HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-03, Page 8April •$rd,,19 Delay Xs Dangerous X shyly diagnosis and treatment gives the greatest opportunity for cure, Polity 'Miens the aliance of cure. For tree literature WTite MRS.. JA51.1E.$ CURRIE Wmgliain, Ont. Secretary of Riiug1ram and dis- trict branch of Canadian Cancer 'Society Free! Marie Fraser's 'new Milk recipes. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron 'Street, Toronto • WROXETER ralethorpe ,Norea Wag the ,.spesiter, Mrs, Wm. Wright IS a patient in ALWAYS A FAVOURITE WINOHAM RINK ems SECOND A. -curling team composed Of StIl- derWS from the Wingharn District T-Iigh School ran a close second, on Saturday when 'they took part in 'the -Owen. Sound Collegiate Wien Bonspiel. They were beaten by a, rink from, ,Lindsay which chalked up. wins • phis 29, The Wingliarn boys .counted S wins Pitts' The Wingham rink was compos- ed of Jim Bain, skip, Bruce Lott, vice, Ken Crawford, second, and. Bill Crawford, lead, A rink. of Winghain girls, ship- ped by Mary Frances Ctirrie, also competed in the event They won one game and tied another with ,a pluc, of, 19. Others on the rink were Joyce Hoffman„ vice; Lois. Button, second and Maryanne McKibbort, ,lead. Thirty-sfiCrInksi took part in the. W—You are. using the mortgage plan of haying yoin,honte. TOii should know about our sPeciar ItIORTC:AGE '• iIVSUR 4-0E. Consult-. A joint meeting Of&ones'Orte,arld..TWo Ontario LlevelOpOlent ;AssoelatiOn„ in Clio ten 'on March •2,,7„. eleeted -„oftilals:, of:--thetgreito ;4o141t4T.,:„Illiii:ra left to back !roWt'Iufay{ir Di: E. A. McMaster, Seaforth,"ekairman of -the" 2,,One'1;;Peiel,,M]cF4iin.;;Coderich r chairman,. of Zone 21 Ii , • Wingham, new, rnernher on the ,1;.execut:i'Ve';;';willtirecSOeder, Mitchell, ,,,seereVark of `Zone -2. Front row, T, J.- MeLatigblin,.. Sg Marys, vice-Cliall;Man rot 7.6ii.4'2!;;' Hal Nickle, 'ListolVal;.?.ohalririan Of. Zone 2,. and Alderman- A,,Thompaon, Stratford,. third:MeMber: 'ciPZorte 2 eieentive., • • • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douglas and son, Wayne,' Belmore, ,,were $101- day visitors with Mrs. Ruth Mac- Donald, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Poig and family, Drayton and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Galbraith ,and daughter -Karen, Gorr* Were Sanday. vi'd- tOrs With Mr. and Mrs, Jim Doig, It was the occasion. of Mr, Doig's birthday. Mrs. A. B. 'Wearring And Mr, Cohn "earring, Toronto, Silent part of last week With Mrs. D. S. macNaughton and John. slYfr. James Poig dispoSed of his 159-acre farm at Drayton last week. The purchaser Was Mr. l3ultzs of Fergus. Mr, Harold Honditon, of Wyom- ing, formerly principal of Wrox. eter and Bilievale public schools, has been engaged as principal at Port Burwell next year, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and .PattY have taken up residence in Listowel, where Lyle is employed; Mra. Ken: .Edgar,',. Mrs. James •Sanderson and Mrs G,, Howes aim the":FreshYterial meeting at Olinthia on