HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-03, Page 9• ""•',, • 'Ili. , VIRONIN$0400. w ; DRESS UP FOR ,EASTgR-See--our• .newesta.NEW SPRING)nriVals0 • You'll .really step .tightty*ihi s season, .• W1NGHAM YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE PHON. Win:04014k . • Finance Cm Scouting and Cubbing Combat ' Juvenile Delinquency ,s*" - • • • 1 E.- . ',"44446 • a 1 111 Super -1(EM-TONE'-' row nEmilfw.; LATEx if -70 WALL PAINT 4 . 10. 11 Alexander's Hardware KEIVI GLO THE MIRACLE LusTnE ENAMEL • Ne.eas no.`itrithpMat 0 ,Bries8:lidnutifril,inktre;., FTNISH IN 3 to :"4.110VIRS k • •,•• • , ..• • 0 These:are the -NEW:asy.,7 JUST RICI-IT 47017t. SPRING ..Tk1NTIN4.44 • • , ' .'' „7 VVIrigharil WON POLICR TROMY HOLLAND GARDET4 W,BuNTSMA, elk op. PHONE WINGliAM 735J 12 FLOWERS for All Occasions 11.11JIT .and VEGETABLES IN SEASON . , . The KINSMEN CIAJI3.of WINGHAM will conduct a Wednesday, Aprit Please have -burrilles sectirely tiedand placed at the roadside. I3y 9 a.m. Collection in 131neyale, Belgraye Whitechurch, WednesdaY:MOrning • For further information contact any,, -member; of the Kinsmen Club. Here are the members of the Goderieh Bantam -hockey teem which 'etrierged•Ps trophy winners in the Grey•Bruce-Hifron Police Asscici- ation tournament which concluded in'the Wingham arena or Saturday night. At left is Constable Gordon Deyell, of the Wingham Police Department, who has been very active in the orga.nization of the annual` tournarlient,. Team. manager GeOrge ,Liaithwaite. is seen at right, 7 -Advance -Times -photo. SATURDAY EXCURSIONS, to TORONTO by • Goderich Bantams Capture Police Trophy Saturday Night The Goderiph Bantams, won the Grey -Bruce -Ht ron Police 'tourna- ment, eharriPiOnship when they troirreed;the:!Eketer Bantants 772 in'the,finals.SaturdaY night in the Winghana . arena.Dtve Wilksonand Bud Robinson ...were the pace -setters for Goclerach, with"eah, firing -twb goal. Ernie. Pinder, Bud Yea- and Rey Jeffrey ;Were the • other Goderich.'marks- ; Bev Sims and, Doug Boyle were, the- Exeter Snipers. Earlier•-in-s,thet.daY..,Exeter .'de feated Liicknow 6-4. B'arry Hay- ward . led Exeter,- with the bat trick,- 13db Andrew Wes- the top goal Scoreier for LueknoW with twoto his ,eredit. In the only other 'game on Satur- dY,Goderich . edged Clinton 4.-2. LaithWaite sparked Goderich with two goals. • Dale Gattenger and Bob Jacobs scored the Clinton tallies. .10•1•1. yourittigertlips The first aid kit and insurance both have iinportant toles to play in the event of acidents. Eah year, the dompanieswriting • aceident and sickness itistance in Canada pay out more than ninety million dollars (not including auto- mobile accident costs) to policy, holders 'mighty bulwark against tlrittSttal financial srint' ALL CANADA I INSURANDE FEDERATION W Atli CANADA, INSURANCE glEOgRATION holuill c •niatip Mtn 40144774iithig writint mouuniii. *oman* :moan* It is far better, though, to prevent, accidents ad mishaps, rather than to deal with the treattnent �f their ter, oftentragicafter•edects. That is why insurance coMpaies ate constantly seeking ways to stem Canada's moUnting accident toll, Safety pays dividends . • saves lives, helps to lower your insuranCe costs, Be Careful, 4 1.,311.41 44 On Friday three games were played with Goderich and Shallow Lake playing the • first game. Goderich sqneezed.out a 4-3 vic- tory, Ed Laithwaite• scoring two goals for Goderich with single goals going -to Bud Robinson and R,oger Drew. Allan Lodge, Doug