HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-17, Page 1With which is arnahronsted-t wminot PAINTING DbNATEb TO WIN,GIMM H rris Vidette and Wrozeter iNswo onsPAY, AMU* /11 llll TA to• 'Or, A. 0, 11,1eMurchy, Speaking clinic, said, Dr, Malqurelly would for the management 'committee-.he conducted. by Dr.. Ivan Smith, of the -Wingliam-,Hospita,l_Kioard, • director of the 'cancer clinic- at on. Friday 'eVening entlined a. plan • the Victoria Hospital, London, for a ',cancer Ofollow up" (44110 .and Would .save patients from Which wPuld be held :et - the' NVing-,„ thiS locality the long trip• to ham Hospital twice .rnooth„Tha 'Londo n for certain types of MA, N. D. Camerom with members of the' executive of the Auxiliary at the left and Mrs. Iris MorreY;•irttiministratrix of the 'hospital, with the Rev, H. L, Parker of. St., paul's Church, following the ceremony. f ALONG THE MAIN DRAG BY The Pedestrian SAVE YOUR PAPER--Resi denta of Wingliank , ed to know that the Kinsmen are plaaning a paper drive to, take place shortly, This collection of 5cral) paper not only ;brings in some" revenue 'for the oYub's wet- l'ate work, but is usually a hig Imelai to houseadvea at honseclean- time, mr OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT— tares in Winghara will remain pen on Saturday evening of this Week, This development does not //lean that there 'is any change in th e decision. to remain open on Friday .evenings rather than Sat- urday night!. However, due to the holiday: on Friday, the loop,' Stores 'will be. open .Saturday night for the convenience of shoppers, , A NEAR MISS—One Jeep,' man just' a,boikt Jet his weeleS pay 'go 'down the drain a few days ago. In the -habit of tucking a few odd bills in the pockets of his shift, • he suddenly foand he Was abort a goodly awn. 'on 'the ad- vise of his 'Wife he looked in the pockets, of his shirt, which by that time were out in the car on the way to the laundry. Seven buolia turned up in one ahirt and •a neat little' $50 bill in another. • * ,NEW JOB—Don, Fairbairn, • whose voice is familiar to so many as the commentator who handles "Neighbourly. News" on Sunday mornings has apparently • exposed himself a little 'too long to the virus of the weekly 'neWs- paper fields, At the end of 'March Don _assumed the editorship of the Sutton Reporter in the Lake Simaoe town of the same: name. • * • DON'T FORGKT send your Easter Seal envelope 'along, with your donation, A self-addressed envelope is provided and inindreela of .you ngsters ate" counting .you to. remember. this ene mt.., • • • 'ENO AGEMENT Mr. add .Mrs Eialdst alklinore, of,Wingham, Ontario, ahrioulice the „engagement of their (laugh- BeVerley Elizabeth, to Wil Barn Ross Hayden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Hayden, of Wingham„ Ontario. The marriage will take place early'in * * * DASICE IN BLTJEVALI9 A \dance in Blirvitle hall -on Wednesday, April 17th,- Don' Rbb-" ertson and the Barren Boys will play. Proceeds for the Centennial, , • ',RECEPTION IN BELGRAVE . . A reception will 43: held' in lienour"of Mr. arid Bob Car-, „ ter (nee Nancy Carter), in the Forester's Hall, 0 Belgrave, • on Wednesday', Apra 17th. Dancing will be 'to Farrier's ,-Orchestra, Everyone . is welcome., bring lunch, Fir • CWL OPEN BRII)(41 ANID EUCHRE The ,'Sacred Heart • Catholic. Worrij?n's League is holding JACK WALKER TO euehre and bridge party in the council chamber•s, on WeddeSday, April 24th, at 2:30 o'clock.. Lunch • ' will be served and ail are wel- come. Admission is 50' cents. HEAD KIN CLUB Wingham Kinsmen held their price of one, Proceeds for the night has not been made perma- North Huron Junior Farmers. . nent as yet, 'IAA it' is possible Cal Barite was appointed aer- Persona residing within the Town getint-at and put in a busy of Wingham. Who contemplate the evening eollecting