Wednesday; Miss Emma Listowel Memorial hospital, where she underwent surgery last weeir. ger many friends WW1 for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Eunice Fletcher and daugh- ter,' Patsy, who have been with Mrs. T. Ch, hemphin for ,some months, left op Monday for Clin- ton, where they will 'reside, Mr, and Mrs, Win, Larne and family, of Barkway spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Allen Munro and other friends, Mr, and Mrs, Les Douglas and rr Mt and Mrs. Campbell arr,m, Mathdele,, Mr, Albert Gallaher tInuffered. a weak spell a Weak ago. and was :tom} to ".winomun hospital, Me has now returned, borne feeling much better. The Wroxeter Women's Insti- tute will hold their meeting on Wednesil0, April ird, at ?";W hr the community hall. It will he an all Members programme. Mr. and. Mrs, Lyle Brothers ..and family, familk, -of Wexford, spent the Week-end he ti. Mrs.. Victoria aro, tilers who. spent the winter , the ,with them, returned to her Ann Douglas spent Sunday with borne, here, i i OPTOMETRIST . .- , i • ThovQ„,h„e„ --Aboiti ',,,,,,, Time tested- , _ i iii ii-,- 1111111111111111110111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111E11111114111011111111111144111111111, W. R. HAMILTON • Phone 37 for appointment sosessiiiimemseetimmeememi ,{•••••••••••r•.;-",,,"•."...••••• MILK AND CREAM PRODUCERS .OF THIS AREA ARE INVITED -TO . ATTEND REMINGTON'S I.G.A. rtekow•••,•••••,,,•••••••••••• FRANKC. HOPPER —Rvprepoitative— ' Canada Life WINGHAK ONT, Majpstic Lodge At the regular , r. meeting of Majes- tic Reheitah Lotige,",; beld in the; lodge rooms,,on Monday,. the ledge' was liOnored, by the; official visit of D.O.G,' Margaret, ThOmpson, "of Teeswater.-", A ,rannbar of membets- of Coronation Lodge:, Teeswater,. were guests.' After::: the .business ,meeting Was , . 'condlic,tecr,l,eattiAr Were.,played.arid a lovely.PitichiWas ,served. by' the boste BA'S,' • ; • Teeswater.Tisitors SEE HOW 'QUALITY BLYTH- BRAND • %CH EESE • BUT7SW ARE MADE IN' A :**PLANT '.CO-OPERATIVELY OWNED AND CONTROLLED: B'Y 2.50 FARMERS IN THIS AREA Miss the .414001, COMO SHOW" 0/1 EN' IVORY 01110tIAV NINO I DEVELOPMENT :ASOC:i. 1i Grog ri HEARS.DEPT'SPEAKE 4 Y ; • ' • • HeiMP6''''‘?Va.4" 1:11.?St,?' OS' to the:. T4'pe- "Growth of yottr ,,townS, in, the .daY future, will mean". changes of, mar; Church?, at:regular -.:Mare ah ious kinds,"-said Sohn Peargoir;- last meeting.. • d week in Clinton, "!Be ready by one visitor:. antavere• d'th$*,roli,aall, good planning' now,. to clireet.tbis- PreSidentiglf:;,CraWfard'YO(lcSon groWth as It comes, fry gnidanee opened, the tneethitef,With' into' the paths' you want it to "Nature"s ".:';.Schedule",. Edgar f° • Guest' The';:prcigrairevag. r, P". Pearson; WhO fa field ilaispu by Mr.S.17W.:,:'J';',i1r..