HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-17, Page 11MUNDY'S FREPEHOWIV8E2"
Save on these week=end Specials!
Quaker 1UFFED WHEAT, 4 oz.,pkg. 2 for 29c
,Sherriff's DESERT 3 Pkgs. for 27c
Lushus JELLY POWDERS . • 3 pks. for 27c
TIDE large pkg., ....... .. 38c
Aylmer - Fancy Quality
Honey Sweet PEAS 20 oz. tin 19c
Colgate's DENTAL CREAM - 2 regular
tubes at 33s each and one free for 66c
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For a better way
to protect your estate
Even an estate of modest size can be
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hands Of an 'inexperienced person.
At Sterling Trusts we have exper-
ienced Estate Officers who will advise
and assist you in the safeguarding of
Write for Out fro. ,braoklot
For Yoti,t family". •
Hood orticit, "tooth '
IWO ley Itotootai 14 boohoo IL, Molt
Left to right, front, Donald Rintoul, Debby Crewson and Bob Lunn,
who were '1st,. 2nd and 3rd, in the boys vocal solo class for 'lads 11 and
under, At back are Paul Strong and Jim Nesmith, who were 4th and
5th.--Advance-Times Photo.
Top Boy Vocalists in Their Class
Len to right front are Charier Campbell and, truce Machin, placed,
Est and 2nd in the solo class for boys 14 ye'ars and under. Behind•
bors left to right are, ?mil lItitton, bough's Idrunilton and Oldh Skinn,
Who also gained place marks in this seetiori et the Whighara Public
&hoot Music Irestival,
..Advalie."i'liiieS Photo,
• • • until they came to
Downie's, then all was
well. Service and satis-
faction always await ,
yon here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon Howatt, who were married at Londeshoro.
on March 30th. Mrs.' Howatt was theeforrner Colleen Rath,
111111111.11111111111111f11111.111310111$1.1111(111,111 llll I lllll .11111 l lll !mit l 1,11 ll lll lllllll iiii.WItiiitis!,
ewi .s
Quality Cut flower
Potted, Plants•
For the best selection'
you are cordially
invited to visit
our greenhouse.
Over 6,0011 sq. IL devoted to grow- '
big top quality cut flouters and
potted plaids.
Open Wednesday after-
noon and alt day Friday
foriyour convenience.
Hydrangea, Lilies, Rose Bushes,
Potted Mums, Geraniums or
Daffodils, Tulips, Roses,
Snapdragons and Mums.
Lewis Flowers!
Fine Flowet Gifts
Phone 101
The Wirhri)s) Advime4 e2130$0,
nerviest ,of NEW :SPRINQ ar4vais
You'll really step lightly thiS season,
4.„. See Our .
Married at Londesboro
Weekly 'Euchre
TimeRAvp The regular
Weekly` progressive onehre party
Was held on Wednesday evening
le the community centre, There
were four tables in play and high
prizes Were won by Miss Edith
Procter 'and Pere 'McLean. Con-
solation prizes went to Mr, anti
Chriti‘'Nethery.. '
Floor Sariders for rent
FAItotile Thrcom,F, — An excel-,
1614 method of having an ade-
quate insurance 'estate for the
man with a young fainity.
Canada Life
Knox WM.'S. Has*
Myth as Guests
BELGRAVEL-Rnex ,Presbyter-.
ian W.M: S. bad the Blyth W.M,S,
as their guests at the Easter
Thankoffering meeting, which,
Was held at the home of Mrs. Ed.4
gar Wightman With Mrs, James
Scott, of Seaforth, president of
Huron Presbyterial, as the guest
speaker. ,
The meeting opened with pray-
'er and the Singing of the hymn
°Vie Day of Resurrection",
be solved. Never under-:estimate
your influence, as the influence
of one Christian can not he cal-.
Mrs. Scott closed her, address
with a commentary on the life
and works of Joseph. • Striven,
who wrote the lovely hymn,
"What a Friend We Have in
Jesus". Following Mrs. Scott's talk the
same hymn, was sung, Mrs. J.
