0, MacPherson eta ion ALTO,
trilriliit heiti‘Oliii
107100400 40001e0-011
Misses 1'494 and R4th Webb of
Brantford are sPending the 'Vas,-
ter vacation ,at their Wee here.
Miss 'Anna .Sti.tart of Toronto
spent the holiday weeic,end with
Mr, and Mrs. George Stilart and
Mr. .490..Stnart.
Mrs; Alen Mcrdie and PO of
Kitchener are holiday visitors
with. Mr. and Mrs. Lertie Woods
and Donna.
Mr. John MCgrilliM,- who has:
spent the winter months, with
Mr and Mrs, 'Irvin McCabe -Of
Windsor, is Spending a few weeks. at- his home 'here,
Mr. and Mrs, G, S. MoIntyre
and Donald, of Eracebridge were
holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
W. t Miller.
Mr, and Mr's. Gordon Miller
arid Larry of London spent the
Easter Week-end With relatives
The May meeting of tile. Wo.
men's Institute will be held in the
community hail on Thursday af,.
tern oon, May 2,
Mr. Everett Grasby of Tor-
onto 'spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, HarrY
Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Shaw and.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd ,A.nde,rson
all, of London spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jan
Anderson. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alton. Baynes and
family of Belton, visited last•
Friday with, her mother, Mrs.
Richard Champey. Mrs, Elizabeth
Campbell %and Mrs, Charnney re-
turned to Belton for a couple of
Mr. and Mrs, James McCrea
and family 'of Port. Credit, visit-
ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs,
C. G: McCrea and other relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack McCallum
are spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs.Weorge Jones and
family at. London.
Mrs. jesie Cameron is a patient
in the Wingham General Hospi-
Mr. and Mrs. Mike ReZzensoff
and baby daughter of St. Cath-
erines spent the week-end with
her sister, Mrs. Laura Johnston
and George.
All the farmers in the district
are quite busy preparing the land
for seeding.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Morgan and
.family of Aiisa Craig and Mr.
and Mrs, Russell Kelly and fam-
ily, Cooksville, visited over the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam 'Kelly.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Wilfred Pickell
and family, St. Thomas, visited
over the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler,
Mrs. Pickell and family remained
to spells' the week.
Mr, and Mrs, Ira Campbell, of
Lucknow,. and Mr, and Mrs. Ed.
Ansley of Thessalon visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Campbell and family, Mr. arid
Mrs, Stewart Cloakey and family,
Mr; and Mrs, Clare VanCamp and
family and with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines of
Niagara Falls N.Y., visited over
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry McGuire.
Miss Margaret Higgins of Lon-
don spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Earl
Anderson were Miss A St. Onge
of Guelph; Mr, and Mrs. Bill
Schreiber and family, Streets-
ville; Mr. and Mrs, Ed Hartlin
and Kim of London; Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Hunking and Vaughn;
Mrs. Carol Schreiber, PortCredit;
James Anedrson, Toronto and
Keith Anderson, of St. Thomas.,
Mr.land Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and
family, of Sarnia visited over the
.,Week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Taylor and family,
Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont
and Dale visited on Sunday with
Rev. and Mrs. Charles D. Cox, at
Mr. and Mrs, Rod McLeod and
family of Toronto and Miss Mil-
dred Higgins of Preston, visited
over the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and
family, of Ingersoll spent the
holidays with her parbrits, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Procter.
Charles Procter, Oakville, spent
the Weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Procter.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Styles, Billy
and Patsy of Mimico, are spend-
hig a few days with Mrs, Cora
Visitors over the week-end with.
Mr, and Mrs, Howard Wilkinson
were Mrs. Margaret Field, Misses
Peat? and Marie 'Penny all of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Wilkinson of Thnithville:
Mr. ad Mrs, Bruce Marshall
and family, of Toronto are,
spending the holidays with Mr,
and Mrs. Stanley Cook,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black and
Charlie of Britton visited on ‘Sun-
day with Mt and Mrs, James
Mr, and Mrs. Eiden Cook, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Cook and Bob,
Mrs. Stanley .Cook and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce arshall all• attended
the Ruchatian-Doan wedding In
Windsor on Monday,
Mrs. Allot Johnston and Miss
Iris Johnston of London visited
over the week-end With Mr. and
Mrs, Richard Procter and other
Miss Peatrice,,Wacle Of Pord-
With visited on Sunday with Mr.
arid Mrs, Clarence Wade.
C4RA1140t.-Mr, and Mrs. Wendell
Grant Are happy to &matinee
the birth Of their 'daughter.,
VVErdnesde;, 441 11 ,19t7. 10
thelltitighirint bspitaly
Belgrave Cooperative
Phone Brussels 1400 Wingharn 1065w
/1110.111111.1 .... 1 iiiiii .141111 .. ! . .. ... in! lllll !1!“111 ii ! lllllll OAAMAUA 1 0. llll l A! ll lllll !A llllllllll lllllll 1 lll llllll
Entertainer for the evening
was Mr. Davvson, of Dungannon,.
who 'delighted 'the' alulience with
his magician's Aricks. Harold
Townsend, President, presided.
