HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-17, Page 10Committee Named
For Prirfting,of
Turnberry History
-The regular meeting of Turn-
berry Township council was held
on April 0, with all members
present, The minutes of the last
.zwyelavreadaiatidio 4SdpoeplAol 0.01, ifeneotitiligna
of AD. Smith and ,Herb Foston„
Fegtom-Willits—Tha John
Tischer, .A,-P, Smith and Mrs.
Aitken be named AS the :printing
committee .to take .Care of print-
ingN history ,„ book ;thev)
Mulvey,Pexten—That we Cell
for payment on the' Grant drain
for May 1, 1957..
Poston-Mulvey—ghat' we call
for tenders for the .construetion.
of the Tervit. .drairf for May 4,
1957, •
Sinith-Foston—That We give a
grant of twenty-five dollars to
the Wingharn branch of the Sal-
vation Army.
The engineer's report on the.
Hyslop drain wael-reacl And pro-
visionally adopted on motion of
Willits and Faardora.
The following ,general and road
accounts were paid;
Genera) Accounts
County, of Huron, hospiteliZ-
ation, $72.00; Advanece-Timas,
$5.04; Saugeen Valley, Authority;
levy, $64.19; ' Harry, Bateman,
warble powder, . 4327,83; Relief
accounts, 8100,74; Ross Willits,
comPen'sation, $47,20; Geo. Them-,
son, part salary; $40.00; M, Glde-
tensen, mcBurney • Cemetery,
$365,20; Bluevale Community
Hall, grant, ‘$200,00; Mrs, 'Ieabel
MacTavish, printing, e10.00; W, B.
Cruiksh,ank, unemployment ins,,
$33,12; A. Peebles, $3,36,
Road Payroll
W. A, Hogg,' $22.50; Bruce
Montgomery„$114.00;. Geo. Gallo-
way, $157.02; Wm. Mundell,
$169.00; road accounts, $453,41.
VV,illits-Mulvey—That we - do
now adjourn to meet again on
May '1, at• 1.30 pat.
John V. Fischer, Reeve.
Geo, T. Thomsen, Clerk,
1Fordyce School
Presents Concert
WHITECHUROH -- A full hall
greeted the teacher and pupils•of
Fordyce school on Friday evening
.when they presented their pro-
gram of recitations, aroxeses,
solos, dancing and skipping num-
',boys. Mrs. Emerson Roger, ,music
teacher, was accompanist, and
Thos. O'Malley ,made a splendid
chairman, Of, special mention
was the Easter Cantata num:-
bet., telling .iit song and story, of
Christ's , arrest, trial,,' crucifixion
and resurrection,
The National anthem closed
the meeting. Lunch Was §erved
arid dancing' wils proViclecil by
Carruthers orchestra, -
.101411111 dues Yourehido the Advantages of
Patrick St., WinghaM
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41010; ll l llll 4i4 ll l i! llll 0,1.17 llll l
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RAiFORD,'Otario Phone 110,
l i lll 111-01.1111.11111111111 llllll l f111.11iilf11014
Winghani Branch -
Ideal • Supply Co., Ltd.
Tha Wingliatri van e
.,12MOWETER—Mrs, Jae' San-
laPaaort Opened her home for the
April meeting of the Woman's
Mipsionaty Society on Friday afe
tergeoe, Mrs, Gilbert Howes, See-
rotary of Christian stewardship,
arranged the meeting and presid-
ed for the, program,' Mrs, Stuart
Higgins. led in prayer and Mrs.
• Harvey Thrim read the Scripture
Mrs, W, J. V. Buchanan gave
a report Of the recent Presbyter-
ial Meeting held at Clinton, Mrs.
James Sanderson told of the ad-
drees given by Miss Emma Pale
thorn, recently retired heat Ko-
rea. Mrs, Howes read an article
entitled, "Are We as Women
?resident Mrs, Ken Edgar pre-
Sided for the business session.
Members were reminded to take
donations for the C.G.I.T. bale to
• the next meeting. Miss, Margaret
.Jardine donated a quilt top to the
society, which will be quilted by
the members for the next bale.'