Dunbar read a, very interesting
letter .from Miss lyinnifred Rip-,
ley, deaconess, in which she de-
scribed her work for the W.M.S.
in many parts of Canada, •
Miss Ann VVightman sang an
Easter message with Miss Mar-
garet Wightman as accompanist,
Mrs, 0. G, Anderson expressed
the sincere thanks of those pre-
sent to Mrs. Scott fpr her inspir-
ing message and Mrs. J. S. -Mc-
Burney closed the Meeting with
At a meeting, make further
plans for the Red Cross Water
Safety and Swithining course held
in For,dwieh on Friday evening,
Gordon Moir presided, Various
items of business were discussed.
It was decided to hold the next
public meeting at the end of ,May,
the date to be set by the execti-
tive. .
Mrs. Belle Greaves went to To-
ronto on Saturday. She exPects
to enter the Toronto General Hos-
pital to have a cataract removed
from her eye. In September- of
last year Mrs. Greaves had a cat-
aract removed from her ether
•The South. It'riendship Circle of
the Goirie United Church W A.
Will hold its monthly meeting on
Monday night at the ,hame of
Mrs. Lang Vogan, when plans will
be completed for their - baking
sale. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evers, of
Toronto, were week-end visitors
with Mrs. Minnie Irwin and other
Mrs. William Corbett and IVer.
'Anson Galbraith, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay Gal-
braith at Fordwich.
Mrs. Arthur Chapman returned
from Sudbury on Tuesday and
owing to continued ill health
went into a nursing 'home in pal-
merston on, Thursday. •
Miss Beryl Bennett, Kitchener,
is spending this week at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warrick, of
Brussels, visited Mr and Mrs.
Alex Petrie on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Archie Miller
spent Thursday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Grainger
of JamestoWn.
Mr. and Mrs., Stewart Finlay,,
Belmore, visited on bunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest,'Harrig,
Mr. and Mrs. Pre Feigel and
Betty, Mr, Henry Mundt were in
Kitchener on, Sunday visiting
Miss• Marlene ri eigel
United Church News,
0ORRIE---The Woman's Mf30g-
'lotion Mil meet at the home of
Mrs. Lionel Johnston on Thurs-
day, April 1.8, at 8 15- pan. Tire
Eastern Willing Workers. are in
charge of the program, Lunch
.eomm„ Mrs. L. Ruttan,, Mrs. 1.
Parrish, Mrs, Ifyndman; Mrs.
J. Edwards.
The Friendly Pours are quilting
at ,thp.home of Mrs. W, King on
Wednesday afternoon,
The Variety Night cencert held
ln'the Gorrie United Church hail
had a record attendance in aid of • ,
,special fund for the Woman's
MissiOnary Society to, send dele-
gates to Almft College this sum-,
mer. Rev. W.- J. V. Buchanan
Was master of 'ceremonies for the
program of home talent, opening
with community singing. Thepro-
gram consisted of piano solos,
duets, grandmothers' .quartette,
solos, .recitations, chorus by, the
Mission Band, The Canadian'
Girls Training presented their
play, "The Truth Telling Mach-
ine", A solo and the play "I-Tome
Sweet Home" closed. the concert
amid galls labghtar. Refresh- •
merits were served and a social
time spent.
On Stinday morning a necep-
tion Semite was held fornew.
Memhers; Received by transfer
were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Elsch-
Tier from darlingford United
Church and. Mr. and Mr's. W. R.
Collings of the Tilbury. United
Church. Those , received on Pro-
leSsion of faith wore Mrs, Mar-
garet Willits, Misses Diane_ and
Dell. Irwin, Ruth Grainger, Mar-
garet Hastie, Robert and 'Thomas-
Ternpl6rean. Following ,the re-
ception the Sacrament of ;' 'The
Lord's Supper -was obserVed.'
The. Young People's Union." met
in' Gorrie United 'Church. on Sun-
day ;evening with President Ian
Howes in charge. Devotibns were
prepared by Elaine 'Statia and
Paul Higgins and followed an
Easter theme. :Edythe Walker
read `the 'Scripture and Bernice
Prning.er led in' prayer. Shirley
Reiclt read' an, Easter poem. Rev.