Mica. erection of any new striietiire or During the business session it building as well as the alteration became evident that 1,Viiighaln • Kinsmen face a very heavy ache- Of any existing building Within the dale' Of activities in the Coining • Frown limits are reminded that „montha. President Jack Lloyd Application ,fOr a biiikling permit :urged 'that as Many members as poSsible attend - the district con. Ventien which Will be held in Niagara Falls On May 24th weeks- end, „, It was suggested that more ad- Vertising be used 'to publiciZe the. ,a0ring papal. drive do April 24th, Kin Cy ItobiliStin 15 completing ett last Week, The edoperatitm of 1)Al§:Cii AT WilIOXETER the public 1$ tedueSted in this )lint- Don Robeotson and, the Ranch ter ' Boys 'will play tot dancing in the WroXetet antirritinity hall 00 the evening of April 23rd, sPoiegoted by th4 WroXeter COmninnity Cub, Ev- eryone Welcome, ,Proceeds for then 10;11124b .F1017* „, 11(enday's te$tii41, Opaied .with a. selection of innate” And song 'presented • by Milts: Agnes William- scin's 'class, 'The junior fanfare was a hrightbeginning for. what proved to be one of, the most sue- ceasful Of 'all festivals to•bc held • In the .tOWn; „".. The adjudicator. 'delighted the audience and the".clilitiren• in lila summing up" of :the various ev- ents; He paid glowing tribute to 0-year-old• Warwielc Hammerton, Whim led ,Miss Frances Walker's rhythm barid,' by ;saying that the little lellovv's conducting was good' enough' tor the New York Six hundred and, thirty-seven entries have' bean aceepted for the 16th ,Hiirmi County Music 'Festival Which' begins_ on the evening 'of' Tharaday, May 2, in the auditorium of the Goderich ,Publid School; ' • , . • The festival,. 'featuring lime county's moat, talented maaielana, Will 'continue • Until May 10. , plans for an. entirely new and different type of raffle, Tiekets Will be available 'Shortly, • Vied-president Jack" Walker' has been appointed' Chairman ' of a committee to nialtewarrangemehts for presenting Garden Brothers" Cireua in °Atiginiti 'and extensive advertising will be done for this ahbvirlater date. , Highlight of .the. evening was that portion deVoted' to nomin- ations for the 19574.58 Slate of Officera, Paat president Ross Ilarrillton was in , charge of note,. 'nations and set inext. meeting As, OlOctloii night; Kin, Seek' Walker Will be the now pitSident, having reeelVe'd an m6)4061104 The next riieet.int be Past Presidents' Night, When the fol- lowing ,eharge • of the progranni ROSS. HanalitOn, Al Williams Jack Gerbtitt and Lloyd tlitieett, After adjetirnfrierit the 'Kins- men.Were entertained by a very interesting film 'through the courtesy et•ItIttIorni•MODOftald, Symphony. Orchestra, Mr. FenWlek's helpfUl 'criticism, his advice and hints were perhaps one of the most Important fea- tures of the day's OrograM, Those Who won•in the follow- ing classes were: Girl's solo, 8• and under, Sheila Grewsbn, Jane Day, Anne Marie Myer, .Cathy Peachy, Verna Bunter; boy's solo, 8. and` under, johim Welwood; Ro- bert Tiffin, Bruee'Boyd, Kenneth. Taylor, Dean Balser; boy's solo, 14, and under, 'Charles Campbell, Bruce, - Machan, Paul Hutton," Douglas Hamilton, Glenn Skirin; girl's .solo, 11 and under, Alma Jane Elliott, Judy Callan, Kathy Rodgirial boy's solo, *11 and tin- der, Donald Rintoul, Bobby Crew- =son, ;Bob Lauri', Paul Strong, Jim Nasmith; junior ''cluets, grades 3, 4 and 8, Judy Callan and Alma Jane Elliott, Wayne Caslielt and Bob Luna, Tommy Blhicott and Min Nesmith, Mary :Jane Slosser and Kathleen liodgins, Bonnie Jartlin and' Pamela Burns; girl's vocal solo, Chien, Sandra MacLen- nan, Betty Anne Lapp, carol Crawford, Susan McArthur, De- anna Griffith and Sue Nasniith; 11 and under, Ruth Hodgina, :lean 'Gurney, Patricia Heywood ; senior ducts, Douglas Hamilton and Brune a Meehan; Ruth Hodgihs and Sue Naarrath; Jean Gurney and Carol Crawford; double trio, Group 2, Grade 7; GtOup Grade 7; Grade 4 and 5, • - YISITINU,'MINISTER AT SPEPAL V-LL5 The Rev, Or, J. Sehiple, of Eg•• mondville Is the special speak- er at Holy Week services which are being held each evening this week in St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian. 