The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-17, Page 94'' CLEAN • CAR! ;
ivolrut;l( e
Plain Wax Wash
$1.Q0 , 4r 1.25
Phoaie .38J OPEN' FRIDAY ' Phalle 38J
Sale by Ttenider
On Conf iscatsd Gear:
A sealed ;tender sale of confish '
eked fitthin,g Itacicle will be licit..
at the Huron Distr•ict office :of
uric Dipat'tliuent oftr,44000 nerd
Worests, , located just south of
Hespeler on Apri!'23t 0i& and 25.
Tile hours of Salearo, .from
noon until 9 ;p3n, .on the above
Oates. All "fishing :taekie will he
on :display during the hours of
• sale only, and Scaled tender forms
will; be supplied,
Zt)cluded�ifi the confiscated ar-
ticles are -58 rods, 81 misceliane-
alis. items and a 14 -foot Peter-
borough Fisherman boat,
r`'gyp' i::i;.v:..
Before you buy. farm equipment
Farm Improvement Loans can be applied to .ahnnostanything',
that will imp,rc ve your -farm and increase its efficiency. With,
such a loan it might.. be possible to finance your equipment
and still have ,money available ,to take advantage. of the
opportunities 'that 'frequently turn up.. You Fill •get sound
advice, real farm business advice from your. local Toronto
Dominion 'manager.. If you haven't met him, yet .
drop in and introduce yourself:
N. L. SMITH, Manager
Wingham Branch
G. A..13EATTIE, Manager
1 'Morrie Branch
• r-aeza
Happy Smiles From 'Win'.ers
From left -t6 right .are .John. Welwood, Kenneth Taylor, Robert Tiffin,
Dan . Balser And Bruce 'Boyd, with a happy smile for the camera
after gaining top marks in the boys vocal solo class for 8 -year-olds
and wider. "John Welwood Was placed first.•'--Advance-Times Photo.
Duet Winners
Alma Jane Elliott and Judy"Callan who were first'in the junior duets
class 'from Grades 3, 4 and 5, The girls sang "Pretty Little Spring
Flower" ,anti beat duetists Bob Lunn and Wayne Caslick by one mark.
Third in this class were Tommy Ellacott and Jimmy Nesmith.
--Advance-Times Photo,
• .Women's Groups See
Slides on Formosa
A .joint. Thankoffering, •meeting
of the Evening and Young. Wo-
Irian's Auxiliary of the' Wingham
'United .Churcl'rlwas held on: Fri-
day night with'a; very good atten-
dance. The president of .the
Evening Auxiliary, Mrs. Norman
Keating,.welcorned the members.
• Miss: Caroline Wellwood was in
charge of thedevotional peilod.,,
She was assisted. by Mrs, -I3.
Fisher, •Mrs. Jack Woolfrey and
Mrs. D. Miller, who read an inter,
esting articleoil "The Meaning
of Easter." Mrs. Carl Bon4i sang
a• lovely solo accompanied on the
.piano by Mr's.'. G. Davidson.
Miss C. McGregor then intro-
duced the guest 'speaker, Mrs: J.
Malcolm, who displayed differ-
ent articles from. Formosaand
explained their meaning. Mrs.
Malcolm also .showed• beautiful
coloured slides oft the Island of
Formosa. Included were :pic-
tures of new' universities, Chinese
temples and gods,' 'beautiful pic-
tures of the mountains and har-
bors and little Chinese boys and
girls. '
The . president of the Young
Woman's Auxiliary thanked. the
'guest sneaker for all present.and
Mrs. Colin Fingland expressed
her thanks 'on the behalf of the
Missionary Society members for
the enjoyable and interesting
meeting. A lovely *lunch was
served after the meeting.
r. ASG{•�y` iSf:�R•>�.}r'n>rv.SC;+,:..:
.M:">f'a h f•:. rim
Take the whee%.
push a burion:..
X44 •y'.�c"''f va?.{,Js Y<
•r,a.a.,,•t ttiti,t. t ::u: ., .:. .•
'. •.aYCClvii
Put a new. De Soto through its daces
and yott discover this car Was built'to
do all the things that make driving a: -
pleasure instead of a chore! For
New push-button. Tor•rlue'l'lite ,auto-
mantic drive frees you from old-fashioned
. gearshlfting, Jtist Kress a button and
you surge ahead with alt the authority
that up to 295 horsepower gives. ,
Note! .Tot sti,n-Mire Ricin is iiit.tedibly
. smooth and quiet. You'll like the way
De Sole Firepite' 2 -door hardtop
Torsion -Aire wrings the bounce, out
of bumps, keeps you level on the turns
and level when you stop.•
Nine control and safety is another plus
you get in a Da Soto -you, can have
effortless Full -Time power, steering on
any model you choose. Brakes are the
'fiev, ",Coral-Coritadt type that take ''
hold fast and shor1citt stopping distandes.
Corrie hi and see tis about guest driv.
lits; a De Soto this week, The pleasure's.
otI 's' --and yours!