-,..13:neltistiart -7,and rMli°W* officer from` the Community Plan- Mrs. L;;:gohkenZr;Serliftiti•etSeis- ning Branch, Department of s plan 7 sow: ditoPer4wks 4:1:1**43A/Atrs. ning -arid" :Developirient,' Toronto, Bu cliananiiilktrOb% ;Rh e was speaking to a jOint.meeting:of Oblieiii:er49.iTAationAttidlaehl4s. municipal • offielals,froml,the'eptin; were *giyerqby:- Jits:g•Xitiie••:;Mi*r, ties:, of ‘T-Ibron two, ,counties ; cotiatitute-zoneaVna Pi1419o, and, two of the::Ivria:Westetn On- A tario 'DeVeloiiment Association Letteis1-Of :-..:dppreeig-iVeli Arranged for;.the';plirPOSe:.:Of read cussinff,townpliiiirfing;,•;,..wrid,Or;' 'the,: Jobe cla$We er : gui4airee'cit.Mr.*Pearsciri,'thelirieet;'' xeniiirs.4,:s.,;iji-;.lipAl'Qapipailileifpr ing.saW morekAi:00zo.".POnicik.9. leaders ',from stalled Bela, g.,xeter, dowin •• • .; • • and Heosa14 -WATI PIVT12,,,z'Weki ;r'Pbifc2* The 14,ithe ."Oaderich Mr; Pearahn _retleWd'" fdt-Pe',severr- basfe': types of use, starti* i-Owed,ql, •:;", • with :agrieulture,through;residen.: tial,!.; coin/nem/al, dristrlal roods end7streeti:mayt.iyittinr.pit•vartois and streets; parks jrarts,"of your to vii are •Bard fit? and. municipal 'teach: Plan 4fdrYSaCith,r.oi He. • eni,ph ae ck-that:compiereial ti ei and know.that.f.y6iii-41i.reet,:sYStin area -xe`ust --be compitet,' for la ;laid Mitlor-'gr'6*th,"'116',,,sliik people . Want to': shop,i. where jliey .."-A4 :1 y :911 eal wks*e Dery can :move easily-66M one' 'Store- to. lad-"ionowedYi gri,l,PeAtacin "leiCont another; and within reach of hanks„ the procedUre:-,':ittirough-l';'.whielif-: post Offic 'and: ul cifJal 1 ding's nits nicinality;;ShOuld;'- Move ''to=rah- Parks and playgiands, tailt a planoirigZi*,71,W.: are-,;, essential, . for -if they._ are' ;tot- Co-chairriteri.,64theneetingMtre planned. for - in, - the •beinuing",:itt , D. = je-rinyly;;-.11,ret4ifing pr esrdent municipality. is. In for.,.headacheS ZOne, Or; later, :There will_ be, trouble ,,with ' Industries Need', :Roam third*".ineinlier,r.Sceietriry MilYertoo, " refiring President 'i'of children who have: adequate: ZOne place for zecreationarid:coihnian... Tn Zorie;;One,' the clink:112On ity:sPirit will be laelcing if. there . is: Dr. E. A.; Megaster;.:,;seaforthi are net,..sfiffiCynt 'parks . and plaY McItwan, of - grounds, • ' vice.-chairinaw, Pkter• Gotlerich,arid,ROYAdair;Viirg Tndustries want -conditions - suit! able to them. now,: and .protected ',Zorier:Tiiiic l.the new,chal,tryian and Alderin,aril:j.• k.:Tinirtiniti,",..:of Stratford,ad,eiuc11",t1Iiikniertilier.;;;Williii'd s ey.17,,,itszfhe,;seprefiitzy. •• • Attendiligtz,':41te.7itne:Otieti.':'-.,„tkiOn Refrigenition . in t9IITEST. PRIZE $1,000 in cash and dil all-expense-paid trip to New York for two. 'You'll travel in a TCA Viscount or by roil if you prefer ...see New York in springtime . . meet Perry Como hirriteif at the Ziegfeld Theatre, where you'll witness the million-dollar Como Show in rehearsal before color TV cameras-. , see glamorous stage and screen stars in person. in the future. They Want room for expansion, 'itrotectecr for: them, :.so, that when growth comes, they can 'expand at reasonable coat' "Roads and streets ate most. lin-, Portant. Traffic is becoming „in7 creasingly the problem:., Do allow. houses to be 'built on the . ENTER THE BIG [VIE SECOND PRIZE $500.00 -in -cash! THIRD PRIZE $250.00 in cash! PLUS 105 Consolation Prizes. 