Plans were completed for the
Easter thankoffering meeting on
May 5.„
A screial, hour followed with
Mrs. Frank Earls and Mrs. M.
Grainger assisting , the hostess,,
Mrs, Grainger invited the group
to her home for the May meet-
ing., One new member was wel-
comed, Mrs. George Galbraith.
Service Held for
Delores Brothers
WROXETER—Dolores, ,9-year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Brothers, of 25 Ellington
. Drive, Wexford, passtd away_ of
her bonne on Saturday. Sh,e is
'survived by her parents, two
• sisters, Darleen and Nancy and
her grandmother, Mrs., Victoria
Brothers, of •Wroxefer.
Private funeral service • was
• held from the home of her grand-
mother, Mrs. Victoria Brothers
on 'Tuesday afternoon with Rev.
W. J. V. Buchanan, minister of
Wroxeter 'United Church in
charge. Interment was made in
Fairview Cemetery, Listowel,
Williatn T, McLean
Buried at Wroxeter
Funeral service for William
,Thomas McLean, who died in
Listowel Hospital on. Sunday,
April 7, wee', ..conducted by Rev,.
W, J. Va Buchanan from the
Moir firrierat home, 'Gorrie on
Wednesday, April 10. Burial Was.
in Wroxeter Cemetery,
The pallbearers were' Rae Lout-
lit, 'Gordon yeoman, Thomas
Burke, Harvey McMichael, Gore'
don Loutitt and Ernest Wright..
Mr. McLean was the only son
of the late John .McLean and:
Sarah Rutherford, He w.es born
in Howick Township in.1880. •
Deceased was a member of
Wroxeter 'United Church, in earl-
ier years he took an. active part
in marry competitions in hockey
end football,
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Mabel Patterson, a sort, John,
and a sister, Mrs, Webster Wil-
lits, of Turnberry, Three grand-
children also survive.
WROXETER l'ef.r. Thomas
Brown, a well-known and highly
esteemed • citizen of Wroxeter,
who'is 88 years of age, attended
Ocidtellows Lodge in Brussel§ one
night last -week, Mr, Brown will
shortly be honored with the pre-
sentation of a 50 year jewel from
that lodge. He has also a fine re-
cord as a member of the Forest
Lodge, A.F. &
Joining the local lodge in 1892,
he served as master of the lodge
in 1899-1900, and again from 1902-
1904, He was awarded his 50 year
past masters'. medal. Elected as
D.D.G.1VL in 1907 he will ,he eli-
gible for the 50 year D.D.G.M.
award in July 1957.
• Mr, Brown, who resides with
his daughter, Mrs. Lloyd McGee,
is in fairly good health and has
attended Forest Lodge several
times during the past months.
Trousseau Tea
WRONNTER—Several ladles
from this dr4triet .attended
trousseau ten on Saturday at
'FOrdwich South when Mrs. 'Har-
old Doig entertained in .honor of
her daughter, Miss Marianne
Doig whose marriage to Mr, Har-
vey Bride of Toronto' will take
place on Saturday next, in Fora-
wieb United Church.
„ W R 0 N. P —Twenty-two
members answered the roil call
on Tuesday afternoon when the
Buds of Promise Mission 'Band
held its , April meeting in the
church schoolroom,- President
Lynne. Earls gave . the cell to
The children joined in singing
"When He Cometh" followed by
the Mission Band Purpose, Oath-
artme Edgar-.chose favorite Bible
verses from John 16, verse 22;
Luke 24-31; Matthew 28-20, Mrs.
NE, Grainger gave the comment-
ary, David •Grainger gave the
prayer. "Can.e, Little Child Like
Me" was the, second hymn.
Mrs. Lloyd McGee told the
Easter story entitled, "The Cater-
pillar", Rev. 1,W, J. V. Buchanan
showed slides on the life of the
caterpillar. Connie Clarke read.
an Easter poem and plans were
made to hold an Easter Thank-
offering meeting on. Friday,
April 26th, at 2.30 in the after-
noon when the mothers of the
children and the members of the'
W.M,S, will be guests'
The hymn "Fether. We Thank
Thee" and the Mizpah benedic-
tion brought. an interesting meet-
ing to' a close. • • .