Ouchanan showed picfures of tfie,,,
'mien of India, depicting the var-
ious levels of living there,.. The
meeting closed with Taps • • . • • - Service will be bold in. Gorrie
Utiitecl Ch n ich on Good ,Fritlay, at
11,a.m: This will be a joint Ser-
Vi6e Of - a0ITIC; ' and '.Wroxeter
GORRIE—Dorothy Patricia
Strong, Reg. N., daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, Wellesley Strong, of
Gorrie was united in marriage to
Kenneth William Head of Sarnia,
son of Mr. and Mrs. ArtimeHead
of Middlebrough, Yorkshire, Eng-
land on, Saturday, April 6 at
3 p.m The ceremony took place
at Walnut Hill Farm, Gorrie,
under an arch of white hells and
pink and white streamers, ,with
candelabra, ferns and spring
flowers forming the setting,
The soloist, Watson Brown,, of
Molesworth was accempanied by
Miss Way,e Edgar, of Gorrie.
The 'bride wore an original
White satin gown with train and
overskirt of lace with a fitted
satin bodice, lily-point sleeves
and lace collar. She wore a fitted
headdress and shoulder-length
veil and a, single strand of pearls.
She carried a white Bible With
red rose buds and white. stream-
Mrs. John Marks of Moorefield
was, her sister's ,matron of honor.
Her gown was of pale blue nylon
her off-the-shoulder. stole draped
Marquisette, bfillerina. leifgth, and
down 'the hack. She carried a
bouquet of pink mums and rose
buds with fern,
Master Gerald Marks, nephew
of the' bride, was ring hearer. The
best man was Thomas ..ferinirigs
of Sarnia.
Daffodils and ' tulips decorated
the living and dining rooms for
the reception which followed the
ceremony. About forty guests
were served a buffet supper,, the
bride's table being decorated with
spring flowers and centred with
the wedding cake.
The bride's mother was attired
in' a navy nylon embossed dress
with, white flowers and navy and
white accessories. Her corsage
was red roses.
For the wedding trip,Mrs. Head
ware a silk printed dress with
cowl neckline, a brown tweed
coat and beige accessories. They
will reside in Sarnia.
Gtit-of-town guests', attended
the wedding from Sarqi, Wind-
sor, Woodstock, Listowel, Gorrie
S. and London.
Church Notes
ORRIE—There will be a ser-
vice at 2 p.m. on Good FridaY in
'St Stephen's Church. and on Sun-
day at 2.30 p.m. the Easter Com-
munion service, with the Rev. F.
Russ,ell in charge•,
The W.4. will meet. Wednesday
afternoon 'for quilting in' the Or-
ange Hall. Mrs. C. Lawrence
will be hostess.
Mr,• and Mrs. Leslie Earl and
Ethel were. Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy.
Miss Pauline Thompson, At-
wood, spent the week-end, with
Miss Yv,onne, Sparling,
Mr and Mrs. Harry King and
Judy and, Mrs_.. Ernest King spent
the week-end in Toronto:
Miss *Marion Long, of Newry,
Spent the week-end with Miss
aandra Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowdall,
and Audrey and Mrs. John Hyrni-
Man of Toronto were gueSts on
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Court-
ney Gilpin.
Tom Hustle and Perry Strong
spent last week in New York and
Atlantic City. Tom returned on
Monday morning to Toronto af-
ter spending a three-week vaca-
tion at his 'home here.
Congratulations and best wish-
es to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doug-
las, who will mark their '51st
wedding anniversary on Thurs-
day, April 18th,
Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith
Wroxeter, were visitors 'on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs.-Norman
Miss Marie Hastie was the
roest of Miss Barbara Linton, in
Wingham over the week-end. •
Mr. and Mrs Roy Vogan, of
MolesWorth, and their daughter
Visited Mrs. Sohn Dowdy on
Mr. and Mr's, Harold Hyhdrnan
attended the Kitcherter-Waterloo
'Live Stock Carriers' Assoc, ban-
quet in Petersburg on Friday eve-
ili M114;:s, ,Gowdy visited with ivrr.
and Mrs, Joseph Gowdy of Wing-
ham on Tuesday,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Minim, of
Brussels, visited Mrs. M. Willits
over the Week-end;
Mr. Elmer Downey, Waterloo,
spent the week With friends in
Miss Kay Cathers, Toronto, is
convalescing, follaMtig an amen-
deei'ortit in the East 'General Hos-
pital, Toronto,
Smitten Mervin Abrain is home
ern 110 days, leave born Cornwal-
lis. On his 'return he will be Sta-
tioned at. Halifax,
.Tacit Edgar has been transfers-
ecl from a Toronto branch of the
Torento.nottinion • l3ank to a
branch at Vomit Porest.
