HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-03, Page 6• • dv Weilmotslay, Ar4A, , „....„.....,. Head Office London, Ont. District Reiltesentatives t Atmvoono lovrittlorloTox, W, UuSilltrifoirm, WINOHAM 4, N, UttLig., ViltOXETER 0 11 DEBENTURES and GUARANTEED1 TRUST CERTIFICATES‘; THE HURON & ERIE Ntotu76.51.r 1'ORPURATUP'4 Htt011 I telt it TRusi CANADA TRUST et 's Talk PO LITICS ON SATURDAY, APRIL 6th we will discuss the operation of the Canadian Farm. LOan Board . and other current events. The time 6.25 • 6.30 p.m. The Station CKNX dial 92( • PhOlo by Bell= ARNOLD DARROCH SPRINO NEWS front WELWOOD'S Visit Ow Roady.to.Weltr OK this week and See oar pollen-140A .of Of0,1%$C.S, .040, 41,401,1$,ES,, fiprails. *own ,: like .80 4apt .styling mid the IMWIng apparel section, .1 • 11,4API1 S' JOR.C.SSES, _Misses .4.40. not loos. $a4 )$ to $7.95 NEW SPIONO. 041r$ ' $3.95 01,0V$11$ • .. . , $1.151 to 400 Cif, 11 : . •'" $1151 'to .$340 SPECIALS Srs, lineal and nicely outdo ....... Iloys' wuslipianzAtordits, „0.to ox, lino New casual umr$. styles ........... :VMS tp,.44-00.,43.k. EASTE# uAstoms, [IfoCOLIVIICS, PLUSH aiid ,-(,)/M OS. Welwoodts 5c to ,.1.00' Store -115." cA,Aje use the Classified Coluino for Quick Results. Walpole Folding FLOOR Aluminum Aluminum. WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS LUMBER. BUILDING CUPBOARDS Telephone 260w Winghalr 1••••••.f*,* , ,, 1.101 , lit, 111.141/1..1!;4111kimillitif1101;$1;11,WAp11011imit11.111111111111A11 lllll Ims11 l ll 1,11.01,11t.m.m14111.11,4,m, CO=OPERATORS INSURANCE ANIMAL COLLISION insurance will pay you up to $300 for your farm animal if killed, or injured, and has to be destroyed, while on a public highway. In addition the owner is 4pro- tected from resulting liability to others. This le only one of the ninny coverages of CO-OP INSURANC)1E. Consult your local VIA agent for AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT STU-MSS LIABILITY AND VIRE (non-ffuen) ' Agents- ,CECIL FALCONER, Whitechurch, phone 570J3 TC L.OUGHLEAN, Wingharn, phone 754 20-3,17-1,15 ll 1 l ll 111 11111 lllllll ;it llllll ,11 lllllll lllll 1311111 llllll jiiki1x1m11,11g l lll 1.111141411m014111414 ll ll ip11,1114A1.11 llllllllll .11 • , Shades of Sprin • You will soon be starting your annual Spring clean- ing, and in doing so, will probably find a few win-. dow shades that need 're- placing.- We suggest one of those listed below... . WINDOW SHADES 74; Iiii div •4- CLOTH SHADES PLASTIC SHADES Cloth shade processed . with water eolOur pigments. x 70" - $2.15 Embossed, a Owe plastic shade with linen like de- sign 36" x 70" - $1.99 Vino,• Cotton shade, coated Cloth slunk impregnated . With pure oil colours with vinyl plastic 17": x 70" - $2.75 37" x 70" - $2.99 357e hive a Handy Shade, Cu ter, and can trion a shade to your requirements - WHILE YOU WAIT. -4. When you require a Shade eat, please measure the length of the roller •that' is now on your window. `Foie -on your window shade needs, he sure and *enquire front TALKER HOME W R FU,RNISHINGS t one S. J. 106 .Wingharn •d, scour k 0.41°9% IVES JOURNALISM AWARE): Carman L. Hamilton, Ontario Agricultural College student receives an 0'40 for Outstanding work' in College journalism, The prize, which is awarded: annuallY:, by the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, was presented at a, banquet at the O.A.C. --on Saturday evening, March 23, by Barry Wenger, publisher of the Wingham AdvaneeolinieS and first vice-president of the O,W.N.A. ' Photo ENtil Filitt\L MIFF iA Tina 4 NEW TYPE ALL-OVER MLICRO'ITIBE /CIIROMALOX SIMI/ACE .fViLENTS ARE VAST, ItIVVICIEN'Je and OtiAltiiNT.P,ED VOA 3 ietARS, efitirt.c eidterior of the range is in I ifineNt acid-resisting porcelain ettinnel Wipes dean lit ii Atty. BEACH Electric Ranges '501 adio and Electric HR :PHONE NUMBER is. 1114 -Mindattriter't Sagge,Itett $199.50 • LAME ATTENDANEE AT FARMERS' UNION A1.113IJAN-The county' Meeting of the Ontario Farmers' Union was held in the Agricultural Board Rooms, Clinton, on MarCh 19. Cordon Hill was in the chair. The meeting was well attended 'and it is hoped that larger quarters will soon be necessary for the meetings, The chairman ' in, his opening.opening. remarks, told of his recent visit to Ottawa along with other mem- bers of the Farm Union and gave a short summary of the brief which the delegation