Deepest syMpathy Is extended
to gr. and Mrs, Lyle Brothers of
Wexford, formerly of Wroxeter,
in the death of their daughter,
Delores Mae. The little girl pass-
ed. away et her homo on 'Saturday
Mr. andAlonzo Howes
Allenford spent Sunday With Mr.,.
114, andrs
Gilbert PloweS.
Mr•s. Tall Clark, Godo.
rich, were Sunday visitor' with
Mn• and Mrs. John Gibson jr,
Brenda ''''Cathers, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Cathers, was,
a pest on "Ivt'La.dy", OKNK,IN
recently, Brenda armee& .two
Mrs, Duncan Wallace of Beav-
erton is visiting with 'Mr. and
Mis s
Mrs, 0 hl3a rolne Lea:171a, n 'London,
spent the week-end at her borne
Miss Winnifred Munro,,of Wee-
tern University spent the .week-
end with her parents, Mr. •'and
Mrs, Allen Munro, •
There was a happy birthday
'party at the home of John Gibson
jr.; on Sunday, when their son,
Thomas Michael, celebrated his
first birthday, Present for, the 'oc-
casion were four " generations,
Mrs, john Gibson Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Robert C, Gibson, Mr. and
Mrs. Tait Clarke and sons, John
and James of . Goderieb,
Billy Gibson and Miss Barbara
Currie of Winghanaa' A. • lovely
birthday cake with tone candle
centred the table.
April 26th, 2 p.M., 'is the date
set for the executive meeting of
East Huron
which will this year he held at
Brussels, Plane will be made for
the district annualawhielr will be
held-nt Fordwieh. '•
Guild of St. Anne
Plans Decorating
FORDWICJI — The Guild of
St. Anne wa\,e held on Thursday
night at the home of Miss Mar-
jorie Foster with the president,
Mrs. Willa Douglas, presiding and.
opening with Scripture' reading
from St. Luke,
Minutes of the last meeting
were read by Mrs. Donna .,King,
MIss Beatrice Wade gave a re-
port on the tea and baking sale
held recently. ROD call was an-
swered by 14 member's with a
thought on Easter. Mrs. Willa
Douglas, Mrs. Alma Hargrave
and Mrs. Jean Sothern were
named a committee to meet with
Megsrs. Peter and Hector Browne
to plan for decorating the church.
It, was decided to hold a bazaar
and tea 'on September 21st,
Miss Beatrice Wade was nam-
ed convener of the floWer
arrangement on. Sundays for the
summer months. Next meeting .
will be of 'the home of Mrs. Willa
Douglas. Roll call, a verse on
Ascension. Rev. F. E. Rrissell
closed the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was served ley Mrs. Donna
King and Mrs. Ruth Armstrong.
Guests For Easter
FORDWICH—The Thankoffer-
ing meeting of the W.A. of Tri-
nity Anglican Chlirch was held
on Wednesday afternoon' with
Mrs. Ruby Foster presiding. Mrs.
Lloyd. Jacques read the Scrip-
ture lesson.
The guest speaker was Mrs,
George Malcolm, She was 'intrr:a
duced by Mrs. Frank Russell.
mare, Malcolm's • address was on
missionary work and living con-
ditions' in Formosa. Colored slides
were ale° shown of places in For-
mosa and its people, '
Mrs. Frank Russell closed the
meeting with,prayer, after which
a 'social half hour was spent in
the Sunday School rooms. Mrs.
Crosby Sothern 'thanked -the
speaker and presented her with
a gift. Ladies from Mayne and
Fordvvich United Churches, St.
Stephen's Anglican and Gorrie
and Wroxeter United churches
were' also guests at this meeting,
ai Team in
Stomqt Plans
FoRDWMH annual
meeting of the Fordwich Athietib
Association was held in the corn-
mutiny hall on. Monday, night
with a fair attendance, It was
decided, to organize a halt team,
Dffteere fee the Year are Prea”
Ron Aube; viece-ms„ Bobt.