Mrs. Harry Rhame was, pianist
'and Ian Howes was Soloist. "Bless
This House" and "Marianne" were
his choices, A 'white elephant
sale was .a profitable feature.
• • •
Model D100 Express, 5;000 lbs. max. G.V.W.
also Model D300 Expre-ss, 8;800 lbs. mak G.V.W.
Chrydler corporation of Canada, Limited
Model D700 Tractor,
up tri 45,000 lbs.
Max. 6.041.
The; district president, Mrs.
Tait Clark was present and spoke
on agriculture and Canadian in-
dustries. Current events were giv-
en by Mils. Earl Anderson„
Mrs, W. Scott 'told of a., meet-
ing of the. Huron"' County Film
Society that she had attended
recently. It was moved and see-
ended by Mrs. C. McGill and Mrs.
C. Logan that the W.I. apply for
the short course, "Millinery% to
be held -in November or March,
Mrs, Scott the retiring 'president
•dent thanked all the members for
their Co-operation and 'kindness
in her term of office'.
Officers. Elected
Mrs, Tait Clark conducted the
election of officers which are as
follows: Past president, Mrs. W.
Scott; president, Mrs. Richard
Procter; first' vice Mrs, Stanley
Cook; '2nd. vice, Miss Edith Proc-
ter; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Clifford Logan; assistant seere-
tary,-treasuret, , Mrs. • Kenneth
'Wheeler; press reporter, Mrs.
Clifford' Logan; district director,
Mrs. Walter Scott; brarich din=
ectors, Mrs. Gorden Higgins,
Mrs. Stewart Procter and Mrs.
BELGRAVE — The annual James R. Coultes; pianist, Mrs,
J. 11, Coultes; auditors; Mrs. Jesse
Wheeler and Mrs. H. Wheeler;
arranging of programa for print-
ing,' Mrs. James Michie,
Conveners a the various stand-
ing committees are: Industries,
Mrs: L. Bolt and Mrs, C. Proe-,_
ter; citizenship p and education,
Mrs. G. Nicholson and Mrs. G.
Itfichie; community activities and
`public relations, Mrs. C. Hanna
and Mrs. J. Anderson; historical'
research, Mrs. L. Hopper; current
events, Mrs. Albert Vincent;
home economics and' health, •Mrs.
M. Taylor and Mrs. Walter Scott;
resolutions, Mrs. Albert Coultes;
Christmas meeting, Mrs. C. R,
Coultes; Easter meeting, Miss
Edith Procter; cards to the sick
and shut-in, Mrs. C. R. Coultes.
Mrs. Stewart Procter thanked
Mrs. Scott for four years of
splendid • leadership. rt was an-
nounced that articles for the
rummage sale in May are to be
left, at Clifford Logan's, The roll
call , was answered with a favour-
ite ]flower and new ideas for next
Mrs. J. M. Coultes gave a piano
solo. The convener of this meet-
ing, Mrs. C. McGill, thanked all
those taking part. Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler •, conducted" a. contest.
Grace was sung and lunch was
served by Mrs, 3, C. Procter, Mrs.
G. Nicholson and. Mrs. N. Rig-
Final Euchre Party ON HOLY SAND
Of Season Held • ST. HELENS--':Christ, Legacy
of Peace", was the theme of the
worship service of the W.A. of
the United Chureh held in the
church on Thursday afternoon
With sixteen ladies in attendance
and the president, Mrs, T. J.
Todd in charge, Mrs. Lorne Dur-
nin read the Scripture leSsort and
Mrs. Chas, McDonald, the lesson
Interesting' slides 'of the Holy
Land, in keeping with the Easter
season, were shown by Mrs. P.
Green at the meeting of the
W.ItS., over which Mrs W. I,"
Miller presided. She Was assisted
in the Wership service "A Lively
Hope", by Mrs. W. A, Miller, who
led in prayer, 'and by Mrs. Mae-
Pherson Who read the Scripture
lesson. headings were given on
"An Easter Wish" by Mrs, J.
Cameron; "The Lord Is Risen",
by Mrs. Prank M0,0'1)111111 and
"TheSign of the Craze by Miss
Whether it be a low-cost Grav-
ity Furnace or an nitra-mod-
ern Anthes WinterAir Condi-
tioning Unit, We guarantee it
will cost you, less to install and
far less to operate than any
other heatipg ttnit of the same
Plumbing ):•\ Heating
Air Conditioning.
Wingham Phone 255
Parliament Mager.
Send FAEE literatuto
Addresi-1 •
Peet ()like., • , , •• Saw'leieweemeeeeseeeeHew
tinterla'networkiterW of tr "