0/11S104 POWEit
Reports are currant that with-
in a fakv weeks 'thee steam loco-
motives used by the GNR on the
Palmerston-Sonthamptria I I n. e,
serving rbrt, Elgin and other hi.
terniecliate points will be' replaced,
by diesel enginiaS.
S ERv lc E
-swore TOUR C:: l 4 i
rieth0114E400C,• (740-te..„ 3 $ J
St. Martha's Guild
Sells Easter Hats
G'ORRlE—The April meeting of
the Guild of St. ma, tha was held
at the home of Mrs Mac Nevrton
following the Lenten service. Af-
ter the devotional period business•
followed and a sale was held of
the Easter hats which-the mem-
bers had made. Prizes were giv-
en for the best Easter hat and
the best trimmed one. The May
meeting will he at the home of
Mrs, Verne Clark, at which time
there will be a sale of spring
bulbs, shrubs and plants,
The Rev. F. E. Russell gave
some'thoughts on the Cross and
showed illustrations of various
forms of a cross. The meeting
Mrs. J. „Dunbar presided for
the business session, Secretary's.
and treasurer's -reportS were re-..
oeivecl as read. 'Visits to •sick.
,and • shut-ins were reported, -Cop-
•responderiee was read. and
HARDWARE thins Were accepted to'guests ''
-• •• • - at Whirechereh, Rlogyale and
Blyth Easter Thankoffering meet- . 'MO, Roll call was answered by
an Eapter verse, • '
Mrs. Edgar .Wightnian read'the.
28th chapter of St. Matthew and •
gave the meditation on this
Scripture; .•I'Vfx'S. Ken 804 led in
prayer. The 'hymn 'Tihrist• the
Lord Is Risen • Today" was sung
and Mrs. Yungbitit introduced
Mrs, .Seett, who took as her toll-
le "prayer-7E,speelally Prayer for
Others". • • • • If we feel we are not progresS-
ing in our work let. is, take time
not. only to 'hut ..talio time
to . listen for the answer to ,,,Our
Prayers and' many apparently in-
" surmolintableproblems can. easily . .
I ll ;; ;; iiiiiii 0.1;0100.10041100000101; i ; iii l 0000 ,,,,, 010; ,,,, ,, i ,, 1,00101000401110i000 , pi ,,,,,1,11 •
Notice to. 'Pareit0
POLIO' VACCINE. for all pre-school children
resident in Wingham who will be six months of
age or older by June 30, 1957, is to beavailible
at a special clinic scheduled for May 14th, in-the
Wingham Town Hall.
Watch' next week's paper tor further -
Pre-school children in the rural school sections
will receive their polio' vaccine at a 'different
Clinic, the date of which will be announced later
i. through their school.
Huron County Health Unit
BELGRAVE—We are glad to
report this week that Cecil
Wheeler has, been able to leave ,
Victoria Hospital, London, and is
staying with his daughter, Mrs.
Bern, Crellen, Mrs, Wheeler is
still coOfined to. Victoria Hospi-t,
tel, but is gradually improving.
Mr, and Mrs, Wheeler and Mr.
and Mrs. Dan McKenzie had 15een
returning from spending several
weeks in Florida, when they were
involved in an automobile acci-
dent in Indiana, where they Were
confined to, hospital, A week ago
they ,were removed to the, Lon-
don hospital, making the trip by'
Mr, and Mrs, McKenzie had re-
turned to their home the week
was closed with• prayer by' the
rector, A. dainty lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs. Lorne Madill, Mrs. 12 noon. to 6 p.m.
Earle King and the hoStess.
Ottumyrourninimntriltilitt, wrara7runrauratitruivantinItiottifeikurtsiiinif9tiltitititi;t7171i1'004101011