'Church. Time of the services IS 8 pan, And the theme of the me4itations i5 "We We're Not There-43M We Are lime". Service on Good Friday Will he held. In St, Paul's Anglican commencing at 12 noon • carrying through until 8 p.m, The general thane of the Meditations at the three-hour Service: Will 'be "The Seven Last Words" and the Speakers will be Rev. Alotandet Nimmo, Rev, • Jennings Lackhow, Limit. D, V, aoodridge and Rev, It L Parket MOO,. • ',Activities Latch Hugh pro the,4410Ms; Witlibuf Lions Clubs arc powerless 'to car- ry out the welfare work which is their prime purpose, Accounting, of 'course, includes the successfid : management of the money which is entrusted to the club for its Work. ,,The appreciation of the- club was extended by Lion Bill C,on- ron„ who expressed the pride of the local Lions in having one of their number to act- as deputy district governor. Member Presented Lion _Norm Welwood spoke of the sincere regret which is felt by every member of the club at tlie departure of Lion Rod Mc- Intosh, who has willingly and capably served in many capacities ',during the eight years he has been a member. He was present- ed with a gift and the good wish- es oethe Lions as he leaves for •his new home in Preston, Lion Rod expressed his regret at leav- , ing and 'said that he hoped to be back as a guest as often as pos- psirblsei Lion at the meeting,' then • President Whitney Grose `guests for the everilhg being George Cameron, TomJardin and Lloyd Casemore of Wingham, • Lion J. H. Kinkead of Goderich, Earl Terry, London, in Wingham as adjudicator of the Beigrave Music Festival, Dr. James Hall, Port Colborne and ,Ted Vaughan„ of C. Lloyd & Son, Winghaa, Correspondence read by Secre- tary Floyd Blakely included a let- ' ter from Past President Ron Rae of the Wingham' Club, who is now living in Phoenix, Arizona, in which the writer told of the for- mation of the Maple Leaf Liana Club In Phoenix. The club is made up of ex-Canadians and Ron will be the charter president, ' letter of congratulations is on its way to the new club, bearing• the signatures of the local Lions, Proving the international na- ture of LionisM, it was pointed out that at a recent meeting of the Lions Club in Daytona Beach, Florida, no ICU than five Lions from Wingham and the surround- ing district were seated in a row. Music for Friday evening's ga- thering ryas, handled 'by Harold Victor P,yril at the piano and Bill Conton as song leader. qbrdon BUdlianan made plenty of "hay"• for the club. "as he extracted the fines front all and sundry, The Wingliam District High School Board's 1957.,levy has, been set at 0.5 Mills. This new mill rate, Which is a half rnill.higher than last year, was decided upon at the regular meeting of the board held last Tuesday, night, The 'estimates for 1057 showtd that ,grants from the Department "of Education totalled $119,001.44. Other grants and tuition fee s from schools in Goderich and Listowel bring the grand total to $120,517.11, and total expenditures will be $237,120,11. The $116,603.00 "short" is to be made up by the• new levy ofi, 0.5 mills.' The largest item on theschool'S list of expenditures for the year is teacher salaries, which total $92,160.00: Another major item is transportation, $46,000.00, it was announced that the tea- chers had accepted the hoard's new basic salary sole which has been set at $3i700 to $3,900. Mrs. Emma Grant (David), Teeswater, was treated for an in- jury to her ,fingers at the