Stevents and BO Adams were the Shallow Lake Marksmen, Exeter trounced Ebenezer 74. Yohn Stephen led Exeter with the hat trick. Keith Variderplas scar ed Ebenezer's lone telly. In the only other game on Fri day Lucknow whitewashed Chesley 14t0. • Paul Henderson sparked Lucknow With seven goalS. Last Mixed 'Spiel For the Season 111101111111 There was a good turn -out for the final mixed bonspiel of the Year at the Wingham Curling Club ori Wednesday afternoon and evcning. The winners were skipped by A. S. Hetherington and were Miss Agnes Williamson, vice, Sohn McKibbon and Mr. W, Elliott, Second prim: Sack Bowman, Ms: .B.. S. Hetherington, Frank McCormick and Mrs. R F'sher. Third prize, Omar Haselgrove, skip, IVIrs.Joe Kerr, vice, Tom MacDonald and Mrs. A. Falconer. Fourth prize: Harold Walsh and Mrs. 'jok McTrityre, T, A. Carrie and Mrs. D, Nesmith, What X admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it on. the faith a an opinion- Ttirgot, • I 'will titter what I believe todaY, if it should contradict all X said yesterday.-VVenclell NEWS Thurcidriv Afternoon F. Madill, 1500; Mrs. Geo. Cameron, 1482; Mrs, H. Spry, 1431; Mrs. C, Lott, 1331; Mrs, D. Na‘, smith, 1296„ . High double, Mrs. G. Cameron, 366. 0 - 0 - 0 • Lloyd's R. & W. Club Shipping room, 2666; Veneer room, 2560. High single, Gord Cup- skey, 231; high triple, Gerd Cupskey, 576, Bill -Sturdy, 576 (tie); this is the final play-offs. The Shipping room are• the champs. Captain, Lorne Gardner; Bill Sturdy, •Gord Ranson, Ken Stapleton, Reg Col- lar, Alf Mason. 0 - 0 - 0 • Commercial League • The final game of the last series was played on Tuesday night. The play-offs will start on Tuesday night. The teams eligible to enter the. finals are Strikers, Blowers, Wildcats with the Rockets arid Blue Bombers tied for fourth posi- tion. Final standing as folloWs: Xilowers, 25; Strikers, 24; Wild cats, 20; Blue Bombers, 13; Rock- ets, 13; Roden Rollers, 10, . High Iceres for the night: Ladies' high single, Miss j. Bain, 212, Mrs. K. Cerson, 212, (tied); men's high single, K. Gerson, 281; ladies' high triple, Miss 3. Bain, 553; men's high triple, K. Cerson, 715, 'Team high score, 13lowers, 2554, Aigh scores; for the series: Mrs. .T, acIntyre, Z5; men's high sigle, H. Taylor, 304; ladies' high tiple., Mrs, N. Baker, e28; men's All1111.11111111111111111111 Froceeda ftir tegirm.;ritia•Band'', LEGION HALL • JOHN ST.* *INGHAM Friday, April 5 „pm 15 GAMES VA) .;.-7‘• 15 CHICKENS TURKEYS FOR .SKCIALS AH ,Fowl Oventeady ArOlitifli TAX/ :Sili10861 WITIM MILE, 84tW At*** fthm• 111ANCist 10 CANAOWAV MOWN' " s " high triple, T. Jardin, 776„ Team high score, Blowers, 2770. High score for the season: Ladies' high average, Miss J. Bain, 175; men's high average, G. Rap son;199, T. Jardin, 225 (20 games); ladies' high single, Mrs. K. Cerson, 287; /flees. high single,K. Seddon, 317; ladies' high triple; 'Mrs, K Baker, 623; men's high triple, T. 3ardin, 776. Team high score, Blowers, 2845. WIN004M-:,SKATERS Fifteen members of the Wing - hen]: Figure Skating Club and five Kincardine Club members -tried preliminary figure and dance tests and one bronze dance In the Wing -ham arena on Wednesday. There were 30 passes by the local group and eleven by members of theKincardine Club, • • Those successful from Wingham were: Marian Farrier, pre -figures and fiesta.tango; Susan pre -figures and canasta tango; Brenda MacLennan, pre -figures and canasta tango, Dutch waltz a.nd swing dance; Bonhie Jardin, canasta tango, Dutch