Chrysler 'Corpoation of Canada
,: Lirriied
1t'"Iiotie 719' Wingham
• '�ateh Climax , . ShoW. ed£. Stars Thursdays, 8O pm..over Channe 8
P. .
Wa cov ratuiato 'the following
A Wawanosh pupils who wove.
among bhe winners in the 'music
festivals Sandra Chamnf y, $rd :in
solo; :Sandra Land Janet. Baeeroft
in Ow duet •class for girls: 14: and
under; ,Jimmie Taylor, 2nd, Mur,.
ray 'f",,oultes, 3rd; Wayne •Couite.s,
Otl,.ln solo class for heYS under
11 years, , and the pupils of S.S.
No, '7, 2nd' place for seho4ls with
over 2$ pupils.
Mrs, Harry Cook and Austin.
wore in .Tendon on. Friday Inst.
Mrs, Sap MFBurney,' Mrs.
prank Thompson, and Mrs, gd-
ward McBurney, Wingham, Mr,
and Mrs, Jas, Hardie, Turnberry,
Mr,, and Mrs, 'Cordon McPtirney
and Mr,' and Mrs, Chas, Shiell
were at Strathroy on Saturday,
where they attended' the marriage
of the former's grandson, ,john
Harold .Siiiell, son of Mr, and
Mrs, Alex Shiell .of St, Thomas,
and Miss Elizabeth Jane Stanley,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Rev
ington Stanley, of Strathroy. Rev, '
Morley Coiling officiated at .the
marriage at 3 pm, in the 'United
Church there, and the reception
for 715 guests was held in the
church parlours,.
Mrs, Mcijitchie has been a
patient in Wingham Hospital
over the' week -end.
This has been a few busy weeks
for Jas, L. Currie, looking after
' his sixty 'lambs.
Mr, and Mrs, Ben
and Carl and Miss Margaret Got-
lan visited on Sunday ' with Mr,
and Mrs. Irwin MoClenaghan of, ,
St, Thomas,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Anderson
and family of St. Catharines
spent the week -end at the home
of her ,sister, Mrs. Will Henry,_
Elwyn Moore, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Millan Moore, who was • a
patient in Wingham Hospital
with pneumonia, was able to re,-
e-turn home on Friday.
Mrs. Henson Irwin spent a• few
days last week at the home of her
daughter, ' Mrs, Gibson, Armstrong
of London.
The W.M.S, of Brick United •
Chuth and Whitechurch. United
Church have been invited to 'at- •
tend the Easter Thankoffering
meeting of the Donnybrook
W.M.S. on Thursday.
Mrs, W. A, Humphrey, who has-
been visiting . at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Boy Robinson
since returning from . Victoria
;Hospital, London, was " .able to
return to her home at St. Helens
on Friday, •r
Mr. . and Mrs: John Ecken-
swillcr of Carlsrhue 'visited on
Saturday at 'the •home of their
son, • Mr; Frank' Eckenswiller.
Mrs. Cecil Falconer 'and Mr,
and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Lois
visited on Sunday at the home of
his sisters, Mrs. Elgin Welwood
and Mrs. Cronin and his mother,
Mrs. John Falconer, at Caledon..
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson
of: Geder ch visited on Sunday
at the home of her brother, Mr.
Jas. McInnis. •
Brick Church W.M.S. ai'e hold-
ing their Easter Thankoffering
meeting on Monday evening next
and entertaining the Mission
Band. They will have moving pic-
tures of missionary work.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zinn en-
tertained their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Purdon and the other
members of the Purdon families
last Thgrsday evening, when Mr.
and Mrs. Purdon celebrated their
`fortieth wedding anniversary,
Mr. Chas. Leaver has sold his
farm to his neighbour, Mr. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick
and family of Wingham and Mr.
and Mrs. Win, Caslick and fam-
ily of Culross visited on Sunday
with their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Earl Caslick,
• Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David Mac-
Donald of Milton visited on Sun-
day with his mother at St, Hel-
ens and with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Frank Coulter;
Mrs, Albert McQuillin, who has
spent the winter months at Kin-
cardine, spent* Saturday at her
home .here.
The monthly : meeting of . the
Mission Band of the Presbyter-
ian Church was held on Thurs-
day last at the home of the lead-
er, Mrs. Earl Caslick, with four-
teen in attendance.
Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Forster
and children of Lueknow visited
on Sunday -with Mr. and MrS.
George Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Marsh of •
Wingham Junction visited re-
cently with Mr, and Mrs: Lorne
Scott and Mr, and Mrs. Reuben
Appleby of Glcnannan visited
there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, McInnis and
son, Bud, of Walkerton visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Tiffin, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Walker spent Sunday with Mr.
and' Mrs, Roy Elliott of Tees -
Mrs. Victor Emerson attended
the district executive Institute
meeting at Purple Grove on Sat -
u tday, Mrs, Harvey Houston pre-
sided in the absence of the pre-
sldei:t, Mrs, Jas, E. Rowe, who is
a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London. Arrangements were
made for the district annual
"meeting in TeesWater on Junex'S.