Wing- ham General Hospital on Thurs- day after catching them in a car door, Oil examination at the hos"- pita): it Was found that the fourth 'finger of herleft hand was fra,c- tured. After a splint had been applied, Mrs. Grant was allowed to return to her home, On Friday, following a car ac- cident near Arthur,' Fred' Stokes, of 46 Manor Road, Toronto, was admitted to the. Wingham Gen- eral Hospital for X-ray exami- nation., It Was found that al- though badly bruised, Mr. StOkes had not suffered any fractures. kIe was allewed to return to -the home of his sister, Mrs. Gerald 'Smith, of Carling Terrace, Wing- ham. Eighty-one-year-old Mrs, Susan Byslop, R,R, '2, Wroxeter, is in the Wingham. General Hospital following a fall ,at her borne on Monday, Hospital officials say her condition is satisfactory. , • Two resignation's were reeely-• etijnaln, teachers who are taking lip appointments at other schools in 'September, The realgriations Cr.J.Woolfrey and F. werefrom• F,,Kalbfleiiich, Both resignations were-accepted, Principal W.'S. Hall stated in his report that there would be a cadet inspection at 2 p.m, on Tuesday, May 14th, in - the Wing- ham town park. He also stated ..•that Cadet James Rae Hethering- ton had, been accepted to attend the National. Cadet Camp, which is to be held in Banff, in July. A number of the Wingham Dis- trict High School pupils will he taking part in the music: festival at Goderich on May 6th, and are already rehearsing for the event, The date had been fixed for the. School's open night, which this year will be on. Thursday, May 16th... An application for the position of history teacher at' the school was received and approved . by the board. The new teacher, who will begin her duties at the school. in September, is Miss Sylvia Sages, -a graduate ,of the Western University, treatment. Tbe board voiced its approval of this scheme, givAeini eirlf.Vl aa e f about"let poropert $ v amnir0. w114ttilt,on.. as time:aurn necessary to take out d,a4toiali light .third d ,tai roefpIfclieor .stairs f looring rit ritehhs second p ai hospital • Tile board agreed •that this 'work should 'be chine at an early. te. R, 'II, Lloyd reported that a source of leakiag water in the steam pipe trench which passers Chrough the hospital kitchen bad been traced and bad'been *repair- iiirte-ourgphe:hcayvdm,proii2, asf., ed.' Soft water appliancea lirrd also been fitted to kitchen water .(s)huotilet7gys,. andte'sItlel. de lightingsaticiid found' :hnuedol properly. All that is needed. to -make the lastallation -complete is an emergency switching apPara-' tug and' this is expected to arrive , . Considerable discussion by the board ea ^the suitability of bold- ing their meetings On Friday evenings was entered Into. It ,was deeicleti to Change the 3neeting night from the second Friday of every month to the 'third' Thum- ,dlyayb. e.,cTablcliosfeUtehsieonyariralye maht night shopping hours in Wingham; H. 0, MacLean, chairman of the board, said that the hospital soli- eitor, .1', W. Bushfield, had made application to the 'Provincial See- retary to. have the name of the hospital changed to The Wing- ham and District General Hospi- tal: The change of name was one of the items brought up at time last annual meeting ,of the 'board, 'At tliat time It was sug- gested that the district should be included fn the formal name of the hospital. ' The fifth annual Musie • Pesti- ' var,Presented by. Wingham Pub- lie Sehool...was held. on Monday in the Wingliam 'town hall with Dr,. G.,..RoY Penwick, director of Musid ‘er 'Ontario; as adjudicator. Top' winners. of the various ev- ents+ go forward to compete -in 'the Huron County Music Fes- • tiLal,'which is to be held-in Cod- eribh next Month. ' ' On Tuesday evening a concert,, „Job/ring the winners of 'the var- ious' events was held before a large 'audience in the