waltz and swing dance; Diane Deyell, canas- ta tarigo; Linda . Clark, canasta tango and Dutch waltz; Billie Mc- Burney, canasta tang% Dutch waltz and swing dance; Nancy Johnsto, .canata. tango and Dutch Waltz ; Lena • Dougherty 'canasta tango; Betty Hutcheson canasta tango; Mauna Lynne Tunney, canasta tango, Dutch. waltz and swing dance; Carol Crawford, can- asta tango and Dutch waltz; Elva MacDonald, canasta tango; Doug- las Hamilton, swing dance; Nancy Elliott, swing dance and fiesta tango. Those who passed the tests froin Kincardine were Sally Riggin, canasta tang% Dutch wltz, swing dance and fiesta tango; '1V1aianne Moll, canasta tango and Dutch waltz; Wenda Scott, canasta tango and Dutch waltz; Jeanette Mae - Donald, canasta tango and Dutch waltz; Joan Shewfelt canasta tango. It is felt that there May have ben iore participants If it had not ... tns..been necessaryto hold the tetsduring high schoOl eXamina- Credit is dueo Ross Smith end Rarold BrOoks, the club's profes- sionals, for the line performanee of the skaters. Scan Gurney's pass- ing �f the fourteen step at Strat- Ord makes a total of 31 passes for the Wingham group, John Wild, Rae Warden and Joan Markham did an eXcellent Jeb of juding, bitt the number of interested parents, who attended was small: The Oarents are eMinded Of the annual Meeting to be held tonight, April 8, in the council chambers. One parent for each skater and all assoehtte inemberS are entitled to Vote but everyone 14 Walcott° to attend the meeting., LOW 'FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tidaus good going and returning same Saturday only. • EXCURSON FARES FROM . • ; Allenford $4.75 Hanover $4.30 Southampton w.se Brampton $ .5 Harriston $3.75, Sarnia - 818.88•, Brussels ; $4.30 Ingersoll $3.70 Stratford $3.45„ ; ChesIew A4.75 Hineardines $.85 Strathroy .7 05.201 Clintuii $4.5 -Kitchenr $2.45 Walkerton''. 04.60` f;'! Elora , rz.4455- 'mLiisttorieen/ $$743:0,611 WwintgfeLvAdFergiis ro „ Georgetown • $1.20 Owen Sound $4.75 WYoming • Kw: •• Goderiph $5.05 Paisley Guelph $1,40 Falmerston $3.40 Corresponding Fares from intermediate Points The pioneer- Of iotnething neW trader the sun la,neVer bitt tan,: het be; theOinins Of Peeple fly; too high e toe loW.-Mary Baker Eddy, * :* • : "An idle hour IS tine Thrver," tisys lt sermonizer. Vet, indeed. Olittd,..0 40 A bsyt,haat„ tau 411.e1. FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS usummaiiimmommiummommmmuummommomummwm41144 . . - idT UiAIIThfl" • i 1 , A GOOD START IN Ljfi. . ..„...„ 4 I 1 L W 1 T 11 . Ai fia .... 5H1111-6AIN • • All young chicks want Vinake a good start in life and if they cotild4lk,,theg • would you 4.phj ogr new SHUR- GAIN Super Chick Starter would be their choice of starters. 1 • 1. TOP PERFORMANCE demonstrated by fast uniform growth, good bone develop ment, good feathering and IOW mortality •nd made possible through increased protein and energy levels and extra fortification of vita- mins, minerals and growth factors. . ECONOMY due to the fact that SHUR- II GAIN is made right in our mill and we 'sell direct to you. This eliminates extra hand- ling, hauling and profit costs. s; 3. FRESHNESS because we manufacture chick starter almost daily during the season and often the starter you buy from us will have been made that same day. Tests prove that chicks do better on fresh feed. • In DV, get the chick starter that corn - bines performance, economy and fresh- ness - get SHUR-GAIN Super Chia Starter, CANADA PACKERS 4' - • • • • • 4