5 RCA Victor 14-inch Portable 'TV sets 100 RCAVictor Perry Como L.P. albums There is a variety of aviation duties in the RCAF "Silted to the particular abilities of women. The A.CAF *ill train you for interesting Work in •ilueibtrades ast FIGHTER CONTROL OPERATOR s• SAFETY EOUIPMENT TECHNICIAN'.. MEDICAL ASSISTANT • PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPLY TECHNICIAN tat I infortnation regirding terms of service, pay tut Other benefits, See, write or phone Os 'WOMIN't COUNIIIELLOK *, A, Iteoutting Unit , 149 is Street Undenf OntlitiO Imentest 4404 4.1416 Two me nbera of Csioatles .ntlftent of t N Pat Ablit BuWelt, Egypt, stock up a 160-ft. -portable terigeratot The big "fridge" :It ''Used'to traneport perlehables in the deaert. They are, left, WOO, Charlei Witighatn. tint,, and Cpl. "Buz"' tieharde, tistnit Ftrr4n t.12.00 for tender cakes with 'that moist home-made texture that cuts without crumbling! ALL Y6U ADD IS WATER CAKE MIXES OGILVIE oil mil II ill ill oil, in :MI lib 111' iii...111:01 lii MI • • so MI lig ON II IN IR II. HERE'S HOW TO ENTER .o. AND, ,WIN .. • IN I OGILV If'S BIG PERRY COMO CONTE$11r1 t mho., i,, 15 *boil Otto, either one ("Aldose*" you ,..,.. , . . .ezewtehrlyiertihreett,r7 Avr:osclent:t"ebseiltoloWni ,,how so oopelor 0 . . .,/ IS — a .„ OR. SPECIAL BONUS- OFFER! I, Why oratory Comb's Winds id •poptilcir, You and two of your mend: too,. eIdth win' a :2..Submit your miry bit.* plain. sheet of whit. eisper.(Se ,tizo. flare's 1,0,4 When you .0.066 write your .. Aird 10 kitlutie your name-orkt oildreLi 'with .bott lop, r 044 00, 0104 itiiicittl bonus offer), Woos Will be luslaed OildfnItwootInott.Oy4docirrOfsriLetinktidt tohne ynodun)etttehtnnryd. addressers o,• 3, eftani;414-tiihrtiidal a:'bluit *triT'frlio6ret"rtiny.4'ilOt4altelis Cake Mix of' you 1st 'a Wined? el one of the first three eruct, • " Mende to do the tedio with Their entries, if one . 014 to*I'ttent'itoacIt e;sciutrt dariiii onettofideofi,tiortirottntot, tectrteptehitieen4$'106°01.,ed 6.11 The WInnihil "" wilt I. (el to"'SWIalc-sOth iffIlett'Seetivis on tiddi lintty, Pool your rdidureet .",, enter today and get 144 it . . ... ., .4, MOH &I diltiltit, foi: PERRY .COMO it ONISST; OGILVIE ' of yew- ,frieicla to enter. The three of you. toy a FLOUlt MILLS CO. LIMITED, 'Dot, li, box 6019, each win a' prize! - -"*""*"---,":'- II 5'. fliAteh°4:04411:4*.tadatt;loplirlt,l'adni14it adirti,410tItio4risliirilltIbnfitn414:14# tthril°13. (1:ylidiitn°Or.4111V14114, ibfltedUlr. '11)AntlelidiliCitetee:1011/1 I. '--6., MISettrI":i a lt .11'nlinertttO witlirk:414bistift midnight, 1440 the board of luessit, or' Litiemben ef their, .7 27, 1957,. *keit *It tottitittftitt dokrii iLittl Limited 4ii'tk fAt. 0ni'Victoriioc , thel.r !I.v.,,er,fliing._tx,(!te,ncliti 10 Nutt ridON t COIVIttlf •ti01111 Alitittit 27:, "00 ,511 ENTIOCOOttidt I „Airrn.t01.0110 ak:1111...110.011.010" 111 to oor ao la OMAN jiii lij lit IN 0