Mr. and Mrs. George • Curie
spent the Wcek-eitd at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. Prank
,MeConneil of London,
Mu and M. Robert Scott turd
Solis spent Sunday Fut facFierich
with her father, Mr, John A.
Johnston, at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Wm, Williams,
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie
and children, visited oil Sunday'
at the hone of her sister, Mrs.
I cl, Robinson of St. Augustine,
Billie Willis' spent the week.
end' at the home of his grandpar-
ents, Mr, end Mrs. Willis of
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Met reight8
and Mr, oird Mrs. Jas. 'VV`Ilson 'of
Atwood. visited O'il Monday With
Mt, '`rhos; Mchreight Who has,
been a patient in 'Wingham. Has.
Vital for several Incths. '
DDGM Maes Visit
To QES Chapter'
Tuesday. ,April s12, was the
night of the ()MOW visit ,of Dis-
trlt<t :Deputy Grand IVatren Mrs,
Lorraine Ziiliaat, of District No.
8, when she inspected 'Huron"
Chapter No, 89., Order of the
Eastes rern cei:Svtat',ed• Tllrepdeg'nr�roesw .nen
herthe of the
order; liutron. Chapter presented
Mrs. R. A. ° utts With .a lif
nnem'bhtp,, ..
Tiic ersehauter was fillod to ea.-
pacity with Huron .Chapter Mem-
bers, .officers, P.D.D:G.M.'s, past
•anatrons and past patrons, Visi-
tors were present from the other
ehaptcrs of Blyth, Gndet•icli, Jain-
cardine, Strathroy,'arkhill, Tut
ton and Tiverton,.:
Besides the p:lD,G,M. Mrs,
Lorraine Minx, distinguished
guests were Past Grand Matron
of the Grand Chapter of Ontario,
O,E.S,, n ooch, of
Strathroy;Mrs: . Mrs.AlisoMarGy Elion
Crawford, Grand Electa, of the
Grand Chanter of Ontario, of
Dutton; Mr, Sydney Thompson,
member of the Grand Executive
of the Grand Chapter of Ontario,
of Parkhill; also Mrs, Betty
Haines, W,M, of Blyth; Mrs.
Nora +C,Graham,:- W.M, ,of Godcr'ich ;
Mrs, .Irene Porterfield, W.M. of
Listowel; and several past ma-
trons and patrons,
Mrs. Louise Swanson, worthy
matron of Huron 'Chapter°No. 89
and Mr. James Walpole, worthy
patron, welcomed all the guests
and members,
The social committee served a
lovely lunch and a social hour
was enjoyed by all:
The Sacred Heart Catholic
Women's League held their meet-
ing, April 2nd, in the Church hall.
A vote of thanks was given to "the
past• president, Mrs. Chris New-
man and her executive members
for their fine work in the last
A new slate of officers was ap-
pointed for the conning year, they
are:- Spiritual Adviser, Father
R. Durand; president, Mrs. J.
Skinn; first vice, Mrs: F. Cas-
kenette; . 2nd. vice, Mrs. G.
O'Brien; 3rd vice, Mrs, W. Lock -
ridge; secretary, Mrs. H. Ross;
treasurer, Mrs. L. Redman; re-
porter, Mrs. J. Hanna.
Plans were made to hold a
euchre and bridge party In the
Council -Chambers, on Wednesday
April 24th. The ,May meeting will
be held in the parish hall., The
meeting ended with the League
Prayer. '
Home economists ' say size is
usually given on the utensil or on
the label. The results of your
recipes depend a great deal on
the size of cooking utensils; If
pans are tow large foods, won't
brown 'properly. 'If they're too
small, food will run over the
edge. . • .
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4;1'40 1'i4aN°a 0i l
nsuil,vo diwoo sof
4qd WPP R1
d4hW It .,l f0,,
vineii q- FSa t Q •td i
f01i9w.,uo44d .a
JCialFsui i'lus ettwk„
1;40 kadnoy, 14.
npr u14
4107, TOS
fAel l ottur - Ptiop'
l,gftoar, wcltk leuor.
174 »o14'a ul rim'
dd4opgud pe DoJd'i
Don't let fear and
noranee prevent you
from :thinlciang and Fact
>«�� y aboutcit
"n se 'bl n-
cer; Learn the FACTS.
For free literature:write
Wingham, Out..
Secretary of Wingham: and dig
trict braiwit'of Canadian
Careen Society
Even if you have provided an
annuity for later years—you
will'probably be able to use
an extra 'financial cushion
when retirement time comics.
Talk it over soon with an
Investors representative —`
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Call or wrife;
Thos. A..Jardin
]:'hone 147
John W. Waines
Phone 1942
SY nidicate,(
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•eigrave •Cooperatie
Phone ' Brussels 14140 Win lite 1063w F
C,ui[Fr11.IrYn11117111Y'rutin'rIn111Ynlu,t,1ll'IYYIIIpn,lYltilhtll„ilttl ltitilFtiiS n„IdYitll'111YI5Fi1liltYyYVlrltll'ilitililntipYlFiri911'i%