presented to the Federal Government, The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. The treasurer's report was -givenywhich proved that the barn dance and sale of tickets for the draw on a Hereford heifer,, had been a decid- ed success., Jack Armstrong gave the ,report of the advertising committee, Carl Dalton, president of the, newly formed local at Seaforth," was added to this committee. It was,decided to hold the county meeting- quarterly, on the third Tuesday of the month, the next. meeting being on June 18. It was also decided to have tunch at these meetings, as the way to a -man's heart is through his stomach and the, best discdssions seem to take place during this period,- gee local to be responsible at each meeting. The Holmesville local will kbe in charge of the next meeting. A pic- nic will be held again in Lions Park, Seaforth .on July 16. Mrs. Edna Armstrong, lady di- rector for the county, spoke briefly and Gordon Hill ,gave an account of some of the new locals that. had been set up. The highlight of the evening was an addreds by Walter Miller. He said he was very pleased. to see such a good turnout and to see how enthusiastic Huron County farmers were for their union, He stated that the union was growing but everyone-must put his shoulder to the wheel and push. He re- marked that the MOM is now re- cognized and listened to because of what has already been accom-. lished. Farmers should wake up to the fact that legislatiOn is where they should take action, The speaker stated that farmers will never be in a better position, as long as they have an agrictiltural minister in offide ,who recently made a stateMent that .fanners have just had the best two years they have ever bad; When all the farmers will tell you they are finding it increasingly 'difficult , to come out on top, no matter how efficient they are, or how hard they work. A very lively dischssion follow- ed. Blyth Co=operative Plans Open House Milk and cream producers in this area and their wives are invited to an open house at Blyth CO-op cheese factory and creamery. The Blyth plant is One of the most modern in. Western Ontario and 'was built in ,10.521 to replace the previous plant that Waa dea- troyed by fire, Proof that quality is the keyWorci at the Blyth plant is borne out by the fact that in the recent Ontario Creamery Association con test, the Blyth ;firm was fifth in the pro- vince and first in Huron County for high score butter. During the past year oVer. 99 Per cent of the eheose produced at Vyth graded nilinber one, Open house will be held en. Wed- nesday, April '10, from 2 pin, to ii p.m., I'm:litters will have the op- portunity of seeing the theesd and Witter made, Tarim of the plant Will be featured and rePrestrita- LiVes' of the Department of Agri- culture Will he in attendance, Ito- treshinents will be served, 441 Club Meets • The Tlehrtere Sleepy Thne Gals held 4an extra Work meeting on S tt a t t i u ri r e d l affertieoirae home f 1./9„sitina. The girls worked On the covers Alt their record books, and garments, Lunch was served by Muriel Haskins and Mae Doubledee, Mrs Johann, Will be hostess for the next Meeting. 7 Best $4? Run In Five Yors wring tiw past .5004 the ground ltas Arid sialiciently to allow farmers, la the south end of the eountw to. Wirt spring plowing and top dressing of wheat, hay and pasture, If favourable weather continnes scatding could start with- in a week. Wheat and legume crops appear' to have wintered reasonably but seine could no doubt benefit. froin an addition of ameniurn rate within the next couple alt weeks, Although there has "peen strong demand for -Gary oats the supply of seed is expected to meet the demands, grant barley is' very • scarce and has reached a price of P.:85 per bushel for registered seed, An: extremely good run of maple sap has been reported during the past week, aceordihg • to some it was the best run pf sap in the.past. five years, i. board rooms with the new presi- judged them, Thel'emainder of, the dent, Bo Yd Taylor in charge. There were 30 in, attendance, It was decided WI hold the annual Junior Farmer Church Service for Huron County again this year, It is to be held on June 23rd in James. Street- Church, Exeter, with the Rev, Harold Snell as guest speak er. A committee was put in charge to plan the service consisting ef Boyd Taylor, Shirley :McMichael, Mau'rice Love, Catherine Campbell and Earl McSpacicien. ' The H. R, Baker Meeting Im- provement Trophy will he given to the winning club at the Junior Huron Jr. Farmer Executive': Plans Coming Seasonf:s Events A meeting of the Huron County Irtuaner At. Home, During the, year, Junior Farmers and Junior Insti-, two sets of . judges, visited :tWo of• tut° .was held on Wednesday Mg, March 27 •hi the agrieulture the meetings_ of Caen `club and The splake hybrid, Soinetiikes called the ghost fish, resulted from eXperiments in fish laboratorieo: and hatcheries. They have been distributed in fairly large numbers in a number of selected lakes. Department "'personnel are still working on the crossing of mini- kirtonge and, pike,, but o far with less success than With splake. Pew changes havel-)dim made in the fishing seasons for 1951, Speckled, rainbow, brown and Au- rora trout seasons open on 'May 1, the traditional date. So does angling for, ouananiche, or land- locked salmon, Which has a, orie-a- day limit. Black bass fishing will open on July 1. and extended to October 10 except in sortie areas, including Lake St. Clair, River St. Clair and the Detroit River, where it opens Jime 25 and continues to December' 15.,'' Mdsltinon,ge ,fishing. opens in Northern Ontario, June 25, •but again in the Detroit area .it is earlier/June 20. Most pickerel or walleye fishing begin May 15 but it la wise to check on the later , because the dates vary according ,to Black bass limit is six ie. one day, mapinonge two in one day not less',Lhan .2§,, inches in length; plekeeel, Six •per day; 'pike, six; rainbow or Kamloops trout, flee of either or five of any eornbination in one clay, not less 'than seven' inches, In length. Anglers are allowed to Lake five brown .or Aurora trout, not less „than seven inches, while from most areas the limit on speckled trout Is to be one and an additiohal 14 in one day, provided the additional 14 in the aggregate Weigh not more than' tea pounds, .The possession •limits may not exceed One day's catch. `Length of fish is measured from the tip of the head, with jaws closed, to the tip of the tall, with the lobes corn. pressed, , No change IS expected in the cost of non-resident anglin# Beene- es this year. They cost $0;50 and may be obtained at representative tourist outfitters, camps and lecig- ea, summer camps' and hotels and sporting goods dealers, A non.resicient under the age of 11 may fish Without a license when aecOrnpitnied by tt, member of his family Who holds license-but the eaten of the yqung' fisherman must :he included •in the •eateh of the licensee, • Three splake or :'wendigo" the speckled trout-lake trout cross'- will be allowed resident and non- reSicient fishermen per day in On-. tasie this 'year, according to regu- iatfons issued by the Minister ..Of Lands and Forests, the Hon..Clare E, Mapledoram. The fish must be, at least seven inches long. The open season is from May 1 to Spp-,, tember 15. 10:00 to 1.00 o'clock with . music ' 'A:fieltt day •cemmittee Was -elect- 0.2 by Bill Stuart and his orchestra. ed as, follows: Harry Brydges, • During the, time .from May 1st North-Heron;, Boyd/Taylor,- North- ii- to May 9th ?onald rarquharson, a I-Turoir; Joyce Little, .Colw'aeash; Scottish young farmer will visit: Shirley'. : MeMieliael, Wroxeter; .111! Huron County, Ronald , will be Bill 'Dougall; South:Suron; Bert --- .• Pepper, . ' Chilton and. Catherine Campbell; Seaforth._ This, cominrit- 1 will meet with the Perth. jun- ior',Farmers to plan the. Perth- gurOn held day which will be held in Perth sometime in.,Tune. • Few Changes in meetings were :judged by the not- ices and reports which, were sent. into the agricultural office each Month, These_judges were Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson, No.' '5, Goderich and„Mrs. How- ard Pym, No, .1,Centralia, The At Home will be held on, Friday °yeti- ing, April 26th inthe Seaforth Dis- trict High School,- Dancing. from Fishing Regulations It was decided to haver a Junior Farmer bUs .trill some time in the stinimer, or fall months. This trip will either be, Wane or' tvito day 'trip. committee•'of A. S. Bolton, Boyd Tayi,pr, Shirley • IVfcMichael, Miirray Gaunt; Ken Campbell and Catherine, Campbell Was put in 'charge of 'lining 'up the trip and -to setting, the tlate. The next , Hurop. County execu- five meeting ,will he held in the ,= kioard ,rOarta on the last Weclnes- day in May. ' Staying With :a Jiinkir Farmer from th4,. Clinton and Seaforth clubs. It: We's dirought to. the 'secretaries' atentio.n" of each pleb' that.. the deadline for the Junior, ,Farmer membership fees to be sent into the Department of Agriculture office Is Thursday,,• April 18th, Larry Wheatley, No, 1, Dublin, a.