Gibson; secretary, Ken Graham;
treas., Joseph Hefter; execrative,
Glenn Johnston, Harold gel), An-
son Puttan, William Edgar, Mor-
ley Johnston, Art Mitchell, Clar-
ence Carswell; Mei Taylor and
Harold Pollock,
A meeting of the executive will,
be acid On April 18th,
Twelve Tables at
Euchre Party
FORDWTCH—Twelve tables of
progressiVe euchre were in play
at the community hall in k'ord-wicli on Thursday evening, Those
in charge were Mr, and Mrs, E.
Dinsmore, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Shier and Mr., and Mrs, R. Ni-
The ,winners were high lady;
Miss Emma Wahl; high gent,
Stanley Bride; consolation, Mrs.
Bert Winston and George Baltec.
The special prize was' won by
Mrs. Margaret Grimoldby,
The many friends of Mrs. Goos-
en Winkle will• be sorry to hear
she ,is confined to Listowel Hos-
pital, where she underwent a
major operation last week, A
speedy return to health is wished
for liar.
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland
and family spent the Week-end
with friends in Preston.
Mrs. Geo, Ashton visited last
week at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Art Wells in London,
Week-end visitors at the borne
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig were,
Mr. and Mrs. Don. Seabrook,
Nancy and Wayne of St. Cathar-
ines and Mr. Donald Doig of
Mr. and Mrs, Boyden Devitt
visited on Sunday with relatives
in Breslau and Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Har-
grave visited Sunday with"- Mrs.
Gordon Yeo, who is at present
confined to the Wingham Hos-
Mr, and Mrs. Dick Aldrich of
Galt visited in 'the community
over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle 'Simmons
and Anne visited 'over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs; 'Doug
Wildfairg in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Connell
spent one day that week in
Kitchener. '
Mr. O. Hargrave of Norland,
visited one day last• weekl with ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hargrave,
Mrs. • Tom McClement and
Betty, Mrs. Wm, Sothern and
Nancy and Miss Bev Fair spent
Friday in Kitchener.
Mr: and Mrs. Jack Reid and
sons of the 2nd of Minto visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
Miss Marilyn Cooper of Guelph
vieited over the week-and With
'her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wray
Mrs. Ruby Forester, Of Toron-
to, spent the week-end Tat her
home here.
Mr. Earl •Moore spent Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brieker
in Kitchener. Mrs. Moore re-
turned home with him,after visit-
ing there a few days.
Mr. Jack Foster of. Woodstock
epent the week-end with his
mother, Mrs. Ruby Foster, •
Sunday visitors with Mr. and'
Mrs. Tom McClement were, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Plume and sons
of Holstein, Mrs, E. Plume and
daughter Mrs, B. Musselwhite of
The, service Of holy baptism
Was held in Trinity Anglican
Church Sunday morning by the
rector, Rev, Frank Russell When
David George, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Hargrave, was
Miss Ruth Gernhalder 'of Kit-
chener visited over the week-
end with Mrs. E. Sandeison,
Miss Shirley Ashton' of Lon-
don visited over the week-end
With her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ashton, a
Mrs, John Trigivis and family
visited last week with relatives in
Cold Weather
Stalls Growth
By"Arthur S, Belton
Cold Wet weather' during. the
past week has Made ft impossible
to do' anything on th'e land.
Growth of grass and other plants
has been at a standstill for the
saine reagon. Cold nights and a
little Sunshine during the day has
prolonged the run of sap, 'making
this year a verygood one as far
as that enterprise is doneerned.
Farmers report that a good
deal More Of last year's poor
euiality hay and grain has been
required to produee a pound of
gala on beef cattle or a 100 of
milk from dairy cattle than was
the ease' a year' ago.' Load WW1'.
inarlaris repOrt that • digestive
troubles in livestock are at a
MitliMUM Dila year, Which is pro-
bably One bf the few advantages
of a wet suininer,last yew',
AilCient Railroad', Work oh the
St, Lawrence SettWaY haeloloose-
ere() remains of a century-bid
railroad, Just aerOSS the St. Law-
ranee from Montreal bulldotera
faid bare bid tirobers that Were
pot of 016; ChiMplain and St.