auditorium ' of the, Wingham District High School. • iN ifil4LGIICAVE „,June" presented hyr'Nbrtli Huron , The change froth, Friday to W PLAY AND DANCE m regular Meeting at the Queen's A one-ad play lir May With Hotel on, WedimeadaY cveniong, 411) ," /tinior Farmers andla dance will nesditY evening Was 'necessitated . e held• in the • FOreater's Hall, by the new shopping houra Which ' Belgrave, on, Wednesday, April make it difficult for all members 24th, at 8.36 amma. Music will be to attend a Friday evening meet- supplied by Don Robertson and , ing • The alteration' in meeting time Ranch Boys. • TWo for the ' • p,17,,N that the regular meeting night may .be changed ;to every Second NOTICE Wednesday' on a full-thine basiS. should first be obtained before pro- ceeding with ahy work: Applica- tion terms may be obtained at the Town Ilirll, TheSe building tegUla- Lions are eblitained In the tuild-; big- By-law Of the Town, . • •Por hick of appfoved •petinit1t, 'Live Strtiettires were 'Ordered *eV- „ • W, A. (Ialbralth, GleikAtteasiirer, W. Platt, Building IriSpecto A painting, to commemorate 50 years'aerariceto the ,Wingharil General Hospital by members of the 'Ladies' AuxilitirY, :waS unveiled at a special ceremony at the hospital on Wedpesday.. The picture shows • VOCAL SOLOISTS IN THE OPEN 'CLASS Lefith'"right, Deanna Griffith, ',Carol ,(jraWford, Sesan McArthur,',Sandra MacLennan, Sae Nasmith and Betty Aime ,Lapp, picttired as they leave Whigham town hall,; on Monday, after their performance,—A.T, Photo, Deputy District Governor H. P, Carmichael officially visited his home Lions Club on Friday eve- ning when the regular meeting was held in the Hotel Bruns- wick. Introduced by Lion John McKibbon, Lion Hugh spoke of th"e three "A's" of Lionisin—at- tendance, activities and accounts, Dealing with attendance, the speaker 'pointed out that the en- tire organization is built Upon and developed around the interest in TWO' CIIILOREN Last Week The AdVariee-l•irdea reported that I,GA. had Muth- ailed the Walker Store building on Josephine Street. We find, hoWovor, that Remington Broth- ors, Jini f Dave and Harold, in partnership with their brother-in- law, Laurie Slade; are the put, chasers, They take possession of the property on the 29th of this The business partners Oahe originally frown Kineataine and new own store's In Kilian., dine, Chesiey and Wingham, i.,411c., welfare which the mem- bers betoken. by their regular at- SWALLOW PILLS tendance,Eit club Meetings. With- out that interest, he said, atten- darite ' slips and that particular Member becomes of very little valne 'to 'the club or to his.com- While their mother was hang- ing out clothes the two small children of Mr: ana'.1Yfrs. Donald 1ViaeLeod, of Winginup, climbed " up to a .rnedielne.• cabinet orpPri:, day, reached in and heippd•thern- ... selves The; ebildren, one-year-old Bonnie and two-year-old Brenda were rushed to Wingham General Hos- pital,'Where their stomachs' were pumped, Their condition is de- scribed as satisfactory but they are still patients at the hospital. Accident Victims Receive Treatment Mr. and .Mrs: William .1ohn Pardon, of Wingham, R.R. 3, who cele- brated their 40th wedding anniversary on Thursday, The -couple ,were Married at Whitechurch by the 'Rev. J. Graham. Before her, marriage Mrs. Purdon was Miss Anniq Mae Bolt, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • Nathaniel Boit of Turnberry Township, They have a family of three Sons and three daughters. All but one somm Was present at the aunt-, versary ,celebration.—Advance-Times Photo. inners In the girls vocal sold eleas at the Wingimin P011e Scheel" Path Music Vt , held :Monday, were from left, to rightt Sheila. OreWson, Jane bay, Antic Marie Myer, Cathy Peabliy and Verna :itnnte.ti The 'girls were 1st to 5th reSpeotiVely. ,0""AdVance-tinies