-member of the Seaforth Junior Farmers, wa's appointed as assist- ant county direetor for the Pro- vincial Junior Farmer. Board of Direetors, , Tickets were distributed' to the different •clubs for the inter-eoan- ,ty drama festilial. This festival -is being, held, ink,,the',;War Memorial ,Hall at- Guelph ori'.71kiesclaY; ,April a 9th at .7.30,, Csninpeting aro Halton, Huron, Peel, Waterloo and Wel- iington . bounties, U a a I U U a a iljetatioinuommiummanimmilliacionsiiitoulosiocipuiputelliontnrii REE! FREE!: FOXTO'N ARE, OFFERING FREE Ao. If. not present, pries can be delivered.: WITH EACH FQXTON DAIlty IIILK BOTTLE REWDEN D , TO WE DAIRY, ONE TICKET ON A DRAW FOR TILL] FOLLOWING,FIIIZES: 1st PRIZE - Sunbeam Electric Frypan com- ' plete with glass lid.' 2nd PRIZE -.Aluminum Bun Warmer. 1rd'PRIZE --f /Pyrex Dish in press e4 aluminum Casserole. • Contest ends April 27 when the draw will be PJ made at the Dairy Bar at 5 p.m. Patrick St, In your last loving tribute, you will want a service of quiet dignity to remain forever with you as a cherished memory. This quality is, our primary concern. alker jruntrill ome Wingharn Phones• 106, 189 .4•40•11111111.,,010.11., Annual Meetirigs Held in Toronto . By J. Carl Hemingway The,. annual meeting of :CO- Operators, Insurance Assoc. was held in Toronto on March 22 and 25. The automobile section had a very difficult year due to the in- creased number of accidents and I the greatly increased cost , of re- pairing cars. However by equaliz- ing previens income - tax payments' and dne -to reasonable profits , in other :branches of the company the final results showed 'a small profit for the-whole organization. The automobile section is Ole largest and C:I.A. now has the in- surance on one ear in 50 in Ontario with the percentage rising steadily: This .growth has allowed C.I.A. to extend its activities to other fields. One branch that is growing rapidly is the F.arrn Liability. In- surance. This may seem unimpor- tant to many farmers because they haven't suffered any losses in the past. Times are a little different now because people are much more conscious of their ability to collect 'damages, Did your dog ever taste a salesman calling at your place? Did a visitor ever slip ,on an icy doorstep? You could *be held responsible, Did any of your cattle ever get on thp road?' It this case you could lose the animal and have heavy damages to pay. C.I.A, will cover. this; - enquire for the details, the rates are low, Sickness and accident is also available and gives wonderful cov- erage per dollar The Ontario Wheat Producers held thdir annual meeting in To- mato, March 21th. This is a small group. but one that has large problems, As the crop is grown over a large area and used for feed for livestock as well as for flour and cereal's it is difficult to arrive at a fair price for.the pro- duct, The price is also affected seriously . by the export market regardless of• the fact that only a very small percentage of the wheat or flour is exported, ' Due to the uncertainty of legis- lation pending in both prOvincial and federal governments it seemed to be gederally agreed that the executive' should take Steps to forni a negotiating board, rather than a inarketing agency, ' , Prof. Gt. N. Ruhtike Taught at Guelph prof, G, N. itohnkc, Of OAO, Guelph, a member Of the. fatuity for 2k, years,. died suddenly on 911hiirsday, March While attend. frig a meeting of the sub.conimittee of the college advisory board at Ottawa, lids don, Paul, is married to the farrier Louise Po. cOeic, *daughter of Mr, and MI% Walter Pocock of Wingharn, Funeral' was on Monday from the War. Memorial Hall,.. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, 1V/a- Soak service was held on Sunday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Walter POCOcit of town attended that ger. Vice on Sunday, ll llllll l ll ll lll l ll ll • lll it ONLY $139.50 WIIIIIRMA Don't miss this MihelleVrible value,