A, bottle of 114414 hair dye, Set
black in cololir, which broke in
one of the 'Mail bags consigned
:Pr IffineYer, improve the
letters and treqeele sent with
on 'Wednesday Of this week, The
•onnsignee may suffer ineenven-
lence in the brit of his Or. her hair
colOuring; but We Imagine the
Post Office authorities and then
whose mail was 1131110 have
More serious right of complaint,
Hanover Post,
'Our customers cite invited to drop in
and meet our branch manager, Bob
Smith, who will . be most pleased to
show yoll our store and stock. *
ANIMAL COLLISION ` insurance will pay you
up to $300 for your farm animal if killed, or
injured, and has to be destroyed, while on a
public highway. In addition the owner is Pro-
tected from resulting liability to others.
This is only one UT the many coverages of,CO-OP INSURANCE).
Consult your local CIA agent for AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT
CECIL FALCONER, Whitechnrch, phone 570J3
VIC LOUGHLEAN„ Wingham, phone 754
liVROkETBR—eA sPecial Good
Friday service will be held at
Gorrie United Church on Friday,
April 19th, at 11 a.m. Members
of the Wroxeter congregation
have been. invited to join with
Gorrie in this special service.
Holy Communion was celebra-
ted at the United Church on
Palm Sunday when five new
members were received into the
church membership. Ey certifi-
cate from Gorrie United Church,
Mrs. James Wylie, and on pro-
fession of faith, Mrs. Ken Edgar,
Jariles Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Crawford Gibson, The minister,
Rev, W. J. V. Buchanan, •was in
charge and a large congregation
was present.
The Woman's Missionary Soc-
iety, United Church, will hold its
Easter Thankoffering service, on
Sunday morning, May 5th, at 10
o'clock, Rev.. Mr.' Petherick of
Clifford will be the guest speak-
er, and a Cordial invitation is . . llllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIII lllll I lllllllll llllllllllllll f lllll i111,111 lllll lll Illiffif llllllllllllll I llllllllll I lllllllll 1111,11f11111111111t extended to everyone to attend.
And you get this extra' growth power at ECONOMICAL COST
The fact that we make SHOR-CAIN Super Chick Starter right at our
to* means that you buy &Kea. from the manufacturer, You dominate
extra hatidling, hauling and profit charges 'when you buy SHUR-GAIN,
Start yoUr chicks on SIIUR-GA IN and get to ii pdrformance at
economical cost.
FORDWICI4 — A very sac-
= cessful meeting of the Water
safety arid swimming service was
ill held in the community hall on
- Friday night, Cordon Moir, ▪ president, was in charge. nails
P. for insurance were disCusSed'
and passed:
• This twill he the last public
17- Meeting until sometime in May,
114 .85 all coMmittes, are now formed ▪ and will take care of the detailg ▪ until the sWimining course starts
• some tune the first week in July,
▪ in Westininster l osllitaxl. Tt Waa ▪ decided to have at imaginary
bake sale at the next meeting,
= The mystery prize Wag donated
by Mrs, Ross Doig and Won IV'
-a p,otta. llowton, Transports,.
thM fOr the zone telly, to be held
hr kirmardiae en May 644 wag
j Mad-hefted and plans made for ▪ etralle. It Was decided to order
dards to reirilnd Many,
111011101411111•1101111Ctt ililibliiillit box% Of the' lteethigl4
Auxiliary Ladies
• To Attend Rally
FORMVICH—Mhe Ladies'
ilia,ry to litiwielr Legion held the
April meeting in the Legion
- rooms. Mrs. Blythe Clark, prosi.
• dent, ?was In charge and Mrs, ▪ Mary rMcCann was secretary with
• Mrs, Jean Sothern acting as
• treariuter, the Minutes and tie-,
counts were taken care of and a
= - letter Was read • from' •a soldier
In order to provide faster and more
efficient service to the retail incr=
chants and garage trade in this area,
Ideal Supply -Co., Ltd., has', opened
